The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Yelich, Lynne (CA--Blackstrap)
- >>Abortion, petitions, 1844(31:1520)
>>Agriculture, 5045(83:1610)
>>>S.O. 31, 7622(124:1410)
>>Air Canada, 5045(83:1610)
>>Air transportation, 5934(97:1705-10)
>>Air transportation security, 5935(97:1705), 6552-3(106:1630)
>>Air Travellers Security Charge, 5935(97:1705)
>>>o.q., 2555-6(43:1435-40)
>>Airlines, 5045(83:1610), 5934(97:1705)
>>Airports, 5934-6(97:1705-15)
>>Ammunition, 6553(106:1630-5)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-13), 8760-1(144:1240-5)
>>Border, Canadian, o.q., 5248(86:1450)
>>Bovine Spongiform Encephalophathy, petition, 8728(143:1220)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2003 (Bill C-28), 5045-6(83:1610-5)
>>Business, 5045(83:1610)
>>Canada Airports Act (Bill C-27), 5934-6(97:1705-15)
>>Canada-United States relations, 8653(142:1220)
>>Child pornography
>>>M. on supply (Thompson, M.), 8860(145:1625), 8865(145:1655)
>>>Petitions, 521(8:1530), 687(11:1520)
>>Children, 8860(145:1625)
>>Chrétien, references, M. on supply (Gauthier), 8653(142:1230)
>>Citizenship Act (amdt.--Oath or Affirmation of Citizenship)(Bill C-203), 2083-4(36:1115-25)
>>Contraventions Act and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-38), 8444-5(138:1210-5)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of children and other vulnerable persons) and Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-20), 4895-6(81:1205-10)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--street racing)(Bill C-338), 8993-4(147:1725-30)
>>Democracy, 7655-6(124:1810)
>>Disability Tax Credit, M. on supply (McDonough), 1633-4(27:1630-40)
>>Drug and substance abuse, 154(3:1650)
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, 154(3:1650)
>>Eckmire, David, S.O. 31, 5752(94:1105)
>>Education, post-secondary, S.O. 31, 8669(142:1415)
>>Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (Bill C-49), 8575(140:1635)
>>Ethics Commissioner, 7324(119:1330), 7637(124:1545), 7641(124:1620), 7644(124:1640), 7645(124:1650), 7648(124:1710), 7651(124:1735), 7656-7(124:1810-20), 7658(124:1825)
>>Farm income crisis, S.O. 31, 578(9:1400)
>>Football, S.O. 31, 9071(149:1410)
>>Gasoline taxes, M. on supply (Moore), 8094-5(132:1240-50), 8096(132:1255)
>>Government expenditures, r.o., 3017(50:1215)
>>Grain industry, S.O. 31, 1137(19:1405)
>>Grain transportation
>>>o.q., 753(12:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 675-6(11:1410)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), M. (Anderson, Hon. David), 2147(36:1915), 2162(36:2125), 2164(36:2135), 2462-3(41:1835)
>>Hate propaganda, petitions, 7032(114:1510)
>>Highways and roads, 8094(132:1240-5), 8096(132:1255)
>>Hotel industry, 5046(83:1610-5)
>>Human cloning, 8760(144:1240)
>>Immigration, o.q., 5291(87:1435)
>>Immigration and Refugee Board, o.q., 6965-6(113:1130)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 7324(119:1330), 7637(124:1545), 7656(124:1810)
>>Marijuana, 8444-5(138:1210-5)
>>Marriage, petitions, 7032(114:1510), 7462(121:1520), 8639(142:1050)
>>Meteorological Service of Canada, o.q., 3301(55:1135)
>>National identity card, o.q., 5986(98:1500)
>>National security (public safety), 1317(22:1625), 6551-2(106:1625-30), 6553-4(106:1635-40)
>>Oxford Frozen Foods Ltd., S.O. 31, 8315(136:1410)
>>Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--Ethics Commissioner and Senate Ethics Officer)(Bill C-34), 7324(119:1330), 7637(124:1540), 7641(124:1620), 7644-5(124:1640-50), 7648(124:1710), 7651(124:1735), 7655-8(124:1810-25)
>>Prince Albert National Park, petitions, 7148(116:1535)
>>Public Safety Act, 2002 (Bill C-17), 1317(22:1625), 6551-4(106:1625-40)
>>Refugees, o.q., 3983(67:1435), 4040(68:1455)
>>Registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs), 5045(83:1610)
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), 8342(136:1710), 8702-3(142:1815-25)
>>>o.q., 8781(144:1455)
>>Saskatchewan, o.q., 6033(99:1150)
>>Saskatchewan Association for Firearm Education, o.q., 6372(104:1135)
>>Senate Ethics Officer, 7641(124:1620), 7657(124:1815)
>>Stem cell research, 8760-1(144:1240-5)
>>>Petitions, 832(14:1045), 969(16:1525)
>>Street racing, 8993-4(147:1725-30)
>>Teachers, S.O. 31, 1539-40(26:1400)
>>Throne Speech
>>>Address in Reply, M. (Pacetti), 154(3:1650)
>>Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO), S.O. 31, 7908(129:1355)
>>WestJet Airlines, o.q., 2556(43:1440)
Yellowknife, NT see Giant Mine
Yemen see Sivell, Rob
YMCA Peace Week
YMCA Peace Symbol pin, Orbit Design Services, Barrie, ON, designers, S.O.
