HUMA Committee Report
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Organizations and Individuals |
Date |
Meeting |
Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Frank Fedyk, Associate Assistant Deputy Minister, Strategic Policy and Research Branch |
2009/02/26 |
6 |
Shawn Tupper, Director General, Social Policy Directorate |
Statistics Canada Sylvie Michaud, Director General, Labour and Household Surveys Branch |
Garnett Picot, Director General, Socio-Economic and Business Analysis Branch |
Caledon Institute of Social Policy Ken Battle, President |
2009/03/10 |
9 |
Sherri Torjman, Vice-President |
Canadian Policy Research Networks Nicole Pollack, Researcher |
Glen Roberts, Vice-President, Research and Development |
Michael Williamson, Director, Work & Learning |
Centre for the Study of Living Standards Andrew Sharpe, Executive Director |
As Individual Right Hon. Iain Duncan Smith, Founder and Chairman, Centre for Social Justice |
2009/03/12 |
10 |
Government of Ontario Hon, Deb Matthews, Minister of Children and Youth Services, Minister Responsible for Women's Issues and Chair of the Cabinet Committee on Poverty Reduction |
As Individual Alain Noël, Professor, Department of Political Science, Université de Montréal |
2009/03/24 |
11 |
Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action Leilani Farha, Member of the Steering Committee |
2009/03/31 |
12 |
Canadian Paediatric Society Andrew Lynk, Chair, Action Committee for Children and Teens |
Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada Jody Dallaire, Chairperson |
2009/03/31 |
12 |
Canadian Mental Health Association Taylor Alexander, Chief Executive Officer, National Office |
2009/04/02 |
13 |
Ruth-Anne Craig, Executive Director, Manitoba Division |
Causeway Work Centre Don Palmer, Executive Director |
National Network for Mental Health Carmela Hutchison, Past President and Member |
Ottawa Salus Corporation Carolyn Buchan, President, Board of Directors |
Margaret Singleton, Executive Director |
Canadian Co-operative Association Lynne Markell, Advisor, Government Affairs and Public Policy |
2009/04/23 |
15 |
Canadian Housing and Renewal Association Geoffrey Gillard, Acting Executive Director |
Centre for Equality Rights in Accommodation Bruce Porter, Consultant and former Executive Director |
Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada Nicholas Gazzard, Executive Director, National Office |
Canada Without Poverty John Courtneidge, Outreach and Policy |
2009/04/28 |
16 |
Kelly Law, Associate Director |
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives Armine Yalnizyan, Senior Economist |
Make Poverty History Dennis Howlett, National Coordinator |
Mental Health Commission of Canada Jayne Barker, Director of Policy and Research |
2009/04/30 |
17 |
Howard Chodos, Director, Mental Health Strategy |
Hon. Michael J. L. Kirby, Chair |
Micheal Pietrus, Director, Anti-stigma/Anti-discrimination Campaign |
Active Living Alliance for Canadians with a Disability Jane Arkell, Executive Director |
2009/05/07 |
19 |
Jason Dunkerley, Coordinator, All Abilities Welcome |
Canadian Association for Community Living Anna MacQuarrie, Director, Government Relations and Strategic Initiatives |
2009/05/07 |
19 |
Canadian Paraplegic Association Bruce Drewett, President |
Courtney Keenan, Vice-President |
Council of Canadians with Disabilities Marie White, National Chairperson |
DisAbled Women's Network of Canada Bonnie L. Brayton, National Executive Director |
Independent Living Canada Rick Goodfellow, National Chairperson |
Community Action on Homelessness Claudia Jahn, Program Director |
2009/05/11 |
20 |
Community Coalition to End Poverty in Nova Scotia Rene Ross, Executive Director, Stepping Stone Association |
Nova Scotia Legal Aid Andrew Waugh, Barrister and Solicitor |
Canadian Union of Public Employees - Nova Scotia Betty Jean Sutherland, Equality Representative |
2009/05/11 |
21 |
Face of Poverty Consultation Alasdair Sinclair, Professor Emeritus (Economics), Dalhousie University |
Saint Leonard's Society of Nova Scotia Michael Poworoznyk, Director of Operations |
North End Community Health Centre Sharon Lawlor, Health Team Manager |
2009/05/11 |
22 |
Patti Melanson, Coordinator, Mobile Outreach Street Health Program |
Nova Scotia Association of Women's Centres Louise Smith MacDonald, Coordinator |
Phoenix Youth Programs Timothy Crooks, Executive Director |
