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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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37th Parliament, 2nd Session   (September 30, 2002 - November 12, 2003)  Current Session
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Firewall see Alberta

First aid see Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Month

First Capital Day see Kingston, ON

First ministers' conferences

    >>Throne Speech statement, 2(1:1525)
    >>See also Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (Romanow)--Report; Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing; Health care

First nations see Aboriginal peoples/communities; Canada--Nations within; First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act (Bill C-19); Health care funding--First Ministers meetings (February 4-5, 2003); Indian bands/reserves; Regional development--Saskatchewan

First Nations Auditor see Indian bands/reserves--Financial management

First Nations finance authority see Indian bands/reserves--Financial management/accountability

First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act (Bill C-19)--Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Nault)

    >>First reading, 2115-6(1505)
    >>Second reading, 2927-48(49:1015-305), 3787-92(64:1050-120), agreed to, on recorded division, 4017-8(67:1850)
    >>>Amdt. (Pallister), 2933-4(49:1100), deemed withdrawn, by unanimous consent, 3783(64:1015)
    >>>>Amdt. to amdt. (Grewal), 2945(49:1235), negatived, on recorded division, 3141-2(52:1500-5)
    >>Aboriginal Affairs, Northern Development and Natural Resources Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 4018(67:1850)
    >>>Reported, 7754(126:1530)
    >>Report stage, 9278-96(152:1605-1825)
    >>See also Aboriginal peoples/communities

First Nations governance see Aboriginal peoples/communities

First Nations Governance Act (Bill C-7)--Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Nault)

    >>First reading, 517-8(8:1510)
    >>Deemed read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs, Northern Development and Natural Resources, 517-8(8:1510)
    >>>Report, with amdts., 6610(107:1520)
    >>Report stage, 6815-39(110:1625-930)
    >>>Motions, 6816-7(110:1635-45)
    >>See also Aboriginal peoples/communities--First Nations governance

First Nations Governance Act (Bill C-61)(1st Sess., 37th Parl.)

    >>Reinstated as First Nations Governance Act (Bill C-7)--Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Nault)

First Nations Governance Review Act (Bill C-257)--Thompson, M.

First Nations Health Promotion and Disease Prevention strategy see Aboriginal peoples/communities--Health care

First Nations Land Management Act

    >>Aboriginal self-government, relationship, economic development role, establishing four institutions, etc., 480-1(7:1530-5), 2927(49:1015)

First Nations Ombudsman see Indian bands/reserves--Financial management

First Nations Policing Program

First Nations statistical institute see Indian bands/reserves--Financial management/accountability

First Nations tax commission see Indian bands/reserves--Financial management/accountability

First Nations Veterans Compensation Act (Bill C-405)--Nystrom

    >>First reading, 4044-5(68:1525)
    >>See also Veterans' benefits/pensions--Aboriginal veterans

Fiscal imbalance see Taxation--Federal-provincial tax/fiscal imbalance

Fiscal policy

    >>Sound fiscal management, government commitment, 223(4:1135)

