The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Adjournment motions under S.O. 38 (Late Show)
>>>Member not present to raise matter, notice deemed withdrawn, 7780(126:1905)
>>>Parliamentary Secretary replying to wrong question, 4173(69:1830)
>>>Replies, time limits, 3458(57:1905), 4950(81:1835), 6117(100:1835),
>>Adjournment of House, M. under S.O. 56.1, fewer than 25 members rising to
object, agreed to, 7299(118:1225)
>>Appendices to Hansard, M. (Hearn), agreed to, 1664(28:1545)
>>Auditor General's report, receiving during House of Commons adjournment,
Speaker making available immediately to Members of Parliament and public, M.
(Hearn), 9194-5(151:1520), unanimous consent denied, 9195(151:1525)
>>Bills, Government
>>>All stages at same sitting, deemed agreed to on division, by unanimous
consent, 6716(109:1200-5)
>>>Committee referral
>>>>Order Paper error, correction, 1201(21:1100)
>>>>Prior to second reading, 899(15:1000), 7432(120:1640), 8408(137:1635)
>>>>Superseding motion, 7278(118:1025)
>>>>See also Contravention Act and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act
(amdt.)(Bill C-38);
Lobbyists Registration Act (amdt.)(Bill C-15);
Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Ethics Commissioner and Senate Ethics
Officer)(Bill C-34)
>>>Deemed amended and read at second reading, referred to committee, reported
without amendment, concurred in at report stage, and read third time, M.
(Boudria), agreed to, 8636(142:1035)
>>>French-English versions, identical requirements, 5743(94:1010)
>>>Introduction and first reading, immediately following approval of Ways and
Means motion, by unanimous consent, 4651-2(77:1350-5)
>>>Report stage
>>>>Proceeding with consideration of bill when Committee evidence not
available in both official languages not in order, 6810-1(110:1550-5),
publication of Committee proceedings in both official languages not necessary
for bills to be called, House to proceed with report stage of bill,
6811(110:1555), 6813(110:1615)
>>>>Proceeding with consideration of bill when Committee evidence not
available violation of fiduciary obligations of Parliament and Members to
first nations, 6811-4(110:1600-20), fiduciary obligations matter for debate,
proceeding with bill at report stage, 6813-4(110:1615-25)
>>>Report stage and third reading, time allocation under S.O. 78(3)
>>>>M. (Boudria), 7065(115:1015), agreed to, on recorded divisions,
>>>>Notice, 7039(114:1555)
>>>>See also Canada Elections Act and Income Tax Act (amdt.--political
financing)(Bill C-24)--Report stage and third reading
>>>Report stage motions
>>>>Acceptability, notice requirement, waiving, M. (Boudria), agreed to, by
unanimous consent, 6753(109:1700-5)
>>>>Accepting, unanimous consent denied, 6837(110:1925)
>>>>Amdt., taking under advisement, 3387(57:1010), 7007(114:1220)
>>>>>In order, 2865(48:1750), 3390(57:1030), 7008(114:1225)
>>>>Amdt. to amdt., in order, 4357(72:1345)
>>>>Chair not calling motion included in grouping, correcting, 2954(49:1350)
>>>>Clerical/typographical errors, published in Order Paper and Notice Paper,
correcting, 2981-2(49:1705-10)
>>>>Could have been moved in Committee, not selected, 2766(47:1020),
6017(99:1005), 6063(100:1205), 6815(110:1625), 7005(114:1205), 8048(131:1600),
>>>>>Clarification, 6815-6(110:1630-5)
>>>>Grouping together, voting pattern, etc., 2667(45:1000), 2766(47:1020),
3042(51:1200), 3799-800(64:1225-30), 5372-3(88:1615), 6017(99:1005),
6063(100:1205), 6815(110:1630), 7005(114:1205), 7312(119:1155),
8048(131:1600), 9238(152:1110), 9278(152:1605)
>>>>>Adjusting, 2982(49:1710), 4220(71:1120)
>>>>Grouping too large, Members unable to speak to all motions in time limit,
splitting, deferring consideration until matter reviewed by Chair,
2784(47:1245-50), 2785(47:1300), 2786(47:1310), splitting into two groups,
renumbering groupings, 2805-6(47:1515-25)
>>>>Member not present to move, another Member moving on behalf, 2773(47:1120)
>>>>>Agreed to, by unanimous consent, 2769(47:1045)
>>>>>Unanimous consent denied, 2767(47:1020-5), 2787(47:1320)
>>>>Member not present to move, not putting to House, 3042(51:1205)
>>>>Motion printed in Order Paper, wrong text used, deferring consideration
until reviewed by Chair, 2784(47:1245), 2785(47:1255), printed text as
submitted and signed by Member, putting to House as is, 2805(47:1515)
>>>>Moved in Committee and withdrawn, not selected, 2766(47:1020)
>>>>Negatived in Committee, not selected, 2766(47:1020), 6017(99:1005),
6063(100:1205), 6815(110:1625), 8048(131:1600)
>>>>>Clarification, 3074-5(51:1535-40)
>>>>Not selected, criteria, clarification, 6888-91(112:1055-120)
>>>>Reading, dispensing with, unanimous consent denied, 5373(88:1625)
>>>>Receivable by Clerk while House adjourned, M. (Boudria), agreed to,
>>>>Royal Recommendation missing, not selected, 6815(110:1625), 7005(114:1205)
>>>>Ruled out of order in Committee, not selected, 2766(47:1020)
>>>>Selection criteria
>>>>>Clarification, 2766(47:1020)
>>>>>Wider latitude from Chair for consideration of amendments at report
stage, government members moving motion to limit debate on amendments in
Committee, opportunity to move limited, 6546-8(106:1545-600), Chair not
willing to issue new guidelines dealing with admissibility of report stage
motions, Chair will to consider individual arguments on limitations of
opportunity to move amendments in committee, 6468-9(106:1600-5)
>>>>Withdrawal, by unanimous consent, 3990(67:1515-20), 4722(78:1515)
>>>Reprinting after amending at report stage, need for third reading debate,
unanimous consent denied, 4922(81:1500), 4949(81:1825)
>>>Same form as bills from previous session, reinstating at same stage as at
prorogation, 517-9(8:1505-15)
>>>>See also Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-13);
Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9);
Copyright Act (amdt.)(Bill C-11);
Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals and firearms) and Firearms Act
(amdt.)(Bill C-10);
First Nations Governance Act (Bill C-7);
Pest Control Products Act (Bill C-8);
Physical Activity and Sport Act (Bill C-12);
Species at Risk Act (Bill C-5);
Specific Claims Resolution Act (Bill C-6)
>>>Second reading, amdt.
>>>>Amdt. to amdt., Chair changing name of Member listed as seconder,
>>>>Amdt. to amdt., in order, 2945(49:1240), 3671(61:1730)
>>>>Amdt. to amdt., taking under advisement, 3669(61:1720), 4163(69:1710-5)
>>>>>Not in order, amdt. already negatived by House, 4165(69:1720)
>>>>Deemed withdrawn, bill read second time and referred to standing
committee, by unanimous consent, 3782(64:1010)
>>>>Deemed withdrawn, by unanimous consent, 3783(64:1015)
>>>>In order, 611(9:1815), 2934(49:1100), 3109(52:1105), 3437(57:1625),
4524(75:1035), 4793(79:1115), 4930(81:1550)
>>>>Taking under advisement, 1272(22:1105), 5474(90:1735)
>>>>>Inadmissible in present form, 1277(22:1135)
>>>>>Matter of amendment not relevant to items in bill, not in order,
>>>Second reading and referral to standing committee, without debate, by
unanimous consent, 9332-3(153:1350-5)
>>>Second reading, time allocation, by unanimous consent, 4217(71:1105)
>>>>See also Canada Elections Act and Income Tax Act (amdt.--political
financing)(Bill C-24)
>>>Senate amdt., consideration, time allocation under S.O. 78(3)
>>>>Notice, 3581(60:1005), 9100(149:1745)
>>>>M. (Boudria), 5840(96:1045), agreed to, on recorded division,
5844-5(96:1205); 9113-8(150:1015-50), agreed to,
on recorded division,
>>>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals and firearms) and
Firearms Act (amdt.)(Bill C-10);
Specific Claims Resolution Act (Bill C-6)
>>>Senate dividing House of Commons bill into two different bills
>>>>Infringing on financial initiatives of the Crown, and privileges of the
House of Commons, 2267(38:1610), 2293-9(39:1020-1100), taking under advisement,
2302(39:1125), in order, 2334-6(39:1500-10)
>>>>Message not yet received, hypothetical, Chair will review at later date if
necessary, 2267(38:11615)
>>>>Message to Senate not insisting on prerogatives, M., amdt., in order,
>>>>Message to Senate to rejoin bills, unanimous consent denied,
>>>>Motion to concur in Senate message and waive House rights and privileges
not in order, 5852-4(96:1300-10), taking under advisement, 5854(96:1310),
questions of legal or constitutional matters not dealt with by Chair, motion
before House maintains rights and privileges but states House willing to waive
in this case, motion properly before House, 5890-1(96:1720)
>>>>Motion to concur in Senate message regarding Bill C-10 not be considered a
stage of a bill/Senate division of Bill C-10 not be considered an amendment,
5182-6(85:1520-40), taking under advisement, 5186(85:1545), intrinsic part of
legislative process, order, time allocation motion notice in order,
>>>Several stages at same sitting, 7278(118:1025), 7280(118:1040)
>>>>M. (Boudria), agreed to, 7223(117:1520)
>>>>Unanimous consent denied, 9326(153:1250), 9332(153:1350)
>>>Third reading
>>>>Amdt., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 8860(145:1620-5)
>>>>Amdt., taking under advisement, 3002(50:1055), 5014(82:1720),
>>>>>In order, 3018(50:1215), 5017(82:1745), 7157(116:1640), 7637(124:1540)
>>>>As amended, deemed adopted and passed, on divisions, by unanimous consent,
>>>>Deemed withdrawn, by unanimous consent, 3783(64:1015)
>>>>Motion, deemed put, recorded division requested and deferred, by
unanimous consent, 3782(64:1005)
>>>>Reprinting bill following report stage concurrence, unanimous consent
denied, 8143(133:1005)
>>>>Stage invalid, government reversing agreement reached in Committee to
delete two clauses, 8279-80(135:1525-35), not precedent for declaring stage
invalid, opportunities to amend bill exist, 8280-1(135:1535-40)
>>>>Time allocation under S.O. 78(3)
>>>>>M. (Boudria), 8251(135:1140), agreed to, on recorded division,
>>>>>Notice, 8234(134:1745)
>>>>>See also Public Safety Act, 2002 (Bill C-13)--Third reading
>>>Time allocation, use, 5715(93:1510)
>>Bills, Government, Senate
>>>Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, on divisions, by unanimous consent,
>>>Several stages at same sitting, by unanimous consent, 7165(116:1820-5)
>>Bills, Private Members' Public
>>>Committee referral immediately, without debate, unanimous consent denied,
>>>Committee referral prior to second reading, unanimous consent denied,
>>>Committee referral, referring to Standing Committee instead of a
legislative committee, agreed to, by unanimous consent, 2030(34:1700)
>>>Debate, procedures, agreed to, by unanimous consent, 7431(120:1635)
>>>Deemed read second time, referred to a committee, reported, concurred in at
report stage, read third time and passed, 8525(140:1015)
>>>Disposition, M. (Saada), agreed to, 8523(140:1005)
>>>Introduction and first reading
>>>>Brief summary only, 4422(73:1520), 7661(125:1005), 7783(127:1020)
>>>>By unanimous consent, 4540(75:1205)
>>>>Deemed not introduced and read first time, bill withdrawn, notice for
introduction reinstated on Notice Paper, by unanimous consent,
>>>>Immediate referral to standing committee, unanimous consent denied,
4423-4(73:1525), 4429-30(73:1550), 4422(73:1725-30)
>>>>Member presenting statement, unanimous consent denied, 7491(122:1005)
>>>>>Agreed to, by unanimous consent, 7492(122:1010)
>>>>Microphone not functioning, other Members not able to hear, request Member
repeat remarks, 684(11:1505)
>>>>Not in order, imposes taxation, Ways and Means Motion absent, taking under
advisement, 830-1(14:1025), 1792(30:1210-5),
imposes taxation, Ways and Means
Motion absent, null and void, order for second reading discharged and bill
withdrawn, 889(14:1725), 1808-9(30:1425)
>>>>Reverting to, by unanimous consent, 213(4:1050), 717(12:1030),
2382(40:1220), 4328(72:1005)
>>>>>Denied, 714(12:1010), 2117(36:1510)
>>>>Several bills as a group, by unanimous consent, 3508(59:1025)
>>>>Titles, dispensing with reading, by unanimous consent, 3508(59:1025)
>>>>Unanimous consent denied, 433(7:1005)
>>>Making votable item, unanimous consent denied, 1335(22:1845),
1766(29:1825), 2087(36:1150-5), 2548(42:1840), 2831(47:1840-5),
3042(51:1155-200), 3170(52:1840-5), 3577(59:1820-5), 3626(61:1130-5),
>>>Member introducing on behalf of another Member, by unanimous consent,
4494(74:1510), 4540(75:1210)
>>>>Denied, 4540(75:1205)
>>>Mover, right of reply, five minutes, 2087(36:1155)
>>>Non-votable item, dropped from Order Paper after debate, 1207(21:1155),
1335(22:1850), 1688(28:1840), 2088(36:1200), 2411(41:1205), 2548(42:1840),
2831(47:1845), 3042(51:1200), 3170(52:1845), 3209(53:1825), 3577(59:1825),
5141(84:1905), 8930(146:1915)
>>>Number designation, same as previous session, by unanimous consent,
1503-4(25:1205), 1553(26:1505)
>>>>Denied, 805(13:1550)
>>>Reintroducing, making votable, unanimous consent denied, 4831(79:1550)
>>>Report stage motions
>>>>Chair hearing arguments from Member prior to calling, 6985-6(113:1330-5)
>>>>Grouping together, voting pattern, etc., 6987(113:1345)
>>>>Not selected, clarification, 6985-6(113:1330-45)
>>>Royal Recommendation missing, not in order, 8622-3(141:1830-5), taking
under advisement, 8623(141:1835), no obligation for spending of public funds
in bill, no need for Royal Recommendation, 8901-2(146:1505-10)
>>>Same form as bill from previous session
>>>>Adding to bottom of list of items in Order of Precedence on Order Paper,
following first draw of session, deeming votable, 139(3:1510), 1084(18:1540-5)
>>>>Chair statement in error, correcting, 143(3:1535)
>>>>Reinstating at same stage as at prorogation, 548(9:1010-5), 635(10:1220),
685(11:1505), 830(14:1020), 1504(25:1205)
>>>>Reinstating at same stage as at prorogation and with same number
designation, by unanimous consent, 1743(29:1530)
>>>Same subject as government bill, not in order, 4494(74:1510), taking under
advisement, 4494(74:1510)
>>>Second reading, amdt.
