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U2 see Bono
Uganda see Iraq--Dictatorship
Agricultural assistance, Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
contributions, o.q., 5295(87:1455)
>>See also Yushchenko, Viktor
Ukrainian Canadian Restitution Act (Bill C-331)--Mark
First reading, 1553(26:1505)
>>See also Ukrainian Canadians--Internment
Ukrainian Canadians
Internment, World War I, redress, 447(7:1145), 1553(26:1505)
>>>Petitions, 8639(142:1055)
>>>S.O. 31, 1298(22:1410)
>>>See also Ukrainian Canadian Restitution Act (Bill C-331)
Ultramar Ltd. see Lévis, QC--Davida Woodland
Un Homme et son Péché
- >>Quebec film, 50th anniversary remake, S.O. 31, 1728(29:1405)
Underground economy
Increase, taxation factor, etc., o.q., 3067-8(51:1455)
Aboriginal peoples, addressing, 262(4:1620), 9124(150:1215)
>>Atlantic provinces, seasonal employment factor, 439(7:1045), 440(7:1050-5)
>>Combatting, government priority, need, o.q., 73333(119:1430)
>>Decline, 216(4:1110)
>>Newfoundland and Labrador, 233(4:1315), 449(7:1200)
>>Quebec, increase, Liberal Party provincial election victory factor,
>>Visible minorities, 216(4:1110)
>>Yukon Territory, 3948(67:1020), 4272(71:1645)
>>See also Child support
Unemployment Insurance Act see Employment insurance
UNESCO see United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Unfunded liability see Canada Pension Plan
UNICEF see United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF)
Unified Family Courts
Expansion, additional judges, etc. 3104(52:1025), 3115(52:1150)
>>>Quebec courts, federal-provincial jurisdiction factor, 3113-4(52:1140),
>>>See also Divorce Act, Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance
Act, Garnishment, Attachment and Pension Diversion Act and Judges Act
(amdt.)(Bill C-22);
Family law--Reform
>>Role, less adversarial, alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, etc.,
Union of British Columbia Municipalities
Convention, Vancouver, BC, September 2003, S.O. 31, 7571(123:1115)
Union Pacific Railroad see Export Development Canada (EDC)
Union representation votes see Mexico
Membership and dues payment, making optional, right to work concept,
3187(53:1525), 5686(93:1150)
>>>See also Right to Work Act (Bill C-350)
>>See also Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE);
Collective agreements;
Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing;
Labour--Farm workers;
Members of Parliament--And Senators;
National Hockey League Players Association (NHLPA);
New Zealand--Labour Party government;
Nuclear energy--Future, Phasing-out;
Political parties--Financing;
Shipbuilding industry--Saint John, NB shipyards
Unite the Right
Canadian Alliance-Progressive Conservative Party merger, 9038(148:1250)
>>>Agreement, o.q., 8482(139:1415), 8485(139:1430)
>>>Corporate donors, parallel government, 8660(142:1315)
>>>Negotiations, leaderships, etc., 8428(138:1040)
>>>>S.O. 31, 7864(128:1100)
>>See also Conservative Party of Canada
United Aircraft Corporation
Labour dispute of 1977, strikebreakers use, etc., 5687(93:1155),
5720(93:1540), 5729(93:1700), 5731(93:1715)
United Arab Emirates see Canada-United Arab Emirates Tax Convention
United Family Courts see Children--Justice system
United Kingdom
Blair, Right Hon. Tony, Prime Minister see Iraq;
Iraq, United States pre-emptive attack--United Nations approval
>>See also Alcatel Canada Inc.;
Alternative/renewable/green energy;
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE);
Canadian Armed Forces--Submarines;
Foot and mouth disease;
Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming--Reducing;
Human cloning--Therapeutic cloning;
Iraq--Weapons inspection;
Labour Party (United Kingdom);
VIA Rail Canada Inc.--Rail cars
United Nations
Canada membership, withdrawal, 194-5(3:2225)
>>Canadian support, 5122-3(84:1630-45)
>>>Town hall meeting, April 27, 2003, S.O. 31, 94:1105)
>>>Throne Speech statement, 58(2:1510)
>>National Model United Nations, Canadian student representation, S.O. 31,
