The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 38th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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O Canada see National Anthem
Oak Ridges Moraine
Eco-region, southern Ontario, preserving, S.O.31, 1473(26:1405)
OAS see Old Age Security (OAS)
Oath of allegiance see Members of Parliament; Parliament of Canada Act (amdt--oath or solemn affirmation)(Bill C-335)
Oaths see Courts--Testimony of witnesses
Oaths of Office (Pro Forma)(Bill C-1)--Prime Minister (Paul Martin)
Introduction and first reading, 7(2:1630)
Combatting, Jon Lynne-Davis work, tribute, S.O. 31, 3146(51:1400)
>>Statistics, 1780(30:2045)
>>See also Children;
Trans fats (trans fatty acids)--Children
Obhrai, Deepak (CPC--Calgary East)
- >>Africa, 7314(117:1835)
>>Air India
>>>o.q., 4368(71:1440), 4450-1(72:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 5022(81:1415), 7716(122:1415)
>>Airlines, 2917(47:1300)
>>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 7313-4(115:1830-40), 7315(117:1845)
>>Black History Month , S.O. 31, 2927-8(47:1415)
>>Breaking and entering, 8781(138:1225), 8782(138:1235-40)
>>Budget 2005, 6146-7(101:1705-10), 7313(117:1830)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43), 6146-7(101:1705-10), 6147-8(101:1720)
>>Budget surplus, 6146(101:1705), 6147-8(101:1720)
>>Cadman, references, 8783(138:1245)
>>Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute, 10140(157:1805)
>>Canadian Multiculturalism Day, S.O. 31, 7810(123:1410)
>>Child pornography, 1035(19:1810)
>>China, 1602(28:1150)
>>>o.q., 3702(60:1155)
>>Contraventions Act and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-17), 1095-6(20:1610-5)
>>Crime, 4263(69:1345), 4264(69:1350), 8781(138:1225), 8783(138:1245)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--street racing)(Bill C-65), 8781-3(138:1225-50)
>>Criminal Code, DNA Identification Act and National Defence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-13), 1035-6(19:1805-10)
>>Department of International Trade Act (Bill C-31), 3291(53:1635), 3293-4(53:1645-55)
>>Developing countries, 7313-4(117:1835), 10139-40(157:1800)
>>Discrimination and racism, S.O. 31, 4362-3(71:1410)
>>Diwali Festival, S.O. 31, 1220(22:1405), 8794(138:1410)
>>DNA identification/evidence, 1035(19:1805-10)
>>Economy/economic conditions, 895-6(17:1320), 921(17:1620)
>>Ethics Commissioner, S.O. 31, 9990(155:1405)
>>Federal-provincial/territorial relations, 7315(117:1845)
>>Finance Standing Committee, House take note, M. (Valeri), 2912-3(47:1225), 2917(47:1300), 2923(47:1345)
>>Fiscal imbalance (intergovernmental), 7315(117:1845)
>>>M. on supply (Loubier), 894(17:1320), 920-1(17:1620)
>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 3291(53:1635), 3293-4(53:1645-50)
>>Foreign aid, 2912(47:1225), 7313-4(117:1830-40)
>>Foreign investment/ownership, 3294(53:1655)
>>Free trade, 3218(52:1330)
>>Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), 3218(52:1330)
>>Goods and Services Tax (GST), 2923(47:1345)
>>Hate propaganda/speech, o.q., 784(15:1445)
>>House of Commons proceedings, M. (Valeri), 7689(122:1015)
>>Immigration/immigrants, 2923(47:1345), 8025-7(125:1540-55), 8473-4(133:1000-5), 8781(138:1230)
>>Impaired driving, 1095(20:1615)
>>International Trade Department, 3291(53:1635)
>>Marijuana, 1095-6(20:1610-5), 4263(69:1345), 8782(138:1240)
>>Marriage, 7689(122:1020)
>>Municipalities, 6147(101:1705-10), 6148(101:1720)
>>North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 3218(52:1330), 10140(157:1800-5)
>>Offshore oil and gas revenue/royalties, 6147(101:1710)
>>Older workers, 6888-9(112:1345-50)
>>Organized crime, 4263-4(69:1345-50)
>>Pakistan, S.O. 31, 8605(135:1410)
>>Privilege, contempt of Parliament (Obhrai), 8025-7(125:1540-55)
>>>M. (Obhrai), 8474(133:1010)
>>Proceeds of crime, M. on supply (Marceau), 4263-4(69:1345-50)
>>Program for Older Worker Adjustment (POWA), M. on supply (Lessard), 6888-9(112:1345-50)
>>Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act (Bill C-11), 368-9(8:1235-45)
>>Public Service, 368-9(8:1235-40)
>>Public Service Commission, 368(8:1235)
>>References see Immigration/immigrants
>>Retirement, 6889(112:1345)
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), 4263(69:1345), 4264(69:1350)
>>Senior citizens, S.O. 31, 719(14:1110)
>>Seright, Samuel Ian, S.O. 31, 5759(93:1100)
>>Sponsorship program, 2912(47:1225), 7314(117:1840)
>>>M. on supply (Lunn), 6427(105:1645), 6428-9(105:1655-705)
>>Street racing, 8781-3(138:1225-50)
>>Terrorism, S.O. 31, 8394(131:1415)
>>Textile and clothing industry, M. on supply (Paquette), 3196-7(52:1050), 3218-20(52:1330-45)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Silva), 68(4:1105-10)
>>>o.q., 5438(88:1200)
>>>S.O. 31, 5400(87:1400)
>>Trade, 3293(53:1645), 3294(53:1655), 10139(157:1800), 10140(157:1805)
>>>o.q., 3702(60:1155)
>>>S.O. 31, 9735(151:1415)
>>Trade agreements, 3218(52:1330)
>>Trade Compensation Act (Bill C-364), 10139-40(157:1800-5)
>>Truscott, Steven, 1035(19:1805)
>>Tsunami (Asia, December 2004), 7313(117:1830)
>>Ukraine, M. to Adjourn under S.O. 52 (Wrzesnewskyj), 1849-50(31:1850-5)
>>Western provinces, o.q., 1974(33:1155)
>>World Trade Organization (WTO), 3218(52:1330), 6889(112:1350), 10139(157:1800)
>>World War II, S.O. 31, 599(12:1410)
O'Brien, Audrey Elizabeth (Clerk of the House of Commons)
Appointment as Clerk of the House of Commons, M. (Valeri), agreed to,
>>See also House of Commons;
Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, Forty-seventh
O'Brien, Lawrence (Lib.--Labrador; deceased Dec. 16, 2004)
- >>References, death, tribute, 2852-3(46:1505-15)
>>>S.O. 31, 2840-1(46:1400)
>>>See also House of Commons vacancies--Labrador; Torngat Mountains National Park
O'Brien, Pat (Lib.--London--Fanshawe; Ind.--London--Fanshawe effective June 6, 2005)
- >>Afghanistan, 644-5(13:1040), 662-3(13:1250), 664(13:1305)
>>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 7574-5(120:1935), 7577(120:1940)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43), 7168(115:2320), 7170(115:2325)
>>Canada Elections Act (amdt.) and Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-63), 8704(136:1805)
>>Canadian Forces
>>>o.q., 6413(105:1455)
>>>M. on supply (O'Connor), 644-5(13:1040), 661-5(13:1240-1310), 666-7(13:1325), 668(13:1335), 700-1(13:1725)
