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Governor General Appointment and Dismissal Act (Bill C-464)--Reid
First reading, 10217(159:1430)
Governor General's Award in Commemoration of the Persons Case
Brewer, Allison, Iqaluit, Nunavut, recipient, S.O. 31, 671(13:1400)
Governor General's Award of Excellence see Teachers
Governor General's Literary Awards
>>>Compton, Anne, congratulating, S.O. 31, 10156(158:1055)
>>>Leroux, Nicole, congratulating, S.O. 31, 3517(57:1410)
>>>Oppel, Kenneth, congratulating, S.O. 31, 1592(28:1100)
>>>Toews, Miriam, congratulating, S.O. 31, 1543(27:1400)
Goyer, Sébastien see Official languages policy (bilingualism)--Official languages minority communities
GPS see Global Positioning System (GPS)
Graduate alliance program see Northern Canada--Youth
Graham, Hon. Bill (Lib.--Toronto Centre; Minister of National Defence)
- >>Afghanistan, 646(13:1055), 10117(157:1505)
>>>Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 9697(150:1930), 9700(150:1950), 9703(150:2010), 9704-6(150:2025-35), 9707(150:2040-5), 9715(150:2150), 9717(150:2200), 9720(150:2230), 9721(150:2235)
>>>o.q., 7724(122:1500), 8267(129:1125), 8268(129:1130), 8399-400(131:1445-50), 8511(133:1440), 8514(133:1500)
>>Arar, Maher, o.q., 6606(108:1130)
>>Arctic, 648(13:1105), 649(13:1115)
>>>o.q., 3152(51:1430)
>>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 7486(119:2205)
>>Border, Canadian, 421(9:1015)
>>>o.q., 8270(129:1140)
>>Budget 2005, M. for approval (Goodale), 4047-9(66:1540-50)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2004, No. 2 (Bill C-33), 2328(39:1635)
>>Canada Border Services Agency Act (Bill C-26), 2671(44:1530)
>>Canadian Forces, 2318(39:1515), 4048-9(66:1540-50), 4658-9(75:1835-40), 7934(124:1500-5), 9704-5(150:2025), 9707(150:2045), 9720(150:2230), 9721(150:2235)
>>>M. on supply (O'Connor), 645-9(13:1045-1115), 652(13:1135)
>>>o.q., 31(3:1450), 33-4(3:1500), 96-7(4:1420), 102(4:1450-5), 181-2(5:1115-20), 183(5:1125-30), 184(5:1130), 383(8:1415-20), 429-30(9:1115-20), 437(9:1155), 483(10:1415), 484(10:1420), 485(10:1430), 487(10:1435), 563(11:1445-50), 606(12:1450), 720(14:1115), 835(16:1445), 908-9(17:1455), 1229(22:1500), 1332(24:1450-5), 1653(29:1445), 1730(30:1445), 1815(31:1450), 1923(32:1445-50), 2033(34:1500), 2103(35:1415), 2109(35:1450), 2311(39:1435), 2385-6(40:1445), 2613(43:1155), 2665(44:1450), 2767(45:1450), 2852(46:1500), 2932(47:1440), 2977(48:1500), 3098(50:1125-30), 3102(50:1145), 3150(51:1420), 3152(51:1430-5), 3230(52:1440), 3447(56:1415-20), 3523-4(57:1450), 3752(61:1415-20), 3754(61:1430), 3931(64:1420), 3936(64:1445), 4115(67:1435), 4199(68:1450), 4201(68:1500), 4274(69:1455), 4318(70:1130), 4447(72:1435), 4570(74:1500), 4817(78:1500), 4950(80:1455), 5159(83:1200), 5410(87:1500), 5839(94:1825), 6233(102:1440), 6234(102:1445), 6235(102:1450), 6411(105:1450), 6413(105:1455), 6610(108:1145), 6662(109:1445), 6735-6(110:1450), 6737(110:1455), 6737(110:1500), 6987-8(114:1450), 6988(114:1450-5), 7092-4(115:1445-50), 7094-5(115:1455-500), 7183-4(116:1435), 7184(116:1440), 7284(117:1500), 7378(118:1200), 7432(119:1500), 7539(120:1445), 7541(120:1500), 7623(121:1500), 7718(122:1430), 7722(122:1450), 7723(122:1455-500), 7814(123:1435), 7932(124:1450), 8011-2(125:1455), 8271(129:1145), 8510-1(133:1440), 8558(134:1140), 8683(136:1500), 8857(139:1140), 8914(140:1455-500), 9024-5(141:1455), 9589(149:1500), 9744(151:1505), 9865(153:1125), 9921(154:1445), 9923(154:1455)
>>>qu., 1659-60(29:1520), 2857-8(46:1525), 4204(68:1520), 4237(69:1010), 8020(125:1525), 9622(150:1005)
>>Canadian War Museum, 9409(146:1510)
>>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 3587-8(57:1700), 3768-72(61:1600-25)
>>Clarkson, Right Hon. Adrienne, references, 2577(42:2050-5)
>>Communications Security Establishment (CSE), o.q., 784-5(15:1445)
>>Constitution, 2576-7(42:2050)
>>Contaminated sites, o.q., 7185(116:1445)
>>Criminal Code and Cultural Property Export and Import Act (amdt.)(Bill S-37), 8015-6(125:1520)
>>Criminal Code, DNA Identification Act and National Defence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-13), 1018(19:1600)
>>Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Act (Bill C-6), 421(9:1015)
>>Emergencies/disasters, 421(9:1015)
>>Federal-provincial/territorial jurisdiction, o.q., 8914(140:1500)
>>Financial Administration Act, the Canada School of Public Service Act and the Official Languages Act (amdt.)(Bill C-8), 3472(56:1735)
>>Government aircraft, o.q., 8393-4(131:1420-5), 8396(131:1440), 8440(132:1450), 8513(133:1450), 8558(134:1140)
>>Government expenditures, 4048(66:1545)
>>Governor General, estimates, M. (Alcock), 2576-8(42:2050-5), 2578-9(42:2105)
>>Health care, o.q., 7539(120:1445)
>>Haiti, o.q., 485(10:1430)
>>Housing, o.q., 8267-8(129:1125)
>>Iraq, o.q., 3229(52:1440), 3232(52:1455), 3753(61:1420-5)
>>Lake Saint-Pierre, o.q., 1552(27:1455)
>>Marriage, 3587-8(58:1700), 3768-72(61:1600-25), 7486(119:2205)
>>National Defence Department and Canadian Forces Ombudsman, o.q., 7428(119:1435), 7431(119:1455), 7622(121:1455)
>>National Defence Department, qu., 4073-4(67:1005), 6941(113:1205)
>>National Missile Defence system (NMD)(United States), o.q., 32(3:1455), 186(5:1145), 1079(20:1425), 1328(24:1425), 1968-9(33:1125), 2310(39:1430), 2971(48:1425), 2972(48:1430), 3752(61:1420), 3755(61:1435), 3826-9(62:1415-35), 3872(63:1430), 3874(63:1440), 3931(64:1420), 4035(66:1420), 4749(77:1500), 7283(117:1450-5), 7372(118:1125-30)
>>National security, 421(9:1015)
>>North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), o.q., 7374(118:1140)
>>Peace, o.q., 4201(68:1500)
>>Pearson Peace Medal, o.q., 4201(68:1500)
>>Persian Gulf, 647(13:1055)
>>Peru, o.q., 2388(40:1455)
>>>Bills, Government, 1344(24:1610)
>>>Members' remarks, 7934(124:1500-5)
>>>Orders of the Day, 2328(39:1635)
>>References see Arar--Maher--United States arrest and deportation of Canadian citizen to Syria, Public inquiry; National Missile Defence system (NMD)(United States)--Canadian participation
>>Remembrance Day/Veterans Week, statement by Minister (Graham), 9408-9(146:1510-5)
>>Sex offender registry, o.q., 7816(123:1445)
>>Stephenville, NF, o.q., 8220(128:1415)
>>Sudan, o.q., 6010(99:1445)
>>Telefilm Canada Act and another act (amdt.)(Bill C-18), 1344(24:1610)
>>Tlicho Land Claims and Self-Government Act (Bill C-14), 2325(39:1610)
>>Tobacco, o.q., 4275(69:1455)
>>Tsunami (Asia, December 2004), o.q., 2851(46:1500), 3149(51:1415)
>>Veterans, 9409(146:1510)
>>>o.q., 8858(139:1145), 9865(153:1125), 9871(153:1155)
>>Victoria Cross, 9408(146:1510)
>>War memorials, 9408(146:1510)
>>Ways and Means motions, 2328(39:1635)
>>World War II, 9409(146:1510)
>>>o.q., 3102(50:1145)
>>Year of the Veteran, 9409(146:1515)
Grain industry
2004 crop, failure, federal support request, S.O. 31, 1807(31:1400)
>>Assistance programs, 5189(84:1205), 5191(84:1220), 6224-5(102:1345)
>>>o.q., 4200-1(68:1455)
>>>Petitions, 10046(156:1625)
>>>S.O. 31, 4265-6(69:1405), 4313(70:1105)
>>Credibility, product quality, 5232(84:1715)
>>Grading system, 3037-8(49:1310-5), 5195(84:1250), 5221-2(84:1545-50),
5229(84:1645-50), 5230(84:1655)
>>Grain dealers, bonding, importance, 3037-8(49:1310)
