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Dockman, Jonathan see Cancer--Awareness
Family Physicians Week, recognizing, S.O. 31, 1323(24:1400), 1400(25:1355),
1592(28:1100), 1725(30:1415), 1964(33:1100)
>>Physician's assistants, recognizing, S.O. 31, 1647(27:1415)
>>Shortage, 616(12:1545), 2950(47:1650), 5616(90:1845)
>>>Foreign-trained doctors, credentials, recognition, 126-7(4:1755-800),
6069(100:1315), 6183(101:2205), 6189(101:2255), 9368-9(145:1950),
>>>>o.q., 6126(101:1500)
>>>>Petitions, 4689(76:1310)
>>>>o.q., 6612(108:1155)
>>>>S.O. 31, 4315(70:1110)
>>>Preventing, education/re-training foreign doctors, funding,
1790-1(30:2205-10), 1803(30:2340), 2464(41:1550), 3231(52:1450),
4295(69:1735), 4302-3(69:1830-40), 4407-8(71:1845-55)
>>>>o.q., 2452(41:1440-45), 6612(108:1155)
>>See also Aboriginal health care--Aboriginal doctors
Abortion--Woman's right to know;
Health care--Rural regions
Doer, Gary see Manitoba
Dofasco Inc. see Steel industry--Union
Dogrib aboriginal land claim see Tlicho Land Claims and Self-Government Agreement
Dogs see Inuit sled dogs; Puppy mills
Doha Development Agenda see World Trade Organization (WTO)
Doherty, James see DNA identification/evidence
Dollar exchange rate
Fluctuation, 2913(47:1230), 6087(100:1515)
>>Increase, impact, 2832(46:1250), 3886-7(63:1615), 3899(64:1030),
4911(80:1015), 4927(80:1220)
>>>o.q., 2313(39:1450)
>>See also Automobile industry;
Oil and oil products--Price increases;
Textile and clothing industry--Crisis
Domestic violence see Family violence
Dominican Republic
Tourists, malaria threat, precautions, o.q., 2613(43:1155)
Dominion Building, Charlottetown, PEI see Government buildings
Dominion Institute see Veterans--Memory Project
Domtar Inc.
Cornwall, ON plant, 400 job cutback, layoff assistance for employees, o.q.,
>>See also Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute--Impact
Dorfer, Franklin Shane see Sexual abuse/assault/exploitation
Dorval International Airport (renamed) see Montréal-Trudeau International Airport
Dosanjh, Hon. Ujjal (Lib.--Vancouver South; Minister of Health)
- >>Aboriginal health care, 1773-4(30:2000), 1782(30:2105-10),
1793-4(30:2230-40), 1798(30:2305)
>>>qu., 2859(46:1525)
>>Air transportation, o.q., 8223(128:1435)
>>Alcoholic beverages, 1795(30:2245)
>>>o.q., 1010(19:1455), 3154(51:1445)
>>Avian flu (Asian bird flu), 1799(30:2315)
>>>o.q., 3651(59:1500), 8611(135:1440-45), 8799(138:1440), 8801(138:1450), 9251(144:1440)
>>Breast implants, o.q., 8440(132:1505)
>>Cadman, references, 8148-9(127:1505)
>>Canada Health Act, qu., 7442(119:1655)
>>Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 1775(30:2010), 1792(30:2215)
>>Cancer, o.q., 4949(80:1455), 6737(110:1455), 6818(111:1415-20), 8801(138:1445-50), 9108(1500-05)
>>Chief Public Health Officer, 1775-6(30:2015)
>>Cigarettes, 1771-2(30:1945-50)
>>Community Access Program (CAPC), 1776(30:2025)
>>Cosmetics, 1787(30:2140)
>>Diabetes, 1776-8(30:2015-35), 1788(30:2145-50)
>>>o.q., 1408(25:1445), 9741(151:1450)
>>Disability Tax Credit, 1787(30:2140)
>>Doctors/physicians, 1803(30:2340)
>>>o.q., 2452(41(1445), 1790-1(30:2205-10), 6126(101:1500)
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, 1773(30:1950-2000), 1775(30:2010), 1777(30:2025), 1779-83(30:2040-2115), 1787-90(30:2145-2205), 1796(30:2250)
>>>Committee take note, M. (Valeri), 9359-61(145:1830-50)
>>>o.q., 222(6:1500), 488(10:1445), 1330(24:1440), 1817(31:1500), 1925-6(32:1500), 2385(40:1440), 2933(47:1440), 3052(49:1445-50), 3156-7(51:1500), 3157(51:1500), 3230-1(52:1445), 3277(53:1455), 3571(56:1500-05), 3833(62:1455), 4451(72:1455), 5770(93:1155), 6936(113:1140)
>>Food and Drugs Act (amdt.)(Bill C-28), 2033(34:1505), 2748(45:1255)
>>Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--drug export restrictions)(Bill C-83), 10169(158:1205)
>>Food safety, o.q., 3448-9(56:1425)
>>Genetically modified corn, o.q., 7720(122:1435-40)
>>Grewal, G., references, o.q., 6479(106:1430), 6481-2(106:1440-5), 6558(107:1430)
>>Hazardous Materials Information Review Act (amdt.)(Bill S-40), 8862(139:1205)
>>Health, o.q., 7188(116:1500)
>>Health care, 1781(30:2100), 1800(30:2315)
>>>M. on supply (Fletcher), 6701-4(110:1050-1115)
>>>o.q., 99(4:1435), 216(6:1425), 318(7:1450), 488(10:1445), 722(14:1125), 2763(45:1425), 3649(59:1450), 3696-7(60:1125), 3698(60:1135), 3756(61:1445), 4039(66:1445), 4196(68:1435), 4199(68:1450), 4269-70(69:1425-30), 5027(81:1450), 5101(82:1425), 5104(82:1445), 5509(89:1445), 6558(107:1425), 6898-9(112:1445), 6933-4(113:1130), 7882(117:1450), 7539-40(120:1445-50), 7618(121:1435), 7621(121:1445), 8100(126:1505). 8328(130:1450), 8607-8(135:1425), 8678(136:1430), 8725-6(137:1450), 8727(137:1500), 8908-9(140:1425-30), 9183(143:1430), 9186(143:1445), 9329(145:1455), 9585(149:1440), 9663(150:1500), 9997(155:1445), 10000(155:1505), 10207(158:1430), 10212(159:1455)
>>>qu., 7384(118:1245)
>>Health care funding, 1777(30:2030), 6932-3(113:1115-30)
>>>o.q., 4371(71:1455), 6894-5(112:1420-25), 6931-4(113:1115-30), 6988(114:1450)