>>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 3739(61:1240), 3761-3(61:1510-25), 3745(61:1335), 3746-8(61:1345-55), 3761-3(61:1510-25), 5569-70(90:1330-40), 7854-7(123:1920-35)
>>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38) Legislative Committee, o.q., 4630(75:1510)
>>Estimates, M. (Alcock), 7157(115:2310)
>>Hate propaganda/speech, S.O. 31, 1152(21:1420)
>>Hill, references, 664(13:1300)
>>Hockey, S.O. 31, 6403(105:1400)
>>House of Commons proceedings, M. (Valeri), 7692(122:1040)
>>Ireland, S.O. 31, 6226(102:1400)
>>Marriage, 3739(61:1240), 3745(61:1335), 3746-8(61:1345-55), 3761-3(61:1510-25), 5569-70(90:1330-40), 7692(122:1040), 7854-7(123:1920-35)
>>>Petitions, 3878(63:1515), 4754(77:1550)
>>National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, 5216(84:1510), 7856(123:1935)
>>Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.) and Salaries Act (amdt.)(Bill C-30), 4519(73:1805)
>>Procedure, divisions, recorded, 4519(73:1805), 7157(115:2310), 7168(115:2320), 7170(115:2325), 7173(115:2340), 7574-5(120:1935), 7477(120:1940), 8704(136:1805)
>>References see Bulte--References; National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee--Chair
>>Remote Sensing Space Systems Act (Bill C-25), 7173(115:2340)
>>Suicide, petitions, 6486(106:1515)
Occupational health and safety
Changing workplace, adapting to, 8288(129:1350)
>>Corporate accountability/criminal liability, corporate manslaughter,
Criminal Code amendments, 7296(117:1630)
>>Harassment prevention, 8287(129:1350)
>>Hard hats, mandatory wearing on job sites
>>>Canada Labour Code provisions, Sikh exemption, petition, 4503(73:1535),
>>>Truck drivers on CP Rail property, violation of Sikh freedom of religion,
S.O. 31, 8092(126:1420)
>>Health and safety regulations, extending to foreign workers of Canadian
companies operating outside Canada, 5460(88:1210)
>>>S.O. 31, 6556(107:1415)
>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--legal duty outside Canada)(Bill C-369)
>>Pregnant or nursing women, protection from hazards, preventative withdrawal,
amending Canada Labour Code, Part III, financial compensation benefits,
extending provincial legislation to employees of federally regulated companies,
Quebec comparison, etc., 8579-87(135:1100-205), 10020-7(155:1750-850)
>>>o.q., 4114-5(67:1435)
>>>See also Canada Labour Code (amdt.--pregnant or nursing employees)(Bill
>>Psychological harassment, prevention, 8289(129:1400-5)
>>See also Agriculture--Tractor accidents;
Arendz, Mark;
Firefighters--Deaths in line of duty;
Fishing vessels--Workplace accidents
Occupational Health and Safety Week
Theme, "Equip, Educate, Empower", S.O. 31, 5646(91:1410)
Ocean Pier Inc. see Enterprise South East
Ocean Ranger see Oil and gas exploration
Environmental legislation protecting, 1048(20:1040), 1053-4(20:1125)
>>Pollution, International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from
Ships (MARPOL), Environment and Sustainable Development Commissioner audit,
findings, 1054(20:1125)
>>Sewage dumping
>>>Political parties positions, 5994(99:1255)
>>>Victoria, BC harbour, etc., 7360(118:1010), 9762(151:1705)
>>Ships, dumping bilge water/oil
>>>Environmental impact, 1047(20:1035), 1051-2(20:1105-15), 1054(20:1130),
>>>Dumping facilities, adequate, 1050(20:1100)
>>>Environmentally sound disposal, options, 1057(20:1150)
>>>Fisheries, impact, 1053(20:1115-20)
>>>Responsibilities, penalties, enforcing, 2642-6(44:1210-40),
2731-3(45:1015-25), 2736-9(45:1055-1120)
>>>Surveillance, tracking, 2731(45:1015), 2733(45:1030), 2736(45:1050)
>>>Tourism, ecotourism, impact, 1052-3(20:1115-20)
>>>United States, surveillance, penalties, comparison, 2731(45:1015),
2733(45:1030), 2735(45:1045)
>>>See also Migratory birds
Oceans Act see Canada Shipping Act, Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Canada National Marine Conservation Act and Oceans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3)
Oceans Action Plan
Budget 2005 funding, 3891(63:1700), 7141(115:2035)
>>Marine protected areas, establishing, Throne Speech statement, 11(2:1630)
>>Management plan/enforcing, 1047(20:1035)
>>>Throne Speech statement, 11(2:1630)
O'Connor, Justice Dennis see Arar, Maher
O'Connor, Gordon (CPC--Carleton--Mississippi Mills)
- >>Afghanistan, 664(13:1305)
>>>Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 9696-9(150:1920-40), 9706(150:2035), 9710(150:2105), 9712-3(150:2120-5), 9716(150:2200), 9722(150:2245)
>>>o.q., 8268(129:1130), 8399-400(131:1445-50), 8511(133:1440), 8612(135:1450)
>>Agriculture, S.O. 31, 9733(151:1405)
>>Almonte, ON, S.O. 31, 5326(86:1420)
>>Arctic, 648(13:1105)
>>>o.q., 3152(51:1430)
>>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 7405-8(119:1210-25)
>>Autism, petitions, 5776(93:1245)
>>Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 290-1(6:2325-30)
>>Budget 2005, 7406-7(119:1210-20)
>>>M. for approval (Goodale), 3946-7(64:1550-5), 3948(64:1600-5)
>>Budget surplus, 7407(119:1215), 7407-8(19:1225)
>>Canadian Forces, 2908-9(47:1155-205), 3946-7(64:1550-5)
>>>M. on supply (O'Connor), 641(13:1015), 647-8(13:1105), 657-61(13:1215-40), 664(13:1305), 693(13:1620)
>>>o.q., 33-4(3:1500), 96-7(4:1420), 182(5:1115-20), , 835(16:1445) 215(6:1420), 483(10:1415), 484(10:1420), 563(11:1445), 1229(22:1455-500), 1653(29:1445), 1730(30:1445), 1923(32:1445), 2385-6(40:1445), 2851(46:1500), 3098(50:1125), 3152(51:1430), 3695-6(60:1120), 4318(70:1130), 4817(78:1500), 5839(94:1825), 6234(102:1445), 6235(102:1450), 6286(103:1135), 6610(108:1145), 6661-2(109:1440), 6987-8(114:1445-50), 8011-2(125:1450-55), 8683(136:1455-500), 8914(140:1455), 9921(154:1445), 10165(158:1145)
>>>Petitions. 10048(156:1620)
>>>qu., 2857(46:1525), 4237(69:1010)
>>Canadian Forces Day, S.O. 31, 6603-4(108:1110)
>>Child care, 7406(119:1210)
>>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 4380-1(71:1545-50)
>>Conservative Party of Canada, 7405-6(119:1210)
>>Corporate income tax, 7406(119:1215)
>>Federal-provincial/territorial jurisdiction, 7406(119:1210)
>>Finance Standing Committee, House take note, M. (Valeri), 2908-9(47:1155-205)
>>Fiscal imbalance (intergovernmental), 7407(119:1215)
>>Food and Drugs Act (amdt.)(Bill C-28), 8545-7(134:1020-30)
>>Food safety, 8545-7(134:1020-30)
>>Gasoline prices, S.O. 31, 8434(132:1420)
