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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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37th Parliament, 2nd Session   (September 30, 2002 - November 12, 2003)  Latest Session
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E-government see Government on-line services (Internet)--International comparison

E-mail see Electronic mail

Ear banks see British Columbia Ear Bank

Early Childhood Development Initiative

    >>Federal intrusion into provincial jurisdiction, 251(4:1505)
    >>Government commitment, Throne Speech statement, 215(4:1100), 237(4:1345), 496(7:1720)
    >>Importance, 487(7:1620)
    >>Provinces using funding for other programs, 4274(71:1700)
    >>See also Aboriginal peoples/communities

Early, Liz see St. Catharines Athlete and Sportsperson of the Year

Earthquakes see Algeria; Canadian Armed Forces--Bases and stations, British Columbia; Italy

East Coast Music Awards

East Timor see Timor Leste, Democratic Republic of

Easter, Hon. Wayne (Lib.--Malpeque; Solicitor General of Canada as of October 22, 2002)

Eastern Interlake Regional Co-op see Recycling

Eastern Townships, QC see Farm income crisis--Drought, Hay West campaign; Municipalities--Quebec

Eating disorders

Eaux Vives Harricana

    >>Esker spring water exports, S.O. 31, 127-8(3:1405)

Ebadi, Shirin

    >>Nobel Peace Prize, recipient, Iranian lawyer, women and children's rights activist, S.O. 31, 8554(140;1405)

Eban, Abba

    >>Israeli statesman and diplomat, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 1541(26:1405)

Eccelenza Award

    >>Bova, Joe, recipient, congratulating, S.O. 31, 8772-3(144:1410)

Eckmire, David

    >>Saskatoon, SK, aviation sector, community leader, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 5752(94:1105)

Eco-Tech Village

    >>Milton, ON, development, ecovillage and televillage, S.O. 31, 3589(60:1055)

EcoAction Community Funding Program see Coulombe River

École Beaulieu see Entrepreneurs/entrepreneurship

École de l'Arc-en-ciel see Iraq, United States pre-emptive attack--Canadian participation

École de Médecine Vétérinaire de Saint-Hyacinthe

École Dominique-Racine see Peace--Peace petitions/initiatives

École Jean XXIII, Repentigny, QC see Comic Book for Peace

École Polytechnique see National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women; Women--Violence against

École polyvalente Charles-Gravel see Peace--Peace petitions/initiatives

Ecological gifts see Environment

Ecological Gifts Program see Environment

EcoLogo certificate see House of Commons--Printing Services

Economic and Fiscal Update 2003 (November 3, 2003)

    >>Finance Minister presenting, 6505(106:1045-50)
    >>>o.q., 6918-9(112:1435)
    >>See also Budget surplus--Forecasts; Health care funding--First Ministers' agreement (2003); National debt--Reduction

Economic and social conditions see Aboriginal peoples/communities; Pikangikum First Nation

Economic development see Aboriginal peoples/communities--Economic and social conditions, Natural resource revenues; Regional development

Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec see Canada Economic Development (Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec)

Economic freedom see Economy/economic conditions

Economic indicators see Health and well-being

Economic policy

    >>Social policy, relationship, Budget 2003 recognizing/ignoring, 4956(82:1025), 4958(82:1035), 6098-9(100:1555)

Economic prudence reserve see Budgets--Contingency reserve/economic prudence reserve

Economic security see National security (public safety)

Economic statement see Economic and Fiscal Update 2003

Economy/economic conditions

Ecovillage see Eco-Tech Village

EDC see Export Development Canada (EDC)

Éditions Brimar see Government grants

Edmonton, AB see Diamond mining industry--Canadian industry, National round table; Electoral boundaries--Redistribution; Football--Grey Cup; Queen Elizabeth II--Golden Jubilee medal

Edmonton Public Library

    >>90th anniversary, celebrating, S.O. 31, 8966(147:1405)

Edmonton--Strathcona constituency see Government expenditures--Order Paper questions

Edmonton West constituency see Government expenditures--Order Paper questions

Edmundston, NB see Trans-Canada Highway--Highway 185

EDS Canada see Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program)--Administrative procedures--Computer system