>>Importance, 5189(84:1205)
>>Imports, regulations, entry authorization/mixing of domestic and foreign
grain, 5190(84:1210), 5192(84:1225), 5196-7(84:1300-5), 5200-1(84:1325-35),
5221-2(84:1545-50), 5228-9(84:1640)
>>Income crisis, 5231(84:1700-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 8673(136:1400)
>>Legislation, Canada Grain Act and Canada Transportation Act (amdt.)(Bill
>>>Bloc Québécois position, 5195(84:1255), 5196(84:1300)
>>>Conservative Party of Canada position, 5230(84:1655-1700), 5241(84:1825)
>>>New Democratic Party position, 5200(84:1330)
>>>Timetable, 5229(84:1640), 5234(84:1730), 5236(84:1750), 5237(84:1800)
>>Marketing, independent sales, Canadian Wheat Board treatment of prairie
farmers, 5236(84:1745)
>>Prices, 5144(83:1040)
>>>See also Canadian Wheat Board--Initial payments
>>World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations, 7447-8(119:1735)
>>World Trade Organization (WTO) ruling, 5189-90(84:1205-10),
5199-200(84:1325-30), 5224(84:1605), 5228(84:1640), 5232(84:1710),
5233(84:1715), 5240(84:1815)
>>>Canadian response, consultations, 5190-2(84:1210-25), 5200-1(84:1330-5),
5221(84:1545), 5233-4(84:1725-30)
>>>See also Canada Grain Act and Canada Transportation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-40)
>>See also Canadian Wheat Board;
Grain transportation
Backhauling, costs/impact, 5230(84:1650-5)
>>Container shipments, difficulties, inland terminal proposal, 9229(144:1225),
9277(144:1745-50), 9278(144:1755)
>>Crisis, 9235-6(144:1305), 9263(144:1555)
>>Hopper car fleet
>>>Allocation, 5237(84:1755)
>>>Sale, 7448(119:1735)
>>>>Procurement process, 10186(159:1215-20), 10190-1(159:1250-5),
>>>>>o.q., 5156-7(83:1145), 10162(158:1140)
>>>See also Transport Standing Committee--Reports, Third
>>Privatization, 5229(84:1645)
>>Report, "Monitoring the Canadian Grain Handling and Transportation
System--Annual Report: 2003-2004 Crop Year", tabled, 6485(106:1510)
>>Revenue cap/freight charges, 3038(49:1320-5), 3040(49:1335), 5190(84:1210),
5192(84:1225), 5194-5(84:1245-50), 5196(84:1300-5), 5202-3(84:1345-55),
5218-9(84:1525-30), 5222(84:1550-5)
Grammy Awards
Nadel, Peter and Dan, best recording package award, S.O. 31, 6228(102:1410)
Grand Banks see Fisheries--Atlantic; United States space program--NASA booster rocket
Grand Canadian Academy see Chan--References
Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee)
Grand Chief, Matthew Mukash, election, congratulations, outgoing chief Ted
Moses, tribute, S.O. 31, 8906(140:1410)
Grand Fall Knights of Columbus
Council 0621, Msgr. Leclerc Chapter, 60th anniversary, tribute, S.O. 31,
Grand Rapids First Nation see Hydro-electric power
Grand Rapids, MB see Hydro-electric power
Grande Cache Institution
Training and work programs, 5359(86:1850-5)
Grande Guignolée des Médias
Fundraising event, media participation, congratulations, S.O. 31,
Grandmother's Bay, SK see Post offices/postal outlets
Grandparents see Child custody; Education, post-secondary--Registered education savings plan (RESP); Immigration/immigrants--Family class
Grands Prix québécois de la qualité see Relizon Canada--Drummondville, QC branch plant
Grantham Masonic Lodge
Charitable activities, tribute, S.O. 31, 6475(106:1405)
Granting councils see Research and development
Graphic designers see Faucher, Caroline
Gray, Avis see Canadian Wheat Board--Lobbyist
Great Famine/Holodomor see Ukraine
Great Lakes
Environmental integrity, preserving, 116(4:1640)
>>>International Joint Commission (IJC) role, S.O. 31, 6929(113:1105)
>>>o.q., 10037(156:1435)
>>See also Canada Steamship Lines (CSL)--Iron ore;
Water exports
Great Lakes Action Plan
Funding increase, Budget 2005 measure, 3891(63:1700), 4094(67:1215)
"Great Lakes Charter Annex 2001 Implementing Agreements" see Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee--Reports, Second
Great Lakes Pilotage Authority
Ducharme, Brian Charles, part-time Chairman, Certificate of Nomination,
tabled and referred to Transport Standing Committee, 5335(86:1515)
Great Lakes watershed/basin
Water diversions, opposition
>>>Petitions, 7509(120:1130)
>>>S.O. 31, 8552(134:105)
>>Water quality, chlorine, expanded use, moratorium, petitions,
>>Water treatment chlorination by-products, reducing, 2345-6(39:1850-1900)
>>>o.q., 1602-3(28:1155)
>>>Petitions, 7509(120:1135)
>>>S.O. 31(37:1405)
Great White North Pumpkin Fair
Smoky Lake, AB, 16th annual, S.O. 31, 426(9:1055)
Greater Charlottetown Area Chamber of Commerce
McKinnon, Harvey, general manager, retirement, S.O. 31, 10202(159:1400)
Greater Toronto Airport Authority see Toronto Pearson International Airport--Taxis
Greater Toronto Homebuilders' Association
Membership, success, recognizing, S.O. 31, 9522(148:1110)
Greater Vancouver Gateway Council see Pacific Gateway Strategy (multimodal transportation network)
Greatest Canadian see Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)
Independence Day, celebrations, S.O. 31, 4560(74:1405), 4561(74:1410)
>>See also Pontian Greek Genocide Remembrance Day
Greek Canadians
History see Anti-Greek Riot, Toronto, 1918
>>See also see Hadjis, Dimitrios
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South America
Former Archbishop Iakovos, death, tributes, S.O. 31, 5149(83:1105)
Green infrastructure see Municipalities
Green Municipal Funds
Annual Report
>>>2003-2004, tabled, 4909(80:1000)
>>>2004-2005, tabled, 10169(158:1205)
>>See also Contaminated sites--Brownfields;
Green Procurement Policy see Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions--Purchases
Green technologies see Environment
Greenbelts see Golden Horseshoe Greenbelt
Greene, Moya see Canada Post Corporation
Greene-Potomski, Janet
Windsor ON community worker, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 5502-3(89:1410)
Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)
Arctic Council, Iceland, November 2004 report, Canada position, o.q.,
1969(33:1125), 3665(59:1640)
>>Climate Fund (Clean Fund), domestic greenhouse gas emission reductions
mandate, Budget 2005 measure, 3091(63:1655), 4105(67:1335), 4969-70(80:1720),
4936(80:1330), 5049-50(81:1745), 5869(95:1330), 6052(100:1110-5),
6058(100:1155-1200), 7567(120:1810), 9348-9(145:1720)
>>>Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change,
Canada participation, leadership, S.O. 31, 3561(58:1400)
>>>Montreal Conference on Climate, Canada participation, leadership,
>>>>o.q., 3565(58:1420), 3566(58:1425-30), 3569(58:1450), 4624(75:1435),
9868(153:1140), 9869-70(153:1145-50), 10037(156:1435)
>>>>S.O. 31, 3561(58:1400)
>>>>See also United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
>>Conference of the Parties, Buenos Aires, December 2004, objectives, o.q.,
>>Conservative Party of Canada position, 117-8(4:1650), 5050(81:1750-5)
>>>o.q., 8681(136:1445)
>>>S.O. 31, 3826(62:1415)
>>>See also Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing
>>Crisis, 3908(64:1140)
>>Emitters, costs, responsibility, 5168(83:1305), 5479(89:1115-20),
5482(89:1140-45), 6048(100:1040), 6096(100:1620)
>>>o.q., 3226-7(52:1425)
>>Energy/emissions, correlation, 3615(59:1050)
>>Government action, 5049(81:1740-5), 10081(157:1115), 10083(157:1125)
