The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Ibrahim, Dr. Saad Eddin
Democracy advocate, Egyptian State Security arrest/trial, S.O. 31,
2677(45:1110), 4481-2(74:1400)
ICAO see International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
Ice cream industry see Dairy industry--Butter oil sugar blends
Ice storm see New Brunswick
Amundsen, Arctic Ocean research role, S.O. 31, 9068(149:1400)
Icebreaking Services Fee see Canadian Coast Guard--Marine Navigation Services Fee
ICG Propane Inc. see Corporations--Mergers
Identity card see National identity card
Identity theft
Protecting from, etc., 3518(59:1115-20), 3520-1(59:1135),
3522-3(59:1145-50), 3524(59:1200-5), 3554(59:1525), 3555(59:1530),
>>See also Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA)--Computer theft
IDS see Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)
IJC see International Joint Commission (IJC)
Illinois Central see Canadian National Railway Company (CNR)
Illiteracy rate see Literacy
ILO see International Labour Organization (ILO)
Iltis jeep see Afghanistan--Peacekeeping operation; Canadian Armed Forces--Military equipment
IMETs see Integrated Market Enforcement Teams (IMETs)
IMF see International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Imidaclopid see Toronto, ON--Thistletown neighbourhood
IMM 1000 documents see Refugees--Status cards
Barriers, reducing
>>>Accreditation, settlement services, need, S.O. 31, 2793(47:1405)
>>>Government strategies, Throne Speech statement, 5(1:1525), 12-3(1:1600),
>>Caregivers, domestics, live-in, federal government program, abuse, "Internet
slavery", allegations, investigating, o.q., 5033(83:1450)
>>Criminals, 161(3:1735)
>>>Asian gangs/organized crime, entry, Hong Kong Canadian high commission,
corruption, Royal Canadian Mounted Police investigation, ceasing, political
pressure, o.q., 7530-2(122:1435-45), 7575(123:1135)
>>>Ministerial permits issued to, terrorist links factor, etc., 1311(22:1535)
>>>o.q., 1301(22:1425-30), 1347(23:1435)
>>>Violent criminal, citizenship granted, system, failure, o.q.,
>>>Marhfoul, Fatima illegal immigrant, Moroccan domestic,
unscrupulous employers, recourse, o.q., 3360-1(56:1500), 4195(70:1155)
>>>Sylvain, Lornécia Jeune, Erilus, remaining in Quebec, ministerial
intervention, requesting, petitions, 4922(81:1505)
>>Fees, "head tax", 460(7:1320), 3158(52:1715)
>>Integration, assisting, 157(3:1710)
>>>Budget 2003 measure, 3732(62:1640), 3946(67:1010), 3956(67:1125),
3962(67:1210), 4061(68:1705), 4281(71:1740)
>>>Funding allocation, qu., 2725-6(46:1525)
>>Marriages with Canadian citizens, waiting period for documents, status,
149(3:1615-20), 157(3:1715)
>>Permanent Resident Card, 3555(59:1530)
>>>S.O. 31, 8150(133:1055)
>>Rural communities, Budget 2003 measure, 4273(71:1650)
>>Settlement arrangements, 3153(52:1635)
>>>See also Immigrants--Barriers;
Settlement and Immigration Services Organization
>>Violence, problems brought from country of origin, 3498-9(58:1835-40)
>>See also
Canadian Alliance--Immigration;
Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee--Federal Court of
Canada ruling;
Foreign credentials;
Maritime security--Problems;
Skilled trades and technology workforce
Annual report
>>>2002, tabled, 1082(18:1530)
>>>2003, tabled, 8933(147:1005)
>>>Adorjan, Laszlo, case, o.q., 1656(28:1450)
>>>Algerians, non-status, Citizenship and Immigration offices occupation,
Royal Canadian Mounted Police, removal, excessive force allegations, S.O. 31,
>>>Auditor General's report, 36,000 illegal immigrants, whereabouts unknown,
>>>>o.q., 5245(86:1430-5), 5291(87:1435)
>>>Dougherty, Helen Ann, 75 year old holocaust survivor, remaining on
compassionate grounds
>>>>o.q., 5032(83:1440)
>>>>Zundel, Ernst, refugee claimant case, comparison, o.q., 5034(83:1450),
>>>Staff, inadequate, 7940-1(129:1745)
>>>See also Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Twenty-fifth
>>Family reunification, backlog, 2604(44:1125), 3153(52:1635), 3158(52:1715)
>>>See also Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Bill C-436)
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction factor, partnership, Quebec, etc.,
1481(24:1805), 1482(24:1810)
>>Federal-provincial-territorial conference, October 15-16, 2002, 146(3:1550),
>>Immigrant detention centre
>>>Jail for refugees, 2604(44:1125)
>>>Proposal, cover-up, o.q., 2429(41:1440)
>>Importance, employment role, etc., 146-7(3:1550-600), 152(3:1630),
>>Komagata Maru incident, Indian passengers suffering, apology,
demanding, petitions, 2597(44:1045)
>>Korea, Truro, NS pilot project proposal, 1478(24:1735-40), 1479(24:1745)
>>Lai immigration hearing, Tao Mi, Chinese witness, confidentiality, breach of
undertaking, o.q., 7918-9(129:1450-5)
>>Legislation, introducing, 148(3:1605)
>>Official languages policy (Bilingualism), relationship, francophones,
146(3:1555), 149(3:1610)
>>>Minority communities, Francophone immigration, language training, budget
>>>>o.q., 5761(94:1150-5)
>>>>S.O. 31, 5803-4(95:1410)
>>Offices in embassies, understaffing, impact, 157(3:1710)
>>People smuggling/trafficking, 1291-2(22:1320)
>>Performance bonds, security deposits, qu., 7062-3(115:1010)
>>Polygamist, sponsoring three wives, legality, o.q., 364(6:1455)
>>Provincial nominee program
>>>Manitoba, 149(3:1610), 230(4:1250)
>>>Nova Scotia, 146(3:1555)
>>>Quebec, 149(3:1610)
>>Regional development, relationship, 4061(68:1705)
>>Security measures, information sharing agreements/detention, 1285(22:1235),
1291-2(22:1320), 1293(22:1330-5), 1295(22:1350-5), 1322(22:1700-5),
1325-6(22:1725-30), 1571(26:1625), 1576(26:1705)
>>>o.q., 4916-7(81:1435), 5291(87:1435)
>>Selection procedures, fairness, ensuring, petitions, 3782(64:1010)
>>Sponsorship of relative, 6281(103:1005)
>>Students, international, security concerns, fraudulent visas, bogus schools,
Ottawa Business College example, o.q., 7628-9(1241445-50), 7816(127:1425-30),
>>Target, Liberal red book, 1% of population annually, 9045(149:1100),
>>Thailand, applicants, missing application files, qu., 1239(21:1520)
>>Visitor's visas, 1110(19:1010)
>>>Foreign missions processing, fairness, competence, questioning, o.q.,
>>>Processing costs, unknown, o.q., 7918(129:1450)
>>>See also Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (amdt.)(Bill C-282)