Fiscal stabilization fund see Budget surplus

Fiscal update see Economic and Fiscal Update 2003


Fish farm see Aquaculture--British Columbia

Fish hatcheries see Fisheries--Hatcheries

Fish plant workers see Crab fishery--Gulf of St. Lawrence


    >>Atlantic stocks, declining, 9039(148:1255)
    >>>Foreign overfishing, government preventing
    >>>>o.q., 6320(103:1430-5)
    >>>>Throne Speech omission, S.O. 31, 47(2:1410)
    >>>Government mismanagement, 385(6:1740-5)
    >>>Government programs, failure, 5613-4(91:2135)
    >>>Government response, 528(8:1625)
    >>>Overfishing, 5613-4(91:2130-40)
    >>Atlantic fishery, crab fishery, cod moratorium, government indifference
    >>>Quebec Liberal government, emergency measures, federal government cooperation, o.q.., 6317-8(103:1420)
    >>>o.q., 5915(97:1445), 6674-5(108:1425)
    >>Budget 2003 dealing with, 164(3:1800)
    >>Canadian Coast Guard patrols, enforcement, lack, 5604-5(91:2020-5)
    >>Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 4070-104(68:1850-2250)
    >>>Notice, 3915(66:1500)
    >>>International regime, Canada, leadership role, assuming, S.O. 31, 7090(115:1410)
    >>>Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
    >>>>Annual meeting, Dartmouth, NS, multi-year conservation plan, S.O. 31, 7622(124:1410)
    >>>>Enforcement authority, Canada, leadership role, etc., 5299-303(87:1520-55), 5305-6(87:1615-20), 5308(87:1630-5), 5312-3(87:1705-10)
    >>Downsizing, core fishermen determination process, review, request, o.q., 4865(80:1155)
    >>Ecological management, 5614(91:2140)
    >>Employment insurance, workers' access to, o.q., 6030(99:1130-5), 6318(103:1420), 6674-5(108:1425)
    >>>See also Fisheries--Lower North Shore
    >>Federal-provincial jurisdiction factor, 6274(102:1810)
    >>Fishing assets transferred within families, capital gains tax deferral, providing, 9080(149:1505)
    >>>See also Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-463)
    >>Foreign overfishing
    >>>Global Positioning System (GPS), use to track foreign vessels, 3568(59:1705), 3569-70(59:1720)
    >>>Government inaction, 221(4:1145), 5606(91:2040)
    >>>>o.q., 5640(92:1450)
    >>>Jurisdiction, 200 mile limit, extending, 4084-5(68:2025-30)
    >>>>o.q., 3914(66:1455-500)
    >>>Portuguese vessel, cod bycatch beyond 200 mile limit
    >>>>o.q., 7626-7(124:1435)
    >>>>qu., 7148-9(116:1535)
    >>>Russian Federation, 5605(91:2025)
    >>>>Olga, information, o.q., 8438(138:1140)
    >>>See also Fisheries--Atlantic stocks
    >>Ghost nets, retrieval, 4092(68:2125-30)
    >>Government leadership role, lack/need for, 5598(91:1935-40), 5600(91:1950), 7277-8(118:1020)
    >>Government mismanagement, 4080-1(68:1955-2000), 4088(68:2015), 4099(68:2215-20), 4429(71:1230), 5308(87:1630-5), 5603(91:2010), 5618(91:2210), 5620(91:2230), 6386(104:1245), 6749(109:1550-5)
    >>>o.q., 5806(95:1420)
    >>Grand Banks nose and tail
    >>>and Flemish Cap, extending custodial management, M. (Hearn), 8999-9007(147:1815-1915)
    >>>and Flemish Cap, foreign overfishing, beyond 200 mile limit, management control, extending to, 82(2:1820)
    >>>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 9007(147:1915)
    >>>Custodial management factor, 448(7:1155), 4084-5(68:2030), 4099(68:2215), 5301-2(87:1540-5), 5304-5(87:1600-10)
    >>>>Petitions, 1195(20:1215), 1359(23:1550), 2116(36:1510), 5454(90:1510)
    >>>Munitions, post World War II, dumping, impact, 5312(87:1700-5)
    >>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), impact, 2450(41:1655)
    >>Groundfish, anticipated levels, Atlantic Canada moratorium, possibility, federal-provincial committee, need, o.q., 1306(22:1450-5)
    >>Hatcheries, funding, o.q., 1193-4(20:1200)
    >>Hook and line fishery, 3Ps, April 1 decision deadline, S.O. 31, 3004-5(50:1110)
    >>Licence buyouts, 1992 moratorium, income tax provisions, o.q., 2379(40:1200)
    >>Licences, ownership, 4087-8(68:2050), 4093(68:2130)
    >>Lower North Shore, QC
    >>>Crisis, recovery plan, etc., 5615-6(91:2150-200)
    >>>Fishing season delayed, employment insurance special allowance, fishers requesting, 6117-8(100:1830-40)
    >>>>o.q., 5249(86:1455), 5806(95:1425), 5808(95:1430-5)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 5287(87:1415)
    >>MacLeod's Ledge, PE, Seacow pond fishers, barred, negotiations, progress, o.q., 2520(42:1455)
    >>Management, decentralizing, co-operative approach, 5604(91:2020), 5626(91:2310)
    >>Management fees, affordable, petitions, 3749(63:1515)
    >>Newfoundland and Labrador
    >>>Allocation announcement, Fisheries Resources Conservation Council recommendations, pending, o.q., 3014(50:1200)
    >>>Importance, concerns, 265(4:1645-50), 4082-4(68:2015-20), 5300(87:1525-30), 5307(87:1625-30), 5310-1(87:1645-700), 5596-7(91:1915-20)
    >>>Vessel replacement program, S.O. 31, 1728(29:1405)
    >>Nova Scotia, Sydney bight, draggers, government allowing
    >>>o.q., 3014(50:1200)
    >>>S.O. 31, 3004-5(50:1110)
    >>Oil and gas industry seismic testing, impact, 5599-600(91:1945-50)
    >>>Impact, 3571(59:1735)
    >>>See also Fisheries--Foreign overfishing
    >>>Commercial fishing, long term strategy, decision making process
    >>>>o.q., 3181(53:1445)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 3175(53:1415)
    >>>Decline, government responsibility, etc., 262(4:1625)
    >>>Fisheries and Oceans Department studying, 163(3:1805)
    >>>Halibut, allocations, commercial, sport, arbitration, o.q. 8111(132:1445)
    >>>Rock cod boats, licence buy-back proposal, S.O. 31, 3298(55:1115)
    >>Privatization, individual transferable quotas (ITQs), etc., 5603(91:2010-5)
    >>>2002 commercial fishing season, S.O. 31, 2793(47:1405)
    >>>Crisis, 6123(101:1015)
    >>>Historic rights, 4077-8(68:1930-40)
    >>>Government policy, Canso, NS, negative economic impact, reconsideration, petitions, 368(6:1520)
    >>>See also Fisheries--Privatization
    >>Research, 4095-6(68:2150)
    >>>Wilfred Templeman research vessel, decommissioning, proposal, o.q., 629(10:1145)
    >>>See also Fisheries and Oceans Department--Government cutbacks
    >>Revitalization, government inaction, 221(4:1145)
    >>Scotian shelf, spawning and nursery areas detailed atlas, development, S.O. 31, 1447(24:1400)
    >>Subsidies see Species at risk (endangered species)--Free trade
    >>Throne Speech ignoring, 81(2:1815), 82(2:1820) 163(3:1800-5), 385(6:1745), 486(7:1610)
    >>See also Aboriginal fishing rights; Atlantic Pacific Fish Trading Limited; Cod; Crab fishery; Employment insurance--Seasonal workers; Groundfish industry; Ports/harbours--Mont-Louis, QC; Rockfort quarry proposal; Romeo LeBlanc National Awards for Responsible Fishing; Salmon, Pacific; Seals--Seal hunt; Toxic/hazardous waste--Lamèque Bay, NB; Turbot; Water--British Columbia-Alaska transboundary watersheds; Yukon River Salmon Agreement

Fisheries Act see Toxic/hazardous waste--Incinerator

Fisheries Act (amdt.)(Bill C-43)--Minister of Fisheries and Oceans (Thibault)

