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Cabinet Ministers
Accountability, 1680(28:1735)
>>And former cabinet ministers, reference to as criminals, Harper remarks,
800(13:1515), 827(14:1000-5)
>>>Environmentally friendly, using, 882(14:1635)
>>>Kyoto Protocol, relationship, etc., r.o. 4924(81:1510)
>>Expenses, claims, receipts, requirement, o.q., 2842(48:1435-40)
>>Ministerial responsibility, 7639(124:1600-5)
>>Regional and gender representation, 1118(19:1145)
>>Regional ministerial offices, qu., 9199-200(151:1545)
>>Resignations, 3928(66:1645)
>>>See also Copps--References
>>Staff expense accounts, access to information, lack, 67(2:1625)
>>Technical expertise, 1745(29:1540)
>>See also Budget 2003--Pre-budget consultations;
Electoral boundaries--Redistribution;
Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing;
Liberal government (Martin);
Liberal Party--Leadership campaign;
Ministerial accountability;
National missile defence system (NMD)--Canadian participation;
National security (public safety)--Responsibility;
Public safety--Interim orders
Cabinet Security Committee see Border, Canadian--United States security concerns; Iraq, United States pre-emptive attack--Canadian position
Cabotage see Air transportation
Caccia, Hon. Charles (Lib.--Davenport)
- >>Agriculture, 2606(44:1140-5)
>>Air pollution/smog, 2143(36:1845), 2145(36:1855), 4011(67:1750)
>>Alternative/renewable/green energy, 2605(44:1130-5), 4009(67:1735), 4010(67:1750)
>>Aquaculture, o.q., 585(9:1440)
>>Automobiles/motor vehicles, 2605(44:1135)
>>Bruce Power, 2228(37:1715), 2230(37:1735)
>>Budget 2003, M. for approval (Manley), 4008-11(67:1725-55)
>>Buildings, 4009(67:1735)
>>Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB), 4008(67:1725-30)
>>Canada Elections Act and the Income Tax Act (amdt.--political financing)(Bill C-24), 3637-9(61:1340-55)
>>Canada Pension Plan and Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 734-7(12:1250-310)
>>Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9), 2723(46:1520), 5779-82(95:1110-35)
>>Canadian Heritage Standing Committee, 7343(119:1535-40)
>>Child care, 4008(67:1725)
>>Chrétien, references, 9272-3(152:1505-10)
>>>S.O. 31, 5240(86:1405)
>>Coal fired electric power plants, 4011(67:1750)
>>>S.O. 31, 3813-4(64:1405)
>>Cod, M. to adjourn under S.O. 52, 5612-4(91:2125-45)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--criminal liability of organizations)(Bill C-45), 7588(123:1310)
>>Crown corporations, 5779(95:1110), 5781(95:1130), 5782(95:1135)
>>Economy/economic conditions, 4009(67:1735)
>>>S.O. 31, 5401(89:1100)
>>Electricity, S.O. 31, 7328(119:1400)
>>Elections, 3639(61:1355)
>>Embassies and consulates, o.q., 7533(122:1450)
>>Energy, 2144(36:1845)
>>>o.q., 3140(52:1455)
>>Energy conservation/efficiency, 871(14:1510-5), 872(14:1525), 2605(44:1135)
>>Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee, 2723(46:1520), 6886-7(112:1045)
>>Environmental assessment, 5779-81(95:1110-20)
>>Finance Standing Committee, M. (Boudria), 2605-6(44:1130-45)
>>Fisheries, 5613-4(91:2130-40)
>>Fisheries and Oceans Department, 5780(95:1115)
>>Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--genetically modified food)(Bill C-220), 433(7:1000), 2403-4(41:1105-15)
>>Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--genetically modified food)(Bill C-448), 7581(123:1210)
>>Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), o.q., 8673(142:1440)
>>Gasoline, 7001(114:1135-40)
>>Genetically modified food, 7581(123:1210)
>>Genetically modified organisms (GMOs), 433(7:1000), 6568-9(106:1830-5), 7581(123:1210), 9223-4(151:1900-05)
>>>o.q., 3250(54:1440), 4366(72:1440), 7338(119:1455), 7415(120:1440), 8560(140:1440)
>>Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC), S.O. 31, 674(11:1405)
>>Government buildings, o.q., 1620(27:1450)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 2605-6(44:1130-45), 4009-10(67:1730-40), 4010(67:1750), 4011(67:1755)
>>>M. (Anderson, Hon. David), 2143-4(36:1840-50), 2145(36:1855)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 837(14:1110), 853(14:1320), 871-3(14:1510-25), 874(14:1540)
>>>o.q., 7575(123:1140), 9319(153:1155)
>>>S.O. 31, 239(4:1400), 306-7(5:1100), 466(7:1400), 1297(22:1400), 8266(135:1405)
>>Guyana, S.O. 31, 7568(123:1100)
>>Health care funding, 4008(67:1725)
>>Highways and roads, 5779-80(95:1110), 5781(95:1120), 5782(95:1130)
>>Housing, 4008(67:1730)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--natural resources)(Bill C-48), 8379-81(137:1310-35), 8382(137:1340)
>>Interparliamentary delegations, 2925(49:1005)
>>>House take note, M. (Boudria), 186-7(3:2115-30)
>>>M. (Chrétien), 5274(86:1745-50)
>>>S.O. 31, 4137(69:1410)
>>Italy, S.O. 31, 1182(20:1100)
>>Job creation, S.O. 31, 5401(89:1100)
>>Law of the Sea, 5614(91:2145)
>>>o.q., 6967-8(113:1140), 9270(152:1455)
>>Lumber industry, 7001(114:1135)
>>National missile defence system (NMD), M. on supply (Bachand, C.), 6334-5(103:1605-20)
>>National parks, 5780((5:1115)
>>Natural resource industries, 4011(67:1755), 8379-81(137:1310-30)
>>North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD), 6334(103:1605)
>>>M. on supply (Gallant), 6698-9(108:1705-10)
>>North American re Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 7001(114:1135-40)
>>Nuclear energy, 2228-9(37:1715), 2229(37:1730), 4453-4(74:1005)
>>Nuclear Liability Act (amdt.)(Bill C-415), 4453-4(74:1005)
>>Nuclear Safety and Control Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4), 2214(37:1520), 2216(37:1540), 2228-30(37:1710-35)
>>Nuclear waste, 2228-9(37:1710-20), 2229-30(37:1730), 5780(95:1110), 5781(95:1120)
>>Nuclear weapons, 6335(103:1610-20)
>>Occupational health and safety, 7588(123:1310)
>>Oil and gas industry, 872(14:1515-20), 2605(44:1130), 4010(67:1740), 4011(67:1755), 8380-1(137:1320-5)
>>Oil sands, S.O. 31, 952(16:1355)
>>Oil spills, S.O. 31, 3589-90(60:1100)
>>PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), 7001(114:1135)
>>Pesticides, o.q., 8442(138:1200)
>>Political parties, 3637-8(61:1340-50)
>>Pollution, S.O. 31, 5801-2(95:1400)
>>Postal workers, petitions, 2724(46:1525)
>>>Clock, 5274(86:1750)
>>>Member's remarks, 853(14:1320), 2216(37:1540)
>>Public transit, o.q., 5870(96:1450)
>>Rail transportation/railways, 5781(95:1130), 5782(95:1135)
>>Salmon, Pacific, 6278-9(102:1835-45)
>>>o.q., 4190(70:1155), 8395(137:1455)
>>Toxic/hazardous waste, S.O. 31, 8553(140:1400)
>>Trade agreements, M. (Paquette), 7001-2(114:1135-40)
>>Transportation, 4010(67:1750)
>>Turkey, S.O. 31, 3417(57:1400)
>>Water, S.O. 31, 3905(66:1405)
>>Water exports, 7001(114:1135-40)
>>Young offenders, S.O. 31, 9019(148:1100)
>>Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act (Bill C-2), 708-9(11:1755-805)
Cadets see Canadian Armed Forces
Cadman, Chuck (CA--Surrey North)
- >>Age of consent (sexual relations), 544(8:1815), 2747(46:1700)
>>>o.q., 1839(31:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 6670(108:1405)
>>Air India, o.q., 3423(57:1435)
>>Air pollution/smog, 2461(41:1825)
>>Air Travellers Security Charge, o.q., 2684(45:1150)
>>Ammonia, o.q., 9079(149:1455)
>>Auto theft, 544-5(8:1815), 4423(73:1520)
>>>o.q., 1789(30:1200), 4193(70:1150)
>>Bingzhang, Dr. Wang, S.O. 31, 8713(143:1055)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2003 (Bill C-28), 6362-4(104:1045-50)
>>Budget surplus, 6362(104:1045)
>>Budgets, 6362(104:1045)
>>, S.O. 31, 788-9(13:1410)
>>Canada Pension Plan, 1749(29:1615)
>>Child abduction, 805(13:1550), 6362(104:1045)
>>>o.q., 6375(104:1150)
>>>S.O. 31, 4244(71:1410)
>>Child pornography, 544(8:1815), 2747-8(46:1700-5), 2749(46:1720), 2754-5(46:1805), 6364(104:1050)
>>>o.q., 3300(55:1130)
>>>Petitions, 714(12:1005), 1844(31:1520), 7631(124:1505)
>>>S.O. 31, 2711(46:1405)
>>Children, 544(8:1810)
>>Citizenship, S.O. 31, 2367(40:1055)
>>Constable Jimmy Ng Memorial Road Hockey Tournament, S.O. 31, 6794(110:1405)
