The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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McCann, Staff Sergeant Clifford see Kingsclear Youth Training Centre
McCool, Carolyn see World University Service of Canada (WUSC)
McCormick, Larry (Lib.--Hastings--Frontenac--Lennox and Addington)
- >>Agriculture, 421-2(6:2235-40)
>>>o.q., 2684-5(45:1155), 7142(116:1500)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-13), 4773(78:1850)
>>Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)
>>>M. on supply (Schellenberger), 7716-9(125:165-35), 7720(125:1650)
>>Canadian Idol, S.O. 31, 7567(123:1055)
>>Dombrowsky, Leona, S.O. 31, 9068(149:1400)
>>École de Médecine Vétérinaire de Saint-Hyacinthe, o.q., 2254(38:1455)
>>Farm income crisis
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52( Clark), 420-2(6:2235-40)
>>Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--genetically modified food)(Bill C-220), 2409-10(41:1155-200)
>>Gerretsen, John, S.O. 31, 9068(149:1400)
>>Hopkings, Dick, S.O. 31, 506(8:1405)
>>Kingston, ON, S.O. 31, 7131-2(116:1405)
>>Lavigne, Avril, S.O. 31, 2711(46:1405), 5239(86:1400)
>>Ontario, S.O. 31, 9068(149:1400)
>>Procedure, divisions, recorded, 4773(78:1850)
McDermott, Dennis
Trade union movement leader, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 3591(60:1105),
McDonough, Alexa (NDP--Halifax)
- >>Aboriginal offenders, 6010-1(98:1805-10)
>>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 31(2:1215), 6521(106:1300)
>>>o.q., 2053(35:1125)
>>>S.O. 31, 2051(35:1115)
>>Afghanistan, S.O. 31, 8106(132:1410)
>>Air India, o.q., 6742(109:1500)
>>Anti-Americanism, 5084-5(84:1205), 5113(84:1515-20), 5219(86:1130)
>>Arab Canadians, o.q., 1140-1(19:1425)
>>Arar, Maher
>>>o.q., 677-8(11:1420-5), 2629(44:1425-30), 5559(91:1455), 7457(121:1450), 8601(141:1445), 8781(144:1455), 9146(150:1445)
>>>S.O. 31, 9184(151:1415)
>>Armed conflict, petitions, 5646(92:1525)
>>Arms control treaties, o.q., 6085(100:1440)
>>Blueberry industry, o.q., 6032(99:1440)
>>Border, Canadian, o.q., 1229(21:1420-5), 1346(23:1430), 1543(26:1420)
>>Brown, Rosemary, S.O. 31, 5549-50(91:1405)
>>Budget 1995, 29-30(2:1200)
>>Budget 2003, 2493-4(42:1150), 6521(106:1300)
>>>M. for approval (Manley), 3762(63:1635), 4223(71:1145)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2003 (Bill C-28), 6132-3(101:1130-40), 6521-2(106:1300-10)
>>Budget surplus, 8959(147:1310-5)
>>>o.q., 1300-1(22:1420-5)
>>Canada Assistance Plan, 6521(106:1305)
>>Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB), 33(2:1225)
>>Canada Elections Act and the Income Tax Act (amdt.--political financing)(Bill C-24), 3698-9(62:1230-40), 7014-5(114:1320-30), 7050-1(114:1735-45)
>>Canada Health Act (amdt.--linguistic duality)(Bill C-202), 3454-5(57:1835-40)
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST), 6521-2(106:1305)
>>Canada Pension Plan, M. (Desjarlais), 4555-6(75:1405-15), 4557(75:1425)
>>Canada Steamship Lines Inc., 7369(119:1745)
>>Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute, o.q., 470(7:1425)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, M. on supply (Wayne), 1222-4(21:1345-55)
>>Canadian Coast Guard, o.q., 509(8:1425)
>>Canadian Television Fund, 6133(101:1135-40)
>>Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), S.O. 31, 8892(146:1415)
>>Child/family poverty, 33(2:1225)
>>Chrétien, references, 5217(86:1110)
>>Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (Romanow), 32(2:1220-5), 938(16:1210), 6522(106:1305)
>>>o.q., 2008-9(34:1425-30), 2515(42:1425)
>>>Petitions, 7301(118:1240), 7581-2(123:1215)
>>Congo, Democratic Republic of, o.q., 6537(106:1445)
>>Contaminated sites, o.q., 748(12:1420)
>>Corporate income tax, 6521(106:1300)
>>Corporations, 31(2:1210-5)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-32), 5458(90:1530), 5460(90:1540)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--criminal liability of corporations, directors and officers)(Bill C-418), 4494(74:1510)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--criminal liability of organizations)(Bill C-45), 7361-2(119:1640), 7363(119:1700), 7366(119:1720-5), 7368-9(19:1745), 7373(119:1810-5), 7584(123:1230), 7586-7(123:1245-300), 7588(123:1305), 8798-9(144:1745-55)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--selling wildlife)(Bill C-280), 3878-9(65:1310-5)
>>Criminal Code and Youth Criminal Justice Act (amdt.--sentencing principles)(Bill C-416), 6010-1(98:1805-10)
>>Deportation, petitions, 7301(118:1240)
>>Disability Tax Credit, 6133(101:1130-5)
>>>M. on supply (McDonough), 1581-3(27:1015-30), 1589-90(27:1115), 1606(27:1320), 1607(27:1330)
>>>o.q., 1942(33:1425)
>>Disabled and handicapped persons, 1581(27:1015)
>>Discrimination and racism, 6133(101:1135)
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, 2494(42:1155), 9326(153:1245), 9330-2(153:1330-50)
>>>o.q., 6801(110:1445), 9076(149:1445)
>>Duhamel, Hon. Senator Ron J., 29(2:1155)
>>Election promises, 29(2:1200)
>>Electricity, 7587(123:1255)
>>Employment insurance, o.q., 2205(37:1425), 2250(38:1430)
>>Energy conservation/efficiency, o.q., 582(9:1425)
>>Environment, o.q., 748(12:1425)
>>Equalization payments, 8938(14&;1040), 8939(147:1045), 8957-9(147:1300-20), 8960-1(147:1325-30)
>>Ethics, statement by Minister (Manley), 801-2(13:1525-30)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act and Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Regulations, 1999 (amdt.)(Bill C-54), 8938(147:1040), 8939(147:1045), 8957-9(147:1300-20), 8960-1(147:1325-30)
>>Finance Standing Committee, M. (Boudria), 2493-5(42:1150-200)
>>Foreign affairs, o.q., 9316(153:1145)
>>Foreign investment/ownership, 5134(84:1805)
>>Foreign policy, 1224(21:1355)
>>>o.q., 132(3:1425)
>>Fossil fuels, o.q., 1732(29:1425)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 30-1(2:1210)
>>>o.q., 50(2:1425), 582(9:1425), 791-2(13:1425), 863(14:1425)
>>Guaranteed Income Supplement, 6521(106:1300)
>>Halifax constituency, 1223-4(21:1355)
>>Health care, 31(2:1215), 32(2:1220), 2494(43:1155), 2495(42:1200), 3454-5(57:1835-40)
>>>House take note, M. (McLellan), 937-9(16:1205-20)
>>>o.q., 958(16:1425), 3010(50:1140)
>>Health care funding, 30(2:1200), 31(2:1215), 32(2:1220-5), 2494-5(42:1155-200), 6132(101:1130)
>>>o.q., 4991(82:1440), 5035(83:1500)
>>>S.O. 31, 7696(125:1410)
>>Homelessness, 4223(71:1145)
>>House of Commons, 4494(74:1510)
>>Housing, 4223(71:1145), 6133(101:1130)
>>>o.q., 7916-7(129:1440), 8322(136:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 7985(130:1410)
>>Income, 6521(106:1300)
>>>Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 2886-8(48:2000-20), 2890(48:2035), 2913(48:2325), 2914(48:2340), 2917-8(48:2405), 2920(48:2425), 2922-3(48:2435-40)
>>>House take note, M. (Boudria), 94-7(2:1955-2020)
>>>M. (Chrétien), 5217-21(86:1110-40)
>>>M. on supply (Bachand, C.), 3346-9(56:1330-55), 3365(56:1530)