>>Gasoline taxes, petition, 8335(130:1530)
>>Golden Horseshoe Greenbelt, 1927(32:1505)
>>Government, 7407(119:1215)
>>Income tax, 7406(119:1215)
>>Inflation, 3948(64:1600)
>>International conflicts, 657(13:1215)
>>Iraq, o.q., 3229(52:1440)
>>Marriage, 4380-1(71:1545-50)
>>>Petitions, 5776(92:1245)
>>Montréal-Mirabel International Airport, M. on supply (Harper), 1927-8(32:1505-20)
>>National Defence Department and Canadian Forces Ombudsman
>>>o.q., 7622(121:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 7087(115:1415)
>>National Missile Defence system (NMD)(United States), o.q., 3752(61:1420), 3829(62:1430), 3931(64:1420), 3984-5(65:1120), 4749(77:1500)
>>National Public Service Week, S.O. 31, 7533(120:1410)
>>Ottawa Talent Initiative, S.O. 31, 598(12:1405)
>>Property rights, 1927-8(32:1505-20)
>>>M-227 (Breitkreuz), 8422-3(131:1740-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 5019(81:1405)
>>Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act (Bill C-11), 8337-40(130:1550-1605)
>>Public Service, 8337-40(130:1550-1605)
>>Queensway-Carleton Hospital (Ottawa, ON), M. (Poilievre), 8874-5(139:1345-55)
>>References, maiden speech, 290(6:2325)
>>Remembrance Day/Veterans Week, statement by Minister (Graham), 9409(146:1515-20)
>>Remote sensing satellites, 8280(129:1245), 8281(129:1250-5)
>>Remote Sensing Space Systems Act (Bill C-25), 8280(129:1245), 8281(129:1250-5)
>>Senior citizens, S.O. 31, 7367(118:1100)
>>Suicide, petitions, 5776(93:1245)
>>Taxation, 7407(119:1215)
>>Terrorism, 9696(150:1920)
>>Tsunami (Asia, December 2004), 2909(47:1200)
>>>o.q., 2851(46:1500), 3152(51:1430)
>>Veterans, M-193 (Harrison), 4727-9(76:1740-5)
>>World War I, 9409(146:1515)
>>World War II, 9409(146:1515)
>>Year of the Veteran, 9409(146:1515)
O'Connor, Patrick see Income tax
Oda, Bev (CPC--Durham)
- >>Agriculture, 79-80(4:1230), 3058(49:1525), 3059(49:1535-40), 4052(66:1615),
>>Agri-food sector, 2969(48:1415)
>>Airports, o.q., 8560(134:1150)
>>Arab Women magazine, o.q., 1922(32:1440)
>>Arts/culture/heritage, 1439-41(25:1840-50)
>>>S.O. 31, 9863(154:1110)
>>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 6015-6(99:1520-5), 7355-6(117:2345-400), 7363(118:1035)
>>Automobiles/motor vehicles, M. on supply (Cullen, Nathan), 3637(59:1335)
>>Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada, S.O. 31, 390-1(55:1105)
>>Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 275(6:2145)
>>Broadcasting, 4404-5(71:1830-35)
>>Budget 2005, 4958-9(80:1555-1600), 6015-6(99:1520-5), 7355-6(117:2345-55)
>>>M. for approval (Goodale), 4052-3(66:1610-20)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43), 4958-9(80:1555-600)
>>Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS) Program, 4053(66:1615-20)
>>>M. on supply (Finley), 3058-9(49:1525-40)
>>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
>>>o.q., 2453(41:1450), 3103(50:1150), 5581-2(90:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 9863(154:1110)
>>Canadian Forces, 79(4:1225), 4053(66:1615)
>>Canadian Heritage Department, 80(4:1230)
>>>Estimates, Committee of the Whole consideration, 1439-41(25:1840-55), 1450(25:2000), 1458(25:2100)
>>Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), 80(4:1230-5)
>>>o.q., 387(8:1435), 680(13:1450)
>>Canadian Satellite Radio, o.q., 8855(139:1130)
>>Chair and Deputy Chair, rulings and statements, 1440(25:1845), 1450(25:2000), 1458(25:2100)
>>Child care, 4052(66:1610)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 3540-2(57:1700)
>>Child poverty, 10134(157:1710)
>>Chinese Canadians, 1335(24:1510), 3725-6(61:1105-15), 5188-9(84:1200)
>>Conservative Party of Canada, 10134(157:1705)
>>Copyright, o.q., 6288(103:1145), 7933(124:1500)
>>Corporate income tax, 4052(66:1610)
>>Crime, S.O. 31, 8852(139:1110)
>>Criminal Code and Cultural Property Export and Import Act (amdt.)(Bill S-37), 9900-2(154:1215-25)
>>Cultural property, 9900-2(154:1215-25)
>>Department of Canadian Heritage Act and Parks Canada Agency Act (amdt.)(Bill C-7), 792(15:1550)
>>Discrimination and racism
>>>o.q., 5653(91:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 5648(91:1420)
>>Education, post-secondary, 7355(117:2350)
>>Energy conservation/efficiency, 7356(117:2350), 7356(117:2400), 7363(118:1035)
>>Environment, 4053(66:1615)
>>Farmers, 6016(99:1525)
>>Film production, 1440-1(25:1850)
>>Finance Standing Committee, M. (Hill), 5463(88:1235)
>>Fiscal imbalance, 7355(117:2345)
>>Foreign Credential Recognition Program, M-195 (Dhalla), 6634-5(109:1115-20)
>>Forum for Young Canadians, S.O. 31, 4267-8(69:1415)
>>Gasoline prices, S.O. 31, 8092(126:1420)
>>Gasoline taxes, S.O. 31, 8092(126:1420)
>>General Motors of Canada Limited, o.q., 9919(154:1435), 9995(155:1430)
>>Golden Horseshoe Greenbelt, 8425-6(131:1800-5)
>>Government aircraft, o.q., 185(5:1140), 218(6:1435), 318(7:1445)
>>Government appointments, o.q., 387(8:1435)
>>Greece, S.O. 31, 4561(74:1410)
>>Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 4052(66:1610), 4958(80:1555-1600)
>>Health care, 80(4:1230)
>>>S.O. 31, 7368(118:1105)
>>Heritage Lighthouse Protection Act (Bill S-14), 5910(95:1855), 5916-7(95:1945-50)
>>House of Commons, M-228 (Lee), 7561-2(120:1730-5)
>>Housing, 7356(117:2400), 7363(118:1035)
>>Human Resources Development Department (Social Development) estimates, Committee of the Whole consideration, 6463-4(105:2105-10)
>>Iannuzzi, Daniel Andrew, S.O. 31, 1646(29:1405)
>>Immigrants of Chinese Origin Exclusionary Measures Recognition Act (Bill C-333), 1335(24:1510), 3725-6(61:1105-15), 5188-9(84:1200)
>>Immigration/immigrants, 6634(109:1115)
>>>o.q., 2027(34:1430)
>>Income tax, 4958(80:1555)
>>>M-273 (Côté), 8537-8(133:1755-800)
>>Infrastructure, 80(4:1230)
>>International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), 80(4:1235)
>>Liberal government (Martin), M. on supply (Harper), 10133-4(157:1700-10)
>>Lighthouses, 5910(95:1855), 5916-7(95:1945-50)
>>Milk, 4053(66:1620)
>>Municipalities, 4958(80:1555)
>>>S.O. 31, 1267(23:1100)
>>Oda, references, 79(4:1225), 7356(117:2400)
>>Offshore oil and gas revenue/royalties, 4959(80:1600)
>>Parks, Rosa, S.O. 31, 9017(141:1415)
>>Parliament, 7562(120:1735)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 1335(24:1510)
>>>Bills, Senate, Private Members' Public, 5910(95:1855)
>>Productivity, 4959(80:1600)
