The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 38th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Vaccinations see Influenza--Flu vaccine; Smallpox
Vachon, Fernand see Wildlife protection officers, Quebec
Vaisakhi see Sikhism
Valcartier, QC see Canadian Forces--CFB Valcartier
Valentines for Vets program see Veterans
Valeri, Hon. Tony (Lib.--Hamilton East--Stoney Creek; Leader of the Government in the House of Commons)
- >>Afghanistan, Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 9693(150:1900)
>>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 7769-70(122:2105-10)
>>Border, Canadian, Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 8943(140:1830)
>>Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 129(4:1900)
>>Budget 2004, 7629(121:1540)
>>Budget 2005, 7627-9(121:1525-40), 7689(122:1020), 7690(122:1025), 7769(122:2105), 7770(122:2110)
>>>o.q., 6007(99:1430), 6123(101:1445), 6284(103:1125), 6290(103:1200), 6899(112:1450)
>>Budget surplus, o.q., 2257(38:1140)
>>Budgets, 7769-70(122:2105-10)
>>Business of the House, 103-4(4:1500-5), 391(8:1505), 910(17:1500), 1330(22:1505), 1554-5(27:1505), 1926(32:1500), 2528-9(42:1505), 2769(45:1500), 3055(49:1500), 3356(54:1500), 3652(59:1505), 3939(64:1500), 4276(69:1500), 4571(74:1505), 4818(78:1500), 5109(82:1500), 5411(87:1500), 5722(92:1500), 6237(102:1500), 6564(107:1500), 6902(112:1500), 7285(117:1505), 7727(122:1520), 8228-9(128:1510), 8515(133:1505), 8803(138:1500), 9189-90(143:1505), 9486(147:1505), 9823(152:1505-10), 10116-7(157:1500)
>>Canada Steamship Lines (CSL), o.q., 1727(30:1425), 1729(30:1440), 5717(92:1430)
>>Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute, Committee take note, M. (Valeri), 9055(141:1905)
>>Canadian Satellite Radio, o.q., 8726(137:1455)
>>Committees, Parliamentary, 7691(122:1030), 7692(122:1035)
>>Constitution, 10079(157:1055)
>>Corbett, William, M. (Valeri), 8563(134:1210)
>>Credit cards, Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 2420(40:1830)
>>Criminal Code and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.--proceeds of crime)(Bill C-53), 9924(154:1505)
>>Democratic reform, 7624(121:1505)
>>DNA identification/evidence, o.q., 5882(95:1455)
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, Committee take note, M. (Valeri), 9359(145:1830)
>>Education, post-secondary, 7769(122:2105)
>>Elections, o.q., 9916(154:1420)
>>Energy Costs Assistance Measures Act (Bill C-66), 9925(154:1505)
>>Environment, 7769(122:2105)
>>Ethics Commissioner, o.q., 7618(121:1430)
>>Federal Law-Civil Law Harmonization Act, N. 2 (Bill S-10), 2265(38:1215)
>>Finance Standing Committee, 5512-4(89:1505-15)
>>>House take note, M. (Valeri), 2825(46:1200)
>>First Nations Oil and Gas and Moneys Management Act (Bill C-54), 9924(154:1505)
>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 3654(59:1515-20)
>>>o.q., 3646(59:1435)
>>Foreign aid, 7769(122:2105)
>>Forest industry, Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 2697(44:1825)
>>Government appointments, o.q., 2973(48:1440)
>>Government contracts, o.q., 1727(30:1425), 5029(81:1500)
>>Grewal, G., references, o.q., 6407-8(105:1425), 6409(105:1435), 6479-80(106:1425-35), 6482(106:1445), 6560(107:1440), 6562(107:1450-5), 6659(109:1425), 6661(109:1435-40), 6731(110:1420-5), 6819-20(111:1420-30), 6896-7(112:1430-5), 6985(114:1435), 7090-1(115:1435)
>>Harper, references, 10081(157:1115)
>>Health care, 10082(157:1115)
>>Hepatitis C, Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 1117(20:1915)
>>House of Commons proceedings, 7542(120:1505)
>>>House take note, M. (Valeri), 4852(79:1200)
>>>M. (Valeri), 6861-2(112:1005)
>>>M. (Valeri), 762709(121:1525-40), 7646(121:1855), 7688-93(122:1015-45)
>>>o.q., 5282(85:1430)
>>Housing, 7769(122:2105)
>>Immigration/immigrants, o.q., 1598(28:1130), 1599(28:1135), 7536(120:1425)
>>Jerome, Hon. James, 8013-4(125:1505)
>>Judges, 2462-3(41:1540-5)
>>Kenney, references, 439(9:1210)
>>Legislation, 7690(122:1025)
>>Legislative process, 3654(59:1515-20)
>>Liberal government (Martin), 2460-1(41:1530), 5908(95:1840), 10079(157:1050), 10080-1(157:1100-5)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 10079-82(157:1050-1115)
>>>o.q., 5877(95:1425), 5883(95:1500), 5927-30(96:1425-50), 8145(127:1445), 8726(137:1455), 8798-9(138:1435), 9583(149:1425), 9997(155:1445)
>>Library of Parliament, M. (Valeri), 10044(156:1515)
>>Marriage, 7628(121:1525-30), 7689-90(122:1020), 7690-1(122:1030-5), 7692-3(122:1045)
>>>o.q., 3522(57:1445), 7281-2(117:1445), 7426(119:1430)
>>Members of Parliament, 1658(29:1515), 2262(38:1205), 2459-63(41:1520-50)
>>Milliken, references, 2767(45:1500)
>>National debt, 7769-70(122:2105-10)
>>National Missile Defence system (NMD)(United States), 3973(65:1000), 4123-4(67:1525-30)
>>>o.q., 1406(25:1425), 3871(63:1425), 3872(63:1430), 3873(63:1435-40), 3984(65:1115)
>>O'Brien, Audrey Elizabeth, M. (Valeri), 8563(134:1210)
>>Offshore oil and gas revenues/royalties, 4750(77:1505), 5958(98:1010), 5980(99:1110)
>>>o.q., 4743(77:1425), 5286(85:1455), 6083(100:1450), 7716(122:1415)
>>Parliament, 7692(122:1040), 10079-80(157:1050-1100)
>>>M. on supply (Layton), 9787-91(152:1100-30)
>>>o.q., 5106(82:1445), 9586(149:1445), 9661(150:1445-50), 9738(151:1430-5), 9741(151:1450)
>>Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.) and Salaries Act (Bill C-30), 2459-63(41:1520-50), 4519(73:1805)
>>Patent Act (amdt.)(Bill C-29), 2262(38:1205)
>>Poverty, 10082(157:1115)
>>Prime Minister, 2462(41:1545)
>>Privacy Commissioner, 5838(94:1820)
>>>Contempt of Parliament (Hill), 3654(59:1515-20), 4123-4(67:1525-30)
>>>False/misleading statements (Kenney), 439(9:1210)
>>>False/misleading statements (MacKay), 1657(29:1510)
>>>Rights of Members breached (Guimond), 1658(29:1515)
>>>Rights of Members breached (Ratansi), 1163(21:1730)
>>>Adjournment (Summer recess), 7978(124:2105)
>>>Allotted days, 5237(84:1755)
>>>Bills, Government, 4750(77:1505), 5957-8(98:1005-10), 5971(98:1205), 5979-80(99:1100-10), 9924(154:1500-5), 10052(156:1645)
>>>Clock, 7978(124:2105)