Fisheries and Oceans Department

    >>Deputy minister and assistant deputy ministers, inexperience, lack of leadership, 5598(91:1935-40), 5600(91:1950)
    >>>Contact with Members of Parliament, notification requirement, o.q., 7872(128:1140)
    >>>Number, regional breakdown, qu., 7350-1(119:1540)
    >>Environmental assessment process, 5780(95:1115)
    >>Estimates see Estimates--2003-2004, Main
    >>Government cutbacks, 4852(80:1040)
    >>>Condemning, S.O. 31, 4530(75:1110)
    >>>Impact, research, etc., 6113(100:1750-5)
    >>Halifax, NS, job opening, applications, restricted to Fisheries and Oceans Minister Thibault constituency, 4027-8(67:1930-5)
    >>>o.q., 1349-50(23:1450)
    >>Policy announcements, plans, lack, S.O. 31, 2006(34:1415)
    >>Policy, divers, urchin harvesting, qu., 9200(151:1545)
    >>Science budget, inadequate, 4229(71:1230)
    >>See also Aboriginal Fisheries Strategy--Salmon; Canadian Coast Guard; Contaminated sites--Federal sites, Campbell River, BC; National Heritage Hunting and Fishing Act; Ports/harbours--Small Craft Harbours Program; Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Fifteenth; River guardians; Rockfort quarry proposal; Salmon, Pacific

Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee

    >>Chair, Wappel election, 1407(23:2135), 1412-3(23:2215-20)
    >>Membership, inexperienced, 5598(91:1935)
    >>Recommendations, unanimous reports, government ignoring, 6074(100:1335)
    >>Reports, tabled,
    >>>First (Canadian Coast Guard Marine Communications and Traffic Services), 3187(53:1525)
    >>>Second (Custodial Management Outside Canada's 200-mile Limit), 4621(77:1005)
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Hearn), 5298-314(87:1515-725)
    >>>>Government response requested, 4621(77:1005)
    >>>Third (The Federal Role in Aquaculture in Canada), 5209(86:1000)
    >>>Fourth (Estimates, 2003-2004, Main, Fisheries and Oceans Department, Votes 1, 5, 10), 6610(107:1520)
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Hearn), 6743-51(109:1505-605)
    >>>Sixth (The 2001 Fraser River Salmon Fishery), 7177(117:1015)
    >>>>Comprehensive response, requesting, 7177(117:1015)
    >>>Seventh (Atlantic Fisheries Issues: May 2003), 9235-6(152:1050)
    >>Travel, M. 4675(77:1635)
    >>See also Aquaculture--Policy; Fisheries--Pacific; Fraser River

Fisheries Resource Conservation Council

    >>Status, eliminating, government plan, o.q., 6370(104:1125)
    >>See also Cod--Gulf and Northern cod; Seals--Cod fishery

Fisherman's Lament

    >>Great Big Sea recording, quoted, 5612(91:2120)

Fishers see Newfoundland and Labrador

Fitness consultant see Members of Parliament--Health problems

Fitzpatrick, Brian (CA--Prince Albert)

    >>Age of consent (sexual relations), 8832(145:1305)
    >>Agriculture, 891(14:1740)
    >>>o.q., 3012(50:1145)
    >>Air Canada, 7256(117:1925)
    >>Airlines, 7256(117:1925)
    >>Atlantic Innovation Fund, o.q., 8972(147:1440)
    >>Canada-United States relations, 6666-8(108:1330-55)
    >>Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute, o.q., 8723(143:1150)
    >>Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 5971(98:1320)
    >>Canadian National Railway Company (CNR), 7256(117:1925)
    >>Child pornography, M. on supply (Thompson, M.), 8823(145:1200), 8832(145:1305)
    >>Children of Deceased Veterans Education Assistance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-50), 8712-3(143:1050)
    >>Chrétien, references, M. on supply (Gauthier), 8687(142:1620)
    >>Coal mining industry, 2466(41:1900)
    >>Committees, Parliamentary, 1118-9(19:1150)
    >>Corporations, o.q., 6374(104:1150)
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals)(Bill C-10B), 6956(113:1030)
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals and firearms) and Firearms Act (amdt.)(Bill C-10), 5206-7(85:1825)
    >>Cruelty to animals, 336(6:1110), 6956(113:1030)
    >>Defence industry, o.q., 8723(143:1150)
    >>Divorce, 3129(52:1350)
    >>Divorce Act, Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act, Garnishment, Attachment and Pension Diversion Act and Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-22), 3129(52:1350)
    >>Elections, 5955(98:1105), 6004(98:1725), 7474(121:1645)
    >>Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (Bill C-49), 7474-5(121:1645-50)
    >>Environment, 888(14:1720)
    >>Farm income crisis, o.q., 918(15:1200)
    >>Finance Standing Committee, M. (Nystrom), 6892(112:1125), 6893(112:1130)
    >>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 5206-7(85:1825)
    >>>M. (Venne), 7777-8(126:1840-50)
    >>>S.O. 31, 8106-7(132:1415)
    >>Gasoline prices, 6934(112:1705)
    >>Gasoline taxes, 7238(117:1710)
    >>Government expenditures, 7256(117:1925)
    >>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)
    >>>M. (Anderson, Hon. David), 2466(41:1900)
    >>>M. on supply (Harper), 842(14:1145), 870(14:1510), 872(14:1525), 888(14:1720), 891(14:1735)
    >>Highways and roads, 7189(117:1140), 7238(117:1710)
    >>Hockey, S.O. 31, 3711(62:1405), 8964(147:1355)
    >>House of Commons proceedings, 1678-9(28:1725)
    >>>House take note, M. (Boudria), 1675(28:1700), 1678-9(28:1725)
    >>>Ms. (Boudria), 336(6:1110-5)
    >>Income tax, o.q., 6034(99:1155)
    >>Income Tax Act (amdt.--natural resources)(Bill C-48), 7760(126:1605), 7765(126:1645)
    >>Infrastructure, M. on supply (Moore), 7189(117:1140), 7193(117:1205), 7227(117:1555), 7232(117:1630), 7238(117:1710)
    >>IPSCO Inc., 2466(41:1900)
    >>Judicial law-making, M. on supply (Toews), 5953(98:1050), 5955(98:1105), 5971(98:1320), 6004(98:1725)
    >>Liberal government (Chrétien), 7256(117:1925)
    >>Liberal government (Martin), 8687(142:1620)
    >>Lobbyists Registration Act (amdt.)(Bill C-15), 6934(112:1705)
    >>Marriage, 3129(52:1350)
    >>National missile defence system (NMD), 6652(108:1130), 6666-8(108:1330-55)
    >>Natural gas, 891(14:1735)
    >>Natural resource industries, 7760(126:1605), 7765(126:1645)
    >>North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD), M. on supply (Gallant), 6652(108:1130), 6666-9(108:1330-55)
    >>Nuclear energy, 842(14:1145), 2466(41:1900)
    >>Oil and gas industry, 2466(41:1900)
    >>Olympics, 2759(46:1840), 2760(46:1845)
    >>Orchard, David, 6893(112:1130)
    >>Parliament, 1675(28:1700), 5955(98:1105)
    >>Prince Albert National Park
    >>>o.q., 317(5:1155)
    >>>S.O. 31, 5705(93:1410)
    >>>Member's remarks, 6893(112:1130)
    >>>Supply motions, 5953(98:1050)
    >>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, M. (Adams), 1118-9(19:1150)
    >>Provincial governments, 7227(117:1555)
    >>Provincial income tax, 7474(121:1645)
    >>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 7474(121:1645)
    >>References see Orchard, David
    >>Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League, 2759060(46:1840-5)
    >>>o.q., 1787(30:1145), 2054(35:1130), 5761(94:1155), 7578(123:1150-5)
    >>Scouts and Guides Week, S.O. 31, 3858(65:1105)
    >>Securities industry, 642(10:1320)
    >>Senate, 1647(28:1400), 1675(28:1700)
    >>Sex Offender Information Registration Act (Bill C-23), 4908(81:1340)
    >>Sex offender registry, 4908(81:1340)
    >>Species at risk (endangered species), 336(6:1110)
    >>Specific Claims Resolution Act (Bill C-6), 9163(150:1650)
    >>Throne Speech
    >>>Address in Reply, M. (Pacetti), 617(10:1030), 642(10:1320)
    >>Veterans' benefits/pensions, 8712-3(143:1050)
    >>VIA Rail Canada Inc., estimates, restoration, M. (Robillard), 7256-7(117:1925-30)

