The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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1% solution see Housing--Affordable, Social
12 candidate rule see Elections--Political parties
26th Field Royal Canadian Artillery
Reserve artillery unit, military exercises, S.O. 31, 8595(141:1410)
50 candidate rule see Elections--Political parties
79 Lynton Davies Squadron see Royal Canadian Air Cadets
"900" numbers see Social insurance numbers--Temporary residents
A Contribution to the Foreign Policy Dialogue see Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee--Reports, Sixth
A Day for Hearts: Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Day Act (Bill
C-240)--Thompson, G.
First reading, 804(13:1545)
>>See also Congenital heart disease
A Dialogue on Foreign Policy see Foreign policy--Discussion paper
A Lacroix et Fils Grant Ltée.
Stone manufacturing and cutting business, success, Washington, DC World War
II Memorial contract, S.O. 31, 6670(108:1400)
A. Lassonde Inc.
Canadian Grand Prix New Products Award recipient, Oasis Sorbet Premium, S.O.
31, 6846(111:1420)
A Policy for the New Millennium: Working Together to Redefine Canada's Drug Strategy see Non-Medical Use of Drugs Special Committee--Reports
A Work in Progress: The Corrections and Conditional Release Act see Corrections and Conditional Release Act
Aatami, Pita see Makivic Corporation
Abbott, Jim (CA--Kootenay--Columbia)
- >>Air pollution/smog, 2467(41:1905)
>>Airports, 5546-7(91:1350-5)
>>Assisted human reproduction, 8193-4(134:1245-50)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-13), 2973-5(49:1600-10), 8193-4(134:1245-50)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Agency of Canada, 2974(49:1600-5)
>>Budget 2003, M. for approval (Manley), 3773(63:1755)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2003 (Bill C-28), 4999-5000(82:1525-35)
>>Canada Airports Act (Bill C-27), 5546-7(91:1350-5)
>>Canada Elections Act and the Income Tax Act (amdt.--political financing)(Bill C-24), 3704-5(62:1320-5), 7075-7(115:1225-30)
>>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, o.q., 4491(74:1450-5)
>>Canadian Heritage Standing Committee, 7145(116:1515)
>>Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), 4566-7(76:1155), 7552-3(122:1715-25)
>>Capital Hill Group, qu., 4424(73:1525)
>>Cherry, Don, o.q., 4663(77:1455)
>>Child pornography, petitions, 2292(39:1015), 7148(116:1535)
>>China, 6416(105:1240)
>>Chrétien, references, S.O. 31, 1493(25:1105)
>>Coal mining industry, 2466-7(41:1905)
>>Copps, references, S.O. 31, 5550-1(91:1415)
>>Copyright, 8218-24(134:1535-1615)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--criminal liability of organizations)(Bill C-45), 7365-6(119:1710-5), 7366(119:1725)
>>Cultural heritage, 8236-7(134:1810-15)
>>Ducks, S.O. 31, 4857(80:1110)
>>Football, S.O. 31, 1829-30(31:1400)
>>Foreign investment/ownership, o.q., 5641(92:1450-5)
>>Forest fires, o.q., 8975(147:1455)
>>Gasoline taxes, S.O. 31, 8313(136:1405)
>>Government contracts
>>>o.q., 583(9:1430)
>>>Petitions, 2292(39:1010)
>>>M. (Cannis), 5020-1(82:1810-5), 2023(82:1845)
>>>o.q., 6678(108:1445)
>>>S.O. 31, 5099(84:1400)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 1923-4(32:1645-50), 1925(32:1655), 1954-6(33:1545-50)
>>>M. (Anderson, Hon. David), 2466-7(41:1905)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 837(14:1115)
>>>o.q., 1784(30:1130)
>>Hate propaganda, 8625(141:1850)
>>>Petitions, 7148(116:1535)
>>Heritage Lighthouse Protection Act (Bill S-7), 8625(141:1850-5)
>>Human cloning, 8193-4(134:1245)
>>>M. (Chrétien), 5234(86:1320)
>>>M. on supply (Day), 4615(76:1745)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 4459-60(74:1105)
>>>M. on supply (Reynolds), 3226(54:1145-50), 3269(54:1700), 3272-3(54:1720-30)
>>>Petitions, 7148(116:1535)
>>>S.O. 31, 4481(74:1355)
>>Kootenay National Park, 5000(82:1530)
>>Library and Archives of Canada Act (Bill C-36), 6525-7(106:1330-50), 8218-24(134:1535-1615), 8236-7(134:1810-5)
>>Lighthouses, 8622(141:1830), 8625(141:1850-5)
>>National parks, 3773(63:1755), 4567(76:1200), 4999-5000(82:1525-35)
>>>o.q., 1502(25:1155), 4862(80:1135)
>>>S.O. 31, 622(10:1105)
>>Occupational health and safety, 7365-6(119:1710-5), 7366(119:1725)
>>Penitentiaries, qu., 6038(99:1215)
>>Political parties, 3704-5(62:1320-5), 7076-7(115:1225-30)
>>Privilege, Bonwick (rights of Members breached), 6904-5(112:1305-10)
>>>Bills, Government, 8280(135:1530)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 8622(141:1830)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 5023(82:1845), 7126(115:1835)
>>>Government motions, 1923-5(32:1645-55), 1954-6(33:1545-50)
>>>Hansard, 5177-8(85:1500-5)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 4460(74:1105)
>>>Member's remarks, 3226(54:1145)
>>>Oral Question Period, 1503(25:1200)
>>Radiocommunication Act (amdt.)(Bill C-52), 9257-9(152:1335-55)
>>Radio stations, 6525-6(106:1335-45)
>>Regulations, 4566-7(76:1155-200), 7552(122:1715)
>>Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), 6414-5(105:1225-30), 6416(105:1240), 6417(105:1245), 6419(105:1255)
>>Statutory Instruments Act (amdt.--disallowance procedure for statutory instruments)(Bill C-205), 4566-7(76:1155-200)
>>Stem cell research, 2973-4(49:1600), 8194(134:1250)
>>>Petitions, 2292(39:1015)
>>Taiwan, 6415-6(105:1230-5)
>>User Fees Act (Bill C-212), 7552-3(122:1715-25)
>>Vimy Ridge Day Act (Bill C-227), 3841-2(64:1715-20)
>>World Health Organization (WHO), M. on supply (Abbott), 6414-7(105:1225-45), 6419(105:1255), 6424(105:1340)
Abdel-Majeed, Ahmad see Palestinian refugees
Abduction see Child abduction
Abitibi--Baie-James--Nunavik constituency
Economic conditions, government response, o.q., 4536(75:1145)
>>See also Bleau, Daniel;
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)--Alberta;
Government expenditures--Order Paper questions;
Radio Nord Communications
Abitibi-Témiscamingue region, QC see International Cinema Festival; Regional development--Quebec, Project Frontenac; VIA Rail Canada Inc.