>>>>Agreed to, order discharged, not necessary to have on main motion,
>>>>In order, 4447(73:1805)
>>>Second reading, Member already spoken, 7127(115:1850), Member moving item
entitled to speak for five minutes at end of debate, 7127(115:1850)
>>>Second reading, order discharged and bill withdrawn, by unanimous consent,
>>>Second reading, order discharged, bill withdrawn and subject matter
referred to standing committee, 4513(74:1800), 6185(101:1735-40),
>>>>See also Canada Health Act (amdt.--linguistic duality)(Bill C-202);
Criminal Code (amdt.--firefighters)(Bill C-269)
>>>Seconder, changing, by unanimous consent, 1811(31:1105)
>>>Senate amendment, consideration, read second time and concurred in,
without debate, M. (Boudria), agreed to, by unanimous consent, 9196(151:1530)
>>>Several stages at same sitting, by unanimous consent, 7181(117:1040),
>>>Sponsor, changing names, by unanimous consent, 3748(63:1505), 4494(74:1510)
>>>>Denied, 4152969:1540)
>>>Subject matter, referral to Standing Committee, unanimous consent denied,
>>>Text, substituting alternative wording, agreed to, 6873(111:1730)
>>>Third reading, same sitting day as report stage concurrence, by unanimous
consent, 6049(99:1330)
>>>Votable item, dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper,
after debate, 1809(30:1430), 2071(35:1430),
2286(38:1845), 2663(44:1855),
2876(48:1855), 3034(50:1430), 3335(56:1200), 3457(57:1900), 3620(60:1430),
3882(65:1345), 4567(76:1205), 5064(83:1845), 5151(85:1205), 5281(86:1850),
5322(87:1830), 5593(91:1915), 5778(94:1350), 6013(98:1830), 6352(103:1830),
6568(106:1820), 6995(113:1450), 7560(122:1815), 8308(135:1945),
8746(143:1425), 9052(149:1205), 9176(150:1855)
>>Bills, Senate, Private Members' Public, all stages at same sitting
>>>Agreed to, by unanimous consent, 9280(152:1615)
>>>>Denied, 9278(152:1605)
>>>Amendments, Minister not informing House, 4043-4(68:1515-20), taking under
advisement, 4044(68:1520), government within rights to change policy, ways and
means motion must reflect changes in policy, 4370-1(72:1505-10)
>>>M. for approval
>>>>Amdt., in order, 3757(63:1555)
>>>>Amdt. to amdt., in order, 3759(63:1615)
>>>Presentation, order of the day designation, 3361(56:1500)
>>Business of Supply, consideration at next sitting of the House, M.
(Robillard), agreed to, 8(1:1545)
>>Business of the House, weekly statement, using to extend oral question
period, not in order, 5110(84:1500)
>>Cell phones/pagers/noise-making devices, use in Chamber, not in order,
218(4:1125), 5327(88:1035), 5332(88:1125), 5573(91:1655), 5709(93:1440),
6044(99:1245), 6288(103:1055), 7760(126:1610), 9205(151:1620)
>>Chamber lighting, malfunction, repair, 1494(25:1115), 1617(27:1435)
>>Chamber, temperature, 763(12:1555)
>>Clock, Chair seeing as
>>>1:30 p.m., by unanimous consent, 1507(25:1235), 5418(89:1245),
>>>>Denied, 8731(143:1245)
>>>2:30 p.m., by unanimous consent, 928(15:1315), 1200(20:1240),
4557(75:1425), 4886(80:1405), 6053-4(99:1400), 9333(153:1355)
>>>5:30 p.m., by unanimous consent, 1638(27:1715), 6183-4(101:1725)
>>>5:45 p.m., by unanimous consent, 2278(38:1740)
>>>6:00 p.m., by unanimous consent, 5274(86:1750)
>>>6:04 p.m., by unanimous consent, 3449(57:1800)
>>>6:30 p.m., by unanimous consent, 1577(26:1720), 1972(33:1815),
2038(34:1755), 2587(43:1825), 4619(76:1815), 4844(79:1800), 5136(84:1825),
5835(95:1825), 6191(101:1825), 6465(105:1810), 6705(108:1800), 8238(134:1825)
>>>7:10 p.m., by unanimous consent, 825(13:1820)
>>>8:20 p.m., by unanimous consent, 8069(131:1920)
>>>12 midnight, by unanimous consent, 124(2:2355)
>>Closure under S.O. 57
>>>M. (Boudria), 335-9(6:1105-35), agreed to, on recorded division,
>>>M. (Boudria), 2412(41:1215), agreed to, on recorded division,
>>>Notice, 317(5:1200), 2350(39:1655), 2384(40:1225)
>>>Question and comment period, 30 minutes time limit, 335(6:1105)
>>>See also House of Commons proceedings--Committee business and reinstatement
of government bills, M. (Boudria)
>>Committee of the Whole
>>>Estimates consideration
>>>>Procedures, M. (O'Reilly), agreed to, 6514(106:1205)
>>>>Scheduling, 6414(105:1220)
>>>>Speaking time, order, etc.,
>>>>>M. (Boudria), agreed to, 6557(106:1705-10)
>>>>>M. (Regan), agreed to, by unanimous consent, 6183(101:1725)
>>>Proceeding to, 1385(23:1850), 2876(48:1855), 4070(68:1845), 6191(101:1825)
>>>Take note debate, procedures, M. (Catterall), agreed to, 1369(23:1655)
>>Committees, Parliamentary
>>>Chair/Vice-Chair, election
>>>>By secret ballot, Chief Government Whip and other government Members
Filibustering debate, abuse, 918(15:1200)
>>>>Meeting scheduled, 48 hour notice requirement not met, not in order,
1311(22:1530), taking under advisement, 1311(22:1535), Chair ordering
rescheduling, meeting 48 hour notice requirements, 1327(22:1740)
>>>Finance Standing Committee, Chair refusing to allow opposition members to
follow/ask questions of witness, denial of freedom of speech and interfering
with role as Member of Parliament, 8636-8(142:1035-40), Committee Chair ruling
appealed and sustained, Chair cannot overrule, Member able to raise questions
at other committees, not point of order, 8638(142:1045)
>>>Membership, organization meeting, etc., M. (Boudria), agreed to, by
unanimous consent 589-90(9:1505-10)
>>>Organization meetings, authority to hold, unanimous consent denied,
>>>Reports, comprehensive government response requesting, 1871(32:1005),
2169(37:1000), 2595(44:1030-5), 2925(49:1005), 3187(53:1525), 4453(74:1005),
4621(77:1005), 4783(79:1005), 5209(86:1000), 5323(88:1005), 5947(98:1005),
6248(102:1515), 7298(118:1220), 8934(147:1010), 9031(148:1200),
9235(152:1050), 9320(153:1205)
>>>Reports, concurrence motion, 1803(18:1535)
>>>>Agreed to, by unanimous consent, 1913(32:1520-5)
>>>>Agreed to, without debate, unanimous consent denied, 806(13:1555),
>>>>Debate motion, clarification, 8357(137:1020)
>>>>Deemed adopted, without further debate, agreed to, 8905(146:1535)
>>>>Leave to move/propose, unanimous consent denied, 686(11:1510),
2595(44:1035), 9320(153:1205)
>>>>Moving under S.O. 56.1, wrong time and inappropriate method,
757-9(12:1515-30), taking under advisement, 759(12:1530), substantive motion
should have been raised under rubric of Motions during Routine Proceedings and
not Tabling of Documents; calling on a day other than that when unanimous
consent denied in order; and not acceptable to consider committee report
listing membership and associate membership of committees at beginning of new
session as routine, 827-9(14:1005-15)
>>>>Not moving, 5074(84:1045)
>>>Reports, deemed adopted, 1194(20:1205)
>>>Reports, deemed presented, depositing with Clerk of House when House not
sitting, M. (Boudria), agreed to, 7275(118:1005), 7280-1(118:1045-50),
>>>Reports, official languages criteria, meeting, 2566(43:1545)
>>>Reports, presented
>>>>Member presenting voicing position contrary to majority, 8727(143:1210-5),
debate, not point of order, 8727(143:1210-5)
>>>>Supplementary opinions (minority reports), appending, by unanimous
consent, 9080-1(149:1510)
>>>Reports, subcommittee reports deemed report of Committee, tabling with
Clerk of House when House not sitting, by unanimous consent, 7178(117:1020)
>>>Reports, tabling/presenting
>>>>Debate, not in order, 8933(147:1005)
>>>>Dissenting report, brief statement, 8933-4(147:1010)
>>>>Later this day, by unanimous consent, 6887(112:1050)
>>>>Proceeding to, by unanimous consent, 2403(41:1105), 9301(153:1005)
>>>>Remarks/comments, not in order, 6610(107:1520)
>>>>Reverting to, by unanimous consent,
1036(17:1510), 1742(29:1525), 2853(48:1550), 3165(52:1810), 5948(98:1010)
>>>>>Denied, 1135(19:1355), 1953(33:1535), 3164(52:1800), 4146(69:1500)
>>>>Transport Standing Committee, third report, improperly before House,
notice of meeting not provided, interpretation not provided, meeting not
recorded for transcript preparation, 6641-4(108:1005-25), 6646(108:1035-40),
taking under advisement, 6644(108:1030), no evidence presented to suggest
Transport Standing Committee exceeded its authority to conduct its proceedings
as its Members see fit, report properly before House, 6771-3(110:1030-40)
>>>Witnesses, invitation to appear before, Prime Minister Office interference,
5716-7(93:1510-20), Committee masters of own procedures, may invite/call
anyone it pleases, not point of order, 5717(93:1520)
>>Conflict of interest, issue in which Official Languages Standing Committee
Chair has direct pecuniary interest
>>>Committee Chair giving notice of motion for concurrence in report,
6093-4(100:1530-5), point of order premature, only notice of concurrence
motion given, motion may not be moved by Committee Chair or at all,
6094(100:1535), no grounds for ruling motion out of order, Committee Chair not
voting on motion, debate may proceed, 7178-9(117:1025)
>>>Committee Chair possibly voting in favour of and signing report
recommending payment of $30,000 to Member in support of action plan,
5714-5(93:1505-10), 5672-3(94:1200), taking under
advisement, 5715(93:1510),
5673(94:1200), report in procedurally acceptable form, Chair signed report to
attest that the contents reflected the decision of the Committee and Chair
absented himself from discussions and votes relating to matter, no conflict of
interest found, 5988-9(98:1505-10)
>>>Bill or amdt., clarification, 3109(52:1105)
>>>Government members absent, 5681(93:1110)
>>>Halting, motion to refer subject matter of private members' business to
committee agreed to, 6186-7(101:1750)
>>>>Continuing until 6:30 p.m. when motion is deemed adopted, by unanimous
consent, 6187(101:1750)
>>>Member already spoken at this stage, cannot speak second time,
4162(69:1705), 4164(69:1715)
>>>Member must rise to be recognized, 7252(117:1900)
>>>Member not able to participate if not in proper seat, 5784(95:1155),
>>>Member participating, Member indicating, 810(13:1620)
>>>Member participating, unanimous consent denied, 5942(97:1810)
>>Debate be now adjourned
>>>M. (Harper), agreed to, 14(1:1630), 3736(62:1715)