>>Property rights, M-227 (Breitkreuz), 8425-6(131:1800-5)
>>Public transit, 7356(117:2350)
>>>Japanese Canadian, first elected as Member of Parliament, 79(4:1225)
>>>Party membership, 7356(117:2400)
>>Science and technology, 80(4:1235)
>>Sikhs, o.q., 5653(91:1450)
>>Slaughterhouses (abattoirs), 4053(66:1620)
>>Sponsorship program, 10134(157:1705)
>>Supply management, M. on supply (Bellavance), 9979-80(155:1300)
>>Tax havens, 8537-8(133:1755-1800)
>>Tax reductions, 4052(66:1610)
>>Telecommunications Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 8745-7(137:1710-20)
>>Telemarketing, 8745-7(137:1710-20)
>>Telefilm Canada, 2649(44:1310)
>>Telefilm Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-18), 2649-50(44:1310-15)
>>Television stations/networks
>>>o.q., 489(10:1450), 9870(153:1155)
>>>S.O. 31, 9735(151:1415)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Silva), 79-80(4:1225-35)
>>Uxbridge, ON, S.O. 31, 8321(130:1405)
>>Veterans, S.O. 31, 9399-400(146:1415)
>>War memorials, M-190 (Savoy), 3854-5(62:1800)
>>Wheat, 3059(49:1525)
Odoevsk see Fisheries--Atlantic, Grand Banks
O'Donovan, Val
Founder, ComDev, Cambridge, ON firm, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 3269-70(53:1410)
l'Odyssée primary school
Lévis, QC, concert, environmental public awareness, recognizing, S.O. 31,
OECD see Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Offenders see Criminals/offenders
Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Estimates, 2005-2006, main see Environment and Sustainable Development
Standing Committee--Reports, Sixth
Office of Petroleum Price Information see Oil and oil products--Price increases
Office of the Science Advisor see Science and Technology
Officers of Parliament
Answerable to Parliament directly, 5616(90:1850)
>>Appointment/reporting process, Conservative Party position, 4855(79:1220)
>>>House of Commons review and approval, 4864(79:1325), 9649(150:1330)
>>>Prime Minister appointing, 9671(150:1605)
>>Competence, abilities, 7439(119:1555)
>>Funding mechanism, improvements, proposals, 5845(95:1005),
7435-7(119:1525-40), 7437-9(119:1545-55)
>>>See also Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics Standing
Committee--Reports, Fourth
>>>Independence, 7435-6(119:1525-30), 7438-9(119:1550-5)
>>Honorary see Corbett, William--References
>>See also Access to Information Act--Crown corporations, officers of
Auditor General of Canada;
Chief Electoral Officer;
Ethics Commissioner;
Information Commissioner;
Privacy Commissioner;
Official Languages Commissioner
Official Languages Act
Audit reports under, President, Public Service Human Resources Management
Agency of Canada, providing to Official Languages Commissioner, 794(15:1600),
797(15:1625), 799-800(15:1640), 842(16:1525), 3473(56:1740), 3476(56:1800),
>>Conservative Party position, 3476(56:1810)
>>Effectiveness, improvement, 3670(59:1715)
>>Enforcement/implementation/co-ordination, 9210(143:1745-50)
>>>Federal government failure, 3477-8(56:1815), 4850(79:1135-40)
>>>Ministers responsible for, 802(15:1700), 3477(56:1810-5)
>>History, 4851(79:1145)
>>Parliamentary review proposal, 8375(131:1150)
>>Part VII, 9843(152:1725-30), 9844(152:1735-40), 9845(152:1745),
9846(152:1750), 9848(152:1810)
>>>Executory/declaratory, 3671-2(59:1730-5), 3675-6(59:1755-805),
4847(79:1115), 9210-1(143:1745-50)
>>>>Appeals to courts for remedies, 3670(59:1720), 3672(59:1735),
3673(59:1745), 3675(59:1755), 3676(59:1805), 4845(79:1100), 4847(79:1115),
4848-9(79:1125-30), 4850(79:1135), 9211-2(143:1750-800), 9213(143:1810)
>>>>Forum des maires de la Péninsule acadienne case, Canadian Food Inspection
Agency (CFIA) motion to appeal to Supreme Court, 9213-4(143:1810)
>>>>>Cotler, Justice Minister, position, o.q., 1009-10(19:1450-5)
>>>Implementation by federal government institutions,
3670-1(59:1715-25), 3672(59:1735), 3673(59:1745), 4845(79:1105),
4847-8(79:1120-5), 9209-10(143:1735-40),
9211-2(143:1750-5), 9214(143:1810),
>>Powers and jurisdiction of provinces, federal government respecting,
9213-4(143:1810), 9215(143:1825)
>>Section 41, 9209(143:1735-40), 9210(143:1750)
>>>Justiciable, 4847(79:1115), 4848(79:1125), 9211(143:1750), 9214(143:1815),
9843(152:1730), 9845(152:1745), 9848(152:1810)
>>>Provisions, infringing on provincial jurisdiction, 3674(59:1745),
4847(79:1115), 4848(79:1130), 4850(79:1135)
>>>Regulations, obligation to carry out, 3670(59:1715-20), 3672(59:1735),
3677(59:1805), 4848(79:1125), 9211(143:1750)
>>Section 43, equal status of both languages, Canadian Heritage Minister
taking appropriate measures, 3672-5(59:1735-55), 3677(59:1805),
4845-6(79:1105-10), 4847-8(79:1120-5), 9209-10(143:1735-45), 9210(143:1750)
>>Strengthening, Official Languages Commissioner recommendations,
3670-1(59:1720-5), 9210(143:1750)
>>Treasury Board Secretariat, compliance, 800-2(15:1645-55)
>>See also Air Canada;
Financial Administration Act, the Canada School of Public Service Act and the
Official Languages Act (amdt.)(Bill C-8)
Official Languages Act (amdt.--promotion of English and French)(Bill
First reading, 1014(19:1525)
>>Second reading, 3669-77(59:1715-810), 4845-52(79:1100-200), agreed to, on
recorded division, 5032-3(81:1835-50)
>>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on the Order Paper, 3677(59:1815)
>>Official Languages Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 5032-3(81:1835-50)
>>>Reported, with an amdt., 8862(139:1200)
>>Report stage, concurrence, on division, 9208(143:1730)
>>Third reading, 9208-16(143:1730-830), 9841-8(152:1715-810), agreed to, on
division, 9848(152:1810), passed.
>>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on the Order Paper, 9216(143:1830)
>>Royal Assent, 10135(157:1715)
>>See also Official languages policy (bilingualism)--Official languages
minority communities
Official Languages Action Plan see Official languages policy (bilingualism)
Official Languages Commissioner see Commissioner of Official Languages; Official Languages Act--Strengthening;; Official languages policy (bilingualism)--Official Languages Action Plan
Official Languages in Education Program see Education
Official languages policy (bilingualism)
Canada's Linguistic Duality: A Framework to Manage the Official Languages
Program, tabled, 9147(143:1000)
>>Clarence-Rockland, ON, community signage bylaw, Ottawa Citizen