Abitibiwinni see Val-d'Or, QC--Social Services Minokin
Ablonczy, Diane (CA--Calgary--Nose Hill)
- >>Age of consent (sexual relations), o.q., 1231(21:1435)
>>Air pollution/smog, 873(14:1525), 2102(36:1350), 2117(36:1515), 2118-9(36:1525)
>>Air transportation security, 1291(22:1315-20)
>>Anti-Americanism, S.O. 31, 4856(80:1105), 4910(81:1355)
>>Arar, Maher, o.q., 1543(26:1415)
>>Asian Heritage Month, S.O. 31, 6427(105:1400)
>>Assisted human reproduction, 2859(48:1630), 2860(48:1640), 3194(53:1610-5)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-13), 2859-60(48:1630-40), 3193-4(53:1610-5)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Agency of Canada, 2859-60(48:1630-5)
>>Auberge Grand-Mère, 7445(120:1855)
>>Border, Canadian, 1290(22:1315)
>>Canadian Alliance, 9048(149:1130)
>>Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 5994-5(98:1600)
>>Chief Actuary Act (Bill C-421), 4540(75:1210), 6345-6(103:1730-45), 7444-5(120:1855)
>>Chief Actuary of Canada, 6345-6(103:1730-45), 7444-5(120:1855)
>>Child/family poverty, 160(3:1735), 162(3:1750)
>>Child pornography, 5992(98:1550), 5993(98:1600)
>>>Petitions, 833(14:1045)
>>Child sex offenders (pedophiles), 5992(98:1545-50)
>>>o.q., 6537(106:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 787(13:1400), 5169(85:1415)
>>Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee, 6544-5(106:1535)
>>>o.q., 3909(66:1430), 3984(67:1445), 4250(71:1445)
>>Citizenship of Canada Act (Bill C-18), 1423-6(24:1020-50)
>>Committees, Parliamentary, 1751-2(29:1625-30)
>>Democracy, 5994(98:1600)
>>Elections, 5992-3(98:1545-50)
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, 981(16:1705)
>>Environment, 873(14:1525), 874(14:1530)
>>Equalization payments, 8960(147:1330)
>>Ethics, o.q., 8847(145:1450)
>>Ethics Counsellor, 162(3:1745)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act and Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Regulations, 1999 (amdt.)(Bill C-54), 8960(147:1330)
>>Firearms registry (CFP), 6346(103:1755)
>>Foreign credentials, 161(3:1740), 9049(149:1135)
>>Government contracts, o.q., 315(5:1150)
>>Government expenditures, 160(3:1735)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 1740(29:1510)
>>>M. (Anderson, Hon. David), 2102-3(36:1350-5), 2117-9(36:1515-25)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 873-5(14:1525-40)
>>>o.q., 960(16:1435)
>>Gun control, 873(14:1530)
>>Health care, 6346(103:1740)
>>>House take note, M. (McLellan), 952(16:1355), 981-2(16:1700-10), 982-3(16:1715)
>>Health care funding, 162(3:1750), 982(16:1705)
>>Health care providers, 982(16:1705)
>>Home care, 981(16:1700-5)
>>House of Commons proceedings, House take note, M. (Boudria), 1751-3(29:1625-40)
>>Immigrants, 161(3:1735)
>>>o.q., 6676(108:1430-5), 7532(122:1440-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 2793(47:1405)
>>Immigration, 1291-2(22:1315-20)
>>>o.q., 364(6:1455), 2429(41:1440), 4916-7(81:1435), 5034(83:1450), 5106(84:1440), 5245(86:1430-5), 7628-9(124:1445-50), 7816(127:1425), 7868(128:1115-20), 7918(129:1450)
>>Immigration and Refugee Board
>>>o.q., 7029(114:1450), 7098(115:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 8151-2(133:1105)
>>Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (amdt.--sponsorship of relative)(Bill C-436), 9048-9(149:1130-5)
>>Judicial law-making, M. on supply (Toews), 5992-5(98:1545-615)
>>Legislation, 5993(98:1555-600)
>>Legislative process, 1753(29:1640)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 160-2(3:1735-45)
>>Marriage, 5992(98:1545-50)
>>National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, S.O. 31, 2370(40:1110)
>>National identity card, o.q., 7573-4(123:1130), 8208(134:1430), 8270-1(135:1430)
>>National missile defence system (NMD), M. on supply (Bachand, C.), 6330(103:1530)
>>National security (public safety), 1291(22:1315)
>>Oceans, 2117(36:1515)
>>Oil and gas industry, 874(14:1530)
>>Parliament, 161-2(3:1745), 1751-2(29:1625-35), 5992-3(98:1545-55), 5995(98:1610)
>>Prime Minister, 1751(29:1625-30)
>>Privilege, Ablonczy (contempt of Parliament), 6544-5(106:1530-5)
>>Procedure, ministerial briefing, 1740(29:1510)
>>Public Safety Act, 2002 (Bill C-17), 1290-2(22:1315-25)
>>Public Service pensions, 6345-6(103:1735-40)
>>Refugees, 161(3:1740)
>>>o.q., 1836(31:1435), 2717(46:1440-5), 3818(64:1430), 3909(66:1430), 4250(71:1445), 4993(82:1450), 5451(90:1450), 5753(94:1110-5), 5917(97:1500)
>>Skilled trades and technology workforce, o.q., 7532(122:1440)
>>Solar energy, 2118(36:1515)
>>Stem cell research, 3194(53:1610-5)
>>Street racing, o.q., 3181-2(53:1450)
>>Throne Speech
>>>Address in Reply, M. (Pacetti), 160-2(3:1735-50)
>>Whistle Blower Human Rights Act (Bill C-201), 3207-8(53:1810-20)
>>Wind energy, 2118(36:1515)
Aboriginal Achievement Awards
2003 recipients, congratulating, S.O. 31, 4855(80:1100)
Aboriginal Affairs, Northern Development and Natural Resources Standing
Bonin, Committee Chair, actions and attitudes, 5393-5(89:1005-20)
>>Committee study
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, Chair and member exchanging insults,
etc., 5143(85:1105)
>>>Notice of time allocation, 5039-41(83:1530-40)
>>>Question be now put (previous question), in camera meeting, time allocation
motion on floor, government member moving previous question, Committee Chair
ruling out of order, ruling successfully appealed, requesting Speaker reverse
decision to proceed with previous question motion, 5069-71(84:0955-1020)
>>Organizational meeting, authority to hold, unanimous consent denied,
>>Reports, presented
>>>First (Nuclear Safety and Control Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4)), 1953(33:1535)
>>>Second (Specific Claims Resolution Act (Bill C-6), 2381(40:1215)
>>>Third (Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act (Bill C-2)),
>>>Fourth (First Nations Governance Act (Bill C-7)), 6610(107:1520)
>>>Fifth (amendments to the Standing Orders--committee mandate and name
change), 7061(115:1005)
>>>Sixth (First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act (Bill C-19)),
>>>Seventh (Estimates, 2003-2004, Supplementary (A), Indian Affairs and
Northern Development Department and Natural Resources Department),
>>Travel, authority, M. (Regan), agreed to, 1919(32:1605-10)
>>See also Aboriginal peoples/communities--First Nations governance, First
Nations Governance Act (Bill C-7);
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)--Alberta, Emergency debate;
First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act (Bill C-19);
Nuclear Safety and Control Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4);
Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act (Bill C-2)
Aboriginal Awareness Week
May 20-23, S.O. 31, 6366(104:1105)
Aboriginal Business Canada
Government support, increasing
>>>Budget 2003 measure, 3733(62:1645), 4238(71:1335), 4271(71:1635)
>>>Throne Speech statement, 4(1:1525)
Aboriginal Fisheries Strategy
Liberal government (Chrétien) position, Paul Martin position,
>>Salmon, Pacific, sale, Fisheries and Oceans Department agreement, qu.,
Aboriginal fishing rights
Discriminatory, 8238-9(134:1825-35)
