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Status of House Business

The Status of House Business provides cumulative information on the status of business before the House during a session. The document is updated after each sitting.

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37th Parliament, 3rd Session   (February 2, 2004 - May 23, 2004)  Current Session
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Sunday, May 23, 2004

PART II -- Motions

Government Orders

Business of Supply

This section contains information relating to the Business of Supply, mainly: Supply period, allotted days, Opposition motions, Estimates, and Interim Supply. The information in this section is grouped and numbered for reference only.

No. 1 -- The President of the Treasury Board -- Order for Supply

    Order respecting the consideration of the Business of Supply -- February 2, 2004

No. 2 -- Supply period ending March 26, 2004

    Total number of allotted days set at 6 -- February 2, 2004
    1st allotted day and 8th votable opposition motion -- Mr. Hill (Macleod) -- Use of public funds -- Notice -- February 16, 2004
      Debated; negatived -- February 17, 2004
    2nd allotted day and 9th votable opposition motion -- Mr. Bachand (Saint-Jean) -- American antimissile defence shield -- Notice -- February 18, 2004
      Order respecting the deferred recorded division on February 24, 2004 -- February 19, 2004 (See Other Business No. 5)
      Debated -- February 19, 2004; negatived -- February 24, 2004
    Order respecting the notice requirement for the opposition motion of March 8, 2004 -- February 18, 2004 (See Other Business No. 5)
    3rd allotted day -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Canada Pension Plan Investment Review Board -- Notice -- February 23, 2004
      Debated -- February 24, 2004
    4th allotted day and 10th votable opposition motion -- Mr. Hill (Macleod) -- Reallocation of resources -- Notice -- February 25, 2004
      Order respecting the wording of the opposition motion -- February 25, 2004 (See Other Business No. 5)
      Order respecting the deferred recorded division on March 9, 2004 -- February 26, 2004 (See Other Business No. 5)
      Debated -- February 26, 2004; negatived -- March 9, 2004
    5th allotted day and 11th votable opposition motion -- Mr. Paquette (Joliette) -- Health-care spending -- Notice -- March 10, 2004
      Order respecting the deferred recorded division on March 22, 2004 -- March 11, 2004 (See Other Business No. 5)
      Debated -- March 11, 2004; negatived -- March 22, 2004
    6th and final allotted day and 12th votable opposition motion -- Mr. MacKay (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- Legislative program -- Notice -- March 18, 2004
      Debated; negatived -- March 22, 2004

No. 3 -- Supplementary Estimates (B), 2003-2004

    Laid upon the Table; deemed referred to several standing committees -- February 19, 2004
    Vote 25b under PRIVY COUNCIL -- First Report of the Standing Committee on Official Languages -- February 26, 2004
    Vote 110b under CANADIAN HERITAGE; Vote 1b under GOVERNOR GENERAL; Votes 40b and 45b under JUSTICE; Vote 1b under PARLIAMENT; Votes 1b, 5b and 15b under PRIVY COUNCIL; Votes 1b and 15b under PUBLIC WORKS AND GOVERNMENT SERVICES; Votes 1b, 10b, 15b, 20b and 21b under TREASURY BOARD -- First Report of the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates -- February 27, 2004
    Votes 1b, 5b, 10b, 30b and 35b under AGRICULTURE AND AGRI-FOOD -- First Report of the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food -- March 9, 2004
    Votes deemed reported -- All Votes except those already reported -- March 11, 2004
    Concurred in -- March 22, 2004 (See Bill C-26)

No. 4 -- Main Estimates 2004-2005

    Laid upon the Table; deemed referred to several standing committees -- February 24, 2004
    Vote 30 under PRIVY COUNCIL -- Second Report of the Standing Committee on Official Languages -- February 26, 2004
    Vote 25 under PRIVY COUNCIL -- 13th Report of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs -- March 26, 2004
    Votes 1, 5, 10, 15, L20, L25 and 30 under INDIAN AFFAIRS AND NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT; Vote 40 under PRIVY COUNCIL -- Second Report of the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs, Northern Development and Natural Resources -- March 31, 2004
    Vote 5 under PARLIAMENT -- 18th Report of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs -- April 2, 2004
    Vote 10 under CANADA CUSTOMS AND REVENUE AGENCY; Vote 100 under CANADIAN HERITAGE; Vote 40 under JUSTICE -- Fourth Report of the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates -- April 26, 2004

No. 5 -- Interim Supply for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2005

    Concurred in -- March 22, 2004 (See Bill C-27)

No. 6 -- Supply period ending June 23, 2004

    1st allotted day and 13th votable opposition motion -- Mr. Reynolds (West Vancouver-Sunshine Coast) -- General elections -- Notice -- April 26, 2004
      Debated; negatived -- April 27, 2004
    2nd allotted day -- Mr. Crête (Kamouraska -- Rivière-du-Loup -- Témiscouata -- Les Basques) -- Employment insurance reform -- Notice -- May 5, 2004
      Debated -- May 6, 2004
    3rd allotted day -- Mrs. Desjarlais (Churchill) -- Private health care -- Notice -- May 10, 2004
      Debated -- May 11, 2004
    4th allotted day and 14th votable opposition motion -- Mr. MacKay (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- Work of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts -- Notice -- May 12, 2004
      Debated -- May 13, 2004

Ways and Means Proceedings

This section contains all motions relating to the raising of revenue through taxation and to the government's budgetary policy. The motions in this section are numbered sequentially.

No. 1 -- The Minister of Finance -- Budgetary Policy

    Order of the Day designated -- February 24, 2004
    Presentation -- March 23, 2004
    Debated -- March 24, 25, 29 and 30, 2004
    Adopted -- March 31, 2004
    Order respecting the deferred recorded division on March 31, 2004 -- March 30, 2004 (See Other Business No. 5)

No. 2 -- The Secretary of State (International Financial Institutions) -- Motion to amend the Excise Tax Act

    Notice tabled (Sessional Paper No. 8570-373-01); Order of the Day designated -- March 9, 2004

No. 3 -- The Minister of Finance -- Motion to amend the Air Travellers Security Charge Act

    Notice tabled (Sessional Paper No. 8570-373-02); Order of the Day designated -- March 23, 2004

No. 4 -- The Minister of Finance -- Motion to amend the Income Tax Act

    Notice tabled (Sessional Paper No. 8570-373-03); Order of the Day designated -- March 23, 2004

No. 5 -- The Minister of Finance -- Motion to amend the Excise Tax Act

    Notice tabled (Sessional Paper No. 8570-373-04); Order of the Day designated -- March 23, 2004

No. 6 -- The Minister of Finance -- Motion to amend the Income Tax Conventions Interpretation Act

    Notice tabled (Sessional Paper No. 8570-373-05); Order of the Day designated -- March 23, 2004

No. 7 -- The Minister of Finance -- Motion to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on March 23, 2004

    Notice tabled (Sessional Paper No. 8570-373-09); Order of the Day designated -- March 29, 2004
    Order respecting the recorded division on March 31, 2004 -- March 30, 2004 (See Other Business No. 5)
    Adopted -- March 31, 2004 (See Bill C-30)

No. 8 -- The Minister of Finance -- Motion to introduce an Act to give effect to a land claims and self-government agreement among the Tlicho, the Government of the Northwest Territories and the Government of Canada, to make related amendments to the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts

    Notice tabled (Sessional Paper No. 8570-373-10); Order of the Day designated -- March 30, 2004
    Order respecting the recorded division on March 31, 2004 -- March 30, 2004 (See Other Business No. 5)
    Adopted -- March 31, 2004 (See Bill C-31)

Government Business

This section contains all government motions which the government requested to be placed under this heading in the Order Paper. The motions in this section are numbered sequentially upon notice.

No. 1 -- The Leader of the Government in the House of Commons -- Bovine spongiform encephalopathy

    Order respecting proceedings on February 4, 2004 -- February 3, 2004 (See Other Business No. 5)
    Debated in Committee of the Whole -- February 4, 2004

No. 2 -- The Leader of the Government in the House of Commons -- Reinstatement of government bills -- Notice -- February 4, 2004

    Debated -- February 6, 9 and 10, 2004
    Adopted -- February 10, 2004
    Closure -- Notice -- February 9, 2004; adopted -- February 10, 2004

No. 3 -- The Leader of the Government in the House of Commons -- Ballistic missile defence

    Order respecting proceedings on February 17, 2004, pursuant to Standing Order 53.1 -- February 12, 2004 (See Other Business No. 5)
    Debated in Committee of the Whole -- February 17, 2004

No. 4 -- The Leader of the Government in the House of Commons -- Haiti

    Order respecting proceedings on March 10, 2004 -- March 8, 2004 (See Other Business No. 5)
    Debated in Committee of the Whole -- March 10, 2004

Motions for the Production of Papers

This section contains all motions sponsored by private Members which seek the production of certain papers. The motions in this section are numbered sequentially upon notice and a ``P'' precedes the motion number.

P-1 -- Mr. Clark (Calgary Centre) -- Rolland Groupe Conseil Inc.

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002
    Transferred for debate -- September 24, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Deemed transferred for debate pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

P-2 -- Mr. Clark (Calgary Centre) -- Price Waterhouse Coopers

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002
    Transferred for debate -- September 24, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Deemed transferred for debate pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

P-3 -- Mr. Clark (Calgary Centre) -- Gilles Tremblay and Associates

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002
    Transferred for debate -- September 24, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Deemed transferred for debate pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

P-4 -- Mr. Clark (Calgary Centre) -- Elan Pratzer and Partners Inc.