>>>o.q., 5027(81:1450)
>>Funding, Ontario, Economic and Fiscal Update 2005 (November 14, 2005)
provisions, o.q., 10161(158:1120)
>>Government initiatives announced, o.q., 10116(157:1500)
>>Impact on Northern Canada, 3664-7(59:1635-55)
>>Increase, 2894(47:1010), 3611(59:1025), 3615(59:1050), 3621(59:1135),
7558(120:1705), 7661(121:2055), 7680(121:2320)
>>Industry, reducing, rewarding, o.q., 3985(65:1120)
>>Public transport policy, effects, 3627(59:1220)
>>Reducing, greenhouse and non-greenhouse emissions, 3618-9(59:1115-20),
3637(59:1335), 3657-8(59:1540-45)
>>Reducing, Kyoto Protocol
>>>Background, 5481(89:1130)
>>>Bloc Québécois position, 7567(120:1810)
>>>Brison, Public Works and Government Services Minister, position,
>>>Budget 2005 measures, 2835(46:1310), 2872(46:1625), 2873(46:1635),
2876(46:1655), 3091(50:1040-5), 3890-1(63:1650-700), 3898(64:1025),
3903(64:1100), 3906-7(64:1130), 3914(64:1225), 4022(66:1250),
4045-6(66:1520-5), 4061(66:1720), 4065(66:1750), 4099-100(67:1250-5),
4101(67:1255), 4105-7(67:1335-50), 4913(80:1030), 4915(80:1050),
4920(80:1120), 4924(80:1155), 4929(80:1230), 4965(80:1645), 5047(81:1725),
5165(83:1250), 5480(89:1120-25), 5855(95:1150), 5857(95:1200-5),
6019(99:1510-5), 6029(99:1655), 6032-3(99:1725), 6103(100:1715),
6199(102:1030), 6242(102:1535)
>>>>Budget 2005 agreement with New Democratic Party, relationship,
5868-70(95:1330-40), 5959(95:1020), 6218-9(102:1300), 7347(117:2250),
7552(120:1620), 7728(122:1530), 7739(122:1655), 7774(122:2220), 7778(122:2255)
>>>>o.q., 3933(64:1425), 3938(64:1500), 4113(67:1425-30)
>>>>See also Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global
warming)--Reducing--Emission exchanges--Reducing, Partnership fund
>>>Canadian Environmental Protection Act, implementing, 5482(89:1135)
>>>Carbon sinks role, forests, etc., 5869-70(95:1335-40)
>>>Conservative Party position, 117-8(4:1650), 2710(44:2005), 2715(44:2040),
2719(44:2110), 2723-4(44:2140-50), 2869(46:1555), 2884(46:1750-5),
5041(81:1645-50), 7391-2(118:1335-40), 7548-9(120:1550-5), 8069(125:2120)
>>>Consultations, adequacy, 2868(46:1550)
>>>>o.q., 3233(52:1500), 3449(56:1430), 3564(58:1420), 3647(59:1435)
>>>>r.o., 5535(89:1810)
>>>>Tax measures, qu., 5271(85:1320)
>>>Costs and benefits, tabling plan, requesting, petitions, 5038(81:1630)
>>>Economic impact, 3898(64:1025), 5042(81:1655-1700), 5043(81:1705)
>>>Emission exchanges, hot air credits, buying offshore, 3898(64:1025),
4046-7(66:1530-5), 4665(76:1025), 4678(76:1155), 5049-50(81:1745),
5042(81:1655), 5163(83:1230), 5165(83:1250), 5482(89:1135), 5484(89:1150),
6068-9(100:1315), 6944-52(113:1235-1325), 7393(118:1350), 7494(119:2310)
>>>>Bloc Québécois position, 6951-2(113:1325)
>>>>Conservative Party of Canada position, 6944-51(113:1235-1320)
>>>>o.q., 3276(53:1450), 3350(54:1425), 3449(56:1430), 3565(58:1420),
3565(58:1425), 4449(72:1445), 4627(75:1455), 5151-2(83:1130)
>>>>See also Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Climate
>>>Emission permits, exchanging, use, o.q., 3395(55:1130), 3697(60:1130)
>>>Emission reduction credits, role, trading, 2947(47:1620), 3891(63:1655),
6029(99:1655), 6053(100:1115), 7287(117:1525)
>>>>Reducing/increasing, o.q., 3565-6(58:1425-30), 9816(152:1425),
>>>>Reducing, performance, United Nations study, international comparison,
o.q., 10037(156:1430-05)
>>>Energy policy, lack, relationship, 4421(72:1135)
>>>Energy prices, impact, 7360(118:1010)
>>>Government initiative, "Project Green--Moving ahead on Climate Change",
plan for achieving targets, 5479-80(89:1120-25), 6019(99:1540),
6239-40(102:1515-20), 7393(118:1345), 9304-5(145:1205)
>>>>o.q., 5029(81:1505), 5102-3(82:1435)
>>>>Feasibility, reaction, o.q., 5151(83:1125-30)
>>>>Opposition position
>>>>>o.q., 5213(84:1455)
>>>>>S.O. 31, 5149(83:1115)
>>>>Provinces, consultation, o.q., 9484(147:1455)
>>>Government measures, expenditures, 1231(22:1515), 2954(47:1720),
6433-4(105:1735-40), 3661-2(59:1610-15), 7321(117:1935)
>>>>Auditor General reviewing, 7353(117:2330), 7445(119:1715), 7473(119:2025)
>>>Implementing, government commitment, 116-7(4:1640), 118(4:1650), 237(6:1650),
534(11:1130), 537(11:1150), 553-4(11:1345-55), 2836(46:1340), 2839(46:1350),
3622(59:1140), 3628(59:1225-30), 3665(59:1640), 3703(60:1200), 4666-7(76:1035),
4676(76:1140), 4679-80(76:1205), 4923-24(80:1150-55), 5477(89:1105),
5479-8(89:1120), 6056(100:1140-5), 7390(118:1330), 7393(118:1345),
9282(144:1830), 9338(145:1610), 9851(152:1835)
>>>>Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43) legislating, concern,
>>>>>o.q., 4562-3(74:1415), 4624(75:1440), 4753(77:1425)
>>>>Delays, o.q., 4624-5(75:1435-40), 4626-7(75:1455)
>>>>Funding, 5364-6(86:1930-40), 5480(89:1125), 3657(59:1540)
>>>>>o.q., 564(11:1450), 6483(106:1455)
>>>>>Proceeds from Petro-Canada sale, o.q., 28(3:1430), 605(12:1445)
>>>>Initiatives, policy, etc., 3449(56:1430)
>>>>>o.q., 3566(58:1430), 3694-5(60:1115-20), 3697-8(60:1130-5),
>>>>>S.O. 31, 3563(58:1410)
>>>>Legislation, o.q., 7187(116:1500)
>>>>Long-term strategy, lack, 116-7(4:1640), 175-6(5:1040), 3610(59:1025),
5040(81:1640), 5041-2(81:1655)
>>>>New Democratic Party position, 5042(81:1655-1700)
>>>>o.q., 28(3:1430), 187-8(5:1150-55), 485(10:1425), 564(11:1450),
602(12:1425), 681(13:1455), 1602(28:1155), 1968(33:1120-25), 1975(33:1200),
2386-7(40:1450), 3098(50:1125), 3099(50:1130-35), 3275-6(53:1445-50),
3397-8(55:1145), 3449(56:1430), 3519-20(57:1425-30), 3564(58:1420),
3564(58:1420), 3566-7(58:1430-35), 3647(59:1435-40), 3938(64:1500),
4113(67:1425-30), 4568(74:1445), 4624-5(75:1435-45), 4703-4(76:1445),
>>>>Provinces, referring to "administrations provinciales", 176(5:1040-5)
>>>>Public transit, factor, o.q., 3568(58:1445)
>>>>Quebec accomplishments, compensating/recognizing, 50(3:1700),
>>>>>o.q., 5102-3(82:1435), 5155-6(83:1150), 5209-10(84:1430-35)
>>>>Regulations required, r.o., 5536(89:1810)
>>>>S.O. 31, 3563-4(58:1415), 5205(84:1405)
>>>>Throne Speech statement, 11(2:1630), 17(2:1655), 52(3:1725), 76(4:1200),
533-4(11:1130), 175(5:1040), 540(11:1210)
>>>>Trading mechanisms, exporting Canadian technology, benefits, o.q.,
>>>>See also "Project Green--Moving ahead on Climate Change: A Plan for
Honouring our Kyoto Commitment"
>>>Large emitters regulations, 5869(95:1335)
>>>>Canadian Environmental Protection Act provisions, elimination,
>>>Municipalities, role, 7391(118:1335), 3634(59:1310)
>>>New Democratic Party policy, plan, 5994(99:1235)
>>>One tonne challenge, 5870(95:1340)
>>>Participation, benefits, o.q., 3524(57:1455)
>>>Partnership fund, with provinces and territories, Budget 2005 measure,
3891(63:1655), 7393(118:1345-50), 5869(95:1335)
>>>Plan, lack, 2868-9(46:1550-5), 2947(47:1620), 3898(64:1025), 3903(64:1100),
3907(64:1130), 7359-60(118:1010), 7411(119:1245), 7414(119:1310),
>>>Provinces, jurisdiction, responsibilities, 5477-8(89:1105-10),
7390(118:1330), 7391-2(118:1335-40)
>>>>o.q., 10208(158:1435)
>>>Provincial strategies/agreements, 5478(89:1115), 5480(89:1125)
>>>Quebec, 3903(64:1100), 6239-40(102:1520)
>>>>Emitters, targeting, 5479(89:1115-20), 5481-2(89:1135-40)
>>>>Implementing, compensating, M. (Faille), 5477-85(89:1100-1205), dropped to
bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 5485(89:1205),
7390-5(118:1330-1400), negatived on recorded division, 7643-4(121:1825)
>>>>Jurisdiction, S.O. 31, 6280(103:1105)
>>>>Negotiations, bilateral agreement, 176(5:1045), 5478(89:1110),
5480-1(89:1125), 7394(118:1400)
>>>>>o.q., 1598(28:1130-35), 2451-2(41:1435-40), 3153(51:1425), 3521(57:1435),
3647(59:1435), 8095-6(126:1440), 9182-3(143:1420-25), 9530(148:1155),
9663(150:1500), 10208(158:1435)
>>>Quebec/Alberta, emission reduction contribution, balancing,
o.q., 9248(144:1420-25), 9484(147:1450), 9530(148:1155)
>>>Regulations/voluntary agreements, role, 3891(63:1655)
>>>Russia ratifying, 176-7(5:1045-50)
>>>>Canada reaction, o.q., 1275(23:1140)
>>>Targets, achieving, 118(4:1655), 2947-8(47:1625), 5312(85:1830-5),
5870(95:1340), 6434(105:1740)
>>>>Economic costs/impact, 534(11:1130-5)
>>>>>o.q., 2976(48:1455), 3449(56:1430), 3523(57:1445-50), 3565(58:1420-25)
>>>>o.q., 2256(38:1135), 2846(46:1430), 2848(46:1440), 2930(47:1425),
2976(48:1450), 3565-6(58:1420-25), 3998-9(65:1245-50), 4271(69:1435),
5208(84:1425), 6483(106:1455)
>>>>qu., 4236(69:1010)
>>>Taxpayers, costs, 5995(99:1310)
>>>Technology, impact/investing in, 5481-2(89:1135), 5903(95:1720),
>>>>Greenhouse Gas Technology Investment Fund, 4936-7(80:1330-5),
5050(81:1745), 6052-3(100:1115), 6963-6(114:1210-20)
>>>>o.q., 4449(72:1445-50)
>>>United States position, 177(5:1050)
>>>>Bush, President, visit, opportunity to discuss, o.q., 2106(35:1435)
>>>Voluntary agreement, proposed, o.q., 4703-4(76:1445-50)
>>>See also Agriculture--Fertilizer industry;
Alternative/renewable/green energy;
Automobile industry--Greenhouse gas emissions reduction;
Budget 2005--Legislation, Splitting Bill C-43;
Coal--Clean coal technology;
Cooling systems--Deep lake water cooling;
Devils Lake, North Dakota--Inter-basin transfer;
Energy conservation/efficiency;
Mines/mining industry;
Municipal waste--Landfill sites, Methane;
Municipalities--Infrastructure program, Gas tax revenues;
Oil and gas products--Exports;
Papiers Stadacona Ltée;
Public transit;
Steel industry;
Tidal and wave energy projects;
Wind energy--Quebec
>>See also Automobiles/motor vehicles--Emissions;
Cabinet Ministers--Automobiles
Greenhouse Gas Technology Investment Fund see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing, Technology
Greenhouse industries see Flowers (fresh cut)
Greenpeace see Hunter, Bob
Greenwood, NS see Canadian Forces--14 Wing
Hurricane Ivan, impact
>>>Canadian assistance, etc., S.O. 31, 1646(29:1410), 5874(95:1405)
>>>Medical clinic, establishment and donation of generator by Dr. Dennis Atoe
and Dr. Gemma Bain-Atoe, S.O. 31, 2518(42:1405)
Grenade machine gins see Afghanistan--Canadian Forces role, JTF2
Grewal, Gurmant (CPC--Newton--North Delta)
- >>Age of consent (sexual relations), 345-6(7:1800), 8637(135:1805)
>>Agriculture, 305(6:0110)
>>Air India
>>>M. on supply (Grewal, Gurmant), 4781-4(78:1015-40), 4785(78:1045-50), 4788(78:1105), 4789(78:1120), 4820(78:1520), 4822(78:1535), 4824(78:1555), 4833(78:1700-5)
>>>o.q., 4625(75:1445)
>>Alzheimer's disease, M. (Kadis), 5472-3(88:1340-45)
>>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 6252-4(102:1650-705)
>>Auto theft, 8934-6(140:1730-45), 8937-8(140:1750-5)
>>Bankruptcy, 8420(131:1720-5), 8444(132:1520)
>>Border, Canadian, Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 8948(140:1905)
>>Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 305-6(6:2510-20)
>>Budget 2005, 6252-4(102:1650-705)
>>Business, 6254(102:1705)
>>Cabinet Ministers, 4079(67:1040)
>>Canadian Food Inspection Agency Enforcement Act (Bill C-27), 2621-2(43:1245-50)
>>Chair and Deputy Chair, rulings and statements, Members' remarks, 2434(40:2030)
>>Child pornography, 345-6(7:1810-5), 1033-4(19:1755)
>>Child prostitution, 346(7:1810)
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, 345(7:1810)
>>Chinese Canadians, S.O. 31, 3270(53:1415)
>>Chinese New Year, S.O. 31, 3270(53:1415)
>>Citizenship, 5952(97:1030)
>>Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee, M. (Telegdi), 5952(97:1030)
>>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 4614-5(75:1330-40), 5417-8(87:1545-50)
>>Conservative Party of Canada, 6253-4(102:1655-700)
>>Credit cards, Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 2432-3(40:2000), 2435(40:2020), 2436(40:2030), 2437-8(40:2040)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--impaired driving)(Bill C-16), 1343-4(24:1600-5)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--street racing)(Bill C-65), 8700(136:1705), 8784-6(138:1300-10)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--trafficking in persons)(Bill C-49), 8634-7(135:1740-55), 8637-8(135:1805-10)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--vehicle identification number)(Bill C-64), 8934-6(140:1730-45), 8937-8(140:1750-5)
>>Criminal Code, DNA Identification Act and National Defence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-13), 1032-4(19:1750-5)
>>Criminal Code (protection of children and other vulnerable persons) and Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 345-6(7:1810-15)
>>Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 1716-7(30:1315)
>>DNA identification/evidence, 1032-3(19:1750-5)
>>Drug trafficking, 8937(140:1750)
>>Energy Costs Assistance Measures Act (Bill C-66), 9333-5(145:1530-45)
>>Energy prices, 9333-4(145:1535-40), 9335(145:1545)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 2432-3(40:2000), 2438(40:2040)
>>>M. on supply (Kamp), 2542-4(42:1650-1700), 2555-6(42:1820-25)
>>>S.O. 31, 2024(34:1410)
>>Food and Drugs Act (amdt.)(Bill C-28), 2753-5(45:1335-55)
>>Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--export permits)(Bill C-282), 2753-5(45:1335-55)
>>Food safety, 2621-2(43:1245-50)
>>Foreign credentials, 4295-6(69:1735-40), 8636(135:1755)
>>Foreign Credentials Recognition Program, M-195 (Dhalla), 4295-6(69:1735-45)
>>Gasoline prices, 9334(145:1545)
>>Giani Sant Singh Maskeen, S.O. 31, 4314(70:1110)
>>Government appointments, 8384(131:1300-5)
>>Government expenditures, 6252-3(102:1650-5)
>>Health care, 6253(102:1655)
>>Health Standing Committee, M. (Merrifield), 1182(21:1825)
>>Hepatitis C, o.q., 956(18:1150)
>>Highways and roads, 4077(67:1025), 4079(67:1040), 9265(144:1615), 9267(144:1630)
>>Home heating fuel, 9333-4(145:1530-45)
>>Identity theft, 2433(40:2000), 2435(40:2025), 2436(40:2030)
>>Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-283), 1337(24:1520), 2998-3000(48:1805-25), 3966-7(64:1820-5)
>>Immigration/immigrants, 2999(48:1810-5), 3000(48:1820), 8636-7(135:1755), 8637(135:1805)
>>>o.q., 2312(39:1445), 4321(70:1145)
>>>r.o., 2458(41:1515)
>>Impaired driving, 1343-4(24:1600-5)
>>Interest rates, 8420(131:1720)
>>Justice system, 1034(19:1755)
>>Liberal government (Martin), 305-6(6:0115-20)
>>>S.O. 31, 6553-4(107:1405)
>>Marijuana, 1343-4(24:1605)
>>Marriage, 4614-5(75:1330-40), 5417-8(87:1545-50)
>>>Petitions, 4204(68:1520), 4375(71:1520), 4689(76:1315), 6129(101:1515), 8614(135:1505)
>>Methamphetamine/crystal meth, 8937(140:1750)
>>>o.q., 8329(130:1450)
>>Murder, S.O. 31, 8090(126:1410)
>>National security, 4785(78:1050)
>>Newton--North Delta constituency, S.O. 31, 671(13:1400), 2656(44:1400)