>>>Court rulings, government appealing, o.q., 7704(125:1455),
>>>o.q., 8213(134:1455-1500)
>>Lake of the Prairies, MB, unlimited net fishing, federal laws, enforcement,
petitions, 7612(125:1010)
>>Legislation, Fisheries Act (amdt.)(Bill C-43), race based, o.q.,
>>Marshall decision, Supreme Court of Canada ruling, impact, 5625(91:2300)
>>Regulations, Scrutiny of Regulations Standing Joint Committee, disallowance
of regulations, rejecting, Liberal government influence, S.O. 31,
>>Sparrow food fishery, Indian bands, authorization, r.o., 4541(75:1210)
>>Petitions, 921(15:1220)
>>Private sales, illegal, o.q., 8239(138:1145)
Aboriginal Healing Foundation
Annual report
>>>2000, tabled, 2591(44:1005)
>>>2001, tabled, 2591(44:1005)
>>>2002, tabled, 2591(44:1005)
Aboriginal human resource development agreement see Government grants and contributions
Aboriginal hunters
Ammunition, purchase without firearms licence, o.q., 2057(35:1145)
Aboriginal land claims
Alternative dispute resolution process, 3291(55:1030), 3293(55:1045)
>>British Columbia, process, impact, 454(7:1240), 2174(37:1040)
>>Compensation paid, use, r.o., 2724(46:1525)
>>Canadian Centre for the Independent Resolution of First Nations Specific
Claims, establishing, 480(7:1520-30)
>>>$7 million cap, 3292(55:1040), 3294(55:1045-50), 3312(55:1235-40),
3315(55:1305), 3317-8(55:1320-5), 4206(70:1255-300)
>>>Effectiveness, 3289-90(55:1015-20)
>>>Government promise, 2927(49:1015)
>>>>o.q., 2377(40:1150)
>>>Membership, appointment process, 3288(55:1005-10), 3290-1(55:1025),
3314-5(55:1255-300), 3317(55:1325), 4202(70:1230-5), 4208-9(70:1310-5)
>>>Role/mandate, 3042-51(51:1205-300), 3287-8(55:1005), 3293-4(55:1040-50),
3311(55:1225-30), 3315(55:1300-5), 4202-4(70:1230-40), 4206(70:1255)
>>>See also Specific Claims Resolution Act (Bill C-6)
>>Negotiations, 500 specific claims, etc., 6359(104:1020)
>>Settlement of claims, social/economic benefits, 3288(55:1010-5)
>>Specific Claims Resolution Act (Bill C-6)
>>>Aboriginal peoples, opposing, 3316(55:1310)
>>>Assembly of First Nations analysis, 3293(55:1035), 4204-5(70:1240-5)
>>>Bloc Québécois position, 3313(55:1245)
>>>Canadian Alliance position, S.O. 31, 2794(47:1410)
>>>New Democratic Party position, 3314(55:1225), 3316(55:1030)
>>>Progressive Conservative Party position, 4205(70:1250)
>>>See also Specific Claims Resolution Act (Bill C-6)
>>See also Campbell River Indian Band;
Canadian Centre for the Independent Resolution of First Nations
Specific Claims;
Natural gas--Northern pipelines;
Nunavik Inuit Marine Region
Yukon Comprehensive Land Claims Agreement;
Yukon Territory
Aboriginal offenders
Penitentiary inmates, lack of opportunities factor, alternatives, etc.,
6582-3(106:2015-20), 6583-4(106:2030)
>>>Court obligation to consider circumstances, removal, 4494(74:1510),
6005-13(98:1730-1830), 8694-702(142:1715-1815)
>>>>Fontaine, Perry, case, S.O. 31, 8716-7(143:1115)
>>>>o.q., 5407(89:1130)
>>>>S.O. 31, 8553(140:1400)
>>>>See also Criminal Code and Youth Criminal Justice Act (amdt.--sentencing
principles)(Bill C-416);
Strongquill, Constable Dennis
>>>Sanctions other than imprisonment, 920(15:1210), 8694-5(142:1715-20)
>>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-259)
>>>Sentencing circles, use, 6582(106:2015), 6583(106:2025)
>>>>See also Mackinaw, Shawn
>>See also Impaired driving--Goodstoney;
Peltier, Leonard
Aboriginal peoples/communities
Budget 2003 measures, 3731(62:1630), 3759(63:1605), 3947(67:1015),
3949(67:1025), 3992(67:1525), 4048(68:1545), 4265(71:1545), 4271(71:1635),
4833(79:1605), 4875(80:1240), 6127(101:1045), 6359(104:1020),
6360-1(104:1030), 6518(106:1235)
>>>o.q., 5871(96:1500)
>>>See also Aboriginal peoples/communities--Child care and early
learning--Culture and language--Education--Health care--Policing--Urban
aboriginal peoples
>>Child care and early learning Budget 2003 measure, 3948(67:1020),
4272(71:1645), 6105(100:1655)
>>>Aboriginal/non-aboriginal, life chances gap, addressing, Throne Speech
statement, 3(1:1525), 11(1:1605), 25(2:1120), 458(7:1305)
>>>>o.q., 962-3(16:1450), 1189(20:1140)
>>>Poverty, 6513(106:1155-200)
>>>Removal from community for protection, misguided, etc., 3150(52:1610)
>>>See also Aboriginal peoples/communities--Early childhood development
measures; Human
Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing
Committee--Reports, Fourth
>>Crime rate, Saskatoon and Regina, SK, non-aboriginals, Statistics Canada
comparison, 5141-2(84:1910-20)
>>>o.q., 2635(44:1500)
>>Culture and language, 9284(150:1650)
>>>Budget 2003 measures, 4062(68:1720)
>>Early childhood development measures, 237(4:1345), 948(16:1325)
>>>Intervention program, discontinuing on reserve access, S.O. 31,
>>>See also Aboriginal peoples/communities--Children
>>Economic/social conditions, 2936(49:1115-20), 2943(49:1220), 2946(49:1245),
3788-9(64:1050-100), 4207-8(70:1300-5), 9153-4(150:1535), 9158(150:1600),
9288(150:1720), 9291(150:1740-50)
>>>Auditor General's concerns, 6125(101:1035)
>>>Government addressing, funding increase, failed approach, 462(4:1235-40),
482(7:1545), 2929(49:1030)
>>>>o.q., 138(3:1500)
>>>>S.O. 31, 129(3:1410)
>>>Improving, Throne Speech statement, 211(4:1025), 224(4:1205), 230(4:1250),
273(4:1745), 389(6:1815), 479-80(7:1515-20), 483(7:1545), 532(8:1645),
542(8:1805), 648(10:1405), 2929(49:1025)
>>>Indian Affairs and Northern Development Department, bureaucracy, impact,
3788-90(64:1055-105), 3791(64:1115-20)
>>>Marten Falls first nation, schools, condition, o.q.,
8677(142:1455), 8722-3(143:1145)
>>>Natural resource revenues, devoting to economic and social programs,
>>>Paternalism, impact, 6826-7(110:1755-800)
>>>Priorities, survey, 2930-1(49:1040)
>>>United Nations special envoy, criticizing, 6125(101:1035), 6359(104:1020)
>>>>o.q., 5871(96:1500)
>>>See also Indian bands/reserves;
Lubicon Lake Cree Nation;
National Aboriginal Day
>>>Budget 2003 measures, 3992(67:1525)
>>>Government commitment, 11(1:1605)
>>>James Bay Cree, Supreme Court of Canada ruling re: funding decisions,
treatment as equals with government, S.O. 31, 1135(19:1400)
>>>National Working Group on Education, government participation, Throne
Speech statement, 3(1:1525), 480(7:1520)
>>>Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, Epp, instructor, experience,
>>Education, post-secondary
>>>Access, Northern Canada, virtual university of the arctic, etc.,
>>>Increase, 483(7:1545)
>>Employment opportunities, increasing, 458(7:1310)
>>>Skills development partnership, o.q., 8160-1(133:1150)
>>Equity, Canadian Alliance position, 2929(49:1030), 2932(49:1050),
2933(49:1100), 2945-6(49:1240-5), 6831-2(110:1835-45)
>>>Condemning, Pat Martin comments, 2934(49:1105), 2945(49:1240)
>>>Martin Luther King Jr., civil rights struggle, comparison,
2929-30(49:1030-5), 2932(49:1050), 2934(49:1105)
>>>Parallelism, 2931-3(49:1045-100)
>>Fetal alcohol syndrome, reducing, government commitment, 61(2:1530),
948(16:1325), 6208(101:2025)
>>First Nations, definition, 9293(150:1800)
>>First Nations governance, legislation, 31(2:1215), 61(2:1530-5),
230(4:1250), 273(4:1745), 480(7:1520-5), 482(7:1540), 483(7:1545),
>>>Bill C-61 (37th Parl., 1st Sess.)