>>Reform, importance, 199(3:2255-2300), 5124-6(84:1650-1700)
>>Role, importance, world situation factor, 436(7:1020)
>>>Chrétien, Prime Minister, position, 7621-2(124:1410)
>>Secretary General see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global
warming)--Reducing, Parliamentary resolution/ratification
>>Security Council, effectiveness, 4602(76:1600), 4603-4(76:1610)
>>United States, dues, arrears, 91(2:1925)
>>See also Armed conflict;
Coal fired electric power plants--Mercury emissions;
Diamond mining industry--Conflict diamonds;
Foreign policy--International law;
Human rights;
Iraq, United States pre-emptive attack;
Nuclear weapons--Eliminating;
Timor Leste, Democratic Republic of;
World Water Day
United Nations Association of Canada see Pearson Peace Medal
United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) see Women
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea see Law of the Sea
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child see Child custody
United Nations Day
October 24, founding of United Nations, S.O. 31, 788(13:1405), 860(14:1405),
8714(143:1100), 8715-6(143:1110)
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe see Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) see Friendship Group of Parliamentarians for UNESCO
United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF)
Halloween, October 31, UNICEF Day, fundraising campaign, S.O. 31,
1137(19:1405), 9021(148:1105)
United Parcel Service (UPS) see Canada Post Corporation--Courier services
United States
Embassy, Ottawa, ON, safety barricades, 1643-5(27:1750-1800),
>>>o.q., 960(16:1440), 2255(38:1455-1500)
>>Foreign policy
>>>Bush doctrine/rogue states doctrine, 6306-7(103:1300-5), 6336(103:1620),
>>>Criticism, 111(2:2210)
>>Powell, Colin, Secretary of State see Iraq--Weapons inspection, Evidence
>>Social infrastructure, underfunded, unsustainable, 3971(67:1320)
>>Zoellick, Robert, Trade Representative see North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA)--Future
>>See also particular subjects
United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) see Health care--Health Department health/disease surveillance
United States Coast Guard see Canadian Coast Guard
United States Dollar, see Currency--Single currency
United States Drug Enforcement Agency see Drug trafficking
United States Farm Bill see Agricultural subsidies; Agriculture--Trade
United States intelligence services
Torture, Syria involvement, Canadian agencies, complicity, o.q.,
United States, President George W. Bush
"Moron", Prime Minister Chrétien, communications director, Françoise Ducros
alleged remark, 4808-9(79:1320-30), 5091(84:1300)
>>>o.q., 1730-1(29:1415-20), 1732-3(29:1430), 1782(30:1115-20),
1783-4(30:1130), 1833(31:1415-20), 1835(31:1425), 1902(32:1415)
>>Presidential election, plurality, 122(2:2335), 123(2:2340)
>>Visit to Canada, May 2003, postponement/cancellation
>>>o.q., 4816-7(79:1415-20), 5805(95:1415)
>>>S.O. 31, 5803(95:1405)
>>See also Energy--Trade with United States;
Iraq, United States pre-emptive attack;
Middle East conflict--Peace process
United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks (World Trade Center, New York City, Pentagon, Washington, DC and Pennsylvania)
- >>Anniversary
>>>Prime Minister Chrétien, remarks, 193(3:2210)
>>>S.O. 31, 7329(119:1405)
>>Canadian response, 5096-7(84:1340-5), 6022-3(99:1050-5)
>>>Compensation, statistics by province, qu., 7347-8(119:1540)
>>>Gander, NF, aircraft diverted/passengers accommodated, 6019(99:1015)
>>>Liberal government (Chrétien) measures, 6019-20(99:1015-20)
>>>Receiving, 40,000 Americans, 4808(79:1315)
>>>Transport Minister Collenette, role, 1265-6(22:1020)
>>Government agenda, impact, 229(4:1245)
>>Impact, 7894(129:1200)
>>>Throne Speech statement, 2(1:1525)
>>>United States people, 1535(26:1325), 5124(84:1645-50)
>>National Day of Mourning, September 14, 2001, ceremony on Parliament Hill, 5212(86:1025)
>>Penson blaming Canada, Assadourian remarks, 6505(106:1050), 6506(106:1055)