>>>M. (Regan), agreed to, on recorded division, 5817-8(95:1535-615)
>>Decisions/rulings of the Chair
>>>Clarification, 2017-8(34:1520-5)
>>>Discrepancies in statistics/figures used to arrive at decision,
clarification requesting, taking under advisement, 3824(64:1505), matter best
taken up with standing committee reviewing estimates of department,
>>>Member commenting on, acceptability, 5892(96:1730), 6986-7(113:1340-5)
>>>Motion questioning authority of Speaker's decision, not in order,
>>Decorum, 1651(28:1420)
>>Decorum, gesture, improper, apologizing, 8920(146:1750)
>>Decorum, Member commenting/heckling, not in own seat, 3703(62:1310)
>>Decorum, noise/conversations/heckling, interrupting Member speaking,
Chair/other Members cannot hear, 11(1:1605), 18(2:1020), 105(2:2120-5),
131(3:1420), 245(4:1430), 248(4:1445), 304(5:1045), 362(6:1445), 516(8:1505),
582(9:1420-5), 586(9:1445-50), 749(12:1430), 800(13:1515), 1017(17:1310),
1031(17:1435), 1075(18:1445), 1117(19:1135-40), 1134(19:1345), 1139(19:1420),
1265(22:1015), 1300(22:1420), 1345(23:1425), 1350(23:1450), 1365(23:1620),
1454(24:1435), 1548-9(26:1445-50), 1652(28:1430), 1732(29:1425-30),
2000(34:1330), 2007(34:1420), 2009(34:1430), 2011(34:1440-5), 2107(36:1415),
2249(38:1425), 2326-7(39:1420), 2416(41:1240), 2512(42:1410), 2515-6(42:1430),
2564(43:1530),2574(43:1645), 2627(44:1420), 2682(45:1140), 2685(45:1155),
3281(54:1830), 3463(58:1420), 3464(58:1430), 3466(58:1440), 3487(58:1700),
3593(60:1115), 3745(63:1450), 3747(63:1455-500), 3985-6(67:1450-5),
4037(68:1440), 4251(71:1450), 4368(72:1455), 4413(73:1420), 4416(73:1445),
4501(74:1600), 4531(75:1115), 4588(76:1430), 4658(77:1425), 4663(77:1455),
4667(77:1535), 5032(83:1440), 5171(85:1430), 5204(85:1805), 5212(86:1035),
5359-60(88:1445-50), 5445-6(90:1420-5), 5613(91:2135), 5635(92:1420),
5840(96:1045), 5889(96:1710), 5893(96:1740), 5895(96:1755), 5984(98:1445),
6082(100:1425), 6319(103:1430), 6323(103:1450), 6607(107:1455),
6849(111:1435), 7023(114:1420), 7026(114:1435), 7135(116:1420),
7215(117:1440), 7293(118:1150), 7414(120:1435), 7704(125:1450-5),
7726(125:1755), 7731(125:1830), 7818(127:1440), 7916(129:1440),
7994(130:1455), 8211(134:1445), 8238(134:1830), 8291(135:1700),
8318-9(136:1430-5), 8322(136:1450), 8482-3(139:1415-20), 8857(140:1420),
8561-3(140:1445-55), 8597(141:1420), 8602(141:1450), 8675(142:1450),
8842(145:1420), 8893(146:1425), 9099(149:1740), 9141(150:1415)
>>Divisions, bells ringing for no more than 15 minutes, by unanimous consent,
>>Divisions, Chair calling for nays, no one rising, motion agreed to,
2865(48:1730), Chair saw five members rise, division deferred, 2865(48:1730)
>>Divisions, Chair declaring motion carried without announcing whether yeas or
nays have it, 2949(49:1310), 3074(51:1535),
motion declared carried, no Member
rose to request recorded division, point of order declined, 3075(51:1540)
>>Divisions, deemed agreed to, on division, 8635(142:1005)
>>Divisions, Members must be in own seat to have vote counted, 2865-6(48:1735)
>>>Rule does not impose such a restriction, vote in order, 2926(49:1010)
>>>Voice votes, criteria, clarification, 2866(48:1740)
>>Divisions, taking without ringing bells, clarification, 7182(117:1050)
>>Divisions, recorded
>>>Abstentions, not recorded, 4686(77:1820), 5259(86:1555)
>>>Adding name, 5873(96:1510)
>>>Agreed to, on division instead, by unanimous consent, 8(1:1545)
>>>Chair voting to break tie vote, revisiting vote, requesting,
7439(120:1810), reflecting on votes in House prohibited, 7439(120:1815)
>>>Declaring invalid, voting again
>>>>Chair does not have authority to declare vote invalid, 8887(145:1910)
>>>>Unanimous consent denied, 8887(145:1910)
>>>Deemed requested and deferred
>>>>M. (Boudria), agreed to, 2384(40:1220), 2418(41:1330)
>>>>M. (Jennings), agreed to, 5314(87:1730)
>>>Deferred, 712(11:1825), 770(12:1645), 813(13:1645-50), 825(13:1820),
939(16:1220), 1577(26:1715), 1771(30:1005), 2041(35:1005), 2474(41:1955),
2673(45:1055), 2785(47:1255-300), 2805(47:1515), 2865-6(48:1730-40),
2948(49:1305), 2949-50(49:1310-5), 3051(51:1305), 3393-4(57:1050-1100),
3787(64:1050), 3792(64:1120), 3799(64:1225), 3805(64:1305-10), 3833(64:1620),
3839(64:1700), 4112(69:1050-5), 4113(69:1105), 4162(69:1700), 4201(70:1225),
4209(70:1320), 4285(71:1810), 4335-7(72:1055-1105), 4523(75:1020),
4546(75:1255), 4619(76:1815), 4729-30(78:1610-5), 4886(80:1405),
4900(81:1240), 5000(82:1535), 5007(82:1620), 5053(83:1715), 5056(83:1740),
5372(88:1615), 5399-400(89:1055), 5417-8(89:1230), 5770(94:1245),
5794(95:1305), 5929(97:1620), 5943(97:1815), 6053(99:1400), 6134(101:1140-5),
6143(101:1255), 6523(106:1320), 6528(106:1400), 6549(106:1605),
6716(109:1200), 6785(110:1305), 7004(114:1205), 7034(114:1520),
7128(115:1855), 7173(116:1925), 7238(117:1830), 7312(119:1155),
7324(119:1335), 7583(123:1225), 7724(125:1715), 7780(126:1905),
7798(127:1220), 7825(127:1525), 8025(130:1855), 8047(131:1600),
8056-7(131:1710), 8188(134:1205), 8328(136:1525), 8408(137:1635),
8414(137:1725), 8420(137:1810), 8448(138:1245), 8454(138:1335),
8463(139:1205), 8591(140:1915), 8629(141:1925), 8634(141:2000),
8694(142:1715), 8702(142:1815), 8756(144:1210), 8788(144:1635),
8999(147:1815), 9040(148:1310), 9208(151:1640), 9223(151:1855),
9247(152:1220), 9255(152:1320)
>>>>Further deferring, by unanimous consent, 1581(27:1010), 1792(30:1215),
2046(35:1040), 2673(45:1055), 2948(49:1305), 3792(64:1120), 3800(64:1230),
3805(64:1310), 3833(64:1620), 4162(69:1700), 4201(70:1230), 4209(70:1325),
4542(75:1210-5), 4547(75:1255), 5053(83:1715-20), 5056(83:1740),
5418(89:1245), 5770(94:1245), 5943(97:1815), 6053(99:1400), 6557(106:1710),
6722(109:1250), 7431(120:1635), 7583(123:1225), 7798(127:1220),
7825(127:1525), 8408(137:1635), 8414(137:1725), 8448(138:1245),
9040(148:1310), 9119(150:1135)
>>>>>Denied, 6557(106:1710)
>>>>Reasoning, clarification, 6549(106:1610)
>>>>Requesting, M. (Catterall), agreed to, 8575(140:1635)
>>>>Requesting, M. (Proulx), agreed to, 4883(80:1340)
>>>Five Members rising to request, requirement, 5023(82:1845)
>>>Member changing vote, 8621(141:1830)
>>>Member having direct pecuniary interest in question, vote not counted,
>>>Member missed by Clerk, indicating vote, 8583(140:1805)
>>>Member not in seat in Chamber when vote called, vote not counted,
324(5:1310-5), 8867(145:1750-5)
>>>Member recorded as voting twice, indicating correct vote, 7436(120:1750)
>>>Members entering Chamber after Whips taken seats, votes not counting,
6751(109:1640), 6928(112:1615), Members must be
in own seat when question read
to be able to vote, 6928(112:1615)
>>>Members remaining in seats after voting until formal vote announced,
>>>Motion being voted on, clarification, 3393(57:1055)
>>>Previously taken, applying to subsequent motions, 1063(17:1850),
2522(42:1515), 4688(77:1840), 4694(77:1850), 4697(77:1900), 4699(77:1905),
4731(78:1700), 4740(78:1750), 4766-7(78:1820), 4770(78:1825), 4774(78:1850),
5255-6(86:1540), 6165(101:1535), 6169(101:1540), 7271-2(117:2035-40),
8060(131:1815), 8870-1(145:1800-5), 8878(145:1815), 8880(145:1815-20)
>>>>Abstaining, 8870(145:1800-5)
>>>>Adding/removing names, 756(12:1510-5), 2522(42:1515), 4015(67:1845),
4020-1(67:1905-10), 4392-5(72:1800-5), 4701(77:1910), 4736-8(78:1740-50),
4745-6(78:1815), 4767(78:1820), 4770-1(78:1825), 5578-9(91:1805),
5581-2(91:1810), 6166-7(101:1535), 6542(106:1525), 6808(110:1545),
7261(117:2030), 7481(121:1800), 7482(121:1815), 8014-5(130:1750),
8869(145:1800), 8871(145:1805)
>>>>>Unanimous consent denied, 5259(86:1555), 7482(121:1805)
>>>>By unanimous consent, 502(7:1830)
>>>>>Denied, 2522(42:1520), 4018-9(67:1855), 4732(78:1710), 4733(78:1725),
4776(78:1910), 6807(110:1535), 7124(115:1825-30), 8059(131:1800)
>>>>Clarification, 4023(67:1925), 4025(67:1930), 4740(78:1755), 4746(78:1815),
>>>>In reverse, 4015(67:1925-30), 4392(72:1800), 4702(77:1910), 5896(96:1830)
>>>>Independent Members indicating vote, 403(6:2030), 756(12:1515),
1062(17:1845), 1064(17:1850), 2804(47:1515), 3142(52:1515),
4015-7(67:1845-50), 4020-1(67:1905-10), 4024(67:1925), 4394-5(72:1800-5),
4690-1(77:1845), 4701(77:1910), 4996-7(82:1515), 5037(83:1515), 5257(86:1545),
5578(91:1805), 5581(91:1810), 5583(91:1810), 5873(96:1510), 6167-8(101:1535),
6542-3(106:1525-30), 7120(115:1820), 7122-3(115:1820), 7125(115:1835),
7261-2(117:2030-5), 7265(117:2035), 7274(117:2040), 7481(121:1800),
7725(125:1750), 8015-6(130:1750-5), 8062-3(131:1815-20), 8869(145:1800),
8874(145:1805), 8876-7(145:1810)
>>>>Member indicating/changing vote, 1064(17:1850), 3142-3(52:1515),
4020(67:1905), 4732(78:1715), 4737(78:1750), 4739(78:1750), 4744(78:1810),
4746(78:1815), 4767(78:1820), 4770(78:1825), 4773(78:1850), 4778(78:1925),
5578(91:1805), 5581(91:1810), 5583(91:1810), 5898(96:1830), 6808(110:1545),
7120(115:1820), 7122-3(115:1820-5), 7261-2(117:2030-5), 7482(121:1815),
8061-3(131:1815-20), 8870(145:1800), 8874(145:1805)
>>>>Members leaving Chamber, vote still counted, Government Whip possibly
unaware Members leaving, Whips must inform House if Members leave,
>>>>Party Whips indicating party vote, 403(6:2025-30), 756(12:1510-2),
1062(17:1845), 1064(17:1850), 2353-4(39:1745-50), 2804(47:1515),
3142(52:1510-5), 4015-7(67:1845-50), 4020-1(67:1905-10), 4023-4(67:1925),
4394-5(62:1800-5), 4689(77:1840), 4691(77:1845), 4701(77:1910),
4734(78:1725-30), 4736-9(78:1740-50), 4744(78:1805-10), 4746(78:1815),
4767(78:1820), 4772-3(78:1845), 4996-7(82:1510-5), 5037(83:1515),
5257(86:1540-5), 5578(91:1805), 5581(91:1810), 5582-3(91:1810), 5873(96:1510),
6166-8(101:1535), 6542-3(106:1525-30), 6808-9(110:1545), 7120-3(115:1815-20),
7125(115:1835), 7261-2(117:2030-5), 7265(117:2035), 7273-4(117:2040),
7481(121:1800), 7725(125:1745-50), 8014-6(130:1750), 8061(131:1815),
8063(131:1820), 8869(145:1800), 8874(145:1805), 8876-7(145:1810)
>>>>>Clarification, 8874(145:1805), 8876(145:1810)
>>>>Private Members' Business procedures used, taking time to calculate,
>>>>Unanimous consent denied, 7485(121:1835-40)
>>>Private Members' Business