>>>M. on supply (Day), 4575(76:1305), 4579-80(76:1330-45)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 4462(74:1125), 4468-70(74:1210-25), 4472-3(74:1245)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 5084-6(84:1205-25), 5087-8(84:1230-5), 5113(84:1515-20), 5114(84:1535)
>>>M. on supply (Reynolds), 3221-2(54:1115), 3229(54:1210), 3231-3(54:1230-50), 3234-5(54:1255-1300), 3265-6(54:1625-30), 3268(54:1645)
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Lalonde), 4312-3(71:2155-2200)
>>>o.q., 132(3:1425), 1615(27:1425), 3065(51:1445), 3138(52:1445), 3177-8(53:1430), 3865(65:1140), 3908-9(66:1425), 4249(71:1440), 4366(72:1440), 4489(74:1440), 4532(75:1120-5), 4587(76:1425), 4657-8(77:1425), 4712(78:1425), 5106(84:1440), 7702(125:1440)
>>>Petitions, 4254(71:1515), 4423(73:1525), 7301(118:1240)
>>Johnson, Dr. Ruth, 3878(65:1310)
>>Judicial law-making, M. on supply (Toews), 5961-2(98:1150-205), 5964(98:1220)
>>Layton, Jack, 2712(46:1410)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 30(2:1200-5)
>>Marriage, 5964(98:1220)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 7402(120:1320), 7406(120:1350-5)
>>>Petitions, 9082(149:1520)
>>McDonough, references, 2561(43:1505)
>>Members of Parliament, 802(13:1525), 4494(74:1510), 5274-6(86:1750-810)
>>Metalclad Corporation, 5135(84:1810)
>>Middle East conflict, S.O. 31, 467(7:1405), 3461(58:1410), 4360(72:1410)
>>Museums, 6522(106:1305-10)
>>National debt, o.q., 1300-1(22:1420-5)
>>National identity card, M. on supply (Davies), 3535(59:1330), 3538(59:1350-5)
>>National missile defence system (NMD)
>>>o.q., 1186-7(20:1125), 2554(43:1430), 5710(93:1445), 5755(94:1125), 5983(98:1440), 6032(99:1140), 7027(114:1440), 7096(115:1445), 7339(119:1500), 9269(152:1445)
>>>Petitions, 7301(118:1235), 8325(136:1510), 8935(147:1015), 9082(149:1520)
>>>S.O. 31, 6795(110:1410)
>>National security (public safety), 6139-40(101:1225-30)
>>North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 5134-5(84:1805-15)
>>>o.q., 1652(28:1430)
>>North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 1224(21:1355)
>>Occupational health and safety, 4494(74:1510), 5458(90:1530), 5460(90:1540), 7360-1(119:1640), 7363(119:1700), 7366(119:1720), 7369(119:1745), 7373(119:1810-5), 7584(123:1230), 7586-7(123:1245-300), 7588(123:1305), 8798-9(144:1745-55)
>>>o.q., 7292(118:1150)
>>>S.O. 31, 9310(153:1110)
>>Pacifism, 4470(74:1225)
>>Parliamentarians' Code of Conduct Act (Bill C-417), 4494(74:1510)
>>Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act , 5275(86:1755)
>>Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act (amdt.--members' staff)(Bill C-419), 4494(74:1510), 5274-6(86:1750-810), 6635-6(107:1830-5)
>>Patent Act and Food and Drugs Act (amdt.)(Bill C-56), 9326(153:1245), 9330-2(153:1330-50)
>>Peacekeeping, 3233(54:1240-5)
>>Political parties, 3698-9(62:1230-5), 7014-5(114:1320-5), 7050-1(114:1735-40)
>>>Bills, Government, 6548(106:1555)
>>>Clock, 4557(75:1425)
>>>Member's remarks, 5113(84:1520)
>>>Supply motions, 1582(27:1025)
>>Public Safety Act, 2002 (Bill C-17), 613l9-40(101:1225-30)
>>>New Democratic Party leadership, tribute, 2561(43:1505)
>>>>S.O. 31, 2627(44:1415)
>>>See also Iraq, United States pre-emptive attack
>>Savage, Dr. John, S.O. 31, 6153(101:1405)
>>Securities industry, 31(2:1210)
>>Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), 6444(105:1525), 6445(105:1530-5), 6446(105:1545)
>>Social programs, 2494(42:1150-5)
>>Stoffer, references, 1222(21:1345)
>>Tax reductions, 30(2:1205), 2494(42:1150)
>>Throne Speech
>>>Address in Reply, M. (Pacetti), 29-33(2:1155-225)
>>Trade agreements, M. (Paquette), 5134-5(84:1805-15)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 8958(147:1300), 8958-9(147:1310)
>>Veterans Week, statement by Minister (Pagtakhan), 1355(23:1520)
>>Wayne, references, 1222(21:1345)
>>Weapons of mass destruction, 5088(84:1230)
>>Wheelan, Lewis, 7586-7(123:1245-55), 8798(144:1745-50)
>>Wildlife, 3878-9(65:1310-5)
>>World Health Organization (WHO), M. on supply (Abbott), 6444-7(105:1525-50)
McDuffee, Dr. Laurie see Canadian Institutes of Health Research--Atlantic Veterinary College
McEachern, Corporal Christian see Mefloquine (anti-malaria drug)
McGill University see Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council--Gold medal
McGinn, Peter
Halifax West constituency, community leader, death, tribute, S.O. 31,
McGrath Committee see House of Commons proceedings--Rules
McGuinty, Dalton see Elections--Proportional representation; Ontario--Provincial election
McGuire, Joe (Lib.--Egmont)
- >>Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), 444(7:1115)
>>>S.O. 31, 467(7:1405)
>>Border, Canadian, 5268(86:1655)
>>Canada Elections Act and the Income Tax Act (amdt.--political financing)(Bill C-24), 7055-7(114:1815-20)
>>Canada-United States relations, 5267-9(86:1655-1705)
>>Canada Winter Games (Bathurst, NB 2003), S.O. 31, 4358(72:1355)
>>Canadian Coast Guard, Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 1399-403(23:2035-55)
>>Canadian Wheat Board, 5269(86:1705)
>>Child pornography, petitions, 8905(146:1535)
>>Citizenship, S.O. 31, 2549(43:1405), 3710-1(62:1400)
>>Disability Tax Credit, M. on supply (McDonough), 1604(27:1305)
>>East Coast Music Awards, S.O. 31, 3710-1(62:1400)
>>Economy/economic conditions, 443-4(7:1110-5)
>>Fisheries, o.q., 2520(42:1455), 7626-7(124:1435)
>>Guaranteed Income Supplement, S.O. 31, 4707(78:1405)
>>Health care funding, 443(7:1110-5), 444(7:1120-5)
>>Hurricanes,o.q., 7991(130:1440)
>>Iraq, M. (Chrétien), 5267-9(86:1655-1705)
>>National security (public safety), 5268(86:1655)
>>Organization of American States, 5268(86:1700)
>>Stem cell research, petitions, 1872(32:1010)
>>Potato industry, 444(7:1115), 5269(86:1700)
>>>S.O. 31, 1068(18:1405)
>>Stem cell research, petitions, 7299(118:1230)
>>Throne Speech
>>>Address in Reply, M. (Pacetti), 443-5(7:1110-25)
>>Tourism industry, S.O. 31, 5242(86:1410)
>>Victory in Europe Day (V-E Day), S.O. 31, 5976(98:1400)
>>Wind energy, 444(7:1115)
McKaig, Tom see Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO)--International services, Kyrgyzstan
McKay, John (Lib.--Scarborough East)
- >>Air pollution/smog, 524(8:1545), 2068(35:1310), 2070(35:1315)
>>Air transportation security, 1563-4(26:1530-5)
>>Anti-smoking campaign, S.O. 31, 3245(54:1410), 6427(105:1400)
>>Assisted human reproduction, 8195(134:1255-1300)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-13), 8194-5(134:1255-1300)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Agency of Canada, 8195(134:1300)
>>Auditor General's reports, M. on supply (Keddy), 3901-2(66:1340-50), 3903(66:1355)
>>Automobile industry, 525(8:1555)
>>Bangladesh, petitions, 2061(35:1210)
>>Black History Month, S.O. 31, 3297(55:1110)
>>Canada Elections Act and the Income Tax Act (amdt.--political financing)(Bill C-24), 3675-6(61:1800-5)
>>Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9), 5578(91:1805)
>>Child pornography, petitions, 2061(35:1210)
>>China, 6420(105:1300)
>>Chinese New Year, S.O. 31, 3059(51:1410)
>>Cigarettes, 920(15:1215), 1811-2(31:1105-15), 9044(148:1340)