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002
    Transferred for debate -- September 24, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Deemed transferred for debate pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

P-5 -- Mr. Clark (Calgary Centre) -- Illsley Bourbonnais

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002
    Motion adopted and Return tabled (Sessional Paper No. 8550-372-5) -- May 14, 2003

P-6 -- Mr. Clark (Calgary Centre) -- Belle Isle Djandji

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002
    Transferred for debate -- September 24, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Deemed transferred for debate pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

P-7 -- Mr. Clark (Calgary Centre) -- Gestion Michel Lebeuf Ltée

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002
    Transferred for debate -- September 24, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Deemed transferred for debate pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

P-8 -- Mr. Clark (Calgary Centre) -- La Société Caldwell

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002
    Transferred for debate -- September 24, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Deemed transferred for debate pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

P-9 -- Mr. Clark (Calgary Centre) -- Egon Zehnder International

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002
    Motion adopted and Return tabled (Sessional Paper No. 8550-372-9) -- May 14, 2003

P-10 -- Mr. Clark (Calgary Centre) -- Spencer Stuart

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002
    Motion adopted and Return tabled (Sessional Paper No. 8550-372-10) -- May 14, 2003

P-11 -- Mr. Williams (St. Albert) -- Mr. Vito Rizzuto

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002
    Transferred for debate -- June 4, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Deemed transferred for debate pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

P-12 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Wild animal and plant protection

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 1, 2002
    Withdrawn -- March 20, 2003

P-13 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Endangered species

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 1, 2002
    Withdrawn -- March 20, 2003

P-14 -- Mr. Cummins (Delta -- South Richmond) -- Cap Rouge II Incident

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 2, 2002
    Motion adopted and Return tabled (Sessional Paper No. 8550-372-14) -- February 5, 2003

P-15 -- Mr. Clark (Calgary Centre) -- Ethics Counsellor

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 24, 2002
    Transferred for debate -- January 29, 2003
    Placed in the order of precedence -- March 25, 2003
    Debated -- May 16 and October 2, 2003
    Order respecting the deferred recorded division on October 8, 2003 -- October 2, 2003
    Negatived -- October 8, 2003

P-16 -- Mr. Clark (Calgary Centre) -- Ethics Counsellor

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 24, 2002
    Transferred for debate -- January 29, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Deemed transferred for debate pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

P-17 -- Mr. Hearn (St. John's West) -- Parliament and national unity

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- November 18, 2002
    Withdrawn -- November 21, 2002

P-18 -- Mr. Cummins (Delta -- South Richmond) -- Kyoto Protocol

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- November 19, 2002

P-19 -- Mr. Fitzpatrick (Prince Albert) -- Kyoto Protocol

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- November 19, 2002

P-20 -- Mr. Moore (Port Moody -- Coquitlam -- Port Coquitlam) -- Kyoto Protocol

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- November 19, 2002
    Transferred for debate -- March 19, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Deemed transferred for debate pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

P-21 -- Mr. Mills (Red Deer) -- Kyoto Protocol

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- November 19, 2002
    Transferred for debate -- April 2, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Deemed transferred for debate pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

P-22 -- Mr. Anderson (Cypress Hills -- Grasslands) -- Kyoto Protocol

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- November 19, 2002

P-23 -- Mr. Chatters (Athabasca) -- Kyoto Protocol

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- November 19, 2002

P-24 -- Mr. Chatters (Athabasca) -- Kyoto Protocol

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- November 19, 2002
    Transferred for debate -- February 5, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Deemed transferred for debate pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

P-25 -- Mr. Duncan (Vancouver Island North) -- Kyoto Protocol

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- November 19, 2002
    Transferred for debate -- February 5, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Deemed transferred for debate pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

P-26 -- Mr. Gouk (Kootenay -- Boundary -- Okanagan) -- Kyoto Protocol

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- November 20, 2002
    Transferred for debate -- May 28, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Deemed transferred for debate pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

P-27 -- Mr. Pankiw (Saskatoon-Humboldt) -- Public Works

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- December 6, 2002
    Transferred for debate -- February 19, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Deemed transferred for debate pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

P-28 -- Mr. Keddy (South Shore) -- Treasury Board loans

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- December 12, 2002
    Transferred for debate -- May 7, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Deemed transferred for debate pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

P-29 -- Ms. Skelton (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Canadian Blood Services

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- January 23, 2003
    Transferred for debate -- April 30, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Deemed transferred for debate pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

P-30 -- Ms. Guay (Laurentides) -- Labour Code

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- January 27, 2003
    Motion adopted and Return tabled (Sessional Paper No. 8550-372-30) -- June 4, 2003

P-31 -- Mr. Hearn (St. John's West) -- Gun registry program

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- February 5, 2003
    Motion adopted and Return tabled (Sessional Paper No. 8550-372-31) -- March 19, 2003

P-32 -- Mrs. Skelton (Saskatoon-Rosetown-Biggar) -- Saskatoon Environment Canada office

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- February 11, 2003
    Withdrawn -- April 10, 2003

P-33 -- Mr. Ritz (Battlefords -- Lloydminster) -- Goods and Services Tax fraud

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- February 12, 2003
    Transferred for debate -- September 17, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Deemed transferred for debate pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

P-34 -- Ms. Guay (Laurentides) -- Replacement workers

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- February 12, 2003

P-35 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Removal of job bank kiosks

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- February 12, 2003
    Withdrawn -- September 16, 2003

P-36 -- Ms. Wasylycia-Leis (Winnipeg North Centre) -- Pay Equity Task Force

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- February 27, 2003

P-37 -- Mr. Jaffer (Edmonton -- Strathcona) -- Goods and Services Tax fraud

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- March 26, 2003

P-38 -- Mr. Jaffer (Edmonton-Strathcona) -- Goods and Services Tax fraud

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- March 26, 2003

P-39 -- Mr. Moore (Port Moody -- Coquitlam -- Port Coquitlam) -- Indofoods

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- April 1, 2003
    Transferred for debate -- June 11, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Deemed transferred for debate pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

P-40 -- Ms. Wasylycia-Leis (Winnipeg North Centre) -- Gender-based analyses

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- April 1, 2003

P-41 -- Mr. Jaffer (Edmonton -- Strathcona) -- Goods and Services Tax fraud

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- April 1, 2003
    Motion adopted and Return tabled (Sessional Paper No. 8550-372-41) -- September 17, 2003

P-42 -- Ms. Wasylycia-Leis (Winnipeg North Centre) -- Meteorological service

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- April 24, 2003
    Transferred for debate -- October 29, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Deemed transferred for debate pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

P-43 -- Mr. Clark (Calgary Centre) -- Canadian International Development Agency

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- April 29, 2003
    Transferred for debate -- November 5, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Deemed transferred for debate pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

P-44 -- Mr. Bigras (Rosemont -- Petite-Patrie) -- Acart Communications Inc.

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- June 12, 2003
    Transferred for debate -- November 5, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Deemed transferred for debate pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

P-45 -- Mr. Clark (Calgary Centre) -- Privy Council records

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- June 12, 2003

P-46 -- Mr. MacKay (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- Royal LePage

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 23, 2003

P-47 -- Mr. Mark (Dauphin -- Swan River) -- Royal LePage

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 2, 2003

P-48 -- Mr. Mark (Dauphin -- Swan River) -- Royal LePage

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 2, 2003

P-49 -- Mr. Clark (Calgary Centre) -- Governor General's 2003 State visits to Russia, Finland and Iceland

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 27, 2003

P-50 -- Mr. Mark (Dauphin -- Swan River) -- Internal investigation reports

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- November 6, 2003

P-51 -- Mr. Jaffer (Edmonton -- Strathcona) -- Goods and Services Tax fraud -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

P-52 -- Mr. Jaffer (Edmonton -- Strathcona) -- Goods and Services Tax fraud -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

P-53 -- Mr. Rajotte (Edmonton Southwest) -- Correspondence in connection with question Q-37 (2nd Session, 37th Parliament) -- Notice -- February 3, 2004

P-54 -- Mrs. Skelton (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Federal funding announcements -- Notice -- February 5, 2004

P-55 -- Mr. Hearn (St. John's West) -- Royal LePage -- Notice -- February 9, 2004

P-56 -- Mr. Hearn (St. John's West) -- Fiscal and economic forecasts -- Notice -- March 8, 2004

P-57 -- Mr. Hearn (St. John's West) -- Tax pre-paid savings plan -- Notice -- March 9, 2004

P-58 -- Mr. Clark (Calgary Centre) -- Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation -- Notice -- March 22, 2004

P-59 -- Mr. Harper (Calgary Southwest) -- Alfonso Gagliano -- Notice -- March 30, 2004

    Withdrawn -- March 31, 2004

P-60 -- Mr. Keddy (South Shore) -- Income tax deferrals for woodlot owners -- Notice -- March 31, 2004

P-61 -- Mr. Harper (Calgary Southwest) -- Alfonso Gagliano -- Notice -- March 31, 2004

P-62 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Office of Cannabis Medical Access -- Notice -- May 3, 2004

Private Members' Motions

This section contains all motions sponsored by private Members which concern general subject matters. The motions in this section are numbered sequentially upon notice and an ``M'' precedes the motion number.

M-1 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Economic development

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-2 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Housing

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-3 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Salary for mothers and fathers who stay at home

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-4 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Fiscal policy

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-5 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- James Bay Cree

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-6 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Member's office budget

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-7 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Cigarette sales

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-8 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Storage of nuclear waste

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-9 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Carriage of cargo in remote regions

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-10 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Inuit of Nunavik

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002
    Placed in the order of precedence -- October 22, 2002
    Debated; dropped from the Order Paper -- December 3, 2002

M-11 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Registered Education Savings Plan

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-12 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Housing and mortgage investment program

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-13 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Reinvestment of bank profits

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-14 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Unpaid work

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-15 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Fetal alcohol syndrome

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-16 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Labelling of food products

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-17 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Long-range trans-border air pollution

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-18 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Affordable housing

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 15, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-19 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Lumber exports

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-20 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Canadian airlines

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-21 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Gasoline prices

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-22 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Independent truckers

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-23 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Mining sector

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-24 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Teaching of trades

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-25 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Independent truckers

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-26 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Mining industry

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-27 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Excise tax on fuel

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-28 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- National equipment program

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-29 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Returnable bottles

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-30 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Discrepancy between training and labour market needs

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-31 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- American legislation affecting trans-border traffic

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-32 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Railway taxes

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-33 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Primary industry

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-34 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Excise tax on fuel

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-35 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Excise tax on aviation fuel

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-36 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Financial assistance to airports

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-37 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Resource regions

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-38 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Resource regions

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-39 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Under-capitalized mines

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-40 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Gold mines

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-41 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Shipment of goods by rail

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-42 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Unhealthy houses in Chisasibi

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-43 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Employment Insurance

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-44 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Resource regions

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-45 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Community action support

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-46 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Guaranteed Income Supplement

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-47 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Development of remote communities

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-48 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Mining and metals industry

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-49 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Mining exploration

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-50 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Mining sector

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-51 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Forestry sector

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-52 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Agricultural products

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-53 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Canadian mining companies

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-54 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Economic development

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-55 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Economic development communications officer

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002
    Withdrawn -- November 20, 2002

M-56 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- House building program

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 15, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-57 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Dog extermination

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-58 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Abitibi-Témiscamingue

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-59 -- Mr. Williams (St. Albert) -- Appointments to federal quasi-judicial bodies

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-60 -- Mr. Stoffer (Sackville -- Musquodoboit Valley -- Eastern Shore) -- Tax on funerals

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-61 -- Mr. Stoffer (Sackville -- Musquodoboit Valley -- Eastern Shore) -- Tax on reading materials

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-62 -- Mr. Stoffer (Sackville -- Musquodoboit Valley -- Eastern Shore) -- Labelling on candy

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-63 -- Mr. Stoffer (Sackville -- Musquodoboit Valley -- Eastern Shore) -- National day for seniors

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-64 -- Mr. Casey (Cumberland -- Colchester) -- Small communities

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002
    Placed in the order of precedence -- October 22, 2002
    Debated; dropped from the Order Paper -- November 7, 2002

M-65 -- Mr. Nystrom (Regina -- Qu'Appelle) -- Community re-investment act

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 15, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-66 -- Mr. Nystrom (Regina -- Qu'Appelle) -- Domestic tax

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 15, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-67 -- Mr. Nystrom (Regina -- Qu'Appelle) -- Wealth tax

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 15, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-68 -- Mr. Nystrom (Regina -- Qu'Appelle) -- Student credit amnesty

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 15, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-69 -- Mr. Nystrom (Regina -- Qu'Appelle) -- Mortgage prepayments

