The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Cattle cull see Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)--Beef industry
Cattle industry see Cattle--Industry
Cattle producers see Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)--Alberta, Beef industry
Caucasus region
Secretary of State for Central and Eastern Europe and the Middle East Knutson
visit, o.q., 1839(31:1450-5)
Cauchon, Hon. Martin (Lib.--Outremont; Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada)
- >>Aboriginal offenders, 6582-3(106:2020), 6583-4(106:2030)
>>>o.q., 5407(89:1130)
>>Aboriginal peoples/communities, o.q., 2635(44:1500)
>>Africa, 256(4:1545)
>>Age of consent (sexual relations), 2690-1(46:1115-25)
>>>o.q., 1620-1(27:1455), 1654-5(28:1445), 2332-3(39:1450), 8976(147:1500)
>>Air India, o.q., 3423(57:1435)
>>Aircraft, 5435(90:1315)
>>Airports, o.q., 9264(152:1415)
>>Auto theft, o.q., 4194(70:1150)
>>Basque separatists, o.q., 7704(125:1455)
>>Canadian Grand Prix, o.q., 7335(119:1440), 7414(120:1435), 7527-8(122:1420-5), 8154-5(133:1120-5), 8206-7(134:1420-5)
>>Capital markets, 6573(106:1905)
>>Child custody, 255(4:1535-40), 258(4:1600), 3102-3(52:1010-25), 3104(52:1030), 6572(106:1900)
>>>o.q., 2520(42:1455), 4663(77:1455), 4860(80:1130), 4861(80:1130), 5176(85:1455), 5296(87:1500)
>>Children, 6572-3(106:1905)
>>>o.q., 2559(43:1455)
>>Child pornography, 255(4:1540), 2690(46:1110), 2692-3(46:1130)
>>>M. on supply (Thompson, M.), 8814-8(145:1045-1110)
>>>o.q., 588(9:1500), 798(13:1500), 2332(39:1445-50), 3300-1(55:1130), 3304(55:1150), 3359(56:1450), 8161(133:1155), 8779-80(144:1445-50), 8898(146:1450), 9079(149:1500), 9317(153:1150)
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, 8816(145:1055), 8817(145:1105)
>>Child support, 255(4:1535), 3104(52:1025)
>>Children, 255(4:1535-40), 2291(39:1005), 8815-6(145:1045-100), 8817(145:1105), 8818(145:1110)
>>>o.q., 1948(33:1500)
>>Computers, 5435(90:1310), 6572(106:1900)
>>Contraventions Act and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-38), 6499(106:1005), 8408-9(137:1635-45)
>>Corporations, o.q., 249(4:1455)
>>Crime, 5434-5(90:1305), 6572(106:1900), 6574(106:1915), 6575-6(106:1920-30)
>>Crime prevention, 6573-4(106:1910)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-32), 5412(89:1200), 5434-6(90:1305-15), 8802(144:1815)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--capital markets fraud and evidence gathering (Bill C-46), 7176(117:1010), 7931(129:1635), 9082(149:1520), 9105(149:1825)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--criminal liability of organizations)(Bill C-45), 7176(117:1010), 7325(119:1335), 8794-5(144:1720)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals)(Bill C-10B), 7838-9(127:1705)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals and firearms) and Firearms Act (amdt.)(Bill C-10), 518(8:1510), 2361(40:1005)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of children and other vulnerable persons) and Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-20), 2291(39:1005), 2689-93(46:1105-30)
>>Criminal justice system, o.q., 1451(24:1415)
>>Cruelty to animals, 6576-7(106:1935-45)
>>Dangerous driving, o.q., 6803(110:1455)
>>Discrimination and racism, 257(4:1555)
>>Divorce Act, Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act, Garnishment, Attachment and Pension Diversion Act and Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-22), 2479(43:1005), 3102-4(52:1010-30)
>>Drug and substance abuse, 256(4:1545), 8408(137:1635)
>>>o.q., 6088(100:1455), 6679(108:1450)
>>Elections, o.q., 1905(32:1430)
>>Ethics, o.q., 8845(145:1435)
>>Family law, 255(4:1535-40), 257(4:1550), 3102(52:1010), 6572(106:1900)
>>Finance Standing Committee, M. (Boudria), 2642(44:1545)
>>Firearms, qu., 4257(71:1515)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 3471(58:1510), 6578-9(106:1950-5)
>>>M. on supply (Breitkreuz), 4626(77:1030), 4626-8(77:1040-55)
>>>o.q., 631(10:1155), 1033-4(17:1455), 1737(29:1450-5), 2013-4(34:1455), 2204(37:1420), 2206-7(37:1430-5), 2209(37:1445-50), 2248-9(38:1420), 2251(38:1430-5), 2249-50(38:1425), 2326-7(39:1415-20), 2328-9(39:1430), 2330(39:1435), 2331(39:1445), 2430-1(41:1445-50), 2517-8(42:1440), 2560(43:1505), 2627-8(44:1420), 2630(44:1430-5), 2631(44:1435-40), 2720(46:1500), 2721(46:1500), 3065(51:1440), 3066(51:1450), 3136(52:1430), 3139(52:1445), 3179(53:1435-40), 3253-4(54:1500), 3357(56:1435-40), 3424(57:1440), 3463(58:1420), 3470(58:1500), 3545(59:1430), 3720(62:1500), 3823(64:1500), 3866(65:1145), 3912(66:1445), 3985(67:1450), 3987(67:1455-500), 4038-9(68:1445-50), 4143-4(69:1445-50), 4194(70:1150), 4369(72:1500), 4590-1(76:1445), 4592-3(76:1455), 4661(77:1445), 4661-2(77:1450), 4864(80:1150), 4991(82:1440), 4994(82:1455), 5249(86:1450-5)
>>>qu., 2726-8(46:1525), 2732-3(46:1525), 4255-6(71:1515), 4923-4(81:1510)
>>>Statement by Minister (Cauchon), 2591-2(44:1005-10), 3068-9(51:1500-5), 3869-70(65:1205)
>>Gangs, o.q., 9188-9(151:1445)
>>Government contracts, o.q., 4417(73:1450)
>>Gun control, 4627(77:1045), 4628(77:1055)
>>>qu., 4256(71:1515)
>>Hate propaganda, o.q., 6322(103:1440), 7456(121:1445)
>>Impaired driving, 8409(137:1640)
>>>o.q., 6088(100:1455), 6604(107:1440), 6605(107:1445)
>>Jung, Richard, o.q., 6854(111:1505)
>>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee, 1419(24:1000)
>>Justice Department, estimates, Committee of the Whole consideration under S.O. 81(4)(a), 6571-9(106:1855-955), 6582-3(106:2020), 6583-4(106:2030), 6587(106:2055), 6593(106:2330), 6594-5(106:2335-45), 6596(106:2350)
>>Justice system, 255(4:1535), 256(4:1540), 257(4:1550), 6573(106:1905), 6582-3(106:2020), 6587(106:2055)
>>Legal aid, 255(4:1540), 257(4:1550), 6573(106:1910), 6584(106:2030), 6594(106:2335)
>>Mackinaw, Shawn, o.q., 9078(149:1450-5)
>>Marijuana, 256(4:1545), 257(4:1550), 6571-2(106:1855-900), 6595-6(106:2345-50), 8408-9(137:1635-45)
>>>o.q., 3358-9(56:1445-50), 6319-20(103:1430), 6531-2(106:1415-20), 6534(106:1430), 6603-4(107:1435), 6604(107:1440), 6679(108:1445)
>>Marriage, 257(4:1555), 6594-5(106:2340)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 7382-4(120:1040-50)
>>>o.q., 1457(24:1450), 5755(94:1120), 7096(115:1445), 7098(115:1450), 7218-9(117:1455), 7418(120:1455-1500), 7532(122:1445), 7572(123:1120)
>>National security (public safety), o.q., 2961(49:1430)
>>Occupational health and safety, 6573(106:1905)
>>>o.q., 1452(24:1425)
>>Official languages policy (Bilingualism), o.q., 4862(80:1140)
>>>Bills, Government, 518(8:1510), 8408(137:1635)
>>>Member's remarks, 9105(149:1825)
>>Proceeds of crime, o.q., 5407-8(89:1135)
>>References see Marijuana--Decriminalization, Legislation
>>Royal Canadian Mounted police (RCMP), 257-8(4:1555)
>>Sentences (convicted criminals), o.q., 3182(53:1455), 3299(55:1120)
>>Sex slave trade, o.q., 9317(153:1150)
>>Sexual assault, o.q., 8113(132:1450)
>>Street racing, o.q., 2559(43:1500), 3138(52:1440)
>>Strongquill, Constable Dennis, o.q., 5293-4(87:1450)
>>Supreme Court of Canada, o.q., 6085(100:1440)
>>Throne Speech
>>>Address in Reply, M. (Pacetti), 254-6(4:1535-45), 257-8(4:1550-600)
>>Unified Family Courts, 3104(52:1025)
>>Victims of crime, 6574(106:1915-20)
>>>o.q., 1737(29:1450-5)
>>Violent crimes, 6594(106:2335)
>>Witnesses (Justice system), 2691-2(46:1125-30)
>>Youth Criminal Justice Act, 6578(106:1945)
>>>o.q., 4663(77:1455), 4994(82:1445), 5035(83:1455), 5709-10(93:1435), 6086-7(100:1445-50), 8115(132:1500)
CBC Radio see McNeil, Bill
CCA see Chromated Copper Arsenate (CCA)
CCHS see Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS)
CCRA see Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA)
CCTB see Canada Child Tax benefit (CCTB)
CDC see see Health care--Health Department health/disease surveillance
CDIC see Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC)
CDs see Music--Copying of CDs
Cedarbrae Collegiate Institute
Grade 12 students, Parliament Hill visit, S.O. 31, 1729(29:1410)
CEDAW see Women--United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)
Cegeps see Education, post-secondary--Tuition fees, Quebec Cegeps
Celanese Canada Inc.
