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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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37th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 29, 2001 - September 16, 2002)  Latest Session
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PR Card see Immigration--Permanent Resident Card

Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration (PFRA) see Drinking water--Safety; Farm income crisis--Drought

Prairie provinces see Western provinces

Pratt, David (Lib.--Nepean--Carleton)

Pratt & Whitney Canada Corp.

    >>Industry Department contract, $100 million, March 12, 2001 announcement, project details, lack
    >>>o.q., 10354(167:1125)
    >>>S.O. 31, 10760(175:1405)
    >>Technology Partnerships Canada loans, 8808(141:1235), 10809(176:1110-5), 10810(176:1125)
    >>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, impact, layoffs, o.q., 5553(85:1430)

Prayer see National Day of Prayer; United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--Canadian response

Prayer Palace Ministries Church

    >>Opening, York North constituency, S.O. 31, 7555(119:1355)

Pre-budget consultations see Budget 2001; Budget process

Pre-emptive attack/strike see Iraq--Hussein

Prebudget consultations see Pre-budget consultations

Precautionary principle see Aquaculture; Marine conservation areas--Ecological integrity; Nuclear waste--Contaminated land; Nuclear energy; Pesticides--Regulatory system

Precision guided targetting equipment see Canadian Armed Forces--Aircraft, CF-18s, upgrading

Precursor chemicals see Drugs/narcotics

Predatory pricing

    >>Defining, investigating, including in Competition Act, 3534(54:1105)
    >>See also Air Canada--Fares

Preferential ballot see Elections--Transferable vote system


    >>Maternal mortality, complications from abortions/complications of pregnancy and child birth, comparison, statistics, qu., 12225(200:1015)
    >>See also Alcoholic beverages

Pregnant or nursing workers see Occupational health and safety

Preliminary inquiries see Justice system

Premakumaran, Nesa and Prem see Immigrants

Prepulsid see Drugs and pharmaceuticals

Prescription drugs see Drugs and pharmaceuticals; Pharmacare program

Prescription for Sustainability see Health care system--Canadian Medical Association document

Presence in Gallery see House of Commons visitors

President's Choice Financial

    >>Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC)/Loblaw Companies Limited partnership, 502(11:1110)

Press see Media

Press clippings see Multiculturalism Department

Press gallery see Allard--References

Pressure treated wood see Lumber industry--Chromated copper arsenate

Preventive diplomacy see Foreign policy

Preventive withdrawal from work see Employment insurance--Women; Occupational health and safety--Pregnant or nursing mothers; Parental leave--Quebec, Women

Price, Sergeant Charles Melville

    >>World War II Lancaster bomber crewman, shot down, burial with full military honours, Zwanenburg General Cemetary, Amsterdam, Netherlands, tribute, S.O. 31, 8056(128:1400)

Price, David (Lib.--Compton--Stanstead)

    >>Afghanistan, o.q., 7499(118:1440)
    >>Barclay, Bill, S.O. 31, 8989(144:1405)
    >>Black History Month, S.O. 31, 9095-6(146:1410)
    >>Borders, international, o.q., 10938(178:1455)
    >>Canada Foundation for Innovation, S.O. 31, 1513-4(26:1405)
    >>Garceau, Roger, S.O. 31, 3139(48:1400)
    >>Interparliamentary delegations, 7271(114:1535), 11602(189:1520)
    >>National Flu Awareness Month, S.O. 31, 6413(99:1355)
    >>Post offices, o.q., 9658(156:1440)
    >>Poverty, o.q., 7839(124:1455)
    >>References see Breweries--Microbreweries, Liberal Party; Sea King helicopters--Replacements
    >>Rural programs and services fair, S.O. 31, 766-7(14:1355-400)
    >>Sea King helicopters, M. on supply (Wayne), 1387(24:1250), 1389-92(24:1300-20)
    >>Species at Risk Act (Bill C-5), 10923-4(178:1325-30)
    >>Species at risk (endangered species), 10923-4(178:1325-30)
    >>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks
    >>>o.q., 5982(92:1500)
    >>>S.O. 31, 5479(84:1400)
    >>Veterans' benefits/pensions, o.q., 8643(138:1440)
    >>World War II, S.O. 31, 11123-4(181:1410)
    >>World Youth Championships in Athletics, S.O. 31, 10303(166:1410)

Price fixing see Competition

Prices see Competition--Price competition; Energy prices; Environmental costs; Mining industry

Pride Vision see Broadcasting

Primary Automated Lookout System (PALS) see Borders, international--Security

Prime Minister

    >>Accountability to House of Commons and public, 388-9(9:1045-50), 396(9:1135), 401(9:1215), 441(9:1620), 442(9:1630), 444(9:1640)
    >>>Chrétien, Prime Minister, failure, 409(9:1305)
    >>>Standards, guidelines, lack, 396(9:1135)
    >>Chief of Staff, assignment of car and driver, qu., 12615(204:1525)
    >>Influence, "clout" with government departments and agencies, greater than "ordinary members", balance required, 401-3(9:1215-25), 406-8(9:1245-50)
    >>Pension, increase, 4797(74:1540)
    >>>o.q., 4782-3(74:1415-20)
    >>>Excessive, 8279-80(132:1045)
    >>>>Martin, Finance Minister, position, o.q., 3659(56:1415-20)
    >>>>Reducing, 318(7:1615), 354(8:1530), 404(9:1230), 446(9:1650), 3555(54:1335)
    >>>Gibson, Gordon article, 5957(92:1140)
    >>Salary increase, 4801(74:1610), 4803(74:1620)
    >>>o.q., 4782-3(74:1420)
    >>Term limitations, setting, 318(7:1615)
    >>See also Cabinet Ministers--Accountable to; Chrétien, Right Hon. Jean; Ethics Counsellor--Appointment

Prime Minister's Awards for Teaching Excellence see Teachers

Prime Ministers, former see Mulroney, Right Hon. Brian; Trudeau, Right Hon. Pierre Elliott; Turner, Right Hon. John N.

