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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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37th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 29, 2001 - September 16, 2002)  Latest Session
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R. v. Marshall (1993) see Aboriginal fishing rights; Aboriginal treaty rights--Nova Scotia

R. v. Sharpe see Child pornography--Possession

Rabbits see arts and culture--Funding

Racial profiling see Air transportation security--Increase, Visible minorities; Borders, international--Security

Racicot, Marc see Marathon--National Capital Alcatel Marathon

Racism see Discrimination and racism

Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) see Drug smuggling/trafficking--Proceeds of crime; Proceeds of crime--Seizure

Radar technicians see Veterans--World War II

Radiation see Electromagnetic radiation; Nuclear radiation

Radio broadcasting see Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC); Committees, Parliamentary--Radio and television broadcasting; Internet; Marconi, Guglielmo


Radio Canada International

    >>Arabic programming, cutbacks, 5839(90:1110)
    >>Funding, increase, Canadian Heritage Minister Copps responsibility, 5840(90:1110)
    >>Multicultural programming, increasing, 5839-40(90:1110)
    >>Weekend newscasts, elimination, memorandum of understanding with Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), contravening, government position, o.q., 5089(78:1455)

Radio frequency radiation see Cellular telephones--Transmission towers

Radio Jeunesse see Francophone Games (Ottawa-Hull 2001)

Radio starmaker fund see Canadian Music Week--Canadian artists

Radio stations

    >>CIBL-FM, Montréal, QC, non-profit francophone community radio, fundraising benefit event, S.O. 31, 9360(151:1410)

Radostits, Otto see Foot and mouth disease--Outbreak

Radwanski, George see Public safety--Legislation, Public Safety Act, 2002 (Bill C-55), Criticism; Privacy Act--Suspending; Privacy Commissioner

Rae see Citizenship and Immigration Department--Kurdish refugee claim

Rafay, Atif see Extradition--Offenders committing crimes in other countries

Rail transportation/railways

    >>Border, Canada-United States, traffic crossing, facilitating, United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks factor, S.O. 31, 6835(107:1410)
    >>Canadian Transport Commission, former, powers, 3202(49:1325)
    >>Discontinued lines, prairies, impact on highways, 6819-20(107:1220-25)
    >>Noise, emissions and vibrations, M. (Dubé), 12367-74(202:1105-1200)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 12374(202:1200)
    >>Foreign ownership, Canadian National Railway Company (CNR) and Canadian Pacific Railway Company (CPR), 3160(48:1605)
    >>Longer trains, lack of inspections, etc., S.O. 31, 9409(152:1110)
    >>Mergers, review process, lack, National Transportation Act review, o.q., 1108(20:1150-5)
    >>Modernizing, necessity, government ignoring, 4035(62:1030), 4888(76:1250)
    >>Prince George, BC, benefitting from Alaska to continental United States rail link, 490(10:1305)
    >>>See also Ports/harbours--Prince Rupert, BC
    >>Rolling stock, exports, carrying cargo, Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) exemption, 1442(25:1010), 2945(46:1205)
    >>>See also Sales Tax and Excise Tax Amendments Act, 2001 (Bill C-13)
    >>Toxic, hazardous products, suitable, trucking industry comparison, 4035(62:1030)
    >>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, impact, 8845(141:1645)
    >>>See also Rail transportation/railways--Border, Canada-United States
    >>See also Canadian Pacific Railway Company (CPR); Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway; Grain transportation; Natural resource industries; Railway safety/accidents; Transportation--Greenhouse gas emissions factor; Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada--Jurisdiction; Trucking industry--Use; VIA Rail Canada Inc.

RailAmerica, Inc. see Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway--Closure

Railway locomotives see Export Development Corporation (EDC)--Mexico; VIA RAil Canada Inc.