    >>Edmonton Public School Board, French immersion high school diplomas, 95 students earning, S.O. 31, 7696(125:1410)
    >>Federal funding, 4264(71:1540)
    >>>Budget 2003 measures, 4048(68:1550), 4221(71:1125), 4272(71:1645)
    >>>>Lack, 3761(63:1625)
    >>>Increasing, 268(4:1715)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 3245-6(54:1415)
    >>>Physical education, Budget 2003 measure, Quebec, jurisdiction, o.q., 2910(66:1435)
    >>>See also Taxation--Federal-provincial tax/fiscal imbalance
    >>French language, access, etc., 485(7:1600)
    >>Holman Island, NT, quality, etc., 4965(82:1135)
    >>Importance, lifelong learning, etc., 542(8:1805), 2539(42:1735), 2541(42:1745), 4266(71:1550), 4280(71:1735), 4872(80:1220), 6099(100:1555)
    >>International comparison, 7800(127:1230)
    >>Language education, federal government role, 27(2:1140)
    >>Ontario government cutbacks, 37(2:1300)
    >>System, United Nations ranking, S.O. 31, 2104(36:1405)
    >>See also Aboriginal peoples/communities; Afghanistan--School programs; Canadian Armed Forces--Public education--Reserves; Canadian Bill of Rights (amdt.--right to education)(Bill C-360); Catholic Education Day; Developing countries; Drug trafficking--Schools; Education Standards Act (Bill C-377); Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.--school-leaving age)(Bill C-375); Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA); Gays and lesbians--Kempling; Health; Meilleur, Jean-Baptisite--Quebec public education system; Military memorial sites; Monique Vaillancourt-Antippa award; National Summit on Education and Learning; United Nations--National Model United Nations

Education, post-secondary

Education Standards Act (Bill C-377)--Harb

Efficiency claims see Corporations--Mergers

Efford, R. John (Lib.--Bonavista--Trinity--Conception)

Egg marketing see Canadian Egg Marketing Agency; Supply management and marketing boards

Egg producers

    >>Canada-United Stated bilateral agreement, terminating, request, government position, o.q., 4823-4(79:1455)
    >>Ontario egg producers, "Get Cracking", annual omelette breakfast event, S.O. 31, 4854(80:1100)

Eggleton, Hon. Art (Lib.--York Centre)

    >>Budget deficit, 451(7:1220), 2543(42:1805)
    >>Cabinet Ministers, 827(14:1000-5)
    >>Canadian Armed Forces, 452(7:1220-5), 453(7:1235)
    >>Chabad Lubavitch, S.O. 31, 7131(116:1405)
    >>Child/family poverty, 453(7:1235)
    >>Finance Standing Committee, M. (Boudria), 2543-4(42:1805)
    >>Government contracts, 453(7:1230)
    >>Government expenditures, 2543-4(42:1805)
    >>Grose, references, S.O. 31, 5804(95:1410)
    >>Hanukkah, S.O. 31, 2104(36:1400)
    >>Health care funding, 2543-4(42:1805)
    >>Housing, 452(7:1225)
    >>Immigration, o.q., 5032(83:1445)
    >>Infrastructure, 452(7:1225)
    >>>M. on supply (Day), 4607-9(76:1640-55)
    >>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 4476(74:1310)
    >>>M. on supply (Reynolds), 3234(54:1255)
    >>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Lalonde), 4292(71:1915), 4306-7(71:2105-10)
    >>Middle East conflict, S.O. 31, 5285(87:1400)
    >>National missile defence system (NMD), 6696(108:1650)
    >>North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD), M. on supply (Gallant), 6696-8(108:1650-1700)
    >>Privilege, Harper (language, inappropriate/improper), 827(14:1005)
    >>>Divisions, recorded, 4020(67:1905)
    >>>Supply motions, 4607(76:1640)
    >>Public transit, 452(7:1225)
    >>References see Afghanistan--Taliban troops; Canadian Armed Forces; Government contracts--Solicitor General Department; Motions for the Production of Papers
    >>Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
    >>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52, 5509-10(90:2150-200)
    >>>o.q., 5960(94:1150)
    >>Throne Speech
    >>>Address in Reply, M. (Pacetti), 451-3(7:1220-35)
    >>Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act (Bill C-2), 4020(67:1905)

