The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Wilfred Templeman see Fisheries--Research
William Osler Health Centre
Management, commendation, S.O. 31, 6314(103:1400)
William Tell competition see Canadian Armed Forces--Aircraft
Williams, Dr. Dave see International Space Station
Williams, John (CA--St. Albert)
- >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 3891(66:1215)
>>Abortion, 8764(144:1310)
>>Air Canada, 65(2:1605)
>>Airlines, 5524(91:1055), 5544(91:1335)
>>Airports, 5544-5(91:1335-45), 5546(91:1345)
>>Assisted human reproduction, 8763-4(144:1305-10)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-13), 8763-4(144:1305-10)
>>Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)
>>>qu., 1556(26:1520)
>>>r.o., 1561-2(26:1520)
>>Auditor General of Canada, 3889(66:1200), 3892(66:1225)
>>>S.O. 31, 6237(102:1410)
>>Auditor General's reports, M. on supply (Keddy), 3889-93(66:1200-30)
>>Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), S.O. 31, 8429-30(138:1055)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2003 (Bill C-28), 6123-4(101:1020-5), 6130(101:1110)
>>Cabinet Ministers, 67(2:1625)
>>>qu., 9199(151:1545)
>>>r.o., 4924(81:1510)
>>Canada Airports Act (Bill C-27), 5524(91:1055), 5544-6(91:1335-45)
>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA), o.q., 1788(30:1155)
>>Canada Elections Act and the Income Tax Act (amdt.--political financing)(Bill C-24), 3694-5(62:1155-200)
>>Canada Pension Plan and Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 2672-3(45:1040-5)
>>Canadian Armed Forces
>>>M. on supply (Wayne), 1212(21:1230)
>>>qu., 8640(142:1100)
>>>r.o., 2734(46:1525), 2848-9(48:1515), 4721(78:1510)
>>Canadian Heritage Department, o.q., 7455(121:1440), 7533(122:1450)
>>Child pornography
>>>M. on supply (Thompson, M.), 8836(145:1345)
>>>Petitions, 15(2:1000), 968(16:1525), 4454(74:1010)
>>Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (Romanow), 65(2:1605)
>>Committees, Parliamentary, 1002-3(17:1115), 1378(23:1800)
>>Contaminated sites, 3892(66:1220)
>>Court Challenges Program, qu., 1360(23:1550)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals and firearms) and Firearms Act (amdt.)(Bill C-10), 5881(96:1615)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of children and other vulnerable persons) and Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-20), 4165(69:1720-5)
>>Dussault, Bernard, S.O. 31, 954(16:1405)
>>Economy/economic conditions, 6123(101:1020)
>>Elections, 1378(23:1755-1800), 1384(23:1845)
>>>o.q., 1905(32:1430)
>>Employment insurance, 3889(66:1200)
>>Estimates, 1109(19:1000), 6222(101:2215), 6223-4(101:2220-5), 6229(101:2305)
>>>M. (Mitchell), 4685(77:1810)
>>Ethics, 66-7(2:1610-5), 67(2:1625), 8836-6(145:1345-50)
>>Ethics Commissioner, 66(2:1610)
>>Ethics Counsellor, 66(2:1610)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 4147-8(69:1505-10), 4196(70:1205), 4685(77:1810), 3889-90(66:1200-5), 3893(66:1230), 5881(96:1615) 6124(101:1025), 7752(126:1515)
>>>M. on supply (Breitkreuz), 4667-8(77:1535-40), 4669(77:1550)
>>>o.q., 2206(37:1430), 2427(41:1430), 2721(46:1500), 2845(48:1455), 3356-7(56:1435-40), 4251(71:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 4358(72:1355)
>>Foster parents, o.q., 1616(27:1430)
>>Gagliano, Hon. Alfonso, 1001(17:1105)
>>Goods and Services Tax (GST), o.q., 1616(27:1430), 1788(30:1155)
>>Government appointments
>>>M. on supply (Marceau), 1001-3(17:1105-15)
>>Government automobiles/motor vehicles, r.o. , 4596(76:1515)