Fitzpatrick, Mary

    >>Governor General's Caring Canadian Award, recipient, 6566(106:1810)

Flags see Canadian flag

Flammability standards see Cigarettes--Fire-safe cigarettes

Flanagan, Tom G.

    >>Former Ottawa Police Chief, death, tributes, S.O. 31, 1778(30:1100)

Fleury, Marc-André see Hockey--World Junior Hockey Championships

Flight attendants see Airlines; Employment Insurance--Eligibility--Women

Flin Flon, MB see Marijuana--Medicinal use


    >>Badger, NL. Badger, Exploits and Red Indian Rivers, impact, ice jams, etc.
    >>>Emergency debate under S.O. 52, application (Stoffer), emergency requirements/criteria not met, not accepted, 3679-80(62:1005)
    >>>Federal financial assistance, o.q., 3862(65:1125), 7336(119:1445)
    >>>S.O. 31, 3641(61:1405), 3711(62:1410), 3813(64:1405), 3814(64:1410), 4242(71:1400)
    >>British Columbia, Pemberton, BC and Squamish, BC areas, government/Canadian Armed Forces assistance
    >>>o.q., 8488(139:1445)
    >>>Prevention, lack, ineffective water course management plan, S.O. 31, 8596(141:1420)
    >>Nova Scotia, government response, assistance, etc.
    >>>o.q., 7579(123:1155-200)
    >>>S.O. 31, 5028(83:1415)
    >>See also Sri Lanka

Flow through shares see Mining industry--Taxation measures; Natural resource industries--Taxation measures

Flu see Influenza

Folco, Raymonde (Lib.--Laval West)

