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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 38th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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38th Parliament, 1st Session   (October 4, 2004 - November 29, 2005)  Latest Session
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Canadian Library Week

    >>Library services, public awareness campaign, S.O. 31, 599(12:1410), 8791-2(138:1355)
    >>See also Quebec Library Week

Canadian Light Source (CLS) Inc.

    >>Synchrotron light beam facility, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, 7546(120:1535), 7565(120:1800)
    >>>o.q., 724(14:1140)
    >>>S.O. 31, 672-3(13:1405)

Canadian Macedonian Place

    >>Facility, fundraising, S.O. 31, 1917(32:1410)

Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters (CME) see Manufacturing industry; Melet Plastics Inc.

Canadian Multiculturalism Day

    >>June 27th, recognizing, promoting, S.O. 31, 7810(123:1410)

Canadian Museum for Human Rights

Canadian Museum of Civilization

    >>Rabinovitch, Victor, Director, appointment, Certificate of nomination, tabled and referred to Canadian Heritage Standing Committee, 4203(68:1515)

Canadian Museum of Nature

    >>Armstrong, Robert Kenneth, Chair, Certificate of Nomination, tabled and referred to Canadian Heritage Standing Committee, 2978(48:1510)

Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) see Blindness/visual impairment--Print; World Sight Day

Canadian National Railway Company (CNR)

    >>Biggar, SA, terminal, closure, petition, 8016(125:1520), 9148(143:1010), 9412(146:1535), 10169(158:1210)
    >>>Investigation, o.q., 8227(128:1500)
    >>>S.O. 31, 8504-5(133:1410)
    >>>Wabamun, AB, oil spill, response measures, 9230-1(144:1235)
    >>Intermodal terminal facility, Milton, ON, petitions, 1280(23:1210), 2979(48:1515)
    >>Napanee, ON bridge, deterioration, 5512(89:1505)
    >>>S.O. 31, 5500-1(89:1400)
    >>Strike, supply of services to prevent immediate and serious danger to safety and health of public, agreement, Canada Labour Code requirement, o.q., 3399(55:1150)
    >>See also Highways and roads--Quebec, Quebec City Bridge

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

    >>"Creative manager" position, role, salary, etc., r.o., tabled, 1660(29:1520)

Canadian Older Adult Justice Agency

    >>Establishing, 4374(71:1515)
    >>>See also Older Adult Justice Act (Bill C-348)

Canadian Olympic Committee see Lowry, Mark

Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) see Chinese Canadians--contribution to Canadian society; Occupational health and safety--Hard hats

Canadian passports

    >>Fees, increase, etc., o.q., 4749(77:1500-5)
    >>Members of Parliament, requests for assistance, increase, 8950-1(140:1925)
    >>Missing, stolen
    >>>Auditor General's concerns, 407(8:1705), 2683-4(44:1700)
    >>>Border officers lacking information, 1389(25:1225)
    >>Security issues, 5049(81:1740)
    >>Security measures, Auditor General's concerns, criminal watch lists deficient, etc., 4831-2(78:1650-5)
    >>>o.q., 4701-2(76:1430-5), 4747(77:1450), 4749(77:1500-5)
    >>See also Border, Canadian--United States security concerns/measures, Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative; Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Twenty-second

Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal

    >>Cirone, Domenic, recipient, CARE Canada recruit, United Nations Protection Force, former Yugoslavia, S.O. 31, 2447(41:1410)

Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal and Book of Remembrance Act (Bill C-202)--Stoffer

    >>First reading, 190(5:1210)
    >>See also Canadian Forces--Peacekeeping role, Deaths

Canadian Polar Commission

    >>Hutchinson, Thomas C., Chair, Certificate of Nomination, tabled and referred to Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee, 7433(119:1510)

Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) see Border, Canadian--Border/customs officers, Communication tools

Canadian Products Promotion Act (Bill C-440)--Guay

    >>First reading, 9589-90(149:1505)
    >>See also Government contracts

Canadian Professional Police Association

    >>Ottawa visit, April 5, 2005, 4695(76:1355)

Canadian Prostate Cancer Research Initiative see Prostate cancer-Public awareness

Canadian Race Relations Foundation

Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)