>>>Committee reports, 5512-4(89:1505-15)
>>>>M. (Valeri), 2595(43:1000)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 5838(94:1820), 7695(122:1140)
>>>Documents, tabling, 7095(115:1500), 7177(116:1400)
>>>House do now adjourn, M. (Valeri), 22(2:1730)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 839(16:1505), 4632(75:1520)
>>>Members' remarks, 2666-7(44:1500), 3973(65:1000)
>>>Motions, 13(2:1630), 7542(120:1505)
>>>Oral questions, 3104(50:1200), 3651(59:1505)
>>>Orders of the Day, 439(9:1210)
>>>Sittings of the House, M. (Valeri), 6861-2(112:1005)
>>>Statements by Ministers, 56(3:1755)
>>>Take note debate, 14(2:1635)
>>>>M. (Valeri), 2529(42:1505), 4818(78:1500-5), 8803(138:1500), 9190(143:1505), 9486(147:1505)
>>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, 458(10:1110)
>>>>M. (Valeri), 173(5:1015)
>>Productivity, 7770(122:2110)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 10080(157:1100), 10081(157:1110)
>>References see Board of Internal Economy--Members
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 4985(80:1935)
>>Sgro, references, o.q., 1480(26:1445), 1549(27:1435), 1598(28:1130)
>>Smith, David, references, o.q., 8723(137:1435)
>>Sponsorship program, 7095(115:1500), 7177(116:1400), 9287(145:1000), 10079-80(157:1055-1100)
>>Standing Orders, M. (Valeri), 14(2:1630)
>>Supply days, M. (Valeri), 14(2:1635)
>>Temporary workers, o.q., 7813(123:1425)
>>Terrorism, 1163(21:1530)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Silva), 458(10:1110), 635(12:1815)
>>Tlicho Land Claims and Self-Government Act (Bill C-14), 439(9:1210)
>>Veterans, o.q., 5882(95:1455), 5930(96:1450)
>>Visitors to Canada, 1657(29:1510)
>>Wage Earner Protection Act (Bill C-55), 9925(154:1505)
>>Ways and Means motions, 439(9:1210)
Valeurs Mobiliéres Desjardins see Desjardins Securities
Valigia d'oro see Italian Canadians
Valley, Roger (Lib.--Kenora)
- >>Abitibi Consolidated Inc., S.O. 31, 8717(137:1405)
>>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 548(11:1315)
>>>o.q., 5933(96:1505), 7540-1(120:1455)
>>Afghanistan, S.O. 31, 2925(47:1405)
>>Aircraft/aerospace industry, 1313-4(24:1250-5)
>>Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (amdt.--student loans)(Bill C-236), 4773-4(77:1810-15)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43), 6103-4(100:1720-5)
>>Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute, Committee take note, M. (Valeri), 9066-9(141:2030-50)
>>Child care, o.q., 2975(48:1445)
>>Chinese Canadians, 3727-8(61:1115-25)
>>Desnethé--Missinippi--Churchill River constituency, 855(16:1810)
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, 3307-8(53:1855-1900)
>>Dryden Regional Training and Cultural Centre, S.O. 31, 555(11:1405)
>>Health care, 549-50(11:1320-5)
>>Health Standing Committee, M. (Fletcher), 4647-9(75:1705-20)
>>Hepatitis C, 4647-9(75:1705-20)
>>Immigrants of Chinese Origin Exclusionary Measures Recognition Act (Bill C-333), 3727-8(61:1115-25)
>>International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act (Bill C-4), 1313-4(24:1250-5)
>>Kashechewan First Nation, o.q., 9482(147:1440)
>>Kenora constituency, 548-9(11:1315-20)
>>Multiculturalism, 3726-8(61:1115-25)
>>Municipalities, 6104-5(100:1720-5)
>>National Aboriginal Day, o.q., 7540-1(120:1455)
>>Patent Act (amdt.)(Bill C-272), 3307-8(53:1855-1900)
>>Regional and rural development, S.O. 31, 7924(124:1405)
>>Shipbuilding industry, 549(11:1320)
>>Slavery, 3726(61:1115)
>>Student loans, 4773-4(77:1810-15)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Silva), 548-50(11:1315-25)
>>Tlicho Land Claims and Self-Government Act (Bill C-14), 863(16:1810), 939-40(18:1000-10), 941-2(18:1025), 2336(39:1735)
Van Adel, Robert G. see Atomic Energy of Canada Limited
Van Gogh, Theo see Murder
Van Loan, Peter (CPC--York--Simcoe)
- >>Airports, o.q., 9485(147:1455)
>>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 6243-5(102:1545-600), 7498-500(119:2340-55)
>>Ballast water, 9443(147:1005)
>>Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (amdt.--student loans)(Bill C-236), 4005-6(65:1345-50)
>>Budget 2005, 6243-5(102:1545-600), 7498-9(119:2340-50)
>>>M. for approval (Goodale), 4051(66:1605), 4058(66:1655)
>>Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 376-8(8:1335-55), 2115(35:1540), 2243-6(38:1015-35)
>>Canada Employment Insurance Commission, 3258-9(52:1850)
>>Canadian Ballast Water Management Act (Bill C-434), 9443(147:1005)
>>Canadian Forces, M. on supply (O'Connor), 706(13:1805)
>>Caregivers, 6529-30(107:1110)
>>China, 7498(119:2345)
>>Cocaine, o.q., 9022(141:1440)
>>Conservative Party of Canada, 7498(119:2340)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals)(Bill C-50), 9613-4(149:1755)
>>Cruelty to animals, 9613-4(149:1755)
>>Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 1633-5(29:1235-50), 4515(73:1700), 4761-3(77:1640-55)
>>Economic and Fiscal Update 2005, o.q., 9918(154:1430)
>>Education, 376(8:1335)
>>Education, post-secondary, 377-8(8:1345-55), 2115(35:1540), 2243-6(38:1015-35), 6244(102:1550), 7498(119:2340)
>>>o.q., 3700(60:1145)
>>Employment insurance, 2479-80(41:1750-5), 3258-9(52:1845-50), 9137-8(142:1905-10)
>>>M. on supply (Godin), 6529-31(107:1105-120)
>>Employment insurance account, 2479-80(41:1750-5), 3258(52:1845-50), 6529(107:1105), 7499(119:2345), 9137(142:1905)
>>>o.q., 220(6:1445)
>>Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and premium rate setting)(Bill C-280), 3257-9(52:1845-50), 9137-8(142:1905-10)
>>Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--improvement of the employment insurance system)(Bill C-278), 2479-80(41:1750-5)
>>Environment, 6244(102:1550)
>>Etobicoke--Lakeshore constituency, S.O. 31, 10204(159:1410)
>>Finance Standing Committee, House take note, M. (Valeri), 2879(46:1715)
>>Fisheries Act (amdt.--terms and conditions of permissions, leases and licences)(Bill C-52), 6679(109:1645), 7038-41(114:2145-2210)
>>Football, S.O. 31, 1474(26:1410), 1647(29:1410)
>>Gasoline prices, M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Crête), 8067-8(125:2110)
