The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 38th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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PAA see Program Activity Architecture (PAA)
Pacetti, Massimo (Lib.--Saint-Léonard--Saint-Michel)
- >>Aging society, 2826-7(46:1210-5)
>>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 7053(115:1005), 7662(121:2055)
>>Autism, petitions, 2670(44:1525)
>>Automobiles/motor vehicles, 9746(151:1520)
>>Broadcasting Act (amdt.--decisions and orders)(Bill C-322), 2670(44:1520)
>>Budget 2005, 2824-8(46:1200-20), 5053-4(81:1810-20), 7662(121:2055)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2004, No. 2 (Bill C-33), 3483(57:1005)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43), 5053-4(81:1810-20), 6828(111:1520)
>>Budget surplus, 2826-7(46:1210)
>>>o.q., 3355(54:1455)
>>Business, 2826(46:1205), 2828(46:1215)
>>Canadian Agriculture and Food International (CAFI) Program, 9981(155:1310)
>>Canadian Forces, o.q., 4199(68:1445)
>>Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), 2670(44:1520)
>>Citizenship, 3376(54:1740)
>>Citizenship Act (amdt.)(Bill S-2), 3376(54:1740)
>>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 5674(91:1825), 7883(123:2350), 7884(123:2355)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--use of hand-held cellular telephone while operating a motor vehicle)(Bill C-447), 9746(151:1520)
>>Do-Not-Call Registry Act (Bill C-321), 2670(44:1520)
>>Economy/economic conditions, 2825-6(46:1205-10), 2827(46:1215)
>>Environment, 6433-4(105:1735-40)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.--fiscal equalization payments to the provinces and funding to the territories)(Bill C-24), 3315(54:1000)
>>Filippi, Gabriel, S.O. 31, 10159(158:1110)
>>Finance Standing Committee, 2529(42:1505), 3011(49:1000), 3315(54:1000), 3483(57:1005), 3572(58:1505), 5335(86:1520), 5936(96:1525), 6828(111:1520), 7053(115:1005), 8100(126:1505), 8916(140:1510), 9925(154:1505)
>>>House take note, M. (Valeri), 2825-8(46:1200-15)
>>Government expenditures, 2826(46:1205)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 6433-4(105:1735-40)
>>>S.O. 31, 3561(58:1400)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--public transit costs)(Bill C-306), 6433-4(105:1730-40)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--travel expenses)(Bill C-462), 10216-7(159:1525)
>>Infrastructure, 6433(105:1730-5)
>>Italian-Canadian Recognition and Restitution Act (Bill C-368), 5369(87:1005)
>>Italian Canadians, 5369(87:1005)
>>Jewellery industry, 5053(81:1810)
>>John F. Kennedy Business Centre , S.O. 31, 6728(110:1405)
>>National debt, 2827(46:1215)
>>>Clock, 3377(54:1750)
>>>Committee reports, 609(12:1510), 2529(42:1505)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 5674(91:1825), 7883-4(123:2350-5)
>>Productivity, 2826-7(46:1210)
>>Public transit, 6433(105:1730-5), 6434(105:1740)
>>>o.q., 7092(115:1440)
>>RAI International , o.q., 6560-1(107:1440-45)
>>Social programs, o.q., 3356(54:1500)
>>Supply management, M. on supply (Bellavance), 9980-2(155:1305-20)
>>Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 2004 (Bill S-17), 3011(49:1000)
>>Telecommunications Act (amdt.--Voice over Internet Protocol)(Bill C-365), 5068(82:1025)
>>Telemarketing, 2670(44:1520)
>>Textile and clothing industry, o.q., 2765-6(45:1440)
>>Travel, 10216-7(159:1525)
>>Vulnerable persons, 2826(46:1210)
Pacific Environmental Centre
Contaminated site, lease with Squamish First Nation, respecting,
decontamination, o.q., 9022(141:1440)
Pacific Gateway Act (Bill C-68)--Minister of Transport (Lapierre, Jean)
First reading, 8763(138:1000)
>>Second reading, 9226-43(144:1205-355), 9258-82(144:1520-830),
9413-28(146:1540-730), 9749-65(151:1535-730)
>>See also Pacific Gateway Strategy (multimodal transportation network)
Pacific Gateway Strategy (multimodal transportation network)
Aboriginal communities, consultations, 9275(144:1735-40)
>>Background, 9228(144:1210), 9264(144:1600-5)
>>Border security measures/funding, 9228(144:1220), 9276(144:1740),
9279(144:1805), 9426(146:1710), 9755(151:1605-10), 9763(151:1710)
>>British Columbia government strategy/position, 9425-6(146:1705),
9759(151:1640), 9761(151:1655)
>>CAN-Trade initiative, relationship, 10185(159:1210-5)
>>China, trade with, relationship, 9227(144:1205-10), 9268(144:1640),
>>Container ships, increased size, implications, 9231(144:1235-40),
9264(144:1605), 9266(144:1615), 9277(144:1745-50), 9422-3(146:1650)
>>Economic importance, 9227(144:1210), 9258-9(144:1520-30),
9263(144:1555-1600), 9266(144:1615-20), 9268(144:1635-40),
9273-5(144:1715-35), 9278(144:1755), 9280-1(144:1815-20), 9414(146:1540-5),
9421-2(146:1640-5), 9423-5(146:1655-1705),
9750-1(151:1540-5), 9756-7(151:1620-5), 9760-1(151:1650-5), 9762(151:1705)
>>Ethnocultural importance, 9260(144:1530), 9260-1(144:1540)
>>Funding, 9228-9(144:1220), 9232(144:1240), 9260(144:1540), 9261(144:1545),
9264(144:1600), 9275(144:1735), 9277(144:1745), 9278(144:1800),
9280(144:1810), 9416-7(146:1600), 9418(146:1610), 9419(146:1620),
9425(146:1705), 9750-1(151:1540-5), 9752(151:1550-5), 9756(151:1615),
9756-7(151:1620-5), 9758(151:1640), 9760(151:1650)
>>Greater Vancouver Gateway Council position, 9232(144:1240)
>>Health research, relationship, 9272(144:1705-10)
>>Infrastructure projects, 9426(146:1705-10), 9755(151:1605)
>>>See also Highways and roads--British Columbia
>>Legislation, Pacific Gateway Act (Bill C-68)
>>>Bloc Québécois position, 9236(144:1305), 9238(144:1325), 9268(144:1640),
9269(144:1640), 9271(144:1655), 9763(151:1710-5), 9764(151:1715-20)
>>>Conservative Party of Canada position, 9231(144:1235), 9233(144:1245-50),
9235(144:1300), 9277(144:1750-5), 9279(144:1805), 9753(151:1600)
>>>Introduction, delays, 9239(144:1330), 9241(144:1340), 9242(144:1345-50),
9243(144:1355), 9260(144:1530-5)
>>>New Democratic Party position, 9416(146:1600), 9419(146:1615)
>>>Stakeholder support, 9235(144:1300), 9761(151:1655-1700)
>>Local communities, impact, 9230(144:1230), 9240(144:1335)
>>Northern Canada, benefits, 9753(151:1600)
>>Provinces, role, 9269(144:1640), 9763(151:1710), 9764(151:1725)
>>Quebec, benefits, 9238(144:1320), 9239(144:1330)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, relationship, 9764(151:1715-25)
>>Standards, international, harmonization, 9266-7(144:1620), 9421(146:1640)
>>Strategy, key components, 9228(144:1215), 9751(151:1545)
>>Tourism, relationship, 9265-6(144:1615)
>>United States, competition, 9227(144:1210), 9237(144:1320)
>>See also Highways and roads--British Columbia, Gateway
Pacific Pilotage Authority
Gardiner, David K., part-Chair, Certificate of Nomination, tabled and
referred to Transport Standing Committee, 6339(104:1500)
Pacific Region see fisheries
Pacifism see Quebec
Packaging and labelling see Alcoholic beverages; Bread--Yeast-free; Dairy products--Supply management system, Import controls; Genetically modified organisms (GMOs); Spirit drinks; Sugar; Trans fats (trans fatty acids)
Paiement, Jean-Philippe see Golf--Quebec junior champions
Earthquake, October 2005, Canadian response, etc.