Railway safety/accidents

    >>>Improving, government measures, o.q., 880(16:1455)
    >>>Uncontrolled crossing, reflectorization, Saskatchewan Safety Council recommendation, etc.
    >>>o.q., 4531(70:1150)
    >>>S.O. 31, 4579(71:1400)
    >>Firdale, MB, derailment, Canadian National Railway Company (CNR) hiring United States firm to deal with, S.O. 31, 11591(189:1415)
    >>Government expenditures, $700 million fund, S.O. 31, 4579(71:1400)
    >>Red Deer, AB derailment, anhydrous ammonia spill, emergency personnel and volunteers thanked, S.O. 31, 216-7(6:1405)

Railway Safety Act see Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada--Legislation, Acts amended


    >>Imported, lead levels, risk assessment, no danger, o.q., 10499-500(170:1445), 10653(173:1455)

Rajotte, James (CA--Edmonton Southwest)


    >>Muslim holiday, celebrating, S.O. 31, 7673(121:1400)

Ramallah, West Bank see Middle East conflict

Ramey, Const Al see Highway safety/accidents--Spring

Ramsay, Jack see Sex offenders/pedophiles--Canadian Alliance position

Rankin, Harry

    >>Politician, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 9293(150:1410)

Raoul Wallenberg Day

    >>January 17, declaration, tribute/recognition of Swedish diplomat saving 100,000 Hungarian Jews from Holocaust, granting of honorary Canadian citizenship, etc.
    >>>o.q., 4662-3(74:1440-5)
    >>>S.O. 31, 4653-4(72:1400), 4699-700(73:1405)

Rapanos, Angelo see Export Development Corporation (EDC)

Rapid response centre see Environmental security

Rats see Species at risk (endangered species)--Habitat preservation, Compensation

Rattlesnakes see Massasauga rattlesnake

Raw log exports see Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement/dispute--Expiry of agreement

Rawlinson, Phyllis see Phyliss Rawlinson Park

RCMP see Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

Read, Cpl Robert

    >>Royal Canadian Mounted Police investigator, security breach, Hong Kong immigration office, cover-up allegations, firing, condemning, S.O. 31, 10300(166:1400)

Reader's Digest see Drugs/narcotics--Legalization

Real estate see Calgary Real Estate Association; Canadian Real Estate Association; Halliburton Real Estate Board; Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Patent protection

Real property

    >>Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) provisions
    >>>Return of property within one year, tax refund, 1443(25:1015)
    >>>Sale by individuals or trusts, exemption, not applying if property previously leased on a taxable basis, 1443(25:1015)
    >>>See also Housing; Sales Tax and Excise Tax Amendments Act, 2001 (Bill C-13)
    >>See also Property rights

Recession see Economy/economic conditions

Recording industry see Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Patent protection

Recording media

Recovery program see Farm income crisis

Recreation see Leisure time

Recreational fisheries see Fisheries; National Recreational Fisheries Awards


    >>Ontario blue box program, 20th anniversary, S.O. 31, 5426(83:1055)

Red Crescent see World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day

Red Cross Day

    >>Recognition, tribute, S.O. 31, 11374(185:1405)
    >>See also World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day

Red Cross Month

    >>March designation, S.O. 31, 9750-1(158:1410)

Red Deer, AB see Olympics, 2002 Winter Games (Salt Lake City, United States)--Canadian team; Railway accidents; Sex offenders/pedophiles

Red Deer constituency

Red Deer Rebels see Hockey

Red fish see Salmon, Atlantic

Red Hill Creek Expressway see Highways and roads--Ontario, Hamilton, ON

Red River

    >>Dredging, breakwater, relationship, qu., 7384(116:1530)
    >>See also Mississippi River--Diversion into Red River

Redman, Karen (Lib.--Kitchener Centre; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of the Environment)

Redwood Shelter

Reed, Julian (Lib.--Halton)