    >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 458(7:1305-10)
    >>Africa, S.O. 31, 7741(126:1410)
    >>Armenia, S.O. 31, 9068(149:1400)
    >>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-13), 2821-2(47:1730-5)
    >>Assisted Human Reproduction Agency of Canada, 2821-2(47:1730-5)
    >>Association coopérative d'économie familiale de Laval, S.O. 31, 3709(62:1355)
    >>Betancourt Ingrid, o.q., 3718(62:1450)
    >>Bosnia, 461(7:1325)
    >>Canada Career Week, S.O. 31, 1225(21:1400)
    >>Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute, o.q., 625(10:1120), 916(15:1150)
    >>Canada Winter Games (Bathurst, NB 2003), S.O. 31, 4528(75:1105)
    >>Canadian Armed Forces, 461(7:1325)
    >>Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal, S.O. 31, 2049(35:1105)
    >>Caregivers, 458(7:1305), 4518(74:1835-40)
    >>Child/family poverty, 457-8(7:1305), 459(7:1315), 460(7:1325)
    >>>o.q., 1232(21:1435-40)
    >>Children of Deceased Veterans Education Assistance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-50), 7836-8(127:1655-1700)
    >>Citizenship of Canada Act (Bill C-18), 1461(24:1515), 1462-5(24:1525-45)
    >>Citizenship Week, S.O. 31, 621(10:1100)
    >>Community Access Program (Internet), o.q., 908(15:1100)
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals and firearms) and Firearms Act (amdt.)(Bill C-10), 5851-2(96:1250-5)
    >>Disability Tax Credit, M. on supply (McDonough), 1587-90(27:1100-15)
    >>Disabled and handicapped persons, 458(7:1305-10)
    >>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, 6222(101:2215), 6223(101:2220)
    >>Dubois, Stéphanie, S.O. 31 8028(131:1405)
    >>Economy/economic conditions, 457(7:1300)
    >>Education, post-secondary, 7837(127:1655-1700)
    >>Employment insurance, 1338-9(22:1910)
    >>>o.q., 311(5:1125), 467(7:1405), 630(10:1150), 1549-50(26:1450-5)
    >>Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--persons who leave employment to be care-givers to family members)(Bill C-206), 4518(74:1835-40)
    >>Family Literacy Day, S.O. 31, 2710(46:1400)
    >>"Famous Five", S.O. 31, 7407(120:1400)
    >>Figure skating, S.O. 31, 9184(151:1415)
    >>Firearms, 5852(96:1255)
    >>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 5851-2(96:1250-5)
    >>First Nations Governance Act (Bill C-7), 6825-6(110:1750)
    >>Foreign credentials, 458-9(7:1310)
    >>Government expenditures, o.q., 1620(27:1450)
    >>Gun control, 5852(96:1255)
    >>Health Department, estimates, Committee of the Whole consideration under S.O. 81(4)(a), 6222(101:2210-5), 6223(101:2220)
    >>Health products, 6222(101:2210-5), 6223(101:2220)
    >>Homelessness, S.O. 31, 4134(69:1355), 5352(88:1400), 6793(110:1400)
    >>House of Commons proceedings, o.q., 7579(123:1155)
    >>Immigrants, 460(7:1320)
    >>International Day of Families, S.O. 31, 6314(103:1400)
    >>International Transfer of Offenders Act (Bill C-33), 5574-5(91:1705-15)
    >>International Women's Day, S.O. 31, 4244(71:1415)
    >>Iraq, S.O. 31, 2792(47:1400)
    >>Labour market development agreement, o.q., 625(10:1120)
    >>Latourelle, Lucie, S.O. 31, 1728(29:1400)
    >>Laval, QC, S.O. 31, 1183(20:1105), 6528(106:1400), 8105(132:1405)
    >>Laval Chamber of Commerce and Industry, S.O. 31, 5861(96:1405)
    >>Les invasions barbares, S.O. 31, 6327-8(105:1400)
    >>>o.q., 918(15:1155)
    >>>S.O. 31, 7569(123:1105)
    >>Literature, S.O. 31, 1779(30:1105)
    >>National Child Day, S.O. 31, 1648(28:1410)
    >>National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, S.O. 31, 2370(40:1110)
    >>Palliative care, o.q., 1503(25:1200)
    >>Peacekeeping, S.O. 31, 1138(19:1415)
    >>Police and Peace Officers' National Memorial Day, S.O. 31, 7983(130:1400)
    >>Portuguese Canadians, S.O. 31, 6151(101:1400)
    >>Postage stamps, S.O. 31, 127(3:1400)
    >>Prisoners of war, 7837(127:1655)
    >>Remembrance Day, S.O. 31, 1493(25:1110)
    >>Roussel--Roozmon, Thomas, S.O. 31, 7812(127:1405)
    >>Santerre, Simone, S.O. 31, 7523(122:1355)
    >>Skilled trades and technology workforce, 459(7:1315)
    >>>o.q., 2059(35:1155)
    >>>S.O. 31, 1540(26:1400)
    >>Skills training, 458(7:1310)
    >>Social programs, 459(7:1310)
    >>Student debt, 460(7:1320)
    >>Student loans, o.q., 964(16:1500)
    >>Taxation, 460(7:1320)
    >>Throne Speech
    >>>Address in Reply, M. (Pacetti), 457-61(7:1300-25)
    >>University research, o.q., 4537(75:1150)
    >>Veterans' benefits/pensions, 7837-8(127:1700)
    >>World Teachers' Day, S.O. 31, 307(5:1105)
    >>Youth Employment Strategy, 458(7:1310)

Folkloriques de Tadoussac festival

Fondation estrienne en environnement see Environmental Excellence Awards

Fondation Mirella & Lino Saputo

    >>Golf tournament, charitable activities, S.O. 31, 8104(132:1400)

Fontaine, Perry see Aboriginal offenders--Sentences, Court obligation

Fontaine, Phil see Assembly of First Nations

Fontana, Joe (Lib.--London North Centre)

    >>ALS Society of Canada, S.O. 31, 466(7:1400)
    >>Child pornography, petitions, 1420(24:1005)
    >>Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee, 5918-9(97:1510), 6438(105:1500), 6886(112:1045), 8246(135:1025)
    >>Impaired driving, o.q., 6605(107:1445)
    >>Tapp, Dean Larry, S.O. 31, 6598(107:1410)
    >>Truscott, Steven, petitions, 1419-20(24:1005)


    >>Contamination, heavy metal levels, Environmental Defence Canada report, toxic food residue standards, establishing, o.q., 5810(95:1440-5)
    >>Eating habits, impact on health, Japan, comparison, 976-7(16:1630)
    >>Labelling, mandatory nutrition labelling, 6224(101:2225-30)
    >>See also Acrylamides; Genetically modified food; P.J. Impex Inc.; Trans fats

Food aid

    >>Canadian organizations, government matching funds, o.q., 869(14:1500)
    >>See also Afghanistan; Africa; Ethiopia; Food For All Walk; Salmon

Food and Drugs Act see Natural health products--Separate class

Food and Drugs Act (amdt.)(Bill C-420)--Lunney

    >>First reading, 4495(74:1510)
    >>Second reading, 5314-22(87:1730-830), 8455-63(139:1105-1205), agreed to, on recorded division, 8620-1(141:1810-20)
    >>>Dropped to the bottom of the order of precedence on the Order Paper, 5322(87:1830)
    >>Health Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 8621(141:1820)
    >>See also Natural health products

Food and Drugs Act (amdt.)(Bill C-422)--Hill, G.

Food and Drugs act (amdt.--food labelling)(Bill C-398)--Wappel

    >>First reading, 3781(64:1005)
    >>Second reading, 5057-64(83:1745-845)
    >>>Dropped to the bottom of the order of precedence on the Order Paper, 5064(83:1845)

Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--genetically modified food)(Bill C-220)--Caccia

Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--genetically modified food)(Bill C-448)--Caccia

    >>First reading, 7581(123:1210)
    >>See also Genetically modified food--Labelling

Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--mandatory labelling of genetically modified foods)(Bill C-410)--Wasylycia-Leis

Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--process for approval of new drugs)(Bill C-239)--Thompson, G.

