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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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37th Parliament, 2nd Session   (September 30, 2002 - November 12, 2003)  Latest Session
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Bachand, André (PC--Richmond--Arthabaska)

    >>Acadian Day, 7183(117:1100)
    >>Air transportation security, o.q., 1231(21:1430-5)
    >>Asbestos, 8177(133:1355)
    >>Asbestos mining industry, 8588(140:1845-50)
    >>>o.q., 2802(47:1500)
    >>>S.O. 31, 2203(37:1415)
    >>Assisted human reproduction, 2775-6(47:1130-40)
    >>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-13), 2775-6(47:1130-40)
    >>Assisted Human Reproduction Agency of Canada, 2775(47:1130)
    >>Automobiles/motor vehicles, 8176(133:1350)
    >>Border, Canadian, 5669(92:1830), 5670(92:1835)
    >>>o.q., 4366(72:1445)
    >>Canada Labour Code (amdt.)(Bill C-328), 8588-9(140:1845-50)
    >>Census, 9253-4(152:1305-10)
    >>Contaminated sites, 8177(133:1350-5)
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--hate propaganda)(Bill C-250), 7170-2(116:1900-5)
    >>Democracy, S.O. 31, 746(12:1410)
    >>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, 9328-30(153:1320-30)
    >>>o.q., 8158(133:1140)
    >>Environment, 8176(133:1350)
    >>Environmental contaminants, M. (Masse), 8176-7(133:1350-5)
    >>Family, 2776(47:1135-40)
    >>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 8176(133:1350)
    >>Gasoline taxes, 9176(133:1350)
    >>Goods and Services Tax (GST), o.q., 1619(27:1445)
    >>Government contracts, S.O. 31, 6794(110:1405)
    >>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), o.q., 869(14:1500)
    >>Hate propaganda, 7170-2(116:1900-5)
    >>Highways and roads, 5669-70(92:1830-5)
    >>Income tax, o.q., 5032-3(83:1445), 5107(84:1445)
    >>Iraq, o.q., 4715(78:1445)
    >>Labour disputes, strikes, lockouts, 8588-9(140:1845-50)
    >>Liberal Party, o.q., 7213(117:1425)
    >>Marriage, M. on supply (Harper), 7429(120:1620)
    >>Musée Laurier, o.q., 8158(133:1140)
    >>National Acadian Day Act (Bill S-5), 7183(117:1100)
    >>National Fight Against Homophobia Day, S.O. 31, 6845-6(111:1415)
    >>Patent Act and Food and Drugs Act (amdt.)(Bill C-56), 9328-30(153:1320-30)
    >>Quebec, S.O. 31, 8204(134:1410)
    >>Quebec, M. (Rocheleau), 7731-3(125:1830-40)
    >>Statistics Act (amdt.)(Bill S-13), 9253-4(152:1305-10)
    >>Sustainable development, 8177(133:1350)
    >>Technology Partnerships Canada (TPC), qu., 4541(75:1210)

Bachand, Claude (BQ--Saint-Jean)

Badger, NL see Floods

Badger River see Floods--Badger, NL

Bagnell, Larry (Lib.--Yukon)

Bagri, Ajaib Singh see Air India

Baie-Trinité, QC

    >>Shellfish plant workers, Employment insurance, ineligible, temporary income support program, need, o.q., 7099(115:1500)

Bail (interim release)

    >>Murder cases, petitions, 2381(40:1215)
    >>Repeat offenders, not granting, 7941(129:1745)
    >>Violent crime, bail not permitted, 1084(18:1540)
    >>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--bail for those charged with violent offences)(Bill C-279); Murder

Bailey, Roy (CA--Souris--Moose Mountain)

Baillargeon, Pascale see Teachers--Prime Minister's Award for Teaching Excellence

Baker, Bill see Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program)--Chief Executive Officer

Baker, Brian see Medal of Bravery

Bakopanos, Eleni (Lib.--Ahuntsic; Assistant Deputy Chairman of Committees of the Whole House)

Bali see Terrorism

Balkans Civilian Development Project see World University Service of Canada (WUSC)

Ballard fuel cell

    >>European cities using buses with Ballard fuel cells, 4240(71:1350)
    >>Hydrogen role, nuclear energy, relationship, 569(9:1255)

Bamfield, BC see Telecommunication industry--Trans-Pacific cable

Banana trees see Human cloning

Banff, AB see Trans-Canada Highway--Twinning, Federal funding


Bank Act (amdt.--bank mergers)--Bill C-394)--Nystrom

    >>First reading, 3511-2(59:1630)
    >>See also Banks and financial institutions--Mergers, Restricting