Re-establishing programs see Farm income crisis--Farmers

Referendum (1995) see Quebec separation/sovereignty

Referendum Act (amdt.)(Bill C-478)--Nystrom


    >>Citizen initiated, 946(17:1345), 947(17:1355)
    >>>3% of population requesting/signing petition criteria, Canadian Alliance proposal, 961(17:1510), 978(17:1710)
    >>Liberal government (Chrétien), refusal to hold, 1277(22:1900)
    >>Regulations see Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, Thirty-eighth
    >>Use/overuse, 947(17:1355)
    >>See also Aboriginal land claims--British Columbia; Abortion--Medically unnecessary; Constitutional amendments--Approval; Income tax--Tax points, Quebec holding referendum; Quebec separation/sovereignty

Reflections on a Decade of Serving Parliament see Auditor General's reports--2001

Reform Party see Elections--First past the post winner system, 1997 election

Refueler tankers see Defence equipment

Refugee camps see Kenya--Nairobi


Refus global see Riopelle, Jean-Paul

Regan, Geoff (Lib.--Halifax West; Parliamentary Secretary to Leader of Government in the House of Commons as of September 13, 2001)

Régimbald, Guy

    >>French language litigator title winner, 2001 Canadian National Division, Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, tribute, S.O. 31, 1449(25:1100)

Regina, SK see Drug and substance abuse; Hockey--Outdoor Hockey League; Public Accounts Standing Committee--Travel

Regina--Qu'Appelle constituency

    >>Nystrom, thanking constituents, 317(7:1605)

Regional banks see Banks and financial institutions--Small banks

Regional development

    >>British Columbia, federal government strategy, 10853(176:1640)
    >>Budget 2001 measures, lack, 8304(133:1155-200), 8305(133:1205), 8471(134:1810), 8850(141:1725)
    >>Canadian Alliance position, 8218-9(131:1120), 8462(134:1700-5), 8463(134:1710)
    >>Diversification, necessity, federal government role, etc., 12985(210:1745-50)
    >>Economic development, expansion, former Prime Minister Trudeau, efforts, 2458(38:1715), 3544(54:1215)
    >>Federal-provincial co-operation, 3093(47:1900-5)
    >>Government expenditures, 8211(131:1025)
    >>Government grants, distorting economy, 8770(140:1550)
    >>Government strategy, inefficient, private sector role, etc., 8186(130:1610)
    >>International day, Paradis holding for Outaouais, Lanaudière, Mauricie and Laurentides regions of Quebec, S.O. 31, 2698(42:1400)
    >>International day, Paradis holding for Quebec municipalities, S.O. 31, 4656(72:1410)
    >>Liberal government (Chrétien) attitude, withdrawal, etc., Quebec separation/sovereignty, relationship, 9404(152:1040), 9405(152:1045-50)
    >>Programs, waste, harmful, etc., 5505(84:1705), 8149(129:1730)
    >>>Federal government role, 8412(134:1120)
    >>>Inequity re federal funding, 3121-2(47:2215), 10819-20(176:1235-40), 10825-6(176:1320-5)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 1765(30:1110)
    >>Western provinces' share of expenditures, S.O. 31, 3558(54:1400)
    >>>Exodus from regions, impact, 246-7(6:1715)
    >>>Retaining in regions, job creation and entrepreneurship programs, o.q., 3319(51:1455)
    >>See also Atlantic Canada--Economic development; Cape Breon, NS; Gaspé and Îles-de-la-Madaleine region, QC; Northern Canada--Development; Nova Scotia--Economic development; Quebec--Economy; Roberval region, QC; Saguenay region, QC; Sea King helicopters--Replacements

Regional development agencies

    >>Abolition, Canadian Alliance position, 8096(129:1115)
    >>>o.q., 534(11:1450)
    >>>S.O. 31, 3308(51:1400)
    >>Expenditures, reducing, 8186(130:1610)
    >>Northern Quebec agency/local entity, establishing, etc., 3117-8(47:2150-5), 3119-20(47:2205-10), 3122(47:2215-20)
    >>Role, 3091(47:1850)
    >>Waste, 9600(155:1640)
    >>Write-offs, o.q., 1165(21:1450)
    >>See also Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA); Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec ; Western Economic Diversification Canada