Drummondville, QC plant, closure, employment insurance benefits, lack,
Celebrating Succes in Rural Canada: Annual Report to Parliament 2001-2002 see Rural communities
Celiac disease see Disability Tax Credit--Eligibility criteria changed; Medical expense tax credit--Eligible expenses
Cell phone companies see Toronto Pearson International Airport--Greater Toronto Area Airports Authority dispute with cell phone companies
Cell phones see Procedure
Cellucci, Paul see Canada-United States relations--United States ambassador to Canada
Celtic Colours International Festival
Cape Breton, NS, S.O. 31, 746(12:1410)
Cement see Lafarge Canada Inc.
Maintenance/repairs, 7829(127:1555-1600)
2005 census, Statistics Canada contracting out to Lockheed Martin,
8474(139:1320), 8509(139:1710-5), 8512(139:1735), 8519(139:1830)
>>>o.q., 8390(137:1425), 8393(137:1440), 8435-6(138:1125-30), 8719(143:1130),
>>Questions asked, scope, necessity, etc., 8511(139:1720-30), 8512(139:1735),
9248(152:1230), 9249(152:1235), 9253-5(152:1305-15)
>>Records, access
>>>1901 and prior, 8509(139:1715), 8510(139:1720), 8513(139:1740),
8514(139:1745), 8516-7(139:1810)
>>>1906, released, tombstone information only, 8508(139:1700), 8510(139:1720),
9247(152:1225), 9254(152:1310)
>>>1910-2003, access by genealogists and historians after 92 years, by public
after 112 years, conditions, etc., 8507-19(139:1700-830), 9247-55(152:1225-315)
>>>2006 and later, access after 92 years with consent of individuals
information relates to, 8508(139:1700-5), 8509(139:1710-5), 8510(139:1720),
8511(139:1725), 8514(139:1750), 8519(139:1830), 9248-9(152:1230),
9250-1(152:1245), 9252(152:1255-300), 9255(152:1315)
>>>Post 1901, releasing, legislation, government introducing
>>>>Petitions, 2435(41:1515), 7492(122:1010)
>>>>S.O. 31, 507(8:1410)
>>>>See also National Archives of Canada Act and Statistics Act (amdt.)(Bill
>>>See also Statistics Act (amdt.)(Bill S-13)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) see see Health care--Health Department health/disease surveillance
Central heating systems see Municipal waste--Berlin, Germany
Centralization see Canada
Centre de Golf Le Versant
Montreal, QC, 15th anniversary celebration, S.O. 31, 7523(122:1400)
Centre d'entraide de la région Disraeli see Frontenac--Mégantic constituency
Centre for Offshore Oil and Gas Environmental Research (COOGER) see Oil and gas industry
Centre for Wilderness Ecology see Simon Fraser University
Centre hospitalier des Vallées de l'Outaouais
Funding, S.O. 31, 3003(50:1100)
Centres of excellence see ArcticNet; Pulp and paper industry
Centres of Excellence for Women's Health
Establishment role, 6213(101:2100)
Centro Calabria Festival
Toronto, ON, Federation of Calabrese, organizing, S.O. 31, 7909(129:1405)
CFB Chilliwack
Canada Lands Company management, educational park proposal, o.q.,
CFB Gagetown
Expropriation, August 27, 1952, S.O. 31, 7210(117:1410)
CFI see Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI)
CFIP see Canadian Farm Income Program (CFIP)
CGI Group Inc. see Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program)--Computer system
Chabad Lubavitch
Jewish educational and social service institutions, Rabbi Menachen Mendel
Schneerson, leadership, S.O. 31, 7131-3(116:1405-15), 7210(117:1410)
Chairman and Deputy Chairman, rulings and statements
Divisions, voice votes, yeas/nays, loudest, 8880(145:1815)
>>Language, inappropriate/improper, Chair cautioning Members to be judicious
in choice of words, 1387(23:1905)
>>Member's remarks
>>>Addressing through Chair, 1395(23:2000), 1398(23:2025)
>>>Maintaining respectful tone, 2895(48:2110), 2915(48:2345)
>>Question and comment period, allotted time
>>>Allowing Member opportunity to reply, 2887(48:2010)
>>>Brief reply, 1410(23:2220), 4079(68:1955)
>>>Expired, 1393(23:1950), 1402(23:2055), 1413(23:2220)
>>>>House Order prohibiting, not in order, 1413(23:2220)
>>>>Unanimous consent denied, 1388(23:1915)
>>>Questions/comment/replies, keeping to one minute, 1386(23:1900),
>>>Remaining time, allowing three questions, time limits, 2891(48:2040)
Chalk River, ON see Canadian Neutron Facility
Chalk River Laboratories see Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL)
Challenger aircraft see Government aircraft--VIP executive jet fleet
Chalmers, Dr. Robert Hugh
Physician, Fredricton, NB, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 4813(79:1400)
Chamberlain, Brenda (Lib.--Guelph--Wellington)
- >>Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-446), 7460(121:1505)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), M. (Anderson, Hon. David), 2127-8(36:1630-40), 2129(36:1645)
>>Health care, 62-3(2:1540-50)
>>Health care providers, 63(2:1555)
>>Infrastructure, 62(2:1540)
>>Linamar Corporation, 2127(36:1630), 2129(36:1645)
>>Marijuana, 7460(121:1505)
>>>Petitions, 7461(121:1515)
>>Marriage, petitions, 7462(121:1515)
>>National Day of Prayer, petitions, 7460(121:1515)
>>National parks, 63(2:1545)
>>Procedure, divisions, recorded, 4020(67:1905)
>>Throne Speech
>>>Address in Reply, M. (Pacetti), 62-3(2:1540-55)
>>Truscott, Steven, petitions, 140(3:1515), 3187-8(53:1530)
>>University of Guelph, S.O. 31, 1647(28:1400)
>>Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act (Bill C-2), 4020(67:1905)
Chambers of Commerce see Taiwan Chambers of Commerce of North America
Chambord, QC see Agropur
Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de l'Outaouais
Brown, Genevieve, person of the year award recipient, S.O. 31,
Chambre de commerce et d'industrie Lac-Saint-Jean-est
Awards gala, S.O. 31, 9070(149:1410)
Champagne, Noella see Quebec--Provincial election
Champlain constituency see Massicotte, Paul
Chanukah see Hannukah
Chaplin family see Canadian General-Tower Limited
Chapman, Lola see Ridge Meadows Youth and Justice Advocacy Association
Chaput, Hon. Senator Maria (Lib.--Manitaba)
- >>References, first Franco-Manitoban woman appointed to Senate,
congratulations, S.O. 31, 3417(57:1400)
Charbonneau, Yvon (Lib.--Anjou--Rivière-des-Prairies)
- >>Community Access Program (Internet), S.O. 31, 2955(49:1400)