>>Government contracts, 66(2:1610), 3361-2(56:1500-5), 3890(66:1205), 3891(66:1215)
>>>o.q., 1946(33:1445), 8672(142:1435)
>>Government-established foundations, 3890-1(66:1210-5)
>>Government expenditures, 3890(66:1210), 6123(101:1020)
>>>o.q., 7874(128:1150)
>>>S.O. 31, 6027(99:1115)
>>Government finances, 3890(66:1210)
>>Government procurement, r.o., 3189(53:1540)
>>Government programs, 6122(101:1015)
>>Hate propaganda, petitions, 5919(97:1510), 7377(120:1005)
>>Health care, 65(2:1605), 488(7:1625)
>>>House take note, M. (McLellan), 939(16:1220)
>>Health care funding, o.q., 1188(20:1130)
>>Health Department, estimates, Committee of the Whole consideration under S.O. 81(4)(a), 6217-8(101:2140-5), 6221(101:2205), 6222(101:2215), 6223-4(101:2220-5), 6225(101:2235), 6226(101:2240), 6229(101:2305), 6230(101:2310), 6231(101:2315)
>>Heating Expenses One Time Relief, 3890(66:1205-10), 6124(101:1020-5), 6906-8(112:1325-40)
>>Human Resources Development Department, 3889(66:1200), 3892(66:1220), 6124(101:1025)
>>Indian bands/reserves, o.q., 5246(86:1435)
>>Interparliamentary delegations, 3508(59:1025)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 65-6(2:1610), 1379(23:1805-10)
>>>o.q., 7917(129:1445)
>>Liberal Party, 6124(101:1025)
>>McLellan, references, 6225(101:2230)
>>Members of Parliament, 1002(17:1110), 1379(23:1805), 6868(111:1530-5)
>>National Gallery of Canada, o.q., 7704(125:1450)
>>Parliament, 67(2:1625), 3892(66:1225)
>>Political parties, 67(2:1620), 3694-5(62:1155-200)
>>Privacy Commissioner, 8115-6(132:1505)
>>>o.q., 7987(130:1420)
>>Private Members' Business, 1379(23:1800)
>>>Breitkreuz (false/misleading statements), 7752(126:1515)
>>>Williams (contempt of Parliament), 3361-2(56:1500-5), 4147-8(69:1505-10), 4196(70:1205)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 805(13:1550)
>>>Committees, Parliamentary, 1871(32:1005), 2169(37:1000), 2595(44:1035), 2925(49:1005), 4453(74:1005), 5323(88:1005), 6248(102:1515), 8934(147:1010)
>>>Documents, tabling, 829(14:1020), 8826-7(145:1345-50)
>>>Estimates, 1109(19:1000)
>>>Member's remarks, 65(2:1605)
>>>Oral Question period, 5042(83:1545)
>>>Postal privileges, 6858(111:1530-5)
>>>Privacy Commissioner Office, 8115-6(132:1505)
>>>Private Members' Motions, 1379(23:1800)
>>>Questions on the Order Paper, 2848-9(48:1515)
>>>Speeches, 6130(101:1110)
>>>Spending authority, 6906-8(112:1325-35)
>>Public Accounts Standing Committee, 1871(32:1005), 2169(37:1000), 2595(44:1035), 2925(49:1005), 4453(74:1005), 5323(88:1005), 6248(102:1515), 6972(113:1205), 8041(131:1520), 8325(136:1510), 8605(141:1510), 8934(147:1010)
>>>M., 2568-72(43:1600-30)
>>Public Service, 451(7:1215)
>>References see Government expenditures--Accountability and scrutiny; Public Accounts Standing Committee
>>Sea King helicopters, 6123(101:1020)
>>>S.O. 31, 4184(70:1100)
>>Social insurance numbers, o.q., 469(7:1415), 511(8:1435)
>>St. Albert constituency, S.O. 31, 6960(113:1100)
>>Statutory Program Evaluation Act (Bill C-435), 6122(101:1015)
>>Stem cell research, petitions, 15(2:1000)
>>Supreme Court of Canada, 1001-2(17:1105-10)
>>>M. (Williams), 1377-9(23:1755-1810), 1384-5(23:1845-50)
>>Throne Speech
>>>Address in Reply, M. (Pacetti), 65-7(2:1605-25), 450-1(7:1215), 488(7:1625)
>>Winnipeg International Airport, 5546(91:1345)
Wilson, Howard see Ethics Counsellor
Wind energy
Budget 2001 measures, 598(9:1615-20), 608(9:1735)
>>>Lack, 4063(68:1725)
>>Calgary, AB public transit system use, 599(9:1620), 846(25:1225)