>>Gasoline taxes, 8068(125:2110)
>>Government expenditures, 2879(46:1715), 6243(102:1545)
>>Housing, 6244(102:1550), 7498(119:2340)
>>Immigration/immigrants, o.q., 2204(37:1430)
>>Income tax, 2879(46:1715)
>>Income trusts, o.q., 10208(159:1435)
>>Judges, o.q., 5580(90:1440), 5651(91:1435), 5879(95:1435-40)
>>Lake Simcoe, 6244(102:1350)
>>>S.O. 31, 8262(129:1100)
>>Liberal government (Martin)
>>>o.q., 906(17:1435)
>>>S.O. 31, 9320(145:1405)
>>Liberal Party, S.O. 31, 9320(145:1405)
>>Marijuana, 9613-4(149:1755)
>>>o.q., 8911(140:1440)
>>Marriage, petitions, 6993(114:1525)
>>Members of Parliament, 9539-43(148:1240-305)
>>Municipalities, 7500(119:2355), 8067(125:2110)
>>Murder, o.q., 8910(140:1435)
>>Privilege, prima facie, false/misleading statements, M. (Coderre), 9539-43(148:1240-305)
>>>Members' remarks, 6531(107:1120)
>>>Speeches, 1633(29:1235)
>>Public transit, 7498(119:2340-5), 7499-500(119:2355), 8067(125:2110)
>>Senate, o.q., 5507-8(89:1440)
>>Senior citizens, 2879(46:1715)
>>Soviet Union, S.O. 31, 5713(92:1405)
>>Sponsorship program, o.q., 833(16:1435), 906(17:1440), 4495(73:1445), 5108(82:1455), 5210(84:1435-40), 5718-9(92:1440-5), 6080(100:1430), 10208(159:1435)
>>Student loans, 4005-6(65:1345-50)
>>>o.q., 3396(55:1135), 6412(105:1450)
>>Student summer employment, o.q., 64129(05:1450)
>>Sutton Fair & Horse Show (Sutton Agricultural Society, ON), S.O. 31, 5872(95:1400)
>>Tax reductions, 4058(66:1655)
>>Taxation, 4051(66:1605)
>>Toronto Pearson International Airport, 9816-7(152:1430)
>>Unemployment, 6529(107:1105)
Vancouver, BC
Federal government waterfront property, leased to private company, municipal
tax assessment reduced, federal-provincial discussions, o.q., 6084-5(100:1455)
>>Mayor, Sam Sullivan, accomplishments, S.O. 31, 9914(154:1410)
>>Mudslide, January 2005, damage, evacuations, etc., S.O. 31, 3146(51:1400)
>>Tourism destination, Members of Parliament invited to visit, S.O. 31,
>>See also see Crime;
Highways and roads--British Columbia;
Housing--Affordable housing, British Columbia;
Land mines (anti-personnel mines)--Royal Canadian Legion Mount Pleasant
Branch 177;
New media industry;
North Shore Rescue;
Pacific Gateway Strategy (multimodal transportation network)--Greater
Vancouver Gateway Council;
Olympics and Paralympics, 2010 Winter Games;
Street racing;
Sudan--Darfur region conflict;
Victoria Cross--Smith, Ernest
Vancouver International Airport see Airports--Rent paid to federal government; Canadian Coast Guard--Hovercraft, Liv Viking
Vandezande, Gerald
Kroeger College Award recipient, achievements, S.O. 31, 3267(53:1400)
Vanertuin, John
Accomplished musician, tribute, S.O. 31, 3344(54:1355)
Vanier Cup see Football
Vatican City State see Pope John Paul II
Vaughn, ON see Child care-- Kids Com First care centre
VE Day (Victory in Europe) see World War II
Vega, Alvaro see Refugees
Vegetables see Corn industry
Vegreville--Wainwright constituency see Volunteers
Vehicle identification numbers (VINs) see Auto theft
Vellacott, Maurice (CPC--Saskatoon--Wanuskewin)
- >>Access to information, S.O. 31, 5501(89:1405)
>>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 7472-5(119:2025-40)
>>Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), 4161(67:2020)
>>>Committee of the Whole take note, M.(Valeri), 293-4(6:2345-50), 297(6:2415), 299(6:2425), 300(6:2440)
>>Budget 2005, 7472-3(119:2025), 7474-5(119:2030-40)
>>Child care, 4462(72:1620)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 3491(57:1105), 3510(57:1325)
>>>o.q., 3990(65:1145)
>>Citizenship, petitions, 3880(63:1525), 4528(74:1015), 5777(93:1250), 6129-30(101:1520), 7189(116:1510)
>>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 3588(58:1705), 3771(61:1620), 3773(61:1205), 3774-5(61:1650), 4536(74:1105), 4577-8(74:1545-55), 5297-8(85:1615-20), 7793(123:1205), 7795-7(123:1220-30), 7806-7(123:1350), 7881(123:2315)
>>Corrections and Conditional Release Act and Criminal Code (amdt.--truth in sentencing)(Bill C-308), 2262(38:1210)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--to prevent health care practitioners from being coerced into taking part in medical procedures that offend the practitioners religion or belief that human life is inviolable)(Bill C-307), 2262(38:1210)
>>Davis Inlet, 7473(119:2030)
>>Equalization payments, M. on supply (Lukiwski), 4461-2(72:1605-20)
>>Fathers, S.O. 31, 3927(64:1400)
>>Federal-provincial/territorial jurisdiction, 7473(119:2025)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 7473(119:2030)
>>Fisheries, M. on supply (Kamp), 2534(42:1545)
>>Government expenditures, 7473-4(119:2030)
>>Government programs, 7472(119:2025)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 7473(119:2025)
>>Health care providers, 2262(38:1210)
>>Hepatitis C, 935-6(17:1815-20)
>>>o.q., 433(9:1135)
>>Hockey, S.O. 31, 6601(108:1100)
>>House of Commons proceedings, M. (Valeri), 7763(122:1950)
>>Immigration/immigrants, o.q., 2255(38:1130)
>>Interparliamentary delegations, 639(13:1005), 1190(22:1010), 8728(137:1510)
>>Livestock industry, M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Ritz), 4161(67:2020)
>>Low-income Canadians, 7473(119:2030)
>>Marriage, 3588(58:1705), 3733(61:1205), 3771(61:1620), 3774-59(61:1650), 4536(74:1105), 4577-8(74:1545-55), 5297-8(85:1615-20), 7793(123:1205), 7795-7(123:1220-30), 7806-7(123:1350)
>>>o.q., 2526(42:1450)
>>>Petitions, 347(8:1000), 440(9:1220), 960(18:1215), 1192(22:1025), 2488(42:1015), 2979(48:1515), 3281(53:1520), 3704(60:1205), 3760(61:1505), 3880(63:1525), 4528(74:1015), 5777(93:1250), 6129(101:1520), 6940(113:1205), 7189(116:1510), 8729(137:1515), 9110(142:1520), 9412(146:1535)
>>>S.O. 31, 3927(64:1400)
>>Métis Nation of Saskatchewan
>>>o.q., 1816(31:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 2123(36:1410)
>>Offshore oil and gas revenue/royalties, 4461(72:1605)
>>Post offices/postal outlets, petition, 5777(93:1250), 6129(101:1520), 8729(137:1515), 9110(142:1515)
>>Privilege, false/misleading statements (Williams), 566(11:1505)
>>>Bills, Government, 4953(80:1520)
>>>Conflict of interest, 683(13:1510)