    >>First reading, 804(13:1545)
    >>See also Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Approval process

Food animal infectious disease research see Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO)

Food banks

    >>Donations to, deducting as business expense and charitable donation, allowing, 3509(59:1025)
    >>>See also Income Tax act (amdt.--donations to food banks)(Bill C-371)
    >>Temporary solution becoming permanent, 497(7:1730)
    >>Use of, increase, Canadian Association of Food Banks, report, S.O. 31, 8555(140:1410)

Food, Drugs and Natural Health Products Act (Bill C-465)--Bigras

    >>First reading, 9111-2(150:1005)
    >>See also Natural health products--Separate class

Food For All Walk

    >>Food aid, raising funds and awareness, walk across Canada, Betty and George Zondervan, tribute, S.O. 31, 8967(147:1410)

Food Freedom Day see Farmers

Food irradiation

    >>Health Canada approval, safety concerns, moratorium requested, 3943-4(66:1845-55)
    >>Meat processing industry proposal, o.q., 1837(31:1440)

Food labelling

    >>Cruise ship industry, Vancouver, BC, port, use, food labelling requirements, adherence, rationale, o.q., 5867(96:1435)
    >>Dairy terms, misuse, 2567-8(43:1555)
    >>Labelling nutritional content, 3781(64:1005)
    >>See also Dairy Terms Act (Bill C-340) Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--food labelling)(Bill C-398)

Food safety

    >>Canadian Food Inspection Agency, role, enhancing, Budget 2003 measures, o.q., 3820(64:1440)
    >>Throne Speech statement, 2(1:1525), 70(2:1640)
    >>See also Food irradiation

Food service industry

Foot and mouth disease

    >>United Kingdom 2001 outbreak, Canadian preventive measures, 6493(105:2150-5)


    >>Grey Cup, Canadian Football League championships, Edmonton, AB, Montreal Alouettes, 2002 champions, S.O. 31, 1829-31(31:1400-10)
    >>Saskatchewan, Roughriders, S.O. 31, 9071(149:1410)
    >>Vanier Cup, Canadian university football championships, Saint Mary's Huskies, Halifax, NS, champions, S.O. 31, 1830(31:1400)

Foreign affairs

    >>Canadians travelling abroad, protection
    >>>o.q., 9312(153:1125), 9316(153:1145)
    >>>S.O. 31, 7329(119:1405), 7409(120:1410)
    >>>See also Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee--Reports, Ninth
    >>See also Abu Sayyaf terrorist group; Almalki, Abdullah; Arar, Maher; Basque separatists; Border, Canadian--United States security concerns; Canada-Cuba relations; Canada-Mexico relations; Canada-United States relations; Cuba; Denmark; Embassies and consulates; Falun Gong; Hamas terrorist group; Hezbollah terrorist group--Ayoub; International security; Iraq--Diplomats; Kapitan Man; Kazemi, Zahra; Law of the Sea; Liberia; Muslim faith--Kutty, Ahmed; Nigeria--Transocean Inc.; Peacekeeping; Religious freedom; Sampson, William; Sivell, Rob; Terrorism--Ban; World Health Organization (WHO)--Taiwan; Yushchenko, Viktor

Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department

    >>Employees, senior project officer for nuclear submarines, hiring, o.q., 4822(79:1445)
    >>Estimates see Estimates--2002-2003, Supplementary (A)
    >>See also Algeria--Tourist travel; Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing; Income tax--International agreements re avoidance of double taxation and tax evasion, Tax havens

Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee

    >>International Trade, Trade Disputes and Investment Subcommittee, travel, authority
    >>>M. (Boudria), agreed to, 7185(117:1115)
    >>>M. (Regan), agreed to, 4386(72:1700)
    >>Membership, 590(9:1505)
    >>Reports (1st Sess., 37th Parl.)
    >>>Nineteenth (Building an Effective New Round of WTO Negotiations: Key Issues for Canada), g.r., 207(4:1000)
    >>>Twenty-second (Strengthening Canada's Economic Links with the Americas), g.r., 966(16:1510)
    >>Reports, presented
    >>>First (Export and Import of Rough Diamonds Act (Bill C-14)), 1356(23:1530)
    >>>Second (Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 2002 (Bill S-2)), 1662(28:1535)
    >>>Third, (Partners in North America: Advancing Canada's Relations with the United States and Mexico)
    >>>>Government response, tabled, 5918(97:1505)
    >>>>Government response requested, 2595(44:1030)
    >>>Fourth (Canada's Role in Addressing the Iraqui Humanitarian Crisis), 4044(68:1525)
    >>>Fifth (request of Taiwan for observer status at the World Health Organization), 5209(86:1000)
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Day), 5813-7(95:1505-35)
    >>>>>Debate be now adjourned, M. (Regan), 5817(95:1535), agreed to, 5817-8(95:1535-1615)
    >>>Sixth (A Contribution to the Foreign Policy Dialogue), 6094(100:1535)
    >>>Seventh (Democratic Republic of the Congo), 6859(111:1540)
    >>>Eighth (HIV/AIDS and the Humanitarian Catastrophe in sub-Saharan Africa), 7176(117:1010)
    >>>>Government response, tabled, 9319(153:1200)
    >>>Ninth (detention of Canadian citizens in certain foreign countries), 9196(151:1530)
    >>>Tenth (case of Dr. Wang Bingzhang), 9320(153:1205)
    >>>Eleventh (tension along the Eritrea-Ethiopian border), 9320(153:1205)
    >>>Twelfth (Reinvigorating Economic Relations Between Canada and Asia-Pacific), 9320(153:1205)
    >>>>Government response requested, 9320(153:1205)
    >>Travel, authorization
    >>>M. (Boudria), agreed to, 5714(93:1505)
    >>>M. (Regan), agreed to, 8008(130:1635)
    >>Witnesses, Iraq deputy prime minister, Tariq Aziz and former United States ambassador, Nizar Hamdoon, inviting, o.q., 2518-9(42:1445-50)
    >>See also Armenian genocide; Diamond mining industry--Conflict diamonds, Legislation; Export and Import of Rough Diamonds Act (Bill C-14); International Trade, Trade Disputes and Investment Subcommittee; Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 2002 (Bill S-2); Trade--Iraq, Last five years