>>Committees, Parliamentary, 1716(29:1225)
>>Divorce, 7434(120:1650)
>>Electricity, 526(8:1600)
>>Energy, 524(8:1550), 527(8:1615)
>>Gasoline, 525(8:1555)
>>Ethics, o.q., 917(15:1150)
>>Firearms, 3902(66:1345)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 3901-2(66:1340-50), 3903(66:1355)
>>>M. on supply (Breitkreuz), 4671-3(77:1605-20)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 524-6(8:1545-610), 527(8:1615)
>>>M. (Anderson, Hon. David), 2068-70(35:1305-15)
>>Hazardous Products Act (amdt.--fire-safe cigarettes)(Bill C-260), 920(15:1215), 1811-2(31:1105-15), 9040(148:1310), 9044(148:1340)
>>Health care, House take note, M. (McLellan), 1106-7(18:1820-5)
>>Health care funding, 1106(18:1825)
>>House of Commons, 1716(29:1230)
>>House of Commons proceedings, House take note, M. (Boudria), 1714-6(29:1220-30)
>>Human cloning, 8194(134:1255)
>>>House take note, M. (Boudria), 182-4(3:2045-2100)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 4501-3(74:1600-15)
>>>M. on supply (Reynolds), 3268-70(54:1650-1705)
>>Judges, 1715(29:1220-5)
>>>M. (Marceau), 7886-7(128:1320-5)
>>Judicial law-making, 1714-5(29:1220)
>>>M. on supply (Toews), 5990-2(98:1525-45), 5998(98:1630), 5999(98:1640)
>>Legislative process, 1716(29:1230)
>>Marijuana, 527(8:1610)
>>Marriage, 5990-1(98:1525-30), 5992(98:1545), 5998-9(98:1630-40)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 7432-4(120:1645-1700)
>>>Petitions, 2061(35:1210)
>>National security (public safety), 1564-5(26:1535-40)
>>Oceans, 2068-9(35:1310)
>>Painter, Terry, S.O. 31, 8384(137:1355)
>>Pakistan, S.O. 31, 7909(129:1400)
>>Parliament, 1715(29:1220), 5992(98:1540)
>>Political parties, 3675-6(61:1800-5)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 1811(31:1105)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 5578(91:1805)
>>>Sittings of the House, 1106-7(18:1820-5)
>>Public Safety Act, 2002 (Bill C-17), 1563-5(26:1530-40)
>>Scarborough, ON, S.O. 31, 6152(101:1405)
>>Scott, Becky, S.O. 31, 8555-6(140:1410)
>>Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), 6417(105:1240), 6419-20(105:1300-5), 6421(105:1315)
>>Sri Lanka, S.O. 31, 4033(68:1415), 6529(106:1405)
>>Stem cell research, 8195(134:1255)
>>>Petitions, 2061(35:1210)
>>Supreme Court of Canada, 7887(128:1325)
>>Terrorism, 182-3(3:2045-50), 3268-9(54:1650-5), 3270(54:1700)
>>Throne Speech
>>>Address in Reply, M. (Pacetti), 524-7(8:1545-615)
>>World Health Organization (WHO)
>>>M. on supply (Abbott), 6417(105:1240), 6419-21(105:1300-15), 6425(105:1345)
>>>o.q., 5175(85:1450)
McKean, George see Cagnicourt, France, battle (September 6, 1918)
McKenzie Seeds
Brandon, MB, packaged seed company, Michael Fearon, Ken Robinson, business
persons of the year award, S.O. 31, 5910(97:1415)
McLaughlin, Dr. John see University of New Brunswick--Accessibility
McLellan, Hon. Anne (Lib.--Edmonton West; Minister of Health)
- >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 6197(101:1900), 6208(101:2025),
>>>o.q., 2053(35:1125)
>>Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee, reports, 320(5:1215)
>>Air pollution/smog, o.q., 2519(42:1450)
>>Alcoholic beverages, 6209(101:2030), 6227(101:2255)
>>>o.q., 6680(108:1455), 8112-3(132:1450), 8849(145:1455)
>>Anti-smoking campaign, o.q., 6677(108:1440)
>>Assisted human reproduction, o.q., 8324(136:1500)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-13), 519(8:1515), 2786(47:1310-20), 2950-1(49:1320-5), 3395(57:1105), 4777(78:1920), 5007(82:1625)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Agency of Canada, 2950-1(49:1320-5)
>>Bioterrorism, o.q., 1547(26:1440)
>>Blood system, 6200-1(101:1925). 6487(105:2100)
>>>o.q., 1655(28:1445)
>>Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)
>>>M. on supply (Schellenberger), 7688-90(125:1320-35)
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52, 6486-7(105:2100-5)
>>Breast cancer, r.o., 4199(70:1215)
>>Breast implants, qu., 4255(71:1515)
>>British Columbia Ear Bank (St. Paul's Hospital, Vancouver, BC), qu., 4868-9(80:1200)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2003 (Bill C-28), 5047(83:1625), 5051(83:1655)
>>Canada Elections Act and the Income Tax Act (amdt.--political financing)(Bill C-24), 7149(116:1540)
>>Canada Health Act, 6196(101:1855), 6216(101:2125), 6220(101:2155)
>>>o.q., 473(7:1440)
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST), 6204(101:1950), 6219(101:2150)
>>Canadian Council for Transplantation and Donation, o.q., 6679-80(108:1450)
>>Canadian Grand Prix, o.q., 7335(119:1440)
>>Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 6230(101:2315)
>>Cattle, 7690(125:1335)
>>Chief Public Health Officer of Canada, o.q., 8270(135:1430)
>>Chronic disease, o.q., 1193(20:1155)
>>Cigarettes, 6200(101:1920), 6201(101:1930)
>>>o.q., 1788(30:1150), 6606(107:1450), 7700(125:1430)
>>Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (Romanow), 1975(34:1000), 6210(101:2050), 6215(101:2115), 6225(101:2235)
>>>o.q., 1786(30:1140), 2008-9(34:1425-30), 2012(34:1445), 2430(41:1445)
>>Dental plastics, qu., 6770(110:1030)
>>Diabetes, o.q., 1033(17:1450)
>>Donor semen, o.q., 1788(30:1150), 2057(35:1150)
>>Drug and substance abuse, o.q., 1546(26:1435)
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, 6199(101:1215), 6215(101:2115)
>>>o.q., 54(2:1445), 2059(35:1155), 3718(62:1450), 4039(68:1450), 4369(72:1500), 6740(109:1445), 7626(124:1435)
>>Emergency preparedness, 6197(101:1900), 6205(101:1955), 6205(101:2005)
>>EPREX (epoetin alfa), o.q., 4715(78:1445)
>>Equalization payments, 6231(101:2320)
>>Export Development Canada Inc., M. for Production of Papers (Moore), 7149(116:1540)
>>Fetal alcohol syndrome, 6208(101:2025)
>>First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act (Bill C-19), 2927(49:1015)
>>Food, o.q., 5810(95:1445)
>>Food irradiation, o.q., 1837(31:1440)
>>Genetically modified organisms (GMOs), o.q., 4661(77:1440), 5918(97:1500)
>>Goods and Services Tax (GST), 6195(101:1850)
>>Genetically modified food, 6203(101:1945)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)
>>>M. (Anderson, Hon. David), 2171-3(37:1015-30)
>>>o.q., 2519-20(42:1450-5)
>>Health, 6230(101:2310), 6232-3(101:2330)
>>Health care, 6194-5(101:1840-5), 6196-7(101:1850-900), 6199(101:1915), 6202-3(101:1940), 6209(101:2035), 6218-9(101:2145), 6225(101:2235)
>>>House take note, M., 929(16:1105)
>>>o.q., 247(4:1440), 362(6:1440), 587(9:1455), 958(16:1425), 1545-6(26:1425-30), 1941(33:1420), 2007-9(34:1415-30), 2010(34:1435), 2011(34:1440), 2012(34:1445), 2013(34:1455), 2051-3(35:1115-25), 2054(35:1135), 2056(35:1140), 2058(35:1155), 2059(35:1200), 2207(37:1435), 2799(47:1440), 2963(49:1440), 3067(51:1455), 3133-4(52:1415), 3252-3(54:1455), 3303(55:1140), 5868(96:1440), 7213-4(117:1425-30), 7702(125:1445), 9189-90(151:1450), 9271(152:1500), 9316(153:1145)
>>Health care funding, 752(12:1445), 6193-5(101:1835-45), 6197(101:1900), 6198(101:1905), 6199-200(101:1915-20), 6202(101:1940), 6204(101:1950), 6210(101:2045), 6215(101:2115-20), 6216(101:2125), 6218-9(101:2145-55), 6225(101:2235), 6226(101:2240-5), 6227(101:2250), 6231(101:2320)