>>>Brampton, ON Punjabi senior citizens group, funding for tents, S.O. 31,
>>>Canadian Forces Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) role,
>>>>o.q., 8683(136:1500)
>>>>S.O. 31, 9652-3(150:1400)
>>>Government matching funds, allocation, o.q., 8859(139:1145)
>>>Islamic Foundation of Toronto role, S.O. 31, 9477-8(147:1415)
>>>o.q., 8610(135:1440)
>>>S.O. 31, 8605(135:1410), 8673(136:1400), 8717(137:1405), 8792(138:1400),
>>Religious minorities, discrimination, S.O. 31, 10031(156:1405)
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) see Arafat, Yasser
Palestinians' rights, petitions, 7625(121:1515), 7820(123:1505)
>>>Conditions, treatment, United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine
Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) role, etc., o.q., 7284-5(117:1500)
>>>See also Refugees;
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near
East (UNRWA)
>>See also International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People;
IRFAN Canada (Jerusalem Fund);
Middle East conflict;
Montreal Arab World Festival
Palestinian National Authority (PNA)
Abbas, Mahmoud, President see Middle East conflict--Ceasefire
>>See also Arafat, Yasser
Palliative care
Government role, end of life care, Montreal, QC, West Island Palliative Care
Residence, etc., 242(6:1730)
>>See also Caregivers--Employment insurance--Expenses;
Dr. Bob Kemp Hospice;
Maison Aube-Lumière;
Suicide--Assisted suicide
Pallister, Brian (CPC--Portage--Lisgar)
- >>Aboriginal education and training, 2867(46:1545), 7329(117:2025)
>>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 2866-7(46:1540-5), 4214-5(68:1620), 5872(95:1355), 5890(95:1555), 7317(117:1900), 7329(117:2030), 7330(117:2035)
>>Aging society, 7348(117:2300)
>>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 5872(95:1355), 5889-91(95:1550-600), 7317(117:1900), 7326(117:2010), 7328-31(117:2025-40), 7348(117:2300)
>>Basketball, 5889(95:1550)
>>Border, Canadian, o.q., 4449-50(72:1450), 6900(112:1455)
>>Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), 4215(68:1620)
>>Budget 2005, 2866(46:1535), 2867(46:1545), 5872(95:1355), 5889-91(95:1550-600), 7317(117:1900), 7326(117:2010), 7328-30(117:2025-35), 7331(117:2040), 7348(117:2300)
>>>M. for approval (Goodale), 4213(68:1610), 4214-5(68:1615-25), 4216(68:1630)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2004, No. 2 (Bill C-33), 3112(50:1300)
>>Budget surplus, 2866(46:1535), 3112(50:1300), 5889(95:1530)
>>Canada Post Corporation
>>>o.q. 29(3:1430), 99-100(4:1440-40), 490(10:1455), 605(12:1440-5), 838(16:1500-05), 4496(73:1455), 5029(81:1505), 5810-1(94:1440), 6122(101:1435), 6611(108:1150-5), 7933(124:1455), 8912(140:1445), 9249(144:1430), 9406(146:1455), 9483(147:1445), 9584(149:1435), 9742(151:1455)
>>>qu., 2855(46:1525), 3608(59:1005), 4635(75:1545), 4781(78:1015), 8019(125:1525), 9622(150:1005)
>>Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), o.q., 3759(61:1500)
>>Canadian Forces, o.q., 4274(69:1455)
>>Canadian Human Rights Act, 2867(100:1340)
>>Capital gains tax, 2866(46:1540)
>>Charitable organizations, o.q., 724(14:1140)
>>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 4543-4(74:1205-15)
>>Corporate income tax, 7317(117:1900)
>>Corporations, 2866(46:1540)
>>Elections Canada, o.q., 4628(75:1500)
>>Employment insurance, 2865(46:1535)
>>Employment insurance account, 2865(46:1535), 3112(50:1300), 4214(68:1615-20)
>>Family farms, M-225 (Poirier-Rivard), 8826-7(138:1800-10)
>>Farm income, 2866(46:1540)
>>Farmers, 8826(138:1800), 8827(138:1810)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.) and Diagnostic and Medical Equipment Funding Act (Bill C-39), 3712(60:1305)
>>Finance Standing Committee, House take note, M. (Valeri), 2865-8(46:1535-50)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 2865(46:1535)
>>First Nations/Indians, 2866-7(46:1540-5), 7317(117:1900), 7330(117:2035-40)
>>Fiscal imbalance (intergovernmental), 2867(46:1545)
>>Government appointments, o.q., 9406(146:1455)
>>Government expenditures, 2866(46:1540), 3112(50:1300), 4216(68:1630), 5872(95:1355), 5889(95:1550), 5890(95:1355-600),
>>Government finances, 3112(50:1300)
>>Highways and roads, 2866(46:1540), 2867-8(46:1550)
>>Housing, 7317(117:1900)
>>Income tax, o.q., 10113(157:1440)
>>Insurance industry, o.q., 3759(61:1600)
>>Liberal government (Martin), 2865(46:1535)
>>>S.O. 31, 7421(119:1400), 8505(133:1410)
>>Marriage, 4543-4(74:1205-15)
>>>Petitions, 5071(82:1030)
>>Martin, Right Hon. Paul, references, S.O. 31, 5151(83:1115)
>>McCallum, references, 5160(83:1205)
>>>o.q., 5158(83:1155)
>>Members of Parliament, 7330(117:2040)
>>Methamphetamine/crystal meth, o.q., 4274(69:1455)
>>Municipalities, 2868(46:1550)
>>National debt, 2866(46:1535), 3112(50:1300)
>>New Democratic Party, 7330(117:2040)
>>Post offices/postal outlets
>>>o.q., 3936(64:1450), 5158-9(83:1155-200)
>>>S.O. 31, 9477(147:1410)
>>Postage stamps, o.q., 2108(35:1445), 2131-2(36:1500), 2259(38:1150)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 10059(156:1805)
>>>Documents, tabling, 9744(151:1510)
>>>Members' remarks, 839(16:1505), 3712(60:1305), 9256(144:1505)
>>>Statements by Members under S.O. 31, 8331(130:1505)
>>Rail transportation/railways, S.O. 31, 3693(60:1105)
>>Red River Floodway, o.q., 3398(55:1145)
>>References see Aboriginal peoples/communities--Economic and social conditions
>>Relief for heating expenses program, 7328(117:2025)
>>Remembrance Day/Veterans Week, o.q., 3453(56:1450)
>>Royal Canadian Mint
>>>o.q., 8142-3(127:1430), 8221(128:1420), 8266(129:1120), 8323-4(130:1420), 8396-7(131:1430), 8437(132:1435), 8508-9(133:1430), 8608(135:1425), 8677(136:1420), 8795-6(138:1415-20), 8853-4(139:1120), 8912(140:1445), 9020(141:1430), 9103(142:1435), 9185(143:1440), 9249(144:1430), 9327(145:1450), 9483(147:1445), 9585(149:1440), 9742(151:1455), 9744(151:1510), 10162(158:1130)
>>>S.O. 31, 8322(130:1415)
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), o.q., 6900(112:1455)
>>Sgro, references, S.O. 31, 2519(42:1410)
>>Smoking, S.O. 31, 9811(152:1405)
>>Sponsorship program
>>>o.q., 2930-1(47:1430), 4816(78:1450-5), 6484(106:1455-500), 9483(147:1445)
>>>S.O. 31, 3443(56:1355)
>>Tax havens, 2865(46:1535)
>>Tax reductions, 2866(46:1540)
>>Underground economy, o.q., 6484(106:1455)
>>VIA Rail Canada Inc., qu., 6941(113:1205), 7384(118:1245), 8017(125:1525)
>>Violence against women, o.q., 1008-9(19:1450)
>>Waitresses, o.q., 6484(106:1455-500)
Pan American Games
Advertising contracts, Nova Scotia, Liberal friendly firms receiving
sponsorship contracts, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) investigation,
o.q., 4945(80:1425)
Pan American Health Organization
Role, Canada participation, S.O. 31, 212(6:1405)