>>>Members' remarks, 7763(122:1950)
>>>Question and comment period, 3491(57:1105)
>>>Quorum, 4536(74:1105)
>>Senior citizens, o.q., 956(18:1155)
>>Sentences (convicted criminals), 2262(38:1210)
>>Social programs, 7473(119:2025-30)
>>Sponsorship program, 566(11:1505), 7473(119:2030)
>>Stem cell research, petitions, 6129(101:1520)
>>Suicide, petitions, 4528(74:1015)
>>Trans fats (trans fatty acids), M. on supply (Martin, Pat), 1518(27:1100), 1521-3(27:1125-40)
>>Tsunami (Asia, December 2004), S.O. 31, 8793(138:1400)
Venture capital
Government policy, 5902(95:1715)
Verchères--Les Patriotes constituency see House of Commons vacancies
Vermont, United States see Water pollution--Lake Memphrémagog
Verner, Josée see Conservative Party of Canada--Candidates
Vernon, BC see Howard House (halfway house)
Vernon Vipers see Hockey
Véronneau, Philippe see Agriculture--Contribution
Aboriginal veterans
>>>Discriminatory treatment, providing compensation comparable to other
veterans, role in wars factor, 959(18:1210), 4898(79:1745-50),
>>>>Aboriginal and treaty rights, relationship, 4727(76:1730-5)
>>>>Administrative discrimination, Indian agents factor, etc., 2624(43:1300-5),
4727(76:1730), 4728(76:1745), 4729(76:1750), 4731(76:1755), 4732(76:1805),
>>>>>Conscription, relationship, 4726(76:1730), 4728(76:1740)
>>>>Dependents' allowances, 2624(43:1305), 4727(76:1730)
>>>>First Nations veterans, 2623-5(43:1255-305), 2627-9(43:1320-35),
4727(76:1730), 4728-31(76:1740-55), 4732(76:1805), 4733(76:1815-20),
>>>>M-193 (Harrison), 2622-31(43:1255-355), 4726-35(76:1730-830), agreed to, on
recorded division, 4752-3(77:1535-45)
>>>>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 2631(43:1355)
>>>>Métis veterans, 2624-5(43:1305-10), 2627-8(43:1325), 2630-1(43:1335-50),
4727(76:1735), 4729(76:1745), 4730-1(76:1750-5), 4733-4(76:1815-25)
>>>>Non-status Indian veterans, 2627(43:1325), 2630-1(43:1340-5),
4730(76:1750-5), 4733(76:1815)
>>>>o.q., 9529(148:1150)
>>>>S.O. 31, 1220(22:1410), 9181(143:1410)
>>>>Veterans Land Act, 2623-4(43:1255-300), 2628(43:1330), 4729(76:1750),
>>>>War memorial, establishing, 2631(43:1345), 4730(76:1755)
>>>>See also First Nations Veterans Compensation Act (Bill C-247)
>>>Honouring on National Aboriginal Day, S.O. 31, 7531(120:1400),
>>>Recognition, 9409(146:1510), 9410(146:1525)
>>Benefits denied to veterans without discharge papers, 9410(146:1525)
>>>o.q., 8559(134:1145), 8858(139:1140-5), 9865(153:1125), 9871(153:1155)
>>>Order in Council 1946-3264, r.o., 9748(151:1530)
>>Book of Remembrance
>>>Deaths on duty since October 1947, excluding Korean War, S.O. 31,
>>>See also Canadian Forces--Peacekeeping role, Deaths
>>Commemorative activities, funding, Budget 2005 measure, S.O. 31,
>>>Canadian flags, government providing, S.O. 31, 7613(121:1405)
>>>Honours, providing, 1190(22:1015)
>>>>See also National Veterans Funeral Honours Act (Bill C-262)
>>Gananoque Remembers, book, publication, S.O. 31, 6115(101:1400)
>>Government measures, 707(13:1810), 1978-9(33:1220), 5445(88:1040)
>>>See also Veterans--Veterans Charter
>>Health care, inadequate, 707(13:1810), 2014(34:1255)
>>Heroes Remember project, recognizing, S.O. 31, 8552(134:1105-10)
>>Japanese Canadian veterans, recognition, S.O. 31, 9399-400(146:1415)
>>Legislation see Veterans--Veterans Charter
>>Memory Project, Dominion Institute initiative, S.O. 31, 6228(102:1410)
>>Mentally disabled veterans, government depositing benefits in non-interest
bearing bank accounts, government expropriation right factor, 5431(87:1730)
>>Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation, service to veterans community,
Aurèle Ferlatte, recipient, S.O. 31, 4191(68:1405)
>>Overseas memorial sites, students visiting, financial assistance program,
establishing, 610(12:1515)
>>Route of Honour, website, Canadian Battlefields Foundation creating, S.O.
31, 9655(150:1415)
>>Valentines for Vets program, S.O. 31, 3444(56:1400)
>>Veterans Charter, government measures, 5844(94:1850-5), 6091(100:1540),
>>>Introduction, veterans organizations participation, S.O. 31, 5326(86:1420)
>>>Legislation (Bill C-45)
>>>>Expediting, o.q., 5882(95:1455), 5928(96:1435), 5929-30(96:1440-50)
>>>>Liberal-dominated Senate delaying, 5940(96:1640)
>>>>o.q., 5578(90:1430)
>>>>See also Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and
Compensation Act (Bill C-45)
>>>o.q., 5767(93:1140)
>>West Indian veterans of Canadian Forces during World War II, Canadian War
Museum plaque commemorating, S.O. 31, 7713(122:1405)
>>Women veterans, National Arts Centre celebration, S.O. 31, 6116(101:1405)
>>See also Bachand--References;
Canadian Forces--Chemical weapons/agents;
Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program)--Renewal fees;
Fulton, LCol Lockhart;
Gionet, Lazare;
Jones, Martin Donald;
Korean War--Royal Canadian air Force (RCAF) veteran;
Laking, Clare;
Marriage--Same-sex couples;
McCrae, Maj John;
Remembrance Day/Veterans Week;
War memorials;
Woodward, Wing Commander Vernon;
World War II;
Year of the Veteran
Veterans Affairs Department see War memorials--Virtual War Memorial
Veterans Charter see Veterans
Veterans Highway see Highways and roads--Alberta
Veterans Independence Program (VIP)
Widows, eligibility
>>>o.q., 2387(40:1455), 2452(41:1445)
>>>Petitions, 4375(71:1520)
Veterans Land Act see Veterans--Aboriginal veterans
Veterans pensions
Survivor benefits, marriage after age sixty, disqualification, removing,
>>>S.O. 31, 10031(156:1400)
>>>See also Canadian Forces Superannuation Act (amdt.--marriage after age of
sixty years)(Bill C-362)
>>Canada Pension Plan clawback at age 65, 9590(149:1505)
>>>See also Canadian Forces Superannuation Act and the Royal Canadian Mounted
Police Superannuation Act (amdt.--elimination of deduction from annuity)(Bill
Veterans Villa Southgate
Edmonton, AB veterans residence, fire, death of Walter Grocholski, etc.,
S.O. 31. 9862(153:1105)
Veterinary colleges see Faculté de médecine vétérinaire de Saint-Hyacinthe
VIA Rail Canada Act see Transportation Amendment Act
VIA Rail Canada Inc.
