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Status of House Business

The Status of House Business provides cumulative information on the status of business before the House during a session. The document is updated after each sitting.

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40th Parliament, 2nd Session   (January 26, 2009 - December 30, 2009)  Current Session
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Status of House Business

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

PART V – Other Business

This section contains information on motions which deal with other business of the House, such as the times of sitting of the House and its order of business, amendments to the Standing Orders and emergency debates. The information in this section is grouped and numbered for reference only.
No. 1 — Chair Occupants
Deputy Chair of Committees of the Whole appointed (Ms. Savoie (Victoria)) — January 26, 2009
Assistant Deputy Chair of Committees of the Whole appointed (Mr. Devolin (Haliburton—Kawartha Lakes—Brock)) — January 26, 2009
No. 2 — Sittings and Business of the House
Order respecting the proceedings on January 27 and April 30, 2009 — January 26, 2009
Order respecting the adjournment of the House on May 1, 2009 — January 26, 2009
Order respecting the sequence of voting on the opposition motion in the name of the Member for Marc-Aurèle-Fortin, and on the motion for second reading of Bills C-268, C-300 and C-291 — April 21, 2009
Panel of Chairs for the Legislative committees appointed — April 27, 2009
Order respecting the sequence of voting on the opposition motion in the name of the Member for Saint-Maurice—Champlain, on the motion for second reading of Bill C-241 and on motion M-294 on April 29, 2009 — April 27, 2009
Order respecting Statements by Ministers, the taking of the deferred recorded divisions respecting Bills C-24, C-15, C-302, C-307 and motions M-299 and M-287, and Private Member's Business on June 3, 2009 — June 2, 2009
Order respecting the taking of the deferred recorded divisions respecting motions M-297 and M-295 and Bill C-309 on June 17, 2009 — June 16, 2009
Order respecting the adjournment of the House on June 22 and 23, 2009 and the calendar of the House — June 19, 2009
Order respecting the adjournment proceedings on October 28, 2009 — October 27, 2009
Order respecting the time for statements by Ministers on November 5, 2009 — November 4, 2009
Order respecting the expiry of the time provided for Government Orders — November 5, 2009
Order respecting the time for statements by Ministers on December 3, 2009 — December 2, 2009
Order respecting proceedings, hours of sitting and the presence of torchbearers carrying the Olympic Flame before a Committee of the Whole on December 10, 2009 — December 7, 2009
No. 3 — Address in Reply to the Speech of the Throne
Debated — January 26, 2009
No. 4 — Emergency debate
Public transit labour dispute — Leave granted — January 28, 2009
Order respecting the proceedings on January 29, 2009 — January 28, 2009
Order for holding the debate rescinded — January 29, 2009
Situation in Sri Lanka — Leave granted; debated — February 4, 2009
Orders respecting proceedings — February 4, 2009
Supply of H1N1 vaccines — Leave granted; debated — November 2, 2009
Order respecting proceedings — November 2, 2009
No. 5 — Resolutions
Issues to be raised at G8 and G20 meetings — March 11, 2009
Nowruz Day — March 30, 2009
Earthquake in Italy — April 20, 2009
National Food Allergy Awareness Week — April 28, 2009
Red Cross — May 6, 2009
Seal products — May 6, 2009
Tobacco contraband — May 7, 2009
Canada-Israel relations — May 11, 2009
Maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality — June 4, 2009
National Aboriginal History Month — June 4, 2009
Bob Bartlett Arctic Voyage 100th Anniversary — June 16, 2009
International Day of Peace — June 17, 2009
Iran — June 17, 2009
Aga Khan — June 19, 2009
Iran — October 27, 2009
Remembrance Day — November 5, 2009
International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women — November 25, 2009
Day of remembrance for the victims of Europe's totalitarian regimes — November 30, 2009
20th anniversary of the massacre at École Polytechnique — December 3, 2009
Métis — December 9, 2009
No. 6 — Casting Vote
Speaker called upon to exercise a casting vote — April 29, 2009
Speaker called upon to exercise a casting vote — October 8, 2009
No. 7 — Officers of Parliament
Commisioner of Lobbying
Name of the proposed appointee (Karen E. Shepherd) referred to the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics — Sessional Paper No. 8540-402-25-02 — May 11, 2009
Eighth Report of the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics — Sessional Paper No.  8510-402-102 — June 10, 2009
Ratification motion — adopted — June 10, 2009
No. 8 — Bills sponsored by private Members which originated in the Senate
S-216Mr. Woodworth (Kitchener Centre)
S-210Mr. Murphy (Charlottetown)
S-217 Mr. Savage (Dartmouth—Cole Harbour)
S-205Mrs. Block (Saskatoon—Rosetown—Biggar)
S-208Mr. Preston (Elgin—Middlesex—London)
No. 9 — Standing Orders
Amendments to Standing Orders 153 and 156 — Adopted — June 4, 2009 (See PART IV — Standing Committees — PROC — 12th Report)
Provisional change to Standing Order 81(10) — June 19, 2009 (See PART I — Business of Supply No. 7 — 8th allotted day)
Proposal regarding Business of supply — Amendment to Standing Order 81(10) — November 25, 2009 (See PART I — Business of Supply No. 7 — 8th allotted day)
Adopted — November 26, 2009
No. 10 — Conflict of Interest Code for the Members of the House of Commons
Amendments to the Conflict of Interest Code for Members of the House of Commons — Adopted — June 4, 2009 (See PART IV — Standing Committees — PROC — 18th Report)
No. 11 — Applications pursuant to Standing Order 56.1
Motion respecting sitting hours and proceedings on June 19, 2009 — Adopted — June 18, 2009
Motion respecting no further amendments or subamendments permitted at second reading stage of Bill C-23 — Adopted — October 9, 2009
No. 12 — Motions (Routine Proceedings)
Motion to instruct the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development to divide Bill C-311, An Act to ensure Canada assumes its responsibilities in preventing dangerous climate change — Debated under Routine Proceedings; transferred to Government Business — October 8, 2009 (See PART I — Government Business No. 6)
No. 13 — Privilege
Householder — Adopted — November 19, 2009 (See PART IV — Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs (PROC))
Householder — Debated — November 26, 2009
Adopted — November 30, 2009 (See PART IV — Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs (PROC))