Salvation Army Robert Lundrigan, Assistant Executive Director, Halifax Booth Centre |
2009/05/11 |
23 |
United Way of Halifax Region Paul Shakotko, Manager, Neighbourhood Change |
2009/05/11 |
23 |
YWCA Halifax Tanis Crosby, Executive Director |
Chignecto Presbytery of the United Church of Canada Steve Berubé, Reverend |
2009/05/12 |
24 |
Common Front for Social Justice of New Brunswick Auréa Cormier, Member of the Provincial Council |
New Brunswick Coalition for Pay Equity Johanne Perron, Executive Director |
As Individual Bernard Richard, Ombudsman and Child and Youth Advocate |
2009/05/12 |
25 |
Fredericton Anti-Poverty Organization Dan Weston, Coordinator |
Fredericton Homeless Shelters Brian Duplessis, Executive Director |
Fundy Community Foundation John Castell, Member, Moving Forward Together Steering Committee |
John Howard Society of New Brunswick Kelly Wilson, Executive Director, Charlotte County |
As Individual Leah Levac |
2009/05/12 |
26 |
Karing Kitchen Inc. Lillian MacMellon, Director |
New Brunswick Association of Social Workers Miguel LeBlanc, Executive Director |
New Brunswick Non-Profit Housing Association Gary Glauser, Policy and Conference Coordinator |
Poverty Reduction Initiative Phyllis Mockler-Caissie, Project Manager |
As Individual Sue Rickards, Community Development |
2009/05/12 |
27 |
Business Community Anti-Poverty Initiative Inc. Monica Chaperlin, Coordinator |
Salvus Clinic Susan Crouse |
2009/05/12 |
27 |
Vibrant Communities Saint John Wendy MacDermott, Coordinator |
Voice of Real Poverty Inc. Bethany Thorne-Dykstra, President |
Volunteer Centre of Charlotte County Inc. Donna Linton, Coordinator |
AGAPE Betty McLeod, Treasurer |
2009/05/13 |
28 |
Sylvie St-Martin, Director General |
Assembly of First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Ghislain Picard, Regional Chief |
Au bas de l'échelle Mélanie Gauvin, National Spokesperson, Front de défense des non-syndiqué-Es |
Centrale des syndicats démocratiques Claude Faucher, Vice-President |
Centrale des syndicats du Québec Nicole de Sève, Manager, Social issues |
Daniel Lafrenière, Vice-President |
Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN) Denise Boucher, Vice-President |
2009/05/13 |
29 |
Jardin de la Famille de Fabreville Janine L'Archevêque, Director General and Co-Founder |
Regroupement des cuisines collectives du Québec Germaine Chevrier, Delegated Spokesperson |
Thérèse Mazerolle, Board Member |
Union des consommateurs Élisabeth Gibeau, Social and Fiscal Policies Analyst |
Association coopérative d’économie familiale de la Rive-Sud de Montréal Marie-Édith Trudel, Coordinator |
2009/05/13 |
30 |
Front commun des personnes assistées sociales du Québec Nicole Jetté, Spokesperson |
Front d'action populaire en réaménagement urbain François Saillant, Coordinator |
2009/05/13 |
30 |
Maison de la famille de Laval-Ouest Annie Pothier, Coordinator |
Maison des jeunes de Laval Ouest Francis Vermette, Director General |
Association of Canadian Community Colleges Terry Anne Boyles, Vice-President, Public Affairs |
2009/05/26 |
31 |
Canadian Council on Learning Paul Cappon, President and Chief Executive Officer |
Canadian Federation of University Women Susan Russell, Executive Director |
Canadian Teachers' Federation Calvin Fraser, Secretary General |
Emily Noble, President |
Institute of Marriage and Family Canada Dave Quist, Executive Director |
2009/05/28 |
32 |
Mennonite Central Committee Canada Greg deGroot-Maggetti, Poverty Advocate |
United Way of Canada Émilie Potvin, Vice-President, Communications |
United Way Québec and Chaudière-Appalaches Pierre Métivier, President and Chief Executive Officer |
As Individual Rev. Ronald Berresford, Reverend |
2009/06/01 |
33 |
Brampton Neighbourhood Resource Centre Daniel Cullen, Coordinator |
Campaign 2000 Laurel Rothman, National Co-ordinator |
Food Banks Canada Shawn Pegg, Manager of Policy and Research |
South Etobicoke Social Reform Committee Patricia Smiley, Member |
ABC CANADA Literacy Foundation Margaret Eaton, President |
2009/06/01 |
34 |
African Canadian Legal Clinic Marie Chen, Staff Lawyer |
2009/06/01 |
34 |
Heather Kere, Court Worker |
AfriCana Village and Museum Trevor David, President |
Alliance for Equality of Blind Canadians John Rae, First Vice-President |
Atkinson Charitable Foundation John Stapleton, Senior Policy Advisor |
Frontier College Sherry Campbell, President |
C.D. Howe Institute Claire de Oliveira, Research Fellow |