Access to Information Act, application, 10226(159:1640), 10233(159:1740),
>>Advertising contracts, sponsorship grants, 1994-2004, 10232-3(159:1735-40)
>>>qu., 8017(125:1525)
>>Contracts awarded for 1994-2004, criteria, qu. 7384(118:1245)
>>Côté, Paul, President and Chief Executive Officer, Certificate of
Nomination, tabled and referred to Transport Standing Committee, 2978(48:1510)
>>Crown corporation status, 10226(159:1640), 10227(159:1645)
>>>Conservative Party of Canada position, 9235(144:1305), 10221(159:1600)
>>Dividends paid to government, 1995 to 2004, qu., 6941(113:1205)
>>Gaspé Peninsula service, S.O. 31, 4942(80:1410)
>>Government funding, o.q., 605-6(12:1445)
>>Government subsidies, maintaining, petitions, 4043(66:1505)
>>Passenger service, problems, 10188-9(159:1235), 10196(159:1335)
>>Pelletier, Jean, Chairman, dismissal
>>>Comment re Myriam Bédard, o.q., 5023(81:1425)
>>>Sponsorship program scandal, relationship, o.q., 4944(80:1420-5)
>>>Unfair, reinstatement, Federal Court of Canada ruling, o.q.,
9863(153:1115), 9864-5(153:1120-5), 9918(154:1425-30)
>>>>Severance package, etc., o.q., 9918(154:1430), 9994(155:1430)
>>Privatization, 320-1(7:1505)
>>>See also VIA Rail Commercialization Act (Bill C-203)
>>Problems, government addressing, o.q., 1731(30:1450)
>>Quebec City, QC-Montreal, QC service, high speed train proposal, o.q.,
>>Renaissance rail cars, concerns expressed to Canadian Transportation Agency
(CTA), qu., 7384(118:1245)
>>See also Rail transportation/railways;
Remembrance Day/Veterans Week;
Sponsorship program--Advertising contracts
VIA Rail Commercialization Act (Bill C-203)--Gouk
First reading, 320-1(7:1505)
>>See also VIA Rail Canada Inc.--Privatization
Victim impact statements see Criminals/offenders--Mental disorder; Parole--Victims rights
Victims of crime
Canadians abroad, 1623(29:1115)
>>Definition, expanding, 1622(29:1115), 1624(29:1125)
>>Government initiatives, October 20, 2005 announcement, S.O. 31,
>>Legislation see Corrections and Conditional Release Act and Criminal Code
(amdt.)(Bill C-46)
>>McLaughlin, Jack, role, son murdered, etc., 8671(136:1340), 8687(136:1530)
>>Northern Canada, 1623(29:1120)
>>Ombudsman, establishing, role, etc., 870(17:1005), 1492(26:1605),
1621-7(29:1105-50), 1628(29:1200)
>>>Legislation, Bill C-243, lack of Royal Recommendation, 1621(29:1105),
1624(29:1125), 1625(29:1130), 1626-7(29:1145)
>>>See also Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--establishment of
the Office of Victims Ombudsman of Canada)(Bill C-243)
>>Rights, priority over criminals, 5007(80:2225), 8659(136:1200),
8805-6(138:1515-25), 8996(141:1125), 9769(151:1755)
>>Role, participation in justice system, information access, government
programs, compensation, etc., 1623(29:1115-20), 1624(29:1125-30),
1627-9(29:1150-205), 7310-1(117:1820)
>>See also Courts--Testimony of witnesses;
Criminals/offenders--Mental disorder--Transfers;
DNA identification/evidence--National DNA databank;
Trafficking in persons (human trafficking);
Victim impact statements
Victoria, BC see Ports/harbours
Victoria Cross
Dunn, Alexander, Crimean War, Battle of Balaclava, one of original 13
recipients, 9408(146:1510)
>>Hall, William, first Nova Scotian and black recipient, S.O. 31, 3694(60:1110)
>>Hutcheson, Bellenden, Battle of Vimy Ridge participant, recipient,
>>Konowal, Filip, Ukrainian Canadian, World War I recipient, 2416(40:1815),
2417(40:1825), 4584(74:1630)
>>MacGregor, LCol John, medal and other medals, export from Canada, return to
Canada, Canadian War Museum, etc., qu., 2264(38:1120)
>>Postage stamp honouring Canadian recipients, 1161(21:1510)
>>>Bruce--Grey--Owen Sound constituency ceremony/recipients, S.O. 31,
>>Sale of medals of Canadian recipients, retaining in Canada, Cultural Property
Export and Import Act role, etc., 3009-10(48:1925-35)
>>Smith, Ernest "Smoky", only living Canadian recipient, 1161(21:1510),
2284(39:1105-10), 3859(62:1840)
>>>Death, funeral, Vancouver, BC, 9408(146:1510)
>>Topham, Cpl Fred, recipient, sale of medal, retaining in Canada, government
intervention, 2290(39:1150-5), 3009-10(48:1930)
>>>o.q., 1603(28:1200), 2259(38:1150)
>>>S.O. 31, 1644(29:1400)
Victoriaville, QC
2004 public administration award recipient, S.O. 31, 717(14:1100)
>>See also Holstein Québec;
Impaired driving--Tolérance zéro escort service;
Post offices/postal outlets;
Shermag Inc.
Victory Bonds
World War II financing campaign, Canada Savings Bonds commemoration, S.O.
31, 8323(130:1415)
Video game industry see Ubisoft Entertainment
Video games see Copyright--Music; Street racing
Vienneau, David
Journalist, death, tributes
>>>o.q., 2201(37:1415)
>>>S.O. 31, 2199-200(37:1405)
Boat people see Philippines;
>>Canadian aid, Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) role, etc.,
human rights violations, suppression of religious freedom, relationship,
>>>o.q., 1602(28:1155)
>>Canadian Mennonite workers, arrest and conviction, o.q., 1333(24:1455)
>>Human rights, democracy, promoting, S.O. 31, 7534(120:1410)
>>Human rights violations, Prime Minister Paul Martin raising during visit to
Canada by Vietnamese Prime Minister, o.q., 7817(123:1450)
>>Legal system, reform, Canadian role, training judges, etc., o.q.,
>>Political prisoners, release, Canadian role, 3459(56:1535)
>>See also Adoption (children);
Villeneuve, Lise-Florence
Contribution to community, death, tribute, S.0. 31, 3444(56:1405)
Vimy Ridge, Battle of see World War I--Battle of Vimy Ridge
Vincent, Robert (BQ--Shefford)
- >>Aircraft/aerospace industry, 501(10:1600)
>>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 7263(117:1250)
>>Automobiles/motor vehicles, S.O. 31, 8092(126:1415)
>>Bankruptcy, 5745-6(92:1800-5), 8191-2(128:1045), 8209-10(128:1255-310)
>>Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the Canada Business Corporations Act, the Employment Insurance Act and the Employment Insurance Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-281), 5745-6(92:1800-5)
>>Bicycles, 9276(144:1740)
>>>S.O. 31, 8907(140:1415)
>>Budget 2005, 7263(117:1250)
>>Canada Labour Code, 4839(78:1750)
>>Canada Labour Code (amdt.--pregnant or nursing employees)(Bill C-380), 5845(95:1005), 8579-81(135:1100-20), 10026-7(155:1845-50)
>>Canada Labour Code (amdt.--replacement workers)(Bill C-263), 4839-40(78:1750-5)
>>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), 8210(128:1300)
>>>S.O. 31, 8321(130:1410)
>>Coffin, Paul, 8209(128:1255)
>>Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 1710-4(30:1225-55), 1717(30:1320)
>>Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec Act (Bill C-9), 1430(25:1725)
>>Employment insurance account, 6543(107:1250)
>>Employment insurance, M. on supply (Godin), 6528(107:1100), 6540(107:1230), 6543(107:1250)
>>Financial Administration Act, the Canada School of Public Service Act and the Official Languages Act (amdt.)(Bill C-8), 795(15:1610)
>>Gasoline prices, 8209(128:1255)
>>House of Commons, 6540(107:1230)
>>Income tax, 8209(128:1255-300)
>>International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act (Bill C-4), 501(10:1600)
>>Justice, Human Rights, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Standing Committee, M. (Paradis), 5552(90:1040)
>>Labour disputes, strikes, lockouts, 4839-40(78:1750-5)
>>Liberal government (Martin), S.O. 31, 3868-9(63:1410), 5875(95:1415)
>>Lumber industry, 1430(25:1725)
>>Marine transportation security (ports, etc.), 1039(19:1835)