portraying as "hiring language police" and "French Revolution",
condemning, 3671(59:1725)
>>>S.O. 31, 3269(53:1410)
>>Conservative Party position, 3676(59:1800), 9215-6(143:1825), 9845(152:1745)
>>>S.O. 31, 95(4:1415)
>>Equal status, French and English, 9214-5(143:1820)
>>>Quebec, 4848(79:1125)
>>Government commitment, 9844(152:1735)
>>Official Languages Action Plan, 3677-8(59:1805-10), 9842(152:1715),
>>>Accountability and coordination framework, 9844(152:1740)
>>>Anglophone/francophone rights, differences, 3673(59:1740)
>>>Delays, o.q., 562-3(11:1445)
>>>Effectiveness, 9845(152:1745-50)
>>>Funding, $751 million, 3676(59:1800), 4846(79:1110)
>>>>Additional, extending, o.q., 9819(152:1440)
>>>Government commitment, Throne speech statement, 11(2:1630), 531(11:1110),
>>>>Financial commitment, Official Languages Commissioner concern,
>>>>o.q., 835(16:1445)
>>>>Review of the implementation of the Action Plan for Official Languages,
tabled, 9147(143:1000)
>>>>>o.q., 9531(148:1155-200)
>>>o.q., 3992(65:1155-200)
>>Official languages minority communities (francophones outside Quebec,
anglophones inside Quebec)
>>>Advancement, federal-provincial partnership, 4845(79:1105)
>>>Asymmetry of needs, non-recognition, 3673(59:1740), 4848(79:1125-30)
>>>Bloc Québécois support, 802-3(15:1705), 9212-3(143:1755-800),
9841(152:1715), 9846(152:1755)
>>>Court cases, federal government opposing, Marie-Claire Poulin New Brunswick
case, etc., 9847(152:1755)
>>>Development/promotion, 194(5:1235), 1471(25:2235), 3671(59:1725),
3675(59:1755), 4094(67:1215)
>>>>New Democratic Party, support, 878-9(17:1115), 881-2(17:1130-40)
>>>Education rights, 4846(79:1105-10), 9215(143:1820)
>>>Fundamental principles, 4845(79:1105)
>>>Historical treatment, French language education prohibited, Nova Scotia,
Ontario, 9847(152:1800), 9848(152:1810)
>>>Improvements, legislation, Bill S-3, 4846(79:1110), 4851(79:1145),
5529(89:1720-5), 9843-4(152:1725-35), 9845(152:1745-50), 9847-8(152:1755-810)
>>>>Bloc Québécois opposing, 4851(79:1145), 4852(79:1155), 9212(143:1755),
9842(152:1715-20), 9844(152:1740), 9846(152:1750-5), 9848(152:1805)
>>>>Committee amendments, 9209(143:1735), 9844-5(152:1735-44)
>>>>Conservative Party position, 9211(143:1755), 9845(152:1745-50)
>>>>Court cases, federal government opposing, 9843(152:1725-30)
>>>>Federal institutions, restricting to, 9842(152:1715-20), 9843(152:1730)
>>>>Federal-provincial/territorial jurisdiction, relationship, 9209(143:1735),
9211(143:1755), 9844(152:1740), 9845(152:1745-50), 9846(152:1750)
>>>>Gauthier, Hon. Senator Jean-Robert role, 3670(59:1715), 3673(59:1745),
3677(59:1805), 4845(79:1100), 4848(79:1125), 4852(79:1155), 9208(143:1730),
9210(143:1745), 9213-4(143:1810-5)
>>>>Goyer, Sébastien, drafting role, 3671(59:1725)
>>>>History, 3672-3(59:1735-40), 3677(59:1805), 4845(79:1100-5), 4848(79:1125)
>>>>Implementation date, o.q., 10213(159:1500)
>>>>Labour unions, relationship, 9842(152:1720), 9843(152:1730)
>>>>New Democratic Party position, 9214(143:1810)
>>>>Official Languages Commissioner support, 4851(79:1140-5), 4852(79:1155)
>>>>Opposition delaying, o.q., 5333(86:1500-5), 5456(88:1145-50),6085(100:1500)
>>>>o.q., 8145(127:1440-5)
>>>>Quebec impact, not applying to, 9842(152:1715-20), 9844(152:1740),
>>>>See also Official Languages Act (amdt.--promotion of English and
French)(Bill S-3)
>>>Justice system rights, Manitoba, New Democratic Party attorney general
Roland Penner role, 9846-7(152:1755)
>>>See also Gauthier, Hon. Senator Jean-Robert;
Quebec separation/sovereignty--Minority language rights
>>Opposed to general principles of Charter of the French Language,
>>Second Language Evaluation Test, pass and failure rate, 1990 to present,
r.o., 2863(46:1525)
>>See also Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)--Inspectors;
Child care--National program, Both official languages;
Embassies and consulates;
Film production--French language youth and animation series;
House of Commons proceedings;
National Defence Department--Civilian employees;
Public Service--Employment opportunities/postings, Internet postings;
Tlicho Land Claims and Self-Government Agreement--Languages
Official Languages Standing Committee
Bills referred: Official Languages Act (amdt.--promotion of English and
French)(Bill S-3)
>>Establishment, 4853(79:1205)
>>Reports, presented
>>>First (Official Languages Standing Committee, 37th Parl., 3rd Sess., third
report, Impact of the Plan to Strengthen Management of Government of Canada
Advertising on the Official-Language Minority Media), 1012(19:1515)
>>>Third (Settlement of Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) labour
dispute), 8334(130:1525)
>>>Fourth (Official Languages Act (amdt.--promotion of English and French)(Bill
S-3), 8862(139:1200)
>>>Fifth (Supplementary estimates (A), 2005-2006, Commissioner of Official
Languages), 10044(156:1515)
>>Travel, authorization
>>>M. (Bélanger), agreed to, 4330(70:1250)
>>>M. (Redman), agreed to, 5343(86:1625), 7831-2(123:1640)
Official opposition see Conservative Party
Offshore oil and gas exploration
Start-up costs, recovery, etc., 1194(22:1040)
Offshore oil and gas projects see Nova Scotia--Economic and employment growth
Offshore oil and gas revenue/royalties
Canada-Nova Scotia 1987 offshore accord, 1207(22:1225), 1298(22:1230)
>>Newfoundland and Labrador (Hibernia offshore project) and Nova Scotia,
provincial revenues/royalties, retaining 100%, no federal clawback, Liberal
government (Martin) June 5, 2004 and June 27, 2004 pledge, 111(4:1600),
897-8(17:1345), 911(17:1505), 926(17:1700), 1192(22:1025), 1197(22:1100),
1203(22:1150), 1206(22:1215), 1207-10(22:1220-45), 1211-3(22:1250-310),
1214-8(22:1315-50), 1232(22:1520-5), 1233-8(22:1530-610), 1239(22:1615),
1240(22:1620), 1241(22:1625-30), 1242-5(22:1635-55), 1246-8(22:1700-20),
1249-52(22:1725-40), 1252-5(22:1750-815), 2010(34:1235), 2043-4(34:1605-10),
2045(34:1620), 2045-6(34:1625), 2048(34:1645), 2050-1(34:1700-5),
2052(34:1715), 2054(34:1730-5), 2982(48:1530-5), 4428(72:1225), 4431(72:1250),
4434(72:1310), 4437(72:1325-30), 4454-5(72:1515-20), 4455-6(72:1530),
4457(72:1535), 4461(72:1605), 4463(72:1625), 4464(72:1630), 4465-6(72:1640),
4931-2(80:1245-50), 10131(157:1645)
>>>1984 proposed agreement, Newfoundland and Labrador rejecting,