>>>>Deferring until after government business, 6163-4(101:1515)
>>>>Scheduling, etc., M. (Regan), agreed to, 8008-9(130:1640)
>>>Procedures, M. (Jordan), unanimous consent denied, 1308(22:1505)
>>>Scheduling, M. (Reynolds), 4596(76:1515)
>>>Taking up immediately, by unanimous consent, 4701(77:1905)
>>>Voting order, clarification, 4113(69:1100-5)
>>>Yeas and nays equal, Chair voting in negative so that Members may be given
another opportunity to pronounce on the issue at another time, 7437(120:1800)
>>Divisions, taking again, by unanimous consent, 2867(48:1745)
>>>Denied, 2867(48:1750)
>>Divisions, voting order, motions possibly missed, clarification,
2866-7(48:1740-50), Chair missed motion, widespread confusion, will recommence
with vote at missed motion and continue with sequential motions in group when
bill next before House, 2926(49:1015)
>>Documents, tabling
>>>By unanimous consent, 562(9:1205), 4146(69:1500), 8837(145:1350)
>>>>Denied, 1035(17:1505), 1147(19:1500-5), 1913(32:1520), 2115(36:1500),
3274(54:1740), 3550(59:1500), 4421(73:1515), 5259(86:1555), 7220(117:1505),
8836(145:1345), 9164(150:1655)
>>>Fulfilling commitment, interrupting Member's speech, apologizing, 500(7:1750)
>>>Minister agreeing, failure to comply, documents tabled, 6248(102:1515)
>>>Minister citing/reading, requirement, 1850-1(31:1605), 4042(68:1510),
4196(70:1205), 6173(101:1610)
>>>>Criteria, 4042-3(68:1520), 6036(99:1205)
>>>Minister failure to table Public Accounts of Canada in House instead of
filing with Clerk, debate, not point of order, 829(14:1020)
>>>Minister releasing outside Chamber, no opportunity for opposition to
question Minister/comment on report, 54708(9:1005), Government House Leader to
report back as soon as possible, 548(9:1005-10), tabling as soon as final
translation completed, 551(9:1030)
>>>Minister tabling wrong document, 4493-4(73:1505), dispute/debate, not point
of order, 4493-4(74:1505)
>>Emergency debate (adjournment motions under S.O. 52(2))
>>>Agreed to, 432(6:2355)
>>>Procedures, 5612(91:2130)
>>>>M. (Adams), agreed to, 5462(90:1600)
>>>>M. (DeVillers)
>>>>>Agreed to, 4271(71:1630), 6447(105:1550)
>>>>>Unanimous consent denied, 4270(71:1630)
>>>>M. (Keyes), agreed to, 5525(91:1100)
>>>Proceeding to, 404(6:2030), 4285(71:1810), 5483(90:1825), 5595(91:1915),
>>Emergency debate (adjournment motions under S.O. 52(2)), applications
>>>Accepted, debate ordered, 322(5:1230), 4261(71:1515), 5457(90:1520),
>>>Emergency requirements/criteria not met, not accepted, 144(3:1540),
435(7:1010), 1666(28:1600), 1738(29:1500), 2266(38:1600), 2303(39:1130),
2521(42:1500), 3680(62:1005), 4925(81:1510), 7353(119:1545), 9201-2(151:1550)
>>>Keeping explanations brief and to the point, 2266(38:1600)
>>>Taking under advisement, 1699(29:1015), 2436(41:1515)
>>>Two applications on same subject
>>>>Chair hearing first submission only, 5456(90:1515)
>>>>First filed and withdrawn, refiled for another day, Chair hearing
submission not withdrawn, 5456(90:1515)
>>>Main, motion to restore item reduced by Transport Standing Committee,
acceptability, clarification, 7030-1(114:1500-5)
>>>Questions disposing of motions, scheduling, M. (Regan), agreed to,
>>>Supplementary, message from Governor General, proper order, 1109(19:1000-5)
>>Exhibits/props, use in Chamber, not in order, 33(2:1230), 5451(90:1455)
>>Government motions
>>>Acceptability, limitations, clarification, 1849(31:1555)
>>>Agreed to, on division, by unanimous consent, 404(6:2030)
>>>>Acceptability, direct negative of the main motion, will produce same
result as defeat of motion and same effect as hoist of motion,
1982-3(34:1105-10), taking under advisement, 1983(34:1110-5), amendment not
direct negative of main motion or hoist but imposes condition on main motion,
in order, 1984-5(34:1130)
>>>>In order, 305(5:1050), 1981(34:1055)
>>>Amdt. to amdt.
>>>>In order, 2045(35:1040)
>>>>Taking under advisement, 347(6:1310), beyond scope of amendment, not in
order, 349(6:1320)
>>>Chair dividing, 48 hour notice requirement for new motions, 300(5:1010),
motion severed, not creating completely new set of motions, in order,
>>>Debate suspending, pending ruling of Chair, 1925(32:1655)
>>>Improperly before House, enabling legislation not presented and approved
prior to ratification and implementation of treaty, 1826-9(31:1335-55), taking
under advisement, allowing debate to continue, 1829(31:1355), motion does not
ratify treat, power to ratify lies with Crown not House, motion allows debate
on issue of ratification, ratification not conditional on first adopting
implementing legislation, motion properly before House, 2016-7(34:1510-20)
>>>Improperly before House, failure of government to accompany motion for
ratification of treaty with copy of treaty, 1845-6(31:1525-30),
1923-4(32:1645-55), Canadian practice does not support argument, point of
order not well taken, 1846(31:1535), bringing to attention of Chair, debate
continuing, 1924(32:1655)
>>>Improperly before House, not government motion as it instructs the
government how to proceed, government cannot direct itself on how to proceed,
removal from Order Paper requested, 1954-6(33:1545-50), government may choose
items under government motions, in order, 1956(33:1555)
>>>Improperly before House, violation of decision approved earlier during
supply motion debate, 1823-6(31:1315-30), motion directed that action should be
taken not must be taken, Chair proceeding with putting the motion to the House,
>>>Improperly before House, violation of "rule of anticipation",
1847-8(31:1535-50), rule not yet determined to be major part of parliamentary
procedure at this time, point of order not taken 1848-9(31:1550)
>>>Omnibus in nature, four distinct and separate issues, requesting Chair
divide into four separate motions, 208-10(4:1005-20), taking under advisement,
210(4:1020), issues related to the reinstatement of business from the first
session to the second session will be debated together but will be the subject
of two separate votes, the portion of the motion that empowers the finance
committee to travel is not a matter of reinstating unfinished business and
constitutes a stand-alone motion to be debated and voted on separately,
>>Government Orders
>>>Consideration, debate procedures, M. (Boudria), agreed to, 2384(40:1225),
>>>Ending at 5:30 p.m., move to proceed to private members' hour, by unanimous
consent, 6173(101:1610), 6551(106:1625)
>>>Ending at 6:30 p.m., by unanimous consent, 9289(152:1730)
>>>Scheduling, M. (Boudria), unanimous consent denied, 3851(65:1005-10)
>>Government Orders, extending due to time taken up by
>>>Ministerial statement, 1360(23:1555), 1956(33:1555), 2268(38:1620),
2600(44:1100), 2854(48:1600), 3073(51:1530), 3218(54:1055), 3481(58:1615),
3875(65:1240), 4955(82:1015), 5075(84:1050), 6771(110:1030), 6923(112:1500),
8090(132:1210), 9238(152:1105)
>>>Ministerial statement and recorded division, 810(13:1620), 6810(110:1550)
>>>Recorded divisions, 757(12:1515), 1310(22:1525), 1667(28:1600),
2213(37:1510), 2525(42:1545), 2805(47:1515), 3143(52:1515), 3418(57:1405),
4667(77:1535), 4998(82:1515), 5044(83:1600), 5260(86:1555), 5874(96:1515),
6172(101:1600), 6549(106:1605), 8491(139:1505), 8519(139:1830)
>>>Time allocation motion, 5845(96:1205), 7070(115:1130), 8257(135:1255),
>>>Accuracy, discrepancies between video recording and way reported in
Hansard, 5177-8(85:1500-5), taking under advisement, 5178(85:1505),
House decision regarding Private Members' motion accurately reported as
carried, no interference from any member or member's office in preparation of
final text of Hansard, "on division" not called nor did five Members
rise to demand recorded vote, in interest of readability, Hansard office staff
decided to eliminate some interventions and preserve those statements which
reflected the decision the House ultimately arrived at, Chair requesting
review of editorial decision process and the making of changes of render
Debate more complete, 5364-5(88:1505-15)
>>>Accuracy, vote on Bill C-20, Progressive Conservative Party members votes
improperly recorded, taking under advisement, 5453(90:1505)
>>>Blues, alteration, taking under advisement, 5659(92:1710)
>>>Changes in printed text from spoken word, altering meaning of statement,
Prime Minister/Prime Minister Office involvement, 3987(67:1500-5),
3989-90(67:1515), taking under advisement, 3987(67:1505), 3990(67:1515)
>>>Error, correcting, 2071(35:1330), 7406(120:1355)
>>House do now adjourn
>>>M. (Boudria), agreed to, 14(1:1630), 3736(62:1715)
>>>M. (Gouk), negatived, on recorded division, 6927-9(112:1535-625)
>>>M. (MacKay), negatived, on recorded division, 323-4(5:1230-305)
>>>M. (Masse), 6779(110:1140), negatived, on recorded division,
>>>Ms. (Hearn), 1817(31:1150), 3628(61:1150), negatived, on recorded divisions,
1817-8(31:1230), 3628-9(61:1150-1235)
>>>Until 2 p.m., unanimous consent denied, 2784(47:1250), 2786(47:1300)
>>House of Commons privileges and rights, motion waiving, acceptability,
5186(85:1545-50), motion in order, 5187(85:1555)
>>House of Commons privileges and rights, motion waiving, outlining rights
waived, 5186(85:1545-50), Member may propose amendment to clarify motion,
House will decide on rights and privileges waived, 5187(85:1555)
>>House of Commons visitors, presence in gallery, acknowledging, exclusive
prerogative of Chair, 1080-1(18:1520), 3993(67:1540)
>>House security, breach, requesting full report, 1661-2(28:1525-35)
>>>Report provided matter closed, 1743-4(29:1530-40)
>>House take note debate
>>>Adjourned, by House order, 125(2:2355), 206(3:2440)
>>>All-party agreement, changing, clarification, 3824(64:1505)
>>>Deemed withdrawn, by House Order, 298(4:2110)
>>>Scheduling, debate procedures, etc., M. (Boudria), agreed to, 8(1:1545),
1195(20:1210), 1459-60(24:1505), 2721(46:1505), 3915(66:1500), 4044(68:1520)
>>>>Amdt. (Boudria), agreed to, 154(3:1645-50), 2849(48:1520)
>>>>>Clarification/correction of text, 155-6(3:1700)
>>>>Under Government Orders instead of evening debate, M. (Boudria), agreed