>>Weaknesses of system, 2618(44:1315)
>>See also
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Bill C-436);
Urbanization--Small and rural communities
Immigration and Refugee Board
Estimates see Estimates--2003-2004, Main, Citizenship and Immigration
>>Judges, bribery allegations, Royal Canadian Mounted Police investigation,
>>>Gagliano, Alfonso, former Public Works and Government Services Minister,
relationship, o.q., 7026-7(114:1435-40)
>>>o.q., 6965-6(113:1130), 7029(114:1450-5), 7098(115:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 8151-2(133:1105)
>>Membership, appointment process, o.q., 4534(75:1135)
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (amdt.)(Bill C-237)--Lunn
First reading, 803-4(13:1540)
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (amdt.)(Bill C-282)--Cadman
First reading, 1110(19:1010)
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (amdt.--sponsorship of relative)(Bill
First reading, 6281(103:1005)
>>Second reading, 9045-52(149:1100-1205)
>>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper,
>>See also Immigration
"Immigration as a Tool for the Development of Official Language Minority Communities" see Official languages policy (Bilingualism)--Linguistic duality, Official Languages Standing Committee seventh report; Official Languages Standing Committee--Reports, Seventh
Immigration consultants
Abuse, government response, etc., 149-50(3:1620)
Immigration officers see Border, Canadian--Security measures, Co-ordination--Thousand Islands Bridge crossing
Budget 2003 measure, 3917(66:1510), 3949(67:1025), 4271(71:1635),
Impaired driving
Accidents, deaths, 9040(148:1310), 9217(151:1810), 9218(151:1820),
>>Blood alcohol level exceeding 0.05%, 1503(25:1205), 9220(151:1835)
>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--blood alcohol content)(Bill C-464)
>>Breath or blood samples, investigation and prosecution, 7783(127:1015),
>>>Legal defences, Carter defence/last drink defence, 9217(151:1815),
9221-2(151:1845), 9223(151:1850)
>>>Other countries, comparison, 9218(151:1820)
>>>Time allowed for testing, increasing from two to three hours,
9216-7(151:1810), 9219-20(151:1830)
>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--proceedings under section 258)(Bill C-452)
>>Breath, blood or urine samples or physical co-ordination test in accidents
causing death or serious injury, 1083(18:1540), 1237(21:1505), 2568(43:1555)
>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-341);
Criminal Code (amdt.--taking samples of bodily substances)(Bill C-277);
Criminal Code (amdt.--impaired driving causing death or injury)(Bill C-289)
>>Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms challenges, 9219(151:1825),
>>>Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), 9217(151:1810-5), 9218(151:1820),
>>>>MADD Canada's Federal Policy Checklist, S.O. 31, 5801(95:1355),
>>>>Project Red Ribbon, S.O. 31,1448(24:1400), 2624(44:1400)
>>>National day, December 1 designated, 3653(61:1515)
>>>>See also National Day Against Impaired Driving Act (Bill C-396)
>>>o.q., 9029(148:1150)
>>>Police problems, 9217(151:1820), 9221(151:1840)
>>Goodstoney, Christopher, aboriginal offender, June 23, 1996 death of Craig
Powell, Amber Keuben, Brandy Keuben and Stephanie Smith, sentence,
>>Marijuana, drug-impaired driving, 8429(138:1050), 9221(151:1840)
>>>Increase, o.q., 6970(113:1150)
>>>Roadside assessment, 8409(137:1640), 8410(137:1650), 8414(137:1725),
8424(138:1015), 8426(138:1030), 8445(138:1220)
>>>>o.q., 6088(100:1455), 6604(107:1440), 6605(107:1445)
>>Penalties, 1083(18:1535)
>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--impaired driving)(Bill C-274)
>>Public attitude, 9219(151:1830)
Importation of Intoxicating Liquors Act
Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act, bringing
provisions into line, Amendments and Corrections Act, 2003 (Bill C-41)
provisions, 7857-8(128:1010), 7860(128:1025)
Imports see Dairy industry--Quebec; Diamond mining industry--Conflict diamonds; E.M. Power Plus supplement; Steel industry; Toxic/hazardous waste
Imprimerie Dumaine
Small business of the year designation, S.O. 31, 8716(143:1110)
In Flanders Fields Marathon
Royal Canadian Legion/Arthritis Society partnership, "Joints in Motion"
campaign, S.O. 31, 3132(52:1410)
In vitro fertilization see Fertility/infertility clinics (in vitro fertilization)
Incineration see Municipal waste--Berlin, Germany; Sydney tar ponds--Clean-up; Toxic/hazardous waste
Inco Limited
Greenhouse gas emissions reduction, Kyoto Protocol targets surpassed, S.O.
31, 3419(57:1410)
>>See also Innu Healing Foundation;
Voisey's Bay, NL nickel mining project (Inco Limited)
Disposable income, decline, 2504(42:1310), 7503(122:1120)
>>Gap between rich and poor, increase, 6521(106:1300)
>>>Tax reductions factor, etc., 6384(104:1230)
>>See also Artists
Income tax
Avoidance see Income tax--Offshore trusts or funds;
Private family trusts
>>Basic personal exemption, increasing, reducing income level where tax paid,
545(8:1825), 613(10:1005), 2531(42:1635), 2536-7(42:1710-20),
2615-6(44:1255-300), 2655(44:1745), 3766(63:1705), 3767(63:1710),
4284(71:1800), 4851(80:1035), 4890(81:1130), 4893(81:1150), 6272(102:1750),
6276(102:1820), 6567(106:1820), 8451(138:1310)
>>>S.O. 31, 8668(142:1410)
>>Burden, 1104(18:1810), 6101(100:1615)
>>Child deduction, children seven and under, 4069(68:1810)
>>Confidentiality, files sent to wrong address, o.q., 7628(124:1445),
7629(124:1450-5), 7748(126:1450), 7818(127:1435), 8033(131:1435)
>>Dividend income, Budget 2003 omission, 3768(63:1720)
>>Double taxation see Income tax--International agreements re avoidance of
double taxation and tax evasion;
Taxation--Double taxation
>>Evasion see Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Generic drugs;
Income tax--International agreements re avoidance of double taxation and tax
>>Families caring for, pre-school children, chronically ill, aged or disabled,
discrimination, eliminating, petitions, 2170(37:1010)
>>Federal/provincial, comparison, 6358(104:1010)
>>Foreign assets disclosure rule, S.O. 31, 7283-4(118:1105)
>>Indexing, restoration, 8096(132:1300), 8103(132:1355)
>>International agreements re avoidance of double taxation and tax evasion,
withholding taxes, etc.
