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Status of House Business

The Status of House Business provides cumulative information on the status of business before the House during a session. The document is updated after each sitting.

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40th Parliament, 3rd Session   (March 3, 2010 - March 26, 2011)  Current Session
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Status of House Business

Saturday, March 26, 2011

PART V – Other Business

This section contains information on motions which deal with other business of the House, such as the times of sitting of the House and its order of business, amendments to the Standing Orders and emergency debates. The information in this section is grouped and numbered for reference only.
No. 1 — Sittings and Business of the House
Order respecting the calendar of the House — March 3, 2010
Order respecting the presence of torchbearers carrying the Paralympic Flame before a Committee of the Whole on March 3, 2010 — March 3, 2010
Order respecting Statements by Ministers on March 15, 2010 — March 12, 2010
Order respecting the sequence of voting on opposition motions — March 16, 2010
Order respecting proceedings between the expiry of the time provided for Oral Questions and the adjournment on April 1, 2010 — March 31, 2010
Order respecting the time for Statements by Ministers on April 20, 2010 — April 20, 2010
Order respecting proceedings and the presence of Olympic and Paralympic athletes before a Committee of the Whole on April 22, 2010 — April 21, 2010
Order respecting the hours of sitting, the broadcasting and the printing in the Hansard of the Address by the President of Mexico on May 27, 2010 — May 6, 2010
Order respecting the adjournment on June 17, 2010 — June 17, 2010
Order respecting order of business and hours of sitting on October 1, 2010 — September 23, 2010
Order respecting order of business and hours of sitting on October 1, 2010 — September 27, 2010
Order respecting the bells to call in the Members — October 5, 2010
Order respecting the notice deadline on November 12, 2010 — October 20, 2010
Panel of Chairs for the Legislative committees appointed — October 28, 2010
Order respecting the deferral of recorded divisions to the expiry of the time provided for Oral Questions on Wednesday, December 8, 2010 — December 7, 2010
Order respecting the deferral of recorded divisions to the expiry of the time provided for Oral Questions on Wednesday, December 15, 2010 — December 14, 2010
Order respecting the adjournment of the House on December 16, 2010 — December 15, 2010
Order respecting the bells to call in the Members — January 31, 2011
Order respecting Private Members' Business on February 9, 2011 — February 9, 2011
Order respecting the time for Statements by Ministers on March 8, 2011 — March 7, 2011
Order respecting the taking up of government business on an allotted day — March 10, 2011
Order respecting proceedings and the consideration of Government Business No. 12 on March 21, 2011 — March 21, 2011
Order respecting statements following Oral Questions — March 25, 2011
No. 2 — Chair Occupants
Deputy Chair of Committees of the Whole appointed (Ms. Savoie (Victoria)) — March 3, 2010
Assistant Deputy Chair of Committees of the Whole appointed (Mr. Devolin (Haliburton—Kawartha Lakes—Brock)) — March 3, 2010
No. 3 — Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne
Debated — March 3, 11, 18 and 22, 2010
Order respecting proceedings on the subamendment and the recorded division deferred to March 23, 2010 — March 18, 2010
No. 4 — Privilege
Householders — Order respecting proceedings; debated; deemed adopted — March 15, 2010 (See PART IV — Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs (PROC))
6th Report of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs (question of privilege relating to mailings sent to the riding of Mount Royal) (Sessional Paper No. 8510-403-31)) — Concurred in — April 16, 2010
7th Report of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs (question of privilege relating to mailings sent to the riding of Sackville—Eastern Shore) (Sessional Paper No. 8510-403-32) — Concurred in — April 16, 2010
Premature disclosure of a draft committee report — Debated; adopted — November 29, 2010 (See PART IV — Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs (PROC))
Failure to provide documents — Debated; adopted — March 9, 2011 (See PART IV — Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs (PROC))
27th Report of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, "Question of Privilege Relating to the Failure of the Government to Fully Provide the Documents as Ordered By the House" (Sessional Paper No. 8510-403-227) — March 21, 2011
Statements by the Minister of International Cooperation — Debated; adopted — March 9, 2011 (See PART IV — Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs (PROC))
No. 5 — Applications pursuant to Standing Order 56.1
