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The Debates are the report—transcribed, edited, and corrected—of what is said in the House. The Journals are the official record of the decisions and other transactions of the House. The Order Paper and Notice Paper contains the listing of all items that may be brought forward on a particular sitting day, and notices for upcoming items.

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Notice Paper

No. 5

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

2:00 p.m.

Introduction of Government Bills

Introduction of Private Members' Bills

December 8, 2015 — Mr. Tilson (Dufferin—Caledon) — Bill entitled “An Act to designate the month of June as ALS Month”.

Notices of Motions (Routine Proceedings)


Q-52 — December 8, 2015 — Ms. Boutin-Sweet (Hochelaga) — With regard to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation: (a) how many long-term operating agreements for social housing units are currently in existence, broken down by province; (b) for each agreement, (i) what is the name of the agreement holder, (ii) when does the agreement expire; and (c) since 1995, how many long-term operating agreements have expired, broken down by year?
Q-62 — December 8, 2015 — Ms. Boutin-Sweet (Hochelaga) — With regard to government funding allocated to the constituency of Hochelaga for each fiscal year from 2004-2005 to 2015-2016: (a) what is the total amount of funding per (i) department, (ii) agency, (iii) all other government bodies, (iv) program; and (b) how many jobs is this funding directly responsible for, broken down by (i) full-time positions, (ii) part-time positions?
Q-72 — December 8, 2015 — Mr. Stewart (Burnaby South) — With regard to federal funding for scientific research and the mandate letter for the Minister of Science: (a) for each fiscal year since 2005-2006, what was the government’s total financial support for “fundamental research to support new discoveries,” broken down by department or agency; (b) what performance measures or indicators is the government using to examine and evaluate “options to strengthen the recognition of, and support for, fundamental research to support new discoveries”; (c) what is the complete and detailed list of all research programs or facilities whose federal funding was decreased or eliminated since February 6, 2006; (d) for each research program or facility in (c), (i) was it intramural or extramural, (ii) by what dollar amount was its funding decreased, (iii) what percentage of its total funding did this decrease represent, (iv) on what date(s) was its funding decreased, (v) was it required to close or shut-down as a result; and (e) for each research program or facility in (c), will the current government restore its funding to previous levels?
Q-82 — December 8, 2015 — Mr. Stewart (Burnaby South) — With regard to Statistics Canada: (a) what is the complete and detailed list of all surveys, data products, tables, and publications whose collection, measurement, or reporting was discontinued between February 6, 2006 and November 4, 2015; and (b) for each item listed in (a), (i) on what date was it first established, (ii) on what date was it discontinued, (iii) what was the rationale for its discontinuation, (iv) by what process was this decision reached, (v) how many Canadians had been accessing its data on an annual basis, (vi) what was the cost-savings from its discontinuation; and (c) will the current government reinstate its collection, measurement, or reporting?
Q-92 — December 8, 2015 — Mr. Stewart (Burnaby South) — With regard to the National Research Council (NRC): (a) of the $67 million allocated in Budget 2012 to “support the National Research Council in refocusing on business-led, industry-relevant research,” what are the details about the money spent, broken down by (i) fiscal year, (ii) organizational priority, (iii) strategic outcome, (iv) program; (b) of the $121 million allocated in Budget 2013 to “invest in the National Research Council’s strategic focus to help the growth of innovative businesses in Canada,” what is the complete and detailed accounting of how this money was spent, broken down by (i) fiscal year, (ii) organizational priority, (iii) strategic outcome, (iv) program; (c) of the $119.2 million allocated in Budget 2015 to “support the industry-partnered research and development activities of the National Research Council,” what is the complete and detailed accounting of how this money was spent, broken down by (i) fiscal year, (ii) organizational priority, (iii) strategic outcome, (iv) program; (d) for each year since 2011, what performance measures or indicators has the government used to track and evaluate the effectiveness of NRC programs; (e) for each performance measure or indicator in (d), what was its target value during each year since 2011, broken down by program; (f) for each performance measure or indicator in (d), what was its actual reported value during each year since 2011, broken down by program; (g) for each year since 2011, what was the NRC’s target for staff utilization on programs, comparing total hours worked on projects to total hours paid, broken down by (i) division and (ii) portfolio; (h) for each year since 2011, what was the NRC’s actual staff utilization on programs, comparing total hours worked on projects to total hours paid, broken down by (i) division and (ii) portfolio; (i) for each year since 2011, what was the NRC’s number of projects delivered on, under or over budget, comparing planned to actual costs, broken down by (i) division and (ii) portfolio; (j) for each year since 2011, what was the NRC’s utilization of equipment, facilities, and services, comparing practical capacity to actual use, broken down by (i) division, (ii) portfolio; (k) for each year since 2005, how many peer-reviewed publications have NRC researchers published; (l) for each year since 2005, how many patents have NRC researchers produced; (m) for each year since 2005, what has been the NRC’s licensing and royalty revenue from clients; (n) what has been the annual cost of the NRC’s Concierge Service for each year since it was launched; (o) how many small and medium-sized enterprises have accessed the NRC’s Concierge Service during each year since it was launched; (p) of the small and medium-sized enterprises in (o), (i) how many have invested in technology deployment as a result of accessing the NRC’s Concierge Service, (ii) what has been the dollar value of these investments for each company, and (iii) how much private-sector jobs did these investments create; (q) for each year since 2005, what was the NRC’s total expenditures on fundamental or basic research; (r) for each year since 2005, what was the NRC’s total number of full-time equivalent staff supporting fundamental or basic research; and (s) what is the current government’s position with respect to the reforms undertaken since 2013 to refocus the NRC into an industry-focused, research and technology organization?