>>Health Department, estimates, Committee of the Whole consideration, 1771-84(30:1945-2115), 1787-92(30:2140-220), 1793-6(30:2230-55), 1798-800(30:2305-20), 1803-5(30:2340-50)
>>Health research
>>>o.q., 1922(32:1440)
>>>qu., 5975-6(98:1235)
>>Hepatitis C, 1772-3(30:1950-2000), 1778(30:2035), 1792(30:2220)
>>>Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 1117-9(20:1915-30)
>>>o.q., 102(4:1455), 217(6:1425), 488(10:1445), 564(11:1455), 723-4(14:1135-40), 1085(20:1500), 1160(21:1505), 1330(24:1440), 1652(29:1440), 1653(29:1450), 1731(30:1445-50), 5331(86:1450), 7811(123:1415), 8330(130:1500), 10213(159:1500)
>>>qu., 9591(149:1515)
>>HIV/AIDS, 1777-8(30:2025-30)
>>>o.q., 1733(30:1500), 2131(36:1500), 2455(41:1500)
>>Home care, 1795(30:2245)
>>Hospitals, o.q., 682(13:1500), 6338(104:1455)
>>Human cloning, o.q., 607(12:1455), 3937(64:1450-55)
>>Influenza, 1794(30:2235)
>>>o.q., 564(11:1455)
>>Kashechewan First Nation, o.q., 8614(135:1500)
>>Marijuana, o.q., 7094(115:1455)
>>Methamphetamine/crystal meth, o.q., 9187(143:1450)
>>Nurses, 1791(30:2210)
>>Olsen, Mackenzie, o.q., 5511(89:1500)
>>Pest Management Regulatory Agency, 1774(30:2005)
>>>qu., 8018-9(125:1525)
>>Prostate cancer, 1777(30:2030)
>>Public health, o.q., 4199(68:1450)
>>Public Health Agency of Canada, 1773-4(30:2000-05), 1794(30:2235)
>>Public Health Agency of Canada Act (Bill C-75), 9745(151:1510)
>>Quarantine Act (Bill C-12), 190(5:1210), 736(14:1310)
>>References see Grewal, G.--References, Liberal government (Martin) attempt to "buy" vote; Tobacco industry
>>Reproductive and genetic technologies, o.q., 7541-2(120:1500)
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) o.q., 2108(35:1445)
>>Smallpox, 1799(30:2310)
>>Smoking, 1776(30:2020), 1787(30:2140)
>>>o.q., 3450(56:1435)
>>Tobacco, 1774(30:2005), 1776(30:2020), 1796(30:2250)
>>>o.q., 1549(27:1440), 2257(38:1140)
>>Tobacco industry, 1771-2(30:1945-50)
>>>o.q., 836(16:1450)
>>Vioxx (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug), o.q., 3872(63:1430)
>>Virginia Fontaine Addictions Foundation (Manitoba), 1778-9(30:2040), 1796(30:2255)
Dotto, Stephanie see Malawi
Double taxation see Income tax
Doug and the Slugs see Bennett, Doug
Douglas, Hon. Tommy
Achievements, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's Greatest Canadian
winner, S.O. 31, 2102(35:1410)
>>Birth, 100th anniversary, tribute, S.O. 31, 600(12:1415)
>>See also Budget 2005--New Democratic Party
Dowds, John
World War II veteran, community volunteer, etc., death, tributes, S.O. 31,
Downsview Park see Parc Downsview Park Inc.
Doyle, Norman (CPC--St. John's East)
- >>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill
C-48), 7443-4(119:1700-10), 7445(119:1715)
>>Bankruptcy, 7445(119:1715)
>>Budget 2005, 7442-4(119:1700-10)
>>Cabinet, o.q., 8329(130:1455)
>>Canadian Forces, o.q., 3936(64:1445)
>>Child pornography, petitions, 5668(91:1725)
>>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 4715-6(76:1610-5)
>>Corporate income tax, 7443(119:1700-5), 7444(119:1710)
>>Diabetes, S.O. 31, 4108(67:1400)
>>Employment insurance, 7443-4(119:1705), 7445(119:1715)
>>Employment insurance account, 7443(119:1705)
>>Equalization payments, 2043(34:1605), 2044(34:1615), 2045(34:1620)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.--fiscal equalization payments to the provinces and funding to the territories)(Bill C-24), 2043-4(34:1605-15), 2045(34:1620)
>>Fiscal imbalance (intergovernmental), M. on supply (Loubier), 881-3(17:1130-45)
>>Fisheries, S.O. 31, 6327(104:1400)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), o.q., 4743(77:1425)
>>Marriage, 4715-6(76:1610-5)
>>>Petitions, 4073(67:1005), 5668(91:1725), 7254(117:1140)
>>Newfoundland and Labrador, S.O. 31, 311(7:1410)
>>O'Brien, Lawrence, references, 2852-3(46:1510)
>>Offshore oil and gas revenue/royalties, 816-7(15:1910-20), 881-3(17:1130-45), 2043-4(34:1605-10), 7444(119:1705-10)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 1197(22:1100), 1199(22:1120), 1213-6(22:1310-35)
>>>o.q., 681(13:1455), 835(16:1445), 906(17:1440), 1003(19:1415), 4743(77:1425), 4949-50(80:1455), 5509(89:1445), 6010(99:1450), 6083(100:1450), 7717(122:1420)
>>>S.O. 31, 2445(41:1400)
>>Oil and gas exploration, S.O. 31, 3564(58:1415)
>>Senior citizens, S.O. 31, 8719-20(137:1415)
>>Throne Speech, S.O. 31, 311(7:1410)
Doyon, Antoine see Agriculture--Agricultural leaders
Doyon, Michel see Payments in Lieu of Taxes Dispute Advisory Panel
Dr. Bob Kemp Hospice, Hamilton, ON
Recognition, S.O. 31, 778(15:1405)
Dr. Victor Cecilioni Award for Environmentalist of the Year
McCarry, Dr. Brian, 2004 recipient, congratulating, S.O. 31, 6327(104:1400)
Drama see Theatre, amateur
Dredging see Ports/harbours--Fraser, BC
Drilling rig see Oil and gas exploration--Ocean Ranger
Drinking water see Water
Driving prohibitions see Street racing--Criminal Code offences
Drought see Agriculture
Drouin, Hon. Claude (Lib.--Beauce)
- >>Aboriginal health care, 4427(72:1220)
>>Augustine, references, 114(4:1625)
>>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 7665(121:2120)
>>Beauce constituency, 114(4:1625)
>>Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), 115(4:1625)