>>>>Consultations with aboriginal leaders, Paul Martin position, 323(5:1230),
339(6:1130), 342(6:1225-30)
>>>>Reinstating/reintroducing, 344(6:1240), 345(6:1250-5)
>>>>>New Democratic Party position, 305(5:1050), 332(5:1415-20)
>>>>>Throne Speech statement, 5(1:1525), 70(2:1640)
>>>First Nations Governance Act (Bill C-7), 5930(97:1635), 6103(100:1635),
6359-60(104:1020), 6521(106:1300)
>>>>Aboriginal Affairs, Northern Development and Natural Resources Standing
Committee, hearings, 6819-20(110:1700-5)
>>>>>Debate, government Members stifling, S.O. 31, 5100-1(84:1410)
>>>>>Loubier, efforts, eagle feather, presented to, S.O. 31, 5633-4(92:1415)
>>>>>Martin, Pat, filibuster, S.O. 31, 5100(84:1410), 5633(92:1410)
>>>>>o.q., 4994-5(82:1455), 6034(99:1150)
>>>>Canadian human rights code, application, o.q., 3303-4(55:1145)
>>>>Charlottetown Accord, aboriginal peoples involvement, comparison,
>>>>Consultation process, 6829-30(110:1815-30)
>>>>Duplication, 600 ombudsmen example, o.q., 631(10:1155)
>>>>Government imposing, condemning, 6824-5(110:1740-5), 6835-6(110:1905-10)
>>>>>S.O 31, 5549(91:1405)
>>>>Opposition to, widespread, government withdrawing, request,
6817-8(110:1645-50), 6820-4(110:1710-35),
>>>>>Kenora, ON, protest, 6359(104:1020)
>>>>>>o.q., 6376-7(104:1200)
>>>>>>S.O. 31, 6367(104:1110)
>>>>>Martin, Paul, position, 6214(101:2110)
>>>>>>o.q., 6806(95:1425), 5810(95:1445), 5864(96:1420), 6029(99:1125),
>>>>>o.q., 5448-51(90:1440-55), 5555(91:1440), 5811(95:1450), 6034(99:1150),
6035(99:1155), 6244-5(102:1450-5)
>>>>>S.O. 31, 5550(91:1410), 6529(106:1405), 6531(106:1415), 6911(112:1400)
>>>>See also First Nations Governance Act (Bill C-7)
>>>Non-derogation clause, absence, 2935-6(49:1110-5), 2937(49:1125)
>>Government funding, resources, adequacy, etc., 3921-2(66:1550)
>>Government legislation, alienating First Nations, 8952(147:1345)
>>Government programs
>>>Bureaucracy, Auditor General's report (2002), o.q., 2252(38:1440)
>>>Expenditures, increase, 276(4:1810)
>>>Failure, 232(4:1310)
>>>Waste and mismanagement, 2931(49:1040), 2933(49:1055)
>>>>o.q., 1947(33:1450)
>>Headstart program, 4272(71:1645)
>>Health care, 947-9(16:1320-30)
>>>Budget 2003 measures, 3730(62:1620), 3759(63:1605), 3764(63:1650),
3948(67:1025), 3969(67:1305), 4280(71:1735)
>>>Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (Romanow)
recommendations, S.O. 31, 2006(34:1410)
>>>Dental health, 6214(101:2110)
>>>Drugs, prescription
>>>>Costs, 6207(101:2010-5)
>>>>Federal funding, lack of controls, etc., 3891(66:1215)
>>>Federal funding for off-reserve care, discontinued, Manitoba,
>>>Federal government role, expenditures, 6197(101:1900), 6206-7(101:2010-5),
6214(101:2110), 6215(101:2115), 6218(101:2145)
>>>First Ministers' agreement (2003), relationship, 6207(101:2015)
>>>First Nations Health Promotion and Disease Prevention strategy,
>>>Government inaction, 61(2:1530)
>>>>Throne Speech statement, 2(1:1525), 152-3(3:1635)
>>>Funding, accountability, 948(16:1325)
>>>>Abuse, Auditor General's concerns, etc., 3891(66:1215)
>>>Northwest Territories action plan, 947(16:1320)
>>>Renewal, First Ministers' meetings, inclusion
>>>>o.q., 2053(35:1125)
>>>>S.O. 31, 2051(35:1115)
>>>See also Health care--First ministers conference discussing;
Sandy Bay reserve;
Virginia Fontaine Addictions Foundation
>>Health care providers, shortage, 949(16:1330), 6207(101:2015)
>>Historical cultural and economic development, 698(11:1630)
>>>Urban aboriginal housing, pilot programs, expanding, Throne Speech
statement, 5(1:1525), 11-2(1:1605)
>>>See also Indian bands/reserves--Housing
>>Indian lobbyists, hidden racist agenda, Pankiw position, Canadian Alliance
rejecting, S.O. 31, 3133(52:1410)
>>Municipal powers, providing to, 711(11:1820)
>>Ombudsman, national, independent, need
>>>o.q., 2965(49:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 4984(82:1355)
>>Parliament Hill reception, aboriginal leaders, policies/aspirations,
explaining, S.O. 31, 3815(64:1410)
>>>Budget 2003, relationship, 4966(82:1130)
>>>Sachs Harbour, NT, 4965(82:1130)
>>Quebec, relationship, history, 6834(110:1855-900)
>>Race-based privileges, criticism, S.O. 31, 5354(88:1415)
>>Residential schools (boarding schools), government, church organizations,
litigation process
>>>Claims settlement, expediting, petitions, 1698(29:1010)
>>>Mohawk Institute lawsuit, federal government responsibility, assuming,
petitions, 143(3:1535), 3189(53:1535)
>>>Presbyterian Church in Canada, settlement, o.q., 2631-2(44:1445)
>>Throne Speech measures, relationship, 57-8(2:1505), 3656(61:1530-5)
>>>See also Aboriginal peoples/communities--Children--Economic/social
conditions, Improvement--Education--First Nations governance, Bill
>>Thunder Bay, ON, industrial development, co-operation with first nations,
>>Urban aboriginal peoples
>>>Budget 2003 measures, 4059(68:1650), 4271(71:1635)
>>>Federal-provincial responsibility, clarifying, o.q., 3985-6(67:1450)
>>Senate Aboriginal Peoples Standing Committee, report, "Urban Aboriginal
Youth: An action Plan for Change", S.O. 31, 9069(149:1405)
>>>Urban aboriginal strategy, 3771(63:1745)
>>Voting rights see Elections
>>See also Aboriginal Awareness Week;
Age of consent (sexual relations)--Raising;
Canadian Rangers;
Child abduction--Air travel;
Diamond mining industry--Canadian industry;
Economy/economic conditions--Prosperity;
Education, post-secondary;
Environmental assessment;
Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program);
First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act (Bill C-19);
First Nations Policing Program;
Health care funding--Northern territories health fund/aboriginal people;
Indian bands/reservations;
Iraq, United States pre-emptive attack;
Justice system;
National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation;
National parks--Priorities;
Native friendship centres;
Natural gas--Northern pipelines;
Northern Canada;
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP);
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (Erasmus-Dusault);
Species at risk (endangered species);
Training programs;
Veterans' benefits/pensions;
Yukon Territory--Development assessment process
Aboriginal self-government
Canadian Alliance position, 703(11:1715)
>>Cree-Quebec agreement, 9155-6(150:1545-50)