Prime Minister's Caucus Task Force on Urban Issues see Urban communities

Prime Minister's Office (PMO)

    >>Chrétien, Prime Minister, agenda and appointment books, Information Commissioner, access to information, Federal Court of Appeal ruling granting, appealing to Supreme Court of Canada, 4920(76:1600), 9136(147:1045), 12300(200:1905), 12306(200:1950)
    >>>Costs, o.q., 6665(104:1440)
    >>>Liberal lawyer, David Scott, legal proceedings, delay tactics, o.q. 4351(67:1425)
    >>>o.q., 3311(51:1420), 3313(51:1425), 5082(78:1425)
    >>>Privacy Commissioner, interference, public letter, 3936-8(60:1200-15), 3939(60:1220)
    >>>>Prime Minister's Office, Privy Council Office, knowledge, involvement, o.q., 3932-3(60:1145)
    >>Expenditures, 12308(200:2015)
    >>>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney), comparison, 12308(200:1005-10)
    >>Miller, David, special adviser, former lobbyist for Eurocopter see Sea King helicopter--Replacements, Bid process
    >>Power, concentrated, cause for concern, 321(7:1630), 7326(115:1325)
    >>>Robertson, Gordon, former Privy Council Clerk, statement, 2831(44:1130), 2833(44:1140), 6433(99:1610)
    >>Unelected, unaccountable officials, too much power, curbing, 437(9:1550), 446(9:1650), 947(17:1355), 974(17:1640), 1999-2000(33:1625-30)
    >>See also Committees, Parliamentary; Crown--Pomp and dignity; Government; Government contracts--Sponsorship program, Public Works and Government Services Department; Government policies and programs--Decision-making; Lobbyists; Members of Parliament; Parliament--Power; Sea King helicopters--Replacements, Procurement process; Senate--Electing, Check and balance

Prime Minister's Residence

    >>24 Sussex Drive
    >>>Mulroney, Right Hon. Brian, former Prime Minister, using for partisan political fundraising events, Prime Minister Chrétien statement, 12535(203:1500)
    >>>>o.q., 12529(203:1425)
    >>>Use by Liberal Party for partisan political fundraising activities, violation of Official Residences Act, o.q., 12529(203:1425)
    >>Harrington Lake, filming of Liberal Party election TV commercials, non-reimbursement/reimbursement by Liberal Party to National Capital Commission, o.q., 12608(204:1445-50), 12670-1(205:1415-20)

Prince Charles see Prince of Wales

Prince Edward Island see particular subjects

Prince Edward Island Business Hall of Fame

    >>Inductees, Ralph Callbeck, Keith Rogers, Joseph Gaudin, S.O. 31, 12600(204:1405)

Prince Edward Island National Park

    >>Interpretive centre, near Greenwich, PE, Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency project, staff establishing non-profit organization, Greenwich Development Inc., awarding loan to themselves, conflict of interest, APM Inc. contract, donation to MacAulay election campaign, Liberal Party connections, Auditor General's concerns, etc., o.q., 7835(124:1430), 10769(175:1455-500), 12106(198:1440), 12192(199:1505), 12350-1(201:1140-5), 12393(202:1425-30)

Prince George, BC see Discrimination and racism; Rail transportation/railways

Prince George--Peace River constituency

    >>Description, 1113(20:1235)
    >>Hill, Jay
    >>>Dedication, commitment, 489(10:1300)
    >>>Thanking constituents, 489(10:1300)

Prince, Jonas

    >>Delta hotels, owner
    >>>Business Development Bank of Canada, Export Development Corporation (EDC), funding, o.q., 2776-7(43:1435), 2855(44:1420), 2968(46:1440), 3256(50:1135)
    >>>Cuba, hotels, Canadian government protecting from United States trade threat, Grand Mère Golf Club, share sale controversy, relationship, o.q., 2776-7(43:1435)
    >>See also Auberge Grand-Mère--Funding controversy, Grand Mère golf club; Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee--Chair

Prince Mine

    >>Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO) coal mine, closure, layoffs
    >>>o.q., 4178-9(64:1500)
    >>>S.O. 31, 4168(64:1410), 7369(116:1415)

Prince of Wales

    >>Prince Charles, visit, S.O. 31, 3140(48:1405)

Prince Philip see Species at risk (endangered species)

Prince Rupert, BC

    >>Economic conditions, business closures, etc., 1502(26:1245)
    >>See also Ports/harbours; Pulp and paper industry

Prince Rupert School District No. 52 see Aboriginal peoples/communities--Education, Kitkatla Band

Princess Margaret

Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI) see Canadian Armed Forces

Prisoners of war

    >>Geneva Convention, conditions of treatment, considerable change, need to redraft, National Defence Minister Eggleton position, o.q., 8715(139:1430-5)
    >>See also Afghanistan--Taliban troops--United States/United Kingdom special anti-terrorist operations; Veterans

Prisons see Guelph Correctional Centre; Penitentiaries

Pritchard Creek see Floods


    >>Government intrusive actions, 9085(146:1255)
    >>>Privacy Commissioner condemning, 395(9:1130)
    >>>See also Public safety--Legislation, Public Safety Act, 2002 (Bill C-55), Criticism
    >>>Modernizing, Throne Speech statement, 12(2:1530), 264(7:1030)
    >>>Public Safety Act (Bill C-42), effects, o.q., 7607(120:1425)
    >>Police surveillance, Kelowna, BC, invasion of privacy, Privacy Commissioner position
    >>>o.q., 9886-7(160:1445)
    >>>S.O. 31, 10451(169:1400)
    >>Quebec, existing legislation, federal overlap, 3999(61:1530-5), 4049(62:1205)
    >>See Air transportation security--Increase, Passenger information; Borders, international--Security, Personal information; Canada Post Corporation--Mail redirection; Census--Post 1901 records, Confidentiality/privacy; Committees, Parliamentary; Currency--Cashless society; Government expenditures; Government on-line services (Internet)--Access to information and privacy factors; Gun control/guns--Registration system, Rural Canadians; Income tax--Confidentiality/privacy provisions; Income tax agreements, conventions and treaties; Refugees--Criminals, Deportations; Terrorism/terrorists, combatting

Privacy, Access to Information and Ethics Committee

    >>Establishing, Canadian Alliance proposal, 2002(33:1645)

Privacy Act

    >>Amending, 7411(117:1005)
    >>>See also Fisheries Prices Support Act repeal and technical amendments (amdt.)(Bill C-43)
    >>Information sharing prohibitions, 8409(134:1050)
    >>Suspending, national security reasons, certificate, Justice Minister issuing, Anti-terrorism Act (Bill C-36) provisions, 6166(95:1025), 6180(95:1220)
    >>>Judicial review of certificates, o.q., 7375(116:1440)
    >>>Radwanski, George, Privacy Commissioner statements, 8409(134:1050)
    >>>>o.q., 6371(98:1130), 6419(99:1430), 6479(100:1435), 6483(100:1455-500), 6524(101:1440), 7008(110:1435), 7212(113:1130)
    >>See also Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Aboriginal peoples/communities, Abuse; Guaranteed income supplement--Eligible recipients; Money laundering--Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC); National Defence and Canadian Forces Ombudsman; National sex offender registry--Information contained, Access restricted

Privacy Commissioner

    >>2000-01 annual report
    >>>Tabled, Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee referral, 8165(130:1400)
    >>>See also Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee--Reports, Eleventh
    >>Estimates see Estimates--2001-2002, Main, Justice Department
    >>Mandate, work, respecting, 63(3:1815)
    >>Radwanski, George see Privacy Act--Suspending
    >>Report on substantially similar provincial legislation, tabled, Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee referral, 11830(193:1400)
    >>See also Air transportation security--Increase, Passenger information, Privacy rights; Canada Customs and Revenue Agency--International letters and parcels, Failure to obtain search warrants; Census--Post 1901 records; Ethics Counsellor--Independence, Auditor General; Gun control/guns--Registration system, Police database; Officers of Parliament; Parliamentary watchdogs; Police--Powers; Prime Minister's Office--Chrétien; Privacy--Government intrusive actions