>>>M. on supply (Gaudet), 2189-91(37:1250-1305)
>>Budget 2005, 7665(121:2120)
>>Canada Career Week, S.O. 31, 1267(23:1100)
>>Canada Economic Development (Economic Development Agency for the Regions of Quebec), 1287(23:1300)
>>Canada Millennium Partnership Program, qu., 2861-2(46:1525)
>>Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute, 115(4:1625)
>>Caregivers, 115(4:1625)
>>Child care, 114(4:1625), 917(17:1550), 2141(36:1615)
>>Crown corporations, qu., 4376(71:1525)
>>Department of Social Development Act (Bill C-22), 2141-2(36:1615-20)
>>Drouin, references, 10233-4(159:1745)
>>Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec Act (Bill C-9), 1287-90(23:1300-25), 2351(40:1030)
>>Employment insurance, 7665(121:2120)
>>Employment insurance account, 917(17:1555)
>>Equalization payments, 115(4:1625), 914(17:1535), 916(17:1550)
>>>M. on supply (Lukiwski), 4427-9(72:1220-35)
>>Farm Income Payment Program, S.O. 31, 4621(75:1420)
>>Faucher, Caroline, S.O. 31, 7179(116:1410)
>>Federal-provincial-territorial jurisdiction, 116(4:1635)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 7665(121:2120)
>>Fiscal imbalance (intergovernmental), 4427(72:1220)
>>>M. on supply (Loubier), 914(17:1535), 916-7(17:1550-5)
>>Gaspésie--Îles-de-Madeleine constituency, 1289-90(23:1320)
>>Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 115(4:1625)
>>Health care, 114(4:1625), 4427(72:1220)
>>Health care funding, 4427(72:1220), 4428(72:1225)
>>Health Standing Committee, M. (Fletcher), 4651-2(75:1735-40)
>>Hepatitis C, 4651-2(75:1735-40)
>>Hydro-Québec, 7665(121:2120)
>>Job creation, 115(4:1625), 7665(121:2120)
>>Marriage, petitions, 4043(66:1505)
>>Members of Parliament, 9539(148:1230), 9565-7(149:1220-40)
>>Millennium Bureau of Canada, qu., 2861-2(46:1525)
>>Municipalities, 115(4:1625), 4428(72:1225)
>>>o.q., 1278(23:1200)
>>Offshore oil and gas revenue/royalties, 4428(72:1225)
>>Parliament, M. on supply (Layton), 9797-8(152:1225-30)
>>Privilege, prima facie, false/misleading statements, M. (Coderre), 9539(148:1230), 9565-7(149:1220-40)
>>Procedure, Members' remarks, 917(17:1555)
>>Quebec, 1287-90(23:1300-25), 2351(40:1030)
>>References, 10234(159:1750)
>>Regional and rural development, 4428(72:1225)
>>Small and medium business, 115(4:1625)
>>Social policy, 2141-2(36:1615-20)
>>Sponsorship program, 7665(121:2120)
>>Textile and clothing industry
>>>M-164 (Crête), 8252(128:1820)
>>>Petitions, 4204(68:1515)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Silva), 114-6(4:1625-40)
>>Training, 916-7(17:1550)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 4427(72:1220)
>>Transportation Amendment Act (Bill C-44), 10233-4(159:1745)
Drug and substance abuse
Aboriginal peoples
>>>Addiction workers training, government expenditures, 9510(147:1830)
>>>Wemotaci Indian Reserve, 6089(100:1525)
>>Bloc Québécois position, 8709(136:1835)
>>Centre for drug abuse, o.q., 1277(23:1155)
>>Combatting, 1341(24:1545), 4937(80:1340), 4938(80:1340), 6099(100:1640-5),
>>Drug ingredients, precursors, regulating, international co-operation,
>>Drug treatment courts, establishing, o.q., 9022(141:1440)
>>Economic impact, 8708(136:1830)
>>Enforcement difficulties, decrease in charges laid, 1074(20:1355)
>>Harm reduction measures, safe injection sites, etc., 125-6(4:1750),
>>Increase, 8708(136:1830), 9766(151:1740)
>>Intravenous drug use, health and social problems, 8708(136:1830),
>>Leduc, AB community drug action committee, establishment, request for
government action, S.O. 31, 9861(153:1105)
>>National drug strategy, 1095(20:1610), 1097(20:1625), 1100(20:1650),
1106(20:1740-5), 1321-2(24:1350), 5015(80:2325), 8708-9(136:1830-5),
9767(151:1740-5), 9770-1(151:1805-10)
>>>Funding, 1068(20:1310), 1091(20:1545), 1096(20:1620), 3007(48:1915),
8708(136:1830), 9767(151:1740), 9770(151:1805)
>>>Lack, 1066(20:1255), 1071(20:1330), 3006(48:1905), 7408(119:1230),
>>>o.q., 1277(23:1155)
>>>S.O. 31, 1966(33:1110)
>>Prevention and harm reduction, government funding, 9511(147:1835)
>>Punitive measures vs education/prevention, 1097(20:1630), 1316-7(24:1310-5)
>>Treatment and rehabilitation, federal funding to provinces and territories,
8709(136:1835), 9511(147:1835), 9767(151:1745), 9770(151:1810)
>>United States approach, impact, etc., 1070(20:1325)
>>Youth, addiction, etc., 1065(20:1250), 1106(20:1740), 4277(69:1510),
5854(95:1140), 6099(100:1645), 8705-6(136:1810-5), 8708(136:1830),
8710(136:1845), 9766-7(151:1740), 9770-1(151:1805-10)
>>>Public education, importance, 8709(136:1830-5), 9767(151:1745),
>>>See also Davis Inlet--Innu community
>>See also Auto theft;
Child prostitution--High school sex clubs;
Davis Inlet--Youth gasoline sniffing;
Impaired driving;
Methamphetamine/crystal meth;
Parole--Alcohol or drug dependancy;
Penitentiary inmates;
Proceeds of crime--Confiscation;
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)--Nova Scotia drug unit;
Violence against women--Sexual assault
Drug smuggling see Border, Canadian
Drug Supply Act (Bill C-284)--Stoffer
First reading, 1337(24:1525)
Drug testing see Sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--Shoker, Harjit Singh