>>Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--parole hearings)(Bill C-315), 1791(30:1210)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--abduction)(Bill C-243), 805(13:1550)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--blood alcohol content)(Bill C-464), 1503(25:1205)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of children and other vulnerable persons) and Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-20), 2746-8(46:1700-5), 2749(46:1720), 2754-5(46:1805), 3096-7(51:1835)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--street racing)(Bill C-338), 2567(43:1550), 8737-40(143:1330-40), 8998-9(147:1815)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--vehicle identification number)(Bill C-413), 4423(73:1520)
>>Drug trafficking, o.q., 3013(50:1150)
>>Elections, o.q., 1500(25:1145)
>>Employment insurance, 6364(104:1050)
>>Firearms registry, 6364(104:1050)
>>Government expenditures, 6362(104:1045), 6364(104:1050)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), M. (Anderson, Hon. David), 2460-1(41:1825-30)
>>Hate propaganda, petitions, 7462(121:1515)
>>Health care funding, 6364(104:1050)
>>Home invasion, 2828-9(47:1820-5)
>>>o.q., 3012-3(50:1150)
>>House of Commons proceedings, House take note, M. (Boudria), 1749-51(29:1615-25)
>>Immigration, 1110(19:1010)
>>>o.q., 1656(28:1450)
>>Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (amdt.)(Bill C-282), 1110(19:1010)
>>Impaired driving, 1503(25:1205)
>>>o.q., 9029(148:1150)
>>>S.O. 31, 1448(24:1400), 5801(95:1355)
>>Infrastructure, 6364(104:1050)
>>Jung, Richard, o.q., 6854(111:1500-5)
>>Justice system, 6362(104:1045)
>>Legislative process, 1750(29:1620)
>>Marijuana, 545(8:1825), 6363(104:1045-50)
>>>o.q., 4537(75:1155), 8276(135:1500)
>>>S.O. 31, 6367-8(104:1110)
>>Parliament, 1749(29:1615)
>>Parole, 1791(30:1210)
>>>o.q., 683(11:1455)
>>Postal workers, petitions, 7631(124:1505)
>>Private Members' Bills, 2828(47:1820)
>>Procedure, Bills, Private Members' Public, 1503(25:1205)
>>Refugees, 543-4(8:1810)
>>Ridge Meadows Youth and Justice Advocacy Association, S.O. 31, 505(8:1400)
>>Sentences (convicted criminals)
>>>o.q., 3596(60:1135)
>>>S.O. 31, 4134-5(69:1355)
>>Sex offender registry, 544(8:1815)
>>Street racing, 545(8:1815), 2567(43:1550), 8737-40(143:1330-40), 8998-9(147:1815)
>>>o.q., 2559-60(43:1500), 9029(148:1150)
>>>S.O. 31, 3244(54:1405), 7620(124:1400)
>>Throne Speech
>>>Address in Reply, M. (Pacetti), 543-5(8:1810-25)
>>Victims of crime, petitions, 520(8:1525)
>>Young offenders, 1110(19:1010), 2828(47:1820)
>>>S.O. 31, 8028(131:1405)
>>Young Offenders Act (amdt.)(Bill C-281), 1109-10(19:1010)
>>Youth Criminal Justice Act, 6362(104:1045), 6364(104:1050)
>>>o.q., 5810-1(95:1445), 6086(100:1445), 8115(132:1500)
>>Youth Criminal Justice Act (amdt.)(Bill C-204), 2828-9(47:1820-5)
CAE see Defence industry--United States contracts
Cagnicourt, France, battle (September 6, 1918)
85th anniversary celebrations, Canadian representation, o.q., 3983(67:1440)
>>Canadians, George McKean and Cyrus Peck, role, recognition, 5429(90:1220)
>>>S.O. 31, 4409(73:1405)
Cairns group see Agricultural subsidies
Caisse de dépôt et placement
Quebec, importance, 723-7(12:1110-45), 729-30(12:1205-10),
>>See also Canada Pension Plan Investment Board
Caisses populaires see Credit unions and caisses populaires
Calder, Murray (Lib.--Dufferin--Peel--Wellington--Grey)
- >>Agriculture, 2183(37:1135), 2184(37:1145), 8162(133:1200)
>>Air transportation security, 1570-1(26:1620-5)
>>Airlines, 1570(26:1620)
>>Algoma Steel Inc., o.q., 6318(103:1425)
>>Auditor General of Canada, 3935(66:1745)
>>Auditor General's reports, M. on supply (Keddy), 3935-7(66:1745-800), 3938(66:1805-10)
>>Bio-diesel fuel, 2183(37:1140), 2184(37:1145)
>>Biological and chemical weapons, 1570(26:1625)
>>Blueberry industry, o.q., 6032(99:1140)
>>Bombardier Inc., o.q., 4862(80:1150)
>>Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)
>>>M. on supply (Schellenberger), 7709-11(125:1525-40)
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52, 6477-8(105:1950-5)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2003 (Bill C-28), 6130(101:1105)
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST), 3935(66:1745), 3936(66:1755)
>>Canada Pension Plan and Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 819-20(13:1710)
>>Canada Small Business Financing Program, 3935(66:1745)
>>Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute, 8804-5(144:1830-5), 8930-1(146:1920-5)
>>>o.q., 3179(53:1435), 3181(53:1450), 3302(55:1140), 6324(103:1455), 6533(106:1425-30), 6535(106:1435), 6537(106:1445), 6603(107:1430), 6676(108:1430), 6917(112:1425), 6919(112:1440), 6922(112:1500), 7030(114:1455), 7290(118:1140), 7335(119:1445)
>>>Petitions, 2435(41:1515), 7492(122:1010)
>>>S.O. 31, 507(8:1410)
>>Chief Actuary Act (Bill C-421), 6352(103:1825)
>>Chief Actuary of Canada, 6352(103:1825)
>>Child pornography, petitions, 969(16:1525), 2435(41:1515)
>>Contraventions Act and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-38), 8426-8(138:1035-40)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--hate propaganda)(Bill C-250), 6994-5(113:1445)
>>D-Day (June 6, 1944), S.O. 31, 6961(113:1105)
>>Economy/economic conditions, 3937(66:1755-800)
>>Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (Bill C-49), 8569(140:1540)
>>Employment insurance, 3936(66:1750)
>>Explosives, 1570(26:1625)
>>Farm income crisis, o.q., 868(14:1455)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 3936(66:1750), 3938(66:1805-10)
>>Foreign investment/ownership, 5132-3(84:1745-50)
>>Gasoline, 2183(37:1135-40), 2184(37:1145-50)
>>Government, 3936-7(66:1750-5)
>>Government contracts, 3936(66:1750)
>>Government-established foundations, 3936(66:1750)
>>Government expenditures, 3937(66:1755)
>>Government finances, 3937(66:1755)
>>Government programs, 3937(66:1755)
>>Grain industry, o.q., 365(6:1455)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), M. (Anderson, Hon. David), 2178-9(37:1110), 2182-3(37:1135-40), 2184(37:1145-50)
>>Hate propaganda, 6994-5(113:1445)
>>>Petitions, 7492(122:1005)
>>Health care, House take note, M. (McLellan), 991(16:1825), 1086(18:1555)
>>Health care funding, 991(16:1825), 1086(18:1555), 3935(66:1745)
>>Immigration, 1571(26:1625)
>>Kinsmen Club of Mount Forest, S.O. 31, 5352(88:1405)
>>Marijuana, 8426-8(138:1035-40)
>>Marriage, 6995(113:1445)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 7400(120:1300)
>>>Petitions, 2435(41:1515), 7492(122:1010), 9113(150:1015)
>>National 4-H Week, S.O. 31, 9260(152:1400)
>>National debt, 3937(66:1755)
>>National Defence Department, 1570-1(26:1625)
>>National security (public safety), 1570-1(26:1620-5)
>>National Volunteer Week, S.O. 31, 5550(91:1410)
>>North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD), M. on supply (Gallant), 6660(108:1245)
>>North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 3937(66:1800)
>>Procedure, question deemed put, M. (Calder), 6660(108:1245)
>>Public Safety Act, 2002 (Bill C-17), 1570-1(26:1620-30)
>>Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs), 819-20(13:1740)
>>SHARE Agricultural Foundation, S.O. 31, 8964(147:1400)
>>Steel industry, o.q., 4862(80:1140)
>>Stem cell research, petitions, 2435(41:1515)
>>Terrorism, 1570(26:1625)
>>Trade agreements, M. (Paquette), 5132-3(84:1745-50)
>>Wine and spirits industry, o.q., 7418(120:1455)
Caledon, ON see Rockfort quarry proposal
Calendar dates
Numerical expression, year/month/day, 1194(20:1205)
>>>See also Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-284)
Calgary, AB see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing, Mount Royal College; Housing; VIA Rail Canada Inc.; Wind energy
Calgary, HMCS
- >>Terrorism, combatting, Operation Apollo mission, return, tribute, S.O. 31,
Calgary East constituency see Volunteers
Calgary West constituency see Government expenditures--Order Paper questions
Calvert, Hon. Lorne see Saskatchewan--Provincial election
Cambior Inc. see Guyana--Omai Gold Mines Ltd.