to, 1517(26:1105)
>>Interparliamentary delegations, reports, presenting/tabling, reverting to,
unanimous consent denied, 2764(47:1010)
>>Journals, accuracy, Speaker's ruling re government motion no. 2, no
reference, Chair reviewing, will make necessary corrections, 365-6(6:1505)
>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 626(10:1130), 751(12:1440), 1549(26:1450),
1583(27:1025), 1587(27:1100), 2380(40:1210), 2738(46:1555), 4143(69:1445),
5193(85:1645), 7988(130:1420)
>>>Aboriginal Affairs, Northern Development and Natural Resources Standing
>>>>Committee Chair calling member "chien sale" and "enfant de chienne",
withdrawal requested, 5069(84:0955), 5072(84:1025), taking under advisement,
5072(84:1030), language of this type not tolerated but matter for committee to
deal with, 5197(85:1710)
>>>>>Withdrawn, 5143(85:1105)
>>>>Member of committee threatening Committee Chair with "we will get you, We
will fix you", 5143(85:1105)
>>>"Betrayed", 150(3:1625)
>>>Chair cautioning Members to be more careful in choice of words,
790(13:1415), 1234(21:1450), 1259(21:1750), 1387(23:1905), 2151(36:1940),
2204(37:1420), 2537(42:1715), 4615(76:1740), 4626(77:1040), 4648(77:1320),
5097(84:1355), 7720(125:1650), 7749(126:1455), 7820(127:1445), 8085(132:1135),
8319(136:1435), 8549(140:1330), 8664(142:1345)
>>>"Cronies", 819(13:1740)
>>>"Crooked", 3635(61:1320-5)
>>>"Dark deeds", 999(17:1045)
>>>"Deliberate", 2537(42:1715)
>>>"Dictator", 2706(46:1330)
>>>"Dishonest", 1074(18:1440)
>>>"Fabrication", withdrawal requested, 5452(90:1500), 5559(91:1500), taking
under advisement, 5452-3(90:1500), not unparliamentary, 5559-60(91:1500-5)
>>>"Fabricating facts, fabricating the truth, fabricated a statement,
6241(102:1435), 6247(102:1505-10)
>>>Fuck off", 9080(149:1500-5)
>>>"He told me to f-off", 5609(91:2105), 5643-4(92:1510-5), taking under
advisement, 5644(92:1515), nothing in blues or on video record of proceedings
that violates rules concerning unparliamentary words, matter not formally
raised by aggrieved member, matter closed, 5714(93:1505)
>>>"Hypocrisy", 7544(122:1610)
>>>"Lazy", 4459-60(74:1105)
>>>"Liar", withdrawal requested, 2379-80(40:1200-5)
>>>>Member (Loubier) refusal, Member named for disregarding authority of the
Chair, 2380(40:1205)
>>>"Lied", 8532(140:1115)
>>>"Misleading, misled", 2537(42:1715)
>>>Must be raised as point of order, not question of privilege,
>>>"Not telling the truth", 6241(102:1435)
>>>Reference to members as criminals, withdrawal requested, 800(13:1515)
>>>Remarks open to interpretation, 800-1(13:1515-20)
>>>"Stealing", 8603(141:1500)
>>>"Stupid", 3274(54:1735)
>>>Withdrawing/withdrawn, 751(12:1440), 2015(34:1500), 6089(100:1500),
>>Lock-ups, terms, conditions and procedures, Romanow Royal Commission
imposing set different from House of Commons practice, 1950-1(33:1515)
>>Member be now heard, M. (Clark), 6899(112:1225), not in order,
>>Member's remarks
>>>Addressing through Chair, 78(2:1745), 109(2:2155), 121(2:2330),
123(2:2345), 179(3:2030), 337(6:1120), 439(7:1045), 566(9:1235), 945(16:1305),
1105(18:1810), 1165(19:1720), 1395(23:2000), 1398(23:2025), 1679(28:1730),
1907(32:1445), 2148(36:1920), 2181(37:1130), 2414(41:1230), 2715(46:1430),
3227(54:1155), 3727(62:1550), 4251(71:1455), 4283(71:1800), 4462(74:1125),
4646(77:1310), 4808(79:1315), 4945(81:1755), 5097(84:1355), 5243(86:1420),
5608(91:2055), 5680(93:1100), 5913(97:1435), 7382(120:1035), 7420(120:1515),
7651(124:1735), 7708(125:1525), 7794(127:1155), 7796(127:1205),
8124(132:1605), 8232(134:1730), 8559(140:1430), 8710(143:1025),
8722(143:1140), 9098(149:1730), 9163(150:1645-700), 9264(152:1420),
>>>Casting aspersions on Member, not in order, 1894(32:1320), 9314(153:1135)
>>>Chair cautioning Members to be more careful in choice of words,
2934(49:1105), 7400(120:1305)
>>>Chair membership in party caucus, correcting, 5483(90:1835)
>>>Clarification requested, 65(2:1605), 337(6:1120), 2641(44:1540),
>>>False/misleading, correcting/withdrawing, 7(1:1530), 213(4:1050),
365(6:1500), 445(7:1125), 734(12:1250), 1001(17:1100), 1080(18:1515-20),
1360(23:1555), 1374(23:1730), 1959(33:1615), 1980(34:1050), 2640(44:1535),
2646(44:1620), 2783(47:1240), 2934(49:1105), 3014-5(50:1200-5), 3052(51:1315),
3207(53:1810), 3308(55:1210-5), 3379(56:1725), 3438(57:1635), 3632(61:1305),
3704(62:1315), 4195(70:1200), 4628(77:1100), 4664(77:1500), 4808(79:1325),
4826(79:1510), 5088(84:1235), 5113(84:1520), 5259(86:1555), 5267(86:1650),
5296(87:1500), 5510(90:2135), 6036(99:1205), 6173(101:1610), 6247(102:1515),
6325(103:1500), 6377(104:1205), 6718(109:1215), 6893(112:1130),
6985(113:1330), 7220(117:1500-5), 8133(132:1720), 8503(139:1625),
>>>>Apology requested, Chair's ruling on point of order closes matter,
>>>>Clarification, 3439(57:1635), 6325(103:1505), 637(104:1205),
>>>>Debate/point of information, not point of order, 213(4:1050), 445(7:1125),
734(12:1250), 1001(17:1100), 1080(18:1520), 1374(23:1730), 1959(33:1615),
1980(34:1050), 2640(44:1535), 2646(44:1620), 3015(50:1205), 3052(51:1315),
3308(55:1215), 3379(56:1725), 3632(61:1305), 3704(62:1315), 3869(65:1200),
4196(70:1200), 4628(77:1100), 4808(79:1325), 4826(79:1510), 5113(84:1520),
5259(86:1555), 5296(87:1500-5), 5506(90:2135), 6036(99:1205), 6173(101:1610),
8503(139:1625), 9164(150:1700)
>>>Improperly directed, 4656(77:1415)
>>>Impugning integrity of other Members, not in order, 7942(129:1800)
>>>Imputing improper motives, 1120(19:1200), 3635(61:1325), 7543(122:1605),
>>>>Debate, not point of order, 7544(122:1605), 7655(124:1805)
>>>Inappropriate, 8131(132:1645)
>>>Insulting/demeaning, withdrawal requested, 3959(67:1150)
>>>>Made outside of House, not point of order, 4070(68:1845)
>>>>Withdrawn, 2802(47:1500)
>>>Involving Chair in caucus affairs, avoiding, 6517(106:1230)
>>>Issue disposed earlier, discourteous to Chair and House to raise again,
>>>>Matter for debate, 7(1:1530)
>>>Member repeating remarks, not point of order, 1961(33:1630)
>>>Presence/absence of Members/Ministers, reference, not in order,
700(11:1650), 982(16:1715), 1056(17:1740), 2650(44:1655), 2758(46:1825),
2856-7(48:1615), 2859(48:16350), 3207(53:1810), 3308(55:1215), 3697(62:1220),
3892(66:1220), 3998(67:1620), 5232(86:1305), 5566(91:1555), 5681(93:1110),
6506(106:1055), 8126(132:1625)
>>>Reference to Members/Ministers by name, not in order, 30(2:1205),
141(3:1525), 164(3:1805), 211(4:1030-5), 362(6:1445), 395(6:1905),
453(7:1235), 514(8:1450), 537(8:1725), 651(11:1105), 719(12:1040),
1721(29:1305), 2147(36:1910), 2320(39:1340), 2500(42:1240), 3014(50:1200),
3724(62:1530), 4604(76:1615), 4788(79:1035), 5494(90:1955), 5643(92:1510),
6119(100:1845), 6993(113:1440), 7023(114:1420), 7059(114:1840),
7187(117:1125), 7415(120:1445), 7469(121:1605), 7501(122:1110),
7719(125:1640), 8649(142:1155), 8659(142:1310), 9236(152:1055)
>>>Reflecting on vote in House, not in order, 4838(79:1645), 8126(132:1625)
>>>>Taking under advisement, 4838(79:1645)
>>>Relevance to debate, 7(1:1535), 591(9:1520), 699-700(11:1650),
823(13:1805-10), 853(14:1320), 1282(22:1210), 1886(32:1210),
2214-5(37:1520-30), 2216(37:1540), 2321(39:1340), 3226(54:1145),
3274(54:1740), 3410(57:1300), 4629(77:1100), 4808(79:1325), 4831(79:1550),
5508(90:2155), 5959(98:1140), 7067(115:1030), 7156(116:1625), 7187(117:1130),
7229(117:1605), 7232(117:1630), 8476(139:1335-40), 8503(139:1630),
8505(139:1640), 9062(149:1320), 9103-4(149:1810), 9105(149:1825)
>>>>Debate, not point of order, 4831(79:1550), 5508(90:2200), 9105(149:1825)
>>>Speech or question and comment, 1997(34:1305), debate, not point of order,
>>Ministerial briefing, schedule, providing short notice, government members
briefed by Minister of Environment, opposition Members briefed by departmental
staff, uneven, unequal treatment, 1740-1(29:1510-20), meeting organized by
Minister of Environment, outside of control of Chair, 1741-2(29:1520)
>>Moment of silence, 1503(25:1200), 2370(40:1110), 8090(132:1210),
>>>Adopting without debate, by unanimous consent, 576-7(9:1355),
831(14:1030-5), 9237(152:1100)
>>>>Denied, 4540(75:1205-10), 5229(86:1245)
>>>Adoption/carried, requirements, 5023(82:1845)
>>>Concurrence under S.O. 56.1, withdrawn as more than 25 members rose to
object, 713(12:1000)
>>>Deemed adopted, 8040(131:1510)
>>>Notice, improperly placed under Routine Proceedings, placing under notice
of Private Members' Motions, 1871(32:1000)
>>>Reverting to, by unanimous consent, 1663(28:1545), 4596(76:1515)
>>>Speeches, number and time limits, putting question, deemed adopted, by
unanimous consent, 8039(131:1505)
>>Motions, leave to propose/move, 922(15:1220), 7539(122:1530),
8793(144:1705), 8794(144:1715)
>>>Agreed to, 8(1:1545), 577(9:1355), 590(9:1510), 852(14:1310),
1165(19:1725), 1238(21:1515), 1320(22:1645), 1475(24:1715), 1517(26:1105),
1638(27:1715), 1664(28:1545), 1913(32:1525), 1919(32:1610), 1975(34:1005-10),
2030(34:1700), 2060(35:1205), 2133(36:1715), 2257(38:1505), 2336(39:1510-5),
2384(40:1225), 2721(46:1505), 2764(47:1010), 2849(48:1520), 3219(54:1055),
3368(56:1600), 3527(59:1225), 3855(65:1045), 3875(65:1240), 3999(67:1620),
4044(68:1520), 4146(69:1500), 4217(71:1105), 4271(71:1630), 4386(72:1700),
4610(76:1710), 4719(78:1505), 4783(79:1005), 4827(79:1515), 4961(82:1105),
5006(82:1620), 5462(90:1600), 5525(91:1100), 6183(101:1725), 6307(103:1515),
6557(106:1710), 7111(115:1640), 7145(116:1520), 7165(116:1825), 7176(117:1010),
7178(117:1020), 7185(117:1115), 7668(125:1055), 7825(127:1520),
8039(131:1505), 8041(131:1520), 8071(132:1005), 8128(132:1635),
8523(140:1005), 8575(140:1635), 9080(149:1510), 9119(150:1135),
9196-7(151:1530-5), 9237(152:1100)
>>>Unanimous consent denied, 520(8:1520), 669(11:1330), 686(11:1510),
806(13:1555), 922(15:1225), 1923(32:1640), 2223(37:1640), 2264(38:1600),
2268(38:1620), 2380(40:1210), 2595(44:1035), 2853(48:1550), 3187(53:1530),
3851(65:1010), 4270(71:1630), 4421(73:1510-5), 4573(76:1245-50),
4595(76:1510), 6754(109:1710), 6771(110:1030), 7299(118:1225), 8793(144:1705),