>>Canadian Wind Energy Association proposal, 5% of electricity production by
2010, 565(9:1220)
>>Government role, funding, 571(9:1315), 599(9:1620), 813(13:1645),
2226(37:1700), 2269(38:1625-30), 2271(38:1640), 2277(38:1735), 6509(106:1125)
>>>o.q., 1550(26:1455-500), 3547(59:1440), 8724(143:1155)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions reduction role, 565(9:1220), 605(9:1715),
608(9:1735), 845(14:1210), 1894-5(32:1315-25), 1934(32:1810), 2097(36:1305),
2118(36:1515), 2134(36:1725), 2140(36:1815), 2153(36:2000-5), 2162(36:2115),
2166(36:2155), 2167(36:2205), 2226(37:1655), 2395(40:1345), 2456(41:1740-5)
>>>o.q., 1550(26:1455)
>>Guidelines, government establishing, o.q., 8724(143:1155)
>>International use, 38(2:1305), 565(9:1220), 574(9:1330-5), 594(9:1540),
599(9:1620), 600(9:1630), 763(12:1550), 2269(38:1630), 2271(38:1640),
>>Job creation role, 560(9:1140), 574(9:1335), 599(9:1620), 607-8(9:1735),
765(12:1615), 767(12:1625)
>>Newfoundland and Labrador, potential, 599(9:1620)
>>Percentage/amount of Canadian energy use, 598(9:1620), 600(9:1630-5),
>>Potential, 2276(38:1720), 8405(137:1610)
>>Prince Edward Island, North Cape project, 444(7:1115)
>>Quebec, potential, Bloc Québécois plan, Gaspé region, etc., 560(9:1140),
572-3(9:1325), 574(9:1335), 600(9:1630), 601(9:1635), 604(9:1705),
605(9:1715), 606:9:1720), 607(9:1725), 607-8(9:1735), 610(9:1800-5),
762(12:1545-50), 765(12:1615), 1984(34:1125), 2220(37:1615), 2270(38:1630-5),
2271(38:1640-5), 2437(41:1525), 2456(41:1740-5), 8403(137:1600)
>>Western provinces, potential, 574(9:1335), 1513(25:1310)
Windsor, ON
Spring Garden, tall grass prairie, protecting, 73(2:1710)
>>See also Air pollution/smog;
Border, Canadian;
DaimlerChrysler Canada Inc.;
VIA Rail Canada Inc.--Quebec City, QC-Windsor, ON rapid train proposal
Windsor Gateway Action Plan see Border, Canadian--Windsor, ON crossing, Infrastructure
Wine see Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA)
Wine and spirits industry
European Union, trade access, agreement, o.q., 7418(120:1455)
>>See also Canadian Wine Awards
Winnipeg Centre constituency see Poverty
Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce see Winnipeg, MB
Winnipeg, HMCS
- >>Terrorism, combatting, mission, tribute, S.O. 31, 5751(94:1100)
Winnipeg International Airport
Rent increase, 5473(90:1725), 5527(91:1110), 5531(91:1150), 5534(91:1210),
5544(91:1330), 5545-6(91:1345)
Winnipeg, MB
Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce strategic plan for city, S.O. 31, 2201(37:1400)
>>See also Canadian National Railway Company (CNR)--Illinois Central;
Canadian Pacific Railway Company (CPR);
Houston, Det. Ronald;
Meteorological Service of Canada;
National Microbiology Laboratory (Winnipeg Level 4 lab);
National Research Council (NRC)--Institute of Biodiagnostics;
Public Accounts Standing Committee--Conference of Canadian Council of Public
Accounts Committees;
Ridd, Dr. Carl;
Taylor, Chief Alex
Winnipeg South Centre constituency
Description, 10-1(1:1600)
Winnipeg Sun see Anti-Americanism--Clark
Winnipeg--Transcona constituency
Trannscona, historical background of name, 8476(139:1330)
Winter festivals
Quebec, S.O. 31, 3005(50:1110)
Winter games see Northern British Columbia Winter Games
Winterfest New Brunswick
Oromocto, NB, S.O. 31, 3129-30(52:1355)
Ottawa, ON, snow sculpture competition, Alberta team, S.O. 31, 3539(59:1400)
Withholding taxes see Income tax
Witness and Spousal Protection Program Act (Bill C-270)--Hill, J.