>>>M. on supply (Ménard), 2342-4(39:1600-15)
>>>o.q., 957(16:1420), 1029(17:1430), 1073(18:1435), 1545-6(26:1430-5), 1835-6(31:1430-5), 1941(33:1420), 2009(34:1430), 2012(34:1450), 2051-2(35:1120), 2054-5(35:1130-40), 2058(35:1150), 2332(39:1445), 2716(46:1435), 2844(48:1450), 3061(51:1415-20), 3135(52:1425), 3303(55:1145), 3428(57:1500), 3467(58:1445), 3648(61:1445), 6239(102:1420-5)
>>Health care providers, 6195(101:1850)
>>>o.q., 8270(135:1430)
>>Health Council of Canada, o.q., 5980(98:1425)
>>Health Department
>>>Estimates, Committee of the Whole consideration under S.O. 81(4)(a), 6193-8(101:1835-905), 6199-201(101:1915-30), 6202-5(101:1940-2005), 6206(101:2010), 6208(101:2025), 6209-11(101:2030-55), 6215(101:2115-20), 6216(101:2125), 6218-22(101:2145-210), 6225(101:2235), 6226(101:2240), 6227(101:2250-5), 6230(101:2310-5), 6231(101:2320), 6232-3(101:2325-30)
>>>o.q., 4248-9(71:1440), 4249(71:1445), 4368(72:1450), 4419(73:1500), 4492(74:1455), 5357(88:1435), 5555(91:1435)
>>Hepatitis C, 6209-10(101:2040-5)
>>>o.q., 1652(28:1430), 1730(29:1415), 1736(29:1445), 1835(31:1430)
>>HIV/AIDS, 6199(101:1915)
>>Home care, 6225(101:2235), 6233(101:2330)
>>Human cloning, o.q., 8212(134:1450), 9188(151:1440), 9270(152:1450-5)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--natural resources)(Bill C-48), 7756(126:1540)
>>Infectious disease, o.q., 4491(74:1450)
>>Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 6225(101:2235)
>>>o.q., 2518(42:1445)
>>Marijuana, 6203(101:1940-5)
>>>o.q., 3305(55:1155)
>>>qu., 7348-9(119:1540)
>>Mental illness, 6203(101:1950)
>>>o.q., 7459-60(121:1500)
>>Monkey cancer virus SV40, qu., 7349-50(119:1540)
>>Monkeys, qu., 2726(46:1525)
>>Motions for the Production of Papers, 3751(63:1515)
>>National Microbiology Laboratory (Winnipeg Level 4 lab), 5487(90:1905)
>>Natural health products, o.q., 9191-2(151:1500)
>>Obesity, 6230(101:2315)
>>>o.q., 1190-1(20:1145)
>>Oil sands, 2172(37:1020), 2173(37:1030)
>>Organ donations/transplants, o.q., 3867(65:1155)
>>Pest Control Products Act (Bill C-8), 518(8:1510)
>>>o.q., 8273(135:1445), 8322(136:1450-5), 8323(136:1455-500)
>>>qu., 6440-1(105:1510)
>>PET scans (positron emission tomography), o.q., 4715(78:1445)
>>Pharmacare, 6225(101:2235), 6232(101:2325)
>>>Bills, Government, 518-9(8:1510-5)
>>>Private Members' Motions for Production of Papers, 3751(63:1515), 7149(116:1540)
>>Prostate cancer, r.o. 4199-200(70:1215)
>>Public health, o.q., 5174(85:1440)
>>>Fitness, jogging, 10K races, 6224-5(101:2230)
>>>See also Abortion--Medical necessity; Copps--References; Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing; Health care--Future; Health Standing Committee; Marriage--Definition; Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)--Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Group (APEC)--Health Minister
>>Reproductive and genetic technologies, 6200(101:1920)
>>Sandy Bay reserve, o.q., 3360(56:1455)
>>Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), 6196(101:1855), 6203(101:1940), 6204-5(101:1955), 6206(101:2010), 6220-1(101:2200), 6221-2(101:2210), 6230(101:2315)
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52, 5485-8(90:1850-1905), 5489(90:1915)
>>>o.q., 4368(72:1455), 4717(78:1455), 4823(79:1455), 4862(80:1140), 4915(81:1425), 4919(81:1445), 4987-8(82:1415-20), 4989(82:1425), 4992(82:1445), 5030(83:1430), 5032(83:1440), 5034-5(83:1455), 5105(84:1435), 5106(84:1440), 5175(85:1450), 5358(88:1440), 5444(90:1415), 5446(90:1425-30), 5551-2(91:1415-20), 5559(91:1500), 5635-6(92:1420-5), 5637(92:1430-5), 5756(94:1125), 5759(94:1140), 5762(94:1155), 5868(96:1440), 6245(102:1455), 6430-1(105:1420), 6538(106:1455), 6601(107:1425), 6673-4(108:1420), 6740(109:1450), 6796(110:1415), 7092(115:1420), 7095-6(115:1440), 7138(116:1440), 8321(136:1445), 8396(137:1500)
>>Single mothers, o.q., 7992(130:1445)
>>Smallpox, 6211(101:2050-5)
>>>o.q., 683(11:1450-5), 1547(26:1440)
>>>qu., 2730-1(46:1525)
>>Stem cell research, o.q., 6323(103:1450)
>>Tobacco companies, qu., 7064(115:1010)
>>Tobacco products
>>>o.q., 6608(107:1505)
>>>qu., 2734(46:1525), 4257(71:1515)
>>Trans fats, o.q., 9027(148:1140)
>>Virginia Fontaine Addictions Foundation, o.q., 3360(56:1455), 7819(127:1440), 8599(141:1435), 8604(141:1500)
>>Water, o.q., 2328(39:1425-30)
>>West Nile virus, 6197(101:1900-5)
>>>o.q., 1948(33:1500), 5034(83:1455), 5642(92:1455), 5762(94:1155)
McMaster University see Hamilton, ON; Neutron research
McMaster University Medical Centre see Medical schools
McMurray, Patrick see World Oyster Opening Championship
McNally, Grant (CA--Dewdney--Alouette)
- >>Air India, o.q., 3549(59:1450)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-13), 3194-5(53:1620-5)
>>Canada Elections Act and the Income Tax Act (amdt.--political financing)(Bill C-24), 3484(58:1635)
>>Canada Post Corporation, qu., 4328(72:1005)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 8501(139:1610), 8504-5(139:1630-5), 8505(139:1640-5)
>>Canadian Forces Superannuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 8501(139:1610), 8504-5(139:1630-45)
>>Census, 8510-2(139:1720-35), 8513(139:1740)
>>Child pornography
>>>M. on supply (Thompson, M.), 8820(145:1130), 8829(145:1245), 8833(145:1315)
>>>Petitions, 3512(59:1035)
>>Children, 8820(145:1130), 8829(145:1245), 8833(145:1315)
>>>S.O. 31, 7208(117:1400)
>>Chrétien, references, M. on supply (Gauthier), 8654(142:1225)
>>Citizenship, S.O. 31, 2835(48:1400)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--street racing)(Bill C-338), 8997-8(147:1805-10)
>>Emmy awards, S.O. 31, 8151(133:1100)
>>Findlay, Colleen, 2991-2(49:1830-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 1649(28:1410)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 2472(41:1945), 3523(59:1150)
>>>S.O. 31, 2324(39:1405)
>>Floods, S.O. 31, 8596(141:1420)
>>Gasoline taxes, M. on supply (Moore), 8118(132:1525), 8124(132:1605), 8131-3(132:1705-20)
>>Government expenditures, 8132(132:1705), 8133(132:1715)
>>>r.o., 3101(52:1010)
>>>S.O. 31, 2324(39:1405)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), M. (Anderson, Hon. David), 1959(33:1615), 1983(34:1110), 2472-3(41:1945-50)
>>Highways and roads, 7248(117:1825), 8118(132:1525), 8132(132:1710)
>>Horses, petitions, 3512(59:1035)
>>Human Resources Development Department, 8132(132:1705), 8133(132:1715)
>>Identity theft, 3522-3(59:1145-50), 3524(59:1205)
>>Infrastructure, M. on supply (Moore), 7248(117:1825)
>>Iraq, M. on supply (Reynolds), 3267(54:1640), 3273(54:1725), 3277(54:1755)
>>Irving Group of Companies, o.q., 8437(138:1135)
>>Liberal government (Martin), 8654(142:1225)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 7392(120:1155), 7432(120:1640)
>>>o.q., 7289-90(118:1135)
>>>S.O. 31, 7450(121:1410)
>>National identity card, M. on supply (Davies), 3516(59:1110), 3521-4(59:1135-205), 3562(59:1625), 3566-7(59:1700)
>>Political parties, 3484(58:1635)