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-70 -- Mr. Nystrom (Regina -- Qu'Appelle) -- Donations to political parties

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-71 -- Mr. Nystrom (Regina -- Qu'Appelle) -- Abolition of the Senate

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-72 -- Mr. Nystrom (Regina -- Qu'Appelle) -- Budget surplus

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-73 -- Mr. Nystrom (Regina -- Qu'Appelle) -- Members of Parliament and Senators

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-74 -- Mr. Nystrom (Regina -- Qu'Appelle) -- HIV-AIDS pandemic

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 15, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-75 -- Mr. Nystrom (Regina -- Qu'Appelle) -- Standard of plain language

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-76 -- Mr. Nystrom (Regina -- Qu'Appelle) -- Auditor general

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-77 -- Mr. Nystrom (Regina -- Qu'Appelle) -- Canada Labour Code

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-78 -- Mr. Nystrom (Regina -- Qu'Appelle) -- Proportional representation

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 15, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-79 -- Mr. Williams (St. Albert) -- Appointments to the Supreme Court of Canada

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002
    Placed in the order of precedence -- October 24, 2002
    Debated; dropped from the Order Paper -- November 6, 2002

M-80 -- Mr. Proctor (Palliser) -- Western grain

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-81 -- Mr. Williams (St. Albert) -- Foundations

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-82 -- Mr. Clark (Calgary Centre) -- Special Joint Committee on Kyoto

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002
    Placed in the order of precedence -- October 22, 2002
    Debated; dropped from the Order Paper -- November 8, 2002

M-83 -- Mr. Breitkreuz (Yorkton -- Melville) -- Health risks

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002
    Placed in the order of precedence -- March 24, 2003
    Debated -- May 12 and September 30, 2003
    Order respecting a deferred division on October 1, 2003 -- September 30, 2003
    Negatived -- October 1, 2003

M-84 -- Ms. Wasylycia-Leis (Winnipeg North Centre) -- Food and Drugs Act

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-85 -- Ms. Wasylycia-Leis (Winnipeg North Centre) -- Vaccines

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-86 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Electronic voting

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 1, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-87 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Committing draft bills

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 1, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-88 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Four-year terms

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 1, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-89 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Tabling of documents by Members

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 1, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-90 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Supreme Court appointments

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 1, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-91 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Health care services

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 1, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-92 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Medical manpower

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 1, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-93 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Living organ donors

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 1, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-94 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Goods and Services Tax

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 1, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-95 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Exotic species

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 1, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-96 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Water quality

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 1, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-97 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Goods and Services Tax

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 1, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-98 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- International drug trade

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 1, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-99 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Private Members' Business

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 15, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 1, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-100 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Tax benefits for non-custodial parents

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 1, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-101 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Tax write-off

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 1, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-102 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Education

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 1, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-103 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Diplomats

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 1, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-104 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Zimbabwe

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 1, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-105 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Criminal tribunal

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 1, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-106 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Criminal Code

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 1, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-107 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Firefighters

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 1, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-108 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- RCMP pensions

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 1, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-109 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Alternative service delivery

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 1, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-110 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Golden Jubilee award

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 1, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-111 -- Mr. Herron (Fundy -- Royal) -- Post-secondary scholarships

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 15, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 1, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-112 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Employee benefit funds

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 2, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-113 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- International development

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 15, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 2, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-114 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Housing

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 15, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 2, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-115 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- DNA testing

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 15, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 2, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-116 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Rights of children

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 15, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 2, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-117 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Federal minimum wage

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 15, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 2, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-118 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Environmental projects

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 2, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-119 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Canada Ports Police

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 15, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 2, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-120 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Restorative justice

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 2, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-121 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Coastal Protection Act

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 2, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-122 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Environmental contamination

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 2, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-123 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Abuse at residential schools

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 2, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-124 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Post-secondary graduates

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 15, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 2, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-125 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Education

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 15, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 2, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-126 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- RCMP remuneration

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 2, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-127 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Income tax deduction for teachers

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 2, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-128 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Spanish Civil War

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 2, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-129 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Benefits to families of deceased veterans

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 2, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-130 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Apprenticeships and training programs

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 2, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-131 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Death benefit for firefighters

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 2, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-132 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Safety of firefighters

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 2, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-133 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Restrictions on government jobs

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 2, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-134 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Financial auditors

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 2, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-135 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Qualifying students

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 15, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 2, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-136 -- Mr. Hearn (St. John's West) -- Grand Banks and Flemish Cap

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 2, 2002
    Placed in the order of precedence -- September 29, 2003
    Debated -- October 30, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1; deemed placed in the order of precedence -- February 2, 2004
    Debated -- February 4 and March 10, 2004
    Adopted -- March 24, 2004

M-137 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Armenian genocide

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 3, 2002
    Placed in the order of precedence -- October 24, 2002
    Debated; dropped from the Order Paper -- February 12, 2003

M-138 -- Mr. Kenney (Calgary Southeast) -- Income Tax Convention

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 3, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-139 -- Mr. Kenney (Calgary Southeast) -- Two minutes' silence

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 3, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-140 -- Mr. Kenney (Calgary Southeast) -- Ending of elected officials' tax exemption

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 3, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-141 -- Mr. Marceau (Charlesbourg -- Jacques-Cartier) -- World-wide all-news television network

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 3, 2002
    Placed in the order of precedence -- October 22, 2002
    Debated; dropped from the Order Paper -- November 27, 2002

M-142 -- Mr. Grewal (Surrey Central) -- Removing regulatory barriers

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 3, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-143 -- Mr. Grewal (Surrey Central) -- Parliamentary scrutiny

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 3, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-144 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Zimbabwe

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-145 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- National child care program

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-146 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- GST exemptions for housing

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-147 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- HIV and drug use

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-148 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- National standards for social programs

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-149 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Canadian Human Rights Act

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-150 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Child-labour-free labels

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-151 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Workplace safety

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-152 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Canadian public safety officer compensation fund

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-153 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Cheque-cashing services

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-154 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Standard basic account

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-155 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Access to banking services

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-156 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Bank accounts

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-157 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Access to banking services

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-158 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Indonesia

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-159 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- National highway system

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-160 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- British Columbia highways

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-161 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Co-operative housing

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-162 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Housing

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-163 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Non-profit housing

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-164 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- International Monetary Fund

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-165 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Halfway houses and transition programs for women

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-166 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Canadian aviation regulations

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-167 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Compensation for travel costs

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-168 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Old Age Security

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-169 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Community revitalization day

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-170 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Chinese Canadian community

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-171 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Urban Aboriginal people

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-172 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Urban Aboriginal people

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-173 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Home mortgages

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-174 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Credit worthiness

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-175 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Aboriginal women's organizations

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-176 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Employment Insurance Fund

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-177 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Immigration

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-178 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Feminist groups

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-179 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Women's organizations

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-180 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Welfare

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-181 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Genetically modified foods

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-182 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Transgenic organisms

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-183 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Transgenic organisms

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-184 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Food biotechnology products

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-185 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Genetically modified fish

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-186 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Transgenic animals

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-187 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Genetically modified plants

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-188 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Genetically modified organisms

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-189 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Arts and Artists Sustainability Fund

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-190 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Leaky condos

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-191 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Families with children

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-192 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Solicitation laws

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- November 7, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 4, 2002
    Placed in the order of precedence -- October 24, 2002
    Debated -- November 18, 2002 and February 7, 2003
    Adopted as amended -- February 7, 2003

M-193 -- Mr. Pankiw (Saskatoon -- Humboldt) -- Charter of Rights and Freedoms

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 7, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-194 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Wearing of religious articles

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 7, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-195 -- Mr. Brison (Kings -- Hants) -- Regional development in Atlantic Canada

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 8, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-196 -- Mr. Pankiw (Saskatoon -- Humboldt) -- Quebec referendum

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 8, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-197 -- Mrs. Desjarlais (Churchill) -- Canada Pension Plan

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- November 7, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 8, 2002
    Placed in the order of precedence -- October 22, 2002
    Debated -- January 30, March 21 and October 8, 2003
    Order respecting the deferred recorded division on October 21, 2003 -- October 8, 2003
    Order respecting the deferred recorded division on October 28, 2003 -- October 9, 2003
    Negatived -- October 28, 2003

M-198 -- Ms. Minna (Beaches -- East York) -- National nutrition and fitness promotion strategy

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 8, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-199 -- Ms. Minna (Beaches -- East York) -- Support to community nutrition and fitness programs

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 8, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-200 -- Ms. Minna (Beaches -- East York) -- Preventative health-nutrition counselling

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 8, 2002
    Placed in the order of precedence -- March 25, 2003
    Withdrawn -- September 16, 2003

M-201 -- Ms. Minna (Beaches -- East York) -- Health research objectives

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 8, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-202 -- Ms. Minna (Beaches -- East York) -- Nutrition education for professionals

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 8, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-203 -- Ms. Minna (Beaches -- East York) -- Physical education curriculum standards

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 8, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-204 -- Ms. Minna (Beaches -- East York) -- Population health definition

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 8, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-205 -- Mr. Herron (Fundy -- Royal) -- Canada Student Loan Program

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 9, 2002
    Placed in the order of precedence -- October 23, 2002
    Debated; dropped from the Order Paper -- March 18, 2003

M-206 -- Mr. MacKay (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- Internet

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 9, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-207 -- Mr. MacKay (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- Criminal justice system

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 9, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-208 -- Mr. MacKay (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- Victims' bill of rights

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 9, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-209 -- Mr. MacKay (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- Young Offenders Act

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 9, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-210 -- Mr. MacKay (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- Parental Responsibility Act

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 9, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-211 -- Mr. MacKay (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- Criminal Code

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 9, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-212 -- Mr. MacKay (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- Firearms

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 9, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-213 -- Mr. MacKay (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- Sable Offshore Energy Project

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 9, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-214 -- Mr. MacKay (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- Job creation in Nova Scotia

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 9, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-215 -- Mr. MacKay (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- Correctional Service of Canada

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 9, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-216 -- Mr. MacKay (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- Criminal Code

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 9, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-217 -- Mr. MacKay (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- Criminal Code

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 9, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-218 -- Mr. MacKay (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- Scholarship fund

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 9, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-219 -- Mr. MacKay (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- Commissioner for the rights of victims

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 9, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-220 -- Mr. MacKay (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- Tax deduction for mechanics' tools

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 9, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-221 -- Mr. MacKay (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- Tax deduction for moving expenses

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 9, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-222 -- Mr. MacKay (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- National holiday on August 19

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 9, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-223 -- Mr. MacKay (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- Amendment to Standing Orders

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 9, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-224 -- Mr. MacKay (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- Criminal offences

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 9, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-225 -- Mr. MacKay (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- Westray mine disaster

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 9, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-226 -- Mr. MacKay (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- Omnibus bills

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 9, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-227 -- Mr. MacKay (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- Workplace violence and danger

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 9, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-228 -- Mr. MacKay (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- Votable items

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 9, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-229 -- Mr. MacKay (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- Legal services