    >>Commissioners, appointment/reappointment, Parliamentary Committee review, o.q., 387(8:1435-40)
    >>Databases see Telecommunications Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37)
    >>Liberal government (Martin), cabinet ministers, Ruth Thorkelson, Prime Minister's Office, interference, manipulation allegations, o.q., 606(12:1450), 680(13:1450-6), 680(13:1450-5)
    >>>See also CHOI-FM radio station; RAI International
    >>Public hearings, decisions, rendering within six months, 2670(44:1520)
    >>>See also Broadcasting Act (amdt.-decisions and orders)(Bill C-322)
    >>Review of commission and Broadcasting Act, need for, 80(4:1230-5)
    >>Role, commercial broadcasters, impact, 2368(40:1240)
    >>See also Broadcasting--Foreign third language broadcasters--Policy; Global Television Network; Radio stations--Radiomédia; Satellite radio--Licences

Canadian Rangers see Arctic--Sovereignty

Canadian Real Estate Association

    >>President Gerry Thiessen, congratulating, S.O. 31, 4740(77:1405)

Canadian Red Cross see Blood--Tainted blood products; Bryenton, Marlene; Sudan--Darfur region conflict

Canadian Rotary Committee for International Development see Tsunami (Asia, December 2004)--Sri Lanka

Canadian Safe Drinking Water Act (Bill C-209)--Stoffer

    >>First reading, 439(9:1210)
    >>See also Water--Drinking water

Canadian Satellite Radio

    >>Broadcasting licence, renewal application, approval, John Duffy and Richard Mahoney (Liberal Party candidate), lobbying activities, violation, non-registered lobbyists, o.q., 8722-3(137:1435), 8726(137:1455), 8798(138:1435), 8855(139:1130)

Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS)

    >>Foreign operations, undertaking, o.q., 3757(61:1450)
    >>Personnel, shortage, 1389(25:1230)
    >>Public report for 2003, tabled, 869(17:1005)
    >>See also Arar, Maher; Public Service--Wrongdoing, whistle blowers; Terrorism--Combatting, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) role

Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame see National Anthem

Canadian sovereignty

    >>Conservative Party of Canada position, 9066(141:2025)
    >>See also Arctic--Sovereignty; Energy; Hans Island; Quebec separation/sovereignty

Canadian Space Agency

    >>Funding, 4464(72:1600)
    >>See also Chambers, John Gilbert; Remote sensing satellites--Regulating; Robotics

Canadian Steel Foundries (Montreal, QC) see Bankruptcy--Workers' pensions

Canadian Steel Partnership Council see Steel industry

Canadian Taxpayers Federation see Government expenditures--Election factor, Swing ridings

Canadian Television Fund

    >>French language production envelope, $1.5 million diverted to animation series, no francophone writers or actors, correcting, o.q., 1332(24:1450)
    >>Funding, long term proposal, 2942(47:1545)
    >>See also Film production--Markham Street Films

Canadian Tire Foundation for Families

    >>JumpStart program, low-income families, sports and recreation participation, S.O. 31, 3825(62:1410)

Canadian Tourism Commission

    >>Advertising contracts, $65 million contract to BCP, no competition, o.q., 6080-1(100:1435)
    >>Headquarters, moving to British Colombia, 9422(146:1645-50)
    >>>o.q., 3873(63:1435)
    >>See also Aquaculture--Salmon farm sites, Boston Legal television program

Canadian Transportation Agency (CTA) see Rail transportation/railways--Communities; VIA Rail Canada Inc.--Renaissance rail cars

Canadian Unity Council see Canadian Heritage Department; China--Canadian Ambassador

Canadian Unity Fund see Quebec separation/sovereignty--Clarity Act

Canadian university football championship see Football--Vanier Cup

Canadian values see Canadian Forces--Foreign operations; Foreign aid--Criteria; International relations--Canadian role

Canadian War Museum

    >>Official opening, 5831(94:1715), 9409(146:1510)
    >>>Praise, tribute, S.O. 31, 5645(91:1405)
    >>See Veterans--West Indian veterans of Canadian Forces during World War II; Victoria Cross--MacGregor, LCol John