>>>Government motions, 1983(34:1110)
>>>Member's remarks, 1959(33:1615), 8133(132:1720)
>>>Private Members' Business, 3527(59:1225)
>>>Speeches, 3277(54:1755)
>>Refugees, 3523(59:1150), 3524(59:1200)
>>Sea King helicopters, 8505(139:1635)
>>Social insurance numbers, 3516(59:1105), 3522(59:1140)
>>Statistics Act (amdt.)(Bill S-13), 8510-2(139:1720-35), 8513(139:1740)
>>Stem cell research, 3194-5(53:1620-5)
>>Street racing, 8997-8(147:1805-10)
>>Youth justice system, 2991-2(49:1830-5)
>>>o.q., 2055(35:1140)
McNeil, Bill
CBC Radio broadcaster, death, tribute, 3003(50:1100)
McNutt, Howard see Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
McTeague, Dan (Lib.--Pickering--Ajax--Uxbridge)
- >>Age of consent (sexual relations), 8850(145:1500), 8852(145:1515)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-13), 4773(78:1850)
>>Child pornography, 3094-5(51:1815-20)
>>>M. on supply (Thompson, M.), 8850-2(145:1500-15)
>>>Petitions, 4719(78:1505)
>>Child sexual abuse/exploitation, 3094(51:1820)
>>Children, 8850(145:1500)
>>Competition Act (amdt.)(Bill C-249), 830(14:1020), 6049(99:1330), 6053(99:1400)
>>Contraventions Act and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-38), 8414(137:1725)
>>Corporations, 830(14:1020), 6049(99:1330), 6053(99:1400)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals and firearms) and Firearms Act (amdt.)(Bill C-10), 5898(96:1830)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of children and other vulnerable persons) and Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-20), 3093-5(51:1815-25)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--unsolicited electronic mail)(Bill C-460), 8605(141:1510)
>>DNA evidence, 8851(145:1505)
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, 830(14:1025), 1086-9(18:1600-10)
>>Eid al-Adha, S.O. 31, 3460(58:1405)
>>Electronic mail, 8605(141:1510)
>>Health care, House take note, M. (McLellan), 1086-9(18:1600-10)
>>Health care funding, M. on supply (Ménard), 2314(39:1255)
>>Impaired driving, 8414(137:1725)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--natural resources)(Bill C-48), 8366(137:1130), 8367(137:1135)
>>Legislation, 830(14:1020)
>>Marijuana, 8414(137:1725)
>>>o.q., 1908(32:1450)
>>Patent Act (amdt.--patented medicines)(Bill C-251), 830(14:1025)
>>Petro-Canada, 8366(137:1130)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 830(14:1020)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 4020(67:1905), 4773(78:1850), 5898(96:1830), 6053(99:1400)
>>References see Auditor General of Canada--Independence
>>Sampson, William, S.O. 31, 7451-2(121:1415)
>>Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act (Bill C-2), 4020(67:1905)
Meat inspection
Federal-provincial jurisdiction factor, etc., 6470(105:1845), 6477(105:1945)
>>Slaughter facilities, federally licensed
>>>Sanitation, deficient, o.q., 8897-8(146:1450)
>>>Saskatchewan, lack, o.q., 8114(132:1455)
Meat processing industry see Food irradiation
Medak pocket operation (1993)
Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, engagement with Croatian force,
December 1, 2002, Commander-in-Chief Commendation award, S.O. 31,
Medal of Bravery
Baker, Brian, Wild Rose constituent, recipient, S.O. 31, 2837(48:1410)
>>Beauharnois--Salaberry constituents, Michel Berthiaume, Allan Loney,
recipients, S.O. 31, 2423(41:1405)
>>British Columbia recipients, congratulating, S.O. 31, 342)(57:1415)
>>Dean, John, Little Heart's Ease, NF, recipient, S.O. 31, 4244(71:1410)
>>Kuntz, Jody, Prince Rupert, BC, recipient, S.O. 31, 2424-5(41:1415)
>>Rogers, Dennis J., Niagara Centre constituent, recipient, S.O. 31,
Corporate concentration, legislation, Throne Speech omission, 645(10:1340)
Media/I.D.A. Vision Inc. see Government contracts
Mediation see Divorce--Counselling; Family mediation
Medical devices see Dental plastics
Medical Devices Registry
Establishing, 3510-1(59:1025)
>>>See also Medical Devices Registry Act (Bill C-390)
Medical Devices Registry Act (Bill C-390)--Harb
First reading, 3510-1(59:1025)
>>See also Medical Devices Registry
Medical equipment see Health care--Diagnostic and medical equipment; Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); PET scans (positron emission tomography)
Medical expense tax credit
Eligible expenses, increasing, Budget 2003 measure, 4786(79:1020),
>>>Gluten free food products, incremental costs, Celiac disease patients,
4786(79:1020), 6069(100:1300), 6253(102:1535)
>>See also Vitamins and supplements
Medical expenses see Herbal remedies--Income tax deduction
Medical practitioners see Chalmers, Dr. Robert Hugh; Goods and Services Tax (GST)
Medical procedures
Health care providers, non-participation/conscience rights, 1083(18:1535)
>>>Petitions, 1556(26:1520)
>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-276)
>>United States services, use/cost, 952(16:1355)
>>See also Abortion;
Breast implants;
Health care--Privatization, Surgery;
Human cloning;
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Medical research see Bipolar disease (manic depression); Health research
Medical savings accounts see Health care
Medical schools
McMaster University Medical Centre, program for older students, establishing
similar at Toronto General Hospital, 2508-9(42:1350)
MedicAlert Month
Canadian MedicAlert Foundation designating, public awareness campaign, S.O.
31, 6027(99:1115)
Medically Unnecessary Abortion Referendum Act (Bill C-242)--Pankiw
First reading, 804-5(13:1545)
>>See also Abortion--Medically unnecessary
Medicare actuary see Health care
Medicine Hat, AB
Goodyear Tire and Rubber plant, fire, emergency response team, Medicine Hat
Fire Department, efforts, tribute, S.O. 31, 3903(66:1355)
Mefloquine (anti-malaria drug)
Canadian Armed Forces, use, adverse reactions
>>>Health Department/National Defence Department monitoring, r.o.
>>>>Question No. 26, 2383(40:1220)
>>>>Question No. 45, 4198-9(70:1215)
>>>McEachern, Corporal Christian, National Defence and Canadian Forces
Ombudsman report, 2566(43:1540)
Megafile see Human Resources Development Department
Megantic English-Speaking Community Development Corporation see Minority language communities
Meilleur, Jean-Baptiste
Quebec, public education system, founder, national historic figure,
designation, S.O. 31, 3591-2(60:1110)
Meilleur, Madeleine
Ontario Minister of Culture and Minister Responsible for Francophone
Affairs, appointment, congratulations, S.O. 31, 8770(144:1400)
MEK (Mujaheddin-e Khalq) terrorist group
Ban, Canadian policy, S.O. 31, 4241(71:1355)
Melbourne, Australia see Commonwealth Games (Melbourne, Australia 2006)
Member of Parliament for a Day contest
Charlesbourg--Jacques-Cartier constituency, winners
>>>Bilodeau, Vanessa and Catherine Mongeau, S.O. 31, 1648(28:1410)
>>>Gagnon, Francois, S.O. 31, 6793-4(110:1405)
>>Longueuil constitency, winner Jean-Philippe Leblanc, S.O. 31,
Members of Parliament
$30 million "slush fund", hand-outs in constituency, creating, o.q.,
7699-700(125:1430), 7704-5(125:1455)