>>Friendship Group of Parliamentarians for UNESCO, S.O. 31, 7210(117:1410), 8667(142:1405)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), M. (Anderson, Hon. David), 2188-9(37:1225-30)
>>International Day of Tolerance, S.O. 31, 1610(27:1400)
>>>Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 2913-5(48:2325-45)
>>>House take note, M. (Boudria), 112-3(2:2210-25)
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Lalonde), 4315-6(71:2220-30)
>>>S.O. 31, 4815-6(79:1410)
>>National identity card, M. on supply (Davies), 3516(59:1105)
>>National missile defence system (NMD), M. on supply (Bachand, C.), 6343-4(103:1720-30)
>>Remembrance Day, S.O. 31, 9261(152:1405)
>>Youth, S.O. 31, 8889-90(146:1405)
>>YWCA Week Without Violence, S.O. 31, 673(11:1355)
Charest, Hon. Jean see Quebec
Charest, Robert see Canada Lands Company--Gagliano
Charitable organizations
Donations to
>>>Increased, 2002, S.O. 31, 8890(146:1410)
>>>Quebec association of federal Liberal assistants, fundraising, S.O. 31,
>>>See also Bank of Montreal;
Capital gains tax
>>Governance, reform, accountability factor, etc., 5930-1(97:1635)
>>See also Benevolence International Fund (BIF) Canada
Charlesbourg--Jacques-Cartier constituency see Member of Parliament for a Day contest
Charlevoix, QC see Airports--Government financial assistance; Employment insurance economic regions--Manicouagan
Charlottetown Accord see Bryden--References; Federal-provincial jurisdiction; Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing
Chartered accountants see Corporations--Auditors
Chase, BC see Trans-Canada Highway--British Columbia
Château de l'Aéroport
Closure, lawsuit against Aeroports de Montréal (ADM), Mirabel airport
factor, 635-6(10:1225-30)
Chatham, ON see International Truck and Engine Corporation (Navistar)
Chatters, David (CA--Athabasca)
- >>Aboriginal Affairs, Northern Development and Natural Resources Standing
Committee, 5040(83:1535), 5071(84:1025)
>>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 6824-5(110:1740-5)
>>Africa, 160(3:1735)
>>Agriculture, 1998(34:1320)
>>Air pollution/smog, 156(3:1705), 2148(36:1920)
>>Alternative/renewable/green energy, 2273(38:1700)
>>Automobile industry, 2160-1(36:2110)
>>Automotive Pollution Reduction Act (Bill C-235), 5137-8(84:1835-45)
>>Bio-diesel fuel, 5138(84:1840)
>>Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)
>>>o.q., 6967(113:1140), 7137-8(116:1435-40)
>>>S.O. 31, 6963(113:1115)
>>Bruce Power, 2272(38:1645-50), 2273(38:1655-700)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2003 (Bill C-28), 4978-9(82:1310-5)
>>Canada Pension Plan and Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 3014(50:1305)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, S.O. 31, 1612(27:1405)
>>Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9), 5376-7(88:1650-5)
>>CANDU reactors, 2158(36:2040)
>>Child pornography, petitions, 832(14:1040), 2116(36:1505), 3016(50:1210)
>>Committees, Parliamentary, 1118(19:1140)
>>Corporate income tax, 7803(127:1300)
>>Crown corporations, 5377(88:1655)
>>Energy conservation/efficiency, 1998(34:1315)
>>Energy prices, 160(3:1735)
>>Environment, 1997(34:1305), 2151(36:1940)
>>Environmental assessment, 5376-7(88:1650-5)
>>Equalization payments, 2155(36:2015)
>>Ethanol, 9149(150:1500)
>>>o.q., 9146-7(150:1445), 9191(151:1500)
>>Ethics, o.q., 8846(145:1440)
>>Ethics Commissioner, 7633-4(124:1520)
>>First Nations Governance Act (Bill C-7), 6824-5(110:1740-5)
>>Fossil fuels, 2271(38:1645), 2273(38:1700)
>>Gasoline, 5137-8(84:1835-45)
>>Gasoline prices, 7761(126:1615)
>>>o.q., 8114(132:1450)
>>Gasoline taxes, 5138(84:1840)
>>>M. on supply (Moore), 8098-100(132:1320-30)
>>>o.q., 8113(132:1430)
>>Government expenditures, 4978(82:1310)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 156(3:1705), 157(3:1715), 4979(82:1315)
>>>M. (Anderson, Hon. David), 1996-8(34:1255-320), 1999(34:1325), 2003(34:1355), 2093(36:1235), 2121(36:1540), 2123(36:1600), 2126(36:1625), 2128-9(36:1640), 2144(36:1850), 2148(36:1920), 2151(36:1940), 2155(36:2015), 2158(36:2040), 2160-1(36:2110), 2162(36:2120), 2164(36:2140), 2167(36:2200), 2415(41:1235)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 855-6(14:1330-45)
>>>o.q., 747(12:1415), 864(14:1430), 1145(19:1450), 1943(33:1430)
>>>S.O. 31, 1296(22:1355), 2105(36:1405), 5098(84:1355)
>>Hate propaganda, petitions, 7631(124:1505), 9321(153:1210)
>>Hydro-electric power, 2126(36:1625), 2167(36:2200), 2274(38:1710)
>>Hydrogen, 5138(84:1840)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--natural resources)(Bill C-48), 7760(126:1605), 7761-2(126:1610-20), 7764-5(126:1640), 7803-4(127:1300)
>>Infrastructure, 8099(132:1320-5)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 5092(84:1310)
>>>Petitions, 6770(110:1025)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 7634(124:1520)
>>>S.O. 31, 9308(153:1100)
>>Linamar Corporation, 2128-9(36:1640)
>>Marriage, 8098(132:1320)
>>>Petitions, 7147(116:1530), 7631(124:1505)
>>Mining industry. 7765(126:1640)
>>National debt, 4978(82:1310)
>>Natural gas
>>>o.q., 6608(107:1500), 8673(142:1435-40), 9319(153:1200)
>>>S.O. 31, 7986(130:1415)
>>Natural resource industries, 4978(82:1315), 7760-1(126:1605-15), 7762(126:1620), 7764-5(126:1640), 7803(127:1300)
>>Nuclear Amendment Act, 2003 (Bill C-449), 7631(124:1505)
>>Nuclear energy, 2272-3(38:1650-5), 7631(124:1505)
>>Nuclear Safety and Control Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4), 2271-4(38:1645-715), 2276-7(38:1730)
>>Nuclear waste, 2272-3(38:1645-700), 2274(38:1710-5), 2277(38:1730)
>>Oil and gas industry, 1999(34:1325), 2003(34:1355), 2415(41:1235), 7761(126:1610-5)
>>Oil prices, 856(14:1345)
>>Oil sands, 855(14:1335), 2093(36:1235), 2273-4(38:1705)
>>>o.q., 1145(19:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 2105(36:1405)
>>Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Ethics Commissioner and Senate Ethics Officer)(Bill C-34), 7633-4(124:1520)
>>Pesticides, qu., 6440(105:1510)
>>Petro-Canada Inc., 4979(82:1315)
>>>Chatters (false/misleading statement), 9149(150:1500)
>>>Davies (rights of Members breached), 5040(83:1535)
>>Procedure, question be now put, 5071(84:1025)
>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, M. (Adams), 1118(19:1140)