>>>Human rights, relationship, 2026-7(34:1625-30)
>>>Role, economic, foreign investment and trade benefits, etc.,
1175-81(20:1010-55), 1197-8(20:1215-25),
2018-27(34:1525-635), 7497-8(122:1040-5),
7499-500(122:1100), 7504(122:1130),
7517-8(122:1310-20), 7518-9(122:1325), 7540(122:1535), 7547(122:1630-5)
>>>Tax havens, with
>>>>Asian financial crisis and Russian bank crash of 1997-1998, relationship,
>>>>Auditor General's concerns, etc., 7495-6(122:1020-5), 7497(122:1035),
7498(122:1045-50), 7499(122:1055), 7501-2(122:1105-10), 7506(122:1145),
7512(122:1235), 7513(122:1240-5), 7514(122:1250), 7515(122:1255),
7516(122:1300), 7520(122:1335), 7538(122:1520-5), 7540(122:1535),
>>>>Barbados, etc., Paul Martin ownership of Canada Steamship Lines Inc.
factor, conflict of interest possibility, etc., 1178-81(20:1030-55),
1197(20:1215-20), 2024-5(34:1610-20), 5178(85:1505), 5469(90:1655),
5750(94:1055), 6076(100:1355), 6637-8(107:1850-900), 6765-6(109:1835-45),
7493(122:1010), 7495(122:1020-5), 7496(122:1630), 7501-2(122:1105-10),
7505(122:1140), 7506(122:1145), 7508(122:1200), 7512(122:1235), 7515(122:1255),
7516(122:1305), 7521-2(122:1340-50), 7536-7(122:1505-15), 7538(122:1520),
7543(122:1600), 7545(122:1615) , 7547(122:1630), 7549(122:1650),
7550(122:1655-700), 7608(124:1220-5), 7764(126:1635), 8343(136:1715),
8365(137:1120), 8683(142:1540)
>>>>>o.q., 4992(82:1440-5), 5028-9(83:1420), 5030(83:1425-30), 5032-3(83:1445),
5036(83:1500), 5102-3(84:1420), 5104(84:1425-30), 5107(84:1445),
5110(84:1500), 5171(85:1430), 5174(85:1445), 5172(85:1435), 5244(86:1425),
5247-8(86:1445), 5984(98:1445), 6034(99:1155), 7453(121:1425), 7529(122:1430),
7575(123:1135), 7913(129:1425), 7989(130:1425-30)
>>>>Canadian banks activities, 7494(122:1020), 7499(122:1055),
7508(122:1155-200), 7512(122:1230), 7513(122:1245), 7521(122:1340),
7523(122:13355), 7536(122:1510), 7538-9(122:1520-5), 7540(122:1535),
7542(122:1550), 7544(122:1610), 7546(122:1620-5). 7549(122:1650),
7550(12:1655), 7551(122:1705)
>>>>Developing countries, impact on, 7521(122:1335-40), 7546(122:1620-5)
>>>>Eliminating, Canadian leadership role, terminating tax convention with
Barbados, M. on supply (Paquette), 7493-523(122:1010-355),
7535-52(122:1505-710), negatived, on recorded division, 7725(125:1715-45)
>>>>Government contracts, not awarding to companies utilizing tax havens,
7516(122:1310), 7518(122:1320)
>>>>Government promoting, Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department
and Export Development Canada (EDC) websites providing advice, etc.,
7509(122:1205-10), 7514(122:1250), 7522(122:1555), 7538(122:1520-5),
7540(122:1535), 7546(122:1620)
>>>>Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) position,
etc., 7494(122:1020), 7497(122:1035-40), 7498(122:1050), 7499(122:1045),
7500(122:1100), 7508(122:1155), 7509-10(122:1210), 7513(122:1235),
7514(122:1245-50), 7515(122:1255-300), 7520(122:1330), 7521(122:1340-5),
7536(122:1505-10), 7537(122:1515), 7538(122:1520-5), 7540(122:1535),
7541(122:1540), 7542(122:1550), 7543(122:1555), 7544(122:1610),,
7545(122:1615), 7547(122:1630-5), 7548(122:1640), 7549(122:1650),
7550(122:1700), 8342(136:1705-10), 8343(136:1715)
>>>>Organized crime, money laundering, relationship, 7493-4(122:1010-20),
7498-9(122:1050), 7508(122:1200), 7514(122:1245-50), 7521(122:1340),
7541(122:1540), 7548(122:1640), 7549(122:1650), 7551(122:1700)
>>>>Tax and user fee increases, relationship, 7496(122:1030)
>>>>Tax avoidance, evasion, fraud, relationship, 7493(122:1010),
7496(122:1035), 7502(122:1115), 7509(122:1200), 7513-4(122:1240-5),
7537(122:1515), 7543(122:1555), 7547-8(122:1630-40), 7549(122:1650),
>>>>Terrorism, relationship, 7493(122:1010), 7514(122:1245)
>>>See also Tax Implementation Act, 2002 (Bill S-2)
>>International comparison, competitiveness, 275(4:1805), 1177(20:1025),
2489(42:1110), 2505-6(42:1325), 2530(42:1615), 3775(63:1805), 4970(82:1205),
>>International transactions, Canadian residents and corporations, Auditor
General's 2002 report, concerns, etc., 2505(42:1325)
>>>Barbados, etc., o.q., 2251-3(38:1435-45)
>>>o.q., 2207(37:1435), 2330(32:1435-40)
>>Marginal rates, brackets, progressivity, etc., 1096(18:1705-10),
>>>Top rate, United States comparison, brain drain factor, 3767(63:1710),
>>>See also Disabled and handicapped persons--Income tax
>>Non-resident trusts and foreign investment entities, Legislative Proposals
Relating to the Income Tax Act - Taxation of Non-Resident Trusts and Foreign
Investment Entities
>>>Tabled, 8933(147:1005)
>>>See also Income Tax Act (amdt.)
