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FEWO Committee Report

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Recommendation 1: That awareness programs be targeted across the age spectrum, including adult children and youth.

Recommendation 2: That awareness campaigns be customized for particular populations, including Aboriginal communities and recent immigrants to Canada.

Recommendation 3: That government encourage the development and adoption of common definitions for elder abuse as well as survey instruments so that accurate information can be collected about the incidence and prevalence of elder abuse in Canada.

Recommendation 4: That surveys on the incidence and prevalence of elder abuse in Canada include special attention to at-risk populations.

Recommendation 5: That awareness campaigns include information about available resources.

Recommendation 6: That service providers in agencies serving seniors work to empower senior women.

Recommendation 7: That steps be taken to encourage all seniors-serving organizations, e.g., banks or hospitals, to be equipped to respond to an older person reporting abuse.

Recommendation 8: That conversations between the domestic violence and elder abuse support services be facilitated.

Recommendation 9: That shelters consider the needs of older women, including greater accessibility for mobility impairments.

Recommendation 10: That support be provided to encourage greater financial literacy among Canadians, especially those who are low income.

Recommendation 11: That the federal government work with provincial counterparts to ensure automatic application for the Guaranteed Income Supplement available to older women.

Recommendation 12: That Parliament support tougher sentences for those who abuse seniors.

Recommendation 13: That awareness be increased among law enforcement officials about how existing laws can be used in elder abuse cases.

Recommendation 14: That police forces be encouraged to establish and maintain close connections with local service providers for  the elderly.

Recommendation 15: That responses to elder abuse respect “women’s autonomy and personal power.”