Notices of Motions for the Production of Papers

Business of Supply

Opposition Motions
December 8, 2015 — Mr. Clement (Parry Sound—Muskoka) — That, given that ISIS has taken responsibility for recent deadly attacks in Paris, Beirut, and Africa, and has declared war on Canada, this House: (a) acknowledge that now is not the time for Canada to step back and force our allies to take on a heavier burden in the fight against ISIS; (b) remind the government of its obligation to our NATO partners and its responsibility to protect the freedom, democracy, safety, and security of Canadians; (c) call upon the government to maintain the air-combat mission of the RCAF CF-18 fighter jets; (d) express its appreciation to the members of the Canadian Armed Forces for their participation in the fight against terror; and (e) reconfirm our commitment to our allies to stop ISIS.

December 8, 2015 — Mr. Ritz (Battlefords—Lloydminster) — That the House call on the government to ratify the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, given its importance to the Canadian economy and the reliance of one in five Canadian jobs on export markets.

December 8, 2015 — Ms. Bergen (Portage—Lisgar) — That, in the opinion of the House, in order to support jobs and economic security in the oil sector, and in light of the fact that the government has indicated that it will be enacting new approval processes for pipelines, the government should grandfather all pipeline proposals already in the environmental-approval process instead of requiring new applications under yet-to-be disclosed new processes.

December 8, 2015 — Mr. Warkentin (Grande Prairie—Mackenzie) — That the House: (a) acknowledge the government's neglect even to mention farmers, ranchers, and the Canadian agricultural sector in the recent Speech from the Throne; and (b) call upon the government to make agriculture a priority henceforth, and to use every mechanism available to resolve the issue of Country of Origin Labelling practices by the United States.

December 8, 2015 — Ms. Rempel (Calgary Nose Hill) — That, given that minority groups in Iraq and Syria are facing rape, kidnapping, death, and sexual slavery at the hands of the self-styled Islamic State, this House: (a) condemn the violence and atrocities committed against religious minorities, women, members of the LGBTQ community, and those who do not subscribe to the laws of the self-styled Islamic State; (b) recognize that the self-styled Islamic State has committed genocide against persecuted religious minorities in the region such as Christians, Yezidis, and Shia Muslims, in Iraq and Syria; (c) acknowledge that many of the members of these groups cannot flee to refugee camps because they face persecution in those places; (d) reaffirm Canada’s support of religious freedom around the world; and (e) call upon the government to acknowledge that individuals from these groups are facing immediate death or bodily harm at the hands of the self-styled Islamic State, and should be prioritized as refugees to Canada as part of the government’s Syrian refugee plan.
Supplementary Estimates (B)

December 7, 2015 — The President of the Treasury Board — That the Supplementary Estimates (B) for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2016 be concurred in.

Government Business

Private Members' Notices of Motions

M-19 — December 8, 2015 — Mr. Stewart (Burnaby South) — That, in the opinion of the House, Statistics Canada should begin measuring and reporting Canada’s annual investments in basic scientific research in accordance with OECD guidelines and participate in international comparative studies of this measure as a percentage of GDP.
M-20 — December 8, 2015 — Mr. Stewart (Burnaby South) — That, in the opinion of the House, the government should work in collaboration with the provinces, territories, municipalities, Aboriginal communities, and housing providers to establish, develop, and implement an affordable housing strategy that: (a) affirms that access to adequate housing is a fundamental right of all Canadians, as guaranteed by the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights; (b) provides financial assistance, without discrimination, to those who are otherwise unable to afford adequate and secure housing; (c) ensures that the cost of housing does not compromise an individual’s ability to meet other basic needs, including food, clothing, healthcare, and education; (d) maintains and expands direct federal investments in social housing, including not-for-profit cooperatives, in order to increase the supply of low-income housing, preserve rent subsidies, and provide funds for renovations and maintenance; (e) sets targets and objectives to prevent, reduce, and end homelessness, particularly among vulnerable populations, with clear timelines and accountability measures; (f) examines and addresses the potential impact of investor speculation and housing vacancies on the high price of real estate in urban markets; and (g) takes into account the unique needs and housing priorities of different regions, including British Columbia.
M-21 — December 8, 2015 — Ms. Mathyssen (London—Fanshawe) — That, in the opinion of the House, the government should work with the provinces, territories, municipalities, and seniors' organizations to develop a National Strategy on Aging that will: (a) secure high-quality accessible public healthcare and reduce out-of-pocket health expenses for all seniors; (b) ensure that affordable and appropriate housing that adapts to changing needs is available to seniors; (c) increase income security for seniors; (d) develop policies that secure quality of life and equality for all seniors; and (e) create a Seniors' Advocate to ensure that these measures are undertaken and maintained.

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