Drug trafficking
British Columbia, trade with United States, 4241(69:1040)
>>Combatting, national strategy, S.O. 31, 8004(125:1405)
>>Money seized used for defence of accused, 5007(80:2225)
>>New laws, creating, petitions, 5974(98:1230)
>>Organized crime role, 4277(79:1510), 8164(127:1700)
>>>Combatting, 4256(69:1245)
>>>Ecstasy, methamphetamine/crystal meth, etc., 4260(69:1325)
>>>Prohibition factor, 1068(20:1315), 4249(69:1150-5), 4260(69:1325)
>>Schools near, 8812(138:1610)
>>>Minimum sentences, 611(12:1520), 8705-8(136:1810-30), 8709-10(136:1835),
8710-3(136:1845-905), 9765(151:1730), 9766-9(151:1740-55), 9770(151:1805),
>>>>See also Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.--trafficking in a
controlled drug or substance within five hundred metres of an elementary
school or a high school)(Bill C-248)
>>>House arrest, 9598(149:1550)
>>>>o.q., 8723(137:1440), 9508(149:1455)
>>>Inadequate, 8707(136:1820), 8708(136:1825), 8711-2(136:1855)
>>>Increasing, 1072(20:1340-5)
>>>Minimum sentences, 8626(135:1630), 8708(136:1830) 8985(141:1005)
>>>>See also Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-431)
>>>See also Drug trafficking--Schools
>>Terrorism, relationship, 1069(20:1320)
>>Violence, relationship, Toronto, ON, etc., 9599(149:1555)
>>Youth involvement, 8937(140:1750)
>>>Coercion, 16-year-old youth case, etc., 8036-8(125:1715-30),
>>See Proceeds of crime--Confiscation; Marijuana;
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)--Quebec detachments;
Tobacco--Illegal trafficking of cigarettes;
Violent crime
Drug treatment courts see Drug and substance abuse
Drugs and pharmaceuticals
Adverse reactions, health care professionals reporting, 3816-7(62:1305-10),
3818(62:1320), 4069-81(66:1855-1905)
>>Advertising, 1789-90(30:2200)
>>Affordable, access
>>>Catastrophic drug coverage, providing, 82(4:1240), 4101(67:1300)
>>>>National pharmacare program, 2945(47:1605)
>>>Committee, government establishing, 81(4:1240)
>>>First Ministers' conference on health care agreement, omission, 81(4:1240)
>>>Government control, 3300(53:1810)
>>>National pharmaceutical/pharmacare strategy, establishing, 82(4:1240),
88(4:1325), 1775(30:2010), 1784(30:2115), 3320(54:1045-50), 3327(54:1135)
>>>>o.q., 488(10:1445)
>>>Research investment/accessibility, balance, 3304-8(53:1835-1900),
>>>Senior citizens, 2878(46:1705-10)
>>>Throne Speech statement, 9(2:1630), 15(2:1640), 36-7(3:1520-5), 81(4:1240)
>>Costs, 3300(53:1810), 3302(53:1820), 5609(90:1805)
>>Cross border internet sales, Committee take note, M. (Valeri),
>>Drug programs, Health Department expenditures, mismanagement, Auditor
General report, 1772(30:1950), 1782-3(30:2100-10)
>>>o.q., 1817(31:1500)
>>>See also Aboriginal health care;
Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, eleventh
>>Exports to U.S., permit requirements, extending, 1336(24:1520),
>>>See also Food and Drugs Act (export permits)(Bill C-282)
>>Generic medications, developing countries importing from Canada,
2840(46:1355), 2949(47:1640), 3943(64:1525), 5601(90:1705-10),
>>>Canada Corps, NGOs, role, 5704(92:1300-5), 5706(92:1315), 5601-3(90:1710-25)
>>>Jean Chrétien Pledge to Africa expert advisory committee, appointments,
Senate participation, 2692(44:1755), 2693(44:1805), 2695(44:1820),
3340(54:1320-5), 3342-4(54:1335-50), 3357(54:1505)
>>>HIV/AIDS treatment, Africa, 2692-3(44:1800), 2695(44:1820),
5703(92:1250-1300), 5706(92:1315-20)
>>>Importance, economic/humanitarian/social, 5702-3(92:1250-55)
>>>Legislation, Patent Act and Food and Drugs Act (amdt.)(The Jean Chrétien
Pledge to Africa)(Bill C-9)(3rd Sess., 37th Parl.) and Bill C-56 (2nd Sess.,
37th Parl.)
>>>>Background, 5704-6(92:1305-20), 5599(90:1655)
>>>>Effectiveness, 5603(90:1720)
>>>>>o.q., 10162(158:1125)
>>>>Masse role, 3344(54:1350-5), 3357(54:1505)
>>>>o.q., 1919-20(32:1425), 3833(62:1455)
>>>>Reintroducing, 5600(90:1655-1700)
>>>>Schedules, adding/amending, 5599(90:1655), 5601-4(90:1705-25)
>>>>See also Patent Act (amdt.)(Bill C-29)
>>Herbal alternatives, medical tax deduction, 610(12:1515)
>>>See also Income Tax Act (amdt.-herbal remedies)(Bill C-232)
>>Internet sales, counterfeit drugs, sales, combatting, o.q.,
>>Internet sales to U.S., 9678(150:1650)
>>>Bulk export, banning, 9361-2(145:1850), 9367(145:1940), 9369(145:2000),
9372-4(145:2015-30), 9375-7(145:2040-55),
9386-7(145:2200-15), 9389-90(145:2230-35),
>>>Bulk/retail, distinction, 9363(145:1905-10), 9365(145:1925)
>>>Discontinuing, o.q., 2932-3(47:1440), 3052(49:1445-50), 3230-1(52:1445)
>>>>Legislation, o.q., 3157(51:1500)
>>>>Minister responsible, position, o.q., 3156-7(51:1455-1500)
>>>Ensuring Canadian supplies/price protection, 1773(30:1955-2000),
2153-60(36:1810-1905), 3481(56:1845), 7248(117:1020), 7250-1(117:1030-35),
9359-63(145:1830-1910), 9365-71(145:1920-2010),
9375(145:2040), 9377(145:2040),
9382-3(145:2140), 9384-6(145:2155-2200), 9387(145:2215), 9391-2(145:2240-55),
>>>>Emergency debate, request, 6045(100:1015)
>>>>o.q., 1925-6(32:1500), 3052(49:1445-50), 3157(51:1500), 3277(53:1455),
5770(93:1155), 6612(108:1200)
>>>>S.O. 31, 5875(95:1410)