>>Terrorism, 1998(34:1310)
>>Throne Speech
>>>Address in Reply, M. (Pacetti), 156(3:1705), 157(3:1715)
>>Trade with United States, 4978(82:1310-5)
>>Uranium mining industry, 2276-7(38:1730)
>>Yukon Territory, statement by Minister (Nault), 4953-4(82:1010)
Cheese imports
Medium cheddar, supplemental allocation, duty free, International Trade
Minister Pettigrew allowing, justification, o.q., 2256(38:1500)
>>See also Agropur
Chelation therapy
Cardiovascular disease treatment, effectiveness, 1097-8(18:1715-20)
Chemical industry see Oleochemical industry
Chemical Pesticide Use For Non-essential Purposes Prohibition act (Bill
First reading, 717(12:1030)
>>See also Pesticides--Cosmetic use
Chemical pesticides see Pesticides
Chemical weapons see Biological and chemical weapons
Chemicals see Oil and gas industry--Value-added products
Cheng, Arthur Shu-Ren see Chinese Canadians--Chinatown Memorial Square monument
Cheriam, Ahmad see Child prostitution
Chernobyl nuclear accident
Explained, CANDU reactor differences, 2216(37:1535)
>>Radiation released, contaminated land, health impact, etc., 556(9:1110),
764(12:1600), 2220(37:1610), 2275(38:1715)
Cherry, Don
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Hockey Night in Canada commentator
>>>Intolerance, condemning, S.O. 31, 240(4:1405), 355(6:1405), 5027(83:1415)
>>>Opinion re: Iraq, United States pre-emptive attack, investigation, o.q.,
Chevalier de Lorimier
Quebec patriot, 200th anniversary of birth, S.O. 31, 6314(103:1400)
Chevarie-Dudemaine, Simon
United States incarceration, transfer to Canada, o.q., 4194(70:1150-5)
Chevron Canada Limited see Oil and gas industry--Refineries
Chi, Aung Sun Sue see Burma
Chicago, IL see Border, Canadian--Trade, United States 24 hour advance notice requirement; Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway system--Marine Transportation Subcommittee study
Chief Actuary Act (Bill C-421)--Ablonczy
First reading, 4540(75:1210)
>>Second reading, 6345-52(103:1730-830), 7439-45(120:1815-900), agreed to, on
recorded division, 7487-8(121:1855-90)
>>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 6352(103:1830)
>>Finance Standing Committee referral, 7488(121:1910)
>>See also Chief Actuary of Canada
Chief Actuary of Canada
Dismissal, refusal to validate government Canada Pension Plan projections,
6345(103:1735), 6350(103:1805-10), 6351(103:1815-20), 6352(103:1825),
7439(120:1815), 7441(120:1830), 7443-4(120:1845-55)
>>Establishing independent chief actuary reporting to Parliament, role re
public pensions, etc., 6345-52(103:1730-825), 7439-45(120:1815-55)
>>>See also Chief Actuary Act (Bill C-421)
Chief Electoral Officer
Report on administration of May 13, 2002 and December 9, 2002 by-elections,
Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee referral, tabled, 4921(81:1500)
>>See also Elections--Campaign funding
Chief of Defence Staff see Canadian Armed Forces
Chief Public Health Officer of Canada
Establishing, National Advisory Committee on SARS and Public Health (Naylor)
recommendation, o.q., 8270(135:1425-30)
Chief scientist see Science--Government science
Child abduction
Age limit, under age of 16, 805(13:1550)
>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--abduction)(Bill C-243)
>>Air travel, adult passengers travelling with young persons, written proof of
consent, 3327-35(56:1105-55), 4882-6(80:1330-1400)
>>>Aboriginal people, cultural differences, 3331(56:1130)
>>>Legislation, Canada Transportation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-314), Child Find
Alberta position, 3328(56:1110-5), 3334(56:1155)
>>Amber alert system, information, radio and television broadcast
>>>National system, establishing, 6362(104:1045), 6375(104:1150)
>>>S.O. 31, 1939(33:1410), 4244(71:1410)
>>Our Missing Children program, 4883-4(80:1340-5)
Child abuse see Child custody; Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation; Children--Abuse/neglect
Child Abuse Prevention Month
Awareness, S.O. 31, 623(10:1110), 8429(138:1055)
Child care
Federal government expenditures, Budget 2003 measure, 3731(62:1625),
3755(63:1540), 3763(63:1640), 3764(63:1650), 3947(67:1015), 3948(67:1020),
3961(67:1205-10), 3968(67:1255), 4000(67:1630), 4008(67:1725), 4056(68:1635),
4066(68:1750), 4239(71:1340), 4265(71:1550), 4272(71:1645),
4788(79:1030), 4798(79:1150-5), 4799(79:1200), 4969(72:1205), 4983(82:1345),
6105(100:1650-5), 6125(101:1030-5), 6253(102:1535), 6517-8(106:1230)
>>>o.q., 3745(63:1445)
>>>See also Child care--National program
>>Federal-provincial agreement, 4239(71:1340)
>>Federal role, Throne Speech statement, 228(4:1240), 238(4:1345)
>>Income tax deduction/exemption for expenses, 4053(68:1620), 4068-9(68:1805),
4956(82:1020), 4983(82:1345), 6360(104:1025), 8305(135:1910-5)
>>>Higher income spouse of business operator or self-employed person
claiming, 3479(58:1605)
>>>>See also Income Tax Act (amdt.--chid care expenses)(Bill C-354)
>>>Quebec, S.O. 31, 7985(130:1405)
>>>Single income families, home child care, fairness, 3755(63:1540),
>>National program
>>>Budget 2003 measure, regulated child care, stay at home parents,
discrimination, o.q., 3819-20(64:1435-40), 3910(66:1430-5)
>>>Federal interference in provincial jurisdiction, 251(4:1505)
>>>Federal-provincial-territorial agreement, $900 million allocation, o.q.,
>>>Implementation, priority, petitions, 7031(114:1505), 7344(119:1535),
>>>Need for, 2533(42:1645), 3763(63:1640), 6125(101:1030-5), 6382(104:1220),
>>>S.O. 31, 2709(46:1355)
>>Parental choice, government not respecting, etc., 4068-9(68:1805-10),
4969(82:1205), 5051(83:1655), 6098(100:1550), 6360(104:1025)
>>Quebec program, 27(2:1140), 228(4:1240)
>>Saskatchewan, child care spaces, increase, federal-provincial-territorial
child care agreement, role, o.q., 5036(83:1500-5)
>>Universal access, 487(7:1620), 3153(52:1630-5), 3154(52:1645)
>>>Including government support of parents at home, 3154-5(52:1650),
>>See also Aboriginal peoples/communities
Child custody
Child abuse/child sexual abuse, relationship, 3106(52:1040),
3150-1(52:1610), 3156(52:1705)
>>Child Custody and Access Special Joint Committee (36th Parl., 1st Sess.)