31, 1613(27:1410)
Yom Hashoah see Holocaust Memorial Day (Yom Hashoah); Holocaust Remembrance Day
Yom Kippur
Celebrating, S.O. 31, 8150(133:1100)
York University see University research--Synergy awards
Youkhanna, Dr. Donny George
Iraq museum research director, Ontario lectures, S.O. 31, 7741(126:1410)
Young architects competition see Architectural League of New York
Young offenders
Detention prior to disposition, parental accountability, 1110(19:1010),
>>>See also Young Offenders Act (amdt.)(Bill C-281)
>>Quebec approach, federal legislation, relationship, 28(2:1145),
228-9(4:1245), 2826(47:1805), 3761(63:1625), 7943(129:1805), 9204(151:1610)
>>>See also Youth Criminal Justice Act
>>Recidivism, S.O. 31, 9019(148:1100)
>>Violent crimes, sentences, S.O. 31, 8028(131:1405)
>>See also Findlay, Colleen;
Home invasion;
Jung, Richard;
Kingsclear Youth Training Centre;
Manitoba Warriors street gang;
Murder--Capital punishment;
Ridge Meadows Youth and Justice Advocacy Association;
Sex offender registry--Registration
Young Offenders Act
Amendments, 6392(104:1320)
>>Legislation see Criminal Code and Young Offenders Act (amdt.--capital
punishment)(Bill C-318)
Young Offenders Act (amdt.)(Bill C-281)--Cadman
First reading, 1109-10(19:1010)
>>See also Young offenders--Detention
At risk
>>>Budget 2003 measures, 3994(67:1550)
>>>See also Homelessness--Supporting Communities Partnership Initiative (SCPI)
>>Canada Youth Strategy, federal intrusion into provincial jurisdiction,
>>Environmental and overseas role, government creating opportunities,
Throne Speech statement, Katimavik program, relationship, 69(2:1635-40),
227(4:1225), 252(4:1510), 272(4:1735-40)
>>Investment in, lack, 386(6:1755)
>>Martin, Paul, 8579(140:1705)
>>National crime prevention strategy, o.q., 1192(20:1150)
>>Round table, "Youth in our society", S.O. 31, 8889-90(146:1405)
>>Skills development
>>>Government strategies, Throne Speech statement, 4(1:1525)
>>>Mission Compétence Hiver 2003, Gilles Poulin Consultant, Human Resources
Development Department financial assistance, S.O. 31, 4528(75:1100)
>>See also Cigarettes--Sale to minors;
Collective agreements--Orphan clauses;
Disease prevention;
Drug trafficking--Schools;
Employment insurance--Exemption;
Entraide jeunesse Quebec;
Forum for Young Canadians;
International Development Week--Butterfly 208;
Nunavut Youth Abroad Program;
Science centres;
Sports--Amateur sport, Fees
Youth crime
Single parent families, family breakdown factor, 3125(52:1320)
>>See also Marijuana--Possession;
Sports--Amateur sport, Fees
Youth Criminal Justice Act
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, infringement, 6008-9(98:1755)
>>>o.q., 4994(82:1455), 5035(83:1455), 5709-10(93:1435), 5810-1(95:1445),
>>Coming into force, postponement, o.q., 4663(77:1455)
>>Criticism, 5567-8(91:1600-10), 7940(129:1745), 7943(129:1805),
>>>S.O. 31, 4884(82:1400), 6313(103:1355)
>>Legislation see Criminal Code and Youth Criminal Justice Act
(amdt.--sentencing principles)(Bill C-416)
>>Provinces administering, lack of resources/funding, 6362(104:1045),
>>>Exemption, o.q., 5710(93:1435)
>>>Opting out with compensation, etc., 6577-8(106:1945)
>>>Quebec Court of Appeal decision, 5567-8(91:1600-10), 5826-9(95:1715-35)
>>Sentences, o.q., 8115(132:1500)
Youth Criminal Justice Act (amdt.)(Bill C-204)--Lunn
First reading, 139-40(3:1515)