>>Marriage, petitions, 6128(101:1515)
>>Occupational health and safety, 8579-81(135:1100-20), 10026-7(155:1845-50)
>>>o.q., 10112(157:1435)
>>Pacific Gateway Act (Bill C-68), 9276(144:1740)
>>Penitentiaries, 795(15:1610)
>>>Petitions, 7688(122:1010)
>>>S.O. 31, 1647(29:1415)
>>Productivity, 9276(144:1740)
>>Program for Older Worker Adjustment (POWA), 8209(128:1300)
>>Public Service, 795(15:1610)
>>Quarantine Act (Bill C-12), 5754(93:1010)
>>Quebec, 1430(25:1725)
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), 1038-9(19:1835), 1039-40(19:1845), 5552(90:1040)
>>>Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 4986-7(80:1950), 5003-4(80:2155-200)
>>>o.q., 390(8:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 1543(27:1405)
>>Quebec's Office des personnes handicapées, S.O. 31, 6727(110:1405)
>>Spirit Drinks Trade Act (Bill S-38), 9453(147:1105)
>>Sponsorship program, M. on supply (Duceppe), 5095(82:1335)
>>Student loans, 8233(128:1545)
>>Textile and clothing industry
>>>Committee of the Whole take note, M., 2804(45:1940), 2806(45:1955-2000), 2807(45:2005)
>>>M. on supply (Paquette), 3202(52:1130), 3214(52:1300)
>>Wage Earner Protection Program Act (Bill C-55), 8191-2(128:1045), 8209-10(128:1255-310), 8233(128:1545)
>>Wine industry, 9453(147:1105)
VINs see Vehicle identification numbers (VINs)
Violence see Coalition of African Canadian Organizations--Martin, Right Hon. Paul; Cruelty to animals--Criminal Code; Drug trafficking; Family violence; Violent crime; Violence against women; Walk Against Violence
Violence against women
Aboriginal women
>>>Amnesty International report, 89(4:1330), 1448(25:1940-5),
1457-8(25:2100), 1462(25:2130-5)
>>>>Government response, etc., 814-6(15:1900-5), 1183-5(21:1830-40),
9878(153:1245), 9880(153:1300), 9881(153:1310)
>>>>>o.q., 188(5:1155), 222(6:1455), 1008-9(19:1450)
>>>>>S.O. 31, 10031-2(156:1405)
>>>Government response, etc., o.q., 9740(151:1445), 9818(152:1440),
9866(153:1130), 9871-2(153:1200), 9998(155:1450)
>>>Native Women's Association of Canada, Sisters in Spirit Campaign,
government funding
>>>>o.q., 3525(57:1455-500), 4118(67:1450), 8272(129:1150), 9818(152:1440),
9866(153:1130), 9922(154:1450), 9998(155:1450)
>>>>qu., 9536(148:1220)
>>>>S.O. 31, 8265(129:1115)
>>>Policy forum, 2006, S.O. 31, 9475(147:1405)
>>>Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) campaign, etc., S.O. 31, 1809(31:1415)
>>>Government measures, o.q., 2313(39:1445)
>>>Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of
Violence Against Women (1994), ratification, 89(4:1330)
>>>Petitions, 3574(58:1515)
>>>S.O. 31, 4109(67:1405)
>>Firearms use, Canada/United States comparison, 5357(86:1830), 5358(86:1845)
>>Focus on, complexity, inequality factor, etc., S.O. 31, 2305(39:1405)
>>Maison Unies-Vers-Femmes, Gatineau, QC vigil, recognizing death of
Carole Lirette, etc., S.O. 31, 2304(39:1400)
>>See also Colombia;
Cruelty to animals--Criminal Code;
Family violence;
International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women;
National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women;
Sexual abuse/assault/exploitation
Violent crime
Decline, 4996(80:2105), 8928(140:1635), 8932(140:1705)
>>Drug dealers, violent, repeat offenders, mandatory sentences, o.q.,
>>Increase, 3422-3(56:1105-10), 4996-7(80:2105)
>>Offenders, release, parole, re-offending, etc., o.q., 436(9:1150),
>>>Conditional sentences, eliminating, 321(7:1505), 4141(67:1800-5)
>>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--eliminating conditional sentencing for
violent offenders)(Bill C-205)
>>>Consecutive sentences, requiring, 1486(26:1520), 2581(42:2125)
>>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--consecutive sentences)(Bill C-290)
>>>Life imprisonment for second offences, 5771(93:1205)
>>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--violent crimes)(Bill C-378)
>>>Minimum sentences, establishing, 5009(80:2235)
>>>>o.q., 4371(71:1455), 8613(135:1455), 8682(136:1450), 10211(159:1450)
>>>Petitions, 9287(145:1005)
>>>See also Robbery--Thompson;
Sentences (convicted criminals)--Conditional sentences,
Eliminating for violent or sexual offences
>>Toronto, ON bus driver shot in head, o.q., 8613(135:1455)
>>See also Bail (judicial interim release);
Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program)--Lifetime ban;
Howard House (halfway house)
Vioxx (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug)
Side effects/recall, 4102(67:1310)
>>>o.q., 3872(63:1430)
Virginia Fontaine Addictions Foundation (Manitoba)
Aboriginal addiction treatment centre, public funds, misuse allegations,
1778-9(30:2035-40), 1796(30:2250)
>>>o.q., 9924(154:1500)
>>>S.O. 31, 4943(80:1415), 9915(154:1415)
>>See also Elections Canada--Employment contract
Virtual drug store see Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Internet sales
Virtual War Memorial see War memorials
Virtuous cycle see Economy/economic conditions
Visas see Visitors to Canada
Visible minorities see Public Service
Visitors to Canada
Tourists, increase, security factor, etc., 6187-8(101:2245)
>>>Allocation, availability of information, etc., o.q., 7617(121:1425)
>>>Bribery, 3963(64:1800)
>>>European Union (EU) citizens, 6182-3(101:2200-5)
>>>Grewal, Gurmant, allegations of accepting/demanding $50,000 guarantee from
constituent for help obtaining a visa, 4952-3(80:1515-20), 5412(87:1510),
>>>>Ethics Commissioner report, tabled, 7624(121:1505)
>>>>o.q., 4947(80:1440), 5026(81:1445), 5284(85:1445)
>>>>S.O. 31, 4810(78:1415)
>>>MacKay request for ministerial permit for Indian student, Citizenship and
Immigration Minister Sgro allegations of impropriety, 1656-7(29:1505-10),
1819(31:1510), 2317-8(39:1505-10)
>>>>o.q., 1603(28:1200)
>>>Ministerial discretion, 3001(48:1830), 3963(64:1800), 3964(64:1805)
>>>Refusals, lack of compassion, appeal process, examples, etc.,
2998-9(48:1810), 3001(48:1825), 3003(48:1840), 3004-6(48:1850-900),
3964(64:1805), 6172(101:2035-40), 6173(101:2050), 6188(101:2250),
>>>Sponsors posting bonds, family visits, etc., 1337(24:1520), 2998(48:1805),
3000-6(48:1815-905), 3959-67(64:1730-825),
>>>>Refugee applications, relationship, 2998(48:1805), 3001(48:1825-30),
3002(48:1835), 3003(48:1840), 3004(48:1845), 3005(48:1850), 3961(64:1745),
3962-3(64:1755), 3964(64:1805-10), 3965(64:1815), 3967(64:1825)
>>>>See also Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and Immigration and
Refugee Protection Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-283)
>>>Stewart, Martha, fast-tracked, o.q., 8508(133:1425-30)
>>>Student visas, working, allowing, o.q., 7541(120:1450)
>>>Syrian general, Bahjat Suleiman, daughter and daughter-in-law travel to
Canada to give birth, o.q., 7813-4(123:1430), 7814-5(123:1435-40),
>>>See also Montreal Arab World Festival;
Taiwan--Canadian visits by government officials;
Temporary workers--From outside Canada
Visual impairment see Blindness/visual impairment; Eye health/disease; World Sight Day
Vitamins and supplements
Income tax deduction, providing, 7819(123:1505)
>>>Petitions, 59(4:1005), 9927(154:1515)
>>>See also Income Tax Act (amdt.--vitamins)(Bill C-418)
Voice over Internet Protocol see Telephone services
Voisey's Bay nickel mining project
Equalization formula, relationship, 4412(72:1020)
>>Revenue-sharing agreement, renegotiation, 1233(22:1530)
>>>o.q., 6124(101:1450)
National championship winner, Red Deer College Kings, congratulating, S.O.