Egoyan, Atom see Armenian genocide--Recognition


    >>Political instability, 5822(95:1640)
    >>See also Ibrahim, Dr. Saad Eddin

Eid al-Adha

    >>Muslim festival of sacrifice, S.O. 31, 3460(58:1405)

EKOS Research

    >>Government contracts, 1993-2001, total billed, ro., 4541(75:1210)
    >>See Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

Elder, Leonard see Child pornography--Artistic merit exemption

Elderly persons

    >>Abuse, neglect and exploitation, prevention/detection, 6610(107:1520)
    >>>See also Older Adult Justice Act (Bill C-439)
    >>See also Budgets--Balanced

Elected officials

    >>Expense allowances, income tax exemption, eliminating, 1791-2(30:1210-5), 1808-9(30:1425)
    >>Public distrust, 1725(29:1345), 5768-9(94:1240), 7642(124:1625), 7790-1(127:1120-5), 7792-3(127:1140)
    >>Women, barriers, etc., S.O. 31, 9021(148:1110)
    >>See also Income Tax Act (amdt.--allowances paid to elected provincial or municipal officials)(Bill C-317)

Election promises

    >>Liberal Party 1993 election promises, "red book", not kept, 261(4:1615), 7322(119:1320), 7615(124:1325), 7618(124:1345)
    >>>Social democratic election platform, betrayal, 29(2:1200)
    >>See also Goods and Services Tax (GST)--Abolition; Highways and roads--Quebec, Federal government funding; Parliamentary reform--Liberal Party election promises


Electoral boundaries

Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (Bill C-49)--Leader of the Government in the House of Commons (Boudria)

Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (Bill C-53)--Leader of the Government in the House of Commons (Boudria)

    >>First reading, 8605(141:1505)
    >>Deemed amended and read at second reading, referred to committee, reported without amendment, concurred in at report stage and read third time, 8636(142:1035), passed.
    >>See also Electoral boundaries--Name changes

Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-300)--Catterall

    >>First reading, 1504(25:1205)
    >>Deemed adopted at all stages and passed by the House, 1504(25:1205)

Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Subcommittee

    >>Federal Electoral Boundary Commissions, reports, British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec, Subcommittee report deemed report of Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, tabling report with Clerk of the House when House not sitting, M. (Adams), agreed to, 7178(117:1020)

Electoral boundary commissions see Federal Electoral Boundaries Commissions

Electoral reform

    >>Options, 3627(61:1145)
    >>Progressive Conservative Party position, 3628(61:1145)
    >>Quebec, 3626-7(61:1135-40)
    >>See also Elections

Electric vehicles see Automobiles/motor vehicles


    >>>Ontario and United States states, August 2003, impact, S.O. 31, 7328(119:1400)
    >>>Prevention measures, S.O. 31, 7328(119:1400)
    >>Deregulation, Ontario, Windsor, ON, impact, 564(9:1215)
    >>National grid, establishing, greenhouse gas emissions reduction role, Quebec and Manitoba hydro-electric power factor, 2071(35:1325), 2465(41:1855)
    >>Ontario Power Generation Inc. (OPG) power sources, Kyoto Protocol, relationship, 526(8:1600)
    >>Ontario, rates
    >>>Government rebates, Goods and Services Tax (GST) collected, refunding, S.O. 31, 2050-1(35:1115)
    >>>Increase, factors, 567(9:1240), 598(9:1615)
    >>>Line loss charges, o.q., 1191(20:1150)
    >>>See also Acid rain--Reduction, Sulphur dioxide emissions cap
    >>Public utilities providing, 7587(123:1255)
    >>Rates, prices
    >>>Kyoto Protocol, impact, 235(4:1330), 1977-9(34:1015-35)
    >>>>o.q., 2378(40:1155)
    >>>See also Electricity--Ontario; Nuclear energy--Privatization of industry
    >>Transformers, cancer, relationship, S.O. 31, 7812(127:1405)
    >>See also Coal fired electric power plants; Energy--Security; Fossil fuels--United States power plants; Hydro-electric power; Nuclear energy; Oil and gas industry--Oil well flares; Sumas II natural gas fired electric power plant (SE2)

Electronic commerce see Internet

Electronic equipment see Toxic/hazardous waste

Electronic mail

    >>Unsolicited electronic mail (SPAM)/selling electronic mail addresses without prior consent, 8605(141:1510), 8758(144:1225)
    >>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--unsolicited electronic mail)(Bill C-460)