First reading, 967(16:1520)
>>See also Witnesses (Justice system)--Protection
Witnesses (Justice system)
Child witnesses, testimony, security, etc., 2691-2(46:1125-30), 2746(46:1655)
>>Protection, eligibility, spousal assault/domestic violence, 967(16:1520)
>>>See also Witness and Spousal Protection Program Act (Bill C-270)
Budget 2003 measures, 3946-7(67:1010-20), 4956-7(82:1025-30),
6114(100:1810), 6127(101:1045)
>>>See also Women--Violence against
>>Economic and social conditions, government attitude, etc., 268-70(4:1715-30)
>>Economic opportunities, increasing, removing barriers, o.q., 316(5:1155)
>>Employment equity, Canadian Labour Congress National Women's Conference,
statistics, S.O. 31, 7134(116:1415)
>>Federal-provincial-territorial ministers meeting, September 2001,
>>Physical fitness and health, On the Move Walking Clubs, S.O. 31, 1025(17:1405)
>>Political involvement, increasing, 606(9:1720)
>>Quebec Women of Distinction contest, Jocelyne Gros Louis, Gérardine
Fournier-Morin, Quebec East constituency, S.O. 31, 4484(74:1410)
>>United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
against Women (CEDAW)
>>>Canada not meeting obligations, United Nations report, etc.,
6125(101:1035), 6517-8(106:1230-5)
>>>Canadian support, 3324(55:1420)
>>>>United Nations report condemning, S.O. 31, 6237(102:1415)
>>>o.q., 8561-2(140:1445)
>>>Social programs, government cutbacks, condemning, S.O. 31, 5632-3(92:1410)
>>>Status of Women, federal, provincial and territorial ministers meeting,
addressing, S.O. 31, 7742(126:1415)
>>>United Nations Committee recommendations, implementation, qu.,
>>Violence against, 4906(81:1320-5)
>>>Budget 2003 measures, lack, 4957(82:1030), 6518(106:1235)
>>>Combatting, international campaign, purple ribbon symbol, S.O. 31,
>>>École Polytechnique, Montreal QC, December 6, 1989, deaths, 2501(42:1250)
>>>>See also National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women
>>>Government attitude, measures needed, etc., 269(4:1715), 270(4:1725)
>>>>o.q., 2372-3(40:1125)
>>>Government initiatives, 3320(55:1345)
>>>Housing factor, 6518(106:1235)
>>>Justice system, discrimination, public inquiry, o.q., 314(5:1140-5)
>>>o.q., 1788(30:1150), 2333(39:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 2325(39:1410), 8316(136:1415)
>>>See also International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women;
National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women
>>Women's centres, funding, British Columbia Liberal government (Campbell),
eliminating, concerning, S.O. 31, 8596(141:1415)
>>World March of Women, 2000, Canadian committee recommendations,
3129(52:1350), 3144(52:1515)
>>See also Abortion;
Armed conflict;
Assisted human reproduction;
Assisted Human Reproduction Agency of Canada--Board of directors, Gender
Aubé, Marie-Josée;
Black History Month--Jean, Michaelle;
Carrefour familial des moulins;
Churchill Women's Institute;
Collenette, References;
Ebadi, Shirin;
Elected officials;
Elections--Right to vote;
Elizabeth Fry Society;
Employment insurance;
Fédération des femmes du Québec;
Foreign credentials--Recognition;
Government contracts;
Health--Lifestyle factors, National strategy;
Health care;
Invisible Work Day--April 1;
Iran--Human rights abuses;
National Elizabeth Fry Week;