>>Northern residents deduction, eligibility, Kitkahta, BC, etc., o.q.,
>>Offshore trusts or funds, income tax avoidance, use for see Income Tax Act
>>Reduction, 7235(117:1655), 8449(138:1250-5), 8097(132:1300), 8103(132:1355)
>>>Budget 2003 measures, lack, 4051(68:1605), 4052(68:1610)
>>>o.q., 5638-9(92:1440)
>>Senior citizens, 218(4:1125), 219(4:1130), 3958(67:1135)
>>>Insurance policy or registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) payouts to
Old Age Security or Guaranteed Income Supplement recipients, once in a
lifetime exemption, taxable but not considered income increase, 5298(87:1515)
>>>Low-income, eliminating income taxes, 9172(150:1830)
>>>See also Income Tax Act and Old Age Security Act (seniors' windfall
exemption)(Bill C-432)
>>Single income families, paying more than dual income families,
4877(80:1250), 6098(100:1550)
>>>o.q., 2720(46:1455)
>>Single parents, 3958(67:1135), 3959(67:1150)
>>Students, 3958(67:1135)
>>>Exemption for income earned while in school, increase, Budget 2003
measure, 4958(82:1035), 6099(100:1600)
>>Tax points
>>>Provinces, transfer to, Quebec, etc., 3758(63:1605), 3760(63:1620),
6126(101:1040), 6128(101:1050), 7227(117:1555), 8936(147:1015-20)
>>>See also Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST)--Amount;
Health care funding--Federal government share;
Transfer payments to provinces
>>Temporary measure, S.O. 31, 46-7(2:1405)
>>United States, comparison, 3954-5(67:1115), 4052(68:1610), 4890(81:1130),
4970(82:1210), 6256(102:1555)
>>United States social security payments, treatment, 2602(44:1110)
>>>o.q., 3720(62:1500)
>>>Petitions, 3016(50:1210)
>>Unpaid, outstanding, collecting, etc., o.q., 1618(27:1440-5)
>>Wealthy, special status, treatment, 4888(81:1110)
>>Withholding taxes
>>>Elimination, Budget 2003 omission, 3768(63:1720)
>>>See also Income tax--International agreements re avoidance of double
taxation and tax evasion
>>See also Adoption--Expenses;
Automobiles/motor vehicles--Employment benefit;
Canada Pension Plan (amdt.--adjusted pension for persons with other income
above the level at which the second percentage of income tax applies)(Bill
Capital gains tax;
Child care;
Child support;
Conscientious objectors;
Corporate income tax;
Disability Tax Credit;
Disabled and handicapped persons;
Elected officials--Expense allowances;
Emergency response workers--Volunteers;
Enron Corp.--J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. fake $1 billion loan;
Environment--Ecological gifts;
Film industry--Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit;
Fisheries--Licence buyouts;
Food banks--Donations to;
Forest industry--Workers;
Guaranteed Income Supplement;
Health clubs--Membership fees;
Herbal remedies;
Hockey--Junior hockey;
Medical expense tax credit;
Mining industry--Taxation measures;
National Hockey League Players Association (NHLPA)--Strike fund;
Natural resource industries--Taxation measures;
Olympics--Canadian Olympic Program;
Property taxes;
Provincial income tax;
Public transit;
Registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs);
Research and development--Tax credits;
Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League;
Sports--Amateur sport, Fees--Amateur sport, Registered Canadian amateur
athletic associations;
Student debt;
Student loans;
Taxpayers' Bill of Rights;
Income Tax Act (amdt.)
Ways and Means motion, notice, tabled, 634(10:1220)
Income Tax Act (amdt.)
Ways and Means motion, notice, tabled, 8933(147:1005)
Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-252)--Martin, Pat
First reading, 830-1(14:1025)
>>Procedural acceptability, Ways and Means motion lacking, 830(14:1025),
proceedings null and void, 889(14:1725)
>>Second reading, order discharged, bill dropped from Order Paper,
>>See also Corporate income tax--Fines and penalties
Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-296)--Stoffer
First reading, 1238(21:1510)
>>See also Volunteers--Income tax deduction
Income Tax act (amdt.)(Bill C-463)--Keddy
First reading, 9080(149:1505)
>>See also Fisheries--Fishing assets transferred within families
Income Tax Act (amdt.--allowances paid to elected provincial or municipal
officials)(Bill C-317)--Kenney
First reading, 1791-2(30:1210)
>>Procedural acceptability, Ways and Means motion lacking, 1792(30:1210-5),
proceedings null and void, 1808-9(30:1425)
>>Second reading, order discharged, bill dropped from Order Paper,
>>See also Elected officials--Expense allowances
Income Tax Act (amdt.--amateur sport fees)(Bill C-210)--Stoffer
First reading, 320-1(5:1220)
>>Second reading, 8301-8(135:1845-945)
>>>Dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence on the Order Paper, 8308(135:1945)
>>See also Sports--Amateur sport, Fees
Income Tax Act (amdt.--child adoption expenses)(Bill C-246)--Hill, J.
First reading, 805-6(13:1550)
>>See also Adoption--Expenses
Income Tax Act (amdt.--child care expenses)(Bill C-354)--St.-Hilaire
First reading, 3479(58:1605)
>>See also Child care--Income tax deduction for expenses
Income Tax Act (amdt.--deductibility of expenses of tools provided as a
requirement of employment)(Bill C-262)--Nystrom
First reading, 966(16:1510)
>>See also Tools--Income tax deduction
Income Tax Act (amdt.--deduction of funeral expenses)(Bill C-373)--Harb
First reading, 3509(59:1025)
>>See also Funerals--Expenses
Income Tax Act (amdt.--deduction for volunteer emergency services)(Bill
First reading, 2291(39:1005)
>>Second reading, 6560-8(106:1730-830), 8181-8(134:1105-205), negatived, on
recorded division, 8346(136:1810-20)
>>>Dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence on Order Paper, 6568(106:1830)
>>See also Emergency response workers--Volunteers
Income Tax Act (amdt.--disability tax credit)(Bill C-407)--Casey
First reading, 4197(70:1210)
>>See also Disability Tax Credit--Doctors' reports
Income Tax Act (amdt.--donations to food banks)(Bill C-371)--Harb
First reading, 3509(59:1025)
>>See also Food banks--Donations to
Income Tax Act (amdt.--exemptions for volunteers)(Bill C-351)--Sorenson
First reading, 3363(56:1520)
>>See also Emergency response workers--Volunteers
Income Tax Act (amdt.--expenses incurred by care-givers)(Bill C-209)--Stoffer
First reading, 320(5:1220)
>>>See also Disabled and handicapped persons--Renovation costs
Income Tax Act (amdt.--health club membership fees)(Bill C-305)--Wappel
First reading, 1554(26:1505)
>>See also Health clubs--Membership fees
Income Tax Act (amdt.--herbal remedies)(Bill C-208)--Stoffer
First reading, 320(5:1220)
>>>See also Herbal remedies--Income tax deduction
Income Tax Act (amdt.--natural resources)(Bill C-48)--Minister of Finance
Ways and Means motion, notice, tabled, 7030(114:1500), concurrence, agreed
to, on recorded division, 7273-4(117:2040)
>>First reading, 7298(118:1220)
>>Second reading, 7756-7(126:1540-5), 7758-71(126:1550-725),
7798-810(127:1220-355), 7823-5(127:1505-25),
agreed to, on recorded division,
>>Finance Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 8017(130:1755)
>>>Reported, without amdt., 8163(133:1205)
>>Report stage, concurrence, 8328(136:1525), agreed to, on recorded division,
>>Third reading, 8357-84(137:1025-355), 8396-408(137:1500-635), agreed to, on
recorded division, 8582-3(140:1730-805), passed.