report, government response, etc., 258(4:1600), 3107-9(52:1045-100),
3114(52:1145), 3118(52:1215), 3123(52:1300), 3126(52:1325), 3127(52:1330-5),
3145(52:1520-5), 3146-7(52:1540), 3151(52:1615), 3152(52:1625-30),
3793-4(64:1135), 3796-7(64:1200-5)
>>Children's views and preferences factor, 3103(52:1020)
>>Domestic violence, relationship, 3103(52:1015-20), 3106(52:1040),
3116-7(52:1200-10), 3122(52:1250), 3144(52:1520), 3145(52:1525),
3147(52:1540), 3793(64:1130), 3797(64:1200)
>>Enforcement of orders, etc., 3120-1(52:1235), 3127-8(52:1335-40)
>>Fathers, role, rights, access, etc., 3120(52:1235), 3126(52:1325-30),
3127(52:1335), 3129(52:1350), 3144(52:1520), 3145-7(52:1530-40),
3150-1(52:1610-20), 3154(52:1640), 3793(64:1130), 3794(64:1140)
>>Grandparents, other relatives, access, contact orders, etc., 1237(21:1510),
3103(52:1020), 3105(52:1035), 3109(52:1100), 3112(52:1125),
3118-9(52:1215-25), 3120(52:1235), 3123(52:1255-300), 3126(52:1330),
3154(52:1635), 3154(52:1645), 3155(52:1655), 3156(52:1700), 3798-9(64:1215-20)
>>>See also Divorce Act (amdt.--custody of grandchildren)(Bill C-294);
Divorce Act, Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act,
Garnishment, Attachment and Pension Diversion Act and Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill
>>Grandparents seeking custody or access, 3119(52:1225), 3509(59:1025)
>>>See also Divorce Act (amdt.--right of spouse's parents to access to or
custody of child)(BIll C-366)
>>Lawyers role, providing information, etc., 3103(52:1020-5), 3122(52:1250)
>>Legal aid, relationship, 3144(52:1520), 3158(52:1715-20)
>>Legislation, Divorce Act, Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement
Assistance Act, Garnishment, Attachment and Pension Diversion Act and Judges
Act (amdt.)(Bill C-22), 6572(106:1900)
>>>Bloc Québécois position, 3796(64:1150)
>>>Committee study, importance, etc., 3115(52:1150), 3117(52:1210-5),
3120(52:1235), 3121(52:1240), 3129(52:1350), 3144(52:1515), 3796(64:1150),
>>>Gender-based analysis, lack, 3114-5(52:1145-200), 3117(52:1210-5),
3144(52:1520), 3145(52:1525), 3149(52:1605)
>>>>o.q., 7630(124:1455)
>>>Introducing, 255(4:1535-40), 258(4:1600)
>>>Justice Department drafting, Parliamentary/public input, lack,
3796(64:1155), 3798(64:1215)
>>>See also Divorce Act (amdt.--shared parenting)(Bill C-245);
Divorce Act, Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act,
Garnishment, Attachment and Pension Diversion Act and Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill
>>Mothers, role, 3151(52:1615)
>>>Economic factors, 3159(52:1720), 3160(52:1730)
>>Parental responsibility/best interests of the child focus, shared parenting
concept, parenting agreements, orders, etc., 805(13:1550),
3102-3(52:1010-25), 3104-9(52:1030-105),
3112-3(52:1125-40), 3115(52:1150),
3117(52:1215), 3118(52:1215), 3119-20(52:1225-35), 3121-5(52:1240-320),
3126-7(52:1325-35), 3129(52:1355), 3144-7(52:1515-40), 3149-52(52:1605-30),
3155(52:1650-5), 3156(52:1700-5), 3157(52:1710), 3158(52:1715-20),
3161(52:1735-40), 3792-4(64:1124-40), 3795(64:1150), 3796-9(64:1155-220)
>>>o.q., 2520(42:1455), 2559(43:1455), 4662-3(77:1455), 4860(80:1125-30).
4861(80:1130), 5296(87:1500)
>>>Petitions, 807-8(13:1600-10), 1555(26:1515), 2596(44:1040), 2926(49:1010),
3189(53:1535), 3783(64:1015), 4045(68:1530), 5209(86:1005), 5325(88:1015),
7300(118:1230), 7462(121:1520), 8639(142:1055), 8934(147:1005), 9238(152:1105)
>>Presumptive maternal custody, 3120(52:1235), 3127(52:1335)
>>United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, relationship,
>>>o.q., 4861(80:1130)
>>Visits, parent imprisoned for sexual offences, 685(11:1505)
>>>Schneeberger, John/Lisa Dillman case, 4943-4(81:1745-50)
>>>>o.q., 5176(85:1455), 5295(87:1455)
>>>>S.O. 31, 5240(86:1400)
>>>See also Divorce Act (amdt.--limits on rights of child access by sex
offenders)(Bill C-231)
>>See also Child support
Child Custody and Access Special Joint Committee (36th Parl., 1st Sess.) see Child custody
Child Disability Benefit see Disabled and handicapped persons--Children
Child/family poverty
Amount, extent, 7522(122:1350)
>>Combatting, 232(4:1310), 267(4:1700), 269-70(4:1720-30), 496(7:1720),
2653(44:1725), 3097-8(51:1840-5), 3159(52:1720), 6105(100:1650),
>>>Budget 2003 measures, 3730-1(62:1620-5), 4833(79:1605), 4850(80:1025)
>>>Long-term investment plan, Throne Speech statement, 3(1:1525), 36(2:1245),
156(3:1710), 453(7:1235), 536(8:1715), 614(8:1015), 615(8:1020), 647(10:1355),
>>>Manley, Finance Minister, position, tax reductions, relationship, o.q.,
>>>National strategy, need for, 6513-4(106:1200)
>>>S.O. 31, 1298(22:1410)
>>>See also Child support--Legislation;
>>Decline, 445(7:1125), 457(7:1305), 460(7:1325), 2502(42:1305), 4265(71:1545)
>>Eliminating by 2000, 33(2:1225), 1725(29:1345)
>>>Campaign 2000 report
>>>>o.q., 1910(32:1455)
>>>>S.O. 31, 1832(31:1410)
>>>Failure, 81(2:1805-10), 144(3:1540), 441(7:1100), 453(7:1235), 456(7:1255),
460(7:1325), 485(7:1605), 497(7:1730), 536(8:1715), 537(8:1725),
2462(41:1830), 2502(42:1300), 3996(67:1605), 6067(100:1235), 6267(102:1715),
>>Factors/definition, etc., 43-4(2:1340-55)
>>Increase, 160(3:1735), 162(3:1750), 3149(52:1600)
>>Level, 6270(102:1735)
>>>o.q., 1232(21:1435-40)
>>>S.O. 31, 1449(24:1410)
>>National Child Benefit
>>>Advertising expenses, qu., 8493-4(139:1525)
>>>>Throne Speech statement, 3(1:1525), 24(2:1115), 27(2:1140), 81(2:1805),
81(2:1815), 215(4:1100), 223(4:1200), 237(4:1340-5), 273(4:1745), 487(7:1620),
496:1720), 647-8(10:1355), 2502(42:1300)
>>>Role, importance, 457-8(7:1305), 459(7:1315), 3731(62:1625), 4956(82:1020),
>>>Taxation, relationship, 6360(104:1025)
>>>See also Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB)
>>Parliamentary committee study, 4798(79:1155)
>>Single parent families, family breakdown factor, 33(2:1225), 3125(52:1320),
3129(52:1350-5), 3799(64:1215)
>>Taxation factor, 6257(102:1600)
>>>See also Child/family poverty--National Child Benefit
>>See also Aboriginal peoples/communities--Children
Child Find Alberta see Child abduction--Air travel, Legislation
Child labour
International situation, petitions, 3654(61:1520)
Child meningitis
Immunization, petitions, 3654(61:1520)
Child neglect see Children--Abuse/neglect
Child pornography
Artistic merit exemption, 2707-8(46:1330-50), 2756-7(46:1815),
3052(51:1325), 3075(51:1545), 3080(51:1615), 3081-2(51:1630-5), 3090(51:1745),
3835-8(64:1630-40), 5958-9(98:1130), 5961(98:1150), 5972(98:1335),
5999-6000(98:1640), 8812(145:1020), 8814(145:1040), 8817(145:1100),
8820(145:1130), 8821(145:1135), 8822(145:1150), 8824-6(145:1200-15),
8829(145:1240-5), 8836(145:1345), 8852(145:1520), 8855(145:1540),
8856(145:1545), 8857(145:1555-600), 8858(145:1610), 8860(145:1625),
8861-2(145:1630-5), 8863(145:1645), 8866(145:1705), 9239-40(152:1110-5),
9245(152:1205), 9245-7(152:1210-20)
>>>Elder, Leonard, case, o.q., 867(14:1445-50)
>>>Elimination, 2567(43:1550)
>>>Legislation, amending, 255(4:1540), 3335(56:1155)
>>>Limitations, clarification, legislation (Bill C-20), 5950(98:1025),
5954-5(98:1055-100), 5956-7(98:1115)
>>>o.q., 588(9:1500), 798(13:1500),
4534(75:1135), 5985(98:1450-5)
>>>Proctor, position, 2700-3(46:1240-305), 3024(50:1310)
>>>Public good criterion, relationship, 5954(98:1100), 5972-3(98:1335),
5993(98:1600), 5997(98:1625), 5999-6000(98:1640), 6004(98:1715-20),
9240-1(152:1115-25),9242(152:1140-5), 9246(152:1215)