>>>Milestone, Ted Moses, Grand Chief of the Grand
Council of the Crees, praising, S.O. 31, 1729(29:1410)
>>Lac-Saint-Jean region, QC, negotiations, 483-4(7:1550)
>>Negotiations, government abandoning, possibility, 483(7:1550)
>>Progressive Conservative Party position, 2939(49:1145)
>>Right, internationally recognized, 9125(150:1215-20), 9281(150:1625)
>>See also Aboriginal peoples/communities--First Nations governance;
First Nations Land Management Act;
Nisga'a Final Agreement;
Westbank First Nation self-government agreement
Aboriginal treaty rights
Maritime bands, qu., 1195-6(20:1215)
Ethical issues, 2815-6(47:1635-40), 6061-2(100:1150-5),
8017-8(130:1755-1800), 8020(130:1825), 8023(130:1845), 8764(144:1310)
>>Funding, 8017(130:1755), 8020(130:1825), 8022(130:1840)
>>>Referendum, 804-5(13:1545)
>>>>See also Medically Unnecessary Abortion Referendum Act (Bill C-242)
>>Health risks, 6057-8(100:1115-25), 6059(100:1135), 8018(130:1800),
8019-20(130:1810-5), 8021-2(130:1825-40),
>>Illegal abortions, 6059-60(100:1135), 8020(130:1820), 8022(130:1835-40)
>>Medical necessity, 6055-7(100:1105-15), 6059(100:1130-5), 6062(100:1200),
8018(130:1805), 8021(130:1825-30), 8023(130:1845), 8024(130:1850)
>>>And health risks, Health Standing Committee study proposal, 6115(100:1815)
>>>>M. (Breitkreuz), 6055-62(100:1105-1205), 8017-25(130:1755-1855),
negatived, on recorded division, 8068-9(131:1905-20)
>>>>>Dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence on Order Paper, 6062(100:1205)
>>>>Petitions, 7952(130:1005), 9112(150:1010), 9197(151:1535)
>>>Health Minister McLellan remarks, 6055(100:1105), 6062(100:1155),
>>>>S.O. 31, 907(15:1055)
>>Petitions, 1844(31:1520), 7462(121:1520)
>>Public opinion, 6062(100:1155-1200), 8024(130:1850)
>>Rights of the unborn, 8021(130:1830)
>>>Petitions, 806(13:1600), 1085(18:1550), 1264(22:1015), 1664(28:1550),
2382(40:1220), 3782-3(64:1010-5), 3945(67:1005), 4045(68:1530), 5209(86:1005),
5919(97:1510), 6770(110:1025), 6859(111:1540), 7146(116:1525), 7344(119:1540)
>>>United States, definition, 8018-9(130:1805-10)
>>Statistics, r.o., 6500(106:1010)
>>Supreme Court of Canada ruling, 8837(145:1350)
>>Women's rights, 6060-1(100:1140-50), 8017(130:1755), 8019-20(130:1815-20),
>>See also March for Life
Abu Nidal Organization
Terrorist group, ban, 3477(58:1550)
Abu Sayyaf terrorist group
Ban, Canadian policy, 3477(58:1550)
>>>o.q., 2012-3(34:1450)
Academy Awards
Canadian nominees/winners, congratulating, S.O. 31, 4654(77:1405)
Acadian community see Electoral boundaries--Redistribution
Acadian Day
August 15, proclaiming, 7182-4(117:1055-105)
Acadian nation see Canada--Nations within
Acadian Peninsula
Water levels rising, impact, 2463(41:1840)
Acadian Seaplants see Atlantic Innovation Fund
400th anniversary, 2004, recognition, S.O. 31, 8841(145:1410)
>>Apology, British Crown, presenting
>>>M. (Bergeron), 3277-86(54:1800-900), dropped from Order Paper, 3286(54:1900)
>>>M. (Bergeron), 7589-96(123:1315-415), dropped to the bottom of the Order of
Precedence on the Order Paper, 7596(123:1415)
>>See also National Acadian Day Act (Bill S-5);
Société des Acadiens et des Acadiennes du Nouveau-Brunswick
Acadie--Bathurst constituency see Electoral boundaries--Redistribution; Lebouthillier, Wilfred--Star Académie contestant
Acart Communications Inc. see Clean Air Day
Accenture report see Government on-line services (Internet)--International comparison
Access to Health Care for the Official Language Minority Communities: Legal Bases, Current Initiatives and Future Prospects see Official Languages Standing Committee--Reports, Ninth
Access to information see Assisted human reproduction--Human reproductive material; Border, Canadian--Customs officers, Tools; Cabinet Ministers--Staff; Canadian Wheat Board; Census--Records; Environmental assessment; Government-established foundations; Liberal government (Chrétien)--Secrecy--Transparency
Access to Information Act
Arm's length institutions, applying to, 5932(97:1645)
>>Organization subject to, list, inclusions, 8166(133:1225), 8166-7(133:1235),
>>>See also Open Government Act (Bill C-462)
>>Reform, 5930(97:1635), 5932(97:1645)
>>>Budget 2003 omission, 4002(67:1645)
>>>Throne Speech omission, 71(2:1645-55)
>>Review task force, "Response to the Report of the Access to Information
Review Task Force", tabled, 547(9:1000)
>>See also Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA);
Government-established foundations;
Members of Parliament--Expenditures;
Privacy Commissioner--Radwanski, Expenses/allowances
Access to Information Act (amdt.--Crown corporations and Canadian Wheat
Board)(Bill C-302)--Borotsik
First reading, 1553(26:1505)
>>See also Canadian Wheat Board--Access to information
Accessories see Capital markets--Fraud
Accidents see Traffic accidents
Accountability see Aboriginal peoples/communities--Health care, Funding; Assisted Human Reproduction Agency of Canada; Fertility/infertility clinics (in vitro fertilization); Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program)--Major Crown project designation; Health care--Federal-provincial jurisdiction, Health Council of Canada--Privatization; Health care funding; National security (public safety); Proceeds of crime; Supreme Court of Canada--Appointments
Accounting see Accrual accounting
Accounting firms see Capital markets--Fraud
Accrual accounting see Budget 2003; Government finances--Accounting practices
Achieving Our Commitments Together: Climate Change Draft Plan Overview see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing, Implementation plan
Acid rain
Reduction, 2120(36:1535)
>>>Below projected costs, o.q., 132(3:1430)
>>>Canada-United States co-operation, agreement, 851(14:1305), 894(14:1800),
1990(34:1205), 2197(37:1330-5)
>>>Sulphur dioxide emissions
>>>>Cap, Ontario electricity rates impact, etc., o.q., 2378(40:1155)
>>>>Ontario commitment to further 50% reduction, 8806(144:1840)
ACOA see Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)
ACR see Advanced CANDU reactors (ACR)
Acrilique Weedon 95 Inc. see Entrepreneurs/entrepreneurship--Awards
Carcinogens, labels on processed foods, requiring, petitions,
6770(110:1030), 8215(134:1515)
Acting Speaker see Bagnell--References; Bellemare--References; Reed--References; Ritz--References