>>>>Tamiflu, 9372-3(145:2015-30), 9375-6(145:2040-50), 9382(145:2140)
>>>Government addressing
>>>>o.q., 3571(56:1500-05)
>>>>Strategy, 9359-60(145:1830-35), 9365(145:1920), 9368(145:1950),
9374-6(145:2035-45), 9384(145:2155), 9390(145:2235), 9396(145:2325)
>>>Origins, 7248(117:1010-15), 9359(145:1830)
>>>Physicians, role, patient/practitioner relationship, signing/co-signing
prescription, 9360(145:1835-40), 9362(145:1850),
9375-6(145:2040-50), 9378(145:2100), 9380-1(145:2115-30), 9385(145:2155),
9387-8(145:2215-25), 9390-1(145:2240-50)
>>>>Monitoring, o.q., 222(6:1455-1500)
>>>>Practitioner, definition, 1776-7(30:2025), 1779(30:2045)
>>>Prices, 7248-9(117:1010-20), 7251-2(117:1035), 9367-8(145:1935-45),
9372(145:2015), 9375(145:2040), 9377(145:2055), 9378-9(145:2100-10),
9385(145:2200), 9395(145:2320)
>>>Provincial jurisdiction, 9363-4(145:1915), 9366(145:1930), 9371(145:2010)
>>>Regulations, cross border drug sales, governing, 7249(117:1020),
9361(145:1850), 9363(145:1910), 9366(145:1935), 9368(145:1945),
9377(145:2055), 9385(145:2155), 9395(145:2320)
>>>Sales, 7248(117:1010), 9359(145:1830), 9360(145:1840), 9395(145:2320)
>>>S.O. 31, 180(5:1110)
>>>United States position, laws governing, 7248-9(117:1010-15),
9359-60(145:1830-40), 9369-71(145:1955-2005),
9374(145:2035), 9395(145:2320)
>>>>o.q., 3833(62:1455)
>>>Virtual drug store, regulating
>>>>Counterfeit pharmaceuticals, o.q., 222(6:1455-1500)
>>>>o.q., 1330(24:1440), 2385(40:1440)
>>>See also Health Standing Committee--Reports to House, Fourteenth;
HIV/AIDS--Combatting, Drugs
>>Laryngectomies, new products, approval, 1787-8(30:2145)
>>Licensing, 5607-8(90:1745-1800)
>>Manufacturers, research and development investment commitment, failure,
1790(30:2205), 5611-2(90:1825)
>>Market monopolies, limiting, 3300(53:1810)
>>New, clinical trials, monitoring, approval process, database/registry,
1788-9(30:2150-55), 1798(30:2250)
>>>Ministerial power, federal court decision, 1777(30:2025)
>>>Protection, 3300(53:1810)
>>>>20 year limit, economic impact, etc., 3300(53:1810), 3302-5(53:1825-35)
>>>>Evergreening/automatic injunctions, , 1334(24:1505), 1779(30:2040),
1790(30:2205),3301(53:1815-25), 3304-5(53:1830-40), 5603-4(90:1730),
5606-9(90:1750-1805), 5611(90:1825), 7289(117:1535), 7772(122:2210),
9378(145:2100), 9392(145:2250-55)
>>>>>United States President Bush actions, 8953(140:1940)
>>>>Investment/research, promoting, 3303-5(53:1830-35)
>>>>See also Patent Act (amdt.)(Bill C-274)
>>>Regulations governing, repeal notice of compliance, 3300(53:1810-15),
3302-4(53:1820-35), 3307-8(53:1850-1900), 5605(90:1735), 5607(90:1750),
>>>>Government proposed regulation amendments, 3304(53:1830-35),
5605(90:1730-35), 5607(90:1745-50), 5611(90:1820)
>>Prices, 5606(90:1735-40)
>>Purchasing, bulk buying, o.q., 6936-7(113:1145)
>>Safety, drug approval process, transparency, 4101(67:1300)
>>>o.q., 4451(72:1455)
>>Supply, ensuring, 1337(24:1525)
>>>See also Drug Supply Act (Bill C-284);
Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Internet sales to U.S.
>>Use, study, 1318(24:1320-5)
>>See also Aboriginal health care;
Keata Pharma Inc.;
Natural health products;
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board;
Senior citizens;
Vioxx (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug)
Drumheller, AB region see Alberta--Floods
Drummond constituency
Residents, influential Quebeckers, S.O. 31, 7424(119:1415)
Drummond Design Inc.
Drummondville, QC architecture firm, success, etc., S.O. 31, 6816(111:1405)
Drummond, Don see Income--Disposable income
Drummondville, QC see Centre Normand Léveillé; Dionne, Prosper; Drummond Design Inc.; Mondial des cultures; Relizon Canada; Textile and clothing industry--Denim Swift
Dryden, Hon. Ken (Lib.--York Centre; Minister of Social Development)
- >>Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43), 6963-4(114:1210)
>>Child care, 523-4(11:1010-20)
>>>M. on supply (Ambrose), 7081-4(115:1335-55)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 3488-91(57:1040-1105)
>>>o.q., 188(5:1155), 220-1(6:1450), 316(7:1435), 320(7:1500), 781(15:1425-30), 1004(19:1420), 1008(19:1445), 1154(21:1430), 1159(21:1505), 1273-4(23:1135), 1410(25:1450), 2388(40:1500), 2610(43:1140), 2933(47:1440-45), 2975(48:1450), 3050(49:1430-35), 3051(49:1440), 3227(52:1430), 3349-50(54:1420-25), 3353(54:1440-45), 3447(56:1420), 3450(56:1435), 3518-9(57:1420), 3520(57:1430), 3567-8(58:1440-45), 3698(60:1135), 3699(60:1140), 3833(62:1500), 3647-8(59:1440), 3649(59:1145), 3938(64:1455), 5214(84:1500), 5582(90:1450-55), 5654(91:1455), 5812-3(94:1450), 5882(95:1450-55), 6122(101:1435), 6234(102:1445), 6412(105:1450), 6237(102:1500), 6336-7(104:1450), 6481(106:1440), 6607(108:1130), 6660(109:1435), 6936(113:1140), 6984-5(114:1430), 6985-6(114:1435-40), 7090(115:1430), 7091(115:1435), 7424-5(119:1415-20), 7926-7(124:1415-20), 8013(125:1500), 8331(130:1505), 9327(145:1450), 9744(151:1505), 9818(152:1440), 9921(154:1445-50), 10165(158:1140)
>>Child poverty, o.q., 1728(30:1430-35), 1812(31:1430), 7429(119:1445)
>>Criminal Code and Cultural Property Export and Import Act (amdt.)(Bill S-37), 9899(154:1205)