>>>Agreement, January 28, 2005 (Atlantic Accord), 1212(22:1305), 2876(46:1655),
2880-1(46:1725-40), 2887(46:1815), 2911(47:1215), 2980(48:1520),
2981(48:1525), 2984(48:1550), 2985(48:1555), 2987(48:1605-10), 2988(48:1620),
3201(52:1125), 3430-1(56:1220-5), 3442-3(56:1345-50), 3918(64:1255),
4079(67:1040), 4083(67:1110), 4955(80:1535), 5469-70(88:1320), 5561(90:1145),
>>>>Bloc Québécois opposing, 5980(99:1110), 6340(104:1515)
>>>>Conservative Party-Bloc Québécois alliance undermining, 6538(107:1215)
>>>>>S.O. 31, 5962(98:1115)
>>>>Conservative Party delaying passage, 5522(89:1630), 6057(100:1145),
6344-5(104:1530-5), 6347-8(104:1555-1600),
>>>>>S.O. 31, 5648(91:1420)
>>>>Inclusion in Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43), removal, making
stand-alone bill, 4915-6(80:1050-5), 4933-4(80:1305-15), 4935(80:1320),
4959(80:1600), 5042(81:1700), 5051(81:1755), 5114(82:1535), 5442(88:1010-20),
5446(88:1045), 5447(88:1050), 5522(89:16430), 5751-2(92:1845-55),
5858(95:1210), 5861(95:1235), 5891-2(95:1600-5), 5900(95:1705), 5943(96:1700),
5958(98:1015), 5976(98:1235), 5979-80(99:1105-10), 6023-4(99:1615),
6056-7(100:1145), 6066-7(100:1255-1300), 6147(101:1710), 6340-1(104:1510-20),
6348(104:1600), 6349(104:1605), 6351-2(104:1625-30), 6354-5(104:1655-1700),
6356(104:1705-10), 6363(104:1800), 6363-4(104:1810-5), 6365-6(104:1820-30),
6548(107:1320), 6549(107:1330-5), 7521(120:1245), 7633(121:1610)
>>>>>o.q., 4600-700(76:1415-20), 4743(77:1425), 4949-50(80:1455),
5286(85:1455), 5509(89:1445-50), 5881(95:1450), 6010-1(99:1450),
>>>>>S.O. 31, 4808(78:1400), 6077(100:1410)
>>>>>See also Budget 2005--Legislation
>>>>Legislation, requesting, o.q., 4040(66:1450)
>>>>Legislation, speedy passage, 4750(77:1505)
>>>>>Liberal dominated Senate delaying, o.q., 7716-7(122:1415-20)
>>>>>o.q., 4743(77:1425)
>>>>New Democratic Party position, 6351(104:1625-30)
>>>>o.q., 2849(46:1435), 3448(56:1420-5)
>>>>S.O. 31, 3046(49:1410)
>>>>See also Budget 2005--Legislation, Splitting Bill C-43;
Equalization payments--Saskatchewan;
Fiscal imbalance
>>>Agreements, ongoing negotiations, 1197-9(22:1110-5)
>>>>Newfoundland and Labrador excluded, o.q., 1003(19:1415-20)
>>>>o.q., 950(18:1115-20), 952(18:1130), 1078(20:1420), 1153-4(21:1425-30),
1227(22:1445), 1270(23:1115)
>>>>Separate negotiations, Newfoundland and Labrador and Nova Scotia
rejecting, 1193(22:1030)
>>>>S.O. 31, 2445(41:1400)
>>>Alberta, comparison, 1193(22:1030), 1235-6(22:1550-5), 1237(22:1600),
1244-5(2:1650-5), 1246(22:1700), 4454-5(72:1520)
>>>Bloc Quebecois position, 1427(25:1625-700), 6340(104:1515)
>>>Conservative Party of Canada position, 1192(22:1025), 1194(22:1040),
1249-50(22:1725-35), 1255(22:1805-10), 2010(34:1235), 2057(34:1750-5),
3442(56:1350), 6202(102:1050), 6340(104:1510), 6341-2(104:1520),
6342-3(104:1525-30), 6358-9(104:1730), 6362-3(104:1800)
>>>Discriminatory, inequity, preferential treatment of oil and gas revenues,
etc., 1200-1(22:1125-35), 1202-3(22:1140-50),
>>>Efford, Natural Resources Minister position, 1199(22:1120-5),
1207(22:1220-5), 1214-5(22:1320-30)
>>>Equalization payments, revenue cap, relationship, 816-7(15:1910-20),
880(17:1120), 897(17:1345), 912-3(17:1520-5), 1186(21:1845-50),
1193(22:1035), 2008(34:1220-5), 2009-11(34:1230-40), 2013(34:1255),
2019-20(34:1340-5), 2980(48:1520), 3091(50:1040)
>>>>o.q., 780-2(15:1415-30), 830-1(16:1420), 835(16:1445), 902(17:1415),
1003(19:1420), 1008(19:1445)
>>>Federal government offer, four components, 1195(22:1050), 1196-7(22:1100)
>>>Fiscal imbalance (intergovernmental), relationship, 4418(72:1110-5)
>>>Formula, 1199(22:1120)
>>>Hamm, Nova Scotia Premier position, 1195(22:1045)
>>>Implementing, 866-8(16:1840-50), 1185-6(21:1840-50), 1434-5(25:1815-25)
>>>>o.q., 681(13:1455-500), 719-20(14:1115), 781-2(15:1430), 907(17:1445),
904(17:1425), 1003(19:1415), 1077-8(20:1415-20), 2612(43:1150-5),
2659(44:1415), 2762(45:1420)
>>>Kyoto Protocol, relationship, 2985(48:1600)
>>>Limits, eight year term, not exceeding fiscal capacity of Ontario in any
given year, 1192-5(22:1025-45), 1197(22:1100-5),
1213(22:1305-10), 1214(22:1315), 1238(22:1605), 1239(22:1615), 1240(22:1620),
1246(22:1700), 1255(22:1810)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 1192-218(22:1025-355), 1230-56(22:1510-815),
negatived, on recorded division, 1362-4(24:1825)
>>>New Democratic Party position, 1203-5(22:1155-205), 1206-7(22:1215-20)
>>>Nova Scotia issues, negotiations, progress, etc., 1239(22:1615),
1240(22:1620), 1241(22:1625-30), 1242-4(22:1635-50), 1245-6(22:1700),
1247-8(22:1705-15), 1253-4(22:1755-800),
4455-6(72:1530), 6349(104:1610)
>>>>o.q., 954(18:1140), 2025(34:1415)
>>>Ocean Ranger disaster, comparison, 1207(22:1220), 1208(22:1230)
>>>Quebec treatment, comparison, o.q., 1597(28:1125)
>>>Regan, Fisheries and Oceans Minister position, 1195(22:1045)
>>>Sable Island project, applying to only, o.q., 834-5(16:1440),
>>>S.O. 31, 482(10:1410), 829(16:1410), 900(17:1405)
>>>Technical issues, language of motion factor, 1196(22:1055),
1205-6(22:1210), 1208(22:1230), 1210(22:1245), 1246(22:1705)
>>>Unimportant issue, Boudria statement, o.q., 950(18:1120)
>>>Williams, Danny, Newfoundland and Labrador Premier, lying and will pay
later for comments, Prime Minister Officer Director of Communications Scott
Reid statement, 883-4(17:1150-5)
>>>>o.q., 902(17:1415), 904(17:1425). 906(17:1440), 950(18:1120),
>>See also Equalization payments--Saskatchewan
Ogema, SK
2005 Communities in Bloom, Canada Lands Company Sustainable Development
Award recipient, S.O. 31, 9319(145:1405)
Ogilvy Renault law firm see Sponsorship program, Gomery Inquiry Commission
O'Hara, Linna see Volunteers
Ohsweken, ON see Child care--Stoneridge Children's Centre
Oikiqtani Inuit Association
Anniversary, 30th, history, S.O. 31, 8852(139:1115)
Oil and gas exploration
Alaska, activities in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, impact on porcupine
caribou herd, Canada position, 8983(140:2320), 9085(141:2255), 9087(141:2305),
>>>o.q., 4497-8(73:1500)
>>Ocean Ranger, Mobil Oil offshore oil drilling rig, February 15, 1982
sinking, 84 fatalities
>>>Anniversary, tribute, S.O. 31, 3564(58:1415)
>>>See also Offshore oil and gas revenues/royalties--Newfoundland and Labrador
(Hibernia offshore project) and Nova Scotia
>>See also White Bear First Nation--Tri Link Resources Ltd.