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 9, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-230 -- Mr. Reynolds (West Vancouver -- Sunshine Coast) -- Standing Order 106

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 9, 2002
    Placed in the order of precedence -- October 22, 2002
    Withdrawn -- November 21, 2002

M-231 -- Mr. Borotsik (Brandon -- Souris) -- Moratorium on regulatory fees

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 10, 2002
    Placed in the order of precedence -- October 22, 2002
    Withdrawn -- November 6, 2002

M-232 -- Mr. Blaikie (Winnipeg -- Transcona) -- Leonard Peltier

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 22, 2002
      Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- November 7, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 10, 2002
    Placed in the order of precedence -- October 22, 2002
    Debated; dropped from the Order Paper -- November 19, 2002

M-233 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Veterans Affairs report

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 10, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-234 -- Mr. Hearn (St. John's West) -- The Right Honourable Richard Bedford Bennett

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 17, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-235 -- Mr. Hearn (St. John's West) -- Regulation of date sequences

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 17, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-236 -- Mr. Reid (Lanark -- Carleton) -- Falun Gong

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- November 7, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 17, 2002
    Placed in the order of precedence -- October 22, 2002
    Debated; dropped from the Order Paper -- February 28, 2003

M-237 -- Mr. Assadourian (Brampton Centre) -- Armenian genocide

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002
    Withdrawn -- February 5, 2003

M-238 -- Mr. Bergeron (Verchères -- Les-Patriotes) -- Acadian people

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Mr. Reid (Lanark -- Carleton) -- December 3, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002
    Placed in the order of precedence -- October 22, 2002
    Debated; dropped from the Order Paper -- February 6, 2003

M-239 -- Mr. Bigras (Rosemont -- Petite-Patrie) -- Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002
    Placed in the order of precedence -- October 22, 2002
    Debated; dropped from the Order Paper -- February 27, 2003

M-240 -- Mr. Doyle (St. John's East) -- Artistic merit

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-241 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- World Health Organization

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 24, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-242 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Iraq

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 24, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004
    Withdrawn -- February 2, 2004

M-243 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Pensions

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-244 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 24, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-245 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Canada Pension Plan

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 24, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-246 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- United Nations

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 24, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-247 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Tibet

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 24, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-248 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Torpedo testing range

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 24, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-249 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Nuclear weapons

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 24, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-250 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Taiwan

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 24, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004
    Withdrawn -- February 2, 2004

M-251 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Senate

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-252 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Federal labour legislation

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 24, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-253 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Public transit

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 24, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-254 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Spanish Civil War

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 24, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-255 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Oil and gas exploration

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 24, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-256 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Canadian corporations and Export Development Corporation

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 24, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-257 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Sudan

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004
    Withdrawn -- February 2, 2004

M-258 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Fish farms

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 24, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-259 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Burma

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004
    Withdrawn -- February 2, 2004

M-260 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Parthenon marbles

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-261 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Cluster bombs

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 24, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-262 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Criminal Code

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 24, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-263 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- India and Pakistan

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 24, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004
    Withdrawn -- February 2, 2004

M-264 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- International Criminal Tribunal for East Timor

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 24, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-265 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Imprisonment of Cubans

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 24, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004
    Withdrawn -- February 2, 2004

M-266 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 24, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-267 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Access to pharmaceuticals

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 24, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004
    Withdrawn -- February 2, 2004

M-268 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- International assistance

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- October 24, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-269 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Kurdish prisoners in Turkey

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-270 -- Mr. Benoit (Lakeland) -- Indian Act

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-271 -- Mr. Benoit (Lakeland) -- Canadian flag

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-272 -- Mr. Benoit (Lakeland) -- Tobacco industry

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-273 -- Mr. Benoit (Lakeland) -- Hazardous materials training

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-274 -- Mr. Benoit (Lakeland) -- Revenue from the sale of livestock

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-275 -- Mr. Benoit (Lakeland) -- Organ transplant network

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-276 -- Mr. Benoit (Lakeland) -- Gopher control

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-277 -- Mr. Benoit (Lakeland) -- Individual security fund

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-278 -- Mr. Benoit (Lakeland) -- Elections on Indian reserves

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-279 -- Mr. Benoit (Lakeland) -- Change of political affiliation

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-280 -- Mr. Benoit (Lakeland) -- Targeted tax relief

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-281 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Existing procedures governing Private Members' Business

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-282 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Microbrewers

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 22, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-283 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Social insurance numbers

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 22, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-284 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Fines, penalties and levies

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 22, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-285 -- Mr. Lunn (Saanich -- Gulf Islands) -- Veterans' care

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 22, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-286 -- Mr. Reid (Lanark -- Carleton) -- Constitutional amendment

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 23, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-287 -- Mr. Breitkreuz (Yorkton -- Melville) -- UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 24, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-288 -- Mr. Marceau (Charlesbourg -- Jacques-Cartier) -- Selection of judges

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 24, 2002
    Placed in the Order of Precedence -- March 21, 2003
    Debated -- May 6 and September 26, 2003
    Order respecting the deferred recorded division on October 1, 2003 -- September 26 and 30, 2003
    Adopted -- October 1, 2003

M-289 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Mandatory prison sentence

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 28, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-290 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Consideration of estimates and financial information by committees

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 29, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-291 -- Ms. Lill (Dartmouth) -- National Maritime Day

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 29, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-292 -- Ms. Lill (Dartmouth) -- Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 29, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-293 -- Ms. Lill (Dartmouth) -- Income Tax Act

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 29, 2002
    Placed in the order of precedence -- March 25, 2003
    Debated -- March 31 and October 10, 2003
    Negatived -- October 22, 2003

M-294 -- Ms. Lill (Dartmouth) -- Crime in ports

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- November 1, 2002

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 29, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-295 -- Ms. Lill (Dartmouth) -- Regional programs

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 29, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-296 -- Mr. Kenney (Calgary Southeast) -- China and the World Health Organization

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 29, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-297 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Landed Immigrant Status applications

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 30, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-298 -- Mr. Duncan (Vancouver Island North) -- Excise tax on jewellery

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 31, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-299 -- Mr. Duncan (Vancouver Island North) -- Personal retirement account

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 31, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-300 -- Mr. Duncan (Vancouver Island North) -- Employment Insurance

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 31, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004
    Placed in the order of precedence -- April 26, 2004
    Debated -- May 14, 2004
    Order respecting the deferred recorded division on May 26, 2004 -- May 14, 2004 (See Other Business No. 5)

M-301 -- Ms. Skelton (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Canada Post's stamps

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- November 1, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-302 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Sumas Energy 2

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- January 28, 2003

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- November 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-303 -- Mr. Strahl (Fraser Valley) -- Sumas Energy 2

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- November 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-304 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Elimination of poverty among Canadian children

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- November 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-305 -- Mr. Moore (Port Moody -- Coquitlam -- Port Coquitlam) -- Election of senators

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- November 14, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-306 -- Mr. Pankiw (Saskatoon -- Humboldt) -- Amendment to the Criminal Code

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- November 18, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-307 -- Mr. Pankiw (Saskatoon -- Humboldt) -- Employment equity

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- November 18, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-308 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Environment standards and guidelines

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- November 18, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-309 -- Mr. Rajotte (Edmonton Southwest) -- Kyoto Protocol

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- November 18, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-310 -- Ms. Skelton (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Water standards

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- November 19, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-311 -- Mr. Hearn (St. John's West) -- Fees for Canadian patents

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- November 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-312 -- Ms. Skelton (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Child prostitution

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- November 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-313 -- Mr. Kenney (Calgary Southeast) -- Court Challenges Programme

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- November 21, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-314 -- Ms. Wasylycia-Leis (Winnipeg North Centre) -- Hepatitis C compensation

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- January 28, 2003

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- November 25, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-315 -- Mr. Clark (Calgary Centre) -- Kyoto Protocol

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- November 25, 2002
    Withdrawn -- April 28, 2003

M-316 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Criminal tribunal

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- November 28, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-317 -- Mr. Pankiw (Saskatoon -- Humboldt) -- Canadian taxpayers

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- December 2, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-318 -- Mr. Cannis (Scarborough Centre) -- Parthenon marbles

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- December 3, 2002
    Placed in the Order of Precedence -- March 21, 2003
    Debated -- April 1, 2003
    Adopted -- April 1, 2003

M-319 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Inuit of Nunavik

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- December 4, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-320 -- Mr. Harb (Ottawa Centre) -- Ban on smoking

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- December 6, 2002
    Withdrawn -- September 8, 2003

M-321 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Home care services

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- December 6, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-322 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Salmon hatcheries

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- December 6, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-323 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- December 6, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-324 -- Mr. Toews (Provencher) -- Constitutional amendment (prisoners' vote)

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- December 9, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-325 -- Mr. Kenney (Calgary Southeast) -- Prisoners of terrorist groups in the Middle East

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- December 10, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-326 -- Mr. Reynolds (West Vancouver -- Sunshine Coast) -- Amendment to Chapter XI of Standing Orders

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- December 10, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-327 -- Mr. Day (Okanagan -- Coquihalla) -- Hezbollah

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- December 10, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-328 -- Mr. Goldring (Edmonton Centre-East) -- Kingsclear Training School

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- December 11, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-329 -- Ms. Skelton (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Warning of marijuana's effects

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- December 11, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-330 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Tax on funerals

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- December 11, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-331 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Inquiry into policing in Vancouver

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- December 12, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-332 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Clothing labelling

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- December 12, 2002
    Withdrawn -- January 23, 2003

M-333 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Taiwan missiles

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- December 12, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-334 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Firefighters

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- December 12, 2002

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-335 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Housing rights

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- January 23, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-336 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Housing legislation

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- January 23, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-337 -- Mr. Pankiw (Saskatoon -- Humboldt) -- David Ahenakew

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- January 23, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-338 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- David Ahenakew

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- January 23, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004
    Withdrawn -- February 2, 2004

M-339 -- Ms. Skelton (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Emergency service workers

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- January 23, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-340 -- Ms. Skelton (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Canadian Blood Services

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- January 23, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-341 -- Mr. Goldring (Edmonton Centre-East) -- Home heating taxation

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- January 23, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-342 -- Mr. Pankiw (Saskatoon -- Humboldt) -- Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations funding

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- January 23, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-343 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Clothing labelling

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- January 23, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-344 -- Mr. Kenney (Calgary Southeast) -- Prosecuting Saddam Hussein

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- January 28, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-345 -- Mrs. Skelton (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Abusive relationships

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- January 29, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-346 -- Mrs. Skelton (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Safe houses

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- January 29, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-347 -- Mrs. Skelton (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Automobile theft

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- January 29, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-348 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Professor Davinderpal Singh Bhullar

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- January 30, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-349 -- Mr. Moore (Port Moody -- Coquitlam -- Port Coquitlam) -- Strategy on sexual abuse

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- January 30, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-350 -- Mr. Borotsik (Brandon -- Souris) -- Agricultural Policy Framework

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- January 30, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-351 -- Mr. Borotsik (Brandon -- Souris) -- Renewable biomass resources

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- January 30, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-352 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Employment Insurance Act