>>Second reading, 2823-31(47:1745-1845)
>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 2831(47:1845)
>>See also Home invasion
Youth Employment Strategy
Argenteuil in Bloom II project, S.O. 31, 6529-30(106:1410)
>>Government discontinuing, 233(4:1315), 389(6:1815)
>>Reorienting, government commitment, 458(7:1310)
>>Training role, 27(2:1140)
>>See also Community Access Program (Internet);
Youth Service Canada--"Si Sainte-Émélie-de-l'Énergie se racontait"
Youth justice system
Trials, transfer to adult court, 1204(21:1125-30), 2991-3(49:1830-5)
>>>o.q., 2055(35:1140)
>>See also Minister of Justice National Youth Justice Policing Award
Youth Science Foundation
National science fair, Catherine Colodey, Jackie Sharkey, Bluefield High
School, Prince Edward Island, gold medal winners, S.O. 31, 6730(109:1355)
Youth Science Month
Science fairs, role, S.O. 31, 4031(68:1410)
Youth Service Canada
"Si Sainte-Émélie-de-l'Énergie se racontait", youth employment project,
Berthier--Montcalm constituency, S.O. 31, 6314-5(103:1405)
Yucca Mountain see Nuclear waste--United States
Yugoslavia, former see Medak pocket operation (1993)
Yukon Comprehensive Land Claims Agreement
Implementation, annual report, tabling, 9231(152:1020)
Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act (Bill C-2)--Minister
of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Nault)
First reading, 207(4:1005)
>>Second reading, 692-712(11:1555-825), agreed to, on recorded division,
>>Aboriginal Affairs, Northern Development and Natural Resources Standing
>>>Referral, 757(12:1515)
>>>Reported, with amdts., 2381(40:1215)
>>Report stage, 3799-800(64:1225-30)
>>>Concurrence, as amended, agreed to, on recorded division, 4021-2(67:1910)
>>>Motions, 3799(64:1225)
>>>>Agreed to, on recorded division, 4020-1(67:1905-10)
>>Third reading, 4177-83(70:1005-55), 4200-1(70:1215-30), agreed to, on
recorded division, 4393-4(72:1800), passed.
>>Royal Assent, 6005(98:1730)
>>See also Yukon Territory--Development assessment process
Yukon Medical Association see Health care--Rural and remote communities
Yukon Party see Yukon Territory--Elections
Yukon River Salmon Agreement
United States and Canada, signing, S.O. 31, 2324(39:1405)
Yukon Sourdough Rendezvous Festival
Whitehorse, YT, winter festival, S.O. 31, 4183(70:1100)
Yukon Territory
Aboriginal land claim, 2653(44:1725)
>>>See also Yukon Comprehensive Land Claims Agreement; Yukon
Territory--Development assessment process
>>Development assessment process, environmental and socio-economic assessments,
Council of Yukon Indians land claims agreement factor, aboriginal
peoples/communities role, etc., 693-7(1555-630), 698(11:1635), 700(11:1655),
701-10(11:1700-810), 711-2(11:1920), 3799-800(64:1225), 4177-83(70:1005-55),
>>>See also Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act (Bill C-2)
>>Devolution, jurisdiction over natural resources and environment transferred
from federal to territorial government
>>>S.O. 31, 4986(82:1405)
>>>Statement by Minister (Nault), 4953-4(82:1005-15)
>>Elections, November 4, 2002 general election, Yukon Party victory, S.O. 31,
>>See also Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
Yushchenko, Viktor
Ukraine, former prime minister, visit to Canada, S.O. 31, 6238(102:1415)
YWCA Week Without Violence
Awareness campaign, S.O. 31, 673(11:1355), 745(12:1405), 8554(140:1405)