Action Démocratique du Québec see Health care
Action Week Against Racism
Quebec organizations initiative, work force racism, awareness, S.O. 31,
Activism see Political activism
Actuaries see Chief Actuary of Canada; Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Registry); Employment insurance--Surplus; Health care--Medicare actuary
Adams, Lawrence
National Ballet of Canada, former principal dancer, death, tribute, S.O. 31,
Adams Mine see Municipal waste--Toronto, ON
Adams, Peter (Lib.--Peterborough)
- >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 4265(71:1545)
>>>o.q., 2631-2(44:1445)
>>Acrylomides, petitions, 6770(110:1030), 8215(134:1515)
>>Agricultural research, 4276(71:1710)
>>Air Canada, 1837(31:1440)
>>Air pollution/smog, 271(4:1730), 2043(35:1020), 2065(43:1245), 2067(35:1300), 2069(35:1315)
>>>o.q., 5173(85:1440), 7026-7(114:1440)
>>>S.O. 31, 1299(22:1410), 5908-9(97:1410), 7132-3(116:1410), 8594(141:1405)
>>Arctic, S.O. 31, 1225(21:1405), 8387-8(137:1410)
>>ArcticNet, S.O. 31, 9068(149:1400)
>>Autism Month, S.O. 31, 675(11:1410)
>>Booker 2002 Prize, S.O. 31, 954(16:1400)
>>Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), 8308-10(135:1945-50)
>>>o.q., 7531(122:1435), 8158(133:1140)
>>>Petitions, 7344(119:1535), 7491(122:1005), 8215(134:1510), 8327(136:1520)
>>Budget 2003, M. for approval (Manley), 3952(67:1055), 4238-9(71:1340), 4265-7(71:1545-605), 4276(71:1710)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2003 (Bill C-28), 6113-4(100:1800-5)
>>Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB), 4265(71:1545)
>>Canada Elections Act and the Income Tax Act (amdt.--political financing)(Bill C-24), 3664(61:1630), 6906(112:1325), 7087(115:1355)
>>Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), 4266(71:1555), 4267(71:1600)
>>Canada Graduate Scholarships, 4266-7(71:1555-600)
>>Canada Pension Plan and Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 2671-2(45:1030-5)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 8507(139:1655)
>>Canadian Forces Superannuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 8507(139:1655)
>>Cancer, 4266(71:1550)
>>Capital tax, 4265(71:1545), 6113-4(100:1800)
>>Caregivers, 3952(67:1055), 4265(71:1550), 6114(100:1805)
>>Census, 8513(139:1740), 8515-6(139:1800), 8518-9(139:1825)
>>Child care, 4265(71:1550)
>>>Petitions, 7031(114:1505), 7344(119:1535), 8327(136:1520)
>>Child/family poverty, 4265(71:1545)
>>Child pornography, petitions, 321(5:1225), 688(11:1525), 1664(28:1550), 1843(31:1515), 2434(41:1510), 2480(42:1010), 2599(44:1055)
>>Chrétien, references, M. on supply (Gauthier), 8645(142:1125), 8649(142:1155)
>>Citizenship, S.O. 31, 1778(30:1055)
>>Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (Romanow), 271(4:1730), 1091(18:1635)
>>Committees, Parliamentary, 1082-3(18:1530), 1110-2(19:1010-25), 1700(29:1025), 1746(29:1555), 1748(29:1610), 1776-7(30:1045-50)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-32), 5462(90:1600)
>>Dairy industry, 5943-4(97:1815-20)
>>>o.q., 4821(79:1440)
>>Disability Tax Credit, 272(4:1740-5)
>>Disabled and handicapped persons, 4265(71:1545)
>>Disease prevention, 951(16:1350)
>>Economy/economic conditions, 4265(71:1545)
>>>S.O. 31, 2674(45:1100)
>>Education, 4266(71:1550)
>>Education, post-secondary, 14(1:1625), 59(2:1520), 268(4:1710), 441(7:1055), 442(7:1105), 4276(71:1710)
>>>S.O. 31, 4244(71:1410)
>>Electoral boundaries, o.q., 7338(119:1500)
>>Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-49), 8325(136:1510)
>>Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Subcommittee, M. (Adams), 7178(117:1020)
>>Employment insurance, 3952(67:1055), 4265(71:1550)
>>Energy, 1538(26:1350)
>>Environment, 4265(71:1550)
>>Ethics, 709(11:1805)
>>Explosives, 1537-8(26:1345-50)
>>Farm income crisis
>>>S.O. 31, 355(6:1400)
>>>o.q., 314(5:1140)
>>Federal Electoral Boundaries Commissions, 4422(73:1515), 7178(117:1020)
>>>Petitions, 832-3(14:1040)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), M. on supply (Breitkreuz), 4669-71(77:1545-1605)
>>Foreign aid, 4266(71:1550)
>>Foreign credentials, 4267(71:1600)
>>Frank Slide, S.O. 31, 5548(91:1400)
>>Genome Canada, 4266(71:1555), 4267(71:1600)
>>Greece, M. (Cannis), 5019(82:1805)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 227(4:1225), 271(4:1735), 455(7:1245)
>>>M. (Anderson, Hon. David), 1999(34:1325), 2043(35:1020), 2065(35:1245), 2067(35:1300), 2069(35:1315)
>>>S.O. 31, 858(14:1400)
>>Gun control, 4669-71(77:1550-1605)
>>Habitat for Humanity, S.O. 31, 7328(119:1400)
>>Health, 270(4:1725), 271(4:1730)
>>Health care
>>>House take note, M. (McLellan), 951(16:1350), 1091-2(18:1635)
>>Health care funding, 1091(18:1635), 4265(71:1545)
>>>S.O. 31, 2005(34:1405)
>>Health care providers, 4266(71:1550)
>>Health research, 4266(71:1555)
>>>S.O. 31, 744(12:1405)
>>House of Commons, 1775(30:1035)
>>House of Commons proceedings, 1110(19:1015)
>>>House take note, M. (Boudria), 1700(29:1025), 1746(29:1555), 1748(29:1605-10), 1750-1(29:1625), 1774-9(30:1030-55)
>>>Ms. (Boudria), 304(5:1045)
>>>o.q., 1352(23:1500)
>>Icebreakers, S.O. 31, 9068(149:1400)
>>Infectious disease, 5065-6(83:1850), 5067(83:1900)
>>>o.q., 4491(74:1450)
>>Insurance, 6276-7(102:1830-5)
>>>o.q., 4715(78:1440), 8847(145:1445)
>>International Development Week, o.q., 9075(149:1440)
>>>House take note, M. (Boudria), 91(2:1925)
>>>Petitions, 142(3:1525), 208(4:1005), 321(5:1220), 1238(21:1515), 1664(28:1545), 2264(38:1600), 2434(41:1510), 2599(44:1055), 5044(83:1600), 5948(98:1010), 6500(106:1010)
>>Kidney disease, petitions, 2480(42:1010), 2599(44:1055), 6974(113:1210), 7032(114:1510), 7062(115:1010), 7491-2(122:1005)
>>Liberal government (Martin), 8645(142:1125)
>>Literacy, S.O. 31, 5802(95:1400)
>>Livestock genetics, S.O. 31, 2049(35:1105)
>>Lung cancer, 270(4:1725)
>>Marriage, petitions, 7062(115:1010)
>>Members of Parliament, 5323(88:1005)
>>>o.q., 4994(82:1455)
>>National debt, 4265(71:1545)
>>National marine conservation areas, S.O. 31, 4359(72:1400)
>>National Nursing Week, S.O. 31, 6077(100:1355)
>>National parks, 4265(71:1550)
>>>S.O. 31, 1539(26:1400), 2245(38:1405), 2955(49:1400), 3352(56:1410)
>>Northern Canada, 4267(71:1600)
>>Northern Contaminants Program, 4135-6(69:1400)
>>Nuclear Safety and Control Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4), 2270(38:1635)