Cambridge, ON
30th anniversary, S.O. 31, 3130(52:1400)
>>See also Moffat, Dr. John;
Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada (TMMC) Inc.;
Ward, Fred
Cambridge constituency see Skilled trades and technology workforce
Cambridge Kiwanis Boys' Choir and Young Men's Chorus
25th anniversary, England tour, S.O. 31, 7407(120:1400)
Cambridge Memorial Hospital see Skilled trades and technology workforce-- Cambridge constituency
Campaign 2000 see Child/family poverty--Eliminating
Campbell River, BC see Contaminated sites--Federal sites
Campbell River Indian Band
1985 land claim, Supreme Court judge decision, prior involvement in case,
S.O. 31, 6959-60(113:1100)
Centralization, federal government policies, Throne Speech, relationship,
>>Diversity and inclusiveness, 3734(62:1655)
>>Great country, Canadians, not leaders, responsible, 152(3:1630)
>>Nations within, Quebec, Acadian nation, First Nations, 7966(130:1145),
>>United Nations rating
>>>Best country in world seven years in row, 7980(130:1335)
>>>Decline, 151(3:1625), 8001(130:1545)
>>United States influence, Americanization, 461(7:1330)
Canada 3000 Inc.
Bankruptcy, 4373(72:1525), 4828(79:1515-20)
Canada Account see Export Development Canada (EDC)
Canada Airports Act (Bill C-27)--Minister of Transport (Collenette)
First reading, 4453(74:1005), 5517-47(91:1010-355)
>>Second reading, 5467-81(90:1640-825), 5929-37(97:1620-725)
>>>Amdt. (Gouk), 5474(90:1730-5), not in order, 5479(90:1815)
>>See also Airports--Legislation
Canada Assistance Plan
Elimination, poverty increase, 6521(106:1305)
Canada-Belgium Tax Convention see Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 2002 (Bill S-2)
Canada Book Day
Writer's Trust of Canada, literary heritage, commitment, S.O. 31,
Canada Business Corporations Act see Corporations--Corporate governance
Canada Business Corporations Act (amdt.)(Bill C-254)--Martin, Pat
First reading, 831(14:1030)
>>See also Corporation--Auditors, Non-audit services provided to company
Canada Career Week
November 3-9, S.O. 31, 1225(21:1400)
Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB)
>>>At $33,000 income level, 3767(63:1705-10)
>>>See also Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB)--Provinces
>>>Cumulative, 6110(100:1730)
>>>Not tax cut, Auditor General's position, etc., 4068(68:1800)
>>Increasing, Throne Speech statement, etc., 33(2:1225), 50(2:1510),
80(2:1805), 215(4:1100), 229-30(4:1245-50), 232(4:1305), 237(4:1340),
238(4:1350), 276(4:18120), 440(7:1050), 441(7:1055), 534(8:1705), 2533(42:1645)
>>>National Child Benefit supplement, Budget 2003 measure, 3731(62:1625),
3771(63:1740), 3775(63:1805), 3947(67:1025), 3949(67:1025), 3956(67:1125),
4008(67:1725-30), 4048(68:1550), 4056(68:1635), 4062(68:1720), 4238(71:1330),
4239(71:1340), 4265(71:1545), 4271(71:1635), 4279(71:1725), 4786(79:1020),
4798(79:1155), 4799(79:1200), 4804(79:1245), 6105(100:1650), 6112(100:1750),
6253(102:1535), 7236(117:1655), 8078(132:1045), 8097(132:1300)
>>>o.q., 2720(46:1455)
>>Poor, families on social assistance, adequacy, not receiving, etc.,
33(2:1225), 158(3:1720), 441(7:1055)
>>Provinces, clawback, 949(16:1330), 4274(71:1655-700), 4279(71:1730),
6074(100:1335), 6105(100:1650), 7201(117:1310), 8080(132:1100-5)
>>Questionnaires sent to parents, privacy concerns, o.q., 2056(35:1140-5)
>>Role, importance, 2483(42:1030), 2616(44:1300), 2654(44:1735),
>>See also National Child Benefit
Canada-China relations
Chrétien, Prime Minister, visits/policy, Power Corporation of Canada ties,
S.O. 31, 8480(139:1405)
>>See also Zhao, Wei Amanda
Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act see Importation of Intoxicating Liquors Act
Canada Council
Government support, Throne Speech omission, 645(10:1340)
>>Role, etc., 4892(81:1145)
Canada-Cuba relations
o.q., 1947(33:1455)
Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA)
Access to Information Act, compliance, S.O. 31, 7019-20(114:1400)
>>Annual reports
>>>2001-2002, tabled, 1419(24:1005)
>>>2002-2003, tabled, 8933(147:1005)
>>>New, hiring, 5050(83:1655)
>>>See also Disability Tax Credit--Eligibility criteria changed
>>Audits, taxpayers charged, cleared, charged under other sections of
legislation, 3032(50:1410)
>>Computer theft
>>>Laptops, o.q., 8110-1(132:1435)
>>>Server, 120,000 individuals affected, identity theft factor, o.q.,
7991-2(130:1445), 7992-3(130:1445-50), 8033(131:1435), 8034(131:1435-40),
8110-1(132:1435), 8848(145:1450)
>>Constructive notices, trespass warnings, sent to National Revenue Minister,
detax strategy factor, qu., 1561(26:1520)
>>Deputy Commissioner, changing French title from "commissaire adjoint" to
"commissaire délégué", Amendments and Corrections Act, 2003 (Bill C-41)
provisions, 7857(128:1005), 7860(128:1025)
>>Enforcement, penalties, aggressive policy, o.q., 8274-5(135:1455)
>>Fairness policy,
>>>Dispute resolution services, S.O. 31, 4985(82:1405), 5239(86:1355)
>>>o.q., 8275(135:1455)
>>Jonquière, QC taxation data centre, 20th anniversary, former Member of
Parliament Gilles Marceau honoured, S.O. 31, 7021(114:1410)
>>Management and service, etc., S.O. 31, 3419(57:1410), 3460(58:1405)
>>Powers, seizure of funds, etc., S.O. 31, 4912(81:1410)
>>Revenue generating initiatives, o.q., 1788-9(30:1155)
>>Summary of the Corporate Business Plan for 2003-2004 to 2005-2006,
Innovations, tabled, 4783(79:1005)
>>Wine seizure, reversed, André Desmarais, Prime Minister Chrétien son-in-law,
recipient, o.q., 9188(151:1440-5), 9271(152:1455)
>>See also Airports--Penticton Airport, BC;
Border, Canadian;
Corporate income tax;
Disability tax credit--Eligibility criteria changed;
Firearms--Windsor, ON Crossing;
Foster parents--Brouwer;
Goods and Services Tax (GST);
Income tax;
Privacy Commissioner--Radwanski;
Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Seventh;
Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League;
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)--Air passengers;
Taxation--Tax debtors
Canada Day
Poster contest, S.O. 31, 3005(50:1115)
Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC)
Advertising, qu., 5455(90:1515)
Canada Economic Development (Economic Development Agency of Canada for
the Regions of Quebec)
Funding, 6128(101:1050)
>>Grants and contributions since 2000-2001, r.o., 4260(71:1515)
>>See also see Agropur--Chambord, QC, Stakeholders;
Alumiform Inc.;
Gaspé region, QC;
Oleochemical industry
Canada education savings grants see Registered education savings plans (RESPs)
Canada Elections Act (amdt.)(Bill C-458)--Wasylycia-Leis
First reading, 8492(139:1515)
>>See also Elections--Canadian Armed Forces personnel
Canada Elections Act (amdt.--appointment of election officers)(Bill
C-433)--White, T.