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- February 3, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-353 -- Mr. Pallister (Portage -- Lisgar) -- Indian Act

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- February 4, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-354 -- Mr. Szabo (Mississauga South) -- Canada Pension Plan

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- February 4, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-355 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- United Nations drug policies

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- February 6, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-356 -- Mr. Benoit (Lakeland) -- Registered Retirement Income Fund duration

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- February 6, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-357 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Armed Forces benefits package

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- February 7, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-358 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Drug policies

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- February 10, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-359 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Fight against organized crime and drug trafficking

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- February 10, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-360 -- Mrs. Skelton (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Tobacco regulations

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- February 11, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-361 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Non-cash benefits

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- February 11, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-362 -- Mrs. Skelton (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Child prostitution

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- February 11, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-363 -- Mrs. Skelton (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Disaster plan

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- February 11, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-364 -- Mr. Hill (Prince George -- Peace River) -- National day of prayer

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- February 12, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-365 -- Ms. St-Hilaire (Longueuil) -- Deaf and hearing impaired people

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- February 12, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-366 -- Mr. Grewal (Surrey Central) -- Whistleblowers

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- February 12, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-367 -- Ms. Wasylycia-Leis (Winnipeg North Centre) -- Automated banking machine fees

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- February 12, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-368 -- Mr. Paquette (Joliette) -- Tax havens

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- February 13, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-369 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Deep mining

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- February 18, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-370 -- Ms. St-Hilaire (Longueuil) -- Release of Ingrid Betancourt

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- February 18, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-371 -- Mr. Hearn (St. John's West) -- Old Age Security

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- February 21, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-372 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Environmentally friendly roofs

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- February 24, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-373 -- Ms. Yelich (Blackstrap) -- Local weather stations

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- February 24, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-374 -- Mr. Paquette (Joliette) -- Bretton Woods and Related Agreements Act

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- February 25, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-375 -- Mr. MacKay (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- Canada Student Loan Program

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- February 26, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-376 -- Mr. MacKay (Pictou -- Antigonish -- Guysborough) -- Tax credit

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- February 27, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-377 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Armenian genocide

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- March 17, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-378 -- Ms. Wasylycia-Leis (Winnipeg North Centre) -- National strategy on genetics

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- March 17, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-379 -- Mr. Duncan (Vancouver Island North) -- Support for Taiwan

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- March 18, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-380 -- Ms. Dalphond-Guiral (Laval Centre) -- Armenian genocide

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- March 19, 2003
    Placed in the order of precedence -- November 6, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1; deemed placed in the order of precedence -- February 2, 2004
    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- February 12, 2004
    Debated -- February 25 and April 20, 2004
    Adopted -- April 21, 2004

M-381 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- National Working Holiday

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- March 19, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-382 -- Mr. Bergeron (Verchères -- Les-Patriotes) -- Wrongs inflicted on the Acadian people

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- March 20, 2003
    Placed in the Order of Precedence -- March 21, 2003
    Debated -- September 19, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1; deemed placed in the order of precedence -- February 2, 2004
    Debated -- February 11 and March 9, 2004
    Negatived -- March 10, 2004

M-383 -- Ms. Skelton (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Bison products

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- March 20, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-384 -- Ms. Skelton (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Convicted sex offenders

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- March 20, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-385 -- Mr. Jordan (Leeds -- Grenville) -- People, communities and ecosystems in Canada

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- March 20, 2003
    Placed in the Order of Precedence -- March 21, 2003
    Debated -- June 2, 2003
    Order respecting the deferred recorded division on June 3, 2003 -- June 2, 2003
    Adopted -- June 3, 2003

M-386 -- Mr. Elley (Nanaimo -- Cowichan) -- Labour-market strategy for persons with disabilities

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- March 20, 2003
    Placed in the order of precedence -- September 25, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1; deemed placed in the order of precedence -- February 2, 2004
    Withdrawn -- February 3, 2004 (See Other Business No. 5)

M-387 -- Ms. Venne (Saint-Bruno -- Saint-Hubert) -- Canadian Firearms Control Programme

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- March 20, 2003
    Placed in the Order of Precedence -- March 21, 2003
    Debated -- May 1 and September 24, 2003
    Order respecting the deferred recorded division on October 1, 2003 -- September 30, 2003
    Negatived -- October 1, 2003

M-388 -- Mr. St. Denis (Algoma -- Manitoulin) -- Electoral districts in Northern Ontario

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- March 20, 2003
    Placed in the Order of Precedence -- March 21, 2003
    Withdrawn -- April 10, 2003

M-389 -- Mr. Merrifield (Yellowhead) -- Patents on higher life forms

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- March 20, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-390 -- Mr. Merrifield (Yellowhead) -- Adverse drug reactions

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- March 20, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004
    Placed in the order of precedence -- February 2, 2004
    Debated -- February 20, 2004
    Adopted -- February 20, 2004

M-391 -- Mr. Paquette (Joliette) -- Free trade agreements

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- March 20, 2003
    Placed in the order of precedence -- March 25, 2003
    Debated -- April 3 and June 9, 2003
    Negatived -- June 11, 2003

M-392 -- Mr. Cardin (Sherbrooke) -- Social condition

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- March 21, 2003
    Placed in the Order of Precedence -- March 21, 2003
    Debated -- April 28 and September 25, 2003
    Order respecting the deferred recorded division on October 1, 2003 -- September 25 and 30, 2003
    Negatived -- October 1, 2003

M-393 -- Mr. Bachand (Saint-Jean) -- Community activity support fund

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- March 21, 2003
    Placed in the Order of Precedence -- March 21, 2003
    Debated -- April 10 and September 15, 2003
    Negatived -- September 17, 2003

M-394 -- Mr. Rocheleau (Trois-Rivières) -- Intrusion into matters under the jurisdiction of Quebec

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- March 21, 2003
    Placed in the Order of Precedence -- March 21, 2003
    Debated -- September 23 and October 27, 2003
    Negatived -- October 29, 2003

M-395 -- Ms. Bakopanos (Ahuntsic) -- Family supplement

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- March 21, 2003
    Placed in the Order of Precedence -- March 21, 2003
    Debated -- April 30 and September 22, 2003
    Adopted -- September 22, 2003

M-396 -- Mr. O'Brien (Labrador) -- National children's memorial day

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- March 21, 2003
    Placed in the Order of Precedence -- March 21, 2003
    Debated -- May 29, 2003
    Adopted -- May 29, 2003

M-397 -- Mr. Cullen (Etobicoke North) -- Softwood lumber

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- March 21, 2003
    Placed in the order of precedence -- September 25, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1; deemed placed in the order of precedence -- February 2, 2004
    Debated -- February 10 and April 1, 2004; negatived -- April 1, 2004

M-398 -- Mr. Grewal (Surrey Central) (sponsor changed from Mr. Adams (Peterborough)) -- Youth voting initiative

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- March 21, 2003
    Placed in the order of precedence -- September 25, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1; deemed placed in the order of precedence -- February 2, 2004
    Debated; adopted as amended -- February 17, 2004
    Order respecting the text and the sponsor of the motion -- February 17, 2004 (See Other Business No. 5)

M-399 -- Mr. Masse (Windsor West) -- Identifiable environmental contaminants

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3),
    jointly seconded by:
      Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- May 16, 2003

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- March 21, 2003
    Placed in the Order of Precedence -- March 21, 2003
    Debated -- May 26 and October 3, 2003
    Order respecting the deferred recorded division on October 7, 2003 -- October 3, 2003
    Negatived -- October 7, 2003

M-400 -- Mrs. Desjarlais (Churchill) -- Bankruptcy legislation

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- March 21, 2003
    Placed in the Order of Precedence -- March 21, 2003
    Debated -- June 5 and October 9, 2003
    Order respecting a deferred recorded division on October 28, 2003 -- October 9, 2003
    Negatived -- October 28, 2003

M-401 -- Mr. Harb (Ottawa Centre) -- Bullying

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- March 21, 2003
    Withdrawn -- September 8, 2003

M-402 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Health and environmental consequences of wars

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- March 24, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-403 -- Mr. Normand (Bellechasse -- Etchemins -- Montmagny -- L'Islet) -- Academy of Science

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- March 24, 2003
    Placed in the order of precedence -- November 6, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1; deemed placed in the order of precedence -- February 2, 2004
    Dropped from the Order Paper pursuant to provisional Standing Order 94(2)(c) -- April 21, 2004

M-404 -- Mr. Hill (Prince George -- Peace River) -- Impacts of gambling

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- March 24, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-405 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- West coast fisheries

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Mrs. Desjarlais (Churchill) -- March 28, 2003

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- March 25, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-406 -- Mrs. Skelton (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Aboriginal marital breakdown and violence

    Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
      Mrs. Desjarlais (Churchill) -- March 28, 2003

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- March 26, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-407 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Employment Insurance and Canada Pension Plan contributions

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- March 28, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-408 -- Mrs. Desjarlais (Churchill) -- Bankruptcy legislation

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- March 28, 2003
    Withdrawn -- April 29, 2003

M-409 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Remarks by parliamentarians on the situation in Iraq

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- March 31, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-410 -- Ms. Skelton (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Pension accrual rates

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- March 31, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-411 -- Mr. Jaffer (Edmonton -- Strathcona) -- Amendment to the Income Tax Act

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- April 1, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-412 -- Mr. Breitkreuz (Yorkton -- Melville) -- Fuel taxes

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- April 1, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-413 -- Mr. Blaikie (Winnipeg -- Transcona) -- Tartan Day

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- April 2, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004
    Placed in the order of precedence -- April 26, 2004

M-414 -- Mr. Jaffer (Edmonton -- Strathcona) -- Free trade with the United Kingdom

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- April 2, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-415 -- Mr. Jaffer (Edmonton -- Strathcona) -- Independent review board

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- April 2, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-416 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Taxable benefits

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- April 3, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-417 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Canadian strategy for Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- April 7, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-418 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Special Economic Measures Act

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- April 7, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-419 -- Mrs. Skelton (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Safety scale

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- April 8, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-420 -- Mr. Goldring (Edmonton Centre-East) -- World genocide museum

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- April 10, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-421 -- Mr. Nystrom (Regina -- Qu'Appelle) -- Proportional representation

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- April 24, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-422 -- Mr. Caccia (Davenport) -- Weapons of mass destruction

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- April 28, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-423 -- Ms. McDonough (Halifax) -- Funding to social programs

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- April 28, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-424 -- Ms. McDonough (Halifax) -- Reducing poverty

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- April 28, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-425 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Legislation amending the Copyright Act

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- April 29, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-426 -- Ms. Venne (Saint-Bruno -- Saint-Hubert) -- Poisoning of migratory birds

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- April 29, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-427 -- Mr. Szabo (Mississauga South) -- Physician General of Canada

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- April 30, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-428 -- Mr. Bailey (Souris -- Moose Mountain) -- Financial support to rural communities

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- May 2, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-429 -- Mr. Bailey (Souris -- Moose Mountain) -- Taxable income for amateur hockey players

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- May 2, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-430 -- Mr. Crête (Kamouraska -- Rivière-du-Loup -- Témiscouata -- Les Basques) -- Increases in benefits