Pan-Canadian Public Health Network
Role, Throne Speech statement, 10(2:1630)
Pandemic see Avian flu; Public health
Paniyuk-Dean, Ashley see Miss World Canada pageant
Papiers Stadacona Ltée
Beauport--Limoilou constituency investment, greenhouse gas emissions
reduction role, etc., S.O. 31, 4871(79:1415)
Paquette, Pierre (BQ--Joliette)
- >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 73(4:1140)
>>Air Travellers Security Charge, 3974(65:1005)
>>Aircraft/aerospace industry, 3296(53:1715), 3382(55:1010)
>>Alzheimer's disease, S.O. 31, 6553(107:1400)
>>Ambassadors, 3358(54:1515), 3384(55:1020)
>>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 6240(102:1525), 6245-6(102:1600-5), 6247(102:1610-5), 7662-6(121:2100-30)
>>Automobile industry, 3382(55:1010)
>>Bloc Québécois, 6247(102:1610)
>>Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), 4178-9(67:2225-30), 4180(67:2240)
>>>o.q., 561(11:1435)
>>Budget 2005, 3976(65:1025), 6245(102:1600), 6246(102:1605), 6247(102:1610), 7662-6(121:2100-30)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2004, No. 2 (Bill C-33), 3973-8(65:1005-35)
>>Budget surplus, 234(6:1620-5), 3976(65:1025), 7664(121:2110)
>>Canada Economic Development (Economic Development Agency for the Regions of Quebec), 6314(104:1220)
>>Canada Grain Act and Canada Transportation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-40), 5195-9(84:1255-1320)
>>Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement, 3279(53:1510)
>>Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-326), 3279(53:1510)
>>Canada Labour Code, 8291(129:1420-5)
>>Canada Labour Code (amdt.--pregnant or nursing employees)(Bill C-380), 8581(135:1120)
>>Canada Steamship Lines (CSL), 2746(45:1220), 2747(45:1225-30), 4331(70:1255)
>>Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute, 6247(102:1610), 8752-3(137:1800-5)
>>>Committee take note, M. (Valeri), 9060-3(141:1950-2010)
>>>o.q., 1731(30:1450), 2026(34:1425), 2208(37:1455), 4197-8(68:1440), 4319(70:1135), 4494(73:1440), 8098(126:1455), 8798(138:1430), 8908(140:1420-5), 9019(141:1425), 9102(142:1430), 9184(143:1435), 9253(144:1450), 9815(152:1425), 9993(155:1425)
>>>r.o., 5839(94:1830)
>>>S.O. 31, 6330(104:1410), 7086(115:1405), 8265(129:1115)
>>Canada's Pacific Gateway Council, 9269(144:1640)
>>Canadian Federation of Independent Business, S.O. 31, 6116(101:1405)
>>Canadian International Trade Tribunal, o.q., 7280(117:1435)
>>Canadian Wheat Board, 5197(84:1305)
>>Child poverty, 3382(55:1010)
>>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 5421-2(87:1615-20)
>>Constitution, 6245(102:1600)
>>Cree of Northern Quebec, 73(4:1140)
>>Criminal Code and Cultural Property Export and Import Act (amdt.)(Bill S-37), 9904(154:1250)
>>CSL International, 3974-5(65:1010-5), 3977(65:1035)
>>Cultural property, 9904(154:1250)
>>Currency, 4281-2(69:1545-50)
>>Cycling, S.O. 31, 5760(93:1100)
>>Dairy industry, 5174-5(83:1335-40), 5197-9(84:1310-20)
>>>o.q., 5511(89:1500)
>>>S.O. 31, 7713-4(122:1400)
>>Definition of Marriage Act (Bill C-268), 3719-20(60:1355-400)
>>Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Act (amdt.)(Bill C-32), 3381-5(55:1005-30), 3408(55:1250)
>>Department of International Trade Act (Bill C-31), 3288(53:1610), 3295-8(53:1710-25), 3357-8(54:1510-5), 3363-4(54:1600), 3368(54:1645)
>>Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Act (Bill C-6), 1390-1(25:1240-5)
>>Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec Act (Bill C-9), 6314(104:1220)
>>Education, post-secondary, 7663(121:2105)
>>Employment insurance, 233-4(6:1620-5), 1391(25:1245), 3296(53:1710), 3382(55:1005-10), 4282(69:1545), 6245-6(102:1600-5), 6247(102:1610), 6913-4(112:1625-30), 7663-4(121:2110)
>>>M. on supply (Godin), 6577-8(107:1640)
>>Employment insurance account, 3977(65:1030), 6245(102:1600), 7664(121:2110)
>>Environment, 7663(121:2105-10)
>>Equalization payments, 3976(65:1020)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.) and Diagnostic and Medical Equipment Funding Act (Bill C-39), 3691(60:1055), 3705-7(60:1210-25), 3708-9(60:1235-40)
>>Federal-provincial/territorial jurisdiction, 233(6:1615), 1390(25:1240-5), 6240(102:1525)
>>Finance Standing Committee, M. (Martin, Pat), 2079-81(35:1135-50)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Registry), 5127(82:1715), 7664(121:2110)
>>First Nations/Indians, 3974(65:1005)
>>Fiscal imbalance (intergovernmental), 3975-6(65:1020-5), 3977(65:1030), 6247(102:1610), 7663-4(121:2110)
>>>M. on supply (Loubier), 874-5(17:1045), 877-8(17:1105)
>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 3288(53:1610), 3295-8(53:1705-25), 3357-8(54:1510-5), 3364(54:1600), 3368(54:1645), 3381-5(55:1005-30), 7664(121:2110)
>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee, 4288(69:1640)
>>Foreign aid, 7663(121:2100-5), 7664(121:2115)
>>>S.O. 31, 3094(50:1105)
>>Foreign policy, 233(6:1615), 4282(69:1545)
>>Forest, Joseph, 233(6:1615)
>>Free trade, 4746(77:1445)
>>Gagliano, Hon. Alfonso, 5128(82:1720)
>>Government expenditures, 874-5(17:1045), 3977(65:1030), 6246(102:1605)
>>Grain industry, 5195(84:1255), 5196-7(84:1300-5)
>>Grain transportation, 5196(84:1300)
>>Health care, 3975(65:1020)
>>Health care funding, 3691(60:1055), 3705-7(60:1210-25), 3708-9(60:1235-40)
>>Hog production
>>>o.q., 561(11:1435)
>>>S.O. 31, 1810(31:1415)
>>Homelessness, S.O. 31, 672(13:1405)
>>House of Commons, 7664(121:2110)
>>Housing, 7663(121:2105)
>>Human Resources and Skills Development Department, 1390(25:1240-5)
>>Hydro-Québec, 7665(121:2120)
>>Income tax, 3974(65:1005)
>>International agreements, 7744-5(122:1730-40)
>>>o.q., 8326(130:1435)
>>Job creation, 6914(112:1630), 7664(121:2110)
>>Joliette, QC, S.O. 31, 1075(20:1400)
>>Labour disputes, strikes, lockouts, 7663(121:2105)
>>Lacas, Noël, S.O. 31, 8218(128:1405)
>>Liberal government (Martin), 5128(82:1715)
>>Liberal Party, 6246(102:1605)
>>Livestock industry, M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Ritz), 4178-9(67:2225-30), 4180(67:2240)
>>Marriage, 3719-20(60:1355-400), 5421-2(87:1615-20)
>>Martin, Right Hon. Paul, references, S.O. 31, 5963(98:1120)
>>Members of Parliament, 9573-5(149:1325-40)
>>Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 and the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (amdt.)(Bill C-15), 1056-7(20:1140-45)
>>Mont Garceau ski resort, S.O. 31, 3694(60:1110)
>>Montréal-Mirabel International Airport, 3296(53:1710)
>>Municipalities, 3977-8(65:1035)
>>National debt, 7664(121:2110)
>>National Missile Defence system (NMD)(United States), 233(6:1620-5)
>>National unity, 5126(82:1705)
>>North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), o.q., 2026(34:1425)
>>Not-for-profit organizations (government foundations), 7664(121:2110)