8794(144:1715), 9193(151:1515)
>>>Not related to matter before House, taking up at later time,
>>Ontario provincial budget, proposed presentation outside legislature,
affront to Parliament, 4420-1(73:1505), not Chair's responsibility to make
decisions about procedures in Ontario Legislature, 4221(73:1510)
>>Oral Question Period
>>>Government planted questions, 1503(25:1200)
>>>Minister taking extra time to reply, limiting opportunity for Members to
ask questions, 2015(34:1505-10)
>>>One question and one answer, 4660(77:1440)
>>>Rotation order, restoring, 631(10:1155)
>>Oral questions
>>>Allotted time, expired, 2372(40:1125), 8495(139:1430), 8842(145:1420)
>>>>Proceeding to next question, 751(12:1445)
>>>Allowing Minister opportunity to reply, 6848(111:1430)
>>>Asked and replied to, moving to next question, 4365(72:1435)
>>>Asked of and replied to by political minister of province, precedent or
not, 5643(92:1510)
>>>Beyond scope of responsibility of department or minister, not in order,
915(15:1145), 2011(34:1440-5), 3745(63:1450), 5247(86:1440), 5983(98:1505),
6371(104:1130), 7214(117:1430), 7291(118:1145), 7624-5(124:1425),
8208(134:1430), 8268(135:1420), 8777(144:1435), 8975(147:1455),
9077(149:1450), 9142(150:1420)
>>>>Clarification of ruling, 919(15:1205), 3748(63:1505), 5259-60(86:1555),
5987(98:1505), 8214(134:1500), 9079-80(149:1500-5)
>>>Directing to ministry through Chair, Minister answering not Chair,
>>>Former minister of department responding, setting precedent to ask
questions of ministers about former portfolios, 4370(72:1505)
>>>Keeping questions and replies brief, 3010(50:1135)
>>>Member putting to Minister concerning responsibilities in previous
department/portfolio or capacity as political minister for province/region,
acceptability, 1357-8(23:1535-40), questions out of order, Chair requesting
Members be more judicious in choice of words in phrasing questions and to
respect rules and practices of House, 1491(25:1055)
>>>Minister giving conflicting replies, debate, not point of order,
>>>Minister inadvertently providing false information, 5178(85:1505), Member
using point of order to extend oral question period, other means available to
raise matter, 5178(85:1510)
>>>Minister may reply, 2554(43:1435)
>>>Minister/Parliamentary Secretary replying from prepared text, turning Oral
Question Period into press conference, Standing Order relating to speaking
without prepared notes not enforced, 5043(83:1550-5)
>>>Minister rejecting premise, 1913(32:1520), Member engaging in debate, not
point of order, 1913(32:1520)
>>>Minister releasing information day after denying for national security
reasons, not point of order, 4539(75:1200-5)
>>>No question asked, moving to next questioner, 8599(141:1435)
>>>Not in order, 2112(36:1445)
>>>>Clarification, Chair review, 2115(36:1500)
>>>Parliamentary Secretary/Minister providing misleading conflicting replies
to same question, 7580(123:1200-5), debate, not point of order, 7580(123:1205)
>>>Preamble, lengthy, Member putting question, 3246(54:1415), 4712(78:1430)
>>>Posing question, 7870(128:1130), 8319(136:1435), 8719(143:1130),
>>>Quality of answer, New Zealand Speaker has authority to judge, extending
to Speaker of Canadian House of Commons, 5042(83:1550)
>>>Reply, clarification/update, 798(13:1505), 1503(25:1200), 2116(36:1505),
2525-6(42:1545-50), 5762(94:1200), 5763(94:1210), 7951(130:1000),
>>>Reply, misleading, 7535(122:1500), opportunity to clarify/repose available,
>>>Supplementary, Member opportunity to ask, Chair error, correcting,
>>>Use of person's name, breach of rules, 5042(83:1545), case not before
courts, not point of order, 5042(83:1550)
>>Order Paper, omissions
>>>Corrected copy available at Table, 340(6:1215)
>>>Reprinting, 6843(111:1405)
>>Orders of the Day
>>>Ways and Means motion, consideration, designating, 634(10:1220),
4420(73:1505), 7030(114:1500), 8162(133:1205)
>>Orders of the Day, House proceeding to
>>>M. (Catterall), agreed to, on recorded division, 8609-10(141:1535-625)
>>>M. (Regan), agreed to, on recorded division, 5839-40(96:1005-45),
8250-1(135:1050-140), 8782(144:1500-40)
>>>M. (Reynolds), negatived, on recorded division, 1113-4(19:1030-1110)
>>>M. (Ritz), agreed to, on recorded division, 7181-2(117:1045-50)
>>>M. (Szabo), agreed to, on recorded division, 6750-1(109:1605-40)
>>>Motion not in order, attempting to bypass routine proceedings without just
cause, 5839(96:1035), matter should have been raised before question put to
House, proceeding with vote, 5839(96:1035)
>>Passports, constituent receiving passport not belonging to them, matter to
discuss with Minister, not point of order, 1951(33:1520)
>>Petitions, tabling/presenting
>>>Brief summary only, 520(8:1525), 7462(121:1520), 8326(136:1515)
>>>Fifteen minute limit, extending, by unanimous consent, 2599(44:1055)
>>>Member supporting/opposing statement
>>>>Member making, unanimous consent denied, 968(16:1525)
>>>>Not in order, 687(11:1520), 714(12:1005), 921(15:1220), 9197(151:1540)
>>>Member's remarks, correcting, 6038(99:1215)
>>>Not certified
>>>>Not in order, 2598(44:1050)
>>>>Presenting, by unanimous consent, 6095(100:1540), 7223(117:1520)
>>>>>Denied, 3653(61:1515), 7222(117:1515)
>>>Reverting to, by unanimous consent, 5948(98:1010), 7221-2(117:1515)
>>Points of order
>>>Asking question under guise, not point of order, 4685(77:1810)
>>>Chair hearing after scheduled recorded division, 8635(142:1005)
>>>Debate, 670(11:1335), 2640(44:1535), 6890(112:1115)
>>>Government House Leader conferring with Table Officers, 1983(34:1120)
>>>>Debate, not point of order, 1984(34:1120)
>>>Member reserving right to raise, 3015(50:1205)
>>>Member restricting remarks to procedural issues, 210(4:1020), 5071(84:1020)
>>>Not point of order, 323(5:1235), 669-700(11:1330-5), 2566(43:1545),
2640(44:1635), 2646(44:1620)
>>>Relevance, 1894(32:1320)
>>Postal privileges, abuse by Member, recovery of costs, 6858(111:1530-5)
>>Privacy Commissioner Office, expenditures, false report to Parliament,
government will attempt to verify 8115-6(132:1505-10), 8214-5(134:1505-40),
taking under advisement, 8215(134:1510)
>>Private Members' Business
>>>Consideration under S.O. 30, items, Chair designating, 4866(80:1200)
>>>Debate, allotted time, mover using 7 minutes remaining, by unanimous
consent, 8461(139:1150)
>>>Disposition, M. (Saada), agreed to, by unanimous consent, 7825(127:1520)
>>>Draw, postponing
>>>>Agreed to, by unanimous consent, 3527(59:1225)
>>>>Unanimous consent denied, 3525(59:1210)
>>>Items, exchanging/switching, by unanimous consent, 8826(145:1220)
>>>Member not present to move item, dropped to bottom of order of precedence
on Order Paper, 5418(89:1245)
>>>Member unable to move item, dropped to bottom of order of precedence on the
Order Paper, House continuing with other business before it, 1855(31:1635),
2278(38:1740), 2337(39:1515-20), 2479(42:1005),2641(44:1540), 2689(46:1100),
3875(65:1245), 5732(93:1730), 6184(101:1730), 6709(109:1105), 8017(130:1755),
9216(151:1810), 9253(152:1305)
>>>Mover, 5 minute question and comment period, 5019(82:1805)
>>>Mover speaking second time, closing debate, 7127(115:1850), 9222(151:1850)
>>>>Speaking on behalf of mover, by unanimous consent, 8139(132:1800)
>>>New provisional Standing Orders, first application, 4887(81:1105)
>>>Speeches, question and comment period, time limits, etc., 4887(81:1105)
>>>Votable items, 3748(63:1505)
>>Private Members' Hour
>>>Additional time, scheduling, 4866(80:1200)
>>>Cancelling/deferring to a future sitting, 4704(77:1920), 4778(78:1925),
>>>Concluding time, 6992(113:1425)
>>>Expired, by unanimous consent, 3456-7(57:1855-900)
>>>Proceeding to, 2403(41:1105), 2867(48:1755), 3839(64:1700), 3875(65:1240),
4209(70:1325), 7301(118:1240), 7589(123:1315), 7883(128:1255)
>>Private Members' Motions
>>>Adopting, by unanimous consent, 8066(131:1845)
>>>Adopting, without debate, unanimous consent denied, 669-70(11:1330-5)
>>>>Liberal members denying, 670(11:1335)
>>>Amdt., in order, 3323(55:1405), 4892(81:1140), 5739(93:1820)
>>>Amdt., mover approval requirement, 3323(55:1405), 4891-2(81:1140),
5739(93:1820), 8176(133:1350)
>>>Making votable item, unanimous consent denied, 1379(23:1800-5),
1510(25:1250), 1512(25:1305), 1972(33:1810), 3187(53:1530), 3285-6(54:1900),
3494-5(58:1805), 4172(69:1825), 4405(72:1905)
>>>Mover, right of reply, speaking second time, five minutes, 1643(27:1750),
>>>Non-votable item, dropped from Order Paper, after debate, 1385(23:1850),
1483(24:1825), 1516(25:1340), 1643(27:1750), 1972(33:1815), 2239(37:1835),
3286(54:1900), 3500(58:1850), 4173(69:1825), 4215(70:1410), 4405(72:1910)
>>>Seconder, adding names, by unanimous consent, 5661(92:1730), 5664(92:1750),
>>>Votable item, dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper,
after debate, 1525(26:1210), 2991(49:1830),
4557(75:1425), 4895(81:1205),
5136(84:1825), 5389(88:1830), 5426(90:1205), 5669(92:1825), 5740(93:1825),
5906(96:1935), 6062(100:1205), 6401(104:1430), 6411(105:1205), 6949(112:1905),
7596(123:1415), 7734(125:1855), 9007(147:1915)
>>>Withdrawal, agreed to, by unanimous consent, 1358(23:1545), 1743(29:1530),
5363(88:1505), 7431-2(120:1635)
>>Private Members' Motions for Production of Papers
>>>Called and agreed to, tabled, 3189(53:1540), 4426(73:1530), 6251(102:1520),
6862-3(111:1550), 7463-4(121:1525)
>>>Called and transferred for debate, 7756(126:1540), 9201(151:1550)
>>>Called and withdrawal requested, 62519102:1520-5)
>>>Called, withdrawal requested and transferred for debate, 2854(48:1555),
3190(53:1540), 3751(63:1515), 4426(73:1530), 5044(83:1600), 5647(92:1530),
5921(97:1520), 6612(107:1530), 6863(111:1550), 7149(116:1535-40),
7464(121:1525), 8906(146:1540)
>>Privilege questions
>>>Member keeping remarks succinct and relevant to alleged breach of privilege,
1818-9(31:1235-40), 2300(39:1110), 2563(43:1525), 3474(58:1530)
>>>Member making future submission, Chair granting opportunity, 2259(38:1525)
>>>Member reserving right to raise, 2638-9(44:1520-5), 3601(60:1200),
