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Status of House Business

The Status of House Business provides cumulative information on the status of business before the House during a session. The document is updated after each sitting.

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41st Parliament, 1st Session   (June 2, 2011 - September 13, 2013)  Current Session
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Status of House Business

Friday, September 13, 2013

PART V – Other Business

This section contains information on motions which deal with other business of the House, such as the times of sitting of the House and its order of business, amendments to the Standing Orders and emergency debates. The information in this section is grouped and numbered for reference only.
No. 1 — Chair Occupants
Speaker elected (Mr. Scheer (Regina—Qu'Appelle)) — June 2, 2011
Deputy Speaker and Chair of Committees of the Whole appointed (Ms. Savoie (Victoria)) — June 6, 2011
Deputy Chair of Committees of the Whole appointed (Mr. Devolin (Haliburton--Kawartha Lakes--Brock)) — June 6, 2011
Assistant Deputy Chair of Committees of the Whole appointed (Mr. Stanton (Simcoe North)) — June 6, 2011
Deputy Speaker and Chair of Committees of the Whole appointed (Mr. Comartin (Windsor—Tecumseh)) — September 17, 2012
No. 2 — Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne
Debated — June 3, 2011
No. 3 — Sittings and Business of the House
Order respecting proceedings on June 6, 2011 — June 3, 2011
Order respecting the adjournment of the House on June 9, 2011 — June 6, 2011
Order respecting the hours of sitting, the broadcasting and the printing in the Hansard of the Address by the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on September 22, 2011 — September 19, 2011
Order respecting proceedings on a Ways and Means motion on October 3, 2011 — September 28, 2011
Panel of Chairs for the legislative committees appointed — September 28, 2011
Order respecting the bells to call in the Members — October 7, 2011
Order respecting the adjournment of the House on December 15, 2011 — December 15, 2011
Order respecting the bells to call in the Members — January 30, 2012
Order respecting order of business and hours of sitting on April 5, 2012 — March 9, 2012
Order respecting statements following Oral Questions — March 27, 2012
Order respecting deferred recorded divisions on the last allotted day of the June period — May 30, 2012
Order respecting the adjournment of the House, the hours of sitting and the order of business on June 21, 2012 — June 20, 2012
Order respecting proceedings and the presence of Olympic and Paralympic athletes before a Committee of the Whole on September 19, 2012 — September 17, 2012
Appointment of Mr. Storseth (Westlock—St. Paul) to the Panel of Chairs to replace Mr. Rathgeber (Edmonton—St. Albert) — September 20, 2012
Order respecting the adjournment of the House, the hours of sitting and the order of business on November 8, 2012 — September 25, 2012
Order respecting the calendar of the House — September 28, 2012
Order respecting proceedings and the recognition of the 100th anniversary of the Grey Cup before a Committee of the Whole on October 24, 2012 — October 23, 2012
Order respecting Statements by Members and Oral Questions on December 4, 2012 — December 3, 2012
Order respecting the adjournment of the House on December 12, 2012 — December 12, 2012
Order respecting the bells to call in the Members — January 29, 2013
Order respecting the hours of sitting and the order of business on March 28, 2013 — February 25, 2013
Order respecting proceedings on March 27, 2013 — March 22, 2013
Order respecting the hours of sitting and the order of business on May 21, 2013 — May 10, 2013
Order respecting proceedings during the sittings of June 4, 6, 10 and 11, 2013, proceedings at the second reading stage of Bill S-14 and the adjournment of the House on June 4, 2013 — June 4, 2013
Order respecting the adjournment of the House on June 18, 2013— June 18, 2013
No. 4 — Standing Orders
Provisional changes to Standing Orders 81(4), 81(5) and 81(14)(a) — Adopted — June 3, 2011
Provisional changes to Standing Order 84 — Adopted — June 6, 2011
Amendment to Standing Order 104(2) setting the number of members for each standing committee — Adopted — June 9, 2011
No. 5 — Applications pursuant to Standing Order 56.1
Motion respecting the adjournment of the House, the hours of sitting and the order of business on June 16, 2011 — Adopted — June 9, 2011
Motion respecting proceedings on Bill C-15 -- Deemed withdrawn — October 23, 2012
Motion respecting the order of reference to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights — Adopted — November 8, 2012
No. 6 — Hansard
Order respecting the printing of the Address by the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on September 22, 2011 — September 19, 2011
No. 7 — Conflict of Interest Code for Members of the House of Commons
Report of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner entitled "The Guergis Report" (Sessional Paper No. 8527-411-03) — September 19, 2011
Motion to concur in the Report — Adopted — November 14, 2011
Disclosure of private interest by Mr. Cash (Davenport) pursuant to section 12 of the Code — September 28, 2011
Disclosure of private interest by Ms. Leitch (Simcoe—Grey) pursuant to section 12 of the Code — October 21, 2011