2009/06/01 |
35 |
Canadian Arab Federation (CAF) Mohamed Boudjenane, National Executive Director |
Canadian Business for Social Responsibility Wendy Campbell, Director of Programs |
Canadian Council of Churches Maylanne Maybee, Coordinator for Eco-Justice Networks |
Peter Noteboom, Associate Secretary of the commission on Justice and Peace |
Canadian Jewish Congress Melanie Simons, Director, Social Policy |
Canadian Women's Foundation Beverley Wybrow, President and Chief Executive Officer |
As Individual Cathy Crowe, Street Nurse |
2009/06/01 |
36 |
Colour of Poverty Campaign Grace-Edward Galabuzi, Member of the Steering Committee |
Community Social Planning Council of Toronto John Campey, Executive Director |
COSTI Immigrant Services Mario Calla, Executive Director |
Humanity First Naumana Khan, Program Director |
As Individual John Myles, Canada Research Chair in the Social Foundations of Public Policy, University of Toronto |
2009/06/01 |
37 |
Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction Mark Chamberlain, Chair |
Income Security Advocacy Centre (ISAC) Sarah Blackstock, Research and Policy Analyst |
Lone Mothers: Building Social Inclusion Judit Alcalde, Research Director |
Elita McAdam, Research Assistant |
Low Income Families Together (LIFT) Josephine Grey, Executive Director |
Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada Yves Savoie, President and Chief Executive Officer |
Ontario Association of Food Banks (OAFB) Adam Spence, Executive Director |
2009/06/02 |
38 |
Ontario Coalition for Social Justice David Langille, Co-chair |
Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants (OCASI) Debbie Douglas, Executive Director |
Pathways to Education Canada David Hughes, President and Chief Executive Officer |
Peel Poverty Action Group (PPAG) Edna Toth, Chair |
Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario Barbara Burkett, Vice-President |
2009/06/02 |
39 |
Ontario Teachers' Federation Reno Melatti, First Vice-President |
Social and Enterprise Development Innovations (SEDI) Barbara A. Gosse, Director, Asset-Building Initiatives |
Toronto City Summit Alliance John Stapleton, Research Director |
Childcare Resource and Research Unit (CRRU) Martha Friendly, Executive Director |
2009/06/02 |
40 |
Citizen's Income Toronto Tim Rourke, Coordinator |
2009/06/02 |
40 |
Green Pastures Society Kofi Hadjor, Founder and Research Director |
Recession Relief Fund Coalition John Andras, Co-Founder |
South Asian Women's Rights Organization Sultana Jahangir, Executive Director |
Wellesley Institute Michael Shapcott, Director, Affordable Housing and Social Innovation |
Canadian Pensioners Concerned Inc. Sylvia Hall, Director and Treasurer |
2009/06/02 |
41 |
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Diana Capponi, Coordinator of Employment Works! |
Children's Aid Society of Toronto Colin Hughes, Social Worker, Community Development and Prevention Program |
FOR Women's Autonomy, Rights and Dignity (FORWARD) Patricia Cummings-Diaz, Co-Chair |
Ontario March of Dimes Steven Christianson, Manager, Government Relations and Advocacy |
Ontario Non-Profit Housing Association Diana Summers, Manager of Policy, Research and Government Relations |
Habitat for Humanity Canada Wayne de Jong, Vice-President, International Programs and Strategic Partnerships |
2009/06/02 |
42 |
Metro Toronto Chinese and Southeast Asian Legal Clinic Avvy Yao-Yao Go, Director |
Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario Theresa Agnew, Member at Large, Socio-political Affairs |
Voices From the Street Michael Creek, Coordinator |
Canada's Association for the Fifty-Plus Susan Eng, Vice-President, Advocacy |
2009/06/09 |
43 |
Anne Gravel, Researcher, Policy Development |
Citizens for Public Justice Karri Munn-Venn, Analyst, Socio-Economic Policy |
Community Foundations of Canada Sara Lyons, Senior Advisor |
Monica Patten, President and Chief Executive Officer |
Aboriginal Homelessness Steering Committee Patrick R. Stewart, Chair |
2009/11/30 |
60 |
BC Poverty Reduction Coalition Darryl Quantz, Member, Chair of the Policy Committee of the Public Health Association of British Columbia |
Carnegie Community Action Project Jean Swanson, Co-ordinator |
First Call: B.C. Child and Youth Advocacy Coalition Adrienne Montani, Provincial Co-ordinator |
First Nations Environmental Network of Canada Steve Lawson, National Coordinator |