>>Accountability, 5938(97:1730)
>>And Senators, office and constituency staff
>>>Lock-outs, prohibiting, 5275(86:1755), 5277-8(86:1810-5)
>>>Unionization, collective bargaining rights, recognition, 4494(74:1510),
>>>>See also Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act (amdt.--members'
staff)(Bill C-419)
>>Backbenchers, power, independence, etc., 1134(19:1350), 1152(19:1530-5)
>>Breach of voters' trust, removal, 1706(29:1105)
>>Certificate of election, introduction in House
>>>Barrette, Gilbert (Témiscamingue), 7330-1(119:1415)
>>>Gagnon, Sébastien (Lac-Saint-Jean--Saguenay), 2713(46:1415-20)
>>>Gaudet, Roger (Berthier--Montcalm), 2713(46:1415)
>>>Jobin, Christian (Lévis-det-Chutes-de-la-Chaudière), 7331(119:1415)
>>>Schellenberger, Gary (Perth--Middlesex), 6430(105:1415)
>>Class of 1972, (Clark, Reynolds), 30th anniversary, tribute, 1080(18:1515)
>>Class of 1988, 14th anniversary, tribute, 1703(29:1050)
>>Code of conduct, 1680-1(28:1740)
>>>Inclusion in Standing Orders, 5323(88:1005), 7298(118:1220)
>>>>See also Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports,
Twenty-seventh--Reports, Fortieth
>>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, developing, consultation
process, o.q., 4994(82:1455)
>>>See also Ethics Commissioner
>>Community Activity Support Fund, discretionary spending envelope, government
providing, 7537(122:1515), 8618(141:1725)
>>>M. (Bachand, C.), 5381-8(88:1730-830), 7305-12(119:1105-55), negatived, on
recorded division, 7486-7(121:1850-5)
>>>>Dropped to the bottom of the Order of Precedence on the Order Paper,
>>>See also Members of Parliament--$30 million "slush fund"
>>Computer system, junk mail, filtering, 1773(30:1015)
>>Conflict of interest code see Procedure and House Affairs Standing
Committee--Reports, Fifty-first--Reports, Fifty-second
>>Disregarding authority of Chair, Speaker naming, 2380(40:1205)
>>>See also Loubier--References
>>Effectiveness, demands on time, relationship, 1756(29:1705)
>>Ethics, 7638-9(124:1555-600)
>>>Independent ethics commissioner proposal, 4494(74:1510)
>>>>Code, spousal interests, disclosure, 799(13:1510), 802(13:1525)
>>>>Double standard between Members and Cabinet Ministers, o.q., 242(4:1415),
>>>>Legislation, introducing, o.q., 246(4:1435), 581(9:1415)
>>>>Milliken-Oliver report, 1997, basis, 799(13:1505-10), 802(13:1525),
>>>>See also Ethics Commissioner;
Ethics Counsellor;
Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC)
>>>Access to Information Act, applying to, 8168-9(133:1250-5)
>>>Public Disclosure of Members' Expenditures Report, 2002-2003, tabled,
>>>Deaths, tributes see Burghardt, Jack;
Cousineau, René;
Duhamel, Hon. Senator Ron J.;
Gibson, Colin David;
Leggatt, Stuart;
MacBain, Al;
Munro, Hon. John;
Robertson, Frederick
>>>See also Fairclough, Right Hon. Ellen;
Gagliano, Hon. Alfonso;
Marceau, Gilles;
Nicholson, Aideen;
Peck, Cyrus;
Royal Canadian Mint--Dingwall;
Speaker, Ray;
Stewart, Hon. Christine
>>Frustrations, 1116(19:1125)
>>Greater Toronto Area (GTA), role, etc., 3929(66:1650), 3993(67:1540-5),
>>Health problems, improvement in lifestyle habits, hiring fitness consultant,
Board of Internal Economy consideration, o.q., 3719(62:1455)
>>Independence, intelligence, etc., 1112-3(19:1030), 1166(19:1725),
>>Languages other than two official
>>>Cree, 9293(152:1800-5)
>>>Greek, 4655(77:1410)
>>>Inuktitut, 2231(37:1740), 2233(37:1755), 5099(84:1400)
>>>See also Bakopanos--References;
>>Names, not using in House of Commons, referring to by constituency,
>>Oath of allegiance to Queen, adding oath or solemn affirmation of loyalty to
Canada, 367(6:1515), 42610(71:1505), 5937-42(97:1730-810)
>>>Bloc Québécois postion, 5939-40(97:1740-50)
>>>Quebec National Assembly oath, comparison, 5939(97:1740)
>>>See also Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--oath or solemn affirmation)(Bill
>>Party affiliation, change/floor-crossing, Member to resign/by-election,
>>>Petitions, 2596(44:1040), 2598(44:1050)
>>>See also Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-211)
>>Pensions, Canadian Alliance Members, flip-flop, 822-3(13:1800-10),
7394(120:1210), 7794(127:1155)
>>Postal privileges, use of frank
>>>Using to facilitate communications between other groups and constituents,
abuse of taxpayer funds, 6858(111:1530-5)
>>>See also Cannis--References
>>Prime Minister's Office influence over government backbenchers,
994-5(17:1010-5), 103(17:1115), 1004(17:1130), 1010(17:1210-5), 1379(23:1805-10)
>>>S.O. 31, 4652(77:1400)
>>Pro-Canada stance, mandatory, 1726(29:1350-5)
>>Resignations see Brien--References;
>>Rights and privileges, British Columbia Court of Appeal and Ontario Superior
Court denial of 40 day rule under Member's right to refuse to answer a
subpoena to attend as witness before a court of law, 6089-93(100:1500-30),
>>Role, 168(3:1855), 994-5(17:1005-15), 1002(17:1110), 1006(17:1140),
1130(19:1315), 1162-3(19:1655-700), 3687-8(62:1105), 7791(127:1120-5)
>>>Constituency/national interests, 3994(67:1545), 4001(67:1640)
>>>>Serving, constituency size factor, members' budgets, etc., 8568(140:1530-5)
>>>>Speaking for, 71-2(2:1655), 1116(19:1125)
>>>>>S.O. 31, 7810-1(127:1355)
>>>Enhancing, 1701(29:1030), 1754(29:1655)
>>>Frustration, 4962(82:1105)
>>>Power, lack, 8007(130:1630)
>>>Public Service not understanding, respecting, 7791(127:1125)
>>>See also Government expenditures--Accountability and scrutiny
>>Soccer game with European Union (EU) diplomats, 400(6:1945), 564(9:1230).
566(9:1230), 570-1(9:1305)
>>Soccer game with Pages, Members victory, S.O. 31, 6671(108:1405)
>>St. Valentine's Day, spouses/significant others, recognizing, S.O. 31,
>>Support staff, tribute, S.O. 31, 2552(43:1415)
>>Travel expenses, Epp flying economy on WestJet Airlines, etc.,
>>Websites, functionality, 1669(28:1615), 1772-3(30:1015)
>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Air force, 14 Wing;
Canadian Association of Former Parliamentarians;
Canadian Coast Guard--Administration;
Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (Romanow)--Report, Lock-up;
Ethanol--Ethanol expansion program;
Ethics--Codes of conduct;
Government expenditures;
Hate propaganda--Sexual orientation;
Health care funding--First Ministers' agreement (2003);
Laurentian Leadership Centre--Students;
Throne Speech--Ceremonies
Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act see Income Tax Act, Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act, Public Service Superannuation Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act (amdt.--dependent beneficiaries)(Bill C-389)
Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.) and Parliament of
Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-39)--Boudria (Leader of the Government in the House
of Commons)
First reading, 6717(109:1205)
>>Second reading, 6717-8(109:1205-10), deemed agreed to, 6718(109:1215)
>>Deemed referred to Committee of the Whole, committee stage, reported without
amdt., concurred in, read third time, 6718(109:1215), passed.