Bank Act and Statistics Act (amdt.--equity in community reinvestment)(Bill C-229)--Ménard

    >>First reading, 635(10:1220)
    >>Second reading, 1759-66(29:1730-825)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 1766(29:1825)
    >>See also Banks and financial institutions--Community reinvestment

Bank of Canada

    >>Dodge, David, Governor see Virginia Fontaine Addictions Foundation

Bank of Montreal

    >>Charitable donations, S.O. 31, 5861(96:1400)
    >>See also Banks and financial institutions--Mergers

Bank of Nova Scotia see Banks and financial institutions--Mergers

Bank rate see Credit cards--Interest rates


    >>Students, ten year rule, discrimination, 442(7:1100), 2382(40:1220)
    >>>See also Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (amdt.--student loan)(Bill C-329)
    >>>Employment insurance, extending to unpaid wages, 8415(137:1735), 8416(137:1740)
    >>>First claim on assets, 831(14:1025)
    >>>>See also Bankruptcy--Wages and pensions; Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (amdt.--unpaid wages to rank first in priority in distribution)(Bill C-253)
    >>Wages and pensions, first claim on assets, M. (Desjarlais), 6941-9(112:1805-905), 8415-20(137:1730-810), negatived, on recorded division, 8885-6(145:1855-905)
    >>>Dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence on Order Paper, 6949(112:1905)
    >>See also Air Canada; Canada 3000 Inc.; Mining industry--Contaminated sites; Grain industry--Naber Seed & Grain; Occupational health and safety--Corporate accountability; Ottawa Senators; Student loans--Canada Student Loan Program, Interest relief

Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (amdt.--student loan)(Bill C-329)--Davies

    >>First reading, 2382(40:1220)
    >>See also Bankruptcy--Students

Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (amdt.--unpaid wages to rank first in priority in distribution)(Bill C-253)--Martin, Pat

    >>First reading, 831(14:1025)
    >>See also Bankruptcy--Wages

Banks, Tim see Government contracts--Confederation Arts Centre

Banks and financial institutions

    >>Bank accounts, providing on request, minimum requirements, banks' discretion, etc., 1759(29:1730)
    >>>Low income, welfare, customers, refusal, 5420- 1(90:1110-5), 5426(90:1155-200)
    >>>>Association coopérative d'économie familiale, report, 5423(90:1135), 5426(90:1155)
    >>>o.q., 4144(69:1450)
    >>Branch closures, 1759(29:1735), 1762(29:1755-800), 6893(112:1130), 6896(112:1155), 6901(112:1240), 6902-3(112:1250-300), 6909(112:1340-5)
    >>>Government response, o.q., 4821(79:1445)
    >>Community reinvestment, providing credit to consumers, mortgages, small business, etc., 635(10:1220), 1759-66(29:1730-820)
    >>>See also Bank Act and Statistics Act (amdt.--equity in community reinvestment)(Bill C-229)
    >>Consumer protection, legislation, o.q., 4821(79:1445)
    >>Employment Equity Act, impact, 1766(29:1820)
    >>Fringe banks, disadvantaged neighbourhoods, establishing in, 5420(90:1110), 5423(90:1135)
    >>Interest rates, exorbitant, low income earners impact, o.q., 8778(144:1440)
    >>International competitiveness, 6893-4(112:1135), 6895(112:1145), 6897(112:1200), 6902(112:1245), 6910(112:1350)
    >>Internet banking, effects, 1763(29:1800)
    >>>Bank of Montreal and Bank of Nova Scotia, Finance Minister Manley/Prime Minister Chrétien positions, etc., o.q., 1032(17:1445), 1144(19:1445), 1145-6(19:1455)
    >>>Economic consequences of not allowing, government analysis, qu., 5818(95:1615)
    >>>Finance Standing Committee study, report, recommendations, etc., 6892-8(112:1125-205), 6899(112:1215), 6900-3(112:1230-300), 6905-6(112:1315-20), 6908-11(112:1340-55)
    >>>>Finance Minister Manley response, o.q., 5410(89:1145-50)
    >>>>Government response, o.q., 4822(79:1445-50), 4823(79:1455), 4861(80:1135)
    >>>>See also Finance Standing Committee--Reports, Third
    >>>Government policy, Paul Martin position, relationship, o.q., 9073-4(149:1430)
    >>>>Consumers, communities, small and medium business, etc., considering, 6052(99:1350), 6053(99:1355)
    >>>>Disadvantaged urban communities, etc., o.q., 4861(80:1135)
    >>>Lobbying, 1763(29:1800)
    >>>Manley, Finance Minister, position, o.q., 2679(45:1120-5)
    >>>Parliamentary committee review, requiring, o.q., 3179-80(53:1440)
    >>>Public consultations, requiring, o.q., 3180(53:1440)
    >>>Restricting, requiring Parliamentary approval, 4511(59:1030)
    >>>>See also Bank Act (amdt.--mergers)(Bill C-394)
    >>>Senate Banking, Trade and Commerce Standing Committee study, Finance Minister Manley appearing, o.q., 1653(28:1430-5)
    >>Profits, 1764(29:1805)
    >>Service charges, 6893(112:1130), 6895(112:1140), 6901(112:1240)
    >>Small and medium business
    >>>Access to capital, credit, providing, 6892-3(112:1130), 6895(112:1140), 6901(112:1240), 6910(112:1345)
    >>>See also Banks and financial institutions--Community reinvestment--Mergers, Impact
    >>See also Automated teller machines (ATMs); Bank of Montreal; Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC); Capital tax--Special capital tax; Credit unions and caisses populaires; Financial services; Income tax--International agreements re avoidance of double taxation and tax evasion, Tax havens; International banking centres; Nuclear waste--Contaminated land; Political parties--Financing; Securities industry