>>Senate passage, 9319(153:1200)
>>Royal Assent, 9328(153:1315). Chap. 28, S.C. 2003
>>See also Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing;
Mining industry--Taxation measures; Natural resource
industries--Taxation measures
Income Tax Act (amdt.--public transportation costs)(Bill
First reading, 3873(65:1230)
>>See also Public transit--Income tax deduction for users
Income Tax (amdt.--tax credit for mental or physical impairment)(Bill
First reading. 3509(59:1025)
>>See also Disabled and handicapped persons--Housekeeping costs
Income Tax act (amdt.--travel expenses for a motor vehicle used by a
forestry worker)(Bill C-303)--Crete
First reading, 1553(26:1505)
>>See also Forest industry--Workers
Income Tax Act (amdt.--volunteers)(Bill C-207)--Stoffer
First reading, 320(5:1215)
>>>See also Volunteers--Income tax deduction for work with registered
Income Tax Act and Old Age Security Act (seniors' windfall exemption)(Bill
First reading, 5298(87:1515)
>>See also Income tax--Senior citizens
Income Tax Act, Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act, Public
Service Superannuation Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act
(amdt.--dependent beneficiaries)(Bill C-389)--Harb
First reading, 3510(59:1025)
>>See also Public Service pensions--Survivor benefits
Income trusts see Natural resource industries--Taxation measures
Independent Living and Sustainable Livelihoods see International Day of Disabled Persons
Independent living homes see Housing
India see Bhullar, Professor Davinderpal Singh; Canada-India relations; Geoscience--Canada-India agreement; Lumber industry--Exports; Nuclear weapons; Operation Blue Star
Indian Act
Replacing, 482-3(7:1545)
Indian Affairs and Northern Development Department
Estimates see Estimates--2003-2004, Supplementary (A)
Indian bands/reserves
Democracy, increasing, 463(7:1340)
>>Economic and social conditions, government response, etc., 2617-8(44:1310),
3921(66:1550), 4002-3(67:1645-50)
>>Financial management/accountability, 345(6:1255), 2928(49:1020),
2930(49:1035), 2933(49:1055), 2935(49:1105-10), 2937-8(49:1125-30),
2939(49:1145), 2940(49:1155), 2946(49:1250), 3790-1(64:1110),
6818-9(110:1655-700), 6838-9(110:1925-30)
>>>Business dealings, contract fulfilment, o.q., 17326(29:1450)
>>>Dakota Tipi First Nation, government assuming management
>>>>Corruption allegations, public inquiry need, o.q., 3253(54:1455-500)
>>>>Private business accounts owing, S.O. 31, 2048(35:1105)
>>>First Nations Auditor, First Nations Ombudsman, establishing, 920(15:1210)
>>>>See also First Nations Governance Review Act (Bill C-257)
>>>First Nations finance authority, 2943(49:1225), 2946(49:1250)
>>>First Nations fiscal and statistical management, legislation
>>>>Financial agency commissioner, appointment before legislation introduced,
allegation, 2116(36:1505)
>>>>>o.q., 2112(36:1445)
>>>>See also First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act (Bill C-19)
>>>First Nations management board, 2943(49:1225), 2947(49:1250)
>>>First Nations statistical institute, 2940(49:1150)
>>>>Statistics Canada, duplication, 2944(49:1225), 2947-8(49:1250-5)
>>>First Nations tax commission, 2938-9(49:1130-5), 2940(49:1150),
2943(49:1225), 2947(49:1255)
>>>>British Columbia, financial administration act, comparison, 2947(49:1255)
>>>Reporting requirements, burden, 3921(66:1545-50), 3925(66:1620)
>>>School boards, funding disputes, 3170-1(52:1845-55)
>>>>o.q., 3013-4(50:1155)
>>>Third party management
>>>>qu., 2729-30(46:1525)
>>>>Third party managers, qu., 6039-70(99:1215)
>>>See also Kitkatla Indian band
>>>Affordable, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation funding, 8081(132:1105)
>>>Crisis, Auditor General's report, government policy, o.q.,
5246-7(86:1435-40), 5293-4(87:1440)
>>>See also Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Twentieth
>>Infrastructure development, priority, 2944-5(49:1230-5)
>>Long Point Winneway first nation, education budget, government cutting
>>>o.q., 7140(116:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 7210(117:1410)
>>Lynn Lake, MB, relocation, segregation strategy, $44 million cost, o.q.,
1033(17:1450), 1035(17:1500)
>>Property rights, establishing, 481-2(7:1535), 494(7:1705)
>>Sales tax, First Nations levying sales tax consistent with Goods and
Services Tax (GST), 4787(79:1025), 6103(100:1635), 6254(102:1540)
>>Statistics, data gathering process, participation, reluctance, 2948(49:1300)
>>See also Campbell River Indian Band;
Environmental assessment;
Ferry service--Barnston Indian Reserve;
First Nations;
Sandy Bay reserve;
Indian lobbyists see Aboriginal peoples/communities
Indian Specific Claims Commission
Annual report
>>>2001-2002, tabled, 6248(102:1515)
>>>2002-2003, tabled, 9231(152:1020)
Individual transferable quotas (ITQs) see Fisheries--Privatization
Indo-Canadian community see Gangs
Indofoods see Export Development Canada (EDC)
Indonesia see Terrorism--Bali
Industrial energy innovator see Norwest Precision Ltd.