Private enterprise

    >>Government, non-involvement, benefits, non-profit heritage society, Kincardine, ON, example, S.O. 31, 5764(89:1400)

Private family trusts

    >>Anti-avoidance measures, income tax provisions, 1662(28:1700), 2291(37:1300), 3916(60:1010)
    >>>Bronfman family case, etc., 2950(46:1250), 12925(210:1050)
    >>>Harris, George, Federal Court of Canada case, S.O. 31, 5589(86:1410)
    >>>See also Income Tax Amendments Act, 2000 (Bill C-22)
    >>Tax evasion, 8781(140:1720)

Private for profit hospitals see Hospitals

Private Members see Parliamentary reform--Members of Parliament

Private Members' Bills see Bills--Private Members' Public; Legislative process; Procedure--Bills, Private Members' Public

Private Members' Business

Private Members' Business Subcommittee see Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee

Private Members' Motions

    >>Abortion, human being, defining (Breitkreuz), 2147-56(34:1730-830)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 2156(34:1830)
    >>Acadians, apology, British Crown, presenting (Bergeron), 2331-9(37:1730-825), 5933-41(91:1730-825), 7458-67(117:1545-650), negatived, on recorded division, 7570(119:1525-40)
    >>>Amdt. (Dalphond-Guiral), 7459(117:1550), 7569(119:1520-5)
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 2340(37:1825), 5941(91:1825)
    >>Alcoholic beverages, pregnancy, consumption during, fetal alcohol syndrome/fetal alcohol effects, warning labels on containers, necessity (Wasylycia-Leis), 2885-94(44:1730-825), agreed to, on recorded division, 3005-6(46:1905-15)
    >>Armenian genocide, 1915-1923, 1.5 million deaths, recognizing officially
    >>>(Assadourian), 4547-55(70:1330-425)
    >>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 4555(70:1425)
    >>>(Dalphond-Guiral), 6505-13(100:1755-1845)
    >>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 6513(100:1850)
    >>>M. (Dalphond-Guiral), 11189-96(182:1330-1425)
    >>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 11196(182:1425)
    >>Arthritis Bill of Rights, Patient Bill of Rights, emulating, (McDonough), 11402-10(185:1730-825)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 11410(185:1825)
    >>Canadian flag, desecration/destruction, criminal offence, establishing (Benoit), 12631-8(204:1730-1825)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 12638(204:1825)
    >>Canadian Forces Day, proclaiming first Sunday in June, M-334 (Pratt), 10789-97(175:1730-1825), 10830(176:1355), agreed to, 1830(176:1355)
    >>>Amdt. (Pratt), agreed to, by unanimous consent, 10789(175:1730)
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 10797(175:1825)
    >>Cetaceans, live capture, trade, moratorium (Davies), 2585-94(41:1100-200)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 2594(41:1205)
    >>Child abduction, stopping, international leadership (Bigras), 2200-8(36:1110-210), 4239-43(65:1325-55), agreed to, on recorded division, 4304-5(66:1830-900)
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 2208(36:1210)
    >>Children, unborn child, definition of "human being", Criminal Code, section 223(1) (Breitkreuz), 11693-11700(190:1730-1830)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 11700(190:1830)
    >>Computer hackers, computer viruses, creating, spreading, criminal offence (Pankiw), 2925-33(45:1230-330), 4502-10(69:1715-815), 7469-74(118:1100-45), negatived, on recorded division, 7570-1(119:1540)
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 2933(45:1330), 4510(69:1815)
    >>Condominiums, Vancouver, BC, building envelope failure, victim compensation, Goods and Services Tax (GST) relief (Moore), 3826-33(58:1800-40)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 3833(58:1845)
    >>Copyright, ephemeral recordings/pre-recorded recordings, collective societies, (Abbott), 10481-8(169:1745-1840)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 10488(169:1840)
    >>Deaf and hearing impaired persons, communications (St-Hillaire), 12359-66(201:1230-1330)
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 12366(201:1330)
    >>Disability insurance, providers, private, ombudsman, establishing (Abbott), 4081-7(62:1520-600)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 4087(62:1600)
    >>Disabled and handicapped persons, royal prerogative of mercy, upholding (Lill), 6627-34(103:1210-300)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 6634(103:1300)
    >>>Child support/custody/access, laws, For the Sake of the Child, Child Custody and Access Arrangements Special Joint Committee (36th Parl., 1st Sess.), recommendations, implementation, M-329 (Strahl), 10861-8(176:1730-1825)
    >>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 10868(176:1825)
    >>>Children, best interests, ensuring (Hill, J.), 6891-9(108:1210-305)
    >>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 6899(108:1310)
    >>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, adverse side effects, mandatory reporting (Wasylycia-Leis), 5275-82(80:1805-50)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 5282(80:1855)
    >>>Immigrants, landed, voting rights, extending, M. (Hill, J.), 9611-9(155:1810-910)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 9619(155:1910)
    >>>Proportional representation (Nystrom), 4378-88(67:1755-855)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 4388(67:1855)
    >>Emancipation Day, August 1, recognizing (Obhrai), 1432-9(24:1730-815)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 1439(24:1815)
    >>Federal-provincial relations, provincial civil servants, briefings or negotiations, exclusion of elected provincial government officials, preventing, (Toews), 11197-202(183:1105-45)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 11202(183:1145)
    >>Firefighters/emergency response personnel
    >>>Death and injury, caused by criminal acts (arson), sentences, increasing (Grewal), 9683-90(156:1740-835)
    >>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 9690(156:1840)
    >>>Early pension entitlement, pension accrual rate, M. (Calder), 11152-9(181:1725-1825), as amended, agreed to, 11159(181:1825)
    >>>>Amdt. (Solberg), 11157(181:1805), agreed to, 11159(181:1820)
    >>Fisheries, fish-farming industry, studying (Caccia), 843-51(16:1100-200)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 851(16:1200)
    >>Fishing, lead fishing weights and baits, poisoning of migratory birds (Venne), 10905-12(178:1105-1205), 12694-701(205:1705-1805)
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 10912(178:1205), 12701(205:1805)
    >>Forest industry, British Columbia, Mountain pine beetle infestation, federal government response (Mayfield), 11028-36(179:1730-1825)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 11036(179:1825)
    >>Gold mining industry, Emergency Gold Mining Assistance Act, reinstating (St-Julien), 3229-38(49:1610-705)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 3238(49:1705)
    >>Government finances, financial information strategy, implementation (Mayfield), 12011-9(197:1100-1205)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 12019(197:1205)
    >>Grain industry, Canadian Wheat Board, returns, maximizing, opting-out clause (Breitkreuz), 7231-40(114:1100-200)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 7240(114:1200)
    >>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), reducing, action plan on climate change, consultation process, accountability (Mills, B.), 6862-70(107:1730-825)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 6870(107:1825)
    >>Hepatitis Awareness Month, May, Health Department designating (Bennett), 6747-53(105:1645-1720)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 6753(105:1725)
    >>House of Commons proceedings, Oral Question Period, answers, letters since April 1, 2001 (Thompson, G.), 8740-7(139:1810-910)