Canadian Wheat Board

    >>Audit of accounts, Auditor General conducting, Board of Directors setting narrow parameters, 3840(62:1545)
    >>Conservative Party of Canada position, 3039(49:1320)
    >>>Critic, D. Anderson, criticism, 6776(110:2005-10), 6781-2(110:2045), 6789(110:2140)
    >>Directors, William Cheuk appointment, Liberal Party connections, o.q., 6336(104:1445)
    >>Initial payments, 3038-9(49:1315-20), 9171(143:1305)
    >>>o.q., 8860-1(139:1155), 9188(143:1455), 9531(148:1200), 9821-2(152:1455-1500), 9869(153:1145), 9923(154:1455)
    >>>S.O. 31, 9319(145:1405)
    >>Lobbyist, Minister responsible for the Canadian Wheat Board Alcock, former campaign manager, Avis Gray, hiring, conflict of interest allegations, 7315(117:1845), 9821-2(152:1455-1500)
    >>>o.q., 3875(63:1445)
    >>>r.o., 4901-2(79:1815)
    >>Measner, Adrian, President, appointment, Certificate of Nomination tabled and referred to Agriculture and Agri-food Standing Committee, 8915(140:1505)
    >>Monopoly powers, 5194(84:1240-5), 5195(84:1255), 5224(84:1605), 5238(84:1810), 7447(119:1730-5)
    >>>Bryan, David, criminal charges/jail, 5432(87:1735-40), 5433(87:1745)
    >>>Farmers, arrested, jailed, 8625(135:1620), 8806(138:1520)
    >>Reforming, eliminating, 3202(52:1135)
    >>World Trade Organization (WTO) position, 5191(84:1215), 5197(84:1305), 5219(84:1530)
    >>>S.O. 31, 9812(152:1410)
    >>See also Access to Information Act--Crown corporations and Canadian Wheat Board; Barley--Malt barley; Grain industry--Marketing; Grain transportation; Iraq--Oil for food program of United Nations; Pasta--Production on prairies; Wheat--Exports to China

Canadian Wind Energy Atlas see Wind energy--Wind generators

Canadian Women in Communications' Employer Award see Aboriginal Peoples Television Network

Canadian Women's Health Network

    >>Boscoe, Madeline, contributions, S.O. 31, 7084(115:1400)

Canadians for Language Fairness see Ottawa, ON


Cancer Awareness Month

    >>April, daffodil campaign, support, S.O. 31, 4620(75:1415)

Cancer Centres see Ottawa Regional Cancer Centre Foundation

Candir, Aysegul see Murder

Candles see Fire Prevention Week

CANDU reactors

    >>Cleanest, safest, most efficient in world, o.q., 6986(114:1440)

Cannabis Expiation Notice see Marijuana--Australia approach

Cannis, John (Lib.--Scarborough Centre)

    >>Agriculture, 5992(99:1245)
    >>Airports. 5990(99:1225)
    >>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 5858-9(95:1215), 5988-91(99:1210-30), 5991-2(99:1240-5)
    >>Border, Canadian, 3360(54:1530)
    >>Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), 3359(54:1525)
    >>Budget 2005, 5858-9(95:1215), 5988-9(99:1210-5), 5990(99:1220), 5991(99:1225-30), 5991-2(99:1240)
    >>>M. for approval (Goodale), 4020-2(66:1240-55)
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43), 6211(102:1205)
    >>Budget surplus, 9205(143:1700), 9207-8(143:1725)
    >>Budgets, 5990(99:1220)
    >>Canada -United States-Mexico relations, 3359(54:1525)
    >>Canada-United States relations, 3360(54:1530-5)
    >>Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute, 3360(54:1535)
    >>Canadian Forces, 4022(66:1255), 5989(9:1215), 5992(99:1240)
    >>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 4539-40(74:1135-45)
    >>Computers for schools program, S.O. 31, 2100(35:1405)
    >>Conservative Party of Canada, 5858(95:1215), 5991(99:1225)
    >>Contraventions Act and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-17), 1114(20:1905)
    >>Credit cards, Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 2431-2(40:1950-5), 2433-4(40:2005-10)
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals)(Bill C-50), 9598-9(149:1555)
    >>Cyprus, S.O. 31, 9398(146:1410)
    >>Department of International Trade Act (Bill C-31), 3180(51:1745), 3294(53:1655), 3358-61(54:1515-40), 3362(54:1545)
    >>Economy/economic conditions, 3359(54:1525), 3360(54:1535)
    >>Education, post-secondary, 5858-9(95:1215), 5989(99:1210)
    >>Elections, 5990(99:1225)
    >>Employment insurance, 9205(143:1705)
    >>Environment, 3362(54:1545), 5989(99:1210)
    >>Finance Standing Committee
    >>>M. (Hill), 5466(88:1300), 5470(88:1320)
    >>>M. (Martin, Pat), 2086-7(35:1225)
    >>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 2433(40:2005)
    >>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 3358(54:1515-20)
    >>Foreign investment/ownership, 3294(53:1655)
    >>Goods and Services Tax (GST), 9205-6(143:1705)
    >>Government expenditures, 9206-7(143:1705-15)
    >>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 4022(66:1250)
    >>Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 4021(66:1245)
    >>Health care funding, 5990(99:1220)
    >>House of Commons proceedings, 5989-90(99:1215-25)
    >>Housing, 5989(99:1210)
    >>Identity theft, 2433(40:2005)
    >>Insurance, S.O. 31, 3867(63:1400)
    >>International Trade Department, 3180(51:1745), 3359(54:1520), 3361(54:1535)
    >>International Trade, Trade Disputes and Investment Subcommittee, 3180(51:1745)
    >>Marriage, 4539-40(74:1135-45)
    >>Municipalities, 4021(66:1245), 5466(88:1300), 5990(99:1220)
    >>National debt, 5990(99:1220), 9208(143:1730)
    >>North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 3359(54:1525), 3360(54:1530)
    >>Organized crime, 9599(149:1555)
    >>Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.) and Salaries Act (amdt.)(Bill C-30), 4520(73:1805)
    >>Pearson, Lester B., 5989(99:1210)
    >>Physical activity, o.q., 3352(54:1440)
    >>Procedure, divisions, recorded, 1114(20:1905), 4520(73:1805)
    >>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), 4020(66:1240)
    >>Sentences (convicted criminals), 9599(149:1555)
    >>Shipbuilding industry, 4022(66:1255)
    >>Small and medium business, 5989(99:1215)
    >>Sponsorship program, 6211(102:1205)
    >>Sudan, 5989(99:1215)
    >>Tax reductions, 4021(66:1245), 5990(99:1220)
    >>Textile and clothing industry, 2086-7(35:1225)
    >>>Committee of the Whole take note, M., 2805(45:1955)
    >>Trade, 3294(53:1655), 3358(54:1515), 3361(54:1540), 3362(54:1545)
    >>Trade with United States, 3359-60(54:1520-35)
    >>Transportation, 5989(99:1210)
    >>Tsunami (Asia, December 2004), S.O. 31, 2967(48:1405)
    >>Unanticipated Surpluses Act (Bill C-67), 9205-8(143:1700-30)
    >>University research, 5990(99:1220)