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- May 2, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-431 -- Mrs. Skelton (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Definition of food animal

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- May 6, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-432 -- Mr. Godfrey (Don Valley West) -- Social Council of Canada

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- May 6, 2003
    Placed in the order of precedence -- September 25, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-433 -- Mr. Moore (Port Moody -- Coquitlam -- Port Coquitlam) -- Commemoration of the Korean War

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- May 7, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-434 -- Mr. Hearn (St. John's West) -- Drinking and driving legislation

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- May 8, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-435 -- Mrs. Skelton (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Canada Pension Plan contributions

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- May 13, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-436 -- Mrs. Yelich (Blackstrap) -- Order and decorum in the House

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- May 22, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-437 -- Mr. Lunney (Nanaimo -- Alberni) -- UNESCO biosphere reserves

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- May 22, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-438 -- Mr. Chatters (Athabasca) -- Northern Pipeline Act

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- May 27, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-439 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- May 27, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-440 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Abortion services

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- June 2, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-441 -- Mr. Comartin (Windsor -- St. Clair) -- Clean Air Act

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- June 2, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-442 -- Mr. Comartin (Windsor -- St. Clair) -- Sulphur levels in gasoline

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- June 2, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-443 -- Mr. Comartin (Windsor -- St. Clair) -- Environmental projects

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- June 2, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-444 -- Mr. Comartin (Windsor -- St. Clair) -- Windsor region

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- June 2, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-445 -- Mr. Comartin (Windsor -- St. Clair) -- Environmental Bill of Rights

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- June 2, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-446 -- Mr. Comartin (Windsor -- St. Clair) -- Consumer packaging

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- June 2, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-447 -- Mr. Comartin (Windsor -- St. Clair) -- Environmental contamination

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- June 2, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-448 -- Mr. Comartin (Windsor -- St. Clair) -- Mercury switches

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- June 2, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-449 -- Mr. Comartin (Windsor -- St. Clair) -- Watershed protection

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- June 2, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-450 -- Mr. Comartin (Windsor -- St. Clair) -- Water consumers

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- June 2, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-451 -- Mr. Comartin (Windsor -- St. Clair) -- Water standards

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- June 2, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-452 -- Mr. Comartin (Windsor -- St. Clair) -- Drinking water

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- June 2, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-453 -- Mr. Comartin (Windsor -- St. Clair) -- Mixed-oxide plutonium

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- June 2, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-454 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Canadian stamps

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- June 3, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-455 -- Mr. Clark (Calgary Centre) -- Linguistic rights of Members of Parliament

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- June 3, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-456 -- Mr. Hearn (St. John's West) -- Consideration of bills at report stage

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- June 3, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-457 -- Mr. Benoit (Lakeland) -- Reinstatement of the Canadian Airborne Regiment

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- June 4, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-458 -- Mr. Moore (Port Moody -- Coquitlam -- Port Coquitlam) -- Drug-facilitated sexual assault

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- June 9, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-459 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Softwood lumber dispute

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- June 10, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-460 -- Mr. Nystrom (Regina -- Qu'Appelle) -- Rights with respect to tax obligations

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- June 11, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-461 -- Mr. Harb (Ottawa Centre) -- International standard for the representation of dates in all-numeric form

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- June 12, 2003
    Withdrawn -- September 8, 2003

M-462 -- Mr. Strahl (Fraser Valley) -- Fraser River salmon fishery

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 11, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-463 -- Mr. Crête (Kamouraska -- Rivière-du-Loup -- Témiscouata -- Les Basques) -- Tax credit for taxi operators

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 11, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-464 -- Mr. Crête (Kamouraska -- Rivière-du-Loup -- Témiscouata -- Les Basques) -- Tax exemptions for taxi operators

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 11, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-465 -- Mr. Nystrom (Regina -- Qu'Appelle) -- Police pension accrual rate

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 11, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-466 -- Mr. Marceau (Charlesbourg -- Jacques-Cartier) -- Nelson Mandela Day

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 11, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-467 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Canada Pension Plan payments

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 16, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-468 -- Mr. Caccia (Davenport) -- Products containing genetically modified organisms

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 17, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-469 -- Mr. Binet (Frontenac -- Mégantic) -- Community activity support fund

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 18, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-470 -- Mrs. Skelton (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Horse breeders

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 22, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-471 -- Mrs. Skelton (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Radio Frequency Identification systems

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 22, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-472 -- Mr. Jaffer (Edmonton -- Strathcona) -- Halal meats

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 22, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-473 -- Mrs. Skelton (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Airport security

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 23, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-474 -- Mr. Goldring (Edmonton Centre-East) -- Turks and Caicos Islands

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 23, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-475 -- Mr. Asselin (Charlevoix) -- Employment Insurance program

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 25, 2003
    Placed in the order of precedence -- September 25, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1; deemed placed in the order of precedence -- February 2, 2004
    Debated -- February 3 and March 25, 2004
    Order respecting the deferred recorded division on March 31, 2004 -- March 25, 2004 (See Other Business No. 5)
    Order respecting the deferred recorded division on March 31, 2004 -- March 30, 2004 (See Other Business No. 5)
    Negatived -- March 31, 2004

M-476 -- Ms. McDonough (Halifax) -- Apology to the Chinese community

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 25, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-477 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Taiwanese visitors to Canada

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- September 30, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-478 -- Mrs. Skelton (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Police officer protection

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 1, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-479 -- Ms. Meredith (South Surrey -- White Rock -- Langley) -- Financial statements

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 3, 2003
    Placed in the order of precedence -- November 6, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1; deemed placed in the order of precedence -- February 2, 2004
    Text modified by order of the Speaker -- March 22, 2004

M-480 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Federal public servants

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 6, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-481 -- Mr. Breitkreuz (Yorkton -- Melville) -- Access to Information Act

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 9, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-482 -- Mr. Breitkreuz (Yorkton -- Melville) -- Abortion and informed consent

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 16, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-483 -- Mr. Caccia (Davenport) -- Arctic oil and gas development

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 16, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-484 -- Mrs. Gallant (Renfrew -- Nipissing -- Pembroke) -- National marriage day

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 16, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-485 -- Mrs. Gallant (Renfrew -- Nipissing -- Pembroke) -- Recognition of military service in Afghanistan

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 16, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-486 -- Mrs. Gallant (Renfrew -- Nipissing -- Pembroke) -- Medal for military spouses

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 16, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-487 -- Ms. McDonough (Halifax) -- Ethiopia and Eritrea

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 22, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-488 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Imprisonment of Marwan Barghouti

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 28, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-489 -- Mr. Doyle (St. John's East) -- Fixed link between Newfoundland and Labrador

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 28, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-490 -- Mrs. Yelich (Blackstrap) -- Royal Commission on the future of education

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 28, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-491 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Income Tax Act

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 29, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-492 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Temporary work permit for permanent residency applicants

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 29, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-493 -- Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Canadian Forces members' pay and allowances

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 29, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-494 -- Mrs. Skelton (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Visitation tax credit

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 29, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-495 -- Mrs. Skelton (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Seniors tax deduction

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 29, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-496 -- Mrs. Skelton (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Irrigation research

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 29, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-497 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Fair wage schedule

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- October 31, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-498 -- Mrs. Skelton (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Employment Insurance benefits

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- November 5, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-499 -- Ms. Wasylycia-Leis (Winnipeg North Centre) -- Fringe financial services

2nd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice -- November 6, 2003

3rd Session -- 37th Parliament

    Notice deemed given pursuant to provisional Standing Order 86.1 -- February 2, 2004

M-500 -- Mr. McNally (Dewdney -- Alouette) -- Airshed agreement -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-501 -- Mr. McNally (Dewdney -- Alouette) -- Canadian Blood Services -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-502 -- Mr. McNally (Dewdney -- Alouette) -- Disease surveillance and control -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-503 -- Mr. McNally (Dewdney -- Alouette) -- Electoral reforms -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-504 -- Mr. McNally (Dewdney -- Alouette) -- Balanced budgets -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-505 -- Mr. McNally (Dewdney -- Alouette) -- National debt -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-506 -- Mr. McNally (Dewdney -- Alouette) -- Tax fairness -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-507 -- Mr. McNally (Dewdney -- Alouette) -- Personal property -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-508 -- Mr. McNally (Dewdney -- Alouette) -- Foreign aid -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-509 -- Mr. McNally (Dewdney -- Alouette) -- Rapid response process -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-510 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Registered Education Savings Plans -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-511 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Federal elections -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-512 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Indirect costs -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-513 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Research centres -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-514 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Tax credits for research -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-515 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Next generation of professors -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-516 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Taiwan -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-517 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Imprisonment of Cubans -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-518 -- Mr. Szabo (Mississauga South) -- Poverty lines -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-519 -- Mr. Szabo (Mississauga South) -- Guaranteed annual income for seniors -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-520 -- Mr. Szabo (Mississauga South) -- Mandatory retirement -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-521 -- Mr. Szabo (Mississauga South) -- Caregiver tax credit -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-522 -- Mr. Szabo (Mississauga South) -- Employment Insurance benefits for family caregivers -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-523 -- Mr. Szabo (Mississauga South) -- Refundable medical expense supplement -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-524 -- Mr. Szabo (Mississauga South) -- Full participation in the Canada Pension Plan -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-525 -- Mr. Szabo (Mississauga South) -- Homecare -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-526 -- Mr. Szabo (Mississauga South) -- Pharmacare system -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-527 -- Mr. Szabo (Mississauga South) -- Affordable housing for seniors -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-528 -- Mr. Szabo (Mississauga South) -- Regulation of the nursing home industry -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-529 -- Mr. Szabo (Mississauga South) -- Sentences for elder abuse -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-530 -- Mr. Szabo (Mississauga South) -- Sentences for defrauding a senior -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-531 -- Mr. Szabo (Mississauga South) -- Physician General of Canada -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-532 -- Mr. Szabo (Mississauga South) -- Secretary of State For Seniors -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-533 -- Mr. Szabo (Mississauga South) -- Education campaign about discrimination on the basis of age -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-534 -- Mr. Szabo (Mississauga South) -- Bill of Rights for Seniors -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-535 -- Ms. Wasylycia-Leis (Winnipeg North Centre) -- Ukrainian famine of 1932-1933 -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-536 -- Ms. Wasylycia-Leis (Winnipeg North Centre) -- Canadian Sikhs -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-537 -- Ms. Wasylycia-Leis (Winnipeg North Centre) -- Standing Committee on Finance -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-538 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Bank Act -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-539 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Pesticides and herbicides -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-540 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Canada Pension Plan Investment Review Board -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-541 -- Mr. Jaffer (Edmonton -- Strathcona) -- Taxpayers' Bill of Rights -- Notice -- February 2, 2004

M-542 -- Mr. Boudria (Glengarry -- Prescott -- Russell) -- Rwandan genocide -- Notice -- February 6, 2004

    Withdrawn -- February 24, 2004 (See Other Business No. 5)

M-543 -- Mr. Boudria (Glengarry -- Prescott -- Russell) -- Statue of the Right Honourable Pierre Elliott Trudeau -- Notice -- February 6, 2004