>>Occupational health and safety, petition, 4503(73:1535)
>>Organized crime, 2438(40:2040), 8936(140:1745)
>>Pacific Gateway Act (Bill C-68), 9265(144:1615), 9267(144:1630)
>>Pakistan, S.O. 31, 8717(137:1405)
>>Peru, o.q., 2314(39:1455)
>>Pope John Paul II, S.O. 31, 4697(76:1405)
>>Pornography, petitions, 1820(31:1515)
>>Ports/harbours, 9267(144:1630)
>>>Cellphones, 8778(138:1205)
>>>Members' remarks, 4833(78:1705), 4952-3(80:1515-20)
>>>Petitions, 1820(31:1515)
>>>Question and comment period, 1183(21:1825), 4789(78:1120)
>>Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act (Bill C-11), 356-7(8:1100-10), 8361-3(131:1005-20), 8379-80(131:1230), 8382-4(131:1250-305)
>>Public Service, 356-7(8:1100-10), 1485-6(26:1515), 8361-3(131:1005-20), 8379-80(131:1230), 8382-4(131:1250-1300), 8384(131:1305)
>>>Canadian citizenship, fraudulently obtained, possible deportation, Citizenship and Immigration Minister Volpe comments, o.q., 6896(112:1430)
>>>Leave of absence, o.q., 6896(112:1430)
>>>Liberal government (Martin), attempt to "buy" vote, offer of cabinet post/ Senate seat, Health Minister Dosanjh and Tim Murphy, Prime Minister Chief of Staff conversations, tape recording, 7347(117:2250)
>>>>Contravention of section 119 Criminal Code, o.q., 6407(105:1425), 6658-61(109:1425-40), 6731(110:1425), 6819-20(111:1420-30), 6897(112:1435), 6934(113:1130), 6985(114:1435), 7090-1(115:1430-5)
>>>>Ethics Commissioner inquiry, process, Bernard Shapiro June 3, 2005 letter to Speaker Milliken, 6657(109:1415-20)
>>>>Exert influence on Ethics Commissioner re report on cash for visas issue, Tim Murphy statement, o.q., 6560(107:1440), 6562(107:1450-5), 6604-5(108:1115-20), 6607-8(108:1135)
>>>>o.q., 6406-9(105:1415-35), 6478-81(106:1420-45), 6556-60(107:1415-40), 6604-7(108:1115-30), 6896(112:1425-30), 6935(113:1135)
>>>>Prime Minister Office telephone logs, memos, etc., turning over to Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), request
>>>>>o.q., 6561(107:1445)
>>>>>S.O. 31, 6729(110:1415)
>>>>Pristine/tampered-with tapes
>>>>>o.q., 6480(106:1435), 6481-2(106:1445), 6558(107:1430), 6604-8(108:1115-35), 6659-61(109:1425-40), 6820(111:1425-30), 6934(113:1130)
>>>>>S.O. 31, 6604(108:1115)
>>>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) investigation, o.q., 6407-6(105:1425-35), 6484(106:1500), 6557-8(107:1420-5), 6559(107:1435-40), 6605-6(108:1120-5), 6661(109:1440), 6730-1(110:1420-5), 6819(111:1420-30), 6897(112:1435), 6934-5(113:1130-5), 6985(114:1435), 7090-1(115:1430-5)
>>>See also Members of Parliament--Married; Public Service--Wrongdoing, whistleblower protection; Visitors to Canada--Visas
>>Refugees, 8635(135:1745)
>>Regulations, 2622(43:1250)
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), 1033(19:1755)
>>>S.O. 31, 5503(89:1410)
>>Scrutiny of Regulations Standing Joint Committee, 639(13:1005), 704(13:1755), 5815(94:1510)
>>Sentences (convicted criminals), 1033(19:1755), 8635(135:1745), 8937(140:1750)
>>Sgro, references, o.q., 2662(44:1435)
>>Sikh Canadians, 4783(78:1025)
>>>Petition, 5567(90:1320)
>>Sikh community, S.O. 31, 5503(89:1410)
>>Skilled trades and technology workforce, 4296(69:1740)
>>Sponsorship program, 9333(145:1535)
>>>o.q., 722(14:1125)
>>Street racing, 8700(136:1705), 8784-6(138:1300-10)
>>Student debt, 8420-1(131:1725), 8445(132:1525)
>>Student loans, 8420-12(131:1720-5), 8445(132:1520-5)
>>Surrey Memorial Hospital, 6253(102:1655), 6254(102:1705)
>>Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 2004 (Bill S-17), 4327-30(70:1230-45)
>>Tax havens, 4328-9(70:1235-40), 4330(70:1245)
>>Tax treaties, 4327-30(70:1230-45)
>>Telecommunications Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 3169-70(51:1625-40), 8778-80(138:1205-20), 8920-2(140:1535-45)
>>Telemarketing, 3169-70(51:1625-40), 8778-80(138:1205-20), 8920-2(140:1535-45)
>>Terrorism, 4824(78:1555)
>>Trade, 9267(144:1630)
>>Trafficking in persons (human trafficking), 8634(135:1740-5), 8634-7(135:1740-55), 8637(135:1805-10)
>>Tsunami (Asia, December 2004), S.O. 31, 2841(46:1415)
>>Ukraine, M. to Adjourn under S.O. 52 (Wrzesnewskyj), 1878-9(1:2255-300)
>>Visitors to Canada, 1337(24:1520), 2998-9(48:1805-10), 3000(48:1815-25), 3966-7(64:1820-5), 4952-3(80:1515-20), 8636(135:1755), 8637-8(135:1810)
>>Wage Earner Protection Program Act (Bill C-55), 8420-1(131:1720-5), 8444-5(132:1520-5)
>>War memorials, S.O. 31, 9015(141:1405)
>>Western alienation, S.O. 31, 1809-10(31:1415)
>>Whistle Blower Rights and Protection Act (Bill C-288), 1485-6(26:1515)
Grewal, Nina (CPC--Fleetwood--Port Kells)
- >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 2325(39:1605-15)
>>Age of consent (sexual relations), 330(7:1610)
>>>M-221 (Grewal, Nina), 6260-3(102:1815-35), 7791-2(123:1155)
>>>o.q., 8224(128:1440), 8401(131:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 8219(128:1410)
>>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 7470-1(119:2010-5), 7472(119:2020-5)
>>Autism, petitions, 6129(101:1520)
>>Auto theft, 8933-4(140:1715-25)
>>Border, Canadian, S.O. 31, 6554(107:1405)
>>Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 302-3(6:2455-2500)
>>Budget 2005, 7470-1(119:2010-5), 7472(119:2020)
>>>M. for approval (Goodale), 4076-9(76:1025-40)
>>Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 378(8:1350)
>>Child care, M. on supply (Harper), 3537-9(57:1620-35)
>>Child pornography, 328-30(7:1605-10)
>>Child prostitution, 6261-2(102:1820)
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, 329-30(7:1605-15), 6261(102:1815)
>>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 4579-80(74:1555-605)
>>Conservative Party of Canada, 7471(119:2015), 7472(119:2020-5)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--impaired driving)(Bill C-16), 1341-2(24:1550-5)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--street racing)(Bill C-65), 8668-70(136:1320-30)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--vehicle identification number)(Bill C-64), 8933-4(140:1715-25)
>>Criminal Code, DNA Identification Act and National Defence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-13), 1036(19:1815)
>>Criminal Code (protection of children and other vulnerable persons) and Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 328-30(7:1605-15)
>>Discrimination and racism, S.O. 31, 5647-8(91:1415)
>>DNA identification/evidence, 1036(19:1815)
>>Doctors/physicians, o.q., 3231(52:1450)
>>Education, post-secondary, 378(8:1350)
>>>S.O. 31, 6329(104:1405)
>>Employment insurance account, 4078(67:1030)
>>Ethnic communities, o.q., 5212(84:1445-50)
>>Family values, S.O. 31, 1150(21:1405)
>>Firearms, o.q., 10041(156:1500)
>>Fraser River, BC, S.O. 31, 7086(115:1405)
>>Government, 7472(119:2020)
>>Government expenditures, 4076-7(67:1025), 7470-1(119:2010), 7472(119:2020)
>>Health care funding, 4077(67:1025)
>>Health care providers, o.q., 3231(52:1450)
>>Highways and roads, S.O. 31, 3693-4(60:1110), 9016(141:1405)
>>Housing, 4078(67:1030)
>>Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (amdt.--sponsorship of relative)(Bill C-272), 4477-9(72:1815-20)
>>Immigration/immigrants, 4477-9(72:1815-20)