>>Olympics, 2010 winter games, S.O. 31, 3710(62:1405)
>>Ozone (ground level), 1999(34:1325), 2069(35:1315)
>>Parliament, 67(2:1620)
>>Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Ethics Commissioner and Senate Ethics Officer)(Bill C-34), 7144(116:1515)
>>Peter Gzowski Internship Program, S.O. 31, 2836(48:1405)
>>Political parties, o.q., 6162(101:1455)
>>Postal workers, petitions, 2764(47:1010), 2854(48:1550)
>>Private Members' Business, 1083(18:1530), 1110(19:1015), 1774(30:1030), 2564(43:1530)
>>Privilege, Reynolds (contempt of Parliament), 2564(43:1530)
>>>Committees, Parliamentary, 806(13:1555), 1036(17:1510), 1135(19:1355), 1953(33:1535), 2566(43:1545), 2853(48:1550), 3164(52:1800), 3165(52:1810), 5948(98:1010), 7178(117:1020), 9080(149:1510)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 324(5:1315)
>>>Emergency debates, M., 5462(90:1600)
>>>Government Orders, 6173(101:1610)
>>>Member's remarks, 699(11:1650), 8649(142:1155)
>>>Ontario provincial budget, 4420(73:1510)
>>>Speeches, 709(11:1805)
>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, 684(11:1500), 1036(17:1510), 1082-3(18:1530), 1110-1(19:1015), 1236(21:1500), 1697(29:1005), 1791(30:1210), 1975(34:1005), 2566(43:1545), 2853(48:1550), 3165(52:1810), 3187(53:1525), 3363(56:1520), 3748(63:1505), 4422(73:1515), 4595(76:1510), 4718(78:1500), 5297(87:1505), 5323(88:1005), 5673(93:1005), 5948(98:1010), 6769(110:1025), 6887(112:1050), 6906(112:1325), 7061(115:1005), 7144(116:1515), 7177(117:1015), 8325(136:1510), 8355(137:1010), 8605(141:1510), 8902(146:1515), 8933(147:1005), 9080(149:1510), 9196(151:1530)
>>>M., 686(11:1510), 806(13:1555), 831(14:1030), 1084(18:1545), 1110-2(19:1010-25), 1238(21:1515), 1356(23:1535), 1792(30:1215), 1975(34:1005), 2568(43:1555), 2853(48:1550), 3165(52:1810), 3187(53:1525), 3363(56:1520), 3748(63:1505), 4595(76:1510), 4719(78:1505), 5298(87:1515), 5673(93:1005), 6887(112:1050), 7061(115:1005), 7178(117:1020), 8356(137:1015), 8606(141:1515), 8902(146:1515), 9197(151:1535)
>>Public Safety Act, 2002 (Bill C-17), 1537-8(26:1345-50)
>>Public transit, S.O. 31, 2623(44:1355)
>>Recycling, 2065(35:1245)
>>Regulations, o.q., 3546(59:1440), 5917(97:1455)
>>Remembrance Day, o.q., 1145(19:1450)
>>Research and development, 59(2:1520), 271(4:1730-5), 4266-7(71:1550-600)
>>Science and Technology Standing Committee, 1748(29:1605)
>>Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), o.q., 4368(72:1455), 5358(88:1440)
>>Sierra Leone, S.O. 31, 8554(140:1405)
>>Small and medium business, 4265(71:1545)
>>Smith Ennismore Lakefield Township, ON, o.q., 8212(134:1450-5)
>>Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, S.O. 31, 4984(82:1400)
>>Statistics Act (amdt.)(Bill S-13), 8513(139:1740), 8515-6(139:1800), 8518-9(139:1825)
>>Stem cell research, petitions, 321(5:1225), 688(11:1520), 2434(41:1510), 2764(47:1010), 2854(48:1555), 6500(106:1010), 6973(113:1210), 7032(114:1510)
>>Student loans, 4267(71:1605)
>>>o.q., 3744(63:1445)
>>Supply management and marketing boards, 5943-4(97:1815-20)
>>>Petition, 5324(88:1010)
>>>S.O. 31, 8769-70(144:1355)
>>Throne Speech
>>>Address in Reply, M. (Pacetti), 14(1:1625), 59(2:1520), 67(2:1620), 69(2:1635), 227(4:1225), 252(4:1510), 268(4:1710), 270-2(4:1725-45), 440-1(7:1055), 442(7:1105), 455(7:1245)
>>Tidal energy, 2270(38:1635), 4238-9(71:1340)
>>Trade, 271(4:1735)
>>University research, 268(4:1710), 4266-7(71:1555)
>>Veterinary colleges, 4276(71:1710)
>>VIA Rail Canada Inc., S.O. 31, 2623(44:1355)
>>Wave energy, 2270(38:1635)
>>Wind energy, 2270(38:1635)
>>WorldSkills Competition (Switzerland 2003), o.q., 7216(117:1440)
>>World Teachers' Day, S.O. 31, 8150(133:1055)
>>Youth, 69(2:1635), 227(4:1225), 252(4:1510), 272(4:1735)
>>Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act (Bill C-2), 699(11:1650), 709-10(11:1805)
Adaptive management techniques see Environmental assessment
Addictions Research Centre, Montague, PE
Funding, diverted from Penitentiaries budgets, o.q., 513(8:1445),
Quebec performing arts Félix awards, recipients, congratulating, S.O. 31,
Adjournment motions under S.O. 52 see Emergency debates
Adjournment of the House
June 13-Sept. 15, 2003 (summer recess), 7299(118:1225)
>>>M. under S.O. 56.1 (Boudria), agreed to, 7299(118:1225)
ADM see Aéroports de Montréal (ADM)
Expenses, income tax deduction, providing, 805(13:1550)
>>>Petitions, 807(13:1600), 2293(39:1015), 6974(113:1210), 7062(115:1010),
>>>See also Adoption Awareness Month;
Assisted human reproduction--Embryos;
Income Tax Act (amdt.--child adoption expenses)(Bill C-246)
Adoption Awareness Month
November, S.O. 31, 1226(21:1410)
Adorjan, Laszlo see Immigration--Deportation
Adstock Stongman Festival
Adstock, QC, July 10-13, S.O. 31, 7208(117:1400)
Adultery see Nigeria--Human rights violations
Advance Passenger Information (API) see Air transportation security--Passenger information
Advance Payment Program see Maple Syrup--Quebec producers
Advanced CANDU Reactors (ACR) see CANDU reactors
Advancing the Environmental Agenda Award see Canadian Institute for Environmental Law and Policy
Advertising see Airlines--Fares; Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC); Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute; Child/family poverty--National Child Benefit; Corporate income tax; Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Promotional practices; Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing; Health care funding--First Ministers' agreement (2003); Liberal Party--Leadership campaign, Martin, Paul; Marijuana--Medicinal use, Medical marijuana franchises; Parliamentary resolution/ratification; Tobacco products--Use
Advertising contracts see Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program); Government contracts--Sponsorship program
AECL see Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL)
Aeronautics Act (amdt.--automatic defibrillators)(Bill C-287)--Phinney
First reading, 1236(21:1500)
>>See also Airlines--Defibrillators
Aéroports de Montréal (ADM) see Château de l'Aéroport; Montreal International Airport
Aerospace industry see Aircraft/aerospace industry
Armed forces, Canadian funding, o.q., 2255-6(38:1500)
>>Food shortages, international aid, o.q., 743(12:1355)