Electronic surveillance

    >>Annual report, Criminal Code, section 195(1), o.q., 5250(86:1500)

Elinore and Lou Siminovitch Prize

    >>Theatre award, dramaturge Carole Fréchette, protegée Geneviéve Billette, recipients, S.O. 31, 1022-3(17:1355)

Elizabeth Fry Society

    >>Kitchener, ON, transition housing, S.O. 31, 5907(97:1405)
    >>See also Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies


    >>Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD), Saskatchewan elk farmers
    >>>Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CIFA), abusive tactics, mismanagement, 4405-7(72:1910-5) , 4966-7(82:1140-5)
    >>>>o.q., 3301(55:1135)
    >>>>Reporting system, compromising, o.q., 3360(56:1455-500)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 3060(51:1410)
    >>>Export restrictions
    >>>>o.q., 8973(147:1445), 8974(147:1450)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 8267(135:1415)
    >>See also Canadian Farm-Raised Deer and Elk Month Act (Bill C-470); Riding Mountain National Park

Elk Island constituency see Electoral boundaries--Redistribution, Edmonton, AB

Elley, Reed (CA--Nanaimo--Cowichan)

Elon, Benny see Middle East conflict--Palestinians

E.M. Power Plus supplement

    >>Imports, ban, o.q., 6970(113:1150)
    >>See also Bipolar disease (manic depression)

Embassies and consulates

    >>Canadian embassies and consulates
    >>>Hong Kong, corruption, Royal Canadian Mounted Police investigation, o.q., 7575(123:1135), 7628(124:1445)
    >>>Strasbourg, France, consulate, opening, o.q., 7533(122:1450)
    >>>United States, seven new consulates, opening, S.O. 31, 7451(121:1415)
    >>See also Armenia; Falun Gong--Practitioners; Liddar, Bhupinder S.; Trade with United States--Consular presence in United States; United States

Embraer see Aircraft/aerospace industry--Canada-Brazil dispute

Embryonic research see Assisted human reproduction; Stem cell research


    >>Federal government financial assistance, 8656(142:1240)
    >>>Lack, o.q., 7336(119:1445)
    >>>Nova Scotia, funds owed since 1999 not paid, o.q., 8390(137:1425)
    >>Federal government role, preparedness, etc., 8656(142:1240)
    >>>o.q., 7412(120:1425-30)
    >>Health Department role, 6197(101:1900)
    >>See also Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)--Alberta; Canadian Armed Forces; Canadian Coast Guard--Search and rescue; Canadian Emergency Preparedness College; Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR); Earthquakes; Electricity--Blackouts; Eritrea; Famine; Floods; Forest fires; Infectious disease; La Joola; MedicAlert Month; National Civil Defence Force; Operation Christmas Child; Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)

Emergency debates (Adjournment motions under S.O. 52)

    >>Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), Alberta, cow infected, single case, beef export ban, quarantine measures, etc., application accepted (Clark), 6443(105:1515), M., 6465-97(105:1815-2230), agreed to, 6497(105:2230)
    >>>Gulf and northern cod, moratorium declared, Thibault, Fisheries and Oceans Minister, announcement, background, impact, assistance measures, alternatives, etc., application accepted (Efford), 5456-7(90:1515-20), M., 5595-629(91:1915-2335), agreed to, 5629(91:2335)
    >>Farm income crisis
    >>>Drought, application accepted (Clark), 322(5:1230), M., 404-32(6:2030-55), agreed to, 432(6:2355)
    >>Iraq, United States pre-emptive attack
    >>>Application accepted (Lalonde), 4261(71:1515), M., 4285-326(71:1810-0000), agreed to, 4326(71:0000)
    >>Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
    >>>Application accepted (Thompson, G.), 5456-7(90:1515-20), M., 5483-516(90:1830-2245), agreed to, 5516(90:2245)

Emergency debates, requests/applications (Adjournment motions under S.O. 52)