First reading, 5454(90:1505)
>>See also Elections--Returning Officers
Canada Elections Act and the Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-51)--Leader of
the Government in the House of Commons (Boudria)
First reading, 8071(132:1005)
>>Second reading, 9301-7(153:1005-55)
>>See also Elections--Political parties, 12 candidate rule
Canada Elections Act and the Income Tax Act (amdt.--political
financing)(Bill C-24)--Government House Leader (Boudria)
First reading, 2849(48:1520)
>>Second reading, 3431-49(57:1535-800), 3481-93(58:1615-750),
3629-39(61:1235-355), 3655-78(61:1525-825),
3720-6(62:1505-55), 3806-11(64:1310-55),
3827-33(64:1530-60), agreed to, on
recorded division, 4329-30(72:1800)
>>>Amdt. (Harper), 3437(57:1620), negatived, on recorded division,
>>>>Amdt. to amdt. (Epp), 3669(61:1715), negatived, on recorded division,
>>>Time allocation, M. (Boudria), agreed to, by unanimous consent,
>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 4393(72:1800)
>>>Reported, 6906(112:1325)
>>Report stage, 7004-18(114:1205-355), 7038-57(114:1515-825),
7070-87(115:1135-355), 7099-127(115:1500-850)
>>>Concurrence, M. agreed to, on recorded division, 7126-7(115:1840-50)
>>>Motions, 7005(114:1210), 7007(114:1215), 7034(114:1520), 7103(115:1530)
>>>>amdt., 7007(114:1215), negatived, on recorded division, 7119-20(115:1815)
>>>>Agreed to, on recorded division, 7120-5(115:1820-35)
>>>>Agreed to, on division, 7103(115:1530)
>>>>Negatived, on recorded division, 7125-6(115:1835)
>>Report stage and third reading, time allocation under S.O. 78(3)
>>>Notice, 7039(114:1555)
>>>M. (Boudria), 7065-9(115:1015), agreed to, on recorded division,
>>Third reading, 7149-63(116:1540-800), agreed to, on recorded division,
7162-3(116:1750-800), passed.
>>>Amdt., 7156(116:1625), negatived, on recorded division, 7161-2(116:1710-50)
>>Note: Royal Assent by written declaration see Journals, June 19, 2003
>>See also Legislation--Government legislative agenda--Martin, Paul;
Political parties--Financing, Taxpayers
Canada Employment Insurance Commission see Employment insurance--Eligibility, Determination; Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Second
Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-284)--Epp
First reading, 1194(20:1205)
>>See also Calendar dates
Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI)
Government funding, increase, Budget 2003 measure, 3956(67:1125),
4266(71:1555), 4267(71:1600), 4280(71:1740)
>>>Health research, hospital infrastructure, etc., 3732(62:1635),
4785(79:1015), 4862(79:1230)
>>See also Brock University;
Niagara College;
University research
Canada Gazette
On-line publication via Internet, o.q., 5176(85:1455)
Canada Graduate Scholarships
Creating, funding, Budget 2003 measure, 3732(62:1640), 3769(63:1235),
3772(63:1645), 3948(67:1025), 3956(67:1125), 4002(67:1640), 4003-4(67:1650),
4266-7(71:1555-600), 4272(71:1645), 4281(71:1740)
>>>Provincial jurisdiction, federal intrusion, 3953(67:1100)
Canada Health Act
Bloc Québécois position, 1804(30:1345)
>>Compliance, enforcement, Auditor General's 2002 report findings, etc.,
>>Five principles, 4444-5(73:1740)
>>>Federal government dioctrinaire position, 6220(101:2155)
>>>Federal government enforcement
>>>>Auditor General 2002 report, o.q., 473(7:1440)
>>>>Petitions, 2598(44:1050), 3072(51:1525)
>>>>Withholding funding, 6216(101:2125)
>>>Integrity, 543(8:1810)
>>>Violations, 545(8:1825), 6215(101:2120)
>>Health Department responsibility, 6196(101:1855)
>>Introduction, background, 934-5(16:1140-5)
>>Modernizing, 153(3:1640), 545(8:1825), 613(10:1005)
>>Sixth principle
>>>Stable funding, Progressive Conservative Party position, 1808(30:1420)
>>>See also Health care--Linguistic duality
>>See also Health care--Privatization
Canada Health Act (amdt.--conditions for contributions)(Bill C-256)--Gouk
First reading, 920(15:1210)
>>See also Infectious disease--Emergency response workers
Canada Health Act (amdt.--linguistic duality)(Bill C-202)--Bélanger
First reading, 139(3:1510)
>>Second reading, 1801-9(30:1330-1430), 3450-7(57:1800-1900),
>>>Amdt. (Castonguay), 4447(73:1800), agreed to, on recorded division,
>>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 3457(57:1900)
>>>Order discharged, bill withdrawn and subject-matter referred to Official
Languages Standing Committee, 4513(74:1800)
>>See also Health care--Linguistic duality principle
Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST)
Accountability, 542(8:1810)
>>Amount, including tax points, 497(7:1725), 6705(108:1805)
>>Cutbacks, 2527(42:1555), 2529(42:1615), 2541(42:1750), 8365(137:1120),
>>Elimination, replacement by Canada Health Transfer and Canada Social
Transfer, April 1, 2004, Budget 2003 measure, 3735(62:1700), 3761(63:1625),
3897(66:1305), 3935(66:1745), 3936(66:1755), 4007(67:1715), 4048(68:1545),
4065(68:1740), 4280(71:1735), 4785(79:1010-5), 4833(79:1605), 4839(79:1645),
4872(80:1220), 6193(101:1830), 6204(101:1950), 6253(102:1530-5),
6521-2(106:1305), 8936(147:1015-20)
>>>Martin, Paul, position, o.q., 3818(64:1425)
>>Establishment, 6219(101:2150)
>>Funds not dedicated, 8131(132:1700-5)
>>Increase, 460(7:1325), 2531(42:1630)
>>>Budget 2003 measure, 6099(100:1600)
>>Overview, 8936(147:1015-20), 8943(147:1110-5)
>>See also Health care funding--Federal government share;
Hospitals--Private for profit
Canada Health Infoway Inc.
Government funding, 3918(66:1520), 4785(79:1015)
Canada Health Transfer see Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST)--Elimination
Canada-India relations see Liddar, Bhupinder S.
Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement
Goods originating from settlements under Israeli administration, excluding
from preferential tariff treatment, 1662(18:1540)
>>>See also Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement Act (amdt.)(Bill C-308)
Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement Act (amdt.)(Bill C-308)--Paquette
First reading, 1662(28:1540)
>>>See also Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement--Goods originating from
settlements under Israeli administration
Canada-Israel Parliamentary Friendship Group see Israel
Canada-Italy Tax Convention see Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 2002 (Bill S-2)
Canada-Kuwait Tax Agreement see Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 2002 (Bill S-2)
Canada Labour Code
Modernizing, 8416(137:1735-40)
>>See also Labour disputes, strikes, lockouts--Strikebreakers;
Right to Work Act (Bill C-350);
Occupational health and safety--Corporate accountability--Pregnant or nursing
Canada Labour Code (amdt.)(Bill C-224)--Guay
First reading, 519(8:1520)
>>Second reading, 1681-8(28:1750-840)
>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 1688(28:1840)
>>See also Labour disputes, strikes, lockouts--Strikebreakers, Banning
Canada Labour Code (amdt.)(Bill C-319)--Guay
First reading, 2060(35:1205)
>>See also Occupational health and safety--Pregnant or nursing workers
Canada Labour Code (amdt.)(Bill C-328)--Guay
First reading, 2292(39:1010)
>>Second reading, 5585-93(91:1815-915), 8584-91(140:1815-915), negatived, on
recorded division, 8621-2(141:1820-30)
>>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 5593(91:1915)
>>See also Labour disputes, strikes, lockouts--Strikebreakers, Banning
Canada Labour Code (amdt.--defibrillators in the work place)(Bill
First reading, 1236(21:1505)
>>See also Occupational health and safety--Defibrillators
Canada Labour Code and Public Service Staff Relations Act (amdt.--scabs and
essential services)(Bill C-230)--Fournier
First reading, 684-5(11:1505)
>>Second reading, order discharged and bill withdrawn, by unanimous consent,
>>See also Labour disputes, strikes, lockouts--Strikebreakers, Banning and
maintaining essential services
Canada Lands Company
Gagliano, former Public Works and Government Services minister, political
interference allegations, Robert Charest involvement, Royal Canadian Mounted
Police (RCMP) investigation, o.q., 9148(150:1455)
>>Role, etc., 3930(66:1700)
>>See also CFB Chilliwack;
Housing--Calgary, AB;
Motions for the Production of Papers;
Rideau Veterans Memorial Park
Canada Life Financial Corporation see Great-West Lifeco Inc.
Canada Magazine Fund
Cutbacks, free magazines, impact, o.q., 7630(124:1455)
Canada Marine Act
Canada Marine Act Review Panel report, tabled, 6858(111:1535)
>>See also Ports/harbours
Canada Marriage Act (Bill C-450)--Pankiw
First reading, 7661(125:1005)
>>See also Marriage--Definition, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Canada-Mexico relations see Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee--Reports, Third
Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation
2003-04 Millennium Excellence Award, recipients, tribute, S.O. 31,
6794(110:1405), 7087-90(115:1400-10), 7133-4(116:1415), 7207-11(117:1355-410),
Canada-Moldova Tax Convention see Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 2002 (Bill S-2)
Canada-Mongolia Tax Convention see Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 2002 (Bill S-2)
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation see Indian bands/reserves--Housing, Affordable; Mortgages; New Homes Month--April; Renovation Month--October; Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)--Economic impact
Canada-Norway Tax Convention see Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 2002 (Bill S-2)
Canada-Nunavut General Agreement on the Promotion of French and Inuktitut Languages see Inuit
Canada-Ontario affordable housing program agreement see Housing--Affordable
Canada-Ontario infrastructure program see Infrastructure
Canada Pension Plan
Aging population, impact, 738-9(12:1315-25), 775(12:1730), 776-7(12:1740),
816-7(13:1715), 2671(45:1030), 2672(45:1040), 2999(50:1030-5),
3020-1(50:1235), 3786(64:1040)
>>>See also Canada Pension Plan (amdt.--adjusted pension for persons with
other income above the level at which the second percentage of income tax
applies)(Bill C-428)
>>Assets, transfer to Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, 716-7(12:1020-5),
737(12:1310), 2995-6(50:1005-10)
>>Australia, pension plan options, 3000(50:1045)
>>>Entitlement, lapsed deadlines, hardship, S.O. 31, 4710(78:1415)
>>>Increase, inflation, relationship, qu., 4454-5(74:1010)
>>>Payment, December, receipt prior to Christmas, o.q., 9314(153:1130)
>>>Retroactivity, eligible recipients, o.q., 4593(76:1500)
>>>Return on investment, intergenerational unfairness, 3000(50:1040),
>>Canadian Alliance position, 739(12:1320-5), 741(12:1340), 7774-5(12:1720-5),
778(12:1755), 782(12:1825), 819(13:1735-40), 3018-9(50:1220)
>>Death benefit, clawback, case cited, 71-2(2:1655)
>>Disability benefits, claimants, 729(12:1200), 774-5(12:1725)
>>>Foster, Regina, SK, resident, disability benefit appeal victory, Human
Resources Development Department overturning, fairness, 6879-80(111:1810-20)
>>>>o.q., 5758-9(94:1140)
>>>Harrassment, legally blind claimant, complaint, S.O. 31, 8556(140:1415)
>>Ethical investing requiring, 6349(103:1800-5)
>>History, 727(12:1150), 737-8(12:1310-5), 747(12:1720), 781(12:1815),
2668-9(13:1010), 2997-8(50:1020-30), 3018(50:1215), 3785(64:1030)
>>>Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, decisions, o.q., 1621(27:1500)
>>>Losses, 2603(44:1115), 9101(149:1745), 9102-3(149:1800)
>>>Municipalities infrastructure funding role, 9101(149:1745),
>>>Outside Canada, 8507(139:1650)
>>Mandatory personal plan, proposal, 2999(50:1035)
>>>Chile, comparison, 3021(50:1240)
>>Mandatory retirement, age 65, abolishing, partial benefits, allowing,
817-8(13:1720-5), 5297-8(87:1510)
>>Municipalities borrowing funds for infrastructure, 2603(1115-20)
>>Opting out, Alberta proposal, 3021-2(50:1240-5)
>>Pensionable employment, worker's compensation payments, including, M.
(Desjarlais), 2983-91(49:1730-830), 4550-7(75:1330-425),
>>>Dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence on Order Paper, 2991(49:1830)
>>>Employer share see Payroll deductions--Employees changing jobs
>>>Increase, 738(12:1315), 1749(29:1615), 2484(42:1040), 2609(44:1205),
2651(44:1705), 2652(44:1715), 2672-3(45:1040-5), 2996(50:1010),
2997-9(50:1020-30), 3000(50:1040), 4837(79:1640), 4841(79:1715),
6261(102:1630), 7232(117:1630)
>>>See also Payroll deductions--Premiums
>>Progressive Conservative Party position, 820(13:1745), 822(13:1800)
>>Provinces borrowing from, 2609(44:1205)
>>Quebec pension plan, comparison, 3019-20(50:1220-5), 3025(50:1315-20)
>>Rate of return, 776(12:1735-40)
>>Reform, 782(12:1820)
>>Strengthening, 1997 legislation, 1999 federal-provincial measures,
3785(64:1030), 6347(103:1745-50)
>>Surplus, 736(12:1305), 778(12:1750)
>>Sustainability, 715(12:1010-5), 2673(45:1050), 2995-6(50:1010),
2997-8(50:1020-5), 3022-3(50:1250-5), 3024(50:1305), 3786(64:1030-5),
>>Unfunded liability, 3971(67:1325), 4003(67:1650)
>>See also Caregivers;
Chief Actuary of Canada--Dismissal;
Dussault, Bernard;
Health care funding--Federal government share
Canada Pension Plan (amdt.)(Bill C-364)--Harb
First reading, 3509(59:1025)
Canada Pension Plan (amdt.--adjusted pension for persons with other
income above the level at which the second percentage of income tax
applies)(Bill C-428)--Martin, K.