Industrial materials see Crossroads for Industrial Materials Innovation
Industrial parks see Lefebvre, Roger
Industrial pollution see Pollution--National Pollutant Release Inventory
Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP)
Fraud, bribery, internal investigation, o.q., 7703(125:1450),
Industrialization see Health
Government support, business costs, international comparison, o.q.,
>>Regulatory burden, reducing, 7766(126:1655)
>>See also Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global
Industry Department see Corporations--Government subsidies
Industry in Crisis: Safeguarding the Viability of the Canadian Airline Industry, An see Transport Standing Committee--Reports, Second
Industry Minister see Oil and gas industry--Profits, Investigating; Rock--References
Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee
Reports, presented
>>>First (Lobbyists Registration Act (amdt.)(Bill C-15)), 2263(38:1550)
>>>Second (extension of time to consider Competition Act (amdt.)(Bill C-249)),
>>>>Concurrence, M. (Regan), agreed to, 5006(82:1620)
>>>Third (Opening Canadian Communications to the World), 5453(90:1505)
>>>Fourth (Competition Act (amdt.)(Bill C-249)), 5645(92:1515)
>>>Fifth (Gasoline Prices in Canada), 9320(153:1205)
>>See also Auberge Grand-Mère--Business Development Bank of Canada;
Business Development Bank of Canada;
Competition Act (amdt.)(Bill C-249);
Foreign investment/ownership--Telecommunications and broadcasting industries;
Lobbyists Registration Act (amdt.)(Bill C-15);
Regional development--Federal government role, Expenditures;
University research--Government funding, Breakdown
Infant car seats see Automobiles/motor vehicles
Infectious disease
China, outbreaks, Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
correspondence, M. for Production of Papers (Clark), called, transferred for
debate, 9201(151:1550)
>>Contingency plans, federal/local authorities, 5065-7(83:1850-1900)
>>>o.q., 4491(74:1450)
>>Emergency response workers, notification protocol, 920(15:1210)
>>See also British Columbia Ear Bank (St. Paul's Hospital, Vancouver, BC);
Canada Health Act (amdt.--conditions for contributions)(Bill C-256);
Hepatitis C;
Penitentiary inmates;
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS);
Influence peddling see Techlink International Entertainment Limited
Awareness, S.O. 31, 909-10(15:1110), 9022(148:1110)
>>Epidemics, 7462(105:1745)
Information Commissioner
2002-2003 annual report, tabled, 6767(110:1005)
>>Records, seizing, government taking to court, 7058(114:1830)
>>See also Government information--Management
Information management see Government information
Information technology
Schools and libraries, providing to, 36(2:1245)
>>See also Cape Breton Seniors Community Learning Network;
Electronic mail;
Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program)--Registration process;
Government departments, boards, agencies and commission;
Health care--Electronic records;
Transport Department--Confidential documents
Information Technology Week
S.O. 31, 5862(96:1405)
British Columbia, province's choices, factors, etc., 7184(117:1110)
>>Budget 2003 measures, federal-provincial-municipal program, etc.,
3734(62:1655), 3762(63:1635), 3764(63:1650), 3765(63:1700), 3771(63:1735-40),
3948(67:1020), 3950-1(67:1040-5), 3953(67:1100), 3966-7(67:1240-50),
3968(67:1255), 3969(67:1300), 3973(67:1330-40), 3974(67:1345), 3991(67:1525),
3992(67:1530), 4000(67:1630), 4001-2(67:1640-5), 4005(67:1700), 4013(67:1810),
4057(68:1640), 4058-9(68:1650), 4060(68:1700), 4062(68:1720), 4068(68:1800),
4234(71:1310), 4236(71:1320), 4238(71:1330), 4240(71:1345), 4262(71:1520-5),
4282(71:1750), 4283(71:1800), 4284(71:1805), 4374(72:1530),
4384-5(72:1645-50), 4802(79:1230), 4811-2(79:1345), 4847(80:1010),
4850(80:1025), 4853(80:1045), 4870(80:1205-10), 4871-2(80:1215),
4873(80:1220-5), 4980(82:1325), 4983(82:1345-50), 5046(83:1620),
6106(100:1655), 6108(100:1715), 6110(100:1730), 6127-8(101:1045-50),
6252(102:1525), 6266(102:1710), 6269(102:1725), 6269-70(102:1735),
6273(102:1755-800), 6364(104:1050), 6382-3(104:1220), 6384-5(104:1235),
6511(106:1135-40), 7192(117:1205), 7232(117:1640), 7241(117:1735),
7242(117:1745), 7243(117:1755), 8083(132:1120)
>>>o.q., 3742(63:1425-30), 3745(63:1445), 3747(63:1500), 3820(64:1440),
3823(64:1455), 3862(65:1125), 3911(66:1440), 3983(67:1440), 4538(75:1155),
4273-4(71:1650-5), 4278(71:1725), 4283(71:1755-800)
>>>Quebec projects, 6104(100:1635-40), 6116(100:1825)
>>>Rural communities, drinking water, etc., neglecting, S.O. 31, 4031(68:1410)
>>>S.O. 31, 4585(76:1410)
>>Canada-Alberta infrastructure program, 7237-8(117:1710), 7247(117:1820)
>>Canada-Ontario infrastructure program, Niagara Centre constituency benefits,
>>Canada-Quebec infrastructure program,
>>>Municipalities needs, role, etc., 536(8:1715-20), 7194(117:1210)
>>>Negotiations, 7228(117:1600)
>>>Saint-Jean-de-Matha, QC, dam project, federal environmental assessment
requirements, impact, 5380-1(88:1720-30)
>>Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund
>>>o.q., 2334(39:1455-500)
>>>See also Highways and roads--Ontario, Highway 69
>>Canadian Alliance position, 7187(117:1125), 7187(117:1125), 7189(117:1145),
7192(117:1200), 7205(117:1335), 7203(117:1320-5)
>>Environment, relationship, 8125(132:1615)
>>Federal government role, funding, 81(2:1810), 276(4:1805), 447(7:1140),
534(8:1705), 2482(42:1025), 2603(44:1120), 2620-1(44:1340-5), 2622(44:1350),
2646-7(44:1620), 2647(44:1630), 4059(68:1650), 4277(71:1715-20),
4278(71:1725), 4811-2(79:1345), 4842(79:1720), 4853(80:1050),
5281-2(86:1850-5), 5283(86:1400), 7188-95(117:1135-225), 7196(117:1230),
7197(117:1235)), 7197-8(117:1235-50), 7199(117:1255), 7201-7(117:1310-50),
7231(117:1620), 7232-4(117:1630-45), 7238(117:1710), 7239-40(117:1725),
7241(117:1740), 7242-3(117:1745-55), 7246(117:1810), 8086-7(132:1140-5),
8099(132:1325), 8120-3(132:1540-605), 8124(132:1610), 8502(139:1625),
8647(142:1135), 8687(142:1610)
>>>Canadian Alliance position, 8077(132:1035)
>>>Downloading to provinces, municipalities, 6100(100:1610)
>>>>o.q., 9025(148:1130)
>>>Inappropriate projects, 6273(102:1755-800)
>>>Kyoto Protocol, relationship, 2491(42:1130)
>>>Liberal Party constituencies favoured, 7236(117:1700)
>>>o.q., 1615(27:1420), 3910-1(66:1435), 4039(68:1450), 6322(103:1445),
8156(133:1130), 8157(133:1135), 8322(136:1450)
>>>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney) position, 8120(132:1540)
>>>Regional development agencies administering, 7246(117:1810)
>>>Rural communities, 8130(132:1655), 8131(132:1700)
>>>Stable funding, necessity, reducing gasoline taxes, provinces introducing
special tax to fund infrastructure, M. on supply (Moore),
7184-207(117:1110-355), 7223-48(117:1525-830),
negatived, on recorded
division, 7260-1(117:2000-25)
>>>Western provinces, 7245(117:1805-10)
>>>Northern Canada/Yukon Territory, special needs, etc., 4274(71:1655),
7239(117:1725), 7240(117:1730)
>>>See also Infrastructure--Budget 2003 measures;
Municipalities--Federal government role
>>Federal-provincial-municipal program, ten year, long-term strategic
initiatives, etc.