>>Occupational health and safety, 8581(135:1120)
>>Oil and gas industry, 7663(121:2105-10)
>>Older workers, 6912-4(112:1620-30), 6916(112:1650)
>>Organized crime, 4279(69:1530), 4281-2(69:1545-50), 4283-4(69:1555-605), 4285(69:1615)
>>Pacific Gateway Act (Bill C-68), 9269-70(144:1640-55)
>>Pacific Gateway Strategy (multimodal transportation network), 9268-9(144:1640)
>>Privilege, prima facie, false/misleading statements, M. (Coderre), 9573-5(149:1325-40)
>>>Committee reports, 4288(69:1640)
>>>Private Members' Motions, 6516(106:1910-5)
>>>Speeches, allotted time, 4283(69:1555)
>>Proceeds of crime, M. on supply (Marceau), 4279(69:1530), 4281-4(69:1545-610), 4285(69:1615)
>>Productivity, 9270(144:1655)
>>Program for Older Worker Adjustment (POWA), M. on supply (Lessard), 6912-4(112:1620-30), 6916(112:1650)
>>Public safety and emergency preparedness, 1390-1(25:1240-5)
>>Quebec, 3973(65:1005), 3975(65:1015)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 3976(65:1025), 3977(65:1030), 5126(82:1705), 6245(102:1600)
>>Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995), 5127(82:1715)
>>Remote sensing satellites, 2369-70(40:1255), 8258(129:1025), 8259-62(129:1035-55), 8275-6(129:1210-5), 8408(131:1540), 8410(131:1600)
>>Remote Sensing Space Systems Act (Bill C-25), 2369-70(40:1255), 8258(129:1025), 8259-62(129:1035-55), 8275-6(129:1210-5), 8408(131:1540), 8410(131:1600)
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), 1391(25:1245), 4279(69:1530), 4281(69:1545), 4284(69:1610), 4285(69:1615)
>>Shipbuilding industry, 6247(102:1610)
>>Skilled trades and technology workforce, 233(6:1615)
>>Social development fund of the Americas, S.O. 31, 1402(25:1405)
>>South Africa, 3384(55:1020)
>>Sponsorship program, 7664(121:2110), 7665(121:2120)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 5125-8(82:1700-25)
>>St. Lawrence River, 9269(144:1640)
>>Summit of the Americas (Argentina, November 2005), S.O. 31, 9398(146:1405)
>>Supply management, 5196(84:1255-1300), 5197(84:1305-10)
>>>M-163 (Gaudet), 5174-5(83:1335-45)
>>>M. on supply (Bellavance), 10003-5(155:1540-50)
>>Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 2004 (Bill S-17), 2743-7(45:1200-30), 4330-1(70:1250-5)
>>Tax havens, 2743-7(45:1200-30), 3974-5(65:1005-15), 3977(65:1030-5), 4331(70:1250-5)
>>Tax treaties, 4330-1(70:1250)
>>Textile and clothing industry, 2079-81(35:1135-50), 3296(53:1710), 3382(55:1010)
>>>Committee of the Whole take note, M., 2813-4(45:2050-100)
>>>M-164 (Crete), 6515-6(106:1905-15)
>>>M. on supply (Paquette), 3189-92(52:1005-20), 3192-4(52:1025-35), 3210(52:1230), 3212(52:1250), 3220(52:1345)
>>>o.q., 2523(42:1430), 2767(45:1450), 3053(49:1450), 3228(52:1435), 3274(53:1435), 5105(82:1450-5)
>>>Petitions, 4409(72:1005)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Silva), 73(4:1140), 232-4(6:1615-25)
>>Tobacco farmers
>>>o.q., 3398(55:1150)
>>>S.O. 31, 4315(70:1115)
>>Trade, 3297-8(53:1720-5), 3357-8(54:1510), 3384-5(55:1020-5), 8752-4(137:1800-5), 9268-70(144:1640-50)
>>Trade Compensation Act (Bill C-364), 8752-4(137:1800-5)
>>Trade with United States, 4178-9(67:2225-30), 4180(67:2240)
>>>o.q., 1731(30:1450)
>>Treaties Act (Bill C-260), 7744-5(122:1730-40), 7751(122:1825)
>>Unions, 4285(69:1615)
>>Wal-Mart Canada Corp., 3358(54:1510)
>>Workplace Psychological Harassment Prevention Act (Bill C-360), 8291(129:1420-5)
>>Youth, 6314(104:1220)
Paquin, Father Carmel
Parish priest, Lac-à-la Tortue, QC, 50th anniversary, tribute, S.O. 31,
Paradis, Hon. Denis (Lib.--Brome--Missisquoi)
- >>Agricultural co-operatives, S.O. 31, 2121(36:1400)
>>Aircraft/aerospace industry, o.q., 5971(98:1205)
>>Augustine, references, 112(4:1610)
>>Bank Act (amdt.--bank fees)(Bill C-375), 5660(91:1540-5)
>>Banks and financial institutions, 5660(91:1540-5)
>>Brome--Missisquoi constituency, 112(4:1610)
>>>S.O. 31, 8089(126:1400), 9991(155:1410)
>>Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO), S.O. 31, 6601(108:1100)
>>Committees, Parliamentary, 5550(90:1025)
>>Conservative Party, 5557(90:1120)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--right to die with dignity)(Bill C-407), 9221(144:1120)
>>Department of Canadian Heritage Act and Parks Canada Agency Act (amdt.)(Bill C-7), 758(15:1135)
>>Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec Act (Bill C-9), 1417-21(25:1545-610)
>>Economy/economic conditions, 114(4:1620)
>>Employment insurance account, 114(4:1620)
>>Entrepreneurs/entrepreneurship, 1418-9(25:1550)
>>Federal-provincial-territorial relations, 112-3(4:1610-5), 114(4:1625)
>>Fiscal imbalance (intergovernmental), 113(4:1615)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 10116(157:1500)
>>Highways and roads, 1420(25:1605)
>>International Day of La Francophonie, S.O. 31, 4361(71:1400)
>>Judges, M. on supply (Marceau), 6596(108:1030)
>>Justice, Human Rights, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Standing Committee
>>>M. (Paradis), 5549-51(90:1015-30), 5555(90:1105), 5557(90:1120)
>>>M. (Warawa), 8465(132:1825)
>>Members of Parliament, 9496(147:1630)
>>Montreal Children's Hospital, S.O. 31, 8674(136:1405)
>>Municipalities, 114(4:1620)
>>Olympics and Paralympics 2004 Summer Games (Athens, Greece), S.O. 31, 1001(19:1410)
>>Paradis, references, S.O. 31, 3563(58:1410)
>>Privilege, prima facie, false/misleading statements, M. (Coderre), 9496(147:1630)
>>>Committee reports, 5549(90:1015)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 8465(132:1825)
>>Public transit, o.q., 9251(144:1440)
>>Quebec, 1418-21(25:1545-610)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, o.q., 8725(137:1450), 9231(144:1440)
>>References, 10th anniversary of election as Member of Parliament for Brome--Missisquoi constituency, S.O. 31, 3563(58:1410)
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), 5549-50(90:1015-25), 5555(90:1105), 5557(90:1120)
>>>Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 5012-5(80:2305-20)
>>>S.O. 31, 24(3:1400), 1473(26:1405), 2379(40:1405)
>>Speaker of the House of Commons, 2(1:1135)
>>Suicide, 9221(144:1120)
>>Sutton Mountains, S.O. 31, 2968-9(48:1410)
>>Teddy Roosevelt Conservation Award (Vermont), S.O. 31, 8430(132:1410)
>>Textile and clothing industry
>>>Committee of the Whole take note, M., 2802-3(45:1930-40), 2804(45:1945), 1420(25:1605)
>>>o.q., 5511-2(89:1500)
>>>S.O. 31, 5022(81:1415)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Silva), 112-4(4:1610-25)
>>Volunteers, S.O. 31, 5806(94:1415)
>>Water pollution, 112(4:1610)
>>>S.O. 31, 1545(27:1410)
>>Wind energy, o.q., 489(10:1455)
Paraguay see Volunteers--Collingwood Church of God
Paralympians see Olympics and Paralympics 2004 Summer Games (Athens, Greece)
Paramedics see Public safety occupation--Pensions
Parc Downsview Park Inc.
