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CIMM Committee Report

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The House of Commons Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration tabled the report Temporary Foreign Workers and Non-Status Workers in May 2009.  Subsequently, the Committee decided to hold hearings to receive feedback on the report and to hear additional testimony on the Live-in Caregiver Program (LCP) in particular.  The LCP is a specialized program for people to come to Canada as temporary residents and provide care to seniors, children, and persons with disabilities.  This report makes additional recommendations specific to the LCP and addresses the situation of live-in caregivers in a particular family residence.

The Committee also wishes to highlight concerns with a related matter, that of immigration consultants; non-lawyers who, for a fee, provide advice and assistance in immigration matters, or representation before immigration tribunals.  The Committee held hearings on this topic during the Thirty-Ninth Parliament, Second Session and adopted the report Regulating Immigration Consultants in June 2008.  We believe the recommendations from this report are still relevant and critical today, and have appended them as Appendix 2 to this report in completion of our study on migrant workers and ghost consultants.