>>>>S.O. 31, 8482(139:1415), 9308(153:1100)
>>>Sharpe, John Robin, case, 1381(23:1825), 2693-4(46:1135-40),
2699(46:1230-5), 2700(46:1240), 2702(46:1250), 2705(46:1315-20),
2736(46:1540), 2738(46:1550), 2746(46:1650), 2747-8(46:1705), 2751-2(46:1735),
2752-4(46:1745-800), 3053(51:1320), 3079-8(51:1605-15), 3085(51:1655-700),
3328(56:1110), 3390(57:1025), 3835-8(64:1630-50), 5334(88:1135),
5335(88:1150), 5905(96:1920), 5906(96:1930), 5949(98:1015), 5950(98:1025),
5963(98:1200-5), 5964(98:1220), 5965-6(98:1235), 5974-5(98:1355),
5990(98:1520), 5992(98:1550), 5993(98:1600), 6002(98:1700), 8815(145:1045-50),
8816(145:1100), 8817(145:1105), 8822(145:1145-50), 8826-7(145:1220-30),
8829(145:1245), 8850(145:1500), 8852(145:1525), 8854(145:1535),
8856(145:1550), 8857(145:1555-600), 8858(145:1610), 8861(145:1630),
8863(145:1645), 8865(145:1700), 8866(145:1705), 9239(152:1110-20),
9241(152:1130), 9243(152:1145-50)
>>>Supreme Court of Canada ruling, 5996(98:1620)
>>>>Canadian Alliance position, 5956(98:1115)
>>>See also Child pornography--Police funding requests;
Criminal Code (amdt.--child pornography)(Bill C-335)
>>Banning, government refusal, 277(4:1815-20)
>>Budget 2003 measures, lack, 3755(63:1540), 3994(67:1550)
>>Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms factor, 8824(145:1200-5),
8837(145:1350), 8851(145:1505), 8851-2(145:1515), 8857(145:1600)
>>>Notwithstanding clause use, 8814(145:1035), 8864(145:1650)
>>Child prostitution, relationship, 8859(145:1615)
>>Child sexual abuse, relationship, 5997(98:1625), 8812(145:1010-5),
8813(145:1025), 8825-6(145:1210-5), 8835-6(145:1330-40), 8852-3(145:1520-5),
8854(145:1540), 8859-60(145:1610-5), 8862(145:1640), 8865(145:1700)
>>Children, harm, 3155(52:1650)
>>Combatting, 495(7:1720), 22741(46:1610), 2749(46:1715), 2752(46:1740),
2754-5(46:1805-10), 2758(46:1825-30), 3055-6(51:1345), 3085-6(51:1705-10),
3088-92(51:1735-45), 3094-5(51:1815-25),
3096-7(51:1835), 3834-5(64:1620-30),
3838-9(64:1650-5), 5889(96:1705-10), 5960(98:1150), 5999-6000(98:1640-5),
6004(98:1715), 9243-4(152:1150-1200)
>>>>Necessity, 8813(145:1020), 8828(145:1235)
>>>>Reallocation of funds from firearms registry, 4224(71:1150), 4225(71:1200)
>>>>>o.q., 3867(65:1150)
>>>Judicial system, role, 2738-41(46:1555-610)
>>>Liberal Party leadership candidates, position, stating, 3052(51:1320)
>>>National strategy, funding, 3082(51:1635), 3919(66:1535), 6075(100:1345)
>>>>o.q., 3139(52:1445-50)
>>>o.q., 3304(55:1150)
>>>Parliament power to act, 5972(98:1330), 5974-5(98:1350-5)
>>>Petitions, 15(2:1000), 141-3(3:1520-35), 207-8(4:1005), 321-2(5:1225),
368(6:1515), 434(7:1010), 520-1(8:1520-30), 549(9:1015), 686-8(11:1515-25),
714(12:1005), 806-9(13:1555-1610), 831-4(14:1035-45), 921-2(15:1220),
968-9(16:1520-5), 1085(18:1545-50), 1195(20:1210), 1238(21:1515),
1265(22:1015), 1358-9(23:1545-50), 1419-20(24:1005-10), 1504(25:1205),
1554-6(26:1510-20), 1579-80(27:1005-10),
1663-5(28:1545-55), 1698(29:1010),
1843-4(31:1515-20), 1871-2(32:1005), 1954(33:1540), 1976(34:1010),
2060-1(35:1205-10), 2116-7(36:1505-10), 2169(37:1005), 2170(37:1010),
2265(38:1600-5), 2292-3(39:1015-20), 2381(40:1215), 2382(40:1220),
2433-5(41:1505-15), 2480(42:1010-5), 2596-600(44:1040-1100),
2686-7(45:1205-10), 2724(46:1525), 2765(47:1015), 2853(48:1550),
2926(49:1010), 3015-6(50:1210), 3072(51:1525), 3101(52:1010),
3188-9(53:1530-5), 3218(54:1055), 3309(55:1220-5), 3365(56:1520-5),
3512(59:1030-5), 3602(60:1205), 3653-4(61:1515-20), 3679(62:1005),
3749(63:1510), 3782(64:1015), 3874(65:1240), 3945-6(67:1010), 4045-6(68:1530),
4106(69:1010), 4197-8(70:1215), 4254(71:1510), 4423(73:1525), 4454(74:1010),
4719(78:1505), 4922-3(81:1505), 5044(83:1600), 5179(85:1515), 5323-4(88:1010),
5413(89:1205), 5454(90:1510), 5764(94:1210), 5818(95:1615), 5919-20(97:1515),
5948(98:1015), 6037-8(99:1210-5), 6094(100:1535), 6095(100:1540-5),
6249(102:1515), 6379(104:1210), 6439-40(105:1505-10), 6499-500(106:1010),
6611(107:1525), 6860-1(111:1545-50), 6974-5(113:1215), 7033(114:1515),
7061-2(115:1010), 7146-8(116:1525-35),
7299-300(118:1230), 7301(118:1235),
7377(120:1005), 7461(121:1510), 7462(121:1515), 7463(121:1525),
7582(123:1215), 7631(124:1505), 7661(125:1010), 7755(126:1535),
7783(127:1020), 8041(131:1520), 8042(131:1525), 8072(132:1005-10),
8216(134:1515), 8326(136:1520), 8493(139:1520), 8639(142:1050),
8727-8(143:1215), 8905(146:1535), 8935(147:1015), 9031(148:1205),
9198(151:1540-5), 9321(153:1210)
>>>Police resources, lack, 5972-3(98:1335-45), 6000(98:1645), 6364(104:1050),
>>>Project Snowball, arrests, 2757(46:1820), 5973(98:1345)
>>>>o.q., 2801-2(47:1455), 3867(65:1150)
>>>S.O. 31, 3976(67:1400), 4585-6(76:1415), 4813-4(79:1400), 6792(110:1400),
>>Courts role, 8813(145:1030), 8814(145:1035), 8824-6(145:1200-15),
>>Criminal Code offences, 8816(145:1055), 8823(145:1200), 8831(145:1255-300)
>>Definition, 2690(46:1115), 2699(46:1230), 2704(46:1310-5), 2707(46:1330),
2740(46:1610), 2743(46:1625-30), 2745(46:1650), 3079(51:1610), 3083(51:1645),
3086-7(51:1715-20), 3333(56:1150)
>>Drawings see Child pornography--Victim
>>Encrypted computer files, not providing key, offence, establishing,
8820(145:1125), 8851(145:1505)
>>>Rules of disclosure, o.q., 9024-5(148:1150)
>>>Sample considered representative, 8820(145:1125), 8851(145:1505)
>>>>S.O. 31, 861(14:1410)
>>Financial motivations, 8813(145:1025)
>>Freedom of expression factor, 8814(145:1040), 8824(145:1200),
>>Government position, voting against motion, etc., 219(4:1130),
219(4:1135-40), 3036(51:1105)
>>Hate propoganda, relationship, 8826(145:1220), 8850(145:1500)
>>Internet access/distribution, 685(11:1510), 2690(46:1110), 2741(46:1615),
2747-8(46:1705), 2749-50(46:1715-25), 2751(46:1735), 2755(46:1805-10),
3053(51:1330), 3081-2(51:1635), 3328(56:1110), 8818-9(145:1110-5),
8820(145:1125), 8821-2(145:1145), 8851(145:1505-10), 8853(145:1525-30),
8855-6(145:1540-50), 8858(145:1605-10), 8859(145:1610-5), 9214(151:1720)
>>> website, reporting illegal content and online activities,
2690(46:1110), 2741(46:1615), 8817(145:1105), 8830(145:1255)
>>>>S.O. 31, 2711(46:1405)
>>>o.q., 9317(153:1150)
>>>Voyeurism via internet, criminalizing, 2692-3(46:1130), 2706(46:1330),
2741(46:1615), 2745(46:1645), 2747(46:1705)
>>>See also Internet Child Pornography Prevention Act (Bill C-234)
>>Legislation, Throne speech statement, 544(8:1815)
>>Medical treatment/research, access, 5958(98:1130)
>>Police funding requests/artistic merit factor, relationship, Lill remarks,
3836(64:1635), 4889(81:1120)
>>>Access, prevention, 1237(21:1505), 2697(46:1215), 2703(46:1305),
2705(46:1320), 2708-9(46:1350), 2749-51(46:1720-30)
>>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--keeping child pornography in a manner that
is not reasonably secure from access by others)(Bill C-291)
>>>Legal defences
>>>>Exploitation, elimination, 9087-9(149:1600-10)
>>>>>M. on supply (Thompson, M.), 8811-38(145:1010-1355),
8849-67(145:1500-1715), agreed to, 8867(145:1715)
>>>>>S.O. 31, 9260(152:1400)
>>>>o.q., 8898(146:1450), 9079(149:1500)
>>>Non-exploitative images, exemption, 8811(145:1010)
>>>Non-exploitative possession, exemption, 8813-4(145:1035)
>>>Personal use items, exclusion, 5956(98:1115), 8827(145:1230),
>>Property, forfeiture, 3327(56:1105)
>>Public good defence, 2690(46:1115), 2699-702(46:1235-300),
2704-5(46:1310-5), 2706(46:1320-5), 2708(46:1340), 2738(46:1550-5),
2743(46:1630), 2746(46:1650), 2747-8(46:1700-5), 2757(46:1815),