M-544 -- Mr. Jaffer (Edmonton -- Strathcona) -- Excise tax on jewellery -- Notice -- February 9, 2004

M-545 -- Mr. Hill (Prince George -- Peace River) -- Canadian Armed Forces uniforms -- Notice -- February 9, 2004

M-546 -- Mrs. Skelton (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Abuse of the elderly -- Notice -- February 9, 2004

M-547 -- Mr. Paquette (Joliette) -- Transfers to provinces -- Notice -- February 10, 2004

M-548 -- Mr. Nystrom (Regina -- Qu'Appelle) -- Federal elections -- Notice -- February 11, 2004

M-549 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Day of remembrance of Rwandan genocide -- Notice -- February 12, 2004

    Withdrawn -- March 26, 2004

M-550 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- National immigration day -- Notice -- February 12, 2004

M-551 -- Ms. Wasylycia-Leis (Winnipeg North Centre) -- Veterans Independence Program -- Notice -- February 12, 2004

M-552 -- Ms. Wasylycia-Leis (Winnipeg North Centre) -- Anniversary of Phillipine independence -- Notice -- February 16, 2004

M-553 -- Ms. Marleau (Sudbury) -- Regional development -- Notice -- February 16, 2004

M-554 -- Mrs. Skelton (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Access to medical training -- Notice -- February 18, 2004

M-555 -- Mrs. Skelton (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Access to information -- Notice -- February 18, 2004

M-556 -- Mr. Nystrom (Regina -- Qu'Appelle) -- Federal surplus -- Notice -- February 20, 2004

M-557 -- Mr. Hearn (St. John's West) -- Cruise industry -- Notice -- February 26, 2004

M-558 -- Mr. Guimond (Beauport -- Montmorency -- Côte-de-Beaupré -- Île-d'Orléans) -- Employment Insurance -- Notice -- March 8, 2004

    Placed in the order of precedence -- April 22, 2004

M-559 -- Ms. Marleau (Sudbury) -- Sudbury tax data centre -- Notice -- March 9, 2004

M-560 -- Mr. Breitkreuz (Yorkton -- Melville) -- Amendment to the Criminal Code -- Notice -- March 10, 2004

M-561 -- Mr. Benoit (Lakeland) -- Oversight of elections -- Notice -- March 18, 2004

M-562 -- Mr. Benoit (Lakeland) -- Compensation for damage to livestock and crops -- Notice -- March 18, 2004

M-563 -- Mr. Benoit (Lakeland) -- Strychnine solution -- Notice -- March 18, 2004

M-564 -- Mr. Benoit (Lakeland) -- Hazardous materials training -- Notice -- March 18, 2004

M-565 -- Mr. Benoit (Lakeland) -- Targeted tax relief -- Notice -- March 18, 2004

M-566 -- Mr. Benoit (Lakeland) -- Tissue transfer and supply -- Notice -- March 18, 2004

M-567 -- Mr. Benoit (Lakeland) -- Individual security funds -- Notice -- March 18, 2004

M-568 -- Mr. Benoit (Lakeland) -- Desecration of the Canadian flag -- Notice -- March 18, 2004

M-569 -- Mr. Benoit (Lakeland) -- Protection of youth from tobacco -- Notice -- March 18, 2004

M-570 -- Mr. Benoit (Lakeland) -- Taxes on income from the sale of livestock -- Notice -- March 18, 2004

M-571 -- Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas) -- Tobacco control -- Notice -- March 18, 2004

M-572 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Price of beef -- Notice -- March 22, 2004

M-573 -- Mrs. Skelton (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Kinsmen Club of Canada -- Notice -- March 25, 2004

M-574 -- Ms. McDonough (Halifax) -- Bilateral relations between Canada and Venezuela -- Notice -- March 31, 2004

M-575 -- Mr. Bergeron (Verchères -- Les-Patriotes) -- Burma -- Notice -- April 1, 2004

M-576 -- Mr. Strahl (Fraser Valley) -- Record keeping -- Notice -- April 15, 2004

    Placed in the order of precedence -- April 26, 2004

M-577 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Public school districts -- Notice -- April 15, 2004

M-578 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Employer-provided transit passes -- Notice -- April 15, 2004

M-579 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Child poverty -- Notice -- April 15, 2004

M-580 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Genetically modified foods -- Notice -- April 15, 2004

M-581 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Ethical investment -- Notice -- April 15, 2004

M-582 -- Mr. Savoy (Tobique -- Mactaquac) -- Preservation of national memorials -- Notice -- April 15, 2004

    Placed in the order of precedence -- April 22, 2004

M-583 -- Mr. Kilgour (Edmonton Southeast) -- Community Harmony Week -- Notice -- April 19, 2004

M-584 -- Mr. Boudria (Glengarry -- Prescott -- Russell) -- Internet sales of prescription medicine -- Notice -- April 20, 2004

M-585 -- Mr. Plamondon (Bas-Richelieu -- Nicolet -- Bécancour) -- Supply management in agriculture -- Notice -- April 21, 2004

    Placed in the order of precedence -- April 22, 2004

M-586 -- Ms. Gagnon (Québec) -- Tax on the sale of books -- Notice -- April 21, 2004

    Placed in the order of precedence -- April 22, 2004

M-587 -- Mr. Proctor (Palliser) -- Lockheed Martin (Canada) -- Notice -- April 21, 2004

    Placed in the order of precedence -- April 26, 2004

M-588 -- Mr. Pacetti (Saint-Léonard -- Saint-Michel) -- RAI International -- Notice -- April 27, 2004

M-589 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Municipality of James Bay -- Notice -- April 29, 2004

M-590 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Old Age Security benefits -- Notice -- April 29, 2004

M-591 -- Ms. Davies (Vancouver East) -- Transfair Canada -- Notice -- April 29, 2004

M-592 -- Ms. Wasylycia-Leis (Winnipeg North Centre) -- Funeral services -- Notice -- April 29, 2004

M-593 -- Mr. Bergeron (Verchères -- Les-Patriotes) -- Reading by Her Majesty of the Royal Proclamation of December 9, 2003 -- Notice -- April 30, 2004

M-594 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Tax havens -- Notice -- May 3, 2004

M-595 -- Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre) -- Tax deductions for companies -- Notice -- May 3, 2004

M-596 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Firearms possession and acquisition certificate -- Notice -- May 4, 2004

M-597 -- Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi -- Baie-James -- Nunavik) -- Fiscal control mechanism -- Notice -- May 12, 2004

Other Business

This section contains information on motions which deal with other business of the House, such as the times of sitting of the House and its order of business, the establishment, membership, business, and concurrence of reports of certain committees, amendments to the Standing Orders and emergency debates. The information in this section is grouped and numbered for reference only.

No. 1 -- Hansard

    Order respecting the printing of the Speech from the Throne -- February 2, 2004
    Order respecting the printing of the Address by the Secretary General of the United Nations -- February 24, 2004 (See Other Business No. 5)
    Order respecting the printing of the list of names of Special Olympics athletes -- May 5, 2004

No. 2 -- Chair Occupants

    Deputy Chair of Committees of the Whole appointed (Mr. Bélair (Timmins -- James Bay)) -- February 2, 2004
    Assistant Deputy Chair of Committees of the Whole appointed (Mrs. Hinton (Kamloops, Thompson and Highland Valleys)) -- February 2, 2004

No. 3 -- Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs

    Membership of the Committee changed -- February 2, 2004
    Order of reference (immunity of Members from being compelled to attend court) -- February 6, 2004 (See Other Business No. 6)
    First Report (membership of committees) -- Concurred in -- February 11, 2004
    Second Report (radio and television broadcasting of the proceedings of House Committees) (Sessional Paper No. 8510-373-01) -- February 13, 2004; concurred in -- February 16, 2004
    Third Report (amendment to Standing Order 92(4)(a)) (Sessional Paper No. 8510-373-02) -- Concurred in -- February 16, 2004 (See Other Business No. 10)
    Fourth Report (membership of committees) -- Concurred in -- February 17, 2004
    Fifth Report (membership of committees) -- Concurred in -- February 23, 2004
    Sixth Report (membership of committees) -- Concurred in -- February 25, 2004
    Seventh Report (non-votable item) -- February 27, 2004 -- Deemed concurred in -- March 12, 2004
    Eighth Report (immunity of Members from being compelled to attend court) (Sessional Paper No. 8510-373-09) -- March 8, 2004 (See Other Business No. 6)
    Ninth Report (membership of committees) -- Concurred in -- March 12, 2004
    Tenth Report (Bill C-3, with amendments) (Sessional Paper No. 8510-373-13) -- March 12, 2004
    11th Report (provisional Standing Orders governing Private Members' Business) (Sessional Paper No. 8510-373-16) -- Concurred in -- March 23, 2004 (See Other Business No. 10)
    12th Report (membership of committees) -- Concurred in -- March 24, 2004
    Order of reference (disclosure of the confidential proceedings of an Ontario Liberal caucus meeting) -- March 25, 2004 (See Other Business No. 6)
    13th Report (Main Estimates 2004-2005 -- Vote 25 under PRIVY COUNCIL) (Sessional Paper No. 8510-373-18) -- March 26, 2004
    14th Report (membership of committees) -- Concurred in -- March 26, 2004
    15th Report (membership of committees) -- Concurred in -- March 31, 2004
    16th Report (electoral boundaries readjustment process) -- April 2, 2004
    17th Report (resources needed by Members in order to provide effective representation for certain electoral districts) -- April 2, 2004
    18th Report (Main Estimates 2004-2005 -- Vote 5 under PARLIAMENT) (Sessional Paper No. 8510-373-28) -- April 2, 2004
    19th Report (security on Parliament Hill) (Sessional Paper No. 8510-373-33) -- April 22, 2004; concurred in -- May 13, 2004
    20th Report (membership of committees) -- Concurred in -- April 23, 2004
    21st Report (democratic reform) (Sessional Paper No. 8510-373-36) -- April 26, 2004
    22nd Report (disclosure of the confidential proceedings of an Ontario Liberal caucus meeting) (Sessional Paper No. 8510-373-37) -- April 26, 2004 (See Other Business No. 6)
    23rd Report (provisional Standing Order 36(8)(b)) (Sessional Paper No. 8510-373-38) -- Concurred in -- April 26, 2004 (See Other Business No. 10)
    24th Report (proposed appointment of Mr. Bernard Shapiro as Ethics Commissioner) (Sessional Paper No. 8510-373-39) -- April 27, 2004 (See Other Business No. 14)
    25th Report (code of conduct) (Sessional Paper No. 8510-373-40) -- April 27, 2004
      Motion to concur in the 25th Report -- Debated; adopted -- April 29, 2004 (See Other Business No. 10)
    26th Report (security on Parliament Hill) (Sessional Paper No. 8510-373-43) -- April 28, 2004
    27th Report (titles ``Orateur'' and ``Orateur adjoint'' replaced by ``Président'' and ``Vice-président'' in the French language version of the Standing Orders) (Sessional Paper No. 8510-373-44) -- Concurred in -- May 5, 2004 (See Other Business No. 10)
    28th Report (membership of committees) -- Concurred in -- May 7, 2004