31, 4622(75:1422)
Volpe, Hon. Joseph (Lib.--Eglinton--Lawrence; Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development until January 14, 2005; Minister of Citizenship and Immigration effective Jan. 14, 2005)
- >>50 cent (rap performer), o.q., 10114(157:1450)
>>Arar, Maher, o.q., 7933(124:1455)
>>Canada Border Services Agency Act (Bill C-26), 1691(30:1005)
>>Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 189(5:1205), 372-6(8:1305-35), 377(8:1345), 2113-4(35:1525-30)
>>Caregivers, 6168(101:2010)
>>Chair and Vice-Chair, rulings and statements, 6175(101:2105)
>>Citizenship, 6167(101:2000), 6183-4(101:2210), 6185(101:2220), 6187(101:2240), 9779(152:1005)
>>Citizenship Act (amdt--adoption)(Bill C-76), 9779(152:1005)
>>Citizenship Act (amdt--prohibitions)(Bill C-77), 9779(152:1005)
>>Citizenship and Immigration Department, 9488(147:1520)
>>>Estimates, Committee of the Whole consideration, 6165(101:1945), 6166-7(101:1950-2010), 6169(101:2015-20), 6170-1(101:2025-35), 6172-3(101:2045), 6175-7(101:2100-20), 6179(101:2135), 6180-2(101:2140-200), 6183-4(101:2205-15), 6185(101:2220-5), 6186(101:2230-5), 6187(101:2240), 6188(101:2245-50), 6189(101:2255), 6191-2(101:2310-5), 6193(101:2320-5)
>>Citizenship judges, o.q., 4039(66:1440-5)
>>Construction industry, 9871(153:1155)
>>Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 1369(25:1005)
>>Discrimination and racism, o.q., 5653(91:1450), 5721(92:1500)
>>Domtar Inc., o.q., 2610(43:1140)
>>Education, post-secondary, 372-3(8:1305-15), 375-6(8:1330-5), 2113-4(35:1525-30), 6185(101:2255)
>>Employment, 372(8:1305-10)
>>Employment insurance, o.q,. 30(3:1440), 386(8:1435), 783(15:1440), 1329-30(24:1435), 1405(25:1420-5), 1812(31:1430), 1921(32:1430-5), 1925(32:1500), 2384-5(40:1435-45), 2451(41:1435), 2662(44:1435), 2763(45:1435)
>>Employment insurance account, o.q., 220(6:1445)
>>Ethnic communities, o.q., 5026-7(81:1445-50)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.--fiscal equalization payments to the provinces and funding to the territories)(Bill C-24), 1691(30:1005)
>>Food and Drugs Act (amdt.)(Bill C-28), 2748(45:1255)
>>Food and drugs, o.q., 2613(43:1155)
>>Foreign credentials, o.q., 4495(73:1450), 7718(122:1430)
>>Grewal, G., references, o.q., 6896(112:1430)
>>Health care providers, o.q., 4495(73:1450)
>>Housing, 2111(35:1500)
>>Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB), 6169(101:2015)
>>Immigration/immigrants, 6165(101:1945), 6166-7(101:1950-2005), 6168(101:2010), 6169(101:2015-20), 6170-1(101:2025-35), 6175-6(101:2100-15), 6177(101:2120), 6179(101:2135), 6180(101:2140-5), 6182(101:2200), 6184(101:2215), 6185(101:2220-5), 6186(101:2230), 6187(101:2240), 6188(101:2245-50), 6191(101:2310), 6192(101:2315), 6193(101:2320-5)
>>>o.q., 2204(37:1430), 2312-3(39:1445), 2851(46:1455-500), 3355(54:1450), 3701(60:1150), 3874(63:1445), 4038-9(66:1440), 4120(67:1500), 4321(70:1145-50), 4495-6(73:1450), 4625(75:1445-50), 5279(85:1445), 5458(88:1200), 5721(92:1500), 6007(99:1430), 6009(99:1440), 6082(100:1440), 7534-5(120:1415), 7540(120:1450), 7540(120:1450), 7616-7(121:1420), 7719(122:1430), 7721(122:1440-5), 7928-9(124:1430), 8227(128:1500), 8270(129:1140), 8327(130:1440-5), 9328(145:1455), 9821(152:1455), 9822(152:1500), 10114(157:1450)
>>>qu., 2858(46:1525)
>>Job creation, o.q., 2384(40:1435), 2451(41:1435)
>>Lac-Saint-Jean--Saguenay, QC, o.q., 490(10:1455)
>>Members of Parliament, 6166(101:1950)
>>Montreal Grand Prix, o.q., 6823-4(111:1445-50)
>>Oil and gas industry, 6180-2(101:2150-200)
>>Parental leave, o.q., 34(3:1500), 1079(20:1425), 1080(20:1430-35), 1156(21:1440), 1410(25:1450), 2661-2(44:1430-5)
>>Philippines, 6187(101:2240), 6191-2(101:2310-5)
>>>o.q., 3700(60:1145), 3977(63:1500)
>>Privilege, rights of Members breached (Jaffer), 9488(147:1520)
>>>Cellphones, 8172(127:1835)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 1085(20:1500), 10117(157:1505)
>>>Members' remarks, 4952-3(80:1515-20), 5412(87:1500), 10115(157:1450)
>>Program for Older Worker Adjustment (POWA), o.q., 6612(108:1200)
>>>Intervention requests by Tony Martin, S.O. 31, 10159-60(158:1115)
>>>Minister and staff, hospitality expenses, excessive, 8643-4(135:1845-55)
>>>>o.q., 8099(126:1500), 8327-8(130:1445), 8400(131:1450), 8440-1(132:1455), 8513(133:1450), 8799(138:1435), 10114(157:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 8605(135:1410)
>>>See also Citizenship and Immigration Department--Estimates, 2005-2006, supplementary (A); Discrimination and racism; Grewal, G.--References, Canadian citizenship; Immigration/immigrants--Hetag, Saadia--Ministerial permits/temporary resident permits, Abuse--Obhrai activities--Volpe; Marriage--Same-sex couples; Sikhs
>>Refugees, 6169(101:2020), 6170(101:2025), 6176-7(101:2115-20), 6186(101:2235)
>>>o.q., 3157(51:1500), 3759(61:1500), 4038(66:1440), 4273(69:1445-50), 4370(71:1450-5), 4630(75:1515), 6611(108:1150), 7541(120:1450), 7812(123:1420-5), 7929(124:1435), 8803(138:1500), 9742-3(151:1500), 10038(156:1440)
>>Remote Sensing Space Systems Act (Bill C-25), 1691(30:1005), 2363(40:1155)