Estimates, 2005-2006, supplementary (A), inappropriate use, 10052(156:1640),
>>Genco, Tony, President and Chief Executive Officer, Certificate of
Nomination, tabled and referred to Environment and Sustainable Development
Standing Committee, 4878(79:1505)
Paré, Richard (Parliamentary Librarian)
Retirement, tributes, 5035-6(81:1610-20)
Paré, Yvon
Community involvement, recognizing/death, tribute, S.O. 31, 4740(77:1405)
Parent, QC see Airports
Parental leave
Agreement, provincial negotiations, 1687-9(29:1835-45), 3088(50:1025)
>>>o.q., 1080(20:1430-35), 2661-2(44:1430-5), 5809(94:1435)
>>Establishing, 1738(30:1535)
>>Extending, 1750(30:1655)
>>Quebec jurisdiction, agreement in principal, negotiations, status,
241-2(6:1720-5), 2014-5(34:1305-10), 2836(46:1315), 3903(64:1055),
2874(46:1640), 3923-4(64:1330-5), 4027-8(66:1330-5), 4920(80:1120),
6048(100:1040), 6096(100:1615)
>>>Agreement, impact, o.q., 4042(66:1500)
>>>o.q., 34(3:1500), 1156(21:1440),
1410(25:1450), 2929-30(47:1420-30),
2974(48:1445), 2976-7(48:1455), 3048(49:1420-5), 3097(50:1120-5),
3152-3(51:1435), 3696(60:1120-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 3928-9(64:1405)
>>>Supreme Court of Canada appeal, pending, relationship, o.q,.
1078-9(20:1420-5), 1080(20:1430), 2974(48:1445)
Parents see Immigration/immigrants--Family class; Sexual assault/abuse/exploitation--Convicted offenders; Youth Criminal Justice Act--Enforcement; Youth justice system--Parental responsibility--Probation
Parents, Family and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) see Marriage--Same-sex couples
Pargeter, Louise
Parole officer killed in line of duty, Yellowknife, NT
>>>>Moment of silence, 390(8:1500)
>>>>S.O. 31, 211(6:1355), 309-10(7:1400), 311(7:1410), 2099-100(35:1400)
>>>o.q., 785(15:1450)
Parkhill Blades N'Sync Precision Skating Team see Skating
Parkinson's disease
40th anniversary. recognizing, S.O. 31, 8389(131:1400)
>>April, awareness month, support programs, S.O. 31, 5448(88:1105)
Parks Canada Agency
Centralizing, 769(15:1255)
>>Communication strategy, internet site, 761(15:1155)
>>Control and supervision, transfer from Minister of Canadian Heritage to
Minister of Environment, 751(15:1030), 753-4(15:1045-55), 756-7(15:1115),
762(15:1150), 775(15:1345), 787(15:1505), 1587-92(28:1015-55),
1606-7(28:1225-30), 1821(31:1520), 1828-9(31:1620-25), 1835(31:1710),
>>>Environmental issues, 753(15:1045-50)
>>>Funding, 753-4(15:1045-50), 767(15:1245), 769(15:1255-1300), 1590(28:1040)
>>>Minister, governor in council appointment, powers, 764-5(15:1215-30),
1585-6(28:1005-10), 1590-1(28:1040-5), 1821(31:1520), 1832-3(31:1655)
>>>Other Departments, transfers, comparison, 1589(28:1030-5), 1607(28:1225)
>>Historical background, 772-3(15:1325), 775(15:1345)
>>Legislation governing, background, impact, 757(15:1115-20)
>>Mandate, 751(15:1030-35), 760(15:1150)
>>See also Department of Canadian Heritage Act and Parks Canada
Agency Act (amdt.)(Bill C-7);
Historic/heritage buildings, sites and monuments;
National historic sites--Safeguarding
Parks, Rosa
Mother of United States civil rights movement, death, tributes, S.O. 31,
Parksville Fellowship Baptist Church, Parksville, BC see Bethlehem Walk
Parlby, Irene Marryat see "Famous Five" (Emily Murphy, Nellie Letitia McClung, Irene Marryat Parlby, Louise Crummy McKinney and Henrietta Muir Edwards)
38th Parl., 1st Sess.
>>>Dissolution, by Royal Proclamation, November 29, 2005, 10242(159:1920)
>>>Opening, 1(1:1110), 7(2:1500)
>>>>Letter from Governor General, read by Speaker, 5(1:1155)
>>>>Message from Deputy to Governor General, delivered by Usher of the Black
Rod, 1(1:1110)
>>38th Parliament, dissolution, January 2, 2006, 39th general election
February 13, 2006, compromise solution
>>>M. on supply (Layton), 9781-810(152:1015-355), 9824-41(152:1515-705),
agreed to, on recorded division, 9951-3(154:1830-900)
>>>o.q., 9658(150:1425-30), 9661(150:1445-50), 9738(151:1430-5),
9741(151:1450), 9997(155:1445)
>>"An annoyance" former Prime Minister Chrétien attitude, Epp impression,
>>Crown role, diminishing, 5642-3(90:2210-5)
>>Decisions, votes, etc., government ignoring/not implementing,
5552(90:1040-5), 5635-7(90:2120-40)
>>>Government measures, 8866(139:1235-40)
>>>Lack, 8866(139:1230)
>>"Democratic deficit", alive and well, 2561-2(42:1900-5)
>>Estimates, 2004-2005, main, House of Commons see Procedure and
House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, Ninth
>>Estimates, 2005-2006, main, House of Commons see Procedure and
House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, Thirty-third
>>Estimates, 2005-2006, supplementary (A) see Access to Information, Privacy
and Ethics Standing Committee--Reports, Sixth
>>Institutions, system, education, etc., S.O. 31, 429(9:1110)
>>Liberal government (Martin) contempt, ignoring Committee recommendations and
House decisions, 4865(79:1335), 5619-20(90:1910-20)
>>>o.q., 5106(82:1445), 9585-6(149:1440-5)
>>Liberal governments not respecting, 3884(63:1555)
>>Minority government
>>>Challenges, 7692(122:1040)
>>>Defeat on specific non-confidence motions only, 5636(90:2130)
>>>Dysfunctional, 5460(88:1210)
>>>>Martin, Prime Minister, responsibility, o.q., 5877(95:1425)
>>>Government not recognizing, 62(4:1025), 64(4:1035), 73(4:1135),
240(6:1710), 529(11:1055-100), 1385(25:1200), 2831(46:1245)
>>>Making work for all Canadians, co-operation, etc., 82(4:1245-50),
120(4:1710), 121-2(4:1720), 124(4:1740), 711(14:1020), 3013(49:1015),
3018(49:1050-5), 3135(51:1230-5), 5083(82:1205), 5532(89:1745-50),
5536(89:1810-5), 5697(92:1210), 7341(117:2200), 7344(117:2220), 7729(122:1540),
7730(122:1545), 8413(131:1625)
>>>>Conservative Party-Bloc Québécois alliance undermining, 5526(89:1705),
>>>>>o.q., 5878-9(95:1435)
>>>>>S.O. 31, 5960-1(98:1105)
>>>>Martin Liberal government commitment, Throne Speech statement,
7-8(2:1630), 12(2:1630), 20(2:1715), 43(3:1610), 173(5:1015)
>>>>New Democratic Party role, 21(2:1720), 51-2(3:1710-20), 53(3:1730),
>>>>o.q., 5453(88:1130)
>>>>S.O. 31, 93(4:1400)
>>>Members of Parliament, role/input, 3344(54:1355), 5092(82:1310)
>>>Official Opposition, Conservative Party, role, 35(3:1510-5), 42(3:1555-600),
62-3(4:1025), 64(4:1035), 5461(88:1215)
>>>Opposition parties' role, effectiveness, 617(12:1600), 629(12:1725),
2777(45:1555), 8317(130:1340)
>>>See also Budget 2005;
Government expenditures--Accountability;
Public Service--Wrongdoings, whistle blowers, Legislation
>>Minority governments, defeated, impact on opposition parties, examples,
>>Officers see Officers of Parliament
>>Opposition postponing orderly passage of legislation, o.q., 9586(149:1445)
>>Recall provisions, 7634(121:1615-20)
>>Rehabilitation, 7562(120:1735)
>>>Government accountability, opposition role, etc., 7478-9(119:2110),
7490(119:2240), 7521-2(120:1245)
>>>Mediator between public and government, 5623(90:1950)