No. 4 -- Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne

    Debated -- February 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12 and 16, 2004
    Adopted -- February 17, 2004
    Order respecting the deferred recorded division on February 17, 2004 -- February 12, 2004 (See Other Business No. 5)
    Order to engross Address -- February 17, 2004

No. 5 -- Sittings and Business of the House

    Order respecting the withdrawal of motion M-386 -- February 3, 2004
    Order respecting proceedings on Government Business No. 1 on February 4, 2004 -- February 3, 2004
    Order respecting the deferred recorded division on the Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne on February 17, 2004 -- February 12, 2004
    Order respecting proceedings on Government Business No. 3 on February 17, 2004 -- February 12, 2004
    Order respecting the deferred recorded division on Bill C-2 on February 17, 2004 -- February 13, 2004
    Order respecting a deferred recorded division on Bill C-18 on February 17, 2004 -- February 13, 2004
    Order respecting the deferred recorded division on Bill C-312 -- February 17, 2004
    Order respecting the text and the sponsor of motion M-398 -- February 17, 2004
    Order respecting the notice requirement for the opposition motion of March 8, 2004 -- February 18, 2004
    Order respecting proceedings on Bill C-3 -- February 18, 2004
    Order respecting the deferred recorded divisions on Bill C-12 -- February 18, 2004
    Order respecting the deferred recorded division on the Business of Supply on February 24, 2004 -- February 19, 2004
    Order respecting proceedings on Bill C-20 -- February 23, 2004
    Order respecting the withdrawal of motion M-542 -- February 24, 2004
    Order respecting proceedings on the resolution concerning the Rwandan genocide -- February 24, 2004
    Order respecting the hours of sitting, the broadcasting and the printing in the Hansard of March 9, 2004, of the Address by the Secretary General of the United Nations -- February 24, 2004
    Order respecting the wording of the opposition motion of February 26, 2004 -- February 25, 2004
    Order respecting the seconder of the motion for third reading of Bill C-10 -- February 26, 2004
    Order respecting the deferred recorded division on the Business of Supply on March 9, 2004 -- February 26, 2004
    Order respecting the deferred recorded division on Bill C-18 on March 9, 2004 -- February 27, 2004
    Order respecting proceedings on Government Business No. 4 on March 10, 2004 -- March 8, 2004
    Order respecting the deferred recorded division on the Business of Supply on March 22, 2004 -- March 11, 2004
    Order respecting proceedings on a bill entitled ``An Act to amend the Parliament of Canada Act'' -- March 11, 2004 (See Bill C-24)
    Order respecting proceedings on Bill C-21 -- March 23, 2004
    Order respecting proceedings on the resolution concerning anti-semitic violence -- March 24, 2004
    Order respecting the deferred recorded division on motion M-475 on March 31, 2004 -- March 25, 2004
    Order respecting proceedings on Bill C-3 -- March 26, 2004
    Order respecting the recorded divisions and the sequence of voting on Ways and Means motions Nos. 1, 7 and 8, Private Members' Business motion M-475 and the motion for second reading of Bill C-439 on March 31, 2004 -- March 30, 2004
    Order respecting proceedings on Bill C-3 on March 31, 2004 -- March 30, 2004
    Order respecting proceedings on Bill S-15 -- April 1, 2004
    Order respecting the emergency debate on April 20, 2004 -- April 19, 2004
    Order respecting the sequence of voting on the motion to refer Bill C-25 to the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates before second reading, the amendment to the motion for second reading of Bill C-30 and the motion for second reading of Bill C-246 -- April 20, 2004
    Order respecting proceedings at report stage of Bill C-9 -- April 28, 2004
    Order respecting the deferred recorded divisions at report stage of Bill C-23 on May 4, 2004 -- April 29, 2004
    Order respecting second reading of Bill S-17 under Government Bills (Senate) discharged; Order respecting sponsor; placed in the order of precedence for Private Members' Business -- May 11, 2004
    Order respecting the deferred recorded division on motion M-300 on May 26, 2004 -- May 14, 2004

No. 6 -- Privilege

    Immunity of Members from being compelled to attend court -- Adopted -- February 6, 2004 (See Other Business No. 3)
      Eighth Report of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs (Sessional Paper No. 8510-373-09) -- March 8, 2004
    Disclosure of the confidential proceedings of an Ontario Liberal caucus meeting -- Adopted -- March 25, 2004 (See Other Business No. 3)
      22nd Report of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs (Sessional Paper No. 8510-373-37) -- April 26, 2004
    Witnesses found in contempt and ordered to produce documents
      Third report of the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food (Sessional Paper No. 8510-373-45) -- Concurred in -- May 6, 2004

No. 7 -- Committees of the House

    Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food
      Order respecting election of Chair and Vice-Chairs -- February 11, 2004
      Third report (witnesses found in contempt and ordered to produce documents) (Sessional Paper No. 8510-373-45) -- Concurred in -- May 6, 2004 (See Other Business No. 6)
    Standing Committee on Official Languages
      Order respecting election of Chair and Vice-Chairs -- February 11, 2004
    Standing Committee on Public Accounts
      Membership appointed -- February 9, 2004
      Order respecting election of Chair and Vice-Chairs -- February 10, 2004
    Standing Joint Committee on the Library of Parliament
      First Report (quorum and mandate) (Sessional Paper No. 8510-373-17) -- Concurred in -- March 24, 2004
    Standing Joint Committee on the Scrutiny of Regulations
      First Report (additional terms of reference) (Sessional Paper No. 8510-373-3) -- Concurred in -- February 24, 2004

No. 8 -- Reinstatement of Bills from 2nd session

C-4(R-*) -- Previously Bill C-34 -- February 11, 2004

C-5* -- Previously Bill C-49 -- February 11, 2004

C-6(R) -- Previously Bill C-13 -- February 11, 2004

C-7(R) -- Previously Bill C-17 -- February 11, 2004

C-8(R) -- Previously Bill C-36 -- February 11, 2004

C-9(R) -- Previously Bill C-56 -- February 12, 2004

C-10* -- Previously Bill C-38 -- February 12, 2004

C-11(R) -- Previously Bill C-57 -- February 12, 2004

C-12 -- Previously Bill C-20 -- February 12, 2004

C-13 -- Previously Bill C-46 -- February 12, 2004

C-14 -- Previously Bill C-32 -- February 12, 2004

C-15 -- Previously Bill C-33 -- February 12, 2004

C-16 -- Previously Bill C-23 -- February 12, 2004

C-17(R-*) -- Previously Bill C-41 -- February 12, 2004

C-22 -- Previously Bill C-10B -- March 8, 2004

C-23(R) -- Previously Bill C-19 -- March 10, 2004

S-5 -- Previously Bill S-7 -- February 13, 2004

No. 9 -- Public bills sponsored by private Members which originated in the Senate

S-4 -- Mr. Boudria (Glengarry -- Prescott-Russell) -- March 24, 2004

S-5 -- Mr. Keddy (South Shore) -- February 13, 2004

S-8 -- Mr. Lincoln (Lac-Saint-Louis) -- March 30, 2004

S-17 -- Mr. Reynolds (West Vancouver -- Sunshine Coast) -- May 11, 2004

No. 10 -- Amendments to the Standing Orders

    Amendment to Standing Order 92(4)(a) -- Adopted -- February 16, 2004 (See Other Business No. 3)
    Amendments to Standing Orders 104 and 108 -- Adopted -- February 17, 2004
    Amendments to Private Members' Business -- Adopted -- March 23, 2004 (See Other Business No. 3)
    Amendment to Standing Order 36(8)(b) -- Adopted -- April 26, 2004 (See Other Business No. 3)
    Amendments to Standing Orders 21, 22, 108(3)(a) and 111.1(1), and the appending of a code of ethics -- Adopted -- April 29, 2004 (See Other Business No. 3)
    Titles ``Orateur'' and ``Orateur adjoint'' replaced by ``Président'' and ``Vice-président'' in the French language version of the Standing Orders -- May 5, 2004 (See Other Business No. 3)
    Amendment to Standing Order 124 -- Adopted -- May 13, 2004

No. 11 -- Take-note debate

    Bovine spongiform encephalopathy -- February 13, 2004

No. 12 -- Resolutions

    Rwandan genocide -- February 24, 2004
      Order respecting proceedings -- February 24, 2004 (See Other Business No. 5)
    Anti-semitic violence -- March 24, 2004
      Order respecting proceedings -- March 24, 2004 (See Other Business No. 5)
    Year of Acadia -- April 28, 2004

No. 13 -- Petitions deemed referred to committee

    Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development
      Mr. Comartin (Windsor -- St. Clair) -- No. 373-0200 concerning environmental assessment and review -- Deemed referred -- April 2, 2004
    Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade
      Ms. Lalonde (Mercier) -- No. 373-0348 concerning the United States' policy towards Cuba -- Deemed referred -- April 19, 2004
      Ms. Catterall (Ottawa West -- Nepean) -- Nos. 373-0369 to 373-0371 concerning AIDS -- Deemed referred -- April 23, 2004
      Ms. McDonough (Halifax) -- No. 373-0372 concerning AIDS -- Deemed referred -- April 23, 2004
      Mr. Rajotte (Edmonton Southwest) -- Nos. 373-0373 to 373-0378 concerning AIDS -- Deemed referred -- April 23, 2004
    Standing Committee on Health
      Mr. Marceau (Charlesbourg -- Jacques-Cartier) -- Nos. 373-0366 and 373-0367 concerning AIDS -- Deemed referred -- April 23, 2004
    Standing Committee on Justice, Human Rights, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
      Mr. Reynolds (West Vancouver -- Sunshine Coast) -- No. 373-0014 concerning the Divorce Act -- Deemed referred -- March 22, 2004
      Mr. Kilger (Stormont -- Dundas -- Charlottenburgh) -- No. 373-0501 concerning abortion -- Deemed referred -- April 26, 2004
    Standing Committee on National Defence and Veterans Affairs
      Mr. Mills (Red Deer) -- No. 373-0183 concerning war medals -- Deemed referred -- March 29, 2004

No. 14 -- Officers of Parliament

    President of the Public Service Commission
      Name of the proposed appointee (Maria Barrados) referred to the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates (Sessional Paper No. 8530-373-10) -- March 31, 2004
      Third Report of the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates (Sessional Paper No. 8510-373-30) -- April 2, 2004
      Ratification motion -- Notice -- April 15, 2004
        Adopted -- April 21, 2004
    Ethics Commissioner
      Name of the proposed appointee (Bernard Shapiro) referred to the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs (Sessional Paper No. 8530-373-15) -- April 21, 2004
      24th Report of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs (Sessional Paper No. 8510-373-39) -- April 27, 2004
      Ratification motion -- Notice -- April 27, 2004
        Adopted -- April 29, 2004

No. 15 -- Emergency debate

    Avian flu -- Leave granted -- April 19, 2004
      Order respecting proceedings on April 20, 2004 -- April 19, 2004 (See Other Business No. 5)
      Debated -- April 20, 2004