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FINA Committee Report

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Recommendation 1

That the federal government work with the provinces and territories to improve education and labour market information for secondary and post-secondary students so that they can make informed career choices. As well, efforts should be directed to promoting apprenticeships.

Recommendation 2

That the federal government provide Statistics Canada with the resources and mandate to provide improved labour market information so that young Canadians can make informed decisions about their educational and career paths.

Recommendation 3

That the federal government continue to support ways to improve the Canada Student Loans Program.

Recommendation 4

That the federal government increase the amount of employment income that students can earn before their financial assistance under the Canada Students Loan Program is reduced.

Recommendation 5

That the federal government, in collaboration with the provinces and territories, examine the extension, to universities, of the current practice by community colleges to report specific performance measures.

Recommendation 6

That the federal government work with the provinces and territories to improve and encourage more apprenticeship training and harmonization, and to improve labour mobility for youth.

Recommendation 7

That the federal government consider using internal trade measures to achieve consistency among provinces and territories on trades education and standards, such as the ratio of journeymen to apprentices.

Recommendation 8

That the federal government examine jurisdictions, such as Germany, in order to identify the means by which partnerships among educational institutions, employers and unions can improve labour market outcomes for youth. In particular, apprenticeship systems in various countries should be examined.

Recommendation 9

That the federal government collect data on unpaid internships in Canada and work with the provinces and territories to ensure the appropriate protections under relevant labour codes. Moreover, the government should study the impacts of unpaid internships.

Recommendation 10

That the federal government continue to invest in internships, such as in areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Recommendation 11

That the federal government, in collaboration with the provinces and territories, encourage the private sector to work closely with post-secondary institutions to establish more co-op programs to ease the transition from school to the workplace.

Recommendation 12

That the federal government continue to work with First Nations communities to provide Aboriginal youth with access to a high-quality education, as well as to the jobs and skills training opportunities they need to enter the labour force and become full participants in the Canadian economy.

Recommendation 13

That the federal government, during its review of the Youth Employment Strategy and in collaboration with provincial and territorial governments, ensure that funds are allocated to provide training and support for jobs, particularly those for which there is a high demand for labour.

Recommendation 14

That the federal government review the Canada Summer Jobs program in the context of its review of the Youth Employment Strategy.

Recommendation 15

That the federal government, in collaboration with the provinces and territories, continue to prioritize making all apprentices and tradespersons eligible for employment on infrastructure and housing projects in municipalities across Canada.

Recommendation 16

That the federal government explore ways to promote youth hiring in Canada, such as tax credits for businesses that hire Canadians aged 18 to 30.

Recommendation 17

That the federal government continue to promote financial literacy and retirement savings initiatives specifically for youth and young Canadians.

Recommendation 18

That the federal government consider the merits of collecting information on opportunities that may be available for young people.

Recommendation 19

That the federal government commit to renewing the Aboriginal Skills and Employment Training Strategy program.

Recommendation 20

That the federal government explore ways to promote the hiring of disabled youth as a means of easing the transition from school to labour market activity for disabled young Canadians.

Recommendation 21

That the federal government encourage youth to explore the benefits of entrepreneurship and innovation, as well as support programs and initiatives that prompt youth to become job-creators.

Recommendation 22

That the federal government expand its support for youth business mentorship and explore new incentives to invest in young entrepreneurs.

Recommendation 23

That the federal government and the appropriate parliamentary committees consider further study of the following three topics: student enrolment in post-secondary institutions and the effectiveness in job preparation; student tuition fees and debt; and domestic and international youth employment rates, as well as the factors contributing to those rates.