>>>Usurped by Prime Minister's Office, 213-4(6:1410)
>>Supremacy/primacy, Supreme Court of Canada, powers/role, 40(3:1545),
>>System of government, role of Members of Parliament, debate, etc.,
elementary school students learning, S.O. 31, 8320(145:1410)
>>See also Constitution--Supreme Court rulings re constitutionality;
DNA identification/evidence--National DNA databank;
Extradition--Report to Parliament;
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department--Reorganization, Defeated;
Judges--Judicial activism;
Not-for-profit organizations (government foundations)--Accountability;
Officers of Parliament;
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP);
Russian Federation--Terrorist kidnapping of children in school in Beslan;
Supreme Court of Canada--Justices
Parliament Buildings
1916 fire see House of Commons proceedings--Wooden mace
>>Sound and Light Show, S.O. 31, 7810(123:1410)
>>West Block, crumbling stone work, asbestos contamination, restoration
project, implementing, S.O. 31, 716(14:1055)
>>See also United States--Bush, George W., Canadian visit
Parliament Hill precinct
Free access by Members of Parliament in performance of duties, interfered
with by Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and other police during United
States President George W. Bush November-December 2004 Canadian visit,
2132-5(36:1505-30), 2138(36:1550), 5518(89:1550), 5521(89:1625),
5525(89:1650), 5526(89:1700), 5528-9(89:1715-25), 5532-3(89:1745-800),
>>>1970 incident, visit of Israeli Foreign Minister, comparison,
>>>Contempt of Parliament, Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee
report, 5519(89:1605)
>>>Lack of communication between police authorities, 5519(89:1600),
>>>Measure to prevent re-occurrence, written reports by Sergeant-at-Arms and
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), 5519(89:1605)
>>>Members of Parliament identification badges and signed security cards
rejected/ignored, 5518(89:1555), 5520(89:1610)
>>>See also Privilege, prima facie--Rights of Members breached (Guimond)
>>Joint security force, House of Commons and Senate combining, Procedure and
House Affairs Standing Committee report, 5519-21(89:1605-15), 5527(89:1710)
>>Security arrangements, consultations with Members of Parliament,
>>See also Cyprus--Evriviades, Euripedes L.;
Fox News--United States news channel;
Hurricanes--Hands Across the Border;
Rural Canada--Liberal government (Martin);
Sir Galahad;
Wine industry--Canadian wine
Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.) and Canada Elections Act (amdt.)(Bill
First reading, 9590(149:1510)
>>See also Elections--By-elections
Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.) and Salaries Act (amdt.)(Bill C-30)--Leader
of the Government in the House of Commons (Valeri)
First reading, 2262(38:1205)
>>Second reading, 2459-74(41:1520-715), agreed to, on recorded division,
>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 2594(42:2340)
>>>Reported, with an amdt., 3878(63:1505)
>>Report stage, concurrence, 4505-11(73:1545-635), agreed to, on recorded
division, 4520(73:1810)
>>>Motion, 4505(73:1550), agreed to, on recorded division, 4518-9(73:1805)
>>Third reading, 4756-60(77:1605-40), agreed to, on recorded division,
4971-3(80:1805-20), passed.
>>Royal Assent, 5421(87:1615) Chap. 16, S.C. 2005
>>See also Members of Parliament--Salaries and allowances
Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--change of political affiliation)(Bill
First reading, 7379(118:1210)
>>Second reading, 9429-37(146:1805-900)
>>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on the Order Paper, 9437(146:1900)
>>See also Members of Parliament--Political affiliation
Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--members who cross the floor)(Bill
First reading, 1012-3(19:1515)
>>Second reading, 8569-77(134:1255-350)
>>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on the Order Paper, 8577(134:1355)
>>>Negatived, on recorded division, 10060-1(156:1810-20)
>>See also Members of Parliament--Political affiliation
Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--oath or solemn affirmation)(Bill
First reading, 3572-3(58:1510)
>>See also Members of Parliament--Oath of allegiance
Parliamentary Border Caucus see Border, Canadian
Parliamentary budget office see Budget surplus
Parliamentary calendar
Role, overriding, etc., 7706-7(122:1305-10), 7711(122:1350),
7730(122:1545-50), 7734(122:1610), 7740(122:1700), 7741(122:1710)
Parliamentary interns
Term ending, tribute, S.O. 31, 7808(123:1400)
>>See also
Public Service--Wrongdoings, whistle blowers, Legislation, Government
Operations and Estimates Standing Committee;
Parliamentary matching program see Members of Parliament
Parliamentary Press Gallery see Government department, boards, agencies and commissions--Employment
Parliamentary reform see Democratic reform
Parliamentary secretaries see Committees, Parliamentary--Membership
Alcohol or drug dependency, ineligibility, 3401(55:1205)
>>>See also Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--dependence on
alcohol or drugs)(Bill C-328)
>>Breach of parole, temporary absence or probation, police arresting without
warrant, protecting public, children, etc., 3401-2(55:1205),
>>>Supreme Court of Canada Feeney decision, relationship, 9684(150:1800),
9685(150:1810), 9689(150:1845-50)
>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--arrest without warrant)(Bill C-329)
>>Chrétien, Michel, case, former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien interference,
o.q., 2315(39:1455-500)
>>Effectiveness, parolees re-offending, etc., 2965-6(47:1840-5)
>>Legislation see Corrections and Conditional Release Act and Criminal Code
(amdt.)(Bill C-46)
>>Life imprisonment, murder or treason, application after 15 years, faint hope
clause, Criminal Code section 745, repealing, 3994(65:1215), 5015(80:2325),
>>>See also Criminal Code (review of parole ineligibility)(Bill C-344)
>>Mandatory after sentence served, requiring, 7993(125:1250)
>>Rehabilitation, re-integration, role, 2965-6(47:1840-5), 9688(150:1830)
>>Review of system
>>>Justice, Human Rights, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Standing
Committee, o.q., 8682(136:1450-5), 8721(137:1425)
>>>o.q., 2611-2(43:1150)
>>Victims' rights, participation at hearings, impact statements, compensation,
etc., 1622-3(29:1115-20), 1625(29:1130-5),
1627(29:1150), 6043(100:1005)
>>>Audio tapes of hearings, providing, o.q., 5332-3(86:1500)
>>>See also Criminal Code and Corrections and Conditional Release Act
(amdt.)(Bill C-393)
>>See also Auto theft--Osbourne, Robert;
Citizens' Advisory Committee Awareness Week;
Murder--Forget, Claude--Lemiski, Janis;
Pargeter, Louise;
Penitentiary inmates--Conditional release;
Sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--Dorfer, Franklin Shane--Fisher, Larry;
Violent crime--Offenders