>>Note: Royal Assent by written declaration see Journals, June 19, 2003
Memorial Cup see Hockey
Memory Project
War veterans, oral history, S.O. 31, 8267(135:1410)
Men see Status of Women Canada--Report commissioned by
Ménard, Noelline
Female farmer of the year, Syndicat des agricultrices du Centre-du-Québec
selection, S.O. 31, 8595(141:1415)
Ménard, Réal (BQ--Hochelaga--Maisonneuve)
- >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 6214(101:2110), 6823-4(110:1730-5)
>>Africa, 252(4:1515)
>>Age of consent (sexual relations), 9244-5(152:1200-5)
>>Air pollution/smog, o.q., 2519(42:1450)
>>Antipoverty Act (Bill C-228), 635(10:1220), 316-3(52:1745-800), 3169-70(52:1840)
>>Apprenticeship, 251(4:1505)
>>Assisted human reproduction, 2787-8(47:1320-5), 3192(53:1555-1600), 3398-9(57:1130), 4118-21(69:1145-1200), 4342-4(72:1145-1200), 5017(82:1745), 5151-2(85:1205-10), 5153-6(85:1220-45), 8191-2(134:1220-5)
>>>M. (Ménard), 1792-6(30:1215-50)
>>>o.q., 8324(136:1500)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-13), 2767-8(47:1025-30), 2784(47:1250), 2787-8(47:1320-5), 2806(47:1520-5), 2954-5(49:1350), 3191-2(53:1555-1600), 3398-9(57:1130-5), 4118-21(69:1145-1200), 4342-4(72:1145-1200), 5014(82:1720), 5017(82:1745), 5151-6(85:1205-45), 8191-2(134:1220-5)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Agency of Canada, 1793-6(30:1215-45), 2768(47:1030), 2787(47:1320), 2954(49:1350), 5017(82:1745), 5151(85:1205), 8192-2(134:1220-5)
>>Bank Act and Statistics act (amdt.--equity in community reinvestment)(Bill C-229), 635(10:1220), 1759-61(29:1730-40), 1765-6(29:1820-5)
>>Banks and financial institutions, 635(10:1220), 1759-61(29:1730-40), 1765-6(29:1820)
>>Berthier--Montcalm constituency by-election, 2365(40:1045)
>>Biron, Guy, 1759(29:1730)
>>Blood system, 6200(101:1925)
>>Canada Health Act, 934-5(16:1140-5), 1804(30:1345), 6215(101:2120)
>>Canada Health Act (amdt.--linguistic duality)(Bill C-202), 1803-5(30:1345-50)
>>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, o.q., 2678-9(45:1120)
>>Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9), 5781(95:1125), 5782-5(95:1135-205), 5790(95:1240)
>>Canadian Grand Prix, o.q., 7335(119:1440), 7414(120:1435), 8207(134:1420-5), 8489(139:1455), 8564(140:1500)
>>Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), 5783(95:1140)
>>Cancer, S.O. 31, 5099-100(84:1405)
>>Caregivers, 4517-8(74:1830-5)
>>Child care, 251(4:1505)
>>Child pornography, 9245(152:1205)
>>Cigarettes, 6199(101:1920)
>>>o.q., 1787-8(30:1150), 7700(125:1430)
>>Constitution, 5005(82:1610)
>>Contaminated sites, 254(4:1530)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals and firearms) and Firearms Act (amdt.)(Bill C-10), 2364-7(40:1035-55)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--hate propaganda)(Bill C-250), 6991-2(113:1415-25)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of children and other vulnerable persons) and Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-20), 9244-5(152:1200-5)
>>Crown corporations, 5783(95:1140), 5784(95:1150)
>>Developing countries, 595(9:1545)
>>Discrimination and racism, 251(4:1500), 251-2(4:1505), 257(4:1550), 635(10:1220)
>>>M. (Cardin), 7848-9(127:1820-5)
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, 936(16:1150-5), 6198(101:1910), 6214(101:2115)
>>>o.q., 3718(62:1445-50), 7626(124:1430-5)
>>Early Childhood Development Initiative, 251(4:1505)
>>Education, o.q., 3910(66:1435)
>>Employment insurance, 251(4:1500)
>>Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--persons who leave employment to be care-givers to family members)(Bill C-206), 4517-8(74:1830-5)
>>Environment, 6408-9(105:1135-45)
>>Environmental assessment. 5782-5(95:1135-205), 5790(95:1240)
>>Environmental contaminants, M. (Masse), 6408-9(105:1135-45)
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 5784(95:1155)
>>First Nations Governance Act (Bill C-7), 6823-4(110:1730-5)
>>Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--food labelling)(Bill C-398), 5060(83:1810)
>>Foreign aid, 252(4:1515)
>>Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), o.q., 913(15:1130)
>>Government contracts, o.q., 1496(25:1125)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 595(9:1545), 601(9:1640), 603-4(9:1655-705), 605(9:1715)
>>>o.q., 2519(42:1450-5)
>>Gun control, 2365(40:1045)
>>Hate propaganda, 6991-2(113:1415-25)
>>Health care, 1803-5(30:1345-50), 6198(101:1910)
>>>House take note, M. (McLellan), 934-7(16:1140-1205), 939(16:1215), 941(16:1230)
>>>o.q., 1545(26:1425), 1616(27:1430), 2008(34:1425), 2052-3(35:1125), 2205(37:1425), 2717(46:1440)
>>Health care funding, 251(4:1500-5), 935(16:1145), 936-7(16:1155), 6198(101:1910), 6199(101:1920), 6214-5(101:2110-5), 6216(101:2120-5)
>>>M. on supply, 2303-5(39:1130-45), 2308-9(39:1210-5), 2318(39:1325), 2337(39:1520), 2342(39:1555), 2344(39:1610), 2347(39:1635), 2349-50(39:1650-5), 2352(39:1710)
>>>o.q., 957(16:1420), 1545(26:1430), 1942(33:1420-5), 2374(40:1135), 2717(46:1440), 2798(47:1435), 3247(54:1425)
>>Health Department, estimates, Committee of the Whole consideration under S.O. 81(4)(a), 6198-200(101:1910-25), 6214-6(101:2110-25)
>>Health Standing Committee, 6198(101:1910), 6199(101:1920)
>>Highways and roads, 5783(95:1140-5)
>>HIV/AIDS, 6198-9(101:1910-5)
>>Hochelaga--Maisonneuve constituency, 1760(29:1735-40)
>>Human cloning, 2767-8(47:1025-30), 2787(47:1320), 3399(57:1135), 4118(69:1145), 4119(69:1150), 4342(72:1145), 4343(72:1155), 5151(85:1205), 5152-3(85:1215-20)
>>Hydro-electric power, 603(9:1650-5), 604(9:1705)
>>Immigrants, o.q., 3360(56:1500)
>>>M. on supply (Bachand, C.), 3342(56:1250), 3380-1(56:1730-5), 3382(56:1745)
>>>S.O. 31, 4242(71:1405)
>>Laframboise, references, 601(9:1640)
>>Legislative process, 2364-6(40:1035-55)
>>Les invasions barbares, S.O. 31, 6329(105:1410)
>>Marijuana, 252(4:1510)
>>Marriage, 257(4:1550)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 7382(120:1035), 7396(120:1225)
>>Menard, references, 603(9:1650)
>>Mental Health Week, S.O. 31, 5976-7(98:1405)
>>Mental Illness Awareness Week, S.O. 31, 308(5:1110)
>>Non-Medical Use of Drugs Special Committee, 2639-40(44:1525-30)
>>North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), o.q., 913(15:1130)
>>Nuclear energy, 603:9:1650), 605(9:1715)
>>Nuclear Safety and Control Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4), 591(9:1515), 595(9:1545), 601(9:1640), 602-6(9:1650-720)
>>Nuclear waste, 591(9:1515), 595(9:1545), 604-5(9:1705), 605(9:1720)
>>Oil and gas industry, 603(9:1655), 605(9:1715)
>>Paquette, references, 605(9:1720)
>>Political parties, 252(4:1515)
>>Privilege (rights of Members breached, 2639-40(44:1525-30)
>>>Bills, Government, 2784(47:1250), 2806(47:1520-5)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 635(10:1220), 1766(29:1825), 3170(52:1840), 6986(113:1335)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 3393(57:1055)
>>>House do now adjourn, 2784(47:1250)
>>>Speeches, 937(16:1155), 3191(53:1555), 4119-20(69:1150-200), 4343(72:1155), 5005(82:1615), 5014(82:1720), 5155(85:1240-5), 6824(110:1740), 8192(134:1230)
>>>Supply days, 5004(82:1605)
>>>Tributes, 5178(85:1510)
>>Prostitution, 2567(43:1555)
>>Prostitution Act (Bill C-339), 2567(43:1555)
>>Public transit, 605(9:1715)
>>Quebec, S.O. 31, 622(10:1110)
>>Rail transportation/railways, 4434-6(73:1620-35), 5781(95:1125), 5782(95:1135), 5784-5(95:1150-5), 5785(95:1205)
>>>Anniversary, 6201(101:1930)
>>>Background, peace militant, etc., 603(9:1650)
>>Reproductive and genetic technologies, 6200(101:1920)
>>Robinson, references, 6991(113:1415)
>>Senate, 2366(40:1050-5)
>>Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), o.q., 6971(113:1155)
>>Sex Offender Information Registration Act (Bill C-23), 5004-6(82:1605-15), 5056(83:1740)
>>Sex offender registry, 5004-6(82:1605-15)
>>Sex tourism, 5005(82:1610)
>>Sex-trade workers (street prostitution), 5006(82:1615)
>>>M. (Davies), 1522-3(26:1140-5)
>>St. Lawrence River, 604(9:1655-705)
>>Stem cell research, 1796(30:1245-50), 2768(47:1030), 3399:57:1135), 4120(69:1155-1200), 5154-5(85:1235)
>>>o.q., 1187-8(20:1130)
>>>S.O. 31, 622(10:1110)
>>Throne Speech
>>>Address in Reply, M. (Pacetti), 250-2(4:1500-15), 254(4:1530), 257(4:1550), 270(4:1730)
>>Tobacco products, 6608(107:1500)
>>Trade agreements, o.q., 913(15:1130)
>>Training programs, 251(4:1505)
>>Transportation Amendment Act (Bill C-26), 4434-6(73:1620-35)
>>VIA Rail Canada Inc., 4435(73:1630)
>>Wind energy, 604(9:1705), 605(9:1715), 606(9:1720)
>>Women, 270(4:1730)
>>World AIDS Day, S.O. 31, 2049(35:1105)
>>World Health Day, S.O. 31, 5167(85:1405)
>>Youth, 251(4:1505)
Meningitis see Child meningitis
Mens rea see Occupational health and safety--Corporate accountability
Mental Health Support Network of Canada see Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
Mental Health Week
S.O. 31, 5908(97:1405-10), 5909(97:1415), 5976-7(98:1405), 5978(98:1410),
Mental illness
Casey, Rick, "Miles for Mental Health", bicycle trip to raise public
awareness, S.O. 31, 5704(93:1405)
>>Disability tax credit eligibility, S.O. 31, 1612(27:1410)
>>Early diagnosis and treatment, standards, Nova Scotia implementing, tribute,
S.O. 31, 3906(66:1410)
>>Government measures, 6202(101:1940), 6203(101:1950)
>>>o.q., 7459-60(121:1500)
>>MacKay, Robert, awareness promotion, S.O. 31, 8313(136:1400-5)
Mental Illness Awareness Week
S.O. 31, 308(5:1110), 8266(135:1410)
Merchant navy veterans
Role, 5429(90:1220)
>>Veterans benefits compensation, 5432(90:1245), 5433(90:1255), 8904(146:1525)
>>>1998 hunger strike, Ossie MacLean, role, 2262(38:1550)
>>See also Battle of the Atlantic (World War II)
Merchant Navy Veterans Day
Establishing, 4422(73:1520), 4429(73:1550), 4442(73:1725), 6768(110:1010)
>>See also Merchant Navy Veterans Day Act (Bill C-411)
Merchant Navy Veterans Day Act (Bill C-411)--Bonwick
First reading, 4422(73:1520)
>>Deemed adopted at all stages, 7181(117:1040-5), passed.