Disclosure of private interest by Mr. Byrne (Humber—St. Barbe—Baie Verte) pursuant to section 12 of the Code — February 28, 2013
No. 8 — Resolutions
Egyptian Coptic Christians — October 17, 2011
People with albinism in Tanzania — October 26, 2011
Asia Bibi — December 8, 2011
Saeed Malekpour — February 16, 2012
Elections — February 27, 2012
Syria — March 15, 2012
Andrey Sheptytsky — April 24, 2012
Mental health — April 30, 2012
Hamid Ghassemi-Shall — May 30, 2012
Syria — June 5, 2012
1972 Olympics — June 13, 2012
Sexual violence in conflict — June 20, 2012
Privilege — September 17, 2012
Nuclear Non-Proliferation — March 18, 2013
Terrorism — March 18, 2013
Boston Marathon — April 16, 2013
International Civil Aviation Organisation — May 2, 2013
Political prisoners in Iran — June 5, 2013
Members' Travel Points System — June 11, 2013
Arrest and detention of CBC journalists in Turkey — June 12, 2013
Safety in the Parliamentary Precinct — June 13, 2013
No. 9 — Certificates of nomination pursuant to Standing Order 111.1
Auditor General
Name of the proposed appointee (Michael Ferguson) referred to the Standing Committee on Public Accounts (Sessional Paper No. 8540-411-20-02) — October 24, 2011
First Report of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts (Sessional Paper No. 8510-411-10) — November 3, 2011
Ratification motion — Notice — November 1, 2011; adopted — November 3, 2011
Public Sector Integrity Commissioner
Name of the proposed appointee (Mario Dion) referred to the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates (Sessional Paper No. 8540-411-4-04) — December 7, 2011
Ratification motion — Notice — December 7, 2011; adopted — December 14, 2011
President of the Public Service Commission
Name of the proposed appointee (Anne-Marie Robinson) referred to the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates (Sessional Paper No. 8540-411-4-06) — February 3, 2012
Fourth Report of the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates (Sessional Paper No. 8510-411-38) — February 9, 2012
Ratification motion — Notice — February 3, 2012; adopted — February 14, 2012
Parliamentary Librarian
Name of the proposed appointee (Sonia L'Heureux) referred to the Standing Joint Committee on the Library of Parliament (Sessional Paper No. 8540-411-27-02) — June 18, 2012
Second Report of the Standing Joint Committee on the Library of Parliament (Sessional Paper No. 8510-411-119) — June 20, 2012
Ratification motion — Notice — June 18, 2012; adopted — June 20, 2012
Commissioner of Official Languages
Name of the proposed appointee (Graham Fraser) referred to the Standing Committee on Official Languages (Sessional Paper No. 8540-411-31-01) — March 6, 2013
Third Report of the Standing Committee on Official Languages (Sessional Paper No. 8510-411-204) — March 20, 2013
Ratification motion — Notice — March 6, 2013; adopted — March 20, 2013
No. 10 — Motions (Routine Proceedings)
Motion to instruct the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights to divide Bill C-10, An Act to enact the Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act and to amend the State Immunity Act, the Criminal Code, the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, the Youth Criminal Justice Act, the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and other Acts
Debated under Routine Proceedings; superseded by a dilatory motion — October 26, 2011
Motion to refer to the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs the Report of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner on an inquiry in relation to the former Member for Simcoe—Grey
Debated under Routine Proceedings; transferred to Government Business — November 14, 2011 (See PART I — Government Business No. 8)
No. 11 — Bills sponsored by private Members which originated in the Senate
S-201Mr. Regan (Halifax West)
S-206Mr. Albrecht (Kitchener—Conestoga)
S-209 Mr. Pacetti (Saint-Léonard—Saint-Michel)
S-213Mr. Calkins (Wetaskiwin)
S-1002Mr. Caron (Rimouski-Neigette—Témiscouata—Les Basques)
S-1003Ms. LeBlanc (LaSalle—Émard)
No. 12 — Standing Orders and Procedure
Order respecting the text of the motion and the proceedings on February 17, 2012 — February 16, 2012
Debated; deemed adopted as amended — February 17, 2012 (See PART IV — Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs (PROC))
No. 13 — Privilege
Intimidation of the Member for Provencher — Adopted — March 6, 2012 (See PART IV — Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs (PROC))
21st Report of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs (question of privilege relating to threats to the Member for Provencher) (Sessional Paper No. 8510-411-90) — May 2, 2012
Denial of access of Members to the Parliamentary Precinct during the state visit of March 2, 2012 — Debated; adopted — March 15, 2012 (See PART IV — Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs (PROC))
26th Report (question of privilege relating to the free movement of Members within the Parliamentary Precinct) (Sessional Paper No. 8510-411-106) — May 31, 2012
The Canada Elections Act — Debated — June 18, 2013
No. 14 — Emergency debates
Drug shortages — Leave granted — March 9, 2012
Order respecting proceedings; debated — March 12, 2012
Food Safety — Leave granted — October 3, 2012
Order respecting proceedings; debated — October 3, 2012
Situation in Syria — Leave granted — May 6, 2013
Order respecting proceedings; debated — May 7, 2013