>>>o.q., 1329(24:1430), 1481(26:1450), 2027(34:1430), 2105-6(35:1430), 2130(36:1450), 2206(37:1440), 2206(37:1445), 2384-5(40:1440), 4321(70:1145), 6008(99:1430), 6082(100:1440), 7720-1(122:1440)
>>>Petitions, 6129(101:1515)
>>Impaired driving, 1341-2(24:1550-5)
>>Income tax, 7471(119:2015)
>>Marijuana, 329(7:1610), 1341-2(24:1550-5), 4078(67:1030)
>>>o.q., 722(14:1130)
>>>S.O. 31, 949(18:1110)
>>Marriage, 4579-80(74:1555-605)
>>>Petitions, 4375(71:1520), 7626(121:1520)
>>>S.O. 31, 2758(45:1400)
>>Methamphetamine/crystal meth, o.q., 8724(137:1445)
>>Municipalities, 4077(67:1030)
>>Myanmar (Burma), S.O. 31, 7424(119:1415)
>>National debt, 7471(119:2015))
>>>Petitions, 3158(51:1510)
>>Not-for-profit organizations (government foundations), 4078(67:1030)
>>Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act (Bill C-11), 8381-2(131:1240-5)
>>Public Service, 8381-2(131:1240-5)
>>>Maiden speech, 302(6:0055)
>>>See also Members of Parliament--Married
>>Remembrance Day/Veterans Week, S.O. 31, 1269(23:1110)
>>Sentences (convicted criminals), 329(7:1610)
>>Sgro, references, o.q., 2384-5(40:1440)
>>Skilled trades and technology workforce, o.q., 3231(52:1450)
>>Street racing, 8668-70(136:1320-30)
>>Tax reductions, 7471(119:2015), 7472(119:2020)
>>Taxation, 4077(67:1030)
>>Telecommunications Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 3167-8(51:1605-10), 8776-8(138:1150-1205)
>>Telemarketing, 3167-8(51:1605-10), 8776-8(138:1150-1205)
>>Tlicho Land Claims and Self-Government Act (Bill C-14), 994-5(19:1315-20), 2323-5(39:1600-15)
>>Trafficking in persons (human trafficking), o.q., 6287(103:1140-5)
>>Transportation, 4077(67:1025-30)
>>Tsunami (Asia, December 2004), o.q., 7376-7(118:1150-5)
>>Ukraine, M. to Adjourn under S.O. 52 (Wrzesnewskyj), 1877-8(31:2245-50)
>>Visitors to Canada, o.q., 7815(123:1435-40)
>>Voyeurism, 329(7:1605)
Grey Cup
Canadian Football League championship trophy, display on Parliament Hill,
>>See also Football
Grey, Deborah
Former Member of Parliament see Members of Parliament--Pensions
Griesdorf, Dr. Leslie see Child pornography
Grocholski, Walter see Veterans Villa Southgate
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) see Canadian Forces--Funding; Economy/economic conditions; Equalization payments; Foreign aid; Government expenditures; Government revenues; National debt--Reduction
Grossi, Enrico see Murder--Lemiski, Janis
Ground squirrels
Sabrina, American flying squirrel, legal importation, Federal Court ruling,
Canada Food Inspection Agency appealing, costs, etc., S.O. 31, 382(8:1415)
Groupaction Communications
Hiring Liberal Party workers, sponsorship program contracts, relationship,
former Parliamentary Secretary George Farrah, o.q., 4873-4(79:1430-5)
>>See also Justice Department;
Sponsorship program--Advertising contracts
Groupe Everest see Sponsorship program--Funding
GST see Goods and Services Tax (GST)
Gualtieri, Joanna see Public Service--Wrongdoings, whistle blowers, Reprisal/retaliation
Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS)
Benefits, 2877(46:1705)
>>>Eligible individuals not receiving, corrective measures, entitlements,
retroactivity, 619(12:1615), 56(3:1750-5), 114(4:1620),
232(6:1610), 579-80(11:1640-50), 1980-5(33:1235-1310), 9160(143:1140)
2140(36:1600), 2150(36:1720), 2337-8(39:1750),
2938(47:1510), 2939-40(47:1520-5), 6458-9(105:2030-40), 6503(106:1720),
6647-8(109:1300-05), 652-3(109:1340-50), 6834(111:1555), 6836(111:1610),
6842(111:1700), 8881-2(140:1105-10), 885-9(140:1135-55),
9882-9(153:1320-1410), 10088(157:1155-1200),
>>>>Legislation, 10117(157:1505)
>>>>o.q., 608(12:1500), 1925(32:1455), 9254(144:1500), 10110(157:1425)
>>>>Quebec, 8882(140:1105)
>>>Budget 2005 measure, 3888(63:1630), 3904(64:1100), 3907(64:1135),
3918(64:1300), 3919(64:1305), 3920(64:1310), 3926(64:1350), 3951(64:1630),
4018(66:1225), 4021(66:1245), 4029-30(66:1350-5), 4051(66:1600), 4052(66:1610),
4054-5(66:1630), 4061(66:1720), 4066(66:1755), 4067(66:1805), 4081(67:1045),
4082(67:1100-5), 4084(67:1110), 4093(67:1210), 4095(67:1220-5), 4137(67:1700),
4207(68:1530), 4209(68:1540), 4212(68:1600), 4217(68:1635), 4913(80:1030),
4917(80:1100), 4958(80:1555-1600), 4962(80:1630), 5045(81:1715),
5047(81:1730), 5140(83:1005), 5142(83:1020), 5145(83:1045), 5441(88:1005-10),
5443(88:1025), 5464(88:1240), 5466(88:1255), 5690(92:1110), 6020(99:1550-5),
6046(100:1015), 6088(100:1520), 6091(100:1540), 6136(101:1555), 6140(101:1625),
6198(102:1015-20), 6199(102:1030), 6204(102:1105), 6207(102:1130),
6353(104:1645), 6354(104:1650), 6464-5(105:2115-20), 6473(105:2225),
9312(145:1305-10), 10089-90(157:1210-5),
>>>Election promise, 2839(46:1350), 2899(47:1045), 2948(47:1630),
2953(47:1710), 6214(102:1225)
>>>o.q., 434-5(9:1145)
>>>S.O. 31, 3928(64:1405)
>>>Throne Speech measure, 10(2:1630), 46(3:1635), 70(4:1120-5), 55(3:1740),
56(3:1750), 115(4:1625), 525(11:1020), 2938(47:1510), 2939-40(47:1525)
>>Numbers eligible/receiving, 9886(153:1340)
>>>Quebec, o.q., 6289(103:1155)
>>>r.o., 4237(69:1010)
>>o.q., 956(18:1155), 1974-5(33:1155), 9871(153:1155), 9872(153:1200),
9916(154:1420), 9992(155:14115)
>>S.O. 31, 719(14:1110)
>>Provincial guaranteed annual income supplement (Ontario), impact, o.q.,
>>Survivors' allowance, eligible persons not receiving, tracing, r.o.,
>>See also Energy prices--Low-income seniors;
Old Age Security (amdt.--monthly guaranteed income supplement)(Bill C-301)
Guardians see Sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--Convicted offenders
Guardians see Youth justice system--Probation breach
Guarnieri, Hon. Albina (Lib.--Mississauga East--Cooksville; Mnister of Veterans Affairs)
- >>Afghanistan, 1161(21:1510)
>>Canadian Forces, 1161(21:1510)
>>>o.q., 6012(99:1500), 7093(115:1445-50), 7430(119:1450), 10165(158:1145)
>>Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act (Bill C-45), 5141(83:1000), 5335(86:1515), 5849(95:1110)
>>>Bills, Government, 5849(95:1110)
>>>Orders of the Day, 5141(83:1000)
>>Remembrance Day/Veterans Week, statement by Minister (Guarnieri), 1161(21:1510)
>>Veterans, o.q., 8559(134:1145)
>>Veterans Independence Program (VIP), o.q., 2387(40:1455)
>>Victoria Cross, 1161(21:1510)
>>Ways and Means motions, 5141(83:1000)
>>World War I, qu., 6015(99:1515)
>>Year of the Veteran, o.q., 2453(41:1445)
Guay, Lieutenent Caroline see Sûreté du Québec
Guay, Monique (BQ--Rivière-du-Nord)
- >>Aircraft/aerospace industry, o.q., 430-1(9:1120), 1482(26:1455)
>>Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), o.q., 2253-4(38:1120)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43), 6951(113:1320)
>>Budget surplus, 8554(134:1120), 8555(134:1125)
>>Canada Savings Bonds, o.q., 1271(23:1120)
>>Canadian Forces, o.q., 184(5:1130)
>>Canadian Products Promotion Act (Bill C-440), 9589(149:1505)
>>Child care, 916(17:1545), 917(17:1955)
>>>o.q., 3393(55:1120)
>>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 4693-4(76:1345-50)
>>Conservative Party of Canada, 10122(157:1545)
>>Duck breeding, S.O. 31, 10034(156:1415)
>>Education, o.q., 9659(150:1435)
>>Employment insurance, 10120-1(157:1530)
>>>o.q., 7371(118:1120)
>>Employment insurance account, 916(17:1545), 6905(112:1530), 10121(157:1530-5)
>>Equalization payments
>>>o.q., 1596(28:1120)
>>>S.O. 31, 901(17:1405)
>>Federal-provincial/territorial jurisdiction, o.q., 8854(139:1120-5)
>>Fiscal imbalance (intergovernmental)
>>>M. on supply (Loubier), 915-6(17:1540-5), 917(17:1555)
>>>o.q., 720-1(14:1120), 8554(134:1120), 8555(134:1125)
>>Foreign aid. o.q., 10161(158:1125)
>>Gasoline prices, S.O. 31, 8004(125:1410)
>>Government contracts, 9589(149:1505)
>>Government expenditures, S.O. 31, 5575(90:1410)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), o.q., 1968(33:1120), 3985(65:1120), 6951(113:1320)
>>Grewal, G., references, o.q., 6481(106:1440-5), 6605(108:1120), 7091(115:1435)
>>Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 10122(157:1540)
>>Health care funding, o.q., 6932-3(113:1120)
>>International Women's Day, S.O. 31, 4110(67:1410), 4267(69:1410)
>>Job losses, 6905-6(112:1530)
>>LeBlanc, references, o.q.,. 5721(92:1455)
>>Liberal government (Martin), M. on supply (Harper), 10120-2(157:1530-45)
>>Liberal Party, o.q., 4813(78:1435), 9527(148:1135-40)
>>Marijuana, 4280(69:1535)
>>Marriage, 4693-4(76:1345-50)
>>Montréal-Mirabel International Airport, M. on supply (Harper), 1931-2(32:1545), 1942(32:1705)
>>National Missile Defence system (NMD)(United States), o.q., 3754-5(61:1430-5)
>>Ontario Fishery Regulations, 1989, M. (Regan), 6809-10(111:1325)
>>Organized crime, 4280(69:1535), 4289-90(69:1645-50), 4291(69:1700)
>>Parental leave, o.q., 3097(50:1120), 3696(60:1120)
>>Proceeds of crime, M. on supply (Marceau), 4280(69:1535), 4289-90(69:1645-50), 4291(69:1700)
>>Program for Older Worker Adjustment (POWA), M. on supply (Lessard), 6903-6(112:1515-30)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 10121-2(157:1540)
>>Quebec, S.O. 31, 25(3:1400), 3930(64:1410)
>>Refugees, o.q., 2607(43:1120)
>>Rodriguez, references, o.q., 5721(92:1450-5)
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), 4280(69:1535), 4290(69:1645), 4291(69:1700)
>>Sponsorship program
>>>o.q., 950-1(18:1120), 4316-7(70:1120-5), 4705(76:1455), 4814(78:1435-40), 5764(93:1120), 8267(129:1120), 9864-5(153:1120)
>>>S.O. 31, 9320(145:1405)
>>Sainte-Sophie QC, S.O. 31, 8551(134:1105)
>>Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day, S.O. 31, 7715(122:1410)
>>Trade with United States, S.O. 31, 2102(35:1415)
>>Training, 917(17:1555)
>>United States, S.O. 31, 2102(35:1415)
>>VIA Rail Canada Inc., o.q., 9864-5(153:1120)
Guelph, ON see Imperial Tobacco Canada; National Volunteer Week
Guenter, Dennis Aron see Firefighters, Deaths in line of duty, Saskatchewan firefighters
Guergis, Helena (CPC--Simcoe--Grey)
- >>Access to information, o.q., 10212(159:1500)
>>Age of consent (sexual relations), petitions, 4530(74:1025), 5038(81:1630), 8862(139:1205)
>>Airports, o.q., 9530-1(148:1155)
>>Agriculture, 6797-8(110:2235)
>>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 7348-50(117:2300-15)
>>Banting, Sir Frederick, S.O. 31, 1964(33:1100), 9654-5(150:1410)
>>Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), 625(12:1700)
>>>Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 306-7(6:2525), 307(6:2535)
>>Budget 2005, 7348-50(117:2300-5), 7350(117:2315)
>>>M. for approval (Goodale), 4211-3(68:1555-610)
>>Budget surplus, 7350(117:2305)
>>Budgets, 7350(17:2315)
>>Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS) Program, 3838-9(62:1535)
>>Canadian Forces, 4212(68:1600)
>>Child care
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 3539-40(57:1635-45)
>>>o.q., 3520(57:1430)
>>China, 6940(113:1200)
>>>o.q., 4272(69:1440), 6901(112:1455-500), 6937-8(113:1150), 7186(116:1450), 7541(120:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 7369(118:1110)
>>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 5593-4(90:1610-5)
>>Diabetes, S.O. 31, 6603(108:1110)
>>Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (Bill C-457), 10169(158:1210)
>>Elmvale Maple Syrup Festival, S.O. 31, 4942-3(80:1410)
>>Energy prices, o.q., 8271(129:1145)
>>Family violence, S.O. 31, 10159(158:1110)
>>Firearms, o.q., 9920(154:1440)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 7349(117:2300)
>>First Nations/Indians, S.O. 31, 10159(158:1110)
>>Gasoline prices, o.q., 8144(127:1440)
>>Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions, 3839(62:1540)
>>Government expenditures, 4211-2(68:1555-1600), 4212(68:1605), 7349(117:2300)
>>Grewal, G., references, o.q., 6560(107:1440)
>>Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 4212(68:1600)
>>Health care funding, 7350(117:2315)
>>HIV/AIDS, S.O. 31, 9099(142:1415)
>>Human Resources Development Department, 7349(117:2300)
>>Human Resources Development Department (Social Development) estimates, Committee of the Whole consideration, 6444-5(105:1845-55)
>>Immigration/immigrants, o.q., 1329(24:1430), 1727-8(30:1430), 1968(33:1120), 2129(36:1445), 2204(37:1430), 2253(38:1120), 7719(122:1435), 10114(157:1450)
>>Income, 7349(117:2300)
>>Income tax, 626-7(12:1710)
>>>Petitions, 6129(101:1520), 8862(139:1205)
>>Infrastructure, S.O. 31, 4490(73:1420)
>>International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, S.O. 31, 10159(158:1110)
>>Kidney disease, S.O. 31, 6228(102:1410)
>>Liberal government (Martin), 3840(62:1545)
>>Liberal Party, o.q., 3153-4(51:1440), 5878(95:1430)
>>Marriage, 5593-4(90:1610-5)
>>>Petitions, 4530(74:1025), 5038(81:1630), 5567(90:1320), 5851(95:1120), 8862(139:1205)
>>Martin, Right Hon. Paul, references, 7349(117:2305)
>>Municipalities, 626(12:1700)
>>Murder, o.q., 9920(154:1440)
>>National debt, 7350(117:2315)
>>National Missile Defence system (NMD)(United States), 626(12:1705)
>>Not-for-profit organizations (government foundations), 7350(117:2305)
>>>M. on supply (Solberg), 3838-40(62:1535-45)
>>Pakistan, o.q., 8859(139:1145)
>>Poverty, S.O. 31, 7809-10(123:1405)
>>Procedure, documents, tabling, 6940(113:1200)
>>References, maiden speech, 306(6:0125)
>>Remote sensing satellites, 8259-9(129:1030)
>>Remote Sensing Space Systems Act (Bill C-25), 8258-9(129:1030)
>>Robbery, o.q., 8398-9(131:1440)
>>Salamis, Right Reverend Father Nicholas, S.O. 31, 8675(136:1410)
>>Senior citizens, o.q., 3991-2(65:1155)
>>Sgro, references, o.q., 1408(25:1440), 1480(26:1440-5), 1651-2(29:1440), 2253(38:1120), 2384(40:1435-40), 2451(41:1430-5)
>>Simcoe--Grey constituency, 10169(158:1210)
>>>S.O. 31, 599(12:1405)
>>Slaughterhouses (abattoirs), 6800(110:2250)
>>Sponsorship program, 626(12:1710), 4212(68:1600), 7349(117:2300)
>>>o.q., 4448(72:1435-40), 4566(74:1440), 4813(78:1435), 4875(79:1440), 5105-6(82:1440)
>>Standard of living, 4211(68:1555), 7350(117:2305-10)
>>Stronach, references, S.O. 31, 6117-8(101:1410)
>>Supply management, Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Bélanger), 6797-800(110:2235-50)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Silva), 625-7(12:1700-10)
>>Tsunami (Asia, December 2004), o.q., 10167(158:1155)
>>Violence against women, o.q., 9866(153:1130)
>>Volunteers, S.O. 31, 4741(77:1410)
>>Women, 4213(68:1610)
>>World Trade Organization (WTO), 6797(110:2235), 6798(110:2235-40), 6799(110:2245)
Guides see Boats--Commercial operators
Guimond, Michel (BQ--Montmorency--Charlevoix--Haute-Côte-Nord)
- >>Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee, M.
(Prentice), 4074(80:1830), 4975(80:1835)
>>Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics Standing Committee, M. (Tilson), 8463(132:1820)
>>Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee, M. (Ritz), 5539(89:1900)
>>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 7574-5(120:1935), 7576(120:1940)
>>Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), o.q., 1649(27:1425)
>>Brison, references, 5824(94:1615-20)
>>Budget 2005, 5526-7(89:1700-5)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43), 7168(115:2320), 7170(115:2325)
>>Canada Elections Act (amdt.--appointment of returning officers)(Bill C-312), 2347(40:1005), 5779(94:1100), 5780-2(94:1115-30), 7215(116:1900)
>>Canada Elections Act (amdt.--voter and candidate age)(Bill C-261), 2959-61(47:1755-805)
>>Canada Elections Act and Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-63), 8704(136:1805)
>>Canada Grain Act and Canada Transportation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-40), 5951(97:1015)
>>Canada Labour Code, statement by Minister (Fontana), 2168(37:1020)
>>Canada Not-For-Profit Corporations Act (Bill C-21), 1757(30:1815)
>>Canada Post Corporation, 5821(94:1550)
>>Canada Savings Bonds, o.q., 1223(22:1420-5)
>>Canada Shipping Act, Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Canada National Marine Conservation Act and Oceans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 495(10:1520)
>>Canadian Forces, S.O. 31, 1474(26:1410)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--vehicle identification number)(Bill C-64), 9044(141:1800)
>>Criminal Code, DNA Identification Act and National Defence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-13), 1112(20:1905)
>>Cycling, S.O. 31, 7924(124:1405)
>>Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Act (amdt.)(Bill C-32), 3547(57:1810)
>>Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 1758(30:1820), 4474(72:1800), 6507(106:1815)
>>Department of International Trade Act (Bill C-31), 3545(57:1750)
>>Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Act (Bill C-6), 1432(25:1805)
>>Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec Act (Bill C-9), 2392(40:1540)
>>Elections, 2347(40:1005), 2959-61(47:1755-805), 5716(92:1425), 5780-2(94:1115-30), 5824(94:1620), 7215(116:1900)
>>>o.q., 5652(91:1445)
>>Employment insurance, 4982-3(80:1920-30), 5822(94:1600)
>>Employment insurance account, 4982-3(80:1920-5) o.q., 2847-8(46:1435-40), 3755(61:1435)
>>Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and premium rate setting)(Bill C-280), 4982-3(80:1920-30)
>>Equalization payments, M. on supply (Lukiwski), 4471(72:1750)
>>Estimates, M. (Alcock), 7157(115:2305)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.) and Diagnostic and Medical Equipment Funding Act (Bill C-39), 3707-8(60:1230)
>>Government advertising, o.q., 6079(100:1425)
>>Government contracts, o.q., 6079(100:1425)
>>Government expenditures, o.q., 5810(94:1435)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), o.q., 3698(60:1130-5)
>>Grewal, G., references, o.q., 6407(105:1425), 6480(106:1430), 6731(110:1420-5), 6819(111:1420-5), 6897(112:1435), 7090(115:1430-5)
>>Health care funding, 3707-8(60:1230)
>>House of Commons, M-228 (Lee), 6307-8(104:1125-30)
>>House of Commons proceedings, 2135-6(36:1535), 4866-7(79:1340-5), 5525(89:1650)
>>>House take note, M. (Valeri), 4866-7(79:1340-50), 4903(79:1830-5)
>>Judges, 4758(77:1620-5)
>>Justice, Human Rights, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Standing Committee, M. (Warawa), 8465(132:1820)
>>Lapierre, Jean, references, o.q., 5283(85:1440), 5330(86:1445)
>>Liberal government (Martin), 4982(80:1920), 5525(89:1650-5), 5527(89:1705)
>>Liberal Party, o.q., 4196(68:1430), 4700(76:1425), 4873(79:1425), 5878(95:1435), 5932(96:1500), 9481(147:1430-5), 9527(148:1135), 9738(151:1430), 9820(152:1450)
>>Members of Parliament, 1657-8(29:1510), 4757-9(77:1615-35), 9496-8(147:1635-50), 9894(154:1120-5)
>>National Missile Defence system (NMD)(United States), petitions, 2034(34:1510), 2139(36:1555), 3704(60:1205)
>>New Democratic Party, 5527(89:1715)
>>Paré, Richard, 5036(81:1615)
>>Parliament Hill precinct, 2132-3(36:1505-10), 2135(36:1525), 5525(89:1650), 5526(89:1700), 5527(89:1710)
>>Parliament, M. on supply (Layton), 9795-9(152:1205-35)
>>Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--members who cross the floor)(Bill C-251), 9894(154:1125)
>>Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.) and Salaries Act (amdt.)(Bill C-30), 4519(73:1805), 4757-60(77:1615-35)
>>Post offices/postal outlets, petitions, 8918(140:1520)
>>Privacy Commissioner, 5821(94:1550), 5822(94:1555)
>>Privilege, false/misleading statements (Bakopanos), 7433(119:1510)
>>Privilege, prima facie
>>>M. Coderre), 9496-8(147:1635-50)
>>>M. (Guimond), 1734(30:1505)
>>>M. (Guimond), 2135(36:1525)
>>Privilege, rights of Members breached (Guimond), 1657-8(29:1510), 2132-3(36:1505-10), 2135(36:1525), 2135-6(36:1535)
>>>Bills, Government, 3609(59:1010), 5951(97:1015)
>>>Cellphones, 8151(127:1525)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 492-3(10:1515-20), 495(10:1520), 1112(20:1905), 1432(25:1805), 1757-8(30:1815-20), 2392(40:1540), 2394(40:1540), 2592(42:2320-5), 3545(57:1750), 3547(57:1810), 4471(72:1750), 4474(72:1800), 4519(73:1805), 4974-5(80:1830-5), 5033(81:1600), 5539(89:1900), 6507(106:1815), 7157(115:2305), 7168(115:2320), 7170(115:2325), 7173(115:2325), 7574-6(120:1935-40), 8462(132:1805), 8463(132:1820), 8465(132:1820), 8704(136:1805), 9044(141:1800)
>>>Documents, tabling, 1658(29:1510)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 5823(94:1615)
>>>Members' remarks, 4903(79:1820-5)
>>>Notice of motions, 5661(91:1545)
>>>Question put, 7215(116:1905)
>>>Statements by Minister, 2168(37:1020)
>>>Supply motions, 4472(72:1755)
>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, 1528(27:1220), 5525(89:1650-5)
>>>M. (Boudria), 5525-7(89:1650-715)
>>Proceeds of crime, M. on supply (Marceau), 4472(72:1755)
>>Public Accounts Standing Committee, M. (Williams), 5821-4(94:1550-620)
>>Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Department, estimates, M. (Alcock), 2592(42:2320-5)
>>Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act (Bill C-11), 492(10:1520)
>>Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995), 5822(94:1600), 5824(94:1615)
>>>o.q., 5453(88:1125-30)
>>References see Board of Internal Economy--Members
>>Remote Sensing Space Systems Act (Bill C-25), 7173(115:2335)
>>Sponsorship program, 5822-3(94:1600), 5823-4(94:1615)
>>>M. on supply (Lunn), 6381-4(105:1115-40)
>>>o.q., 315-6(7:1435), 603-4(12:1435), 678(13:1435-40), 783(15:1435), 834(16:1435-40), 903(17:1425), 1158-9(21:1455-500), 2128(36:1440), 2316(39:1500), 3272(53:1430), 4269(69:1425), 4365(71:1425), 4445(72:1430), 4492(73:1430), 4564(74:1425), 4700(76:1425), 4872-3(79:1425), 4944-5(80:1425), 5024(81:1430), 5405(87:1425), 5505(89:1425), 5579(90:1435), 5716(92:1425), 5878(95:1435), 5932-3(96:1500), 6983(114:1425), 7182(116:1425), 9250(144:1430-5), 9325(145:1435), 9403(146:1440), 10211(159:1450)
>>Standing Orders, 4866(79:1340)
>>terre de chez nous, La, S.O. 31, 481(10:1405)
>>Tlicho Land Claims and Self-Government Act (Bill C-14), 495(10:1520)
Guité, Chuck see Sponsorship program--Advertising contracts; Sponsorship program, Gomery Inquiry Commission
Gulf War (1991)
Canadian Forces role
>>>Gulf war syndrome, petitions, 2979(48:1515)
>>>Health impact, compensation, etc., S.O. 31, 3642(59:1410)
Gulf war syndrome see Gulf war (1991)--Canadian Forces role
Gull Bay First Nation
Drinking water, E. coli contamination, o.q., 9023(141:1445)
Gun control see Firearms; Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program); Tlicho Land Claims and Self-Government Agreement--Firearms
Gunnar mine see Mines/mining industry--Abandoned mines
Gunter, Lorne see Brison--References, "Skippy the wonder puppet"
Gurpurab celebrations see Sikhism
Gursikh Sabha United Soccer Team see Soccer
Guru Nanak Dev Ji see Sikhism--Gurpurab celebrations
Gwich'in Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement
Implementation committee 2002-2003 annual report, tabled, 2261(38:1205)
Women's artistic gymnastics, Ontario provincial championships, Orleans, ON,
S.O. 31, 3389(55:1100)