4826(79:1515), 6325-6(103:1505), 8728-9(143:1220)
>>Question and comment period, allotted time, 2066(35:1250),
6754-5(109:1715-20), 8539(140:1210)
>>>Allowing brief question and brief reply, 483(7:1550), 3053(51:1320),
3229(54:1215), 3234(54:1255), 6625(107:1710)
>>>Allowing Member opportunity to ask, 7522(122:1350)
>>>Allowing Member opportunity to reply/complete reply, 216(4:1105),
617(10:1035), 707(11:1750), 974(16:1610), 997(17:1035), 2186(37:1205),
2230(37:1735), 2577(43:1710), 2586(43:1800), 3657(61:1540), 3761(63:1625),
3923(66:1605), 4624(77:1025), 4635(77:1150), 4681(77:1720), 5349(88:1345),
7394(120:1210), 7665(125:1040), 7670(125:1110), 7718(125:1635),
8008(130:1640), 8255(135:1210), 8953(147:1230), 8962(147:1345)
>>>Chair dividing equally, 8468(139:1240)
>>>Chair passing over, 7609(124:1240)
>>>>Error, Chair apologizing, 7728(125:1810)
>>>>No member rose to be recognized, continuing with debate, 7609(124:1240)
>>>>Previous speaker not in House, continuing with debate, 8849-50(145:1500)
>>>Dividing remaining two minutes between question and reply, 987(16:1750),
>>>Expired, 14(1:1625), 102(2:2105),
227(4:1230), 436(7:1025), 441(7:1055),
595(9:1550), 734(12:1250), 742(12:1355), 847(14:1235), 1393(23:1950),
1402(23:2055), 1413(23:2220), 1590(27:1115), 1993(34:1235), 2158(36:2045),
3225(54:1140), 3660(61:1555), 3899(66:1320), 4054(68:1630), 4571(76:1235),
4633(77:1130), 4872(80:1220), 5113(84:1520), 6058(100:1125), 7729(125:1815),
8131(132:1705), 8823(145:1200)
>>>>Member asking brief question, 440(7:1055)
>>>>Member making brief final comment, 91(2:1925), 263(4:1630), 438(7:1040),
1011(17:1220), 1410(23:2200), 1999(34:1325), 2576(43:1700), 2584(43:1800),
2608(44:1200), 3657(61:1540), 4057(68:1645), 5114(84:1535), 8096(132:1255),
>>>>By unanimous consent, 741(12:1340), 3538(59:1355), 4055(68:1630),
5165(85:1355), 6896(112:1155)
>>>>>Denied, 85(2:1845), 887(14:1705), 1369(23:1655), 1385(23:1915),
2094(36:1245), 2173(37:1030-5), 2416-7(41:1245), 7500(122:1105)
>>>>>House Order prohibiting, not in order, 1413(23:2220)
>>>Extending, unlimited time, 6898-9(112:1210-5), "blues" indicate extending
for few minutes only, 6899(112:1215-25)
>>>First three speakers, not in order 2843(42:1035), 3434(57:1555)
>>>First two speakers, not in order, 1669(28:1620)
>>>Keeping questions/comments/replies brief, allowing others to participate,
149(3:1615), 225(4:1210), 236(4:1340), 273(4:1745), 482(7:1545), 822(13:1810),
888(14:1720), 945(16:1300), 1386(23:1900), 1401(23:2045), 4575(76:1305),
5193(85:1640), 5276(86:1805), 7516(122:1305), 7544(122:1615), 8682(142:1535),
>>>Member not answering question, 2094(36:1245), 4050(68:1555)
>>>Member rotation, error, adjusting, 2094(36:1240)
>>>Not proceeding with, unanimous consent denied, 1376-7(23:1750)
>>Question and comment period, allowing other Members opportunity to
participate 4472(74:1245)
>>Question and comment period, emergency debate under S.O. 52, not in order,
Chair allowing reply as question already asked, 6467(105:1825)
>>Question and comment period, Member reading prepared speech, not making
brief comment or asking short question, 143(3:1615)
>>Question and comment period, requesting
>>>5 minute time limit, agreed to, 5487(90:1900)
>>>Private Members' Business, non-votable item, not in order, 8924(146:1825)
>>>Unanimous consent denied, 1855(31:1635-40), 2483(42:1035), 2489(42:1115),
2693(46:1135), 3104(52:1030), 5486(90:1900), 9305(153:1040)
>>Question be put, unanimous consent denied, 8737(143:1325)
>>Question be now put (previous question)
>>>Aboriginal Affairs, Northern Development and Natural Resources Standing
Committee, in camera meeting, time allocation motion on floor, government
member moving previous question, Committee Chair ruling out of order, ruling
successfully appealed, requesting Speaker reverse decision to proceed with
previous question motion, 5069-71(84:0955-1020), taking under advisement,
5072(84:1030), Chair cannot corroborate allegations as no access to transcript
of in camera meeting, from available evidence proper procedures followed,
Chair suggesting that question of appeal of committee chair rulings be
referred to Modernization Committee, no need for Chair to intervene in affairs
>>>Debate/question and comment period, 8143(133:1000)
of Committee, 5186-8(85:1705-20)
>>>M. (Bélanger), in order, 6719(109:1230)
>>>M. (Boudria), 8143(133:1000)
>>>M. (Carroll), in order, 5054(83:1720)
>>>M. (Jennings), in order, 4985(81:1205)
>>>M. (Regan), in order, 6501(106:1010), agreed to, on recorded division,
>>>>See also Budget Implementation Act, 2002 (Bill C-28)--Third reading
>>>M. (Regan), unanimous consent denied, debate on motion
continuing, 810(13:1620-5)
>>>M. (Szabo), in order, 5045(83:1600-10)
>>Question deemed put, agreed to, on division, unanimous consent denied,
>>Question deemed put, recorded division deemed demanded and deferred,
642(10:1315-20), 649(10:1415), 896(14:1815), 1171(19:1815), 1261(21:1815),
1638(27:1710), 3277(54:1800), 3386(56:1815), 4448(73:1810), 4519(74:1850),
5023(82:1845), 6465(105:1810), 6636(107:1840), 6699(108:1715), 7445(120:1900),
7552(122:1710), 7848(127:1820), 7855(127:1915), 7888(128:1330),
8134(132:1725), 8139(132:1805), 8180(133:1415), 8352(136:1905)
>>>M. (Anders), unanimous consent denied, 4680(77:1710)
>>>M. (Bigras), agreed to, 3875(65:1240)
>>>M. (Boudria), agreed to, 4146(69:1500), 7877(128:1210), 8071(132:1005)
>>>M. (Calder), agreed to, 6660(108:1245)
>>>M. (Carroll), agreed to, 3368(56:1600)
>>>M. (Catterall), agreed to, 1581(27:1010-5), 7537(122:1515)
>>>M. (DeVillers), agreed to, 6447(105:1545-50)
>>>M. (Godin), agreed to, 6633(107:1815)
>>>M. (Hearn), 1244(21:1555)
>>>M. (Hilstrom), agreed to, 4681(77:1720)
>>>M. (Johnston), agreed to, 3219(54:1055), 5086-7(84:1225)
>>>M. (Macklin), agreed to, 8338(136:1645)
>>>M. (Redman), agreed to, 852(14:1310)
>>>M. (Regan), agreed to, 4509(74:1700)
>>>M. (Ritz), agreed to, 1165(19:1725), 4961(82:1105)
>>>M. (Saada), agreed to, 7825(127:1520)
>>>M. (Szabo), agreed to, 8128(132:1635), 8170(133:1305)
>>>M. (Tonks), agreed to, 4447(73:1805)
>>Questions on the Order Paper
>>>Delay/failure to reply, departmental explanation to committee not Member,
6856-8(111:1520-30), Member received reply, may not be satisfied, options
available to correct, 6857-8(111:1530)
>>>Delay in answering, 1954(33:1540), 3072-3(51:1530)
>>>Failure of Minister to respond within 45 day limit, referral to Standing
Committee to review under S.O. 39(5), 2735(46:1530), 4596(76:1515),
6097(100:1545), 6282(103:1005), 6442(105:1515), 7352(119:1540)
>>>Incorrect/incomplete reply, Chair cannot judge quality of replies, Member
free to resubmit question, 4721-2(78:1510)
>>>Journals Branch, ruling portions out of order, Chair reinstating certain
portions, not all, 2564-5(43:1535-40)
>>>Making Order for Return, by unanimous consent, 1360(23:1550),
1561(26:1520), 2266(38:1605), 2383(40:1220), 2436(41:1515), 2600(44:1100),
2734(46:1525), 3017(50:1215), 3072(51:1530), 3101(52:1010), 3189(53:1540),
3310(55:1225), 3481(58:1615), 3602(60:1210), 4260(71:1515), 4426(73:1525),
4541(75:1210), 4595(76:1515), 4622(77:1010), 4721(78:1510), 4784(79:1010),
4869(80:1205), 4924(81:1510), 5182(85:1520), 5413(89:1205), 5647(92:1530),
6096(100:1545), 6281(103:1005), 6381(104:1205), 6442(105:1510),
6500(106:1010), 6862(111:1550), 7351(119:1540), 7378(120:1010),
7463(121:1525), 8642(142:1100)
>>>Number, amount of detail requested, failure to provide answers with 45
days, authority of Clerk to reject excessive demands, 2722-3(46:1505-20),
taking under advisement, 2723(46:1520), not possible for House staff to form
any accurate assessment of resources necessary to prepare reply nor can they
be charged with assessing the merits of the question, Chair cannot assess
quality of replies however government must respond with 45 days or matter will
be referred to standing committee for review, 3254-5(54:1505-15)
>>>Replies, insufficient, not providing full answer within 45 day limit,
2848-9(48:1515), taking under advisement, 2849(48:1515), no provision in
Standing Orders for Chair to review content of responses, 3256(54:1515)
>>>Starred Question, printing in Hansard as if read, by unanimous
consent, 7352(119:1540)
>>Questions, putting, scheduling, M. (Boudria), agreed to, by unanimous
consent, 2257(38:1505)
>>Quorum, call for, 384(6:1740), 1629(27:1600), 1851(31:1610), 1859(31:1720),
1878(32:1100), 1885(32:1200), 1894(32:1320), 1929(32:1730), 1963(33:1655),
2501(42:1250), 2750(46:1725), 2778(47:1155), 2809(47:1550), 2856(48:1615),
3195(53:1625), 3605(60:1225), 3610(60:1305), 3694(62:1155), 3697(62:1220),
4115(69:1120), 4955(82:1020), 5230(86:1250), 5273(86:1740), 5532(91:1155),
5570(91:1630), 8658(142:1305), 8988(147:1640), 9052(149:1205), 9062(149:1315),
9133(150:1325), 9281(152:1630), 9283(152:1640)
>>>Present, 384(6:1740), 1629(27:1605), 1851(31:1610), 1860(31:1720),
1878(32:1105), 1885(32:1200), 1894(32:1320), 1929(32:1730), 1964(33:1700),
2501(42:1250), 2750(46:1725), 2778(47:1155), 2809(47:1550), 2856(48:1615),
3195(53:1630), 3605(60:1225), 3610(60:1305), 3694(62:1155), 3697(62:1220),
4115(69:1125), 4955(82:1020), 5230(86:1250), 5273(86:1740), 5532(91:1200),
5570(91:1635), 8659(142:1305), 8988(147:1645), 9052(149:1205), 9062(149:1315),
9133(150:1325), 9281(152:1630), 8293(152:1645)
>>>Unnecessary, 5533(91:1205)
>>>>Debate, not point of order, 5533(91:1205)
>>Reports, presenting/tabling, committee referral, correcting, 2861(48:1650)
>>Routine Proceedings, reverting to, by unanimous consent, 4424(74:1505)
>>Simultaneous translation/interpretation system, not working,
799-800(13:1510), 1576(26:1710)
>>Sittings of the House, adjournment
>>>April 4, 2003 (Bloc Québécois convention), M. (Boudria), agreed to,
>>>May 30, 2003, M. (Boudria), agreed to, 5884(96:1635)
>>Sittings of the House, extending beyond normal hour of adjournment
>>>M. (Boudria), agreed to, 2060(35:1205)
>>>M. (Saada), deemed adopted as less than 15 Members rose to object,