Motion respecting the referral of the Main Estimates 2010-2011 to committees on or before March 3, 2010 — Adopted — March 19, 2010 (See No. 6 — Standing Orders)
No. 6 — Standing Orders
Provisional change to Standing Order 81(4) — March 19, 2010 (See No. 5 — Applications pursuant to Standing Order 56.1)
Provisional change to Standing Order 81(10)(a) — December 2, 2010
Provisional change to Standing Order 81(5) — March 9, 2011
No. 7 — Resolutions
Centennial of Le Devoir newspaper — March 24, 2010
Homosexuality in Uganda — March 24, 2010
Canada Elections Act and First Nations — March 31, 2010
Invisible Work Day — April 1, 2010
National Day of Remembrance and Action on Mass Atrocities — April 23, 2010
Extremism and free speech — April 28, 2010
Food Allergy Awareness Month — May 4, 2010
Attacks on Ahmadiyya Muslim worshippers — June 3, 2010
Canada-Portugal Day — June 3, 2010
Microcredit — June 8, 2010
Christian Orthodox Theological Institute in Halki — June 15, 2010
Iran — June 17, 2010
Maclean's magazine — September 29, 2010
Srebrenica Remembrance Day — October 19, 2010
Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani — November 4, 2010
Nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation — December 7, 2010
Liu Xiaobo — December 8, 2010
Shahbaz Bhatti — March 2, 2011
Libya — March 21, 2011 (See No. 1 — Sittings and Business of the House)
International Day of the Girl — March 24, 2011
No. 8 — Emergency debates
Aboriginal Healing Foundation — Leave granted — March 29, 2010
Order respecting proceedings; debated — March 30, 2010
Haiti — Leave granted — December 13, 2010
Order respecting proceedings; debated — December 13, 2010
Situation in Egypt — Leave granted — February 2, 2011
Order respecting proceedings; debated — February 2, 2011
No. 9 — Motions (Routine Proceedings)
Motion to instruct the Standing Committee on Finance to divide Bill C-9, An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on March 4, 2010 and other measures — Debated under Routine Proceedings; transferred to Government Business — April 22, 2010 (See PART I — Government Business No. 2)
Instruction to the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development to expand the scope of the Bill C-3, An Act to promote gender equity in Indian registration by responding to the Court of Appeal for British Columbia decision in McIvor v. Canada (Registrar of Indian and Northern Affairs) — Debated under Routine Proceedings; transferred to Government Business — April 27, 2010 (See PART I — Government Business No. 3)
No. 10 — Bills sponsored by private Members which originated in the Senate
Bills sponsored in the Second Session of 40th Parliament
S-205Mrs. Block (Saskatoon—Rosetown—Biggar)
S-208Mr. Preston (Elgin—Middlesex—London)
S-210Mr. Murphy (Charlottetown)
S-216Mr. Woodworth (Kitchener Centre)
S-217 Mr. Savage (Dartmouth—Cole Harbour)
Bills sponsored in the Third Session of 40th Parliament
S-203Mr. Warkentin (Peace River) (previously Bill S-217 — 2nd session)
S-210Mr. Woodworth (Kitchener Centre) (previously Bill S-216 — 2nd session)
S-211Mr. Albrecht (Kitchener—Conestoga)
S-215Mrs. Block (Saskatoon—Rosetown—Biggar) (previously Bill S-205 — 2nd session)
No. 11 — Conflict of Interest Code for the Members of the House of Commons
Report of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner entitled "The Cheques Report: The use of partisan or personal identifiers on ceremonial cheques or other props for federal funding announcements" (Sessional Paper No. 8527-403-04) — April 29, 2010
Motion to concur in the Report — Deemed adopted — September 20, 2010
Report of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner entitled "The Raitt Report" (Sessional Paper No. 8527-403-05) — May 13, 2010
Motion to concur in the Report — Deemed adopted — October 4, 2010
Report of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner entitled "The Dykstra Report" (Sessional Paper No. 8527-403-08) — September 20, 2010
Motion to concur in the Report — Deemed adopted — November 15, 2010
No. 12 — Hansard
Order respecting the printing of the Address by the President of Mexico on May 27, 2010 — May 6, 2010
Order respecting the printing in Hansard of the speeches of His Excellency the Governor General and the Prime Minister made in the Senate on October 1, 2010 — October 6, 2010
No. 13 — Officers of Parliament
Information Commissioner
Name of the proposed appointee (Suzanne Legault) referred to the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics (Sessional Paper No. 8540-403-25-02) — June 3, 2010
Eighth Report of the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics (Sessional Paper No. 8510-403-74) — June 9, 2010
Ratification motion — Adopted — June 10, 2010
Privacy Commissioner
Name of the proposed appointee (Jennifer Stoddart) referred to the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics (Sessional Paper No. 8540-403-25-04) — November 24, 2010
Tenth Report of the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics (Sessional Paper No. 8510-403-152) — December 3, 2010
Ratification motion — Adopted — December 3, 2010