Oil and gas industry
Alberta oil sands
>>>Chinese government purchase, National Energy Program 2 (NEP2),
>>>>o.q., 2527(42:1455)
>>>Employment requirements, immigration role, 6180-2(101:2145-200)
>>>See also Fort McKay First Nation
>>Atlantic provinces offshore resources
>>>Economic benefits, not provided to Atlantic provinces, 1208(22:1225)
>>>Federal government corporate income tax revenues, 1205(22:1205)
>>Corporate income tax, 9302(145:1145-50)
>>>See also Oil and gas industry--Atlantic provinces offshore resources
>>Government subsidies, 8062(125:2025-30)
>>>Eliminating, 2835(46:1310)
>>Greenhouse emissions reduction, Kyoto Accord
>>>Expense, tax deduction, o.q., 3226(52:1425)
>>>Government measures favouring industry, 7663(121:2105-10)
>>>Impact, 176(5:1045), 177(5:1050)
>>Hibernia offshore oil field
>>>Canada Hibernia Holding Corporation, 8.5% of shares, sale, o.q.,
>>>Federal government funding, 519(10:1825)
>>>See also Offshore oil and gas revenue/royalties--Newfoundland and Labrador;
Oil and gas exploration--Ocean Ranger
>>Infrastructure, government investment, lack, 5311(85:1825)
>>Mandatory fuel efficiency standards, o.q., 8097(126:1445-50)
>>Offshore exploration
>>>British Columbia, moratorium, 1216(22:1335)
>>>Hecate Strait/Haida Gwaii, British Columbia, moratorium, lifting,
environmental and fisheries impact, 1051(21:1105), 4661-2(75:1850-1900)
>>>First Nations position, 4661-2(75:1850-55)
>>>o.q., 1652-3(29:1445), 3569-70(58:1450-55)
>>Oil handling facility, Port of Saguenay, QC, development, economic benefits,
etc., S.O. 31, 9860-1(153:1100)
>>Profits, 3413-4(55:1330-40), 5308(85:1805), 5312(85:1830), 8047(125:1830),
8048(125:1835), 8049(125:1845), 8051(125:1900), 8053(125:1915),
8060(125:2005-10), 8061(125:2015-20), 8062(125:2025), 8063(125:2040),
8065(125:2055), 8069(125:2125), 8071(125:2140), 8075(125:2210),
8076(125:2215), 8077(125:2220), 8084(125:2305), 8084(125:2315),
8088(125:2340-5), 8089(125:2350), 9120-1(142:1625-35), 9124(142:1650),
9127(142:1710), 9288-9(145:1010-5), 9290-1(145:1025), 9300-1(145:1140),
9313(145:1320), 9314(145:1325-30), 9316-7(145:1345-50), 9332(145:1525-30)
>>>$500 million surtax, imposing, 8048(125:1835), 8050(125:1850)
>>>>o.q., 8094(126:1430), 8144(127:1435-40), 8272(129:1150), 8436(132:1430),
>>>Increase, price increases, o.q., 8094(126:1430), 8509-10(133:1435)
>>>See also Energy prices--Low-income seniors, Funding
>>Refining capacity, 9298(145:1120)
>>>See also Energy prices--Increase
>>Saskatchewan, heavy oil resources, developing, 4422(72:1145)
>>Tax reduction, 2888(46:1820), 2955(47:1720), 3413-4(55:1330-5),
>>>Government supporting industry, o.q., 834(16:1440), 8094(126:1430)
>>>See also Oil and gas industry--Greenhouse emissions
>>See also Fossil fuel industry;
Marine transportation;
Mines/mining industry--Greenhouse gas emissions reduction;
Terasen Gas
Oil and gas pipelines see Mackenzie Valley pipeline
Oil and gas products
Exports to China, greenhouse gas emissions/environmental impact, o.q.,
>>See also Gasoline;
Gasoline prices;
Gasoline taxes;
Home heating fuel;
Natural gas
Oil and gas revenues
First Nations jurisdiction and control/self-government, 621(12:1630-5),
8491(133:1215), 8493-4(133:1235-45), 8495-6(133:1250-5), 8497-8(133:1305-10),
8499(133:1325-30), 8516-7(133:1510-20), 8525(133:1620), 9467-8(147:1255-1305),
>>>Aboriginal and treaty rights, relationship, 8491(133:1220)
>>>>Historical background, Crowfoot role, 8499-501(133:1330-45)
>>>Agreements, ratification timetable, 8498-9(133:1325)
>>>Crown land availability, impact, 9469(147:1315)
>>>Crown liability, protection, 8519(133:1530), 8520(133:1535)
>>>Desnethé--Missinippi--Churchill River constituency, impact,
>>>Environmental protection, 8520(133:1535), 9468(147:1300)
>>>Expropriation provisions, 8520(133:1535-45)
>>>Financial management aspects, 8491-2(133:1220), 8495(133:1250),
8498(133:1310), 8419(133:1530), 8521(133:1545), 8522(133:1550-5),
8523-4(133:1605-10), 9468(147:1300-5), 9471(147:1330), 9472-3(147:1335-40),
9473(147:1345), 9474(147:1350-5)
>>>Legislation, First Nations Oil and Gas and Moneys Management Act (Bill C-54)
>>>>Conservative Party of Canada position, 8495(133:1250), 8518(133:1520),
>>>>New Democratic Party position, 8499(133:1330), 8502(133:1350)
>>>Northern Canada, impact, 8521(133:1545-50)
>>>Optional participation, 8491-2(133:1220), 8495(133:1250), 8496(133:1255),
8498(133:1320), 8517(133:1515), 8518(133:1525), 8519(133:1535),
8521(133:1545), 8523(133:1605), 9471(147:1330)
>>>Procedural protections, 8518-9(133:1525-30)
>>>Quebec, impact, 8522-3(133:1600)
>>>White Bear First Nation, Blood Tribe and Siksika First Nation pilot
project, 8491(133:1215), 8492(133:1220-5),
8497(133:1310), 8501(133:1345),
8521(133:1545), 8523(133:1605), 8524-5(133:1610-5), 9467(133:1255-1300),
>>Saskatchewan, retaining 100%, government commitment, o.q., 954(18:1140-5)
>>See also Offshore oil and gas revenue/royalties
Oil and oil products
Price increases
>>>Canadian impact, 2898(47:1040), 8073-4(125:2200)
>>>Controlling/monitoring, creating petroleum monitoring agency,
9113(142:1535), 9118(142:1605), 9119(142:1615-20), 9290(145:1010-5),
9292-3(145:1040), 9301(145:1140), 9304(145:1200), 9312(145:1310)
>>>>o.q., 435-6(9:1150), 723(14:1135)
>>>Dollar exchange rate impact, 8073(125:2200)
>>Price subsidy, 8047(125:1830)
>>See also Energy prices;
Gasoline prices;
Home heating fuel
Oil for food program see Iraq
Oil sands see Employment--Foreign workers; Energy--Infrastructure; Oil and gas industry--Alberta oil sands
Oil spills
Exxon Valdez, Alaska disaster, environmental impact, 1051(20:1105)
>>Tecam Sea, prosecution, migratory birds, protection, 1051(20:1100)
>>Terra Nova, rig, cleanup, environmental impact
>>>Canadian Coast Guard role, qu., 5162-3(83:1215)
>>>o.q., 2108(35:1440-5)
>>West coast, preventative measures, o.q., 2108(35:1440-5)
>>See also Migratory Bird--Ships; Migratory Birds Convention
Act, 1994 and the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (amdt.)(Bill
C-15); Oceans--Ships; Water pollution
Oil tankers see Marine transportation
Okanagan--Shuswap constituency see Stinson--References
Oktoberfest, Kitchener-Waterloo ON
Recognizing, S.O. 31, 8504(133:1405)
Old Age Security (amdt.--monthly guaranteed income supplement)(Bill
C-301)--Gagnon, M.
First reading, 2034(34:1505)
>>Second reading, 8881-9(140:1100-1200), 9882-9(153:1320-89), agreed to on
recorded division, 10058-9(156:1805)
>>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on the Order Paper,
>>Human Resources, Skills Development, Social Development and Status of
Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 10059(156:1805)
>>See also Guaranteed Income Supplement
Old Age Security (OAS)
Budget 2005 measure, 6448(105:1915), 7351(117:2320)
>>De-indexation, Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney) proposal,
>>Equitable, petitions, 9590(149:1510)
>>Increase, inadequate, 2887(46:1820), 4921(80:1130)
>>Indexation, lack, 2938(47:1510), 2939(47:1520-5)
>>International bilateral agreements, reduction of 10 year residency
requirement, r.o., 5352(86:1725)
>>Pension Ombudsman Office, establishing, 2669(44:1520)
>>>See also Pension Ombudsman Act (Bill C-320)
>>Unpaid liability, 7494(119:2315)
>>See also Guaranteed Income Supplement
Old Port of Montreal Corporation Inc.
>>>1994-2004, criteria, qu., 5535(89:1805)
>>>Specified companies, r.o., 5535(89:1810)
>>Dividends, 2004-2005, qu., 5535(89:1805)
Older Adult Justice Act (Bill C-348)--St. Amand
First reading, 4374(71:1515)
>>See also Canadian Older Adult Justice Agency;
Elderly persons--Abuse;
Ombudsman for Older Adult Justice
Older workers
Layoffs, job loss, globalization, income support measures, 6863(112:1015),
6865(112:1040), 6866-7(112:1045-50), 6872-3(112:1135-40),
6874-6(112:1150-1200), 6879-84(112:1230-1310),
6888-90(112:1340-55), 6903(112:1510), 6906-8(112:1535-45),
6909(112:1555-1600), 6910-1(112:1605-10),
>>>Conservative Party of Canada position, 6874(112:1145-50)
>>>Eligibility, age requirement/years of service, 6866(112:1040-5)
>>>Liberal Party position, 6874(112:1150)
>>>New Brunswick, 50-plus program, comparison, 6886(112:1325-30)
>>>o.q., 8012(125:1500), 8560(134:1150), 9104(142:1440)
>>>Petition, 8614(135:1505)
>>>Stronach, Human Resources and Skills Development Minister, remarks,
6864(112:1030), 6914(112:1635)
>>>Training programs, 6864(112:1020-5), 6865(112:1035-40), 6867(112:1050),
6869-70(112:1110), 6876(112:1200-5), 6883(112:1255), 6889(112:1345-50),
6907(112:1545), 6915(112:1635), 6916(112:1645-50), 6919(112:1705)
>>>>Community-based programs, fisheries, mining, softwood lumber sectors,
examples, 6872(112:1130-5)
>>>See also Abitibi-Consolidated Inc.--La Baie, QC
>>Unemployment rate, 6863(112:1020), 6863(112:1055), 6883(112:1300),
6887(112:1335), 6907(112:1540), 6911(112:1610), 6915(112:1635)
>>See also Program for Older Worker Adjustment (POWA)
Older Workers Pilot Projects Initiative
Background, timeline extended, 6867(112:1050), 6884(112:1305-10),
6911(112:1610), 6915(112:1635)
O'Leary, Terrie see Government contracts--Earnscliffe
Oleic canola see Trans fats (trans fatty acids)
Oliver, Cecil
Natural Resources Department employee, 60th year of public service, tribute,
S.O. 31, 6978(114:1355)
Olivier Soapery
Environmentally friendly products, tourism industry role, etc., S.O. 31,
Olsen, Mackenzie.