Foreign aid

    >>Canadian Alliance position, 4269(71:1620)
    >>Developing countries, 9323(153:1225)
    >>>Reform, conditional assistance, Canadian Alliance position, 20(2:1035)
    >>Effectiveness, 4269-70(71:1620-5)
    >>>o.q., 6923(112:1500), 8323-4(136:1500)
    >>Gross Domestic Product (GDP) percentage
    >>>International comparison, 655(11:1130), 4975(82:1245), 6516(106:1215)
    >>>S.O. 31, 3175(53:1415)
    >>>Target, 2491(42:1130), 2528(42:1605)
    >>Increasing, 8449(138:1255)
    >>>Budget 2003 measure, 3735(62:1705), 3949(67:1025), 4240(71:1350), 4266(71:1550), 4269(71:1620), 4270(71:1625), 4836(79:1625-30)
    >>>Throne Speech statement, 2(1:1525), 58(2:1510), 210-1(4:1020-5), 223(4:1200), 273(4:1745), 532(8:1645), 533(8:1700), 542(8:1805), 637(10:1230-5), 647(10:1355)
    >>International comparison, 252-3(4:1515)
    >>Tied aid, 637(10:1235)
    >>See also Afghanistan--Armed forces--Rebuilding; Africa--Canadian aid--Food shortages--Sub-Saharan Africa; Algeria--Earthquake; Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA); Canadian Labour Congress; China; China State Shipbuilding Corporation; Developing countries; Disease prevention--Children; Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Developing countries; Eritrea; Food aid; International Development Week; Iraq--Humanitarian crisis; Religious freedom; Somaliland, Republic of; Sri Lanka; St. Lucia; Terrorism; Tuberculosis; Ukraine

Foreign assets disclosure rule see Income tax

Foreign credentials

Foreign exchange transactions see Credit cards

Foreign investment/ownership

    >>Benefits, foreign investment in Canada and Canadian investment abroad, 5132(84:1745), 6997(114:1100-5)
    >>Canadian investment outside Canada, increase, 275(4:1800), 2486(42:1050), 4789(79:1040)
    >>Decline, 275(4:1800), 2486(42:1050)
    >>International agreements, rules, importance, benefits, 5132-3(84:1745-50), 5134(84:1805), 6997-8(114:1105-10)
    >>Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) rules, 7000(114:1130)
    >>Public debate, need for, S.O. 31, 6365(104:1100)
    >>Task force, establishing, 2508(42:1345)
    >>Telecommunications and broadcasting industries, restrictions, removing, Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee recommendations, government response, etc.
    >>>o.q., 5553-4(91:1425-30), 5641(92:1450-5)
    >>>S.O. 31, 5862(96:1405), 7867(128:1110)
    >>>See also Copps--References; Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee--Reports, Third
    >>See also Airlines; Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute--United States companies taking over smaller companies; Caoutchouc Crosston; Income tax--International agreements re avoidance of double taxation and tax evasion--Non-resident trusts and foreign investment entities; Trade agreements--Investor-state dispute settlement provisions, Excluding from future agreements

Foreign Investment Review Agency (FIRA)

    >>Abolition, Liberal Party position, anti-Americanism, 5088(84:1235)

Foreign offices see Quebec

Foreign overfishing see Fisheries--Atlantic stocks

Foreign policy

    >>Canadian Armed Forces, role, 193(3:2210)
    >>>See also Foreign policy--Internationalism
    >>Cultural and sport exchanges, 1972 Canada-Soviet Union hockey series, importance, 3366(56:1535)
    >>Defence policy, relationship, 5797(95:1330), 5798(95:1335)
    >>>Integrating, 546(8:1825)
    >>>White paper proposal, 1253(21:1700)
    >>Discussion paper, "A Dialogue on Foreign Policy", distribution costs, qu., 4259(71:1515)
    >>Independent policy, abdication, 4462(74:1120-5)
    >>Ineffectiveness, 7807(127:1330)
    >>International law and United Nations charter, compliance
    >>>Petitions, 2061(35:1205)
    >>>See also Iraq, United States pre-emptive attack--Legality
    >>International role, multilateralism/diplomatic persuasion 3735(62:1705), 4316-8(71:2230-40), 5079-80(84:1125), 5260(86:1600)
    >>>Canadian Armed Forces capability factor, 461-2(7:1330-5)
    >>>o.q., 4245(71:1420)
    >>Long-term direction, 1224(21:1355)
    >>>S.O. 31, 3352(56:1410)
    >>>Throne Speech statement, 2(1:1525), 34(2:1235), 211(4:1025)
    >>Parliamentary track II diplomacy, enhancing, 5125(84:1655)
    >>Review, necessity, 58(2:1510), 532(8:1645), 6302(103:1230)
    >>Simcoe--Grey constituency roundtable, S.O. 31, 6843-4(111:1405
    >>Soft policy approach, 5794(95:1310)
    >>United States foreign policy, relationship, 116(2:2240), 116(2:2250), 198-9(3:2255-2300), 291(4:2010), 3335-6(56:1200-5), 3345(56:1310), 5093-4(84:1320-5)
    >>>Martin, Paul, position, o.q., 7698(125:1420)
    >>>o.q., 132(3:1425-30)
    >>>S.O. 31, 2837(48:1410)
    >>See also Caucasus region; Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee--Reports, Sixth; Foreign aid; Haiti; Human rights; Ivory Coast; Middle East conflict; Saudi Arabia--Bombing