>>>Canadian security, United States criticism, 5097(84:1345)
>>>United States issuing visas to after suicides, Assadourian remarks, 6506(106:1050)
>>See also Air Travellers Security Charge; Airlines; Airports--Airport/port of entry status; Atlantic Canada; Budget 2001--Security focus; Defence policy; Discrimination and racism; Iraq, United States pre-emptive attack; National security (public safety)--Expenditure; Newfoundland and Labrador
United States social security payments see Income tax
United Way see Public Service
Universal classification system see Public Service
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Anniversary, December 10, 2002, S.O. 31, 2511(42:1405), 2512(42:1410)
Université de Sherbrooke see Alliance Novare
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières see Hydrogen--Storage
Université du Québec à Trois Rivières Patriotes see Hockey--Canadian Intercollegiate Sports hockey championships
Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue see Laboratoire Télébec Mobilité
Universities and colleges see Brock University; Carleton University; Conestoga College; Education, post-secondary; Medical schools; Niagara College; Simon Fraser University; University of Alberta; University of Calgary; University of Guelph; University of Manitoba; University of New Brunswick; University of Saskatchewan; University of Waterloo; University research; Virtual university of the arctic
University of Alberta see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing, Economic impact--Reducing, University of Alberta panel
University of Calgary see Bipolar disease (manic depression)
University of Guelph
Maclean's magazine ranking, S.O. 31, 1647(28:1400)
University of Manitoba see Saunders, Dr. Doris Boyce; University research--Synergy Awards
University of New Brunswick
Accessibility, Dr. John McLaughlin, president, tribute, S.O. 31,
>>See also Canadian Association of Research Libraries--Teskey, John
Hockey--Canadian Intercollegiate Sport hockey championships
University of New Brunswick Varsity Reds see Hockey--Canadian Intercollegiate Sport hockey championships
University of Saskatchewan
Synchrotron, government funding, 4004(67:1655)
>>See also Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO)
University of Waterloo
Chancellor, Dr. Mike Lazaridis, appointment/installation, S.O. 31,
1610(27:1355), 7133(116:1410)
University research
Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) role, 532(8:1650), 3731(62:1630)
>>Commercialization, government assisting, etc., o.q., 5410(89:1150)
>>Government funding
>>>Breakdown, by project, university, etc., r.o., 6862(111:1550)
>>>>Minister's failure to respond, referral to Industry, Science and
Technology Standing Committee, 6097(100:1545)
>>>Budget 2003 measures, 3731(62:1630), 3771(63:1745)
>>>Indirect costs, Throne Speech statement, 268(4:1710-5), 490(7:1630),
531(8:1645), 532(8:1650), 540(8:1745), 541(8:1800)
>>>>Budget 2003 measure, 3771(63:1745), 4003(67:1650), 4267(71:1600),
4280(71:1740), 4833(79:1600)
>>>Smaller universities concerns, 2655(44:1740), 4833(79:1600)g
>>>See also University research--Government funding, Indirect costs
>>Government role, measures, o.q., 797-8(13:1500)
>>Research chairs
>>>Creation, role, 3731(62:1630), 4266-7(71:1555)
>>>Women, exclusion, human rights complaint, o.q., 4537(75:1150)
>>>See also Hydrogen--Storage
>>Synergy Awards, recipients
>>>University of Manitoba and Canadian Bio-Systems Inc., animal feed enzymes,
S.O. 31, 1067(18:1405)
>>>York University and Optech Incorporated, three dimensional imaging of laser
rader, S.O. 31, 1343(23:1410)
>>See also Alliance Novare
Unpaid work see Invisible Work Day--April 1
UPS see United Parcel Service (UPS)
Ur, Rose-Marie (Lib.--Lambton--Kent--Middlesex)
- >>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-13), 4773(78:1850)
>>Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)
>>>M. on supply (Schellenberger), 7686-8(125:1310-20)
>>Cattle, o.q., 6921(112:1450)