>>>Throne Speech statement, 5(1:1525), 11-2(1:1605), 24(2:1115),
57(2:1505), 62(2:1540), 64(2:1555), 77(2:1740), 7809(2:1750-5), 80(2:1800-5),
81(2:1810), 215(4:1100), 224(4:1205), 229(4:1245), 259(4:1605), 435(7:1015),
442(7:1100), 452(7:1225), 488(7:1620), 489(7:1630), 490(7:1635), 496(7:1720),
532(8:1645), 534(8:1705), 648(10:1400), 7233(117:1635)
>>>>o.q., 1501(25:1150)
>>>>Rural communities and smaller municipalities, 36(2:1250), 165(3:1805),
>>>>S.O. 31, 1940(33:1415)
>>>See also Infrastructure--Budget 2003 measures
>>Gasoline taxes, devoting to, transferring to provinces, 4004-5(67:1655-705)
>>Importance, 4055(68:1630), 7241(117:1740)
>>Infrastructure Canada Program funding, $2.1 billion, o.q., 1501(25:1150)
>>Infrastructure deficit. 8099(132:1320-5)
>>>Lobbying, 7240(117:1730)
>>>Needs, 3769(63:1730), 7236(117:1700), 7237(117:1705)
>>>See also Canada Pension Plan--Investments;
Infrastructure--Federal government role;
Municipalities--Bonds--Federal government role
>>Rural communities
>>>Special needs, etc., 648-9(10:1400-5)
>>>See also Infrastructure--Federal-provincial-municipal program;
Rural communities--Discrimination
>>Strategic Infrastructure Program, o.q., 1550(26:1455)
>>See also Border, Canadian;
Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI)--Government funding;
Canada Pension Plan--Municipalities;
Energy conservation/efficiency--Greenhouse gas emissions reduction role;
Gasoline taxes--Excise tax, Distribution--Municipalities;
Health care--Public health infrastructure;
Highways and roads--Federal government expenditures;
Mining industry--New Brunswick;
Moose Jaw, SK--Municipal building;
Northern Canada;
Northwest Territories;
Ottawa Congress Centre;
Stratford, ON--Recreation and agricultural complex;
Infrastructure Canada Program see Infrastructure
Inhalants and sniff products
Sale for purpose of intoxication, making criminal code offence,
>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--sale of intoxicating products)(Bill C-297)
Injured Military Members Compensation Act (Bill C-44)--Minister of National
Defence (Pagtakhan)
First reading, 7144(116:1510)
>>Second reading, 7278-80(118:1025-40)
>>Deemed adopted at all stages, 7280(118:1040), passed.
>>Note: Royal Assent by written declaration see Journals, June 19, 2003
>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Personnel, Disability benefits
Inland waterways
Uncharted, marking, federal responsibility, government divesting,
recreational sailors, impact, o.q., 5869-70(96:1445-50)
Inner city health project see Homelessness--Supporting Communities Partnership Initiative (SCPI), Ottawa, ON
Innovation see Lafarge Canada Inc.; Productivity; Research and development; Transportation--Technology and innovation role
Innovations see Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA)--Summary of the Corporate Business Plan for 2003-2004 to 2005-2006
Federal-Quebec-Innu negotiations, agreement, funding, 4977(82:1300-5)
>>See also Davis Inlet
Innu Healing Foundation
Innu family support, Building Hope campaign, Inco Limited, role, S.O. 31,
Insider trading see Capital markets--Fraud
Institute of Kidney and Urinary Tract Diseases see Kidney disease
Insulation see Housing
Insulin see Diabetes
Costs, increase, inquiry request, 6276-8(102:1830-5)
>>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction factor, o.q., 4715(78:1440)
>>>o.q., 8847(145:1445)
>>>S.O. 31, 6079(100:1405)
>>Federal government role, 6277-8(102:1830-5)
>>Insurance Brokers Association of Canada, Canadian Accredited Insurance Broker
designation, recipients, S.O. 31, 673(11:1400), impact on industry,
>>Parity between men and women, 8418(137:1755)
>>See also Airlines;
Great-West Lifeco Inc.;
Income tax--Senior citizens;
Insurance Brokers Association of Canada see Insurance
Integrated border enforcement teams see Border, Canadian
Integrated Market Enforcement Teams (IMETs) see Capital markets--Fraud
Integrated national security enforcement teams see National security (public safety)
Integrated Proceeds of Crime Initiative see Organized crime--Combatting
Integrity see Liberal government (Chrétien)--Corruption
Intelcom see Canada Post Corporation
Intellectual disability see Quebec Intellectual Disability Week
Intellectual property rights see BioChem Pharma Inc.; Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Generic drugs; Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)
Intelligence agencies see Canadian Foreign Intelligence Agency; Canadian national intelligence agency; Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS)
Intelligence analysts see Public Service
Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labour
Declaration and action plan, etc., o.q., 8275(135:1455-500)
Interest see Mortgages--Repayment before maturity; National debt
Interest Act (amdt.--interest payable on repayment of a mortgage loan before
maturity)(Bill C-268)--Nystrom
First reading, 967(16:1515)
>>See also Mortgages--Repayment before maturity
Interest rates
United States, comparison, 6897(112:1200)
>>See also Banks and financial institutions;
Credit cards
Interim orders see National security (public safety)
Interim release see Bail (interim release)
Intermodal freight traffic see Transportation
International Acharya Sushil Kumar Peace Award see Polyani, John
International agreements
Subject to House of Commons approval, 1673(28:1640)
>>Tabled, 2686(45:1200)
>>See also Air transportation;
Antarctica--Antarctic treaty system;
Defence policy--Canada-United States military cooperation agreement;
Foreign investment/ownership;
Geoscience--Canada-India agreement;
Income tax;
Law of the Sea;
Ottawa Convention;
Trade agreements;
International Association of Firefighters see Toxic/hazardous substances
International Association of Prosecutors see Manitoba Warriors street gang
International banking centres