>>>Member may not move motion as point of order or during question and comment
period following a speech, 1106-7(18:1820-5)
>>>Procedures, M. (Reynolds), agreed to, 2132-3(36:1715)
>>>Unanimous consent denied, 1107(18:1825), 1923(32:1640), 1962(33:1640),
>>Sittings of the House, suspending, 4455(73:1025), 4844(79:1745),
6868(111:1630), 7282(118:1050), 7894(129:1135), 8343-4(136:1720)
>>>By unanimous consent, 4453(73:1000), 5141(84:1910), 8057(131:1710)
>>Speakers' Chambers
>>>Reception, invitation, 2635(44:1500), 2640(44:1535)
>>>Length, exceeding Fidel Castro record, 1894(32:1320), not point of order,
>>>Member reading prepared text, Chair discouraging, 772(12:1710)
>>>Rotation order, adjusting, 198(3:2255), 1095(18:1700), 6687(108:1540),
8182(134:1115), 8957(147:1300), 9283(152:1645)
>>Speeches, allotted time, 1679(28:1735), 6065(100:1225), 6474(105:1920-5),
6792(110:1355), 6990(113:1415)
>>>5 minutes each for last two members, by unanimous consent, 4518(74:1835)
>>>10 minutes, no question and comment period, 611(9:1820), 3664(61:1635),
3794(64:1145), 4872(80:1220), 4880(80:1320), 6515(106:1210), 7796(127:1210),
>>>20 minutes, with 10 minute question and comment period, 656(11:1140),
706(11:1740), 727(12:1150), 934(16:1140), 1981(34:1100), 2223(37:1640),
2700(46:1240), 2939(49:1140), 3440(57:1645), 5570(91:1635), 6621(107:1640),
>>>40 minutes for first three speakers, Member has insufficient time to
complete remarks, exchanging places with next speaker, taking 40 minute
entitlement next day, by unanimous consent, 5014(82:1720)
>>>>Denied, 5014(82:1720)
>>>Allowing Member to complete remarks, by unanimous consent, 3191(53:1555)
>>>Expired, 154(3:1645), 289(4:1950), 608(9:1740), 893(14:1755),
1998(34:1315), 2084(36:1125), 2270(38:1635), 2823(47:1745), 3281(54:1825),
3933(66:1725), 3971(67:1325), 4056(68:1640), 4505(74:1625), 4543(75:1225),
4671(77:1600), 6060(100:1140), 8020(130:1825), 8039-40(131:1510),
>>>Expiring, 124(2350)
>>>Extending, by unanimous consent, 5156(85:1245), 6874(111:1730)
>>>>Denied, 371(6:1545), 764(12:1605-10), 937(16:1155-200), 4842(79:1725-30),
6822(110:1720), 6824(110:1740), 8190(134:1220), 8192(134:1230)
>>>Extending to allow Member opportunity to use full allotted time, unanimous
consent denied, 1681(28:1750)
>>>Extending to allow Member to complete remarks, by unanimous consent,
3277(54:1755), 4108(69:1030), 4114(69:1110-5), 4119-20(69:1150-200),
4331(72:1030), 4338(72:1115-20), 4343(72:1155), 4347(72:1230-5),
4349(72:1250), 4352(72:1310), 4353(72:1315-20), 4356(72:1340), 5005(82:1615),
>>>>Denied, 545(8:1825), 4338(72:1115), 4935(81:1630), 5155(85:1240-5),
>>>Extending, unanimous consent requirement, 4334(72:1050)
>>>First three speakers
>>>>20 minutes with 10 minutes question and comment period, 7605(124:1200-5)
>>>>Unlimited, 9015-6(148:1035)
>>>Government member speaking second, preserving right of second and third
speakers 40 minute entitlement, by unanimous consent, 3855(65:1040-5)
>>>M. (Regan), agreed to, 7157(116:1640)
>>>Splitting between Members of two different parties, 427(6:2320)
>>>>By unanimous consent, 535(8:1715)
>>>Splitting with Member from same party, 375(6:1615), 398(6:1925),
3235(54:1300), 4470(74:1225), 4606(76:1635), 5673(93:1005), 7379(120:1010)
>>>>20 minute speeches, provision lacking, not in order, 8526-7(140:1030)
>>>>Informing Chair prior to speaking/time expired, 709(11:1805),
934(16:1140), 1995(34:1250), 2223(37:1640), 8091(132:1220)
>>>>Unanimous consent denied, 7155(116:1620), 8527(140:1030)
>>>Splitting with up to three Members, M. (Reynolds), agreed to, 2418(41:1335)
>>>Time remaining, 9104(149:1815)
>>Spending authority, violation of procedures, heating fuel rebate, ex gratia
payments, not listed in appropriations on annual basis, no legislative
approval, 6906-8(112:1325-35), 7142-3(116:1505),
taking under advisement,
6908(112:1340), 7143(116:1505), ex gratia
payments do not require specific
parliamentary authority, in order, Chair concerned about adequacy of
information provided to Parliament, suggesting Estimates Committee review
methods, 7220-1(117:1505-10)
>>Statements by Members under S.O. 31
>>>Personal attacks, not in order, 5101(84:1410)
>>>Proceeding to, 7282(118:1050)
>>Statements by Ministers
>>>Embargoed statement, Keddy releasing early, allegation, 3869(65:1200),
4106-8(69:1015-25), matter for House Leaders to resolve, 4108(69:1025)
>>>Government House Leader providing advance notice to media, prior to giving
notice in House or to other House leaders, showing lack of respect to House
and Members, 318-9(5:1200-10), taking under advisement, 319-20(5:1215)
>>>Members replying
>>>>Additional Members speaking, by unanimous consent, 4954(82:1015)
>>>>Additional Members, three minutes for each party, unanimous consent
denied, 6886(112:1045)
>>>>Government Members commenting, unanimous consent denied, 6886(112:1045)
>>>>Time limits, equal to time taken to make statement, 1953-4(33:1535-40),
>>>Minister presenting statement prior to tabling documents, not in order,
>>>Minister providing advance copy of statement to opposition parties,
opposition spokesperson giving interviews to media in connection with
document, violation of confidentiality convention, 3211-2(54:1005-10),
>>>National Defence Minister making policy statement at Toronto Board of Trade
meeting, violation of Modernization and Improvement of Procedure of House of
Commons Special Committee recommendations, 918-9(15:1200), Chair cannot compel
Minister of make statement in House, not point of order, 919(15:1205)
>>>Natural Resources Minister making statement re softwood lumber outside of
House, contempt of Members and Parliament, requesting Chair admonish,
477-8(7:1500-10), not within authority of Chair to compel Ministers to make
statements on policy in House, 478(7:1510-5)
>>>Prime Minister statement on foreign policy change, announcing during school
visit, questions in House posed to Deputy Prime Minister, answered by
Parliamentary Secretary to Foreign Affairs Minister, disrespecting dignity of
House, 633-4(10:1210-5), Chair cannot compel minister to reply, 634(10:1215)
>>>Prime Minister statement on health care accord, requesting, 3218(54:1050)
>>>Prime Minister statement on Canada participation in war with Iraq, making
during Oral Question Period, 4252(71:1500), not unusual occurrence, not point
of order, 4253(71:1505)
>>>Question, requesting unanimous consent to ask, denied, 3476(58:1545)
>>>Responses, time not exceeding statement, 3871(65:1215)
>>>Reverting to, by unanimous consent, 80889132:1155)
>>Supply bills
>>>Distribution, by unanimous consent, 2303(39:1130), 4621(77:1005),
7176(117:1005), 8811(145:1010)
>>>Usual form, confirmation, 2359(39:1740), 4693(77:1850), 4698(77:1905),
7272(117:2040), 8879(145:1815)
>>Supply days/opposition days
>>>Designating, 4217(71:1105), 5004(82:1605), 5566(91:1555), 6557(106:1710),
7299(118:1225), 7377(120:1005)
>>>>Undesignating, 5263(86:1620)
>>>Distribution, opposition parties deciding, 5004(82:1605)
>>>Number, allotted for period, 8(1:1545)
>>>>M. (Boudria), agreed to, by unanimous consent, 590(9:1505-10)
>>Supply motions
>>>>In order, 2306(39:1155), 3228(54:1205), 3294(55:1055), 4476(74:1310),
4603(76:1605), 7401(120:1310)
>>>>Mover of motion proposing, unanimous consent denied, 1582(27:1025)
>>>>Relevance, in order, 1012(17:1235)
>>>>Taking under advisement, 7400(120:1300)
>>>Chair informing House of text of motion, availability of copies,
votable/non-votable, etc., 798(13:1505), 929(16:1105), 1175(20:1010),
1263-4(22:1005-10), 1517(26:1105), 2256(38:1505), 3184(53:1500-5),
3287(55:1005), 3471(58:1510), 3851(65:1005), 4420(73:1505), 4559(76:1100),
5036(83:1505), 5643(92:1510), 5918(97:1505), 6256(102:1550), 6357(104:1005),
6608-9(107:1505), 7143(116:1510), 7305(119:1105), 7460(121:1505),
7597(124:1105), 7889(129:1105), 8039(131:1505), 8604(141:1505), 8747(144:1105)
>>>Distinct parts, voting on separately, unanimous consent denied,
4607(76:1640), 5117(84:1555-600)
>>>Identical to recommendation in Standing Committee report, concurrence of
which was moved earlier, motions cannot anticipate a matter standing on Order
Paper for further discussion, 1147-9(19:1505-20), opposition has right to move
whatever motion it chooses on an opposition day, motion in order,
>>>Making votable item, unanimous consent denied, 1365(23:1615-20),
5953(98:1050), 6296(103:1145)
>>>Notice of motion, withdrawn, 1147(19:1500)
>>>Precedence over other government business on designated day,
>>>Question disposing of motion, scheduling, M. (Regan), agreed to,
>>>Two motions on Notice Paper, Chair selecting one, 1081(18:1525), Chair to
decide which takes precedence, 1082(18:1525), House practice to have never
prevented consideration of more than one motion on an allotted day, procedural
requirements of S.O. 81(14)(a) have been met, 1263(22:1005)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply
>>>Amdt., in order, 22(2:1055)
>>>Amdt. to amdt.
>>>>In order, 29(2:1155)
>>>>Taking under advisement, 219(4:1135), in order, 220(4:1140)
>>Time allocation motion
>>>30 minute question period, 5840(96:1045)
>>>Question and comments, time limits, 9114(150:1020), 9117(150:1040)
>>Tributes, scheduling, M. (Boudria), agreed to, 5178(85:1505), 9237(152:1100)
>>>Clarification, 5178(85:1510)
>>>Reply, by unanimous consent, 9276(152:1540)
>>Vote, result contradicting previously passed motion, overturning, vote held,
matter decided, 2525-6(42:1545-50)
>>Votes, value and validity, unanimous vote of House calling on government to
withdraw proposed amendments to disability tax credit, Minister of
Finance/Finance Department ignoring, contemptuous of House proceedings,
1910-1(32:1505-10), motion calls on government to take certain course of
action, insufficient time passed to allow government to formulate response,
letting matter rest, 1911-2(32:1505-10)
>>Ways and Means motions
>>>Deemed put, recorded division demanded and deferred, agreed to,
>>>>Denied, 4609(76:1655)
>>>Disposing of, scheduling, M. (Boudria), agreed to, 7176(117:1010)