>>Child pornography, petitions, 142(3:1530), 208(4:1005), 521(8:1525), 807(13:1600), 1358(23:1545), 3749(63:1510), 4045-6(68:1530), 7461(121:1510)
>>>M. (Mitchell), 4686(77:1820)
>>>Ms. (Robillard), 8870(145:1800), 8874(145:1805)
>>Ethanol, o.q., 1143(19:1440)
>>Farmers, S.O. 31, 3243(54:1400)
>>Food safety, o.q., 3820(64:1440)
>>Gasoline, petitions, 208(4:1005), 521(8:1525), 1358(23:1545), 5325(88:1015), 6860(111:1545), 7461(121:1510), 8043(131:1525)
>>Hate propaganda, petitions, 3749(63:1510), 4046(68:1530), 5325(88:1015)
>>Marriage, petitions, 5325(88:1015), 6860(111:1545), 9198(151:1545)
>>National 4-H Week, S.O. 31, 9260(152:1355)
>>National Farm Safety Week, S.O. 31, 4409-10(73:1405)
>>National Nursing Week, S.O. 31, 6235(102:1405)
>>Net income stabilization account (NISA), o.q., 1075(18:1445)
>>Petrolia, ON, S.O. 31, 8385(137:1400)
>>Pipelines, o.q., 1306(22:1450)
>>Procedure, divisions, recorded, 4686(77:1820), 4773(78:1850), 8870(145:1800), 8874(145:1805)
>>Remembrance Day, 1341(23:1405)
>>Small Business Week, S.O. 31, 8666(142:1400)
>>Stroke Awareness Month, S.O. 31, 7208(117:1400)
>>Truscott, Steven, petitions, 142(3:1530), 3188(53:1535)
>>Veterans' benefits/pensions, o.q., 5361(88:1455)
Uranium see Iraq, United States pre-emptive attack--Depleted uranium weapons; Nuclear waste--Disposal, Oklo uranium deposit
Uranium City, SK see Uranium mining industry
Uranium mining industry
Exports see Nuclear energy--Greenhouse gas emissions
>>Uranium City, SK
>>>Environmental damage, clean-up lack, Saskatchewan Crown corporation
responsibility, 2276-7(38:1730)
>>>Health impact, cancer, deaths, etc., 761(12:1540)
>>>Nuclear waste dump, 761(12:1540), 764(12:1600)
>>See also Tusequah Chief Mine
Urban aboriginal peoples/strategy see Aboriginal peoples/communities--Urban aboriginal peoples
Urban Affairs Department
Federal government creating, 2643(44:1555)
>>>Provincial jurisdiction intrusion, o.q., 1615(27:1420)
>>Minister of urban/municipal affairs, need for, 2622(44:1350)
Urban Affairs Standing Committee
Establishing, 442(7:1100)
Urban communities see Municipalities
Urban issues task force see Municipalities--Prime Minister's Caucus Task Force on Urban Issues
Small and rural communities, impact, population decline, government
measures, immigration and regional development policies, etc., M. (Casey),
>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 1483(24:1825)
Urinary tract diseases see Kidney disease
User fees
Government departments and agencies
>>>Comprehensive report to Parliament and public, Budget 2003 measure,
>>>Policy, regulation-making process, providing for Parliamentary scrutiny and
approval, etc., 366(6:1505), 2071-80(35:1330-430), 3612-20(60:1330-430),
4842-4(79:1730-40), 7552(122:1715), 7553-9(122:1225-810), 7889-94(129:1105-35)
>>>>See also User Fees Act (Bill C-212)
>>See also Agriculture--Export licences;
Air Travellers Security Charge;
Canadian Coast Guard--Cost recovery plan;
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)--Fees for
use of broadcasting spectrum;
Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program);
Income tax--International agreements re avoidance of double taxation and tax
evasion, Tax havens;
Passports--Processing delays/fees;
Pesticides--Approval process;
St. Lawrence River--Dredging
User Fees Act (Bill C-212)--Cullen
First reading, 366(6:1505)
>>Second reading, 2071-80(35:1330-430), 3612-20(60:1330-430),
4842-4(79:1730-40), agreed to, 4844(79:1740)
>>>Dropped to the bottom of the order of precedence on the Order Paper,
>>Finance Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 4844(79:1740)
>>>Reported, 7298(118:1220)
>>Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, 7552(122:1715)
>>Third reading, 7552-60(122:1715-815), 7889-94(129:1105-35), agreed to,
7894(129:1135), passed.
>>>Dropped to the bottom of the order of precedence on the Order Paper,
>>See also User fees--Government departments and agencies, Policy
Usher of the Black Rod see Parliament--37th Parl., 2nd Sess.