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 8747(139:1910)
    >>Housing, affordable, definition (Goldring), 4863-71(75:1330-425)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 4871(75:1425)
    >>Immigrants, Right of Landing Fee (ROLF), eliminating (Martin, Pat), 1474-83(25:1325-425)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 1483(25:1425)
    >>Inter-American Convention to Prevent and Punish Torture, ratification (Bigras), 10577-83(171:1655-1755), 12131-38(198:1740-1840)
    >>>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 10583(171:1755), 12138(198:1840)
    >>Iraq, United Nations economic and military sanctions, lifting economic sanctions, improving humanitarian situation (Robinson), 3903-12(59:1730-830)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 3912(59:1830)
    >>Justice system, public inquiry re sentencing, corrections and parole systems (Vellacott), 12733-42(206:1330-1430)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 12742(206:1430)
    >>Mandela, Nelson, South Africa, former freedom fighter, first black President, honorary Canadian citizenship (McCallum), 4992-9(77:1500-50), agreed to, 4999(77:1550)
    >>Marine transportation, labour factors, strike/lockout, affecting service between Port-aux-Basques, NF and North Sydney, NS, continuation of service (Johnston), 8033-40(128:1110-200)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 8040(128:1205)
    >>Members of Parliament, code of conduct, establishing (MacKay), 1743-52(29:1715-815)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 1752(29:1815)
    >>National missile defence system, establishing, Canada participation (Robinson), 1667-75(28:1730-825)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 1675(28:1825)
    >>National Rivers Day, first Sunday in June, commemorating (Kraft Sloan), 6598-606(102:1525-630)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 6606(102:1630)
    >>Pension funds, deferred wages, considered, exclusive property rights of employees (Martin, Pat), 6789-96(106:1730-820)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 6796(106:1825)
    >>Personal retirement account, establishing (Duncan), 10617-24(172:1320-1415)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 10624(172:1415)
    >>Ports/harbours, St. John's, NF, pollution, clean-up, federal funding, availability/lack (Doyle), 3776-84(57:1800-900)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 3784(57:1900)
    >>Property rights, international compliance, M. (Breitkreuz), 9431-9(152:1330-425)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 9439(152:1425)
    >>Quebec, north, economic development initiative, federal government implementing, need (St-Julien), 9390-6(151:1730-820)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 9396(151:1820)
    >>Quebec separation/sovereignty, Bélanger-Campeau Commission, conclusion, recognizing (Ménard), 2190-7(35:1330-425)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 2197(35:1425)
    >>Rail transportation/railways, noise, emissions and vibrations (Dubé), 12367-74(202:1105-1200)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 12374(202:1200)
    >>Refugees, developed countries, receiving from, preventing (Cadman), 9321-9(150:1730-825)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 9329(150:1825)
    >>Remembrance Day (November 11)
    >>>Canadian Armed Forces, merchant navy and civilian personnel, including, M. (Stoffer), 10059-66(163:1110-55)
    >>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 10066(163:1155)
    >>>National holiday, establishing (Galloway), 9056-61(145:1800-45)
    >>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 9061(145:1850)
    >>Royal Canadian Mint, coins, dime, Bluenose schooner, permanent image (Keddy), 9725-31(158:1105-200)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 9731(158:1200)
    >>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), independence, establishing (Venne), 6901-8(109:1105-200)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 6908(109:1200)
    >>Senate, electing (Moore), 7356-65(115:1650-745)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 7365(115:1750)
    >>Sikh community, recognizing, April 13 (Blaikie), 984-91(17:1805-55)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 991(17:1855)
    >>Stoney Point First Nation, Ipperwash Provincial Park occupation, death of Dudley George, Ontario Provincial Police role, public inquiry, request (Martin, Pat), 7984-91(126:1730-820)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 7992(126:1825)
    >>Strychnine, farmers obtaining, gophers, crop damage, government compensating (Benoit), 5315-22(81:1730-820)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 5322(81:1820)
    >>Student loans, Canada Student Loans, tax credit 10% annually, allowing (Herron), 11078-86(180:1750-1850), 11510-18(187:1330-1425), 11582-7(188:1805-50), negatived, on recorded division, 11600-1(189:1505)
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 11086(180:1850), 11518(187:1330)
    >>Sudan, human rights violations, National Islamic Front government, genocide campaign, forced religious conversion, southern tribes' enslavement, condemning (Vellacott), 5617-24(86:1730-825)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 5624(86:1825)
    >>Supply, Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee (36th Parl., 1st Sess.), 51st report (The Business of Supply: Completing the Circle of Control), implementing (Williams), 5741-9(89:1100-200), 7401-8(116:1740-835), 9124-30(146:1730-815), agreed to, on recorded division, 9566-7(154:1730-800)
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 5749(89:1200), 7408(116:1840)
    >>Tools, requirement, Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), exemption (Godin), 1351-8(23:1730-820)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 1358(23:1820)
    >>>Cenotaphs, upkeep, government maintaining
    >>>>(Herron), 9284-90(149:1800-50)
    >>>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 9290(149:1850)
    >>>>(Wayne), 9908-14(160:1740-820)
    >>>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 9908(160:1825)
    >>>Women, honouring (Stoffer), 4873-81(76:1105-200)
    >>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 4881(76:1200)
    >>Virtual Parliament, establishing/developing (Tremblay, Stéphan), 9164-8(147:1335-405)
    >>Working hours, shorter work week, adoption, M. (Martin, Pat), 10750-7(174:1835-1925)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 10757(174:1925)
    >>See also Parliamentary reform; Private Members' Business--Making all items votable

Private property

    >>Right, ownership, use, freedom, Canadian Alliance position, 1757(30:1020), 1778-9(30:1210-5), 1785(30:1305), 1786(30:1315), 3672(56:1520)
    >>See also Indian bands/reserves; Marine conservation areas--Ecological integrity, Navigation

Private schools

    >>Ontario refundable tax credit, private/religious schools, Ontario Budget 2001 measure, 8135(129:1545)
    >>>S.O. 31, 3924(60:1100-5)

Private sector

    >>Excellence, 3359(52:1050)
    >>Expansion, tax reductions, necessity, 2867(44:1525)
    >>Federal government, competition, eliminating, 3305(51:1350)
    >>>See also Farm Credit Corporation--Lending institution
    >>Taxation levels, harmful, 3857(59:1230)
    >>See also Canada Foundation for Innovation--Funding; Canada Foundation for Sustainable Development Technology; Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)--National broadcaster role; Dollar exchange rate--Strengthening; Economy/economic conditions--Three sectors; Farm Credit Corporation; Foundations; Highway safety/accidents--Improvements; Internet--High speed/broadband, Availability; Job creation; Money laundering--Combatting; Nuclear energy; Nuclear waste--Contaminated land; Regional development--Government strategy; Research and development; Schools; Toxic/hazardous waste--PCBs


    >>Canadian Alliance position, 1470(25:1300)
    >>Commercialization of public sector, 3158(48:1350), 1286-7(22:2010)
    >>Liberal government (Chrétien), position, 2108(34:1315), 3694(56:1805)
    >>Liberal Party politicians roles in privatized companies after leaving politics, 3203(49:1330)
    >>Public debate, information, lack, 3159(48:1555)
    >>Value system, 3202(49:1320)
    >>See also Air Canada; Airports; Cameco Corporation; Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC); Canadian National Railway Company (CNR); Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (Romanow)--Terms of reference; Crown corporations; Drinking water--safety, Ontario government actions; Electricity--Exports to United States, Coal-fired power plants; Export Development Corporation (EDC); Gun control/guns--Registration system; Health care system; Health protection--Federal government role; Highways and roads--New Brunswick; Manitoba Telecom Services (MTS); Natural resource industries--Legislation; Nova Scotia Power Inc.; Ontario Power Generation Inc.; Petro-Canada; Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan; Sewage systems--Hamilton, ON; VIA Rail Canada Inc.; Wascana Energy Inc.; Water/freshwater


    >>Abbott (false/misleading statements), Canadian Heritage Minister Copps remarks re awarding of $400,000 contract to Columbia Communications for protocol requirements for October 2002 royal visit to celebrate Golden Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II, 10564-5(171:1500-5), taking under advisement, 10565(171:1505), dispute as to interpretation of facts, not question of privilege, 10886(177:1200)
    >>Ablonczy (language, inappropriate/improper), Ablonczy remarks re comparison of conduct of Prime Minister Chrétien and former Yugoslav dictator Slobodan Milosevic, error in judgement, apologizing, 2863(44:1500)
    >>Anders (false/misleading statements) McCallum statement re refusal to Anders to take telephone call from Prime Minister's Office requesting he take telephone call from Nelson Mandela, withdrawal requested, dispute as to facts, not question of privilege, 7267(114:1505)
    >>Bachand, A. (false/misleading statements), Health Minister Rock statement re generic form of Cipro safe, Leader of Government in Senate stating test results inconclusive, 6329-30(97:1505), disagreement as to fact, other avenues to raise matter, 6330(97:1505)
    >>Bailey (language, inappropriate/improper), remarks made concerning Minister of Veterans Affairs Paktakhan's fitness to hold office, withdrawal, apologizing, 8297(133:1105)
    >>Belanger (rights of Members breached), Bloc Québécois demanding Member speak in French, harassment, Member free to speak in either official language, not question of privilege, 7714-5(122:1200)
    >>Belanger (rights of Members breached), denied opportunity to place matter relating to Board of Internal Economy on list for adjournment debate, 5721-3(88:1200-10)l, taking under advisement, 5722-3(88:1210)
    >>Belanger (rights of Members breached), private members' bill Canada Health Act (amdt.--linguistic duality)(Bill C-407) not selected while meeting criteria as votable item, 9762-5(158:1520-40), taking under advisement, 9765(158:1540), mandate to select votable items delegated by House to Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, not question of privilege, 10037(162:1205-10)
    >>Benoit (false/misleading statements), National Defence Minister Eggleton repeated statements that date of entry into service of new maritime helicopters is 2005, conflicting with briefing note suggesting delay until 2006 or later, 11454-6(186:1500-10), no attempt to mislead House, not question of privilege, 11456(186:1515)
    >>Boudria (false/misleading statements), media report of comments relating to accountability of cabinet ministers, using defective French translation, correcting, grievance, point made, not question of privilege, 731(14:1000)
    >>Breitkreuz (rights of Members breached), Finance Minister Manley failure to table report of Chief Actuary in compliance with Canada Pension Plan Act, House cannot debate amending legislation until report received, 12680-1(205:1505-15), taking under advisement, 12681(205:1515), 12703-4(206:1010), no breach of rules, proceeding with business of House, 12704(206:1015)
    >>Bryden (contempt of Parliament/rights of Members breached), Privacy Commissioner press release re police powers provisions in Public Safety Act, 2002 (Bill C-55), release to public prior to reporting to Parliament, 11133-4(181:1500-5), not question of privilege, 11134(181:1505)
    >>Bryden (rights of Members breached) all-party ad hoc committee reviewing Access to Information Act, government ordering officials not to appear, denial of right to information, 6845-7(107:1510-25), ad hoc committee not sanctioned by House, possessing no powers, not question of privilege, 6846-7(107:1525)
    >>Clark (contempt of Parliament), Health Department/Health Minister Rock decision to purchase 1 million cipro tablets from Apotex Inc., in absence of state of emergency, without informing patent holder, without permission of Patent Commissioner, 6377-8(98:1200-5), Chair cannot rule on matters of law, not question of privilege, 6377-8(98:1200-5)
    >>Cummins (contempt of Parliament), Francois Bernier, legal counsel to Standing Joint Committee on Scrutiny of Regulations writing letter to newspapers on effectiveness of Committee, breach of impartiality, 9000-1(144:1510-20), 9032-3(145:1515), matter should be brought before Committee, 9001-2(144:1525), 9033(145:1520)
    >>Duceppe (language, inappropriate/improper), Foreign Affairs Minister Manley comments "you're crazy", withdrawal requested, 1329(23:1500-5), taking under advisement, 1329(23:1505)
    >>Duceppe (language, inappropriate/improper), Prime Minister Chrétien accusing Bloc Québécois members of being supporters of terrorists, withdrawal requested, 8762-3(140:1500-5), taking under advisement, 8763(140:1505), no breach of standards in this case, Chair requesting that Members be more judicious in choice of words, 8832-3(141:1520)
    >>Duncan (rights of Members breached), Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department holding media briefing on softwood lumber question, excluding Members of Parliament, providing additional briefing at later date, 9032(145:1510-5), not question of privilege, 9032(145:1515)
    >>Epp (rights of Members breached), Finance Standing Committee, 48 hours notice of motion rule, inconsistently enforced, 10467(169:1555), Chair suggesting Member consult with committee clerk, not question of privilege, 10467(169:1555)
    >>Forseth (unparliamentary language), Citizenship and Immigration Minister Caplan referring to Member making treasonous remarks re known terrorists released from detention due to lack of space, 8067-8(128:1500-5), taking under advisement, 8068(128:1510), remarks in question not clearly directed at Member personally and remarks made outside Chamber, not question of privilege, 8444-5(134:1500-5)
    >>Fry (false/misleading statements), Multiculturalism Secretary of State Fry linking Prince George, BC residents with cross burning, withdrawal, 2106(34:1300-5), Member apologized, matter closed, 2106(34:1305)
    >>Gagliano (rights of Members breached) media making false and inaccurate reports, and Canadian Alliance Members repeating, concerning misuse of ministerial influence to assist wife of alleged mafia kingpin Gaetano Amodeo in obtaining landed immigrant status in Canada, 1131-2(21:1100-5), grievance, not question of privilege, 1132(21:1105)
    >>Gallaway (rights of Members breached), Canadian Heritage Standing Committee study of state Canadian broadcasting system, expert advisors hired, Canadian Heritage Department paying, experts writing article on electoral prospects of individual Members and parties, violation of principle of comity, 10395-7(168:1520-30), 10464-6(169:1525-40), taking under advisement, 10397(168:1530), 10466(169:1545), Chair does not interfere in Committee affairs, not question of privilege, 10725-6(174:1500)
    >>Gallaway (rights of Members breached), House of Commons lawyers, Louis-Philipe Côté and Diane Murray, Office of Legislative Counsel, testifying before Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee in previous Parliament, requesting and receiving assurances of freedom from reprisals, fired, 308-11(7:1505-30), taking under advisement, 311(7:1530), pre-existing employer-employee issues, matter before Board of Internal Economy, confidentiality factors, fair and equitable settlement being sought, not question of privilege, 608-10(12:1500-15)
    >>Godin (contempt of Parliament), Globe and Mail publishing extracts of draft report of Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee review of allegations that National Defence Minister Eggleton misled House of Commons on involvement of Canadian Armed Forces in Afghanistan, prior to in camera meeting of Committee to finalize report, 9957-9(161:1505-25), taking under advisement, 9960(161:1530), no specific charge made, Chair asked to investigate matter, not question of privilege, Chair urging all Members to respect need for confidentiality of proceedings and reports of committees, 10463-4(169:1515-35)
    >>Goldring (contempt of Parliament), Deputy Prime Minister Manley and staff deliberately withholding information requested in Order Paper question re Canada Lands Corporation land sales, 8445-6(134:1505-10), matter of delay in answering Order Paper questions referred to committee for review, not question of privilege, 8446(134:1510-5)
    >>Goldring (false/misleading statements), former Public Works and Government Services Minister Gagliano statements re non-involvement/non-interference in hiring practices of Canada Lands Corporation, 8332-3(133:1500-5), taking under advisement, 8333(133:1505), disagreement as to the interpretation of events, no evidence that prima facie case of privilege exists, 8926(143:1500-5)
    >>Goodale (contempt of Parliament), Keith Martin attempt to remove Mace from Table, affront to dignity of House and Speaker, 10526-7(170:1850-5), Member apology accepted, Speaker may decide to pursue matter further, 10527(170:1855), prima facie breach of privilege of House, Member invited to move motion, 10654(173:1500-5)
    >>Gouk (rights of Members breached), Transport Minister Collenette stating in committee that Members have obligation to report breaches of air transportation security, creating obligation of specific performance by Members and preventing Members from fulfilling obligation by refusing to provide copies of directives, 6202-3(95:1500-5), matter relates to work of committee, must be settled in Committee, not House, 6203(95:1505-10)
    >>Grewal (contempt of Parliament) Justice Minister McLellan failure to table draft regulations for review by Standing Committee prior to enactment nor tabling explanations for not tabling draft regulations under Firearms Act, 6735-7(105:1500-15), taking under advisement, 6737(105:1515), missing documents tabled in imperfect condition soon after question raised in House, conditions of Firearms Act complied with, Chair encouraging Minister of Justice to exhort official to exercise duties with due diligence, 7380-1(116:1515)
    >>Grey (rights of Members breached), access to computer files in office frozen at request of Canadian Alliance leadership, searched by Canadian Alliance official without Member or representative present, breach of security and privacy, 5672-4(87:1545-600), taking under advisement, 5674(87:1600), parties may not have been well served by advice, errors honest mistakes, remedial action taken, matter settled, 6081-2(94:1505-10)
    >>Guimond (rights of Members breached), Justice Department briefing on Anti-terrorism Act (Bill C-36), failure to provide simultaneous translation, francophone Members of Parliament disadvantaged, 6378-9(98:1205-20), new briefing offered, may revisit matter at later date if not satisfactory, 6379(98:1215-20)
    >>Jaffer (false/misleading statements), Jaffer assistant impersonating Member during radio talk show, Member lying to cover up incident, error in judgement, apologizing, 1869-70(32:1000-10)
    >>Jordan (contempt of Parliament) Day references to findings, proceedings and evidence of Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee study of Reynolds question of privilege re Anti-terrorism Act (Bill C-36) prior to report being tabled in House, 7683-5(121:1500-15), taking under advisement, 7685(121:1515), remarks based on committee's public proceedings but Member ignoring tradition/convention of not referring to Committee proceedings until report tabled in House, not question of privilege, 7841(124:1500)
    >>Jordan (language, inappropriate/improper), Canadian Alliance communication material re: National Defence Minister Eggleton conflicting statements on Canadian capture of Taliban/Al Qaeda prisoners in Afghanistan, 9388-9(151:1715-25), matter closed until Members involved are present, 9389-90(151:1725); 9838-48(159:1540-650), taking under advisement, 9848(159:1650), not question of privilege, Chair cautioning Members to careful of choice of words used, 10462-3(169:1510-5)
    >>Lalonde (rights of Members breached), Augustine, Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee chair refusal to allow questions to A" Gagliano concerning his time as Minister of Public Works and Government Services during examination of qualifications as Canadian Ambassador to Denmark, 9833-8(159:1500-40), taking under advisement, 9838(159:1540), within committee lies responsibility for reviewing procedural decisions, not question of privilege, 10539-40(171:1015-20)
    >>LeBlanc (unparliamentary language), Plamondon reference to LeBlanc as "un crosseur", withdrawal requested, taking under advisement, 7572(119:1550-5), withdrawn, 7614(120:1505)
    >>Loubier (rights of Members breached) Ways and Means Motion No. 6, responsible minister, department and officials, Member unable to discover, 5598-9(86:1500-10), Minister agreeing to have responsible officials contact Member, matter closed, 5599(86:1510)
    >>MacKay (contempt of Parliament) public letter written by Privacy Commissioner George Radwanski to Information Commissioner John Reid re Information Commissioner suit before Supreme Court of Canada to gain access to Prime Minister's agenda books, abuse of office, etc., 3936-8(60:1200-15), taking under advisement, 3938(60:1215), letter does not interfere with Information Commissioner's ability to carry out his mandate, not in Chair's mandate to comment on points of law, not question of privilege, 4276-7(66:1500-5)
    >>Martin, K. (false/misleading statements), Robinson deliberately misleading House re claims that Talisman Energy Inc. paid for fact-finding trip to Egypt and Sudan by Gallaway, Beaumier and K. Martin, trip paid for by National Council on Canada Arab Relations, withdrawal and apology requested, 2437-8(38:1505-10), dispute as to facts, not question of privilege, 2438(38:1510)
    >>McNally (contempt of Parliament), Bryden letter divulging details of in camera meeting of Private Members' Business Subcommittee, inappropriate claims of opposition parties obstructing selection of bill as votable item, Members not able to defend themselves without divulging information from in camera meeting, 1049-51(19:1500-15), Member's actions offensive to some, errors made, grievance aired, matter settled, 1051(19:1515)
    >>Ménard (contempt of House/rights of Members breached), government Member moving amendment to votable Private Members' Bill effectively making non-votable item, denying right of House to decide on issue, 11456-7(186:1515-20), amendment ruled in order by Chair, Members free to reject amendment, original ruling stands, Chair sending letter of protest to Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee for review, 11457-8(186:1525)
    >>Ménard (rights of Members breached), Government House Leader Boudria comments attacking integrity and professionalism and threatening with legal proceedings Members asking questions about investigations by Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) into activities of the government, 480-1(10:1200-10), Chair will rule after hearing Minister's comments, 481(10:1210), 487-8(10:1250-5), disagreement as to fact, not question of privilege, 829-30(15:1205-10)
    >>Meredith (rights of Members breached), Government House Leader Boudria reference to successful law suit against, 2781-3(43:1500-15), Boudria withdrawal of word "successful", matter closed, 2783(43:1515)
    >>Minna (false/misleading statements), Solberg comments re Minna, International Cooperation Minister and Finance Minister Martin attending terrorist dinner, disagreement as to facts, not question of privilege, 1008(18:1500-5)
    >>Moore (contempt of Parliament) failure of Transport Minister Collenette to table, in the House, the report on the monitoring of the grain transportation handling system, 9419(152:1200-5), 9469-71(153:1505-10), Chair prepared to leave matter until able to review more thoroughly, 9419(152:1205), taking under advisement, 9471(153:1515), regulations requiring report non-existent, minister not obliged to table report, not question of privilege, 10242-3(165:1505)
    >>Moore (rights of Members breached/contempt of Parliament), contents of Public Safety Act (Bill C-42) released to media prior to bill tabled in House, 7456-7(117:1530-40), taking under advisement, 7457(117:1540), no clear evidence that contents of bill provided to media before tabled in House, no question of privilege, 7906(125:1515)
    >>Myers (false/misleading statements) Duncan claim that Prime Minister Chrétien attending fundraising dinner in Toronto, withdrawal requested, not question of privilege, remarks withdrawn, 5437(83:1200)
    >>Nystrom (rights of Members breached), New Democratic Party members attending national convention, missing deadline for filing amendment motions for report stage of Anti-Terrorism Act (Bill C-36), 7478(118:1215), not question of privilege, 7478(118:1215-20)
    >>Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House as to when he knew that prisoners taken by Canadian JTF2 troops in Afghanistan handed them over to the Americans, 8517-20(136:1000-25), taking under advisement, 8520(136:1025), Chair accepts that Minister did not intend to mislead House but two versions of events present, Member invited to move motion, 8581-2(137:1000-5)
    >>Rajotte (rights of Members breached), Whelan, Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee Chair ruling motion to report to House out of order, 2541-2(39:1500-5), Committees master of own procedures, decision of Committee Chair upheld by majority of membership, not question of privilege, 2542(39:1505-10)
    >>Reynolds (contempt of Parliament) Chief Government Whip Catterral attempting to intimidate Committee Members during election of new Chair, 9030-2(145:1500-10), 9063(146:1000-5), taking under advisement, 9031-2(145:1510), not question of privilege, 9063-4(146:1005)
    >>Reynolds (contempt of Parliament), Transport Minister Collenette announcement of $75 million bailout of Canada 3000, making at press conference instead of in House, breach of procedures established by Modernization Committee, 6669-71(104:1500-15), not question of privilege, 6671(104:1515)
    >>Reynolds (rights of Members breached), government giving notice of time allocation on third reading of Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals and firearms) and Firearms Act (amdt.)(Bill C-15B0, asking Chair to use discretion and disallow time allocation motion as abuse of process, 12019-22(197:1205-25), Chair does not have discretion to decide when government may use time allocation or closure, Members have had ample opportunity to speak to bill, not question of privilege, 12022(197:1225-30)
    >>Reynolds (rights of Members breached/contempt of Parliament), senior Justice Department official briefing media on contents of Anti-terrorism Act (Bill C-36) prior to legislation being table in House, 6082-5(94:1515-35), breach of privilege found, Member invited to move motion, 6085(94:1535)
    >>>See also Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, Fortieth
    >>Ritz (rights of Members breached), Public Works and Government Services Minister Goodale failure to provide documentation as promised, preventing Members from fulfilling duties, 12535-7(203:1505-10), taking under advisement, 12537(203:1510)
    >>Robinson (rights of Members breached), Foreign Affairs Department vetting documents released under Access to Information Act relating to Sudanese military use of Talisman Energy airfields, citing need to protect lives of Canadians in the area, original documents show nothing relating to Canadians in the area in the vetted paragraphs, Members and Committee misled, 4791-2(74:1505-15), Member able to seek other remedies if not satisfied with documents received, not question of privilege, 4792(74:1515)
    >>Skelton (contempt of House), Health Minister/Health Standing Committee notice of meeting to discuss Bill C-53 before bill receiving second reading approval in House, 10466-7(169:1545-50), notice of meeting internal document, prepared by House, not Minister, not question of privilege, 10467(169:1550)
    >>Strahl (contempt of Parliament) Ethics Counsellor releasing letter to media and giving interviews, withholding information from Members of Parliament, impeding work of committee, 1986-8(33:1510-25), matter should be dealt with in committee not House at this time, not question of privilege, 1988(33:1525)
    >>Strahl (false/misleading statements), Multiculturalism Secretary of State Fry comments during oral question period relating to racist incidents occurring in Prince George' BC and letters written by the Mayor of Prince George, BC, false, later withdrawn, apology deemed insincere and denying responsibility for misleading House, 2126-9(34:1505-10), apology given and accepted by House, may be pursued in other ways, not question of privilege, 2129-30(34:1520-5)
    >>Strahl (rights of Members breached), government use of time allocation inappropriate, excessive and unorthodox, stifling of debate, denial of right of Members to participate in debate, 569-76(12:1055-1145), taking under advisement, 576(12:1145), Chair cannot refuse to put time allocation motion if all procedural requirements have been met, not question of privilege, 1415-6(24:1530-5)
    >>Szabo (rights of Members breached), Schmidt attempting to intimidate Szabo regarding House matter on Duncan request for unanimous consent to table documents, 10844-5(176:1510-5), 10849-50(176:1550), Chair waiting to hear from other Members involved, 10845(176:1525), taking under advisement, 10850(176:1555)
    >>Szabo (rights of Members breached), Szabo required to prepare and present response to question raised during adjournment proceedings, waiting in Chamber, unable to attend to other duties as Member of Parliament, Member not showing up to ask question, Table did not give Parliamentary Secretary notice of change, 10843(176:1505), taking under advisement, 10800(176:1010-5), breakdown in communications, not question of privilege, 10843-4(176:1510)
    >>Telegdi (language, inappropriate/improper), comments comparing citizenship laws, judiciary to Nazism and Stalinism, apologizing, 3802(58:1500)
    >>Thompson, G. (rights of Members breached), delays by government in responding to questions on the Order Paper, Members limited to four questions at a time, denial of opportunity to ask further questions, 2130-1(34:1525-30), Chair cannot provide remedy, not question of privilege, 2131(34:1530-5)
    >>Toews (contempt of House), Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee exceeding authority by voting to refuse to hear Justice Department witnesses on the reasons for delay in answering Questions on the Order Paper, 8561-3(136:1550-610), taking under advisement, 8653(136:1610), Standing Orders does not prescribe how the committee will dispose of the matter but only that it must meet on the issue within 15 sitting days, not question of privilege, 8664-5(138:1720-30)
    >>Toews (contempt of Parliament), Justice Minister McLellan and Justice Department officials conducting media briefing session on Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15) prior to tabling legislation in House, Members of Parliament and staff denied access to briefing, 1646-52(28:1510-55), taking under advisement, 1652(28:1555), Member invited to move motion, 1839-40(31:1515-25)
    >>>See also Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, Fourteenth
    >>Toews (rights of Members breached), criminal justice omnibus bill, Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15), reflecting several unrelated principles, impeding rights of Members to vote responsibly, requesting Chair divide bill, 5326-8(82:1010-25), not in Chair's authority to divide bills, not question of privilege, 5328-9(80:1030)
    >>Williams (contempt of Parliament), Canadian Human Rights Commission special report on pay equity, early release to media prior to tabling in House of Commons, sufficient copies available for Members of Parliament unavailable, grievance, message passed on, not question of privilege, 741(14:1105-10)
    >>Williams (rights of Members breached), Canadian Human Rights Commission holding press conference on annual report, copies of tabled report not available to Members of Parliament, 2503(39:1030-5), taking under advisement, 2503(39:1035), report available in distribution, misplaced, corrective steps taken, 2627(41:1525)
    >>Williams (rights of Members breached/contempt of Parliament) Canadian Human Rights Commission releasing detail of annual report to media prior report being tabled in House, 2497-8(39:1000-5), matter best raised at Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee at this time, 2498(39:1005-10)

Privilege, prima facie

    >>Goodale (contempt of Parliament), Keith Martin attempt to remove Mace from Table, affront to dignity of House and Speaker, 10526-7(170:1850-5), Member apology accepted, Speaker may decide to pursue matter further, 10527(170:1855), prima facie breach of privilege of House, Member invited to move motion, 10654(173:1500-5)
    >>>Member suspended from service of House until appearance before Bar of House to apologize for his action to the satisfaction of the Speaker, M. (Goodale), 10654-70(173:1505-705), agreed to, 10748(174:1825-30)
    >>>>Amdt. (Reynolds), 10658(173:1530), negatived, on recorded division, 10747-8(174:1815-25)
    >>Pallister (false/misleading statements) National Defence Minister Eggleton misleading House as to when he knew that prisoners taken by Canadian JTF2 troops in Afghanistan handed them over to the Americans, 8517-20(136:1000-25), taking under advisement, 8520(136:1025), Chair accepts that Minister did not intend to mislead House but two versions of events present, Member invited to move motion, 8581-2(137:1000-5)
    >>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee referral, M. (Pallister), 8582-8(137:1005-100), 8601-19(137:1205-430), 8621-6(138:1105-55), agreed to, 8832(141:1515)
    >>>>Amdt. (Keddy), 8623(138:1120), negatived, on recorded division, 8831-2(141:1510-5)
    >>>>Debate adjourned, agreed to, by unanimous consent, 8680(139:1010), 8766(140:1525), 8792(141:1010)
    >>>>Debate be now adjourned, M. (DeVillers), 8626(138:1155), agreed to, on recorded division, 8627-8(138:1240)
    >>Reynolds (rights of Members breached/contempt of Parliament), senior Justice Department official briefing media on contents of Anti-Terrorism Act (Bill C-36) prior to legislation being table in House, 6082-5(94:1515-35), breach of privilege found, Member invited to move motion, 6085(94:1535)
    >>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee referral, M. (Reynolds), agreed to, 6085(94:1535)
    >>Toews (contempt of Parliament), Justice Minister McLellan and Justice Department officials conducting media briefing session on Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15) prior to tabling legislation in House, Members of Parliament and staff denied access to briefing, 1646-52(28:1510-55), taking under advisement, 1652(28:1555), Member invited to move motion, 1839-40(31:1515-25)
    >>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee referral, M. (Toews), 1840-5(31:1525-600), agreed to, 1845(31:1600)

Privy Council Office

    >>>Amount for 2002-2003, increases/decreases, etc., 12295(200:1830), 12297-8(200:1845-50), 12300(200:1905), 12301(200:1915), 12305-6(200:1945-50), 12307(200:1955-200), 12308(200:2015)
    >>>See also Estimates--2000-2001, supplementary (A)--2001-2002, Main--2001-2002, Supplementary (A)--2001-2002, Supplementary (B)--2002-2003, Main
    >>Himelfarb, Alexander, Clerk
    >>>Appointment, 12312(200:2050)
    >>>See also ee Government policies and programs--New and exciting policy options; Privy Council Office--Politicization
    >>Mills, Dennis, former employee, 12312(200:2050)
    >>Politicization, appointment of Alexander Himelfarb as Clerk factor, 12309(200:2015-20), 12311(200:2035-40)
    >>Role, objectives, etc., 12295-7(200:1830-40), 12312-3(200:2050-100)
    >>>Best and brightest minds, etc., 12312(200:2050), 12318(200:2145)
    >>>Salaries, amounts, costs, etc., 12295(200:1830), 12297(200:1845), 12312(200:2050)
    >>Unethical/illegal practices, 12318(200:2145)
    >>See also Afghanistan--Tabiban troops and Al-Qaeda terrorists; Commission on the Future of Health Casre in Canada (Romanow); Financial services legislation (Bill C-8)--Regulations; Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions; Government policies and programs--Decision-making--Privy Council Office policy advice role; Indian Claims Commission: Toronto, ON--Federal government expenditures; United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--Canadian response, Government actions

Prix du 3-juillet-1608 see Francophones outside Quebec--French language

Prix Mercador

    >>Award for exports, Comité Export Laval awarding to Laval, QC businesses, S.O. 31, 2698(42:1400)

Prizes see Contests--Deceptive

Probation see Youth justice system

Probe International see Export Development Corporation (EDC)--Auditor General auditing