Nigeria--Human rights violations;
Parental leave--Self-employed women excluded;
Penitentiary inmates;
Public Service;
Réseau des femmes d'affaires du Québec;
Sierra Leone;
Single parent families--Low income;
Skilled trades and technology workforce;
Social programs--Liberal government (Chrétien) cutbacks;
Transfer payments to provinces--Cutbacks;
University research--Research chairs;
Women Build Habitat for Humanity Brant project see Habitat for Humanity
Women Entrepreneurs Day
International conference, etc., S.O. 31, 6236(102:1405)
Women, Peace and Security initiative see Armed conflict
Women's centres see Women
Women's History Month
Celebrating, S.O. 31, 8030(131:1415), 8104(132:1400), 8203(134:1405)
>>>Stowe, Emily Howard Jenning, doctor, accomplishments, S.O. 31,
>>October, 2002 theme, "Women and Sports Champions Forever"
>>>Frechette, Sylvie, synchronized swimmer, accomplishments, S.O. 31,
>>>Greene, Nancy, olympic ski champion, accomplishments, S.O. 31,
>>>Scott, Barbara Ann, olympic figure skating champion, accomplishments, S.O.
31, 1068(18:1405)
>>>S.O. 31, 129-30(3:1415), 238-9(4:1355), 676(11:1410), 909(15:1110),
Wood, Bob (Lib.--Nipissing)
- >>Cagnicourt, France, battle (September 6, 1918), o.q., 3983(67:1440)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, S.O. 31, 8889(146:1405)
>>Juno Beach Centre (World War II Memorial), o.q., 4251(71:1450)
>>Marriage, petitions, 9198(151:1540)
>>National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, 7177(117:1015)
>>Pension Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-31), 6786(110:1305-10)
>>References, 15th anniversary of election, tribute, S.O. 31, 8265-6(135:1405)
>>Remembrance Day, o.q., 7995(130:1500)
>>Smith, Ernest Alvia (Smokey), S.O. 31, 6734(109:1415)
>>Valentines for Vets
>>>o.q., 3600(60:1155)
>>>S.O. 31, 3591(60:1105)
>>>o.q., 6087(100:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 1342(23:1410)
>>Veterans' benefits/pensions, 6786(110:1305-10)
Wooden mace see House of Commons proceedings
Capital gains tax, deferral, regulations, Budget 2001 measures, qu.,
>>Halifax Regional Municipality, brown spruce longhorned beetle infestation,
quarantine, Hurricane Juan damage, etc., o.q., 8722(143:1145)
Woodstock, NB see Border, Canadian--New Brunswick crossings
Woodstock Veterans Home see Clark, Samuel
Woodsworth, J.S. see World War II--Canada
Woodward's building see Homelessness--Vancouver, BC
Work sharing see Employment insurance
Chinese wages and working conditions, Canada adopting, 8368(137:1140)
>>Quebec Roman Catholic bishops concerns, 6267-8(102:1720)
>>Rights, employers rights, balance, 7364(119:1705)
Worker's compensation see Canada Pension Plan--Pensionable earnings
Psychological harassment, prevention, 7754(126:1530)
>>See also Workplace Psychological Harassment Prevention Act (Bill C-451)
Workplace Psychological Harassment Prevention Act (Bill C-451)--Bourgeois
First reading, 7754(126:1530)
>>See also Workplace--Psychological harassment
Workplace violence see Sivell, Rob
World AIDS Day
December 1, 2002, awareness, raising, S.O. 31, 2004(34:1400), 2049(35:1105),
2103(36:1355), 2105(36:1405)
World Association of Non-governmental Organizations see Environment--Global Awards for the Environment
World Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease Day see Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
World Conference Against Racism see Discrimination and racism
World Cup of Cricket see Cricket
World Day against the Death Penalty
October 10, 2003, S.O. 31, 8433(138:1115)
World Economic Council Sustainability Index see Environment
World Environment Day
S.O. 31, 6912(112:1405), 6913(112:1405)
World Extrication Championships
Automobile accident extrication teams, Ottawa, ON hosting, Cumberland, BC
team participation, etc., 8186(134:1140-5)
World Fencing Cup see Fencing
World Figure Skating Championships (Washington D.C. 2003) see Figure skating--Ice dancing--World
World Forestry Congress
Canada hosting, Quebec City, QC, September 21-28, 2003, S.O. 31,
7742(126:1415), 7811-2(127:1400), 8152(133:1105), 8265(135:1400)
>>See also Forests--Preservation
World Habitat Day
October 7, 2002, United Nations declaring, affordable/sustainable housing,
promoting, S.O. 31, 353(6:1355)
>>2003 theme, "Water and Sanitation for Cities", S.O. 31, 8204(134:1405)
World Health Day
April 7, 2003, theme, "Healthy Environments for Children", S.O. 31,
5165-6(85:1400), 5167(85:1405)
World Health Organization (WHO)
Role, membership, etc., 6414(105:1225)
>>Taiwan, membership/observer status, 5813-7(95:1505-35), 6353-4(103:1830-40)
>>>Canadian position
>>>>M. on supply (Abbott), 6414-26(105:1225-355), 6443-65(105:1515-810),
agreed to, on recorded division, 6540-1(106:1500-15)
>>>>o.q., 4821(79:1440-5), 5175-6(85:1450), 5866-7(96:1430)
>>>>S.O. 31, 5239(86:1355), 6429(105:1410)
>>>China opposition, 5815(95:1515)
>>>House of Commons vote in support, S.O. 31, 6598(107:1405)
>>>See also Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing
Committee--Reports, Fifth
>>>See also Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)--Taiwan
>>See also Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
World Hemophilia Day
April 17, 2003, S.O. 31, 5401(89:1100)
World Hockey Championships see Hockey
World Indoor Lacrosse Championships see Lacrosse
World Junior Curling Championships see Curling
World Junior Hockey Championships see Hockey
World March of Women see Women
World Oyster Opening Championship
McMurray, Patrick, Canada, champion, S.O. 31, 1898(32:1355)
World Partnership Walk
Global poverty, combatting, S.O. 31, 6793(110:1400)
World Peace March
February 15, 2003
>>>Montreal, QC, Quebec Premier Landry pro-sovereignty remarks, S.O. 31,
>>>S.O. 31, 3590(60:1100), 3641-2(61:1410)
World Pond Hockey Championships see Hockey
World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day
May 8, recognition, S.O. 31, 5976(98:1400)
World Road Cycling Championships (2003)
Hamilton, ON, S.O. 31, 1612(27:1400), 7451(121:1410)
World Sight Day
October 9, 2003, S.O. 31, 8313-4(136:1405), 8387(137:1410)
World Statesman of the Year award (Appeal of Conscience Foundation)
Chrétien, Prime Minister, recipient, S.O. 31, 130(3:1415)
World Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg, South Africa,
September 2002)
Canadian commitments, fulfilling, 6714-5(109:1145-50)
>>>Budget 2003 measures, 4048(68:1540)
World Teachers' Day
October 5, "Teachers create dialogue everyday", 2002 theme, S.O. 31,
>>October 5, "To teach is to open doors to a better world", 2003 theme, S.O.