First reading, 5297-8(87:1510)
>>Second reading, 9168-76(150:1755-1855)
>>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper,
>>See also
Aging society;
Canada Pension Plan;
Senior citizens--Retirement age
Canada Pension Plan (amdt.--early pension entitlement for police officers and
firefighters)(Bill C-267)--Nystrom
First reading, 967(16:1515)
Canada Pension Plan and Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act
(amdt.)(Bill C-3)--Minister of Finance (Manley)
First reading, 207(4:1005)
>>Second reading, 714-42(12:1010-350), 770-84(12:1650-840),
813-25(13:1650-820), agreed to, on recorded division, 1064-5(17:1850)
>>Finance Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 1065(17:1850)
>>>Reported, 1975(34:1005)
>>Report stage, 2667-73(45:1000-55)
>>>>Reid, 2667(45:1000), negatived, on recorded division, 2803-4(47:1500-15)
>>Concurrence, M. (Manley), agreed to, on recorded division, 2804-5(47:1515)
>>Third reading, 2995-3002(50:1005-55), 3018-26(50:1215-325),
3783-7(64:1020-50), agreed to, on recorded division, 4016-7(67:1850)
>>>Amdt. (Rajotte), 3002(50:1055), deemed withdrawn, by unanimous consent,
>>Royal Assent, 5129(84:1730). Chap. 5, S.C. 2003
Canada Pension Plan Disability Program see Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee--Reports, Fifth
Canada Pension Plan Investment Board
Board of directors
>>>Appointment, 733(12:1235-40), 779-80(12:1805-10), 784(12:1840),
814(13:1655), 820(13:1750), 823-4(13:1810-5), 2669(45:1010), 2995(50:1005),
3019(50:1220-5), 302-6(50:1320-5), 3002(50:1055), 3786(64:1040)
>>>Labour/workers, representation, 736(12:1310)
>>>Mandate/accountability, 715-6(12:1015-20), 738(12:1315), 739(12:1330-40),
773(12:1715), 780-1(12:1805-20), 783(12:1835), 814-5(13:1655-700),
2667(45:1000), 3023(50:1255-300), 3025(50:1310-5), 3786(64:1035)
>>Caisse de dépôt et placement, Quebec Pension Plan, comparison,
719--3(12:1040-1110), 740(12:1335), 3025(50:1315), 3761(63:1625)
>>Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, exemption, 5786(95:1205)
>>Investments, 719-22(12:1040-1105), 730-1(12:1215-25), 734-5(12:1245-55),
738(12:1315), 740-1(12:1330-40), 773-4(12:1715-20), 777(12:1745-50),
780-1(1810), 782-3(12:1825-35), 813-4(13:1650),
820-1(13:1750-05), 823-4(13:1810-20), 2667-9(45:1000-15), 2671-2(45:1030-5),
>>>Ethical screening, 728-9(12:1155-205), 735-6(12:1255-310), 741(12:1335-40),
776(12:1740), 814(13:1650-5), 2667(45:1000), 2669-70(45:1020-5),
3001-2(50:1050-5), 3020(50:1230), 3784(64:1020-5), 3787(64:1045)
>>>Foreign property limit, 2996-7(50:1015), 3000-1(50:1045-50), 3785(64:1025),
>>>Restricted list, tobacco companies, including, o.q., 1945(33:1445),
2256(38:1505), 3784(64:1025)
>>See also Canada Pension Plan and Canada Pension Plan Investment Board
Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3)
Canada: People, Places and Priorities see Finance Standing Committee--Reports, Second
Canada-Portugal Tax Convention see Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 2002 (Bill S-2)
Canada Post Corporation
Courier services, United Parcel Service (UPS) North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA) Chapter 11 court challenge, 5131(84:1740-5)
>>Expense accounts
>>>Albo, Vivian G., qu., 4328(72:1005)
>>>Ouellet, André, qu., 4328(72:1005)
>>>Ringuette-Maltais, qu., 4328(72:1005)
>>Intelcom, courier company, purchase, Liberal Party connections, o.q.,
>>Labour disputes, strikes, impact, 5681(93:1110), 5682(93:1115)
>>Labour relations, improvement, 5726(93:1640-5)
>>Rural communities, post office closures, moratorium, maintaining,
>>>Hubbard, SK example
>>>>o.q., 5918(97:1500), 7579(123:1200)
>>>>Petitions, 6860(111:1545)
>>>Tancook Island, NS, o.q., 7576(123:1140)
>>>S.O. 31, 7741(126:1415)
>>Rural route mail couriers, petitions, 8042(131:1525), 8072(132:1010),
8326(136:1515), 8728(143:1220), 9321(153:1210)
>>Stamps, printed in United States, "Made in USA" label absent, North American
Free Trade Agreement, violating, Canadian printing companies, tenders, o.q.,
>>See also Currency--$50 and $100 bills;
Official languages policy (Bilingualism);
Postal workers
Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--mail contractors)(Bill C-342)--Blaikie
First reading, 2959-6(44:1035)
Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program
Pregnant women at risk, serving, 534(8:1705), 6213(101:2100-5)
Canada-Quebec infrastructure program see Infrastructure
Canada-Saskatchewan Northern Development Accord see Regional development--Saskatchewan
Canada Savings Bonds (CSBs)
Payroll deduction purchases, Quebec government employees excluded, S.O. 31,
Canada school of public service
Creating, Canadian Centre for Management Development, Training and
Development Canada, amalgamating, 3583-4(60:1025), 3586(60:1035), 3603(60:1210)
>>Official languages policy (Bilingualism), respecting, 6729(109:1345-50)
Canada Seat Belt Act (Bill C-388)--Harb
First reading, 3510(59:1025)
>>See also Automobiles/motor vehicles--Seat belts
Canada-Senegal Tax Convention see Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 2002 (Bill S-2)
Canada Small Business Financing Program
Role, Auditor General's findings, etc., 3924-5(66:1610-5), 3935(66:1745)
Canada Social Transfer see Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST)--Elimination
Canada Steamship Lines Inc.
Martin, Paul, ownership, 8533(140:1115)
>>>Conflict of interest possibility, 7650(124:1720)
>>>Government contracts, relationship, 8653(142:1215)
>>>o.q., 8562-3(140:1450-5), 8563(140:1455), 8600(141:1440), 8602-3(141:1455)
>>>Sheilamart Enterprises Inc./Passage Holdings Inc. shares, sale,
>>>>o.q., 7702(125:1440)
>>>Special deals from government, o.q., 6847(111:1425)
>>>Transferring to sons, 4227(71:1215), 4878(80:1305), 7521-2(122:1345),
8536(140:1135), 8571(140:1600)
>>Pension plan, surplus, Paul Martin seeking as cash payout, 4878(80:1305)
>>>Constructed in other countries, 8571(140:1555)
>>>Foreign crews, 7185(117:1115)
>>>Registered in other countries, Paul Martin ownership, 9204-5(151:1615)
>>>>Canadian labour laws, avoidance, 7369(119:1745-50)
>>>>Canadian tax avoidance, 75(2:1730), 5050(83:1645), 5053(83:1710-5),
7194(117:1215), 7195(117:1225), 7942-3(129:1800-10), 8376(137:1245),
8571(140:1555), 8685(142:1600)
>>>>>o.q., 7531(122:1440)
>>>>S.O. 31, 9070(149:1410)
>>See also Canadian Broadcasting Corporation;
Ethics--Cabinet Ministers, Blind trusts;
Hibernia oil and gas project;
Income tax--International agreements re avoidance of double
taxation and tax evasion, Tax havens;
Money laundering;
Oil spills;
St. Lawrence River--Shore;
St. Lawrence Seaway--Pilotage;
Voyageur Colonial Limited--Pension plan failure
Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund see Infrastructure
Canada Student Loans Act see Business Development Bank of Canada Act and the Canada Student Loans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-217)
Canada Student Loans Program see Student loans
Canada Summer Games
2005 games, Regina, SK, hosting, S.O. 31, 5167(85:1405)
Canada Transportation Act see Transportation Amendment Act (Bill C-26)
Canada Transportation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-275)--Vellacott
First reading, 1083(18:1535)
>>See also Rail transportation/railways--Relief to shippers
Canada Transportation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-314)--Casson
First reading, deemed adopted, 1743(29:1530)
>>Second reading, 3327-35(56:1105-1200), 4881-6(80:1330-1405), negatived, on
recorded division, 4995-6(82:1500-10)
>>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 3335(56:1200)
>>See also Child abduction--Air travel
Canada Transportation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-436)(1st Sess., 37th Parl.)