Foreign students

    >>International relations role, China, etc., 148(3:1605)
    >>See also Citizenship--Waiting period

Foreign subsidiaries see Taxation

Foreign workers see Citizenship--Waiting period

Forest fires

Forest industry

    >>British Columbia, mountain pine beetle infestation, federal government response, funding, etc., 2493(42:1145)
    >>>o.q., 316-7(5:1155), 471(7:1430), 5812(95:1455)
    >>>S.O. 31, 2623(44:1355)
    >>Environmental impact, 2137(36:1750)
    >>Exports, raw logs, S.O. 31, 8553-4(140:1400)
    >>Greenhouse gas emissions reduction, 829(14:1615)
    >>>Federal government agreement with Forest Products Association of Canada, o.q., 9318(153:1155)
    >>Manitoba/Saskatchewan project, environmental assessment, 5655(92:1635)
    >>National parks, new, establishing, impact, 304(5:1040)
    >>Newfoundland and Labrador pilot projects, snowmobiles use, helicopters use, o.q., 6376(104:1155)
    >>Tax treatment, 7769(135:1715)
    >>>Diesel fuel costs, impact, 4238(71:1335)
    >>>Motor vehicle travel expenses, income tax deduction, 1553(26:1505)
    >>>See also Income Tax Act (amdt.--travel expenses for a motor vehicle used by a forestry worker)(Bill C-303)
    >>See also Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute; Pulp and paper industry; Woodlots

Forest Products Association of Canada see Forest industry--Greenhouse gas emissions reduction

Forestry see World Forestry Congress

Forestry roads see Highways and roads--British Columbia


    >>Agence régionale de mise en valeur des forêts privées de la Chaudière role, conservation agreements with landowners, etc., S.O. 31, 4584(76:1405)
    >>Preservation, government measures, hosting World Forestry Congress, o.q., 8038(131:1500)
    >>See also Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing, Carbon sinks; National Forest Week


    >>Environmental contaminant, 8174(133:1335)

Forseth, Paul (CA--New Westminster--Coquitlam--Burnaby)

Forsythe, Stephanie see Architectural League of New York--Young architects competition

Fortier, Monsignor Jean-Marie

    >>Archbishop of Sherbrooke, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 1342-3(23:1410)

Forum for Young Canadians

    >>High School students, Parliamentary study tour, S.O. 31, 5287(87:1410)

Fossil fuels

    >>Government subsidies to coal and oil industry, Kyoto Protocol, relationship, o.q., 1731-2(29:1420-5)
    >>Health impact, 8370(137:1200)
    >>Importance, economic role, 2271(38:1645), 2273(38:1700)
    >>Industry job losses, 8369(137:1150-5)
    >>United States power plants, plans for 2000 new plants, 846(14:1225)
    >>Use, reducing, extending life of industry, 2276(38:1725)
    >>See also Alternative/renewable/green energy--United Kingdom plan; Oil and gas industry

Foster see Canada Pension Plan--Disability benefits

Foster parents

    >>Brouwer, Tom and Helen, prosecution by Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA), o.q., 1616(27:1430)

Foundations see Capital gains tax; Government-established foundations

Four Nations Cup see Hockey--Women

Fournier, Ghislain (BQ--Manicouagan)

Fournier, Father Louis

    >>Nunavut, priesthood, 50th anniversary, S.O. 31, 1182(20:1100)

Fournier-Morin, Gérardine see Women--Quebec Women of Distinction contest

Fowler, Bob see Diamond mining industry--Conflict diamonds

Fox, Terry see Cancer--Awareness--Research; Terry Fox Run


    >>Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin, official visit
    >>>Canada-United States relations, impact, S.O. 31, 6426-7(105:1355)
    >>>S.O. 31, 6366(104:1105)
    >>See also Armenian genocide--Recognition; Francophonie; Iraq--Weapons inspection; Legion of Honour (France); National Order of Merit (France); North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)--Dividing

Franco-Ontarian flag

    >>28th anniversary, S.O. 31, 7811(127:1400)

Francophone athletes see Sport--Amateur sports

Francophone communities see Electoral boundaries--Redistribution, Acadie--Bathurst constituency; Fédération des caisses populaires du Manitoba--Anniversary; Health care--French language health services; Ordre de la Pléiade

Francophone Day see Journée Internationale de la Francophonie

Francophone Television Productions in Minority Environments see Official Languages Standing Committee--Reports, Eighth

Francophones see Immigration--Official languages policy (Bilingualism); International organizations--Employment; La Semaine de la Francophonie

Francophones outside Quebec

    >>Immigration, francophone immigrants, encouraging, o.q., 2555(43:1435)
    >>Percentage, census data, o.q., 2555(43:1435)
    >>See also Gallant--References, Constituency householders; Official languages policy--Government subsidies, anglophones inside Quebec


    >>Beirut, Lebanon, October 2002 meeting, Canada, participation, o.q., 473(7:1435-40), 1078(18:1500)
    >>Canada, role, o.q., 4492(74:1455), 8213(134:1455)
    >>>Bamako declaration, implementation, o.q., 2429(41:1440)
    >>>Government supporting, ethics, criteria used, o.q., 792(13:1425-30)
    >>France, awards to Canadians, congratulating, S.O. 31, 8890(146:1405)
    >>Morocco, September 2003, Francophonie ministerial conference on the information society, o.q., 7459(121:1455-500)
    >>United States, French language, development, o.q., 6161(101:1450)
    >>Worldwide all-news French language television network, creating, M. (Marceau), 1968-72(33:1735-815)
    >>>Dropped from the Order Paper, 1972(33:1815)
    >>See also Folkloriques de Tadoussac; Journée Internationale de la Francophonie; Prix Montfort; Semaine de la Francophonie

Frank, AB see Frank Slide

Frank Slide

    >>Frank, AB limestone landslide, April 29, 1903, anniversary, S.O. 31, 5548(91:1400), 5907(97:1405)