>>Note: Royal Assent by written declaration see Journals, June 19, 2003
Merchants see Currency--$50 and $100 bills
Mercier constituency
Constituents, Daniel Vendette, Bruno Langlois, rescue of mother and daughter
from St. Lawrence River, tribute, S.O. 31, 7209(117:1405)
Mercuriade award see Fédération des chambres de commerce de Québec
Mercury see Coal fired electric power plants
Meredith, Val (CA--South Surrey--White Rock--Langley)
- >>Aboriginal offenders, 8699-700(142:1755-1800)
>>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 3150(52:1610)
>>Age of consent (sexual relations), 8852(145:1520), 8853(145:1525)
>>Air transportation security, 1312(22:1545)
>>Anti-Americanism, S.O. 31, 4816(79:1410)
>>Anti-Semitism, S.O. 31, 8554(140:1405)
>>Assisted human reproduction, 2860-1(48:1640-5), 2975-6(49:1610-5)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-13), 2860-1(48:1640-5), 2975-6(49:1620-30), 4737(78:1750), 4739(78:1750), 4746(78:1815), 4770(78:1825), 4775(78:1825)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Agency of Canada, 2860(48:1640), 2975-6(49:1615-20)
>>Auditor General of Canada, 3933-4(66:1730-5)
>>Auditor General's reports, M. on supply (Keddy), 3933-5(66:1730-40)
>>Bears, 2278-9(38:1745-50)
>>Border, Canadian, 1313(22:1550)
>>>o.q., 137(3:1455), 1302(22:1430), 1456(24:1445), 1908(32:1445), 3426(57:1450), 3747(63:1500), 4415(73:1440), 4716(78:1450), 6161(101:1450-5), 8209(134:1435)
>>Breast cancer, 5048(83:1630)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2003 (Bill C-28), 5047-8(83:1625-30), 6274-6(102:1810-25)
>>Business, 6275(102:1815)
>>Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB), 6276(102:1820)
>>Canada Elections Act and the Income Tax Act (amdt.--political financing)(Bill C-24), 7015-6(114:1330-5)
>>Canada Pension Plan and Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 735-6(12:1300)
>>Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute, o.q., 2054(35:1135)
>>Canadian Alliance, S.O. 31, 908(15:1105)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 292(4:2015-20), 1312(22:1545), 5047(83:1625), 6275(102:1815), 8500(139:1605), 8502(139:1620), 8503-4(139:1625-30)
>>Canadian Forces Superannuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 8500(139:1605), 8502-4(139:1620-30)
>>Child custody, 3149-52(52:1605-30)
>>Child pornography
>>>M. on supply (Thompson, M.), 8852-4(145:1520-30)
>>>Petitions, 141(3:1525), 1556(26:1520), 2116(36:1510)
>>Children, 8853(145:1525)
>>Children of Deceased Veterans Education Assistance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-50), 8709(143:1020)
>>Citizenship of Canada Act (Bill C-18), 1439-41(24:1250-305)
>>Committees, Parliamentary, 1718-9(29:1240-55), 1726(29:1355)
>>Corporations, 6276(102:1820)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--selling wildlife)(Bill C-280), 1084(18:1540), 2278-80(38:1745-50)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--street racing)(Bill C-338), 8745-6(143:1415-20)
>>Criminal Code and Youth Criminal Justice Act (amdt.--sentencing principles)(Bill C-416), 8699-700(142:1755-1800)
>>Criminal justice system, S.O. 31, 6429-30(105:1410)
>>Divorce Act, Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act, Garnishment, Attachment and Pension Diversion Act and Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-22), 3149-52(52:1605-30)
>>Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (Bill C-49), 8547-9(140:1310-30)
>>Estimates, 3935(66:1740)
>>Falun Gong, petitions, 3874(65:1240)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 3934-5(66:1730-40), 5048(83:1625-30), 6274(102:1810)
>>Fisheries, 6274(102:1810)
>>Foreign policy, 291(4:2010)
>>Forest fires, S.O. 31, 7741(126:1410)
>>Goods and Services Tax (GST), o.q., 4192(70:1145)
>>Government, 6274-6(102:1810-20)
>>Government aircraft. o.q., 9026-7(148:1135)
>>Government appointments
>>>M. on supply (Marceau), 1004(17:1130)
>>Government contracts, 3934(66:1730), 6276(102:1825)
>>>o.q., 2962(49:1440)
>>Government-established foundations, 6276(102:1825)
>>Government expenditures, 3935(66:1740), 5047-8(83:1625-30), 6275-6(102:1820-5)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 2101(36:1345), 2128(36:1640)
>>Health, 1100(18:1735)
>>Health care, House take note, M. (McLellan), 1098-101(18:1725-40)
>>Health care funding, 1098-9(18:1725), 1100-1(18:1740), 5047(83:1625), 6275(102:1815)
>>Heating Expenses One Time Relief, 6274(102:1810)
>>Highways and roads, 8503(139:1630)
>>Hospitals, 1100-1(18:1735-40)
>>House of Commons, 1718(29:1245)
>>House of Commons proceedings, House take note, M. (Boudria), 1717-9(29:1240-55), 1726(29:1355)
>>Immigrants, o.q., 1301(22:1425)
>>Income tax, 6276(102:1820)
>>Iraq, House take note, M. (Boudria), 291-2(4:2010-25)
>>Legislative process, 1313(22:1545-50), 1718(29:1240-5)
>>Liberal Party, S.O. 31, 2551(43:1410)
>>Marine technology, S.O. 31, 2955(49:1355)
>>Marriage, petitions, 7661(125:1010)
>>Members of Parliament, 1004(17:1130)
>>National Day of Mourning, S.O. 31, 5442(90:1405)
>>National debt, 5047(83:1625), 6275(102:1815)
>>National security (public safety), 1312-3(22:1540-50)
>>>o.q., 1840(31:1455)
>>Natural gas, 2101(36:1345)
>>Parliament, 1718-9(29:1245-50)
>>Parliamentary reform, 1717-8(29:1240)
>>Political parties, 7016(114:1330-5)
>>Ports/harbours, o.q., 1617-8(27:1440)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 1084(18:1540)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 4737(78:1750), 4739(78:1750), 4746(78:1815), 4775(78:1825)
>>Public Safety Act, 2002 (Bill C-17), 1312-3(22:1540-50)
>>Public Service, 5047(83:1625)
>>>o.q., 6535(106:1440)
>>Refugees, o.q., 1456(24:1445), 6536(106:1440)
>>Soccer, S.O. 31, 1781(30:1110)
>>Sports, S.O. 31, 1781(30:1110)
>>Stem cell research, 2975(49:1610-5)
>>>Petitions, 1264(22:1015)
>>Street racing, 8745-6(143:1415-20)
>>Taxation, 5048(83:1630)
>>Terrorism, 1312(22:1545)
>>Trade with United States, S.O. 31, 4656(77:1415)
>>Trucking industry, o.q., 3747(63:1500)
>>Veterans' benefits/pensions, 8709(143:1020)
>>Wildlife, 1084(18:1540), 2278-80(38:1745-50)