31, 8150(133:1055), 8552-3(140:1355)
World Telecommunications Day
Canadian contribution to telecommunications, etc., S.O. 31, 6366(104:1105)
World Television Day
November 21, medium, importance, S.O. 31, 1781(30:1110)
World Theatre Day
March 27, performing arts, importance, S.O. 31, 4707(78:1400)
World Track and Field Championships (2003) see Track and Field
World Trade Center see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks
World Trade Organization (WTO)
Cancun, Mexico meeting, Doha Development Agenda, failure
>>>Agriculture producers, impact, o.q., 7338(119:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 7330(119:1410)
>>China, membership, impact, 4213(70:1345-50), 6449(105:1605-10)
>>Montreal, QC mini summit, July 2003, security costs, municipal/federal
government responsibility, o.q., 9025(148:1130)
>>>Canadian values, relationship, o.q., 4917-8(81:1440)
>>>Countries releasing initial offers to public, o.q,, 4918(81:1440)
>>>Throne Speech omission, 60(2:1525)
>>>See also Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee--Reports
(1st Sess., 37th Parl.), Nineteenth
>>See also Agricultural subsidies;
Aircraft/aerospace industry--Canada-Brazil dispute;
Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute--Government assistance to
industry and workers--Courts;
Dairy industry--Exports;
Financial services;
Genetically modified organisms--Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety;
Grain industry--Marketing;
Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing;
Supply management and marketing boards;
World Tuberculosis Day
March 24, S.O. 31, 4584(76:1405)
World University Service of Canada (WUSC)
Balkans Civilian Development Project, National Film Board (NFB) premiere,
"Kosovo: Fragile Peace", Moira Simpson and Carolyn McCool, S.O. 31,
World unrest
Budget 2003 statement, 3729(62:1605)
>>Throne Speech statement, 2(1:1525)
World Urban Forum
Vancouver, BC hosting in 2006, 3992(67:1525)
World Vision see Famine for World Vision
World War I see Cagnicourt, France, battle (September 6, 1918); Halifax explosion; In Flanders Fields Marathon; Métivier, Paul; Ricketts, Sergeant Thomas; Vimy Ridge battle (April 9, 1917)
World War II
Canada, 1939 declaration of war, J.S. Woodsworth vote, 3365(56:1525-30)
>>Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF), Vickers Wellington bomber, lost May 5,
1943, crew members Flight Sergeant Gordon Carter, Flight Sergeant Howard
Hoddinot, Flight Sergeant Joseph Evariste Adrien Thibaudeau, Flight Sergeant
Joseph White and Warrant Officer Class I Robert Benjamin Moulton, funeral
service, November 27, 2002, S.O. 31, 1938(33:1405)
>>See also Battle of the Atlantic (World War II);
D-Day (June 6, 1944);
Dieppe Raid (August 19, 1942);
Ferguson, Lance Corporal Kenneth Scott;
Juno Beach Centre (World War II Memorial);
Mustard gas;
Ortona battle (December 20-27, 1943);
Pearl Harbour (December 7, 1941 Japanese attack);
Prisoners of war;
Smith, Ernest Alvia (Smokey);
Victory in Europe Day (V-E Day)
World War II Memorial, Washington, DC see A. Lacroix et Fils Granit Ltée.
World Water Day
United Nations declaration, etc., S.O. 31, 4529-30(75:1110)
World Wide Duty Free Retailer of the Year see Blue Water Bridge Duty Free Shop
World wide web see Internet
"World-Wide Women: Surfing the Digital Revolution" see International Women's Day
WorldSkills Competition (Switzerland 2003)
Team Canada
>>>Côté, Isabelle, landscape gardening category bronze medal, S.O. 31,
>>>Skills Canada sponsoring, o.q., 7216(117:1440)
Wreggitt, Zoe see Cancer--Research
Wright brothers see Aviation--Anniversary
Wright, Frank
Volunteer, Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation recipient, Heaven
Can Wait Okanagan Lake senior citizens' tour boat organizer, S.O. 31,
Writers see Joliette, QC--Public writing stations
Writer's Trust of Canada see Canada Book Day
Written declaration see Legislative process--Royal Assent
WTO see World Trade Organization (WTO)
WUSC see World University Service of Canada (WUSC) see Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program)--Administration