3054-5(51:1330-40), 3079(51:1610), 3080(51:1615), 3083-4(51:1645-50),
3094(51:1815), 5957(98:1115), 8812(145:1020), 8814(145:1040),
8815-6(145:1045-50), 8817(145:1100), 8819-20(145:1115-25),
8824-6(145:1200-15), 8827(145:1225), 8828-9(145:1240-5), 8831(145:1300),
8836-7(145:1345-50), 8854(145:1535), 8856(145:1545), 8857(145:1555),
8858(145:1605-10), 8860(145:1625), 8861(145:1630), 8863(145:1645-50),
8865-6(145:1700-5), 9239(152:1110), 9241(152:1130), 9242(152:1140-5),
>>>Canadian Alliance position, 9240(152:1120)
>>>o.q., 2332(39:1445-50)
>>>S.O. 31, 2421(41:1355)
>>>Unelected judges deciding definition, 5972(98:1335)
>>>See also Child pornography--Artistic merit exemption;
Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of children and other vulnerable persons) and
Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-20)
>>Public opinion, 15(2:1000)
>>Rural communities, 8812(145:1020), 8855(145:1545)
>>Sentences, 2697(46:1625-30), 2698(46:1230), 2738-9(46:1555-600),
2757(46:1820), 3053(51:1325), 3054(51:1335), 3096(51:1830), 8818(145:1110),
8833-4(145:1315-20), 8837(145:1345), 8851(145:1505), 8853(145:1525),
8855(145:1540), 8856(145:1550), 8866(145:1705)
>>>Conditional sentences, 2739(46:1555), 2744(46:1635), 2748-9(46:1710),
>>>>o.q., 3300-1(55:1130), 8161(133:1155), 8779-80(144:1445-50)
>>>>S.O. 31, 1448-9(24:1405)
>>>House arrest, o.q., 3596(60:1135-40), 8161(133:1155)
>>>Minimum punishment, 1662(28:1535), 2693(46:1130-40), 2737(46:1540-5),
2741(46:1615), 9241-2(152:1130-5)
>>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--child pornography)(Bill C-307)
>>>o.q., 3359(56:1450), 3598-9(60:1150), 3599(60:1155), 9029(148:1150)
>>Total ban, 5958(98:1125-30), 5961(98:1150), 5972(98:1330), 5990(98:1520)
>>United States, source, 8830(145:1250)
>>Victim, necessity, drawings, writings, exemption, 8814(145:1040)
>>Virtual child pornography, 8817(145:1105)
>>Written child pornography, 8816(145:1050), 8831(145:1255), 8850(145:1500),
8856(145:1550-5), 8863(145:1645), 9239(152:1110), 9240(152:1115)
>>>See also Child pornography--Victim
>>See also Judicial law-making--Misappropriation;
Sex offender registry
Child poverty see Child/family poverty
Child Predator Act (Bill C-298)--Pankiw
First reading, 1356(23:1530)
>>See also Child sex offenders (pedophiles)--Sentences/parole
Child prostitution
Cheriam, Ahmad, arrest warrant, Canadian border crossing, o.q.,
>>Extent, combatting, etc., 3321(55:1355), 3323(55:1410-5), 3324(55:1420)
>>Street prostitution, 8855(145:1545)
>>See also Child pornography
Child sex offenders (pedophiles)
Child pornography, access/possession, relationship, 5960-1(98:1150),
>>Combatting, 9213-4(151:1720)
>>>Project Guardian, 3036(51:1105)
>>>>Petitions, 3071-2(51:1520-5), 8072(132:1005)
>>Dangerous offender designation, 9237(152:1100)
>>>See also Criminal Code and Corrections and Conditional Release Act
(amdt.--sexual assault on child--dangerous offenders)(Bill C-471)
>>Definition, 3039(51:1130-5)
>>Government policy, 3035-7(51:1105-15), 3041(51:1150), 3051-2(51:1305-10)
>>>S.O. 31, 1728(29:1405)
>>Information, disclosure, 3041(51:1145)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien) protecting, 8826(145:1220)
>>Orders of prohibition, dwelling house of person under age 14, 1205(21:1135),
1237(21:1505), 3037(51:1115), 8831(145:1300)
>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--order of prohibition)(Bill C-290)
>>Pedophile travel rings, 3056(51:1350), 3076-7(51:1555), 3093(51:1800)
>>Pornography, access to in prison, 2739(46:1600)
>>Registry, 2696(46:1200-5), 2705(46:1320), 2756(46:1815)
>>Rehabilitation, effectiveness, 3035-6(51:1105), 3038(51:1125),
>>Release, Okotoks, AB, protest, 8203(134:1400)
>>Sentences/parole, 366(6:1510), 1356(23:1530), 3035-42(51:1105-55),
3052(51:1315), 3055-6(51:1345-50), 3085(51:1655), 3873(65:1230),
5960(98:1145), 8828(145:1235), 9213(151:1715)
>>>Bloc Québécois position, 3038-9(51:1120-5), 3041(51:1155), 3084(51:1655),
>>>Conditional sentence, 5957(98:1115-20)
>>>"House arrest", serving in community, 5459(90:1535), 5950(98:1025),
5956(98:1110-5), 5963(98:1200), 5965(98:1230), 5974(98:1345),
5992(98:1545-50), 6000(98:1645)
>>>Kohan, Carrie, campaign, 3035-6(51:1105), 3041(51:1145)
>>>o.q., 3595(60:1130), 3597(60:1140), 5917(97:1455-1500)
>>>Petitions, 9198(151:1540)
>>>See also Child Predator Act (Bill C-298);
Criminal Code (amdt.--dangerous child sexual predators)(Bill C-214);
National Sex Offender Registry Act (Bill C-399)
>>Sexual exploitation offence see Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of children
and other vulnerable persons) and Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-20)
>>Sharpe, John Robin, arrest, 1202(21:1115)
>>See also Border, Canadian;
Child custody--Visits;
DNA evidence databank--Effectiveness, Gustavson;
Judicial law-making--Misappropriation;
Sex offender registry;
Sexual assault
Child sex tourism
Canadians, prosecuting in Canada for offences outside Canada, 8831(145:1300)
Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation
Canadian committing in other countries, prosecuting in Canada, 5974(98:1350)
>>Combatting, 3091-23(51:1750-800), 3094(51:1820), 3837-8(64:1645)
>>Courtroom experiences of children, 8821(145:1130)
>>Government initiatives, 2740(46:1610), 2742-3(46:1625), 3053(51:1325),
3320(55:1345), 8830-2(145:1250-305)
>>Impact on children, 8859-60(145:1610-5)
>>Internet role, luring offence, co-operation with G-8 countries, etc.,
8816(145:1055), 8817(145:1105), 8819(145:1115), 8819-20(145:1125),
>>Protection from sexual predators, 5963(98:1210), 6001(98:1650)
>>Sentences, 2699(46:1235), 2741(46:1615), 2746(46:1655), 3088(51:1730),
>>Television, Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
(CRTC) role, 8821(145:1140)
>>See also see Age of consent (sexual relations)--Raising, Aboriginal girl
sexual assault case;
Child custody;
Child sex offenders (pedophiles);
Kingsclear Youth Training Centre
Child soldiers
Ban, S.O. 31, 3419(57:1410)
Child support
Access to child/payment of support payments, relationship, 3148-9(52:1555),
>>Enforcement, improving, 3104(52:1025), 3147-9(52:1540-600), 3159(52:1720)
>>Fairness, 3798(64:1210)
>>Garnishment of salaries and pensions, etc., 3147-8(52:1540-5)
>>Income tax returns, requiring child support debtors to file, 3104(52:1025),
>>Joint custody, reducing payments, 3129(52:1350), 3144(52:1515)
>>>Child/family poverty, combatting, relationship, 3148(52:1550),
>>>Introducing, 255(4:1535)
>>>>Petitions, 2434(41:1505)
>>>See also Divorce Act, Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance
Act, Garnishment, Attachment and Pension Diversion Act and Judges Act
(amdt.)(Bill C-22)
>>Priority over other debts, establishing, 3104(52:1025), 3112(52:1130),
>>Second spouses, impact, concerns, 3112(52:1130)
>>Unemployment, impact, etc., 3155(52:1650)
>>Variations to support orders, parents in different provinces, 3104(52:1025)
Child tax benefit see Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB)
Child witnesses see Witnesses (Justice system)
Abuse/neglect, 9246(152:1210)
>>>Criminal Code reform, Throne Speech statement, 3(1:1525), 24(2:1115),
255(4:1540), 277(4:1820), 648(10:1400)
>>>>o.q., 1948(33:1455-500)
>>>See also Mackinaw, Shawn
>>Budget 2003 measures, 3991(67:1525), 4786(79:1020), 7235-6(117:1655)
>>Death, commemorating, national children's memorial day, establishing, M.