Canoes see Boats--Commercial operators

Canola oil see Trans fats (trans fatty acids)

CANPASS see Border, Canadian--Canada-United States co-operation

CANPASS Air see Air transportation security--Airport security

CANtex program see Textile and clothing industry--Crisis

Cap-Chat, QC see Canadian Forces--Cadets; Quebec--Regional economic development

Cap-de-la-Madeleine, QC see Post offices/postal outlets

CAPC see Community Access Program

Cape Breton Island see Ferry service

Cape Chaillon see Canadian Coast Guard--Search and rescue role

Cape Race, NL see Lighthouses

Cape Spear National Historic Site see Lighthouses

Capital cost allowances, see Corporate income tax

"Capital Experience, A" see Students--High school students

Capital gains tax

    >>Inclusion rate, 4075(67:1015)
    >>Lifetime exemption, raising for small business and farmers, 2866(46:1540), 2875(46:1650)
    >>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney) $100,000 exemption, 2775(45:1545)
    >>Reducing, eliminating, 2748(45:1235-40), 2901(47:1100)
    >>See also Charitable organizations--Securities; Entrepreneurs/entrepreneurship; Family farms--Intergenerational transfer; Fishing property

Capital Hill Experience

    >>National capital education tour, Dufferin--Caledon constituency students participation, S.O. 31, 4941-2(80:1405)

Capital punishment

    >>Abolition, murder rate decline, 5357(86:1825), 6110(100:1800), 7304(117:1730)
    >>Restoration, petitions, 6671(109:1540), 8564(134:1215)
    >>World Congress Against the Death Penalty, Montreal, QC, S.O. 31, 180(5:1110)
    >>See Nigeria--Adultery; Tibet--Rinpoche, Tenzin Delek

Capital tax

Cappahayden, NL see Post offices/postal outlets

Captioning/voice recognition systems see Broadcasting Act and Income Tax Act (amdt.--closed-captioned programming)(Bill C-396); Speech and hearing disorders

Carbon dioxide see Cabinet Ministers--Automobiles

Carbon dioxide sequestration see mines/mining industry--Greenhouse gas emissions reduction

Carbon sinks see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing

Carbon tax see Automobile industry--Greenhouse gas emissions

Carcinoid cancer see Cancer

Cardin, Serge (BQ--Sherbrooke)

Cardinal, Harold

    >>First Nations leader, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 6603(108:1105)

Cardiovascular disease see Heart Month

CARE Canada see Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal--Cirone, Domenic