>>Security certificates, o.q., 7540(120:1450)
>>Shermag Inc., o.q., 6612(108:1200)
>>Skilled trades and technology workforce, 374-5(8:1320-5)
>>>o.q., 2525(42:1445)
>>Student debt, o.q., 434(9:1140)
>>Students, 6182(101:2200), 6185(101:2225)
>>Temporary workers, 6166(101:1950)
>>Textile and clothing industry, o.q., 2764-5(45:1435)
>>Toronto, ON, 9487(147:1505)
>>Underground economy, 6173(101:2045)
>>Unemployment, o.q., 1921(32:1435), 2384(40:1435)
>>Visitors to Canada, 4952-3(80:1515-20), 5412(87:1510), 6183(101:2205), 6188(101:2245)
>>>o.q., 4947(80:1440), 5026(81:1445), 7541(120:1450), 7617(121:1425), 7814(123:1430), 7814(123:1435), 7815(123:1440), 7933(124:1500), 8508(133:1430)
>>Volpe, references, o.q., 8099(126:1500), 8327-8(130:1445), 8400(131:1450), 8440-1(132:1455), 8513(133:1450), 8799(138:1435)g, 10114(157:1450)
Voluntary agreements see Greenhouse gas emissions (global warming/climate change)--Reducing, Regulations/voluntary agreements
Voluntary organizations
Not-for-profit corporations legislation, introducing, Throne speech
statement, 11(2:1630)
>>See also Big Brother Big Sister of Canada;
Children's Wish Foundation;
Club Richelieu;
Montreal, QC--West island
Voluntary sector
Government support, measures, 76(4:1200), 6504(106:1725)
>>>Budget 2004 measures, 3882(63:1535)
Voluntary Sector Initiative (VSI)
Atlantic region, costs by province, qu., 9591-2(149:1515)
Volunteer emergency workers see Emergency response workers
Volunteer firefighters see Firefighters
Babin, Roland, 2004 Volunteer of the Year, Gaspé and Magdalen Islands,
tribute, S.O. 31, 4312-3(70:1100)
>>Braney, Stéphane, quadriplegic, disabled persons program fundraiser,
tribute, S.O. 31, 2378(40:1400)
>>Burrell, Bill, Brampton Citizen of the Year award winner, community
activist, S.O. 31, 5923(96:1405)
>>Cambridge constituency, 616(12:1550)
>>Centre d'action bénévole du Granit, honouring, S.O. 31, 5324(86:1410)
>>Clark, Cody, Leeds-Grenville constituent, hospital kits for children and
seniors, fundraiser, tribute, S.O. 31, 2249(38:1055)
>>Collingwood Church of God, construction of orphanage in Paraguay, tribute,
>>Community service group memberships, income tax deduction, 610(12:1515)
>>>See also Income Tax Act (amdt.--community service group membership
dues)(Bill C-233)
>>Dick, C.J., Brant constituency, activities, tribute, S.O. 31, 5400(87:1400)
>>Etobicoke--Lakeshore constituency, recognition, S.O. 31, 5278(85:1405)
>>Gala des bénévoles, Magog, QC, S.O. 31, 5806(94:1415)
>>Gatineau constituency, tribute, 18-9(2:1705)
>>Goveas, Jason, tribute, S.O. 31, 2121(36:1405)
>>Income tax deduction, voluntary work/dues to organizations, 1013(19:1520),
2793(45:1815), 4014(66:1145)
>>>See also Income Tax Act (amdt.--volunteers)(Bill C-255)
>>Jessa, Sultan, journalist, fundraiser and volunteer, Order of Canada
recipient, tribute, S.O. 31, 4266(69:1405)
>>Mitterling, Matthew, Hamilton Spectator, Youth Volunteer of the Year
for 2004, fundraiser for clean water projects in Zambia, tribute, S.O. 31,
>>Nantel, Ernest, community volunteer, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 5803(94:1400)
>>O'Hara, Linna, Stanley, NB, Order of New Brunswick recipient, S.O. 31,
>>Pontbriand, Laurent, hepatitis C victim, support/information group founder,
tribute, S.O. 31, 2199(37:1405)
>>Shatskoff, André, community activist/volunteer, social, cultural and
economic issues, tribute, S.O. 31, 3222(52:1400)
>>Tribute, 539(11:1210)
>>>S.O. 31, 2121(36:1405)
>>Vegreville--Wainwright constituency, tribute, S.O. 31, 2198(37:1400)
>>See also Alberta--Floods;
Centre d'action bénévole de Grand-Mère;
Criminals/offenders--Mental disorder, Henderson, David;
Dartmouth North Echo;
Dionne, Prosper;
Emergency response workers;
Hospice Peterborough;
Izaak Walton Killam Hospital--Dartmouth--Cole Harbour constituency;
Kamloops Christmas Lights Tour;
Lunch programs;
National Volunteer Week;
Organisation de Valleyfield pour les personnes atteintes de cancer;
Senior citizens;
Thérèse Casgrain Volunteer Award
von Hardenberg, Ben see Firefighters--Deaths in line of duty
Voortman Cookies Limited see Trans fats (trans fatty acids)
Voting age see Elections
Voting, right see Marriage--Same-sex couples, Women
Voyer, Bernard
Adventurer, Royal Canadian Gold Medal, Order of Canada recipient, tribute,
S.O. 31, 8904(140:1400)
Criminal Code offences, creating, 323(7:1515), 323-4(7:1525), 326(7:1545),
329(7:1605), 330(7:1615), 331(7:1620), 332-3(7:1630), 335(7:1655),
>>Legislation see Child protection legislation (Bill C-2);
Criminal Code (protection of children and other vulnerable persons) and
Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-2)
VSI see Voluntary Sector Initiative (VSI)
Vulnerable persons
Finance Standing Committee 2005 pre-budget consultations report,
2826(46:1210), 2837(46:1330)
>>See also Courts--Testimony of witnesses, Children and other
vulnerable persons;
Criminal Code (protection of children and other vulnerable persons) and
Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-2)