>>Department of Social Development Act (Bill C-22), 1369(25:1005)
>>Disabled and handicapped persons, o.q., 4273(69:1445)
>>Human Resources Development Department (Social Development) estimates, Committee of the Whole consideration, 6444-9(105:1840-1925), 6451-2(105:1940), 6454-6(105:2000-10), 6458(105:2030), 6461-4(105:2050-2115), 6467(105:2140-45), 6469-72(105:2200-20), 6474(105:2230)
>>Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 and the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (amdt.)(Bill C-15), 2641(44:1205)
>>Pensions, o.q., 3758(61:1455)
>>Program for Older Worker Adjustment (POWA), o.q,. 1278(23:1200)
>>Senior citizens, o.q., 956(18:1155)
>>Social Development Department, 523(11:1010-5)
>>Social Development Partnership Program, qu., 4530-1(74:1030)
>>Telecommunications Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 8889(140:1200)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Silva), 522-4(11:1005-20)
>>Voluntary Sector Initiative, qu., 9591-2(149:1515)
>>Wage Earner Protection Program Act (Bill C-55), 6614(108:1210)
>>York Centre constituency, 522-3(11:1005-10)
Dryden Regional Training and Cultural Centre
Dryden ON, opening, community organizers, congratulating, S.O. 31,
Duceppe, Gilles (BQ--Laurier--Sainte-Marie)
- >>Adoption (children), o.q., 7927(124:1420)
>>Agriculture, 2172-3(37:1045-1100))
>>Air Canada, o.q., 559(11:1420-5)
>>Aircraft/aerospace industry, o.q., 182(5:1120), 1477(26:1425), 1546(27:1420), 2521(42:1420)
>>Airports, o.q., 10036(156:1425), 10166(158:1150), 10206-7(159:1425)
>>Automobile industry, o.q., 1546(27:1420), 2521(42:1420), 3150-1(51:1425), 3226(52:1425)
>>Broadbent, references, 5724(92:1515)
>>Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)
>>>M. on supply (Gaudet), 2170-4(37:1035-1105)
>>>o.q., 2104(35:1420-25), 2309(39:1425)
>>Budget 2005, M. for approval (Goodale), 3901-4(64:1045-105), 3904-5(64:1115-20)
>>Budget surplus, 3902(64:1050), 10087(157:1155)
>>>o.q., 313(7:1420-5), 383-4(8:1420)
>>Business, 3905(64:1120)
>>Canada Savings Bonds, o.q., 1223(22:1420), 2845(46:1425)
>>Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute, 48(3:1645)
>>>o.q., 8909(140:1420), 8910(140:1430-5), 9019(141:1420-5), 9102(142:1425-30), 9815(152:1420-5), 9917(154:1420), 9993(155:1420)
>>Canadian Forces, 3903(64:1100)
>>>Statement by Minister (Martin, Right Hon. Paul), 57(3:1800)
>>Child care, 48(3:1650), 49(3:1655), 3903(64:1055)
>>>o.q., 1004(19:1420), 1154(21:1430), 3349-50(54:1420-25), 8607(135:1420), 8677(136:1420-25), 8722(137:1430-5)
>>China, 3902(64:1055)
>>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 3585-7(58:1640-700), 3588(58:1705-10)
>>Cloutier, MGen Maurice Gaston (Gus), 8685(136:1505)
>>Corporate income tax, 3904(64:1100)
>>Dairy industry, 3904(64:1100)
>>Desjardins Securities, o.q., 601(12:1420), 675(13:1425)
>>Economy/economic conditions, 3904(64:1115)
>>Elections, 10087(157:1150), 10089(157:1200-5)
>>>o.q., 5715-6(92:1420-5)
>>Employment insurance, 48(3:1645), 3902-3(64:1050-5), 3905(64:1115)
>>>o.q., 1405(25:1420), 3519(57:1420-5), 4035-6(66:1420-5), 4112-3(67:1420-5), 6119-20(101:1420-5)
>>Employment insurance account, 3902(64:1050)
>>Environment, 50(3:1700)
>>Environmental assessment, 49(3:1650)
>>Equalization payments, o.q., 3932(64:1420)
>>Federal-provincial/territorial jurisdiction, 48-9(3:1650-5), 50(3:1700), 3902(64:1050), 10088(157:1155)
>>>o.q., 27-8(3:1425), 97(4:1420), 8722(137:1430)
>>Federal-provincial/territorial relations, o.q., 8796(138:1420)
>>Federalism, 49-50(3:1655-700)
>>>o.q., 27-8(3:1425)
>>Fiscal imbalance (intergovernmental), 50(3:1700), 3901-2(64:1045-50), 3904(64:1115)
>>>o.q., 97(4:1425), 215-6(6:1420), 313-4(7:1420-5), 484(10:1420), 831-2(16:1425), 3448(56:1420), 3932(64:1420)
>>Foreign aid, 3903(64:1100)
>>Gagliano, Hon. Alfonso, 5073(82:1040-5)
>>>o.q., 4944(80:1420-5), 5023-4(81:1425-30), 5025-6(81:1440))
>>Gasoline prices, o.q., 7535(120:1420), 8006(125:1420-5), 8093(126:1425-30), 8141-2(127:1425), 8435(132:1425), 8507(133:1420)
>>Government advertising, 5072(82:1035)
>>>o.q., 6078-9(100:1420)
>>Government aircraft, o.q., 8395(131:1420)
>>Government contracts, o.q., 5281(85:1425), 5327(86:1430), 5577(90:1420-5), 6078-9(100:1420)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 50(3:1700), 3903(64:1100)
>>>o.q., 3565-6(58:1425), 4624(75:1435), 9182-3(143:1420-25), 9248(144:1420), 10161(158:1120)
>>Grewal, G., references, o.q., 6407(105:1420-5), 6479(106:1430), 6484(106:1500), 6557(107:1420), 6559(107:1435), 6658-9(109:1425-30), 6661(109:1440), 6730-1(110:1420), 6819(111:1420)
>>Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 3904(64:1100), 10088(157:1155-1200), 10089-90(157:1215)
>>Health care, 49(3:1655)
>>>o.q., 6894(112:1420)
>>Health care, funding, o.q., 6894-5(112:1420-25)
>>Housing, 3903(64:1055)
>>>o.q., 2659-60(44:1420)
>>International agreements, o.q., 8324(130:1425)
>>Iraq, o.q., 3753(61:1420)
>>Judges, o.q., 5649-50(91:1430)
>>Labour disputes, strikes, lockouts, 50(3:1700)
>>Lebanon, o.q., 3644-5(59:1420-5)