Banks Island, NT see Muskox

Baptismal certificates see Social insurance numbers

Barbados see Income tax--International agreements re avoidance of double taxation and tax evasion, Tax havens--International transactions

Barnes, Rex (PC--Gander--Grand Falls)

Barnes, Sue (Lib.--London West)

    >>Aboriginal land claims, 3317(55:1325)
    >>Africa, 541(8:1750)
    >>Aging society, 2608(44:1200)
    >>Air pollution/smog, 540(8:1745)
    >>Armed conflict, S.O. 31, 4360(72:1405)
    >>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-13), 4773(78:1850)
    >>Banks and financial institutions, 6900-2(112:1230-50), 6903(112:1255-300)
    >>Biotechnology, 540(8:1750)
    >>Border, Canadian, 541(8:1750)
    >>Budget 2003, 2606-7(44:1145), 2608(44:1150), 2608(44:1200)
    >>Budget deficit, 2607(44:1150)
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 2003 (Bill C-28), 5947(98:1005)
    >>Burghardt, Jack, S.O. 31, 45(2:1400)
    >>Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2608(44:1200)
    >>Caregivers, 4519(74:1845)
    >>Child pornography, 2752(46:1740)
    >>>Petitions, 520(8:1520)
    >>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52, 5626-9(91:2315-30)
    >>Corporate income tax, 2607(44:1150)
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of children and other vulnerable persons) and Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-20), 2752(46:1740)
    >>Diabetes, S.O. 31, 1727(29:1400)
    >>Diamond mining industry, 671-2(11:1345-55)
    >>Disease prevention, 540(8:1745)
    >>Employment, o.q., 3305(55:1155)
    >>Employment insurance, 213(4:1050)
    >>Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--persons who leave employment to be care-givers to family members)(Bill C-206), 2875-6(48:1850), 4519(74:1845)
    >>Energy, 541(8:1800)
    >>Export and Import of Rough Diamonds Act (Bill C-14), 671-2(11:1345-55)
    >>Finance Standing Committee, 2060(35:1200), 4783(79:1005), 5947(98:1005), 8163(133:1205)
    >>>M. (Boudria), 2606-8(44:1145-200)
    >>>M. (Nystrom), 6898(112:1210), 6899(112:1215), 6900-2(112:1230-50), 6903(112:1255-300)
    >>First Nations Governance Act (Bill C-7), 6835-6(110:1905-10)
    >>>Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 4087(68:2045), 4092(68:2130)
    >>Government contracts, o.q., 1352(23:1505)
    >>Government expenditures, 2607(44:1150), 2608(44:1200)
    >>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 540(8:1750)
    >>Health care funding, 540(8:1745), 2608(44:1200)
    >>Health research, 540(8:1745), 541(8:1800)
    >>Heart Month, S.O. 31, 3639-40(61:1400)
    >>Housing, 541(8:1750)
    >>Income Tax Act (amdt.--natural resources)(Bill C-48), 7766-7(126:1650-5), 8163(133:1205)
    >>Iraq, Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 2903-6(48:2210-30)
    >>Marriage, petitions, 9031(148:1205)
    >>National debt, 2607(44:1150)
    >>Palliative care, 540-1(8:1750)
    >>>Committees, Parliamentary, 4783(79:1005)
    >>>Divisions, recorded, 4773(78:1850)
    >>>Question and comment period, 6899(112:1215)
    >>Public Service Modernization Act (Bill C-25), 6761-3(109:1810-25)
    >>Public Works and Government Services Department, o.q., 1789(30:1155)
    >>Research and development, 2607(44:1145-50)
    >>Seals, 4087(68:2045)
    >>Sierra Leone, 672(11:1345)
    >>Specific Claims Resolution Act (Bill C-6), 3316-8(55:1315-30)
    >>Stem cell research, petitions, 520(8:1525)
    >>Throne Speech
    >>>Address in Reply, M. (Pacetti), 539-41(8:1745-800)
    >>University research, 540(8:1745)
    >>Whistle Blower Human Rights Act (Bill C-201), 3206-7(53:1805-10)
    >>Women's History Month, S.O. 31, 955(16:1410)