Montreal, QC and Vancouver, BC, Organization for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) position, 7544(122:1610), 7549(122:1650)
International Boundary Waters Treaty Act see Water--British Columbia-Alaska transboundary watersheds
International capital markets/financial transactions
Tobin tax, 7546(122:1620), 8342(136:1710)
>>>Martin, Paul, position, 151(3:1625-30)
International Cinema Festival
Abitibi-Témiscamingue, QC, 22nd anniversary, S.O. 31, 9138(150:1400)
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
Headquarters, Montreal, QC, new offices, delay, federal-provincial dispute
factor, etc., o.q., 3469(58:1500), 4863-4(80:1145)
International Coffee Organization
Canadian membership, S.O. 31, 6793(110:1400)
International competitiveness
Canadian ranking, decline, 8940-1(147:1055-100)
>>>o.q., 8968-9(147:1420), 8971-2(147:1435-40)
>>See also Banks and financial institutions;
Corporate income tax--International comparison;
Corporations--Government subsidies, Investment decisions;
Economy/economic conditions--International comparison;
Greenhouse gas emissions (climate
change/global warming)--Reducing;
Income tax--International comparison
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea see Cod--Scotland and Ireland
International Criminal Court
>>>Parliamentarians for Global Action position, S.O. 31, 1492(25:1100)
>>>United States recognizing, o.q., 474(7:1445)
>>See also Crimes against humanity--Perpetrators;
Gender violence;
International Day for the Elimination of Poverty
October 17, Dorothy O'Connell Monument for Anti-Poverty Activism,
dedication, S.O. 31, 8480(139:1405)
>>Community organizations, role, tribute, S.O. 31, 8891-2(146:1415)
International Day for the Elimination of Racism
March 21, awareness campaign
>>>o.q., 4493(74:1500)
>>>S.O. 31, 4482(74:1400), 4484(74:1410), 4528-9(75:1100-5)
International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
November 25, S.O. 31, 1830-3(31:1400-15)
International Day of Disabled Persons
December 3, "Independent Living and Sustainable Livelihoods", theme
>>>o.q., 2211(37:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 2106-7(36:1415), 2201-3(37:1405-10)
International Day of Families
May 15, United Nations General Assembly proclaiming, S.O. 31,
International Day of Older Persons
Senior citizens, contribution to society, acknowledging, S.O. 31,
45-6(2:1355-400), 7984(130:1405), 8027(131:1400)
International Day of Peace
September 21, 2003, commemoration, S.O. 31, 7569(123:1105), 7621(124:1405)
International Day of the Ozone Layer
S.O. 31, 7406(120:1355)
International Day of Tolerance
Multiculturalism/diversity, Canada celebrating, S.O. 31, 1610(27:1400)
International Development Week
Association québécoise des organismes de coopération internationale role,
tribute, S.O. 31, 3175(53:1415)
>>Butterfly 208, youth art and writing contest, international issues, awareness,
Canadian International Development Agency sponsorship
>>>o.q., 9075-6(149:1440)
>>>S.O. 31, 239(4:1400), 3296(55:1105)
>>February 2-8, 2003, theme "Celebrating Canadians Making a Difference in the
World", Bill McWhinney Award of Excellence recipient, Prince Edward Island
chapter of Farmers Helping Farmers, S.O. 31, 3131(52:1405)
International institutions see French language
International Joint Commission (IJC) see Devils Lake, North Dakota; Sumas II natural gas fired electric power plant (SE2)
International Labour Organization (ILO)
Canadian position re convention 184 and recommendation 192 (safety and
health in agriculture), tabled, 2591(44:1005)
>>Canadian position re recommendation 193, a protocol to convention 155, and
recommendation 194, tabled, 9195(151:1525)
International law see Armed conflict; Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute--Government assistance to industry and workers, $246.5 million package
International Literacy Day see Literacy--Literacy Action Day
International Monetary Fund (IMF) see Economy/economic conditions--Strength
International Mother Language Day
Linguistic diversity, celebrating, S.O. 31, 3859(65:1105)
International Museums Day
May 18, "Museums and Friends", theme, S.O. 31, 6367(104:1110)
International Music Day
October 1, S.O. 31, 45-6(2:1400), 8029(131:1410)
International negotiations
Quebec representation, lack, 28(2:1145)
International Network on Cultural Policy see Cultural diversity
International organizations
Employment, English language requirement, discrimination against
francophones, 484(7:1555)
International Peace Officer Memorial Day
May 15, tribute, S.O. 31, 6315(103:1405)
International Plowing Match
Lanark County, ON, 7283(118:1105)
International relations
Canadian role/reputation, 2885(48:1955), 2917(48:2355)
>>See also Foreign students;
World unrest
International Scientific Awards
Technical Cooperation Program defence science research achievement awards,
Canadian recipients, S.O. 31, 6025(99:1105)
International security
Canadian government role, petitions, 6611(107:1530)
International Space Station
Williams, Dr. Dave, Canadian astronaut, November 2003 mission, S.O. 31,
International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) project
Canadian participation, 8310-1(135:1955-2000)
>>>o.q., 5870(96:1450), 6536(106:1445), 7919(129:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 6428(105:1405)
International Trade, Trade Disputes and Investment Subcommittee see Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee
International trade zones see Mirabel international trade zone
International transactions se Income tax
International Transfer of Offenders Act (Bill C-33)--Solicitor General
First reading, 5453(90:1505)
>>Second reading, 5560-77(91:1505-1730), 5823-35(95:1650-1825),
5921-9(97:1520-1620), agreed to, on recorded division, 6162-3(101:1500-15)
>>Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 6163(101:1515)
>>>Report, with amdt., 8934(147:1010)
>>See also Offenders--International transfer