Fraser River and Approach Working Group Susan Anderson Behn, Representative |
Jeff Thomas, Councillor, Snuneymuxw First Nation |
Nicola Tribal Association Fred Sampson, Chief |
Pivot Legal Society Laura Track, Lawyer |
Ray-Cam Co-Operative Community Centre Stephanie Manning, President, Ray-Cam Community Association |
Salsbury Community Society Tim Dickau, Board Member |
Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre Society Sherry Small, Program Manager |
Vibrant Communities Surrey Susan Keeping, Executive Director and Founder, Newton Advocacy Group Society |
Women Elders in Action Elsie Dean, Research Director |
2009/11/30 |
60 |
As Individual Margot E. Young, Associate Professor of Law, University of British Columbia |
2009/11/30 |
61 |
British Columbia Co-operative Association John Restakis, Executive Director |
Citywide Housing Coalition Laura Stannard, Organizer |
Downtown Eastside Residents Association Sister Elizabeth Kelliher, Chair of the Board |
Enterprising Non-Profits Program David LePage, Program Manager |
Hospitality Project Robyn Kelly, Community Advocate |
Lookout Emergency Aid Society Irene Jaakson, Director, Emergency Services |
National Pensioners and Senior Citizens Federation Arthur Kube, President, Head Office |
St. Andrew Wesley United Church Nancy Hall, Representative, Homelessness and Mental Health Action Group |
Streetohome Foundation Barbara Grantham, Acting President |
Wilson Heights United Church Rosemary Collins, Community Minister and Community Advocate |
Council of Yukon First Nations Ed Schultz, Executive Director |
2009/12/01 |
62 |
Food Bank Society of Whitehorse Julie Ménard, Executive Director |
Outreach Van Patricia Bacon, Manager |
Social Justice Committee at Sacred Heart Cathedral Michael Dougherty, Co-chair, Diocese of Whitehorse |
Yukon Anti-Poverty Coalition Laura MacFeeters, Representative |
Yukon Council on disABILITY Amy Martey, Employer Liaison and Job Coach |
2009/12/01 |
62 |
Yukon Housing Corporation Don Routledge, Senior Program Advisor |
Yukon Status of Women Council Charlotte Hrenchuk, Coordinator |
Fetal Alcohol Society of Yukon Brooke Alsbury, Executive Director |
2009/12/01 |
63 |
Maryhouse Kate O'Donnell, Director |
Second Opinion Society Susan Gwynne-Timothy, Administative Coordinator |
Skookum Jim Friendship Centre Michelle Kolla, Executive Director |
Victoria Faulkner Women's Centre Nyingje Norgang, Women's Advocate |
As Individuals Jean McKendry |
2009/12/02 |
64 |
Shirley Tsetta |
Alternatives North Ben McDonald, Co-chair |
Northwest Territories Association of Communities Gordon Van Tighem, President and Mayor of the City of Yellowknife |
NWT Council of Persons with Disabilities Michelle Gillis, Executive Director |
Yellowknife Women's Society Arlene Hache, Executive Director, Centre for Northern Families |
YWCA Yellowknife Catherine Wilson, Director, Emergency and Transitional Housing |
Alberta Committee of Citizens with Disabilities Bev Matthiessen, Executive Director |
2009/12/03 |
65 |
Edmonton Social Planning Council John Kolkman, Research and Policy Analysis Coordinator |
Homeward Trust Edmonton Wendy Myshak, Manager, Community Initiatives |
2009/12/03 |
65 |
Dave Ward, Director, Aboriginal Relations |
Public Interest Alberta Bill Moore-Kilgannon, Executive Director |
Boyle Street Community Services Julian Daly, Executive Director |
2009/12/03 |
66 |
Edmonton Coalition on Housing and Homelessness Tanya Tellier, Member |
Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers Jim Gurnett, Former Executive Director |
Métis Nation of Alberta Muriel E. Stanley-Venne, Vice-President |
As Individual Gerald Duguay |
2009/12/04 |
67 |
Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Chief Donovan Fontaine, Representative |
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives Shauna MacKinnon, Director, Manitoba |
Community Unemployed Help Centre Neil Cohen, Executive Director |
Manitoba Community Economic Development Network Brendan Reimer, Regional Coordinator for the Prairies and Northern Territories |
Manitoba Federation of Non-Profit Organizations Inc. Martin Itzkow, Co-chair |
Manitoba Research Alliance Lynne Fernandez, Project Coordinator and Research Associate |
Right to Housing Coalition Lindsey McBain, Communications Coordinator |
Social Planning Council of Winnipeg Sid Frankel, Board Member |
University of Manitoba Susan Prentice, Professor, Department of Sociology |