Reinstated as Canada Transportation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-314)
Canada Transportation Act review panel see Transportation--Policy reform
Canada-United Arab Emirates Tax Convention see Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 2002 (Bill S-2)
Canada-United States Air Quality Agreement Ozone Annex see Coal fired electric power plants--Ontario
Canada-United States Auto Pact see Automobile industry
Canada-United States Interparliamentary Group
Budget, lack, providing, 2508(42:1345), 2509(42:1355)
Canada-United States Permanent Joint Board on Defence (PJBD)
Bilateral defence and security forum, background, 5226-7(86:1225-30)
Canada-United States relations
Economy, relationship, 5121(84:1630), 5267(86:1655), 5268-9(86:1700-5)
>>>o.q., 5107(84:1445)
>>Government focusing on, improving, 7807(127:1330), 7808(127:1335)
>>Importance, 5082(84:1145), 5084(84:1200), 5094-5(84:1330-5), 5118(84:1605),
5120-1(84:1620), 5128(84:1715), 5266(86:1640-5), 5267-9(86:1655-1705),
>>>S.O. 31, 5027(83:1410)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien) mishandling, 99(2:2025-30), 2889(48:2020),
5122-4(84:1640-5), 5127(84:1705-15), 5211(86:1015-20), 6666-=9(108:1330-55)
>>>o.q., 5805(95:1415)
>>Martin, Paul, position, future role as Prime Minister, 8653-4(142:1220),
8656(142:1235), 8660(142:1310)
>>Prime Minister's task force, etc., 223(4:1200)
>>Sovereignty issues, 3335-6(56:1200-5)
>>Throne Speech omission, 228(4:1235)
>>United States ambassador to Canada, Paul Cellucci, remarks re
anti-Americanism and Iraq, 4656(77:1415-20), 4659(77:1435), 5077(84:1105),
5082(84:1145), 5096(84:1340), 5121(84:1630), 5123(84:1645)
>>See also Anti-Americanism;
Canadian Coast Guard--Marine Communications and Traffic Services (MCTS);
Defence policy;
Drug trafficking--United States Drug Enforcement Agency;
Embassies and consulates;
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee--Reports, Third;
France--Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin;
Iraq, United States pre-emptive attack;
North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD);
Organization of American States;
United States, President George W. Bush--"Moron"--Visit
Canada-United States Smart Border Declaration see Border, Canadian
Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute
Advertising/promotion of position in United States, $20 million, o.q.,
52(2:1435), 725(10:1125)
>>Agreement of 1996, o.q., 54(2:1450)
>>Atlantic provinces, exemption from United States measures,
>>>o.q., 3251(54:1445), 6602-3(107:1430), 6736(109:1425-30), 6739(109:1445),
6919(112:1440), 9311-2(153:1115-20)
>>>S.O. 31, 6672(108:1410), 9183(151:1415)
>>>See also Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute--Export tax
possibility--Quotas proposal
>>British Columbia
>>>Forest management practices, changing, provincial government position,
o.q., 5173(85:1440)
>>>Impact, 495(7:1715)
>>>>Government response, lack, o.q., 5812(95:1455), 8442(138:1155-200)
>>>>S.O. 31, 307-8(5:1105), 5285(87:1400)
>>>Provincial government negotiating directly with United States,
>>>See also Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute--Government
assistance to industry and workers--Softwood Industry Community Economic
Adjustment Initiative
>>Budget 2003 measures see Canada-United States softwood lumber
dispute--Government assistance to industry and workers--Government position
>>Canadian Alliance position, S.O. 31, 127(3:1400)
>>Cost analysis, government providing, o.q., 4251(71:1455)
>>Courts, international tribunals, role, North American Free Trade Agreement
(NAFTA), World Trade Organization (WTO), 4226(71:1205), 6266(102:1705),
6510(106:1130), 6998(114:1115), 7004(114:1200), 8804(144:1825),
8805(144:1830-5), 8930-1(146:1920-5), 9225(151:1910)
>>>o.q., 52(2:1435), 55(2:1450),
138(3:1500), 472(7:1435), 962(16:1445),
1302(22:1430), 1840(31:1455), 1943(33:1430), 2014(34:1500), 2720(46:1500),
2960(49:1430), 2962(49:1435), 3063(51:1430), 3249-50(54:1440), 3302(55:1140),
3981(67:1425), 3982-3(67:1435), 4037-8(68:1440-5), 5173(85:1440),
6081-2(100:1420-5), 6239(102:1425), 6240(102:1430), 6241(102:1435),
6244(102:1450), 6324(103:1500), 6369(104:1120), 6437(105:1450),
6532(106:1420), 6535(106:1435), 6537(106:1445), 6602(107:1425),
6676(108:1430), 6797(110:1425), 6851(111:1450), 6922(112:1500),
6966(113:1130), 6968(113:1140), 7138(116:1440), 8675(142:1450), 9109(149:1850)
>>Displaced workers, assistance, $71 million, October 8, 2002 announcement,
o.q., 625(10:1120), 1303(22:1435), 1907(32:1445)
>>Diversification funding, 7187(117:1125-30)
>>Dollar exchange rate, relationship, 6505(106:1045)
>>>o.q., 6318(103:1425)
>>Emergency debate under S.O. 52, application (Masse), emergency
requirements/criteria not met, not accepted, 434-5(7:1010)
>>Employment insurance measures, 2493(42:1145), 8618(141:1725),
8630(141:1925), 8681(142:1530), 8682(142:1535), 8684(142:1555), 8685(142:1605)
>>>o.q., 469(7:1420), 470(7:1420),
516(8:1500), 625(10:1120), 630(10:1145-50),
916(15:1150), 1303(22:1435), 1907-8(32:1445), 2327(39:1420-5), 2516(42:1435),
3427(57:1455), 3578-80(59:1830-40), 4040(68:1455-500), 6087(100:1450),
6242(102:1440), 6436(105:1450), 6602(107:1425), 6604(107:1440),
6676(108:1435), 6736(109:1425), 6916(112:1420-5), 6917-8(112:1430),
6966(113:1130), 7028(114:1445), 7217(117:1445-50)
>>Export tax possibility
>>>Atlantic provinces exemption
>>>>o.q., 6324(103:1455-500), 6535(106:1425-30)
>>>>S.O. 31, 6428(105:1405)
>>>o.q., 1840(31:1455), 2014(34:1500), 3063(51:1430), 3064(51:1435),
3179(53:1435), 3181(53:1450), 3249-50(54:1440), 3251(54:1445),
6082(100:1420), 6089(100:1500), 6239(102:1425), 6240(102:1430),
6244(102:1450), 6371-2(104:1135)
>>Free trade, Canadian position, o.q., 6675-6(108:1430), 6676(108:1435),
>>Government assistance to industry and workers, 233-4(4:1320), 486(7:1610),
4012(67:1800), 4064(68:1730), 4226(71:1205), 5601(91:2000), 6123(101:1015),
6266(102:1705), 6359(104:1015), 6510(106:1130), 7537(122:1515),
8211-2(134:1450), 8804(144:1825), 8805(144:1835), 9224-5(151:1910-5)
>>>$246.5 million package, October 8, 2002 announcement
>>>>$90 million, previous measures, o.q., 470(7:1420), 470(7:1425)
>>>>Announcing outside House of Commons, 477-8(7:1500-15), 563(9:1210)
>>>>>o.q., 469(7:1420)
>>>>Document tabled, 500(7:1750)
>>>>Industry position, o.q., 630(10:1145-50)
>>>>International law, compliance with, o.q., 471(7:1430), 625(10:1120-5)
>>>>o.q., 469-70(7:1420), 470(7:1425), 471(7:1425-30), 472(7:1435),
513-4(8:1445-50), 516(8:1500), 625(10:1125), 630(10:1145-50), 796(13:1450),