>>German soldiers killed/wounded, condolences, 7028(114:1445)
>>Human rights abuses, S.O. 31, 1647(28:1405)
>>Peacekeeping operation, Canadian Armed Forces participation, 3736(62:1710)
>>>Casualties, October 2, 2003 vehicle patrol/explosive device, death of
Sergeant Robert Alan Short and Corporal Robbie Christopher Beerenfenger,
injuries to Corporal Thomas Jared Stirling, Master Corporal Jason Cory
Hamilton, and Corporal Cameron Lee Laidlaw, 8092(132:1230), 8182(134:1115),
8353(136:1905-10), 8354(136:1915), 8466(139:1220), 8469(139:1245),
8473(139:1315), 8498(139:1550), 9234(152:1040-5)
>>>>o.q., 8154(133:1120)
>>>>S.O. 31, 8103(132:1355), 8105(132:1405), 8106(132:1410), 8203(134:1405),
8204(134:1405), 8266(135:1405), 8314(136:1405)
>>>>Statement by Minister (McCallum), 8088-90(132:1155-1205)
>>>Command role, o.q., 5866(96:1430)
>>>>Airlift capability, o.q., 5446(90:1425), 5449(90:1445), 5556(91:1440)
>>>>o.q., 5411(89:1155), 5809(95:1440)
>>>Firearms, permission to carry, 6386(104:1240), 8353-4(136:1910-5)
>>>Iltis jeeps, adequacy, 8353(136:1905), 8354(136:1915)
>>>>o.q., 8205-6(134:1415-20), 8207(134:1425)
>>>Military equipment adequacy, 9007-8(147:1920-5)
>>>>o.q., 6799-800(110:1435), 7028(114:1445), 7215(117:1435-40),
>>>o.q., 5866(96:1425), 5911(97:1420-5), 5912-3(97:1430-5), 6030(99:1130),
6242(102:1440), 6374(104:1145), 7915(129:1430-5)
>>>Paratroopers, negotiation of land dispute between squatters and residents,
S.O. 31, 7619(124:1400)
>>>Rules of engagement, o.q., 7028(114:1445)
>>>Canadian contribution, 8353(136:1910)
>>>>Canadian Armed Forces, o.q., 7874(128:1150)
>>>>Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), o.q., 7629(124:1450)
>>>>o.q., 1502(25:1155), 4249(71:1440), 4369(72:1455)
>>>>S.O. 31, 955(16:1410)
>>>>Women's rights, protecting, 4619-20(76:1815-25)
>>>>>o.q., 4492(74:1455-500)
>>>Importance, 287(4:1940)
>>>See also Iraq--Reconstruction/democratization
>>School programs, rocket attacks, S.O. 31, 1447(24:1355)
>>Security, post-war security, 3227-8(54:1155)
>>Taliban troops and Al Qaeda terrorists, taken prisoner by Canadian Armed
Forces JTF2 group, turned over to United States authorities, Eggleton,
National Defence Minister, knowledge, possibly misleading House,
>>United States anti-terrorism operations, 2915(48:2345)
>>>Canadian citizen, Omar Khadr arrest, consular access, o.q., 135(3:1445)
>>>Canadian participation, 4808(79:1315), 4837(79:1635), 6290(103:1105),
>>>>Ground troops, rotation, 1254(21:1705), 1255(21:1715)
>>>>>o.q., 3181(53:1445), 3467(58:1445), 3645(61:1430), 3646(61:1435)
>>>>Petitions, 3749(63:1510)
>>>>Preparation/resources, adequacy, 539(8:1740), 1259(21:1750-5)
>>>>Uniforms, forest green camouflage, 1242(21:1540), 1259(21:1750)
>>>Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI) mission, fire from
United States fighter jet, 464(7:1350), 3229-30(54:1215)
>>>>Green, Pte Richard, death, memorial service, 1259(21:1755)
>>>>Smith, Pte Nathan, death, S.O. 31, 1494(25:1110)
Canadian aid, New Partnership for Africa's Development, 7791(127:1125)
>>>Allocation, 20% to Canadian businesses, o.q., 1547(26:1435-40)
>>>Budget 2003 measure, 3735(62:1705), 4067(68:1755)
>>>Implementation, o.q., 1655(28:1445), 6853-4(111:1500)
>>>S.O. 31, 2793(47:1405)
>>>Throne Speech statement, 2(1:1525), 26(2:1130), 34(2:1235), 160(3:1735),
223(4:1200), 252(4:1515), 256(4:1545), 456(7:1250), 532(8:1645),
533(8:1655-700), 541(8:1750), 543(8:1810), 637(10:1235), 647(10:1355)
>>Democracy, lack, 160(3:1735), 456(7:1250), 533(8:1655)
>>Food shortages, Canadian aid, o.q., 1351(23:1455)
>>Interparliamentary dialogue, Ottawa, September 22-26, 2003, S.O. 31,
>>Poverty, rich in resources, corrupt governments, evil leaders, relationship,
613(10:1005), 665-6(11:1255-300)
>>Sub-Saharan Africa, Canadian development assistance, qu., 1559-61(26:1520)
>>See also Diamond mining industry--Conflict diamonds;
Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Generic drugs;
Aga Khan Development Network
Islamic art and heritage collection, Don Mills, ON, selected location, S.O.
31, 745(12:1405)
Age of consent (sexual relations)
Raising, 14 to 16 years, 238(4:1350), 367(6:1510), 544(8:1815),
1201-7(21:1105-50), 1524(26:1155),1579(27:1005), 2690-1(46:1115-20),
2694-6(46:1145-200), 2698(46:1220), 2700(46:1240), 2704(46:1310),
2739(46:1555), 2741(46:1615), 2744(46:1640), 3036(51:1105), 3041(51:1155),
3052(51:1310-5), 3076-7(51:1545-55), 3078(51:1605), 3080(51:1620),
3082-3(51:1640), 3084(51:1650), 3085(51:1700), 3093(51:1805-10),
3321(55:1355), 3837-8(64:1645), 6000(98:1640), 8827-8(145:1230-5),
8829(145:1245-50), 8832(145:1305-10), 8833(145:1315), 8850(145:1500),
8852(145:1515-20), 8853(145:1525), 8854(145:1530), 8855(145:1545),
8862(145:1640), 8864(145:1655), 8866(145:1705-10), 9242-3(152:1145),
>>>Aboriginal girl sexual assault case, relationship, 8828(145:1235),
>>>Canadian Alliance position, criticism, 1204(21:1125-30)
>>>Exploitive relationships factor, 8828(145:1230)
>>>Government position, 1202-3(21:1120-5), 3036(51:1105)
>>>Groups/organizations in support, 1201-2(21:1105-10)
>>>o.q., 1231(21:1435), 1236(21:1500), 1498(25:1130-5), 1789(30:1155),
2055(35:1140), 2332-3(39:1450), 2681(45:1135), 8976(147:1500)
>>>Petitions, 832(14:1040), 1580(27:1010), 2597(44:1050), 8809(145:1005),
>>>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney) measures, 1202(21:1110),
>>>Provincial support, o.q., 1839(31:1450)
>>>Social and cultural considerations, o.q., 1305(22:1445), 1307(22:1500),
1350(23:1450), 1620-1(27:1455), 1654-5(28:1440-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 578-9(9:1405), 3005(50:1110), 6670(108:1405)
>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--age of consent)(Bill C-306);
Criminal Code (amdt.--prohibited sexual acts)(Bill C-215)
Aged see Income tax--Families caring for
Agence régionale de mise en valeur des forêts privées de la Chaudière see Forests
Aging society
Impact, 2538(42:1720), 2608(44:1200), 9168(150:1755), 9170-2(150:1805-20)
>>See also Canada Pension Plan (amdt.--adjusted pension for persons with other
income above the level at which the second percentage of income tax
applies)(Bill C-428); Health care--Aging population
Agricultural co-operatives see Agriculture
Agricultural Income Disaster Assistance Program (AIDA)
Failure, etc., 4966(82:1140)