Hurler-Schele Syndrome sufferer, treatment, medication expense not covered
by health care, 5512(89:1505)
>>>o.q., 5511(89:1500)
Olympics see Canadian Olympic Committee; Special Olympics; Sports--Amateur athletes
Olympics and Paralympics 2004 Summer Games (Athens, Greece)
Canadian Olympic/Paralympic team, accomplishments, honouring, S.O. 31,
24(3:1405), 211(6:1400), 1075(20:1400)
>>>Presence in Chamber, Committee of the Whole House recognizing,
>>Banville, Melanie, gymnast, recognizing, S.O. 31, 946(18:1055)
>>Cote, Kirby, achievements, recognizing, S.O. 31, 178(5:1100)
>>Felicien, Perdita, achievements, recognizing, S.O. 31, 827(16:1405)
>>>Beaudoin, André, recognizing, S.O. 31, 1001(19:1410)
>>>Campo, Danielle, recognizing, S.O. 31, 1002(19:1410)
>>>Gotell, Chelsey, recognizing, S.O. 31, 1000-1(19:1405)
>>>Peers, Danielle, and Ross Morton, recognizing, S.O. 31, 829-30(16:1415)
>>>Petitclerc, Chantal, recognizing, S.O. 31, 2200-1(37:1410)
>>>Tributes, S.O. 31, 1000-2(19:1405-10)
>>>See also Gosselin, Joyce
Olympics and Paralympics 2010 Winter Games (Vancouver-Whistler, Canada)
Canadian team
>>>Elite athlete preparation, 1451-2(25:2015-35)
>>>Success, S.O. 31, 3043-4(49:1400)
>>Election, impact, o.q., 10160(158:1115)
>>Federal government assistance, 2712(44:2020)
>>Five year countdown, February 2005, S.O. 31, 3750(61:1405)
>>Physical activity and sports, interest in, increasing, 1451-2(25:2000-5)
>>Support for executive, board of directors, enthusiasm, S.O. 31, 830(16:1415)
Tax convention with Canada see Income tax--Double taxation
OMB see United States--Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
Ombudsman for Older Adult Justice
Establishing, 4374(71:1515)
>>See also Older Adult Justice Act (Bill C-348)
Ombudsmen see Credit ombudsman; First Nations/Indians; National Defence and Canadian Forces Ombudsman; Ombudsman for Older Adult Justice; Victims of crime
Omischl, Steve see Skiing
Omnibus command and control project see Canadian Forces
One tonne challenge see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing
"One tonne gum challenge" see Royal Canadian Mint--Dingwall, Resignation, severance
O'Neil, Juliet, see Arar, Maher--United States arrest and deportation of Canadian citizen to Syria
O'Neil, Tim see Budget surplus--Projections
Liberal government (McGuinty) financial difficulties, 4430(72:1240)
>>McGuinty, Dalton, Premier
>>>Martin, Right Hon. Paul, Prime Minister, meeting with, o.q., 4943(80:1415)
>>>See also Fiscal imbalance (Intergovernmental)--Ontario gap;
Martin, Right Hon. Paul--References
>>New Democratic Party government (Rae), criticism, Rae days, etc.,
7449(119:1745), 7515(120:1155), 7519(120:1230), 7529(120:1340)
>>Progressive Conservative government (Harris/Eaves)
>>>Budget deficit, 4429-30(72:1235-40), 7354(117:2340)
>>>Common Sense Revolution, 7354(117:2340), 7356(117:2400)
>>>Fiscal responsibility, 7341(117:22005)
>>>Public services, privatization, Progressive Conservative government
(Harris/Eves), 8417(131:1655)
>>>Tax reductions, 2897(47:1030)
>>>See also Bankruptcy--Wage earner protection program, Ontario legislation;
Police--Shortage of officers;
Social assistance;
Stelco Inc.--Pension agreement
>>See also particular subjects
Ontario corporate income tax see Corporate income tax
Ontario Fishery Regulations, 1989
Subsection 36(2), as enacted by SOR/89-93, Scrutiny of Regulations Standing
Joint Committee, Second Report, Fisheries and Oceans Department rejection, M.
(Regan), 6807-14(111:1305-55), agreed to on recorded division,
Ontario fishing regulations see Fisheries
Ontario gap see Fiscal imbalance (intergovernmental)
Ontario health premium/tax see Canadian Forces--Health care; Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)--Health care premium
Ontario Lacrosse Association see Lacrosse
Ontario legislature see Members of Parliament
Ontario Newspaper Awards
Winners, congratulating, Hamilton Spectator mention, S.O. 31,
Ontario Police Association see Justice system
Ontario Pork Congress
June 22-23, 2005, tribute, S.O. 31, 7714-5(122:1405)
Ontario Special Olympic Provincial Winter Games
February 2007, awarded to Owen Sound, ON, congratulating, S.O. 31,
Ontario Special Services at Home (SSAH) program see Disabled and handicapped persons--Adults
Open Doors, 2005, Ontario
Residences, Etobicoke--Lakeshore, S.O. 31, 7086(115:1410)
Open Government Act see Access to Information Act--Amending
Open net fish farms see Fisheries--Salmon, Pacific
Open skies agreement see Air transportation--Canada-United States open skies agreement
Opening of Parliament see Parliament--38th Parl., 1st Sess.
Operation Athena see Canadian Forces--Foreign operations, High risk missions
Operation Blue Star see India
Operation Rudolph see Afghanistan--Canadian Forces role
Operation Triple Play see Terrorism--Combatting
Oppel, Kenneth see Governor General's Literary Awards
Opposition days see Supply days
Option Canada see Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995)--No campaign
Orangeville Farmers` Market
Opening, May 7, 2005, congratulations, S.O. 31, 5803(94:1400)
Orangeville, ON see Rotary Club of Orangeville; "Taste of Autumn"
Orcas (killer whales)
Protecting, west coast, joint recovery strategy with United States,
petitions, 9110(142:1515)
Orchestras see National Arts Centre
Order In Council 1946-3264 see Veterans--Benefits denied to veterans without discharge papers
Order in Council appointments
List, tabled, 189(5:1200), 320(7:1505), 839(16:1505), 1190(22:1010),
1369(25:1000), 1691(30:1000), 2067(35:1000), 2347(40:1000), 2729(45:1005),
3158(51:1505), 3401(55:1200), 3572(58:1505), 3760(61:1505), 3993(65:1205),
4235(69:1000), 4501(73:1520), 4878(79:1505), 5216(84:1510), 5460(88:1205),
5815(94:1505), 6043(100:1000), 6339(104:1500), 6485(106:1510), 7053(115:1000),
7379(118:1205), 7687(122:1000), 8185(128:1000), 8562(134:1205),
8645(136:1000), 9147(143:1005), 9589(149:1505), 10043(156:1510),
>>See also Certificates of Nomination;
Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee--Reports, Fourth;
Government appointments