916(15:1150), 962(16:1445), 1030(17:1435), 1907(32:1445)
>>>>r.o., 6500(106:1010)
>>>>S.O. 31, 507(8:1415)
>>>>See also Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute--Displaced workers;
Forest industry--British Columbia, Mountain pine beetle
Pulp and paper industry--Centre of excellence
>>>Atlantic provinces excluded, o.q., 2846(48:1500)
>>>British Columbia, S.O. 31, 7864(128:1055)
>>>Budget 2003 measures, lack, 4875(80:1240), 6127(101:1045)
>>>>o.q., 3741-2(63:1425)
>>>Canadian Alliance plan, o.q., 1302(22:1430)
>>>Canadian Lumber Trade Alliance, $15 million grant, accountability, etc.,
o.q., 4039(68:1450-5)
>>>o.q., 135(3:1445), 138(3:1500),
1303(22:1435), 1549(26:1455),
1733(29:1430-5), 1735(29:1445), 1840(31:1455), 1943(33:1430-5), 2014(34:1500),
2054-5(35:1135), 2327-8(39:1420-5), 2378(40:1155), 2516(42:1435),
2559(43:1455), 2720(46:1500), 2962(49:1435), 3063(51:1435), 3427(57:1455),
3578-80(59:1830-40), 3982-3(67:1435), 3987(67:1500), 4040(68:1455-500),
4537(75:1150), 5361(88:1455), 5916(97:1450-5), 6031(99:1135), 6082(100:1425),
6083-4(100:1430-5), 6242(102:1440), 6318(103:1425), 6369(104:1120-5),
6390(104:1310), 6436-7(105:1450), 6535(106:1435), 6602(107:1425-30),
6604(107:1440), 6676(108:1430), 6676(108:1435), 6735-6(109:1420-5),
6737-8(109:1435), 6796(110:1415), 6797(110:1420-5), 6799(110:1430-5),
6847-8(111:1425-30), 6849-50(111:1440), 6916(112:1420-5), 6966(113:1130),
7028(114:1445-50), 7094-5(115:1435), 7138(116:1440), 7290(118:1135-40),
7871-2(128:1135-40), 9109-10(149:1845-55)
>>>S.O. 31, 307-8(5:1105), 743(12:1400), 2006(34:1410), 6079(100:1405)
>>>Saguenay--Lac-Saint-Jean region, QC, o.q., 5982(98:1435-40)
>>>World Trade Organization (WTO) rules, relationship, o.q., 471(7:1430)
>>>See also Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute--Diversification
funding--Employment insurance measures--Softwood Industry Community Economic
Adjustment Initiative
>>Government position, measures, etc., 212(4:1040), 213(4:1045),
216-8(4:1120), 220-1(4:1140-5), 262(4:1620), 272(4:1745), 528(8:1625),
638-9(10:1240-55), 4838(79:1640), 4977(82:1305), 6386(104:1245),
>>>Budget 2003 measures, lack, 3755(63:1540), 3758-9(63:1605), 4979(82:1320)
>>>o.q., 8723-4(143:1150)
>>>S.O. 31, 6597(107:1405)
>>>Throne Speech omission, 60(2:1525), 227(4:1235), 454(7:1235), 500(7:1750)
>>>>o.q., 52(2:1435)
>>Grande Cache, AB sawmill closure, S.O. 31, 9261-2(152:1405)
>>Industry impact, 7187(117:1125)
>>>o.q., 1789(30:1155)
>>Iraq, United States pre-emptive attack, Canadian position, relationship,
>>Job losses, layoffs, 217-8(4:1120), 220-1(4:1140), 2178(37:1105),
3951(67:1050), 5730(93:1705), 6266(102:1705)
>>>o.q., 2962(49:1435), 6089(100:1500), 6369(104:1120), 6602(107:1425-30),
6604(107:1440), 6676(108:1435), 6737(109:1435), 6799(110:1430-5),
6916(112:1420-5), 6966(113:1130)
>>>S.O. 31, 2623(44:1355)
>>>See also Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute--Tembec Inc.
>>Laterrière, QC forestry co-operative, impact, o.q., 6031(99:1135)
>>Loan guarantees, providing, 8618(141:1725), 8804(144:1825)
>>>o.q., 471(7:1425-30), 514(8:1445-50), 625(10:1120-5), 916(15:1150),
962(16:1445-50), 1030(17:1435), 1302(22:1430), 1789(30:1155), 1943(33:1430),
2327(39:1425), 2517(42:1440), 6081-2(100:1420), 6242(102:1440),
6369(104:1120), 6436(105:1450), 6602(107:1425), 6676(108:1435),
6799(110:1435), 6847(111:1425), 6848(111:1430), 6850(111:1440),
6916(112:1420-5), 7028(114:1445), 7138(116:1440), 7290(118:1135-40)
>>>S.O. 31, 2104(36:1400)
>>Loans, providing, S.O. 31, 743(12:1400)
>>Market development research and development, assistance, $75 million, o.q.,
52(2:1435), 625(10:1125)
>>Negotiations, progress, etc., 3960(67:1200), 8804(144:1825),
8930-1(146:1915-25), 9225(151:1915)
>>>o.q., 52(2:1435), 135(3:1445),
625(10:1125), 1909(32:1450), 1943(33:1430),
2014(34:1500), 2720(46:1500), 2960-2(49:1425-35), 3063(51:1430),
3179(53:1435), 3249-50(54:1440), 3981(67:1425), 3982-3(67:1435),
3987(67:1500), 4251(71:1455), 5916(97:1450-5), 6081-2(100:1420),
6084(100:1430), 6157(101:1430), 6239-40(102:1425-30), 6241(102:1435),
6244(102:1450), 6318(103:1425), 6369(104:1120), 6371-2(104:1135),
6436-7(105:1450), 6535(106:1435), 6537(106:1445), 6602-2(107:1430),
6675-6(108:1430), 6676(108:1435), 6735-6(109:1420-5), 6797(110:1425),
6801(110:1445), 6802(110:1445-50), 6849(111:1435-40), 6851(111:1450),
6916(112:1425), 6922(112:1455-500), 8675(142:1850), 9108-9(149:1845-50),
>>>S.O. 31, 6672(108:1410), 9183(151:1415)
>>Oil and gas, linking to, o.q., 7333(119:1430)
>>Pension bridging, providing, 1735(29:1445)
>>Petitions, 434(7:1005), 521(8:1530), 549(9:1015)
>>Pettigrew, International Trade Minister
>>>Position, S.O. 31, 5634(92:1415)
>>>Visit to United States, February 4-5, 2003, discussing
>>>>o.q., 3063(51:1430), 3064(51:1435), 3179(53:1435), 3181(53:1450)
>>>>S.O. 31, 3173(53:1405)
>>>>Space Shuttle Columbia deaths, timing factor, S.O. 31, 3176(53:1415)
>>Price increases in United States only, possibility, United States consumers
concerns, o.q., 3864(65:1135)
>>Quebec industry, impact, etc., 6369(104:1120), 6510(106:130),
6602(107:1425-30), 6604(107:1440), 8685-6(142:1605)
>>>Employment increase, o.q., 4040(68:1500)
>>>o.q., 6240(102:1425), 6848(111:1430), 6916(112:1420-5), 7290(118:1135-40)
>>Quotas proposal
>>>Atlantic provinces exemption, o.q., 6801(110:1440-5), 7139(116:1445)
>>>o.q., 6802(110:1445), 6849(111:1435-40), 6851-2(111:1450), 6917(112:1425),
6919(112:1440), 6968(113:1140)
>>Skills training, o.q., government assistance, 916(15:1150)
>>Small sawmills, impact, assisting, o.q., 469(7:1420), 471(7:1430),
>>Softwood Industry Community Economic Adjustment Initiative, British
Columbia, 6325(103:1500)
>>>o.q., 6321(103:1435-40), 7820(127:1450), 7871-2(128:1135-40),
>>Tembec Inc. losses, layoffs, o.q., 135(3:1445), 1549(26:1455)
>>United States Commerce Department policy bulletins, role, o.q.,
>>United States companies takeover of smaller companies, possibility, o.q.,
>>United States countervailing and anti-dumping duties imposed,
8804-5(144:1830), 8930-1(146:1920)
>>>Reimbursement, compensation, 8805(144:1835), 8930(146:1915),
8931(146:1920), 9225(151:1910)
>>United States industry harassment of Canada, 6997-8(114:1110)
>>United States tactics, divide and conquer, targeting industry/provinces,
o.q., 5512(90:1450)
>>United States tariffs, doubling, proposed legislation
>>>o.q., 2960-1(49:1425-30), 2962(49:1435)
>>>S.O. 31, 3173(53:1405)
>>Value-added remanufacturing sector
>>>o.q., 3064(51:1435), 6968(113:1140), 7030(114:1455), 7335(119:1440-5),
>>>S.O. 31, 4137(69:1410)