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Friday, April 24, 2009 (No. 45)

Report Stage of Bills

Bill C-11
An Act to promote safety and security with respect to human pathogens and toxins
Pursuant to Standing Order 76.1(5), the Speaker selected and grouped for debate the following motions:
Group No. 1 -- Motions Nos. 1 and 2.
Statement and selection by Speaker — see Debates of April 22, 2009.

Resuming Debate

Group No. 1
Motion No. 1 — Question put separately. Its vote also applies to Motion No. 2.
Motion No. 1 — April 22, 2009 — Mrs. Aglukkaq (Minister of Health), seconded by Mr. Lebel (Minister of State (Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec)), — That Bill C-11, in Clause 66.1, be amended by
(a) replacing lines 17 to 24 on page 31 with the following:
“regulation before each House of Parliament.
(2) A proposed regulation that is laid before Parliament shall be referred to the appropriate committee of each House, as determined by the rules of that House, and the committee may review the proposed regulation and report its findings to that House.
(2.1) The committee of the House of Commons referred to in subsection (2) shall be the Standing Committee on Health or, in the event that there is not a Standing Committee on Health, the appropriate committee of the House.”
(b) replacing lines 28 to 32 on page 31 with the following:
“tion is laid before Parliament,
(b) 160 calendar days after the proposed regulation is laid before Parliament, and
(c) the day after each appropriate committee”
(c) replacing lines 36 to 39 on page 31 with the following:
“report of the committee of either House. If a regulation does not incorporate a recommendation of the committee of either House, the Minister shall lay before that House a statement of the reasons for not”
(d) replacing, in the English version, line 2 on page 32 with the following:
“before Parliament need not again”.
Motion No. 2 — April 22, 2009 — Mrs. Aglukkaq (Minister of Health), seconded by Mr. Lebel (Minister of State (Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec)), — That Bill C-11, in Clause 66.2, be amended by
(a) replacing line 6 on page 32 with the following:
“being laid before either House of Parliament if”
(b) replacing lines 16 and 17 on page 32 with the following:
“before Parliament, the Minister shall lay before each House of Parliament a statement of the”.