Parole officers see Murder--First degree murder
Parrainage civique des Bois-francs
Hommage Bénévolat-Québec award, recipient congratulating, S.O. 31,
Parrish, Carolyn (Lib.--Mississauga--Erindale; Ind.--Mississauga--Erindale, effective Nov. 22, 2004)
- >>Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics Standing Committee, M. (Tilson),
>>Afghanistan, o.q., 8514(133:1500)
>>Airports, o.q., 9531(148:1200)
>>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 7574-5(120:1935), 7577(120:1940)
>>Budget 2005, M. for approval (Goodale), 4222(68:1745)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43), 7168(115:2320), 7170(115:2325)
>>Canada Elections Act (amdt.) and Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-63), 8704(136:1805)
>>Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 6507(106:1815)
>>Elections, o.q., 10213(159:1500)
>>Estimates, M. (Alcock), 7157(115:2310)
>>Governor General, o.q., 2769(45:1500)
>>Ground squirrels, S.O. 31, 382(8:1415)
>>>o.q., 2032-3(34:1500), 4119(67:1500), 4571(74:1505), 8227(128:1500), 9822(152:1500)
>>>qu., 2858(46:1525)
>>Iraq, o.q., 8514(133:1500), 9189(143:1500)
>>Justice, Human Rights, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Standing Committee, M. (Warawa), 8465(132:1820)
>>Middle East conflict, o.q., 681(13:1500)
>>Palestine/Palestinians, o.q., 7284(117:1500)
>>Procedure, divisions, recorded, 4222(68:1745), 6507(106:1815), 7157(115:2310), 7168(115:2320), 7170(115:2325), 7173(115:2325), 7574-5(120:1935), 7577(120:1940), 8462(132:1805), 8464(132:1820), 8704(136:1805)
>>References see Canada-United States relations--Anti-American remarks
>>Remote Sensing Space Systems Act (Bill C-25), 7173(115:2335)
>>Sponsorship program, o.q., 2936(47:1500)
>>United States, o.q., 2528(42:1500)
Parti Québécois see Boisclair, André; Landry, Bernard; Sponsorship program, Gomery Inquiry Commission
Partnership for prosperity and security see Trade with United States
Jewish religious celebration, S.O. 31, 5400(87:1400)
Passports see Border, Canadian--United States security concerns/measures, Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative; Canadian passports
Production on prairies, lack, Canadian Wheat Board factor, 3202(52:1135),
Patent Act
Legislation, Patent Act (amdt.)(Bill C-29)
>>>Bloc Québécois position, 2695(44:1815)
>>>Conservative Party of Canada position, 2693(44:1805), 3340(54:1325)
>>>Consultations, 2692(44:1755)
>>>Introduction, delays, 3342(54:1335-40)
>>>New Democratic Party position, 2395(44:1820), 3357(54:1505)
>>>Technical amendments, 2691(44:1750), 2692(44:1800), 3339(54:1315),
3339-40(54:1315-25), 3341(54:1330-5)
Patent Act (amdt.)(Bill C-29)--Minister of Industry (Emerson)
First reading, 2262(38:1205)
>>Second reading, 2691-95(44:1750-820), agreed to, 2695(44:1820)
>>Industry, Natural Resources, Science and Technology Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 2695(44:1820)
>>>Reported, 3011(49:1000)
>>Report stage, motion for concurrence, agreed to, 3339(54:1315)
>>Third reading, 3339-44(54:1315-55), 3356-7(54:1505), agreed to,
3357(54:1505), passed.
>>Senate amendments, concurrence, 5599-604(90:1655-1730), 5702-7(92:1250-1320)
agreed to, 5706-7(92:1320)
>>Royal Assent, 5737(92:1655) Chap. 18, S.C. 2005
Patent Act (amdt.)(Bill C-274)--Masse
First reading, 1334(24:1505)
>>Second reading, 3299-309(53:1810-1905), 5604-12(90:1730-1830), negatived on
recorded division, 5675(91:1840-55)
>>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 3309(53:1905)
>>See also Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Patent protection
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board
Role, powers, 3418(55:1405)
>>>qu., 9536(148:1220)
Advisory committees see Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Generic medications
>>Fees, incorrect payments, large or small entity/top up fees, Dutch
Industries Ltd. court case, 2691-2(44:1750-5), 2693(44:1805),
2695(44:1815-20), 3339-41(54:1315-35), 3342(54:1340)
>>>Legislation, Patent Act (amdt.)(Bill C-29)
>>>>Amendments, 3339(54:1315), 3339-40(54:1315-25), 3341(54:1330-5)
>>>>Conservative Party of Canada position, 3340(54:1325)
>>>>Introduction, delays, 3342(54:1335-40)
>>Protection period, extending if government approvals delayed, 5437(87:1815)
>>See also Drugs and pharmaceuticals
Patriot Act see United States
Patro de Jonquière
Community support and recreation centre, success, S.0. 31, 4191-2(68:1405)
Patro de Lévis
Community support, S.0. 31, 3446(56:1415)
Patronage see Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA); Canadian Wheat Board--Directors; Government appointments; Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB)--Appointments; National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy--Murray, Glen; Privacy Commissioner--Radwanski, George; Public safety and emergency preparedness--Advisory committee; Public Service--Human resources management, Hiring/appointment process
Patry, Bernard (Lib.--Pierrefonds--Dollard)
- >>Afghanistan, o.q., 219(4:1440)
>>Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC), S.O. 31, 3345(54:1400)
>>Canadian Forces, S.O. 31, 380(8:1405)
>>Canadian Healthy Living Strategy, S.O. 31, 3268(53:1405)
>>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 4542-3(74:1155-200)
>>Doctors/physicians, S.O. 31, 1400(25:1355)
>>Export and Import of Rough Diamonds Act (amdt.)(Bill S-36), 10044(156:1510)
>>Fiscal imbalance (intergovernmental), 69(4:1110)
>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee, 747(15:1005), 4753(77:1545), 5659(91:1535), 5845(95:1005), 6128(101:1510), 6371(105:1005), 7624(121:1510), 7624(121:1510), 7891(124:1005), 10044(156:1510)
>>Foreign aid, 67-8(4:1055-1105)
>>Immigration/immigrants, petitions, 4203(68:1515)
>>International conflicts, o.q., 2031(34:1450)
>>Interparliamentary delegations, 521(11:1100), 3270(53:1505), 4203(68:1515), 5659(91:1535), 6486(106:1510), 9147(143:1010)
>>Lebanon, S.O. 31, 3641(59:1405)
>>Marriage, 4542-3(74:1155-200)
>>>Petitions, 7820(123:1505)
>>Mer et Monde, S.O. 31, 4696(76:1405)
>>Palestine/Palestinians, petitions, 7625(121:1515), 7820(123:1505)
>>Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, qu., 9536(148:1220)
>>Procedure, committee reports, 747(15:1005), 7624(121:1510)
>>Remote Sensing Space Systems Act (Bill C-25), 4753(77:1545)
>>Sudan, S.O. 31, 6076(100:1410)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Silva), 67-9(4:1055-1110)
Patterson, Tom
Stratford Festival founder, journalist, death, tribute, S.O. 31,
3927(64:1355), 3930(64:1410)
Paulin, Marie-Claire see Official languages policy (bilingualism)--Official languages minority communities, Court cases
Pay equity
Bell Canada/Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union dispute, Canadian
Human Rights Tribunal hearings, S.O. 31, 9399(146:1415)
>>Lack, impact, S.O. 31, 3561(58:1405)
>>Legislation, introducing
