AANO Committee Report
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Witness |
Recommendation |
Aboriginal Healing Foundation |
That the funding and timeline of the Aboriginal Healing Foundation and its projects be harmonized with the timeline of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and that there be a funding commitment of $125 million over three years. |
Assembly of First Nations |
That the funding and timeline of the Aboriginal Healing Foundation and its projects be harmonized with the timeline of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and that there be a funding commitment of $125 million over three years. |
Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami |
Renew funding to the Aboriginal Healing Foundation and its projects. |
Mental Health Commission of Canada |
Renew funding to the Aboriginal Healing Foundation and its projects. |
Native Women’s Shelter of Montreal |
Renew funding to the Aboriginal Healing Foundation and its projects. |
Tsow-Tun Le Lum Society |
Renew funding to the Aboriginal Healing Foundation and its projects. |
Regional Chief Bill Erasmus, Northwest Territories, Assembly of First Nations |
That the funding and timeline of the Aboriginal Healing Foundation and its projects be harmonized with the timeline of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and that there be a funding commitment of $125 million over three years.
That the federal government immediately engage in discussions with the appropriate organizations to expand Health Canada’s mandate and criteria to community-healing services as well as other solutions such as expanding physical and geographic coverage, and be prepared to commit additional funds necessary for adequate and comprehensive healing services. |
Iqaluit Community Tukisigiarvik Society |
Renew funding to the Aboriginal Healing Foundation and its projects. |
Ilisaqsivik Society |
Renew funding to the Aboriginal Healing Foundation and its projects. |
Hinton Friendship Centre Mamowichihitowin |
Renew funding to the Aboriginal Healing Foundation and its projects. |