Barnston Island Indian Reserve see Ferry service

Barrados, Dr. Maria see Public Service Commission--President

Barrette, Gilbert (Lib.--Témiscamingue; elected in by-election June 16, 2003)

    >>Agriculture, o.q., 1450(137:1450)
    >>Canada Pension Plan (amdt.--adjusted pension for persons with other income above the level at which the second percentage of income tax applies)(Bill C-428), 9174-5(150:1840-5)
    >>International Cinema Festival, S.O. 31, 9138(150:1400)
    >>Internet, S.O. 31, 9181(151:1405)
    >>Lemoine, Wilfred, S.O. 31, 7983(130:1355)
    >>National Co-op Week/Credit Union Day, S.O. 31, 8385(137:1400)
    >>Notre-Dame-du-Nord, QC, S.O. 31, 8264(135:1355)
    >>>Introduction in House, 7330-1(119:1415)
    >>>June 16, 2003 by-election victory, S.O. 31, 7327(119:1355)
    >>>See also Members of Parliament--Certificate of election
    >>Témiscamingue constituency, S.O. 31, 7450(121:1405)
    >>World Forestry Congress, S.O. 31, 8152(133:1105)

Barrie, ON

    >>150th anniversary, S.O. 31, 2408(120:1405)
    >>Communities in Bloom winner, congratulating, S.O. 31, 674(11:1405)
    >>See also YMCA Peace Week--YMCA Peace Symbol pin

Barrie--Simcoe--Bradford constituency see Ontario Special Olympics--Winter games

Bas-Richelieu--Nicolet--Bécancour constituency see Literacy--National Literacy Secretariat


    >>Coal Bowl, New Waterford, NS, high school tournament, S.O. 31, 3459(58:1405)
    >>See also Donohue, Jack

Basque separatists

    >>Salazar, Gorka Perea and Eduardo Plagaro Perez de Arrilucea, extradition/torture allegations, o.q., 7704(125:1455)

Bathurst, NB see Air Canada--Air Canada Jazz; Canada Winter Games; Employment insurance--Benefits, Processing delays


    >>Environmental contaminant, safe disposal, 8175(133:1335)

Batteries Électriques Gagnon

    >>Anniversary, 50th, S.O. 31, 6793(110:1400)

Battle of the Atlantic (World War II)

    >>60th anniversary, commemorative ceremonies, May 3-4, 2003, S.O. 31, 5633(92:1410), 5703(93:1400)

Battleford, SK see Historic/heritage buildings, sites and monuments--Government House

Bawdy house laws see Prostitution

Bayer Inc. see Cipro (anti-anthrax drug)

BB guns see Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program)--Air guns

B.C. Ferry Services see Canadian Coast Guard--Search and rescue

Beachcombers, The

    >>Canadian Broadcasting Television series, Gibson's Landing, Sunshine Coast, BC, setting, S.O. 31, 1611(27:1400)

Beacon Heights Elementary School

    >>50th anniversary, celebrating, S.O. 31, 8433(138:1110)

Beals, Gary see Canadian Idol--Canadian talent contest


    >>Killing for body parts, gall bladders, 2278-9(38:1745-50), 2282(38:1815), 3875-6(65:1245), 3881(65:1330)
    >>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--selling wildlife)(Bill C-280)

Beauchamp, Claude see Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

Beauharnois--Salaberry constituency

    >>Economic development, environmental impact, etc., 2136(36:1745)
    >>See also Iraq, United States pre-emptive attack--Criticism; Medal of Bravery

Beaumier, Colleen (Lib.--Brampton West--Mississauga)