>>>o.q., 5654(91:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 8719(137:1415), 8792(138:1400), 9099(142:1415), 10033(156:1415)
>>>Pay Equity Network demand, S.O. 31, 3269(53:1410), 5873(95:1400)
>>Newfoundland and Labrador, women workers compensation package, delay,
condemning, 926(17:1700)
>>>S.O. 31, 1151(21:1415)
>>Public Service Alliance of Canada claim, Canadian Human Rights Tribunal
ruling, Canada Post Corporation appealing, condemning, S.O. 31, 8852(139:1115)
>>Task force report recommendations, issues, 6856-8(111:1915-25)
>>See also Women
Pay Equity Network see Pay equity--Legislation
Payday lenders/loans see Banks and financial institutions--Consumer Measures Committee of Industry Department documents--Low-income Canadians
Payments in Lieu of Taxes Dispute Advisory Panel
Doyon, Michel, Member and Chair, Certificate of Nomination, tabled and
referred to Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee,
Payroll taxes
Job losses, relationship, 7301(117:1705)
>>See also Small and medium business
PBDEs see Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs)
PCBs see Contaminated sites--Peawanuck First Nation
Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, Massachusetts
Contemporary art exhibition from Nunavut, S.O. 31, 2517(42:1400)
Canadian role, o.q., 4201(68:1500
>>See also International relations--Canadian role, Global peace and security;
Middle East conflict;
Pearson Peace Medal
Peace Arch Community Services
South Surrey--White Rock--Cloverdale constituency social services
organization, role, 7300(117:1700)
Peace Country Tender Beef Co-op
Slaughterhouse facility, federal government financing, 252-3(6:1845)
>>>S.O. 31, 6601-2(108:1105)
Peace of the Braves see Cree of Northern Quebec
Peace officers see Border, Canadian--Border/customs officers; Law enforcement officers
Peace prize see Nobel peace prize
Peace Research Institute
Closure, retirement of founder Dr. Hanna Newcombe, S.O. 31, 2519-20(42:1415)
Peace River constituency see Penson--References
Peace Tower see Canadian Forces--Peacekeeping role, Deaths
Peacekeeping see Canadian Forces; Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal; Pearson Peacekeeping Centre
Peacocks see Avian flu (Asian bird flu)--Euthanasia
Pearson International Airport see Toronto Pearson International Airport
Pearson, Lester B.
Nobel Peace Prize recipient, 5831(94:1720), 5989(99:1210)
>>See also International relations--Canadian role
Pearson Peace Medal
Dallaire, LGen Roméo, recipient, o.q., 4201(68:1500)
Pearson Peacekeeping Centre
Funding/importance, 4082(67:1100), 4083(67:1110)
Peawanuk First Nation see Contaminated sites
Pecelj, Sanja see Refugees--Deportation
Pedophiles see Age of consent (sexual relations)--Raising; Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation
Peel Regional Police
Catney, Noel, retirement, tribute, S.O. 31, 9318-9(145:1400)
Peers, Danielle see Olympics and Paralympics 2004 Summer Games--Paralympians
Peggy's Cove see Aircraft accidents--Swissair Flight 111; Lighthouses
Peguis First Nation
Elections, irregularities, o.q., 9867(153:1135)
Pelletier, Benoit see Quebec
Pelletier, Jean see Sponsorship program--Advertising contracts; VIA Rail Canada Inc.
Pen Canada
Writers, journalists, etc., freedom of expression, upholding, Day of the
Imprisoned Writer, commemorating, S.O. 31, 1325(24:1410)
Penis Dementia see Film production--Markham Street Films
Correctional officers
>>>Contract negotiations, 795(15:1610), 865-6(16:1830-40), 5840-1(94:1830-5),
6113-4(100:1830-40), 9173(143:1325)
>>>>o.q., 565(11:1500), 1923-4(32:1450), 5333-4(86:1505), 5511(89:1455),
>>>>Petitions, 5392-3(87:1310), 6129(101:1515)
>>>>qu., 5535(89:1805)
>>>>S.O. 31, 1647(29:1415)
>>>Pensions, accrual rate, increasing, 5168-9(83:1305-10),
5169-70(83:1315-20), 6113(100:1830), 6114(100:1835-40)
>>>>o.q., 5333-4(86:1505)
>>>Petitions, 7688(122:1010)
>>>Salary bonuses, r.o., 8023(125:1530)
>>>Shortage, 7408(119:1225)
>>>Stab-proof vests, issuing, qu.,. 5851(95:1120)
>>>Working conditions, dangers, stress, etc., 865-6(16:1830),
5840-1(94:1830-5), 6113(100:1830)
>>>>o.q., 3989(65:1145)
>>>See also Law enforcement officers--Federal enforcement officers;
Penitentiary inmates--Access to information requests;
Public safety occupations--Pensions
>>Management, rehabilitation/warehousing of inmates, 6099(100:1645)
>>Security systems see Penitentiary inmates--Access to information requests
>>Wardens, bonuses, r.o., 9593(149:1515)
>>Weapons seizures, Stony Mountain Institution, etc., 5840(94:1830)
>>>o.q., 3989(65:1145)
>>See also Citizens' Advisory Committee Awareness Week;
Montée Saint-François Institution (penitentiary);
Rockwood Institution (penitentiary);
Stony Mountain Institution (penitentiary)
Penitentiary inmates
Access to information requests re security systems and correctional
>>>o.q., 8723(137:1435-40)
>>>S.O. 31, 9097(142:1405)
>>Bourgon family, escape, receiving government cheques, government not
releasing photographs, etc., o.q., 4564-5(74:1430)
>>Conditional release, breaches of parole, statutory release or temporary
absence, offence, penalties, 6339(104:1505), 6340(104:1505)
>>>See also Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--indictable offence committed
while on conditional release)(Bill C-402);
Corrections and Conditional Release Act and Prisons and
Reformatories Act (amdt.--conditional release)(Bill C-399)
>>Criminal and inappropriate activities within prisons, o.q., 725(14:1145)
>>Drug and substance abuse, 337(7:1705), 7468(119:1230)
>>Early release, 4990(80:2010)
>>Gangs training inmates to be gang members, 8807(138:1530)
>>Gender re-assignment surgery, numbers, qu., 8020(125:1525)
>>Imprisonment rate, international comparison, etc., 6109(100:1755-800)
>>>See also Crime--Rate
>>Laboratory testing, qu., 8020(125:1525)
>>Lawsuits against government or government employees, prohibiting,
>>>See also Crown Liability and Proceedings Act (amdt.--no claim by
inmate)(Bill C-332)
>>Legal aid, cost, r.o., 8023(125:1530), 9593(149:1515)
>>Name change, numbers, qu., 8020(125:1525)
>>Needle exchange program, establishing, health factor, qu., 3105-6(50:1205)
>>Pornography, access to, o.q., 6337(104:1450-5), 6412-3(105:1455)
>>Programs, counselling, education, vocational, reinstating, petitions,
>>Statutory release
>>>Eliminating, 321(7:1505)
>>>>See also Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--elimination of
statutory release)(Bill C-204)
>>>Legislation see Corrections and Conditional Release Act and Criminal Code
(amdt.)(Bill C-46)
>>>See also Penitentiary inmates--Conditional release
>>Temporary absences
>>>Amusement park visits, 8930(140:1650)
>>>>o.q., 8682(136:1450), 8720-1(137:1420-5)
>>>Personal development temporary absences, escapes during, r.o.,
>>>S.O. 31, 9097(142:1405)
>>>See also Parole--Breach of parole
>>See also Elections--Right to vote;
Homolka, Karla;
Violent crime--Offenders