CARE International see Iraq

Career Week see Canada Career Week


Caribou see Oil and gas exploration--Alaska

"Caring for Canadians" see Social programs

Carle, Jean see Sponsorship program--Advertising contracts, "Money laundering

Carleton--Charlotte constituency see Culbert, Harold

Carleton County, NB see Beef industry

Carleton University

    >>Norman Patterson School of International Affairs, funding, r.o., 4377(71:1525)

Carley's law see Traffic accidents--Failure to stop at scene

Carnegie Gallery, Dundas ON

    >>25th anniversary, recognition, 8264(129:1105)

Carpenters' Local Union 27 Training Centre see Apprenticeship programs

Carr, Gary (Lib.--Halton)

Carrie, Colin (CPC--Oshawa)

Carrier, Robert (BQ--Alfred--Pellan)

    >>Air Canada, 9456(147:1130), 9461-2(147:1205-10), 9463(147:1220)
    >>Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-47), 9456(147:1130), 9461-2(147:1205-10), 9463(147:1220)
    >>Aircraft/aerospace industry, o.q., 1973(33:1150)
    >>Canada Shipping Act, Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Canada National Marine Conservation Act and Oceans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 444-6(9:1250-1300), 449(9:1325), 453(9:1400)
    >>Canadian Coast Guard, 445(9:1250-5), 446(9:1300), 453(9:1400)
    >>Dictée lavalloise, S.O. 31, 5761(93:1105)
    >>Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec Act (Bill C-9), 1289(23:1315), 1296-7(23:1415-25)
    >>Employment insurance, M. on supply (Godin), 6524-5(107:1035)
    >>Gasoline prices, o.q., 435(9:1150)
    >>Home heating fuel, o.q,, 435(9:1150)
    >>Income Tax act (amdt.--public transit costs)(Bill C-306), 8176-7(127:1900-5)
    >>Marine transportation, 444-5(9:1250-5), 446(9:1300)
    >>Montée Saint-François Institution (penitentiary), S.O. 31, 9813-4(152:1415)
    >>Montréal-Mirabel International Airport, o.q., 1973(33:1150)
    >>Oil and oil products, o.q., 435-6(9:1150)
    >>Ouellette-Lavoie, Francine, S.O. 31, 4808(78:1400)
    >>Public transit, 8176-7(127:1900-5)
    >>>o.q., 8861(139:1200)
    >>Quebec, 1289(23:1315), 1296-7(23:1415-25)
    >>Sable Island, 449(9:1325)
    >>Tlicho Land Claims and Self-Government Act (Bill C-14), 854(16:1700)
    >>Villeneuve, Lise-Florence, S.0. 31, 3444(56:1405)
    >>World War II, S.O. 31, 1267(23:1100)

Carrie's Guardian Angel Law (Bill C-286)--Hanger

    >>First reading, 1369(25:1005)
    >>See also Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--Child sexual predation offence

Carroll, Hon. Aileen (Lib.--Barrie; Minister of International Cooperation)

Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety

    >>Canadian position, 3412(55:1325)
    >>Montreal conference, June 2005, Africa's negotiator denied visa, implications, o.q., 6285-6(103:1135)

Cascade Aerospace see Canadian Forces--Aircraft, Hercules aircraft


    >>Quebec paper products manufacturer, 40th anniversary, S.O. 31, 1269(23:1110)

Casey, Bill (CPC--Cumberland--Colchester--Musquodoboit Valley)

Cash, Peter see Organized crime--Convicted persons

Casson, Rick (CPC--Lethbridge)

Castelli, Lucie see Liberal Party--Finance Committee

Casting vote see Speaker of the House of Commons

Castro-Gyr, Magali see Citizenship--"Lost Canadians"

Catastrophic drug coverage see Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Affordable

Catney, Noel see Peel Regional Police

Cats see Cruelty to animals--Windsor, ON case

CATSA see Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA)

Catterall, Marlene (Lib.--Ottawa West--Nepean)


    >>Cull cattle see Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE); Dairy industry
    >>Supply management, introducing, 4151(67:1910)
    >>See also Livestock industry

Caza, David James see Sexual abuse/assault/exploitation

Caza, Gérald Guy

    >>French-language educational books, promoter, recognizing, S.O. 31, 4441(72:1400)

CBIC Run for the Cure see Breast cancer

CBSA see Border, Canadian--Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

CCC see Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC)

CCIC see Canadian Council for International Co-operation (CCIC)

CCTB see Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB)

Cégep de Rimouski see Institut maritime du Québec

CEL Surplus

    >>National Defence Department, dispute with, Scott Collacutt owner, S.O. 31, 7924-5(124:1405)

Cellphones see Automobiles/motor vehicles; Wiretapping--New communications technologies

Cement industry see Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute
