The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 38th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
To use the Index, select one of the alphabetical ranges below. When you have located your subject entry, click on the numbers within brackets to access the relevant text in the Debates. You may also use the “Publication Search” tool for content published after January 2001.
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Homeowners Freedom from Double Taxation Act (Bill C-345)--Epp
First reading, 4324(70:1205)
>>See also Property taxes--Income tax deduction
Homolka, Karla
Release from penitentiary, restrictions on activities, Quebec Court hearing,
Liberal Party Senator remarks, 8667(136:1310-5)
>>>o.q., 6989(114:1455)
>>Sentence, 7993(125:1250)
>>See also DNA identification/evidence--National DNA databank;
Homolka, Tammy see Films--Murders
Homophobia see National Day Against Homophobia
Homosexuals see Gays and lesbians
Hong Kong see World Trade Organization (WTO)
Hong, S. Len see Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Honoré-Mercier constituency
Issues confronting, Pablo Rodriguez commitment to serve, S.O. 31,
Honour killings see Immigration/immigrants--El Ouardi, Saadia
Horner, Stephanie see Swimming
Registration, Agriculture Canada/Equine Canada proposal, o.q., 3278(53:1500)
Horticulture see Semaine horticole 2005
Hospice palliative care see Hospice Peterborough; Maison Michel-Sarrazin; Palliative care
Hospice Peterborough
Volunteers, contribution, recognition, S.O. 31, 6001(99:1400)
Acute care beds, use by long term patients, 3090(50:1035)
>>Clostridium difficile bacterium, epidemic, Montreal
>>>o.q., 682(13:1500)
>>>S.O. 31, 999-1000(19:1400)
>>>Preventative measures, S.O. 31, 9474-5(147:1400)
>>Closures/bed reductions, New Brunswick, 4458(72:1550)
>>>Impact, S.O. 31, 901(17:1405)
>>Montreal, QC,
>>>St. Anne's Hospital, Lakeshore General Hospital, funding, 243(6:1730)
>>>Ste. Justine hospital, funding, o.q., 6338(104:1455)
>>Patient records see Health care
>>Psychiatric hospitals see Mental illness--Patients released from psychiatric
>>See also Cambridge Memorial Hospital;
Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario ;
Criminals/offenders--Mental disorder, Henderson, David;
Dartmouth General Hospital;
Energy conservation/efficiency--Public institutions;
Lakeshore General Hospital;
Montreal Children's Hospital;
Ports/harbours--Montreal, QC;
Queensway Carleton Hospital (Ottawa, ON);
Surrey Memorial Hospital;
Whitehorse General Hospital
Winchester Memorial Hospital;
Hostess bakeries see Trans fats (trans fatty acids)
Hot air credits (emission exchange) see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing, Kyoto Protocol
Hotels see Russian Federation--Moscow hotel owned by Canadian investors
Houle, Marielle see Suicide--Assisted suicide
House arrest see Sentences (convicted criminals)
House do now adjourn see Procedure
House of Commons
2003-2004 Performance Report, tabled, 958(18:1200)
>>2005 calendar, tabled, 320(7:1500)
>>2005 Report of Canadians, tabled, 7379(118:1205)
>>2006 calendar, tabled, 8274(129:1200)
>>Chamber carpet, replacement, tendering call, excluding Canadian businesses,
Canadian Carpet Institute concern, o.q., 2768-9(45:1455-1500)
>>Clerk see Clerk of the House of Commons
>>>Government ignoring, 5689(92:1105-10), 6540(107:1230), 7638-9(121:1700-10),
7664(121:2110), 8692-3(136:1615), 8863-5(139:1215-30), 8866(139:1235),
8867(139:1240), 9678-9(150:1650)
>>>Martin, Right Hon. Paul, Prime Minister, lack of respect, o.q., 5578(90:1425)
>>Estimates, 2004-2005, main see Procedure and House Affairs Standing
Committee--Reports, Ninth
>>Government House Leader position, evolution, 4508(73:1600)
>>Hockey tournament, employees' fundraiser, congratulating participants, S.O.
31, 6003(99:1410)
>>Institutional symbol, adopting
>>>Australia, 6307(104:1120)
>>>Canada flag, 7562(120:1730)
>>>Coat of Arms of Canada, 6307(104:1115-20)
>>>Corporate logos, 6306(104:1110)
>>>M-228 (Lee), 6305-12(104:1100-205), 7561-3(120:1730-45), negatived, on
recorded division, 7645-6(121:1840-50)
>>>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on the Order Paper, 6312(104:1210)
>>>Mace, 6306(104:1110-5)
>>>Minor matter, more pressing issues, 6307-8(104:1125-30)
>>>Quebec National Assembly fleur-de-lys, 6307(104:1120)
>>>United Kingdom House of Commons portcullis, 6305(104:1105), 7563(120:1740)
>>>United States House of Representatives seal, 6305(104:1110), 6307(104:1120)
>>O'Brien, Audrey Elizabeth, Clerk of the House of Commons, Certificate of
Nomination, tabled and referred to Procedure and House Affairs Standing
Committee, 8274(129:1200)
>>>Reported, 8516(133:1510)
>>Rights and privileges, Speaker claiming on behalf of Members, Governor
General confirming, 7(2:1500)
>>Staff, tribute, 121(4:1715), 230(6:1555), 245(6:1745), 2352(40:1035),
>>>See also Bergeron--References, Resignation
>>Strategic Outlook for the 38th Parliament, report, tabled, 2729(45:1005)
>>See also Afghanistan--Canadian Forces role;
Budget 2005--New democratic Party;
Budget surplus--National debt;
Cancer--National strategy, Funding;
Child pornography;
China--Lin, Mingli;
Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program);
International agreements--Treaties;
Iraq--Canadian Forces role;
National Missile Defence system (NMD)(United States)--Canadian participation;
Organization of American States--Secretary General;
Sponsorship program--Advertising contracts;
United States--Bush, George W., Canadian visit;
World Health Organization (WHO)--Taiwan observer status;
World War II--Netherlands liberation
House of Commons debate
Members with a disability, participation, 13(2:1630)
House of Commons pages
Term ending, tribute, S.O. 31, 7809(123:1405)
House of Commons proceedings
Adjournment proceedings (Late Show), meaningful exchanges, New Zealand and
Australia, comparison, 4860(79:1255)
>>Agenda, government attempting to block, tabling 49 motions, 5525(89:1650),
>>BlackBerries (communications device) electronic interference, 7366(118:1100)
>>Chair calling question, verification system, 4861(79:1305-10)
>>Changes, Conservative Party initiatives, 8592(135:1240), 10094(157:1240-5)
>>Committee reports, concurrence motions, opposition abusing process, wasting
House time, Boudria comments, 5521-2(89:1620-30)
>>Confidence convention, 5834(94:1750), 10129(157:1630-5)
>>>Motions, criteria, o.q., 5876-7(95:1420-5)
>>Debate, civility, quality, elevating, 4859(79:1250), 5633-4(90:2100-20)
>>Decorum, excessive noise/heckling during Oral Question Period and debate,
disturbing, 2135-8(36:1530-50), 5299(85:1625-30),
6035(99:1740), 6224(102:1340), 6225(102:1350), 10243(159:1920)
>>Division bells, ringing, time limits, 4868(79:1355)
>>Estimates, business of supply, consideration, 4862(79:1315)
>>Estimates, main, Leader of the Opposition selecting two for consideration by
Committee of the Whole House, 4853(79:1200), 4864(79:1325)
>>Free votes, 4853(79:1205), 4864(79:1325), 5616(90:1850), 5627(90:2015)
>>>Conservative Party position, 4855(79:1220), 5631(90:2040-50)
>>>Government allowing, 2864(46:1525), 7733(122:1610)
>>>See also Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms registry);
Marriage--Same-sex couples, Legislation
>>Government Orders
>>>Allotted hours, changing, 5937(96:1530)
>>>Government House Leader determining agenda, 5937(96:1530)
>>Legislation, government bill, referral to committee prior to second reading,
>>Liberal governments limiting debate, 7689(122:1020)
>>Ministerial statement see House of Commons proceedings--Statements by
>>Moment of silence, 57(3:1800), 390(8:1500), 1162(21:1525), 2308(39:1415),
2844(46:1415), 2853(46:1515), 4011(66:1120), 4619(75:1410), 5451(88:1115),
7726(122:1515), 8015(125:1515), 8150(127:1515), 9410(146:1525),
10117(157:1505), 10017(157:1505)
>>Notice of motions and written questions, filing electronically with Journals
Branch, 3279(53:1505)
>>>See also Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports,
>>Official languages, simultaneous interpretation, commendation, 7802(123:1315)
>>Opposition days/allotted days, designation
>>>Government House Leader designating/undesignating, 5937-8(96:1535-40)
>>>Number, 1997 changes, 5937-8(96:1535)
>>>Postponing, undemocratic, 5461(88:1215), 5525(89:1650), 5550(90:1025),
5686(92:1040), 5689(92:1105), 5697(92:1205), 5699(92:1230), 5835(94:1750),
5836(94:1800), 5944(96:1710), 5945(96:1720), 5991(99:1235), 7634(121:1620),
7743(122:1720-5), 8590(135:1230), 10094-5(157:1245), 10100(157:1320-5),
>>>>Martin, Prime Minister, position, S.O. 31, 5279(85:1410)
>>>>o.q., 5282(85:1430), 5286(85:1455), 5328(86:1430-5)
>>>Restoring/reinstating, 5522(89:1625-30), 5979(99:1105)
>>>Scheduling, 5937-8(96:1535-40)
>>>See also Supply days
>>Opposition/supply motions, votable, 4854(79:1215), 4859(79:1250)
>>Oral Question Period
>>>Lengthening time limit, 5642(90:2205)
>>>Admissibility, regulations, relaxing to allow Members to present greater
number of petitions, 4853(79:1200), 4864(79:1325)
>>>Government response, 45 day time limit, 4853(79:1200), 4864(79:1325)
>>>See also Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, Eleventh
>>Private Members' Business
>>>All items votable, 4855(79:1215), 4864(79:1325-30), 4866(79:1340-5),
8573(134:1315), 10100(157:1325)
>>>Bills, Royal Recommendation and Ways and Means motions, requirements,
1553-4(27:1500-5), 4857-8(79:1230-45), 4864-5(79:1330), 4867(79:1350)
>>>Bills, two weeks between first reading and second reading debate,
>>>Independent of party politics, 8573(134:1315)
>>>Non-votable items, 4855(79:1215)
>>>>See Definition of Marriage Act (Bill C-268);
Marriage--Traditional definition
>>>Operating on sessional basis, eliminating, 1553(27:1500)
>>>Order of Precedence
>>>>Continuing from session to session, 1553(27:1500)
>>>>Members not making it on, priority in next session/Parliament,
>>>Provisional Standing Order governing
>>>>Making permanent, Bloc Québécois position, 4866(79:1340-5)
>>>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee report, 5937(96:1530)
>>>Similar items, 4866-7(79:1345)
>>>See also Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports,
Sixth--Reports, Twelfth
>>Question period, Conservative Party not questioning government,
>>Questions on the Order Paper, crown corporations providing answers relating
to commercially sensitive information, Auditor General recommendations, qu.,
>>Sittings of the House
>>>Extending, Government Motion No. 17, notice requirements, delay in debate,
etc., 7542(120:1500-5)
>>>Extending, M. (Valeri), 7627-41(121:1525-725), 7688-92(122:1015-1135),
7697-713(122:1155-355), 7726-44(122:1520-725),
7753-64(122:1830-2000), agreed
to, on recorded division, 7766-7(122:2035-45)
>>>>Amdt. (Hill), 7641(121:1725), negatived, on recorded division,
>>>>Closure under S.O. 57
>>>>>M. (Valeri), 7688-93(122:1015-45), agreed to, on recorded division,
>>>>>Notice, 7646-7(121:1855)
>>>Extending under S.O. 27, M. (Valeri), 6861-2(112:1005)
>>>See also Saint-Jean Baptiste Day
>>>Allotted time, splitting between two parties, 5697(92:1210)
>>>Question and comment period following, 4854(79:1215), 4859(79:1250)
>>Standing Orders, House take note, M. (Valeri), 4852-68(79:1200-355),
>>Statements by Ministers, making in House, 5642-3(90:2210)
>>Supply bills, debate, 5937(96:1535)
>>Take-note debates, 4864(79:1325), 5613(90:1830)
>>Time allocation motion, 30 minutes debate, 4864(79:1325)
>>Unanimous consent, overriding Standing Orders, 4867(79:1350)
>>Wooden mace, use, 89th anniversary of 1916 fire, 3011(49:1000)
>>See also Business of the House;
Committees, Parliamentary--Reports
House of Commons vacancies
Labrador constituency (death of Lawrence O'Brien), 2819(46:1100)
>>Surrey North constituency (death of Chuck Cadman), 7979(125:1100)
>>Verchères--Les Patriotes constituency (resignation of Stéphane Bergeron),
House of Commons visitors
Afghanistan, Islamic Republic, His Excellency Dr. Abdullah Abdullah,
Minister of Foreign Affairs, 6414(105:1500)
>>Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia, His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos,
>>>Abbott, Hon. Tony, Minister of Health and Ageing and Leader of the House of
Representatives, 8915(140:1500)
>>>Macdonald, Hon. Senator Ian, Minister of Fisheries, Forestry and
Conservation, 5656(91:1510)
>>Benin, Republic of
>>>Edaye, Hon, Jean-Baptiste, Minister of Youth, Sport and Recreation,
>>>Idji, Hon. Kolawolé, Speaker, National Assembly, 4498(73:1505)
>>Botswana, Hon. Matlapeng Ray Molomo, National Assembly Speaker, 787(15:1500)
>>Burma, Union of, Dr. Sein Win, Prime Minister, National Coalition Government
(government in exile), 2132(36:1505), 8915(140:1500)
>>>2004 Athens Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games athletes, 1011(19:1500)
>>>2005 Nagano Special Olympic World Games, Team Canada athletes,
>>>2010 Vancouver Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, John Furlong, Chief
Executive Officer, 682(13:1500)
>>>Aboriginal Achievement Awards, 2005 recipients, 2978(48:1505)
>>>>Horner, Hon. Doug, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development,
>>>>Lougheed, Hon. Peter, former Premier and Chancellor Emeritus, Queen's
University, 5583(90:1500)
>>>>Melchin, Hon. Greg, Minister of Energy, 4498(73:1505)
>>>Black History Month poster, persons appearing on, 3233(52:1500)
>>>British Columbia
>>>>de Jong, Hon. Michael, Minister of Forests, 490(10:1500)
>>>>Neufeld, Hon. Richard, Minister of Energy and Mines, 420-2(68:1505)
>>>>Plant, Hon. Geoff, Attorney General and Minister Responsible for Treaty
Negotiations, 391(8:1500)
>>>>Thorpe, Hon. Rick, Minister of Provincial Revenue, 787(15:1500)
>>>Canadian Forces Day, Canadian Forces representatives, 6666(109:1505)
>>>Canadian war veterans and peacekeepers, representatives, Gerry Bowen, Helen
Rapp, Bill Black, Barry Helman and Corporal Jean-Marc Parent, 9408(146:1505)
>>>Canadian health researchers, 8728(137:1505)
>>>Chuvalo, George, former Canadian heavyweight boxing champion, Order of
Canada recipient, 4750(77:1505)
>>>Dalphond-Guiral, Madeleine, former Member of Parliament, France Legion of
Honour recipient, 1160(21:1510)
>>>Davidson, Janet, nominee for President, International Federation of Red
Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 8915(140:1500)
>>>Goatley, David, portrait artist (former Prime Minister Kim Campbell and
former House of Commons Speaker Parent), 2132(36:1505)
>>>Governor General's Awards in commemoration of the Persons Case
>>>>2004 recipients, 682(13:1500)
>>>>2005 recipients, 9663(150:1500)
>>>Governor General's Literary Awards
>>>>2004 recipients, 1484(26:1505)
>>>>2005 recipients, 10043(156:1505)
>>>Governor General's Performing Arts Awards
>>>>2004 recipients, 1229(22:1500)
>>>>2005 recipients, 9485-6(147:1500)
>>>Johnson, Thelma, founder, Caribbean Pioneer Women of Canada, and Mrs.
Sealen Chang, 7188(116:1500)
>>>LeBlanc, Right Hon. Roméo, former Governor General, 1733(30:1500)
>>>>Ashton, Hon. Steve, Minister of Water Stewardship, 1011(19:1500)
>>>>Struthers, Hon. Stan, Minister of Conservation, 1011(19:1500)
>>>Mathieu Da Costa Awards, recipients, 3992(65:1200)
>>>Michel, Pauline, Poet Laureate of Parliament and George Bowering, former
Poet Laureate of Parliament, 1818(31:1505)
>>>New Brunswick
>>>>Alward, Hon. David, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture,
5410(87:1500), 8562(134:1200), 9663(150:1500)
>>>>Dubé, Hon. Madeleine, Minister of Education, 3572(58:1505)
>>>>Mockler, Hon. Percy, Minister of Intergovernmental and International
Relations, Minister Responsible for Service New Brunswick, Minister
Responsible for the Culture and Sport Secretariat, 566(11:1500)
>>>Newfoundland and Labrador
>>>>Hedderson, Hon. Tom, Minister of Education, 3572(58:1505), 9485(147:1500)
>>>>Rideout, Hon. Tom, minister of Transportation and Workers and Minister
Responsible for Aboriginal Affairs, 7188(116:1500)
>>>>Sullivan, Hon. Loyola, Minister of Finance, 2388(40:1500)
>>>Northwest Territories
>>>>Delorey, Speaker Paul, Premier Joseph Handley, cabinet ministers Hon.
Floyd Roland, Hon. Charles Dent, Hon. Brendan Bell, Hon Michael McLeod, Hon.
Michael Miltenberger, and Hon. David Krutko, 4706(76:1500)
>>>>Handley, Premier Joseph, 1656(29:1500)
>>>>Krutko, Hon. David, Minister Responsible for the Northwest Territories
Housing Corporation and Minister Responsible for the Northwest Territories
Power Corporation, 6013(99:1500), 9329(145:1500)
>>>Nova Scotia
>>>>Clarke, Hon. Cecil, Minister of Energy, 2388(40:1500)
>>>>d'Entremont, Hon. Chris, Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries and
Minister of Acadian Affairs, 2936(47:1500), 8562(134:1200), 9663(150:1500)
>>>>Hurburt, Hon. Richard, Minister of Natural Resources, 3760(61:1500)
>>>>Muir, Hon. Jamie, Minister of Education, 3572(58:1505)
>>>>Akesuk, Hon. Olayuk
>>>>>Minister of Sustainable Development, 9589(149:1500)
>>>>>Minister of the Environment, 5884(95:1505)
>>>>Picco, Hon. Edward, Minister of Education, Minister responsible for
Nunavut Arctic College and Minister responsible for Homelessness and
Immigration, 1229(22:1500), 5884
>>>>Simailak, Hon. David, Minister of Economic Development and
Transportation, 3233(52:1500); Minister of Finance, 8402(131:1500)
>>>Bountrogianni, Dr. Marie, Minister Responsible for Democratic Renewal,
>>>>Sorbara, Hon. Greg, Minister of Finance, 6414(105:1500)
>>>>Watson, Hon. Jim, Minister of Consumer and Business Services, 3877(63:1500)
>>>Ozin, Dr. Geoffrey and Dr. Sajeev John, The Brockhouse Canada Prize for
Interdisciplinary Research in Science and Engineering, first recipients,
>>>Prince Edward Island
>>>>Dover, Hon. Mildred A., Minister of Education, 3572(58:1505)
>>>>MacAdams, Hon. Kevin, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture,
>>>Quebec, Mulcair, Hon. Thomas, Minister of the Environment, 1011(19:1500)
>>>Robitaille, Guy, Betty Brown and Robert Campbell, World War II veterans,
and escorts, 1160(21:1510)
>>>Smol, Dr. John, Gerhard Herzberg Canada Gold Medal for Science recipient,
>>>Thérèse Casgrain Volunteer Award recipient, Ashraf Ghanem, 5287(85:1500)
>>>Tremblay, Suzanne, former Member of Parliament, 1160(21:1510)
>>>Yukon Territory, Hon. Dennis Fentie, Premier, 3877(63:1500)
>>>Zaccardelli, Guiliano, Commissioner, Royal Canadian Mounted Police,
>>Cuba, His Excellency Felipe Ramon Perez Roque, Minister of Foreign Affairs,
>>Denmark, Mr. Flemming Hansen. Minister of Transport, 1733(30:1500)
>>Estonia, Her Excellency Ene Ergma, President of the Riigikogu, 2936(47:1500)
>>Finland, His Excellency Paavo Lipponen, Speaker, 9329(145:1500)
>>France, Mr. Eric Woerth, Minister of State for Administrative Reform,
>>Goodall, Dr. Jane, primatologist and conservationist, 566(10:1500)
>>Grenada, Right Hon. Dr. Keith Mitchell, Prime Minister, 1656(29:1500)
>>>Baptiste, His Excellency Alix, Secretary of State of Haitians Living Abroad,
>>>Saint-Lôt, Her Excellency Danielle, Minister of Trade, Industry and
Tourism, 103(4:1500)
>>>Bhattal, Mrs. Rajinder Kaur, Deputy Chief Minister, Punjab and Minister of
Higher Education, Medical Education, and Technical Education, 5722(92:1500)
>>>Singh, His Excellency, K. Natuar, Minister of External Affairs,
>>International Fund for Ireland, Dr. William McCarter, Chairman, 608(12:1500)
>>Kenya, Hon. Karué Muriuk, Chair, Constituencies Fund Committee of Parliament
and committee members, 8402(131:1500)
>>Latvia, Mrs. Dagnija Stake, Minister of Welfare, 9189(143:1500)
>>Lithuania, His Excellency Arturas Paulauskas, Chairman of the Seimas,
>>Malaysia, His Excellency Tan Sri Dato'Seri, Dr. Abdul Hamid Pawanteh,
President of the Senate, 4950(80:1500)
>>Mali, His Excellency Amadou Toumani Touré, President, 5933(96:1505)
>>Mongolia, His Excellency Tsendin Munh-Orgil, Minister for Foreign Affairs,
>>New Zealand
>>>Goff, Hon. Phil, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Minister of
Justice, 6564(107:1500)
>>>Wilson, Hon. Margaret, Speaker of the House of Representatives, 5280(85:1415)
>>Poland, His Excellency Longin Hieronim Pastusiak, President of the Senate,
>>Romania, His Excellency Cristian Preda, Secretary of State for the
Francophonie and personal representative of the President of Romania to the
Francophonie, 9109(142:1510)
>>Russian Federation, Chuvash Republic, His Honour Sergey Gaplikov, Prime
Minister and Chairman of Council, His Honour Peter Krasnov, Chief of
President's Administration and Minister of Culture and Her Honour Nina
Souslonova, Minister of Health, 4202(68:1505)
>>Saudi Arabia, His Excellency Dr. Saleh Abdullah Bin Hemeid, President of the
Shura Council, 6085(100:1500)
>>Scotland, Right Hon. Jack McConnell, First Minister of Scotland,
>>Slovenia, His Excellency Dimitrij Rupel, Minister of Foreign Affairs and
Chairman-in-Office, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe,
>>Somali Republic, His Excellency Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden, Speaker,
Transitional National Parliament, 8013(125:1500)
>>Switzerland, Max Binder, President of the National Council of the Swiss
Confederation, 1733(30:1500)
>>United States of America, Hon. Frank H. Murkowski, Governor of Alaska,
>>Viet Nam, Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hoai Thu, Chair, National Assembly Committee on
Social Affairs and committee members, 103(4:1500)
>>World Health Organization, Dr. Lee Jong-Wook, Director-General,
Affordable housing, 439(9:1215), 535(11:1135-40), 1643(29:1345-50),
1667-8(29:1610-15), 4064(66:1745), 4765(77:1710), 5799(94:1330),
7456(119:1830), 7467(119:1935)
>>>Accessible, 1718(30:1330)
>>>>Need, S.O. 31, 9478(147:1420)
>>>Affordable Housing Initiative
>>>>Rent supplement agreement, o.q., 4569-70(74:1455)
>>>>o.q., 319(7:1455)
>>>>Throne speech statement, 11(2:1630), 19(2:1710), 53(3:1725), 86(4:1310),
>>>>>o.q., 3989(65:1140-45)
>>>British Columbia
>>>>Petitions, 8274(129:1205), 3573(58:1510)
>>>>Vancouver, BC, petitions, 5668(91:1725)
>>>Budget 2004 omission, 3979(65:1050)
>>>Budget 2005 measures, 3957(64:1715), 4023(66:1300), 4078(67:1030),
4924(80:1155), 5541-2(89:1910-15), 6046(100:1015), 6473(105:2225),
>>>>o.q., 4038(66:1435)
>>>>Budget 2005 agreement with New Democratic Party, 5559(90:1135),
5852(95:1125), 5860-1(95:1230-5), 5864(95:1255), 5897-8(95:1640-50),
5899(95:1655-700), 5900(95:1705), 5989(99:1210), 5992-3(99:1245-50),
5994-5(99:1300), 5996(99:1310), 6031(99:1705-10), 6038(99:1805-10),
6040(99:1820), 6041(99:1825), 6137(101:1605), 6217(102:1245), 6240(102:1520),
6241(102:1530), 6242(102:1540), 6244(102:1550), 6247-8(102:1615),
6352(104:1640), 6545(107:1305), 7255(117:1145), 7262(117:1240-5),
7264(117:1255), 7272(117:1355), 7287(117:1525), 7288(117:1530-5),
7289(117:1540-5), 7294(117:1620), 7296(117:1635), 7297(117:1645),
7316-7(117:1850-900), 7327(117:2015), 7356(117:2400), 7360(118:1015),
7363(118:1035), 7464(119:1920), 7466(119:1935), 7475(119:2045), 7487(119:2215),
7493(119:2305), 7498(119:2340), 7527(120:1330), 7550(120:1610),
7551-3(120:1615-30), 7554(120:1635-40), 7556(120:1650-5), 7561(120:1725),
7566-7(120:1805-15), 7569-70(120:1830-5), 7572(120:1850), 7656-7(121:2010),
7663(121:2105), 7671(121:2205), 7672(121:2210-15), 7678(121:2255-300),
7680(121:2320), 7684(121:2350), 7703(122:1245), 7726-7(122:1520-30),
7739(122:1650-5), 7763(122:1950), 7767-8(122:2050), 7768-9(122:2100-5),
7771(122:2205), 7773(122:2215), 7761(22:1930-5), 7774(122:2220),
7776-7(122:2240), 7778(122:2255)
>>>>Need for, 2941(47:1535)
>>>>Omission, 3979(65:1050), 3997(65:1235), 3999(65:1250)
>>>>>o.q., 4320-1(70:1145)
>>>>>S.O. 31, 4314(70:1110)
>>>Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation award winners, Habitat for Humanity
and Frontiers Foundation, S.O. 31, 597(12:1400)
>>>Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation funding program,
5541-2(89:1910-15), 7769(122:2100)
>>>>o.q., 1411(25:1500), 1651(27:1435)
>>>>S.O. 31, 829(16:1410)
>>>>Surplus, o.q., 2032(34:1455), 2111(35:1500)
>>>Conservative Party position, 7524(120:1310)
>>>Dependency, creating, 7768-9(122:2100)
>>>Economic and Fiscal Update 2005 (November 14, 2005) omission, o.q.,
>>>Emergency shelters, funding, etc., 7466(119:1935), 7467(119:1940),
>>>Funding, 2865(46:1525), 5047(81:1730), 5541-2(89:1905-15)
>>>>o.q., 9999(155:1455)
>>>Funding cuts, 1994-2000, 2119(35:1610)
>>>Funding formula
>>>>Restrictive, Ontario concerns, o.q., 2032(34:1455)
>>>>Quebec, 2119-20(35:1610-20)
>>>Government commitment, expenditures, programs, 235(6:1635),
1642(29:1340-45), 2119-20(35:1610-15), 6031(99:1705-10), 6241(102:1530),
7656(121:2010), 7754(122:1830-5), 7755(122:1845), 7767-8(122:2050),
7769(122:2100-5), 7777(122:2240), 7778(122:2255)
>>>>Approach, criticism, promises not kept,
7464(119:1920), 7466-7(19:1935-45), 7469-70(119:1955-2000), 7569-70(120:1830-5)
>>>>Extension, 76(4:1200)
>>>>Not for profit/cooperative housing, agreement with Ontario, o.q.,
>>>>o.q., 1411(25:1500), 2660(44:1420-25), 3154(51:1445), 3454(56:1500),
>>>Habitat for Humanity contribution, S.O. 7807(123:1355)
>>>Homelessness, social housing initiatives
>>>>o.q., 1648-9(29:1420-25)
>>>>Petitions, 10218(159:1540)
>>>Jurisdiction, 1668(29:1615), 2358(40:1120)
>>>Legislation see Canadian Bill of Rights (amdt--right to housing)(Bill
>>>Manitoba, Saint Boniface constituency projects, 77227(122:1525-30)
>>>Multi-faceted urban development, LeBreton flats example, 1643(29:1350)
>>>National Housing Day, recognizing, o.q., 1655(27:1500)
>>>National housing program
>>>>Establishment in 1970s, New Democratic Party role, 3996-7(65:1230)
>>>>Lack, 21(2:1720), 4423(72:1150)
>>>>>o.q., 1649-50(29:1425-30), 3154(51:1445)
>>>>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney) elimination, 3996(65:1230)
>>>Nova Scotia, o.q., 1655(27:1500)
>>>Ontario, 609(12:1505)
>>>>Fairfields project, Eganville, ON, success, S.O. 31, 9520-1(148:1100)
>>>>Federal-provincial agreement, 6020(99:1545)
>>>>Hamilton, ON, need for, 7739(122:1650-5)
>>>>Perth County project, 1203(22:1150)
>>>Private sector role, 7466-7(119:1935-40), 7468(119:1950)
>>>>Lachine, QC, housing for mentally ill, 7552(120:1620)
>>>>Montreal, QC, Notre-Dame-de-Grâce, Benny Farm redevelopment,
>>>>See also Housing--Affordable housing, Funding formula
>>>Rent supplement/geared to income, 1643(29:1345)
>>>Senior citizens, 2878(46:1710), 4080(67:1045), 7362(118:1025)
>>>>Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) programs, changes,
>>>S.O. 31, 381(8:1405)
>>>See also Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments
Act (Bill C-48);
Housing--Social housing
>>Alberta, boom, 7761(122:1930-5), 7763(122:1950)
>>British Columbia
>>>Leaking condominiums, repairs, financial assistance requested, Canada
Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) role, 8150(127:1520), 8228(128:1505),
8331-3(130:1505-15), 9664-5(150:1505-10)
>>>>Access to information requests, response, D.V. Tyler role, etc.,
>>>>o.q., 9743(151:1500)
>>>>r.o. 8022(125:1530)
>>>>S.O. 31, 6226-7(102:1400)
>>>Provincial government priority, 5898(95:1645)
>>>See also Housing--Affordable housing
>>Co-operative housing
>>>Burnaby--Douglas constituency, Norman Bethune Co-op, etc., 7316(117:1855)
>>>Coopérative d'habitation à l'étage, Quebec City, 20th anniversary, S.O. 31,
>>>Co-operative Housing Programs Administration Agency, agreement, o.q.,
>>>Funding, o.q., 7623(121:1500)
>>EnerGuide program for home retrofits, quadrupling, Budget 2005 measure,
3891(63:1655), 5853(95:1130-5), 6242(102:1535), 7728(122:1535),
7761(122:1930), 9113(142:1530-5), 9117(142:1600), 9288(145:1005),
9290(145:1025), 9297(145:1110-5), 9300(145:1135), 9302(145:1145-50),
9304(145:1155), 9307(145:1220-5), 9318(145:1355), 9331(145:1520),
9338(145:1610), 9344(145:1650), 9346(145:1705), 9348(145:1720)
>>Energy audits, 9332-3(145:1530), 9340(145:1620)
>>Federal-provincial agreements, 5898(95:1650)
>>>See also Housing--Affordable housing, Ontario
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 4063-4(66:1740), 7768-9(122:2100),
>>Goods and Services Tax (GST) rebate on new homes, raising price level,
indexing, 10217(159:1530)
>>>See also Excise Tax Act (amdt.--rebate on goods and services tax on new
homes)(Bill C-463)
>>Government measures, expenditures, 5897-8(95:1640-50), 5899(95:1700),
>>Halifax, NS, elimination of 500 family homes used by military, 1892(32:1105)
>>Health, relationship, 5993(99:1250)
>>>Greenhouse gas emissions reduction, retrofitting, costs, federal
initiatives, 9274-5(144:1730)
>>>>Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation program, o.q., 1602(28:1155)
>>>>o.q., 1602(28:1155), 8222(128:1430)
>>>>Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program, o.q., 1602(28:1155)
>>Home ownership opportunity, increasing, 7493(119:2310)
>>Insulation, Zonolite, hazardous product/health risks, removal program,
government action, 6717-8(110:1255)
>>>Activist, Raven Thundersky, accomplishments, S.O. 31, 7179(116:1410)
>>>Indian reserves, 2907(47:1145)
>>>>o.q., 3356(54:1500)
>>>>r.o., 6343(104:1530)
>>>>S.O. 31, 7715(122:1410)
>>>Military housing, o.q., 8267-8(129:1125)
>>>o.q., 954(18:1140), 1922-3(32:1440-45), 3400(55:1155-1200), 5768(93:1145),
>>Interest rates decline, impact, 5899(95:1700)
>>>Northern, shortage, 2879(46:1715)
>>>See also Housing--Affordable housing
>>Renovation Month, October, Canadian Home Builder's Association/CMHC
participation, S.O. 31, 212(6:1400), 9243(144:1400)
>>Renovation programs, 5852(95:1125), 6241(102:1530)
>>Secretariat, interdepartmental, 3363(54:1555)
>>Social housing
>>>Budget 2005 measure, lacking, 2872(46:1625), 3903(64:1055), 3906(64:1130),
3924(64:1335), 3925(64:1345), 4062-4(66:1730-40), 4089(67:1140),
4095(67:1220), 4920(80:1125), 4956(80:1540), 5052(81:1805), 5145(83:1040-5),
5168(83:1305), 5541-2(89:1905-15), 6032(99:1725), 6040(99:1820),
6088(100:1520-5), 6096(100:1620), 6240(102:1520)
>>>>o.q., 3937(64:1450), 3991(65:1155), 4038(66:1435)
>>>Federal funding, 1203(22:1150), 5852(95:1125), 5860-1(95:1230-5),
>>>>Cutbacks, 2955(47:1725), 5996(99:1310)
>>>>Election promise, 2955(47:1720-5), 5829(4:1655)
>>>>Lack/need for, 2836(46:1315-20), 2875(46:1645-50), 2940(47:1525),
>>>>o.q., 4038(66:1435)
>>>Federal government commitment, Quebec transfer/agreement, 2015(34:1305-10)
>>>>o.q., 606-7(12:1450-55), 1651(27:1435), 2659-60(44:1420-25)
>>>>S.O. 31, 2198-0(37:1400)
>>>Federal initiatives, o.q., 1651(27:1435)
>>>Transitional housing, 6468(105:2145)
>>>See also Housing--Affordable housing--Homelessness
>>See also Aboriginal peoples/communities;
Brampton, ON--Residential construction;
Canadian Forces;
Disabled and handicapped persons;
Dwelling houses;
First Nations/Indians;
Marijuana--Grow operations;
New Homes Month;
Tsunami (Asia, December 2004)--Sri Lanka;
Wood Tree Co-operative;
Youth--At risk
Hovercraft see Canadian Coast Guard; St. Lawrence River--Canadian Coast Guard role
Howard, Clayton Kempton see Murder
Howard House (halfway house)
Vernon, BC., violent crimes committed by residents
>>>Petitions, 34(3:1505), 840(16:1520), 2615(43:1205), 3880-1(63:1525)
>>>S.O. 31, 3869-70(63:1415)
Howard, John see Australia
Howe, Joseph
"Father of responsible government in Canada" birth, 200th anniversary,
tribute, S.O. 31, 23(3:1400)
Hubbard, Charles (Lib.--Miramichi)
- >>Air transportation, 10184(159:1200-5)
>>Airlines, 10183-5(159:1200-10)
>>Airports, 10186(159:1220)
>>>o.q., 9868(153:1140)
>>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 7330(117:2035), 7343(117:2215), 7346(117:2240), 7352(117:2330)
>>Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 270-3(6:2105-25)
>>Budget 2005, 7330(117:2035), 7343(117:2215), 7346(117:2240)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43), 6926(113:1040)
>>Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute, Committee take note, M. (Valeri), 9065(141:2020)
>>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 3742(61:1310), 4573-4(74:1515-20), 7834(123:1650), 7846(123:1815), 7861(123:2000), 7883(123:2355), 7884(123:2400)
>>Conservative Party of Canada, 5700(92:1235) 7352(117:2330)
>>Corporate income tax, 6926(113:1040)
>>Dairy industry, o.q., 5882(95:1455)
>>Economy/economic conditions, 5700(92:1235)
>>Elections, 5701(92:1235)
>>Equalization payments, 3456-7(56:1515-20)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.--fiscal equalization payments to the provinces and funding to the territories)(Bill C-24), 3456-7(56:1515-20)
>>Ferry service, 10224(159:1625)
>>First Nations Commercial and Industrial Development Act (Bill C-71), 9855(153:1015)
>>First Nations/Indians, 9855(153:1015)
>>Grain transportation, 10186(159:1220)
>>Health care funding, 5700(92:1235)
>>Hockey, 5059(81:1855)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--exclusion of income received by an athlete from a non-profit club, society or association)(Bill C-285), 5058-9(81:1850-5)
>>Marine transportation, 8714-5(136:1920-5), 9618-9(149:1830-5)
>>Marriage, 3742(61:1310), 4573-4(74:1515-20), 7834(123:1650), 7846(123:1815), 7861(123:2000)
>>>Petitions, 3792(62:1010), 5038(81:1630), 5667(91:1720)
>>Municipalities, 21(2:1725)
>>National Hockey League (NHL), 5059(81:1855)
>>Neustadt, ON, o.q., 9868(153:1140)
>>Older workers, 6886(112:1325)
>>Pacific Gateway Act (Bill C-68), 9427(146:1720)
>>Pacific Gateway Strategy (multimodal transportation network), 9427(146:1720), 10185(159:1215)
>>Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.) and Salaries Act (amdt.)(Bill C-30), 4519(73:1805)
>>Penitentiaries, o.q., 5511(89:1455)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 4519(73:1805), 7883-4(123:2355-400)
>>>Questions on the Order Paper, 9873(153:1210)
>>Program for Older Worker Adjustment (POWA), M. on supply (Lessard), 6886(112:1325)
>>Public Accounts Standing Committee, M. (Williams), 5700-1(92:1235)
>>Sponsorship program, 5700-1(92:1235)
>>Sports, 5058-9(81:1850-5)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Silva), 21(2:1725)
>>Transportation Amendment Act (Bill C-44), 10183-5(159:1200-15), 10186(159:1220), 10224(159:1625)
>>Unemployment, 7343(117:2215)
>>Veterans Independence Program (VIP), petitions, 4375(71:1520)
Hudson, QC see Firefighters--Deaths in line of duty, Ratcliffe, James
Hughes, Clara see Speed skating--Winnipeg, MB centre
Hull--Aylmer constituency
Constituent interests, Proulx protecting, commitment, S.O. 31, 25(3:1410)
Hulse, Reverend Canon Robert
Rector Emeritus, St. John the Evangelist Church, Elora, ON, Order of Canada
recipient, congratulations, S.O. 31, 8674(136:1405)
Human cloning
Comprehensive ban, legislation governing, Assisted Human Reproduction Act,
>>>o.q., 434(9:1140), 3937(64:1450-55)
>>United Nations resolution, Canada position, 813-4(15:1850-55)
>>>o.q., 607(12:1455), 3937(64:1450-55), 4119(67:1455-1500)
Human organ trade see Trafficking in persons (human trafficking)
Human organs see Organ donations/transplants
Human Resources and Skills Development annual average wage settlement index see Members of Parliament--Salaries and allowances
Human Resources and Skills Development Department
Establishing, 1629(29:1205), 1632(29:1225), 1633-4(29:1235), 1719(30:1335),
>>>Federal interference in provincial jurisdiction, 1390(25:1240-5),
1638-40(29:1315-25), 1680-1(29:1745-50), 4516(73:1710), 4763-4(77:1655-1705),
4762(77:1650), 4765(77:1715), 5790(94:1225)
>>Grants and contributions, awarding, new directives, voluntary sector
position, o.q., 8147-8(127:1500)
>>Mandate, powers, programs, etc., 1629-30(29:1205), 1631-2(29:1215-25),
1636-7(29:1255), 1639(29:1315), 1662-3(29:1525-40), 1669(29:1625),
1710(29:1225), 1714-5(29:1255-300), 1734-5(29:1505-10), 1676-7(29:1715-20),
1680-1(29:1750-55), 1708(30:1200), 1710(30:1225), 1713-6(30:1245-1310),
1718(30:1325), 1734(30:1505), 1735(30:1510), 4512-3(73:1635-45),
5791(94:1225), 5792(94:1245), 5795(94:1300), 5797(94:1320),
>>>Privacy provisions, 1629(29:1205), 1636(29:1255), 4512(73:1640),
>>>Quebec concerns, 1719-20(30:1340), 4515(73:1700), 4763-4(77:1655-1700)
>>Minister, powers, 1635-6(29:1250-55), 4515(73:1700)
>>Projects, Calls for Proposals (CFP)
>>>Details, r.o., 8022(125:1530)
>>>Process, contracts, July 4, 2005 to October 4, 2005, r.o., 10075(157:1020)
>>Reorganization, 3475(56:1800)
>>See also see Aboriginal peoples/communities--Employment strategy;
Bell Canada--Bell Subco;
Community programs--Funding criteria;
Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23);
Employment insurance--Payments;
Job Finding Club
Human Resources Development Department
Scandal, billion dollar boondoggle, etc., 1633(29:1235), 4762(77:16),
4766(77:1720), 5860(95:1225),
6025(99:1625), 7349(117:2300), 7415(119:1320), 7454(119:1810), 7559(120:1710)
>>Social Development
>>>Estimates, main, 2005-2006, consideration, Committee of the Whole,
>>Superministry, 1990s experiment, 4310(70:1045)
Human resources index see Canada
Human Resources, Skills Development, Social Development and Status of
Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee
Bills referred see Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5);
Canada Labour Code (amdt.--pregnant or nursing workers)(Bill C-380);
Department of Social Development Act (Bill C-22);
Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and premium rate
setting (Bill C-280);
Old Age Security (amdt.--monthly guaranteed income supplement)(Bill
>>Certificates of Nomination referred see Canadian Centre for Occupational
Health and Safety--Hong, S. Len, President;
Review Tribunals Commission--Rabot, Philippe, Commissioner
>>Employment Insurance Program, future uses, recommendations, House
instruction, M. (Simard, R.), agreed to, 1922(32:1555)
>>Reports, presented
>>>First (Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5)), 1976(33:1205)
>>>Second (Restoring Financial Governance and Accessibility in the
Employment Insurance Program, Part One), deposited with Clerk, not
presented in House
>>>Third (Restoring Financial Governance and Accessibility in the
Employment Insurance Program), 3483(57:1000)
>>>Fourth (Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill
C-23)), 3572(58:1505)
>>>Fifth (Department of Social Development Act (Bill C-22)), 3791(62:1000)
>>>Sixth (An Examination of New Directions Governing Contribution Agreements
for Selected Programs Delivered on Behalf of Human Resources and Skills
Development Canada), 6127-8(101:1510)
>>>Seventh (Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and
premium rate setting)(Bill C-280)), 6670(109:1535)
>>>Eighth ("Accessibility for All"), 7053(115:1005)
>>>Ninth (Employment Insurance Act (Employment Insurance Account and premium
rate setting)(Bill C-280)), 7379(118:1205)
>>>Tenth (Summer Career Placements Program study), 10044(156:1515)
>>>Eleventh (Centennial Flame Research Award Act, implementation, 2004-05
report), 10216(159:1520)
Human rights
International violations, Prime Minister Paul Martin raising during foreign
visits, o.q., 2386(48:1445-50)
>>Liberal Party/Conservative Party positions, historical background,
>>>S.O. 31, 3046(49:1415)
>>See also Afghanistan--Canadian role;
Air Canada--Maintenance operations;
Canadian Human Rights Commission;
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)--Canadian companies;
Colombia passim;
Foreign aid--Criteria;
Foreign investment/ownership--Foreign acquisitions of Canadian firms;
Free trade--Agreements;
Harasymiw, Eugene;
Hess, Gerhard;
India--Khalra, Jaswant Singh;
International Human Rights Day;
John Humphrey Freedom Award;
Marriage--Same-sex couples;
Myanmar (Burma);
Noranda Inc.--Foreign takeover;
Parks, Rosa;
Public safety and emergency preparedness;
Refugees--Vega, Alvaro;
Russian Federation;
Sudan--Darfur region conflict;
Talisman Energy Inc.--Foreign operations;
Tax treaties;
Tibet--Chinese occupation--Rinpoche, Tenzin Delek;
Trafficking in persons (human trafficking);
Underground Railroad;
United Nations Commission on Human Rights;
United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--Response;
Vietnam--Canadian aid--Human rights--Political prisoners;
Human smuggling see Trafficking in persons (human trafficking)
Human trafficking see Trafficking in persons (human trafficking)
Humanitarian assistance see Foreign aid
Humanitarian response see International conflicts
Revolution of 1956, anniversary, refugees welcomed in Canada, S.O. 31,
>>See also Ukraine
Hunter, Bob
Environmentalist, Greenpeace co-founder, death, tribute, 9304(145:1200)
Hunting see Anglers and hunters; Outfitting industry; Seal hunting
Hunting and fishing
Heritage, protecting, Heritage Hunting and Fishing Protection Act (C-391),
>>>Petitions, 9622(150:1005), 9926(154:1510), 10049(156:1625)
Huntingdon, QC see Textile and clothing industry--Crisis
Huntington, Eleanor
Nova Scotia teacher, journalist, researcher and genealogist, death, tribute,
S.O. 31, 1542(27:1400)
Hurler-Schele Syndrome see Olsen, Mackenzie
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) humanitarian assistance,
>>Hands Across the Border charity barbecue, Parliament Hill, September 28,
2005, S.O. 31, 8139(127:1410)
>>Hurricane Hazel, southern Ontario, October 1954, 50th anniversary, S.O. 31,
>>Hurricane Ivan see Grenada
>>Hurricane Jeanne see Haiti
>>Hurricane Juan
>>>Nova Scotia/Halifax, NS impact, deaths, emergency response, Canadian Forces
role, etc., 422(9:1020-5)
>>>See also Forest industry--Nova Scotia;
>>Hurricane Katrina see Louisiana and Mississippi, United States
HUSAR teams see Heavy Urban Search and Rescue (HUSAR) teams
Hybrid vehicles see Automobiles/motor vehicles
Hydro-electric power
Churchill Falls accord, Newfoundland and Labrador agreement with Quebec,
renegotiation, 4922(80:1135-40)
>>East-west hydro-electric line
>>>Forcing-requiring Hydro-Quebec to sell electricity across Canada at rates
lower than international rates and transmitting electricity through Quebec
without formal agreement, 4105-6(67:1335-40)
>>>>o.q., 5210(84:1435)
>>>Linking Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Newfoundland, proposing, o.q.,
>>Eastmain-Rupert hydroelectric project, northern Québec, development,
government involvement, environmental concerns, o.q., 8914(140:1455)
>>Federal funding, subsidy, lack, Quebec, etc., 1232(22:1525)
>>Grand Rapids, MB project, consultations with Town of Grand Rapids, Grand
Rapids First Nation, etc., r.o., 9927(154:1515)
>>Lower Churchill Falls development project, federal government role, o.q.,
>>Newfoundland and Labrador resources, province not benefiting, factors,
etc., 1251(22:1735-40)
>>See also Equalization payments--Calculations;
Hydro Québec
Hydro One Transmission Line
Parkway transformer station, Markham to Armitage transformer station,
Newmarket, 230 kilometre line, public opposition, S.O. 31, 778(15:1410)
Baril, Gilles, appointment to Chile position, Oxygène 9 factor, 7665(121:2120)
>>East-west hydro-electric line, price structure/Quebec agreement,
environmental impact consideration, o.q., 5332(86:1500)
>>Hydro-electric power plants, security concerns, terrorist threat, o.q.,