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CHPC Committee Report

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Supplementary Opinion
New Democratic Party

New Democrats support the recommendations and conclusions made in the Standing Committee’s report but make the following supplemental report.

Many Canadians came to their appreciation of classical music as a direct result of CBC/Radio Canada.  CBC/Radio Canada has traditionally been a major supporter of classical music in Canada, through its programming, the CBC Radio Orchestra, the CBC Young Performers Competition, the CBC Young Composers Competition, and the CBC Records label.  The decline in support from Canada’s public broadcaster has already had significant effects.  These changes are so significant that we believe that the Government of Canada through the Department of Canadian Heritage and the Canada Council for the Arts should undertake an immediate, comprehensive and public review of policy with regard to the production and promotion of classical music in Canada including the development of Canadian classical music, musicians, composers, and conductors.  This should be done in consultation with CBC/Radio Canada, private broadcasters, orchestras, choirs, musicians, arts organizations, educational institutions, academics and educators, individual Canadians and others.  Clear recommendations should be developed in this process.  This should be engaged no matter what decisions are made by CBC/Radio Canada regarding the orchestra and programming.

The Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage has recommended the provision of increased and stable, long-term funding through the negotiation of a seven year memorandum of understanding between the Government of Canada and CBC/Radio Canada. New Democrats strongly support this funding model and process.  Given that, we believe that the agenda of those discussions should include consideration of the implementation of formal mechanisms for listener feedback to CBC/Radio, Canada perhaps modeled on the British Broadcasting Corporation’s Audience Councils.  As well, dedicated funding for the CBC Radio Orchestra, in recognition of its importance to the national cultural heritage of Canada and the development of Canadian classical composers, performers and musicians, would be appropriately considered in discussions towards the memorandum of understanding.