(O'Brien, L.), 6699-705(108:1715-800), agreed to, 6705(108:1800)
>>Discipline, restrictions, 8866(145:1710)
>>Education, accessibility, 10(1:1555)
>>Infrastructure program, recreation spaces and programs, S.O. 31,
>>Minors, children under 16 years of age, travelling with adult, domestic air
travel, permission of guardian/custodial parent see Canada Transportation
Act (amdt.)(Bill C-314)
>>National children's agenda, 237(4:1340), 238(4:1350)
>>Nutrition, importance, 215(4:1100)
>>>Quebec breakfast club, 537(8:1725)
>>Protection, government measures, ineffective, 6075(100:1340-5)
>>Rights see Organization for the Protection of Children's Rights (OPCR);
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
>>Safety and security, 2291(39:1005), 3087-8(51:1725-30), 9242-3(152:1140-5)
>>>Crimes against, assaults, swarming, etc., 9087(149:1555)
>>>Environmental health issues, relationship, 8823(145:1155)
>>>Legislation, Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of children and other
vulnerable persons) and Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-20),
6572-3(106:1905), 8814(145:1035), 8815-8(145:1045-10), 8819(145:1115),
8819(145:1125), 8820-1(145:1130-5), 8822-3(145:1145-50), 8824-5(145:1200-15),
8827(145:1220-5), 8828(145:1230-5), 8829-30(145:1245-50),
8831-3(145:1255-315), 8834(145:1320), 8836(145:1340-5), 8850(145:1500),
8852(145:1515), 8853(145:1525), 8854-7(145:1535-600), 8858-9(145:1605-10),
8860(145:1620-5), 8861(145:1630), 8862(145:1635), 8863-4(145:1645-55),
8865(145:1700), 8866(145:1710)
>>>>New Democratic Party position, 9238-9(152:1110)
>>>o.q., 3595(60:1130)
>>>Protection from inside/outside family, Throne Speech statement,
495(7:1720), 3037(51:1110-5)
>>Sentences for child-related offences, 8820(145:1130)
>>Society, community, responsibility for, 3129(52:1350), 3144(52:1515),
3159(52:1725), 3159-60(52:1720-30), 3161(52:1735)
>>Throne Speech provisions, statements, 236-8(4:1340-50), 445(7:1125),
542(8:1805), 544(8:1810)
>>>See also Children--Abuse/neglect--Safety and security;
Family law--Reform
>>See also Aboriginal peoples/communities;
Abortion--Rights of the unborn;
Age of consent (sexual relations);
Assisted human reproduction;
Automobiles/motor vehicles--Infant car seats;
Canadian Child Rights Act (Bill C-369);
Children in Law Act (Bill C-386);
Children's Aid Society of Haldimand--Norfolk;
Diabetes--Type I juvenile diabetes;
Diamond mining industry--Conflict diamonds;
Disabled and handicapped persons;
Disease prevention;
Early Childhood Development Initiative;
Ethics Commissioner;
Family law--Reform;
Family violence;
Free the Children;
Income tax--Child deduction--Families caring for;
Iraq, United States pre-emptive attack;
Lumber industry--Pressure treated wood;
Marriage--Definition, Children--Definition, Same-sex couples;
Modernization of Benefits and Obligations Act (amdt.)(Bill C-361);
National Child Day;
Operation Christmas Child;
Pesticides--Health risks;
Public Service pensions--Survivor benefits;
Same-sex couples;
Single parent families;
Sports--Amateur sport, Fees;
United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF);
Welfare--Removal from;
World Health Day
Children in Law Act (Bill C-386)--Harb
First reading, 3510(59:1025)
Children of Deceased Veterans Education Assistance Act (amdt.)(Bill
C-50)--Minister of Veterans Affairs (Pagtakhan)
First reading, 7491(122:1000)
>>Second reading, 7825-38(127:1525-1705), agreed to, 7838(127:1705)
>>National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 7838(127:1705)
>>>Report, without amdt., 8442-3(138:1205)
>>Report stage, 8707(143:1005)
>>>Concurrence, M. (Pagtakhan), agreed to, 8707(143:1005)
>>Third reading, 8707-13(143:1005-55), 8729-37(143:1225-1325),
8788-94(144:1635-1715), agreed to, 8794(144:1715), passed.
>>Senate passage, 9301(153:1005)
>>Royal Assent, 93289153:1315). Chap. 27, S.C. 2003
>>See also Education, post-secondary--Veterans' children;
Prisoners of war;
Veterans' benefits/pensions--Eligibility
Children's Aid Society of Haldiman--Norfolk
Children, protection, public awareness campaign, S.O. 31, 7907-8(129:1355)
British Columbia Children's Hospital Oncology Clinic, fundraiser,
Allende government, General Augusto Pinochet, September 11, 1973 coup,
anniversary, S.O. 31, 7329-30(119:1410)
>>See also Canada Pension Plan--Mandatory personal plan
Chilliwack, BC
CFB Chilliwack, former Canadian Forces base, education park, development,
government position, o.q., 6370-1(104:1130)
>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Bases and stations, British Columbia;
Human Resources Development Department
Canadian one China policy, impact on Taiwan, etc., 6416(105:1240),
6417(105:1245), 6420(105:1300), 6422-3(105:1325-30), 6449(105:1605)
>>Foreign aid
>>>o.q., 3718(62:1450), 8323-4(136:1500), 8440-1(138:1150)
>>>r.o., 4924(81:1510)
>>Human rights, abuse, 4214(70:1355)
>>Infectious disease, International Cooperation Minister Whelan knowledge,
o.q., 5553(91:1425), 5640(92:1450)
>>See also Alcatel Canada Inc.;
Bingzhang, Dr. Wang;
Canada-China relations;
CANDU reactors--Exports;
Caoutchouc Crosston;
Falun Gong;
Foreign students--International relations role;
Infectious disease;
Lumber industry--Exports;
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS);
World Trade Organization (WTO)--Taiwan;
Zhao, Wei Amanda