>>Liberal government (Martin), 5072(82:1040), 5908-9(95:1840)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 10086-91(157:1150-1220)
>>>o.q., 4035-6(66:1420-5), 5876-7(95:1420), 5927(96:1430-5), 9322-3(145:1425)
>>Liberal Party, 5071-4(82:1035-50), 10087(157:1150-5), 10088(157:1200)
>>>o.q., 4445(72:1425), 4700(76:1425), 4872(79:1425), 5404(87:1420-5), 9322(145:1420), 9479(147:1420-5), 9525(148:1120-5), 9737-8(151:1425-30)
>>Marriage, 3585-7(58:1640-700), 3588(58:1705-10)
>>Martin, Right Hon. Paul, references, o.q., 5207-8(84:1420)
>>Members of Parliament, o.q., 8507(133:1420)
>>Montréal-Mirabel International Airport, o.q., 1327(24:1420-5), 2449(41:1425)
>>Municipalities, 48(3:1650)
>>National Missile Defence system (NMD)(United States), 48(3:1645-50)
>>>o.q., 2026(34:1420), 2971(48:1425), 2972(48:1430), 3827(62:1420-5), 3871(63:1425)
>>Offshore oil and gas revenues/royalties, o.q., 3448(56:1420)
>>Oil and gas industry, o.q., 3226(52:1425), 8436(132:1430)
>>Parental leave, 3903(64:1055)
>>>o.q., 1078-9(20:1420-5), 2929(47:1420), 3048(49:1420)
>>Pope John Paul II, 4618-9(75:1405)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 4632(75:1520), 5030(81:1505)
>>>Members' remarks, 4195(68:1425)
>>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, 127(4:1805), 457(10:1105)
>>Program for Older Worker Adjustment (POWA), o.q., 7277-8(117:1420-5)
>>Public Service, o.q., 8507(133:1420)
>>Quebec, 47(3:1645), 49:3:1655), 3901(64:1045), 3905(64:1120)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 47(3:1645), 49(3:1655), 3904(64:1100-5), 10090(157:1215)
>>Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995), 5072(82:1035), 10087(157:1150)
>>>o.q., 5452-3(88:1125)
>>References see Canadian Labour Congress (CLC); Federal-provincial/territorial relations--Quebec; Quebec separation/sovereignty--Military
>>Refugees, o.q., 7812(123:1420)
>>Royal Canadian Mint, o.q., 8221(128:1420)
>>Satellite radio, o.q., 7425-6(119:1420-25)
>>Scientific Research and Experimental Development, qu., 9534(148:1220)
>>Senior citizens, o.q., 10110(157:1425)
>>Sgro, references, o.q., 2381(40:1420)
>>Speaker of the House of Commons, 4(1:1150)
>>Sponsorship program, 10088(157:1200), 10089(157:1205), 10091(157:1220)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 5071-6(82:1035-1105)
>>>o.q., 903(17:1420), 2202-3(37:1420), 2845(46:1425), 3272(53:1425), 4195-6(68:1425), 4365-5(71:1420-5), 4445(72:1425), 4492(73:1425), 4563-4(74:1420-5), 4700(76:1425), 4744(77:1430-5), 4816(78:1455), 4872(79:1425), 4944(80:1420-5), 5023(81:1425), 5102(82:1420), 5404(87:1425), 5505(89:1420), 6983(114:1420), 7088-9(115:1420), 9322(145:1420), 9401-2(146:1425-30), 9582(149:1420)
>>Supply management, 48(3:1645)
>>Tax havens, 3904(64:1100), 10088(157:1155)
>>Tax reductions, o.q., 9657(150:1420-5)
>>Textile and clothing industry, o.q., 2762(45:1420)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Silva), 47-50(3:1645-700), 127(4:1805), 457(10:1105)
>>Training, 48(3:1650)
>>Union des producteurs agricoles, 2172-3(37:1045-1100), 2174(37:1105)
>>Université du Québec à Montréal, S.O. 31, 2306(39:1405)
>>Veterans, o.q., 5929(96:1440-5)
>>VIA Rail Canada Inc., o.q., 4944(80:1420-5)
>>Youth justice system, 49(3:1655)
Ducharme, Brian Charles see Great Lakes Pilotage Authority
Duck breeding
Award-winning breeder André Cherrier, recognizing, S.O. 31, 10034(156:1415)
Due diligence defence see Banks and financial institutions--Boards of directors
Duff, Andrew
Saskatoon--Humboldt constituent, priorities, 7521(120:1245)
Dufferin--Caledon constituency
Description, 552(11:1340)
>>See also Capital Hill Experience
Duffy, John see Canadian Satellite Radio--Broadcasting licence
Dufort, Patrice
Teacher, Teachers Institute on Canadian Parliamentary Democracy,
involvement, S.O. 31, 1150(21:1410)
Dugard, John see Middle East conflict--Occupied Palestinian territories
Duke of Edinburgh award see Young Canadians Challenge
Dumas, Steve
Musician, Jutra award winner, congratulating, S.O. 31, 3982(65:1105)
"Dumb blond bimbo" see Bulte--References
Dumping see Imports
Duncan, John (CPC--Vancouver Island North)
- >>Air India, M. on supply (Grewal, Gurmant), 4792(78:1145), 4802(78:1310-5),
4804-5(78:1330-40), 4806(78:1345)
>>Air transportation security, o.q., 8858(139:1145)
>>Aircraft accidents, 4011(66:1120)
>>Aircraft/aerospace industry, 8755(137:1820)
>>Airports, 7001(114:1625)
>>Alternative/renewable/green energy, 2947(47:1625)
>>Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), S.O. 31, 5501(89:1400), 5502(89:1410)
>>Aquaculture, S.O. 31, 8264(129:1105)
>>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 7486-8(119:2210-25)
>>Aviation fuel, 8071(125:2135)
>>Bankruptcy, 8233(128:1545), 8243(128:1700-10)
>>Bergeron, references, 8213(128:1330)
>>Border, Canadian, 7000-1(114:1615-25)
>>>o.q., 6610(108:1145-50)
>>Budget 2005, 2946(47:1615), 7486-8(119:2210-25)
>>Budget deficit, 7488(119:2225)
>>Budget surplus, 1217(22:1345)
>>Budgets, 7487(119:2220)
>>Canada Border Services Agency Act (Bill C-26), 7000-1(114:1615-25)
>>Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute, 2064-5(34:1850-5), 2946(47:1620), 8755-6(137:1820-5)