Regional development banks (international)

    >>Canadian participation during 1999, report to Parliament, tabled, 4848(75:1205)


    >>Liberal government (Chrétien), central Canada, preference, 352-4(8:1520-30), 356(8:1545)
    >>See also Elections; Infrastructure--Government funding, Distribution


    >>Alienation, etc., 2142(34:1655)
    >>>S.O. 31, 3558(54:1400)
    >>Disparity, 118-9(4:1545)
    >>>Increase, 8153(129:1805)
    >>Resource rich, Employment insurance provisions, discrimination, 197-8(6:1200)
    >>Role, economic, etc., 10(2:1530)
    >>See also Air Canada; Airlines--Regional services--United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, Government assistance; Airports; Banks and financial institutions; Canada Foundation for Innovation; Canada Foundation for Sustainable Development Technology--Board of directors; Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement/dispute--Expiry; Economy/economic conditions--Recession possibility; Employment insurance--Changes; Gaspé and Îles-de-la-Madelaine region, QC--Economic and social conditions; Government expenditures--Redistribution role; Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing; Health care providers--Shortage; Quebec; Rural/remote/natural resource communities/regions; Technology Partnerships Canada

Registered education savings plans (RESPs)

Registered Individual Learning Accounts (RILAs)

Registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs)

    >>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA) seizures, qu., 10971-2(179:1010)
    >>Contribution limits, increasing, indexing, 8237(131:1345)
    >>Contributions, decline, 10619(172:1330)
    >>Epp proposal, replacing Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and old age security with RRSPs, 1471-2(25:1305-10)
    >>Foreign investment limits, 8882(142:1310)
    >>>Increasing, Canadian Alliance position, 11153(181:1730), 11155(181:1750)
    >>See also Canada Pension Plan (CPP); Capital gains tax; Personal retirement account; Senior citizens--Pension income

Registration of Pesticides and the Competitiveness of Canadian Farmers see Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee--Reports, Third

Regroupement des jeunes d'affaires du Québec

    >>Youth entrepreneur organization, Communications Canada information sessions participation, etc., S.O. 31, 11000(179:1400)

Regulation 53 see Employment insurance--Benefits; Labour disputes/strikes/lockouts--Employment Insurance Act


    >>Criticism, "governing through the back door", 1278(22:1910)
    >>Official Languages Act, retroactive application, constitution, recognizing, 12616-26(204:1530-645)
    >>Red tape/regulatory budget, 6813(107:1130), 7789-90(123:1740), 8229(131:1245), 8236(131:1340), 12619-21(204:1555-610)
    >>>Necessity, 8793(141:1010), 9602(155:1650), 10617(172:1310), 11469(186:1700-5)
    >>>Progressive Conservative Party/Democratic Representative Caucus Coalition Working Group on Democratic Reform recommendations, 9041(145:1615)
    >>>Performance based system, adopting, etc., o.q., 9953(161:1440)
    >>>United States reforms, 9602(155:1650)
    >>Review, Scrutiny of Regulations Standing Joint Committee role, 2052(33:2220)
    >>Sunset clauses, 7790(123:1740), 12620(204:1600-5)
    >>See also Air Canada; Air transportation security--Increase; Airlines; Biologics; Boats--Recreational; Business; Canada Foundation for Sustainable Development Technology--Legislation; Competition; Customs--Legislation; Deregulation; Farm income crisis; Industry--Government regulation; International capital markets/financial transactions; Legislative Instruments Re-Enactment Act (Bill S-41); Marine conservation areas--Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park, QC; Marine transportation; Mining industry; Nuclear energy--Reactors; Nunavut--Land claims agreement of 1993; Pesticides; Productivity--Government policies addressing; Securities industry

Rehabilitation see Parole/parolees; Penitentiary inmates; Youth justice system