    >>Arar, Maher, Canadian citizen, United States September 26, 2002, arrest/deportation to Syria (Kenney), emergency requirements/criteria not met, not accepted, 9201-2(151:1550)
    >>Badger, NL, Badger, Exploits and Red Indian Rivers, impact, ice jams, etc. (Stoffer), emergency requirements/criteria not met, not accepted, 3679-80(62:1005)
    >>Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), Alberta, cow infected, single case, beef export ban, quarantine measures, etc. (Proctor), emergency requirements/criteria not met, not accepted, 7352-3(119:1545)
    >>Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute (Masse), emergency requirements/criteria not met, not accepted, 434-5(7:1010)
    >>Canadian Armed Forces, funding, (Wayne), emergency requirements/criteria not met, not accepted, 1666(28:1555-1600)
    >>Canadian Coast Guard, hovercraft, search and rescue vehicle, October 4, 2002 withdrawal from service, (Cummins), emergency requirements/criteria not met, not accepted, 143-4(3:1535-40)
    >>Cod, gulf and northern cod, possible moratorium
    >>>(Desjarlais), emergency requirements/criteria not met, not accepted, 1698-9(29:1010), 1738(29:1500)
    >>>(Hearn), emergency requirements/criteria not met, not accepted, 2302-3(39:1125-30)
    >>>(Keddy), emergency requirements/criteria not met, not accepted, 1699(29:1015), 1738(29:1500)
    >>École de Médecine Vétérinaire de Saint-Hyacinthe, accreditation, jeapordized, federal government support, promised (Loubier) emergency requirements/criteria not met, not accepted, 2436(41:1515), 2521(42:1500)
    >>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), cost overruns, disclosure, inadequate, Auditor General Report (2002), Chapter 10 (MacKay), emergency requirements/criteria not met, not accepted, 2266(38:1605-10)
    >>Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) (Casey), emergency requirements/criteria not met, not accepted, 4924-5(81:1510)

Emergency Measures Act see Public safety--Legislation

Emergency preparedness

    >>Health factors, Health Department role, etc., 6197(101:1900), 6205-6(101:1955-2005)
    >>Provincial systems, command structure, o.q., 1544(26:1420-5)
    >>See also Canadian Emergency Preparedness College

Emergency Preparedness Week

Emergency response time standards see Airports

Emergency response workers

    >>Hazardous materials and weapons of mass destruction training, o.q., 6922(112:1455)
    >>Volunteers, income tax deduction/exemption, 2291(39:1005), 3363(56:1520), 6560-8(106:1730-825), 8181-8(134:1105-200), 8371(137:1205-10)
    >>>Petitions, 8042(131:1520)
    >>>S.O. 31, 8840(145:1410)
    >>>See also Income Tax Act (amdt.--deduction for voluntary emergency services)(Bill C-325); Income Tax Act (amdt.--exemptions for volunteers)(Bill C-351)
    >>See also Crime--Deadly traps; Infectious disease; World Extrication Championships

Emergency rooms see Hospitals

Emigration see Brain drain

Emmy awards

    >>Charles Porlier, congratulating, S.O. 31, 8151(133:1100)

Employee share ownership plans


    >>Four day week with five days benefits, Quebec proposal, 4233(71:1300)
    >>Full employment policy, Throne Speech omission, 74(2:1715)
    >>Human Resources Development Department electronic job search kiosks, Treasury Board removing, o.q., 3250-1(54:1445)
    >>Increase, job creation, government economic policy, o.q., 2375(40:1140)
    >>Labour force survey results, o.q., 3305(55:1155), 8440(138:1150)
    >>Working hours, increase, impact, 6269(102:1730)
    >>See also Aboriginal peoples/communities; Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute--Quebec; Canadian Armed Forces--Reserves; Diamond mining industry--Canadian industry; Disabled and handicapped persons; Drug and substance abuse--Employer required alcohol or drugs tests; Food services industry--Importance; Great-west Lifeco Inc.; Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing; Immigration--Importance; Job creation; Natural gas--Northern pipelines, Aboriginal peoples employment benefits; Natural resource industries--Value-added products; Oil and gas industry--Economic role; Students--"Hire a Student"; Tourism industry--Economic role--Employment; Workplace; Youth Employment Strategy

Employment Assistance for People with Disabilities see Disabled and Handicapped Persons

Employment benefits see Automobiles/motor vehicles

Employment equity see Women

Employment Equity Act see Banks and financial institutions

Employment insurance