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FAAE Committee Report

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Supplementary opinion

The New Democratic Party wholeheartedly agrees with the present report. However, we feel the need to add further recommendations to those already agreed upon.

1.            New Democrats recommend that any further negotiations on a trade deal between the Government of Canada and the Government of Ukraine be suspended until after the fall 2012 Ukraine parliamentary elections. We further recommend that completion of negotiations and final ratification be made conditional on the following:

·         A determination by Canada that the elections were free, fair and transparent in accordance with accepted international standards,

·         Release prior to the elections of all politicians who have been convicted as part of apparently politically-motivated prosecutions,

·         The incorporation of clear, binding and enforceable obligation on the parties to the agreement, requiring demonstration of a commitment to human rights,  rule of law, adherence to fundamental democratic principles and the international standards for free and fair elections,

·         The incorporation of processes whereby any Canadian or Ukrainian citizen could trigger a process to review compliance with the abovementioned measures.

2.            With regards to the suspension of trade negotiations with Ukraine, New Democrats recommend that Government of Canada should coordinate its actions with those undertaken by the European Union.

3.            The Committee recommends that the Government of Canada, through appropriate agencies and other channels, provide information and advisories on potential risks to investments in Ukraine, in particular for small- and medium-sized investors.