>>>Committee take note, M. (Valeri), 9068-71(141:2045-2110), 9073-4(141:2125), 9085(141:2255), 9088(141:2315), 9090-1(141:2330), 9094(141:2400)
>>>o.q., 436-7(9:1155), 1081(20:1440), 1158(21:1455), 3875(63:1445), 4117(67:1445), 4270-1(69:1430-5), 4628-9(75:1505), 7377(118:1155), 8010-1(125:1445-50), 8328(130:1450), 9103(142:1435), 9530(148:1155), 9820(152:1450), 9997(155:1445-50)
>>Canadian Forces, 1217(22:1340)
>>China, S.O. 31, 3095(50:1110), 6657(109:1415)
>>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 4397-8(71:1735-45)
>>Diamond mining industry, 2946(47:1615), 9012(141:1335), 9013(141:1340-5), 9014(141:1355)
>>Emergency response workers, 4011-2(66:1120-5)
>>Employment insurance account, 6873(112:1145), 7487(119:2210)
>>Energy, 2947(47:1620), 8070(125:2135)
>>Energy Costs Assistance Measures Act (Bill C-66), 9307-8(145:1225-40)
>>Energy prices, 9307-8(145:1225-40)
>>Environment, 7486(119:2210)
>>Excise Tax Act (amdt.--elimination of excise tax on jewellery)(Bill C-259), 1164(21:1540), 1987-9(33:1330-45), 2824(46:1145-50), 6763-5(110:1825-45)
>>Export and Import of Rough Diamonds Act (amdt.)(Bill S-36), 9011(141:1325), 9012-3(141:1335-50), 9014(141:1355)
>>Finance Standing Committee, House take note, M. (Valeri), 2946-7(47:1615-25)
>>Firefighters, 4011-2(66:1120-5)
>>Fiscal imbalance (intergovernmental), 7487(119:2215)
>>Fisheries, 7389-90(118:1320-25)
>>>M. on supply (Kamp), 2491-2(42:1030-45), 2495(42:1110), 2511-3(42:1315-30)
>>>o.q., 3991(65:1155)
>>>S.O. 31, 828(16:1405)
>>Fisheries Act (amdt.--terms and conditions of permissions, leases and licences)(Bill C-52), 7045-8(114:2245-2305), (114:2315)
>>Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee, Reports, Second, M. (Hearn), 7389-90(118:1320-25)
>>Foreign aid, 7487(119:2215)
>>Gasoline prices, M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Crête), 8055(125:1930), 8070-1(125:2130-45)
>>Government programs, 7487(119:2215)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 2947(47:1620)
>>>o.q., 4449(72:1445)
>>Housing, 7487(119:2215)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--deduction for volunteer emergency service)(Bill C-273), 4011-2(66:1120-5)
>>Infectious disease, 738(14:1315-20)
>>Jewellery industry, 1164(21:1540), 1987-9(33:1330-45), 2824(46:1145-50), 2946(47:1615), 6739-40(110:1510-5), 6763-5(110:1830-45), 9011(141:1325), 9012(141:1335-40)
>>Lighthouses, S.O. 31, 482-3(10:1410), 1647(29:1415)
>>Lunch programs, 2946(47:1615)
>>Mackenzie Valley pipeline, 1217(22:1340), 2947(47:1620-5)
>>Marriage, 4397-8(71:1735-45)
>>>Petitions, 3995(65:1215), 5270(85:1315)
>>Mines/mining industry, 2946(47:1615)
>>>S.O. 31, 9991(155:1410)
>>Municipalities, 8071(125:2140)
>>New Democratic Party, 9307(145:1225)
>>>S.O. 31, 6405(105:1410)
>>Offshore oil and gas revenue/royalties, M. on supply (Harper), 1216-8(22:1335-50)
>>Oil and gas industry, 1216(22:1335)
>>Older workers, 6872-3(112:1130-40)
>>Private Members' Bills, 2824(46:1145)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 8747-8(137:1725)
>>>Committee reports, 8186(128:1005)
>>Program for Older Worker Adjustment (POWA), M. on supply (Lessard), 6872-3(112:1130-45)
>>Quarantine Act (Bill C-12), 737-8(14:1315-20)
>>Refugees, 5987-8(99:1205)
>>Sable Island, o.q., 2665-6(44:1455)
>>Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), 738(14:1315-20)
>>Student loans, 8244(128:1715)
>>Taiwan, 5987(99:1200), 5988(99:1210)
>>Taiwan Affairs Act (Bill C-357), 5987-8(99:1200-10)
>>Territories, 9013(141:1350)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Silva), 589-90(11:1755-1800)
>>Tlicho Land Claims and Self-Government Act (Bill C-14), 962-4(18:1235-50), 965(18:1300-5)
>>Trade, 8747-8(137:1725), 8755-6(137:1820-5)
>>Trade Compensation Act (Bill C-364), 8755-6(137:1820-5)
>>Trade with United States, 8755-6(137:1825)
>>>o.q., 437(9:1200)
>>Training, 7486-7(119:2210)
>>Wage Earner Protection Program Act (Bill C-55), 8213(128:1330), 8233(128:1545), 8243-4(128:1700-15)
>>World Health Organization (WH0), 5987(99:1200)
Dundas ON see Carnegie Gallery, Dundas ON
Dundys, Pierce see Bravery--Wood, Peter
Dunn, Alexander see Victoria Cross
Dupont, Luc see Bulgaria--National Day
Dupuis, Richard see Budget 2005--New Democratic Party, Legislation
Durham constituency see Infrastructure--Deterioration
Durham region, ON see Municipalities--Green infrastructure; Tsunami (Asia, December 2004)--Relief efforts
Durham Regional Police Service
Chief, Kevin McAlpine, retirement, Vernon White, appointment, S.O. 31,
Dutch Industries Ltd. see Patents--Fees
"Duty Remission and The Zero-Rating of Tariffs on Textile Inputs: The Canadian Apparel Industry" see Finance Standing Committee--Reports, presented
Dwelling houses see Sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--Convicted offenders
Dwyer Hill Training Centre see Canadian Forces--JTF2
Dystonia Medical Research Foundation Canada
Dystonia Advocacy Day, commemorating, S.O. 31, 999(19:1355-1400),
>>Work, objectives, S.O. 31, 2023(34:1410)
Dystonia (neurological disorder)
Treatment, coverage, 1741(30:1550)
>>See also Dystonia Medical Research Foundation