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Friday, June 11, 2021 (No. 116)


Those questions not appearing in the list have been answered, withdrawn or made into orders for return.
Q-6412 — April 22, 2021 — Mr. Paul-Hus (Charlesbourg—Haute-Saint-Charles) — With regard to signed or amended contracts for COVID-19 vaccines entered into by the government with Pfizer-BioNTech, AstraZeneca, Sanofi and GlaxoSmithKline, Covavax, Medicago, Verity Pharmaceuticals Inc. & Serum Institute of India, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson: (a) broken down by manufacturer, what are the details of how each contract was negotiated and signed, including the (i) date signed, (ii) start and end date of the contract, (iii) name of the government’s lead negotiator, (iv) name of the government’s contracting officer, (iv) name of the departments and agencies that took part in the negotiations, (v) name of the specific divisions of each department or agency that took part in the negotiations, (vi) name of ministers or exempt staff that took part in the negotiations; and (b) how many contracts were signed with each manufacturer?
Q-6422 — April 22, 2021 — Mr. Paul-Hus (Charlesbourg—Haute-Saint-Charles) — With regard to the government’s response to Order Paper question Q-402, which stated that a negotiating team was assembled in June 2020 with regard to the procurement of COVID-19 vaccines: (a) who were the original members of the negotiating team; (b) what is the current configuration of the negotiating team; and (c) what are the details of any changes made to the membership of the negotiating team, including the names and dates when each member was added or taken off of the negotiation team?
Q-6432 — April 22, 2021 — Mr. Paul-Hus (Charlesbourg—Haute-Saint-Charles) — With regard to contracts signed by the government for gowns, ventilators and syringes in 2020 and 2021: (a) what are the details of each contract for gowns, including the (i) vendor, (ii) contract value, (iii) date the contract was signed, (iv) title of the official that signed the contract; (b) what are the details of each contract for ventilators, including the (i) vendor, (ii) contract value, (iii) date the contract was signed, (iv) title of the official that signed the contract; and (c) what are the details of each contract for syringes, including the (i) vendor, (ii) contract value, (iii) date the contract was signed, (iv) title of the official that signed the contract?
Q-6442 — April 22, 2021 — Mr. Kitchen (Souris-Moose Mountain) — With regard to the government’s target of a 30 per cent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by limiting nitrogen fertilizer and the concerns raised in an April 20, 2021, release from the Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association that the government has never consulted industry or farmers if this is even achievable: (a) were any industries or farmers consulted in the viability of the target and, if so, what are the specific details, including the dates and list of participants in the consultations; and (b) has the government conducted any formal studies on whether or not this is viable for farmers and, if so, what are the details of the studies, including the website where the study’s findings can be found?
Q-6452 — April 22, 2021 — Mr. Doherty (Cariboo—Prince George) — With regard to the government’s Wellness Together portal: (a) what specific programs or services are offered through the self-guided tools offered by the providers identified on the Wellness Together webpage, including (i) Mindwell, (ii) Welltrack, (iii) Tao, (iv) Breaking Free Wellness, (v) BreathingRoom, (vi) Kids Help Phone, (vii) Homewood Health; (b) for each of the programs or services in (a), (i) how many Canadians have been enrolled, (ii) how many Canadians have fully completed the course of treatment, (iii) what has been the total cost of each of the programs and or services identified, (iv) what is the cost utilization, as reported to the Public Health Agency of Canada; (c) what programs or services are offered through the peer to peer support and coaching tools offered by the providers identified on the Wellness Together webpage, including (i) Togetherall provided by Togetherall, (ii) I CAN SFI provided by Strongest Families Institute, (iii) MindWell’s Studio Be provided by MindWell, (iv) All People All Pathways provided by CASPA, (v) Grief and Loss Coaching provided by Homewood Health; and (d) for each of the programs or services in (c), (i) how many Canadians have been enrolled, (ii) how many Canadians have fully completed the course of treatment, (iii) what has been the total cost of each of the programs or services identified, (iv) what is the cost utilization, as reported to the Public Health Agency of Canada?
Q-6462 — April 22, 2021 — Mr. Baldinelli (Niagara Falls) — With regard to the use of cryptocurrency or digital currency as a means of payment and the revenue generated from the government's requirement to collect sales taxes on those purchases, broken down by year, since 2016: (a) how much Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) revenue did the government receive from goods or services purchased using a digital currency such as Bitcoin; (b) what is the government's estimate of the total value of purchases made by Canadians using a digital currency; and (c) what percentage of the value of purchases in (b) does the government estimate it received GST/HST payments from?
Q-6472 — April 22, 2021 — Mr. Baldinelli (Niagara Falls) — With regard to government departments and agencies that accept credit card payments: what was the total amount paid to (i) Visa, (ii) Mastercard, (iii) American Express, (iv) each other credit card companies, in relation to credit card processing fees in 2020?
Q-6482 — April 22, 2021 — Mr. McCauley (Edmonton West) — With regard to Official Languages Impact Analysis (OLIA), since January 1, 2016: (a) how many initiatives funded by the government had an OLIA conducted; (b) how many initiatives funded by the government did not have an OLIA conducted; and (c) what are the details of all initiatives funded by the government with total expenditures exceeding $1 million that were not subject to an OLIA, including the (i) date of the funding approval, (ii) title and description of the initiative, (iii) reason the initiative was not subject to an OLIA, (iv) total expenditures or projected total expenditures related to the initiative?
Q-6492 — April 22, 2021 — Mr. Baldinelli (Niagara Falls) — With regard to the government's decision to require airline travellers arriving from outside of Canada to quarantine at a designated airport hotel: (a) how many travellers refused to stay in a government approved quarantine hotel; (b) how many fines or tickets were issued by the Public Health Agency of Canada related to the refusals in (a); and (c) what is the breakdown of (a) and (b) by airport of entry?
Q-6502 — April 22, 2021 — Mr. McCauley (Edmonton West) — With regard to contracts awarded to Indigenous businesses under the Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Businesses, signed since January 1, 2016, and broken down by department, agency, Crown corporation or other government agency: (a) how many have been awarded by the mandatory set aside; (b) how many have been awarded under the voluntary set aside; (c) what is the total value of each contract; (d) what are the details of all such contracts, including the (i) vendor, (ii) amount, (iii) date, (iv) description of services; (e) what is the percentage of total contracts; and (f) what is the value of the total contracts awarded by department, agency, Crown corporation or other government agency?
Q-6512 — April 22, 2021 — Mr. Chiu (Steveston—Richmond East) — With regard to immigration removals and the 2020 Spring Report of the Auditor General of Canada: (a) what is the current national removal inventory; (b) how many removal orders have been confirmed removed in the past year; (c) what are the current working and wanted removal order inventories; (d) of the inventories in (c), how many are criminal cases; (e) which of the Auditor General’s recommendations are currently being acted upon; (f) what is the proposed timeline for fulfilling these recommendations; and (g) has COVID-19 adversely impacted the Canada Border Services Agency's ability to complete removal orders in any way, and, if so, what are the specific details?
Q-6522 — April 23, 2021 — Mr. Kent (Thornhill) — With regard to Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and individuals presenting COVID-19 test results at points of entry, since testing requirements were put into place in January 2021, broken down by type of crossing (land, air): (a) how many individuals did the CBSA intercept with a suspected fraudulent or false test result; (b) how many individuals did the CBSA intercept with a test result that was otherwise deemed unsatisfactory, such as the wrong type of test; (c) of the individuals in (a), how many were (i) admitted to Canada, (ii) denied entry; (d) of the individuals in (a), how many were (i) ticketed or fined by the CBSA, (ii) had their cases referred to the RCMP or other law enforcement agencies; and (e) of the cases in (b), how many were (i) admitted to Canada, (ii) denied entry?
Q-6532 — April 23, 2021 — Mr. Duncan (Stormont—Dundas—South Glengarry) — With regard to the decision announced by the government on the evening of April 22, 2021, to ban direct flights from India and Pakistan: (a) when did the government make the decision; (b) did the government inform the member from Surrey—Newton about the decision or pending decision prior to making the announcement public, and, if so, when was the member from Surrey—Newton informed; (c) did the government advise the member from Surrey—Newton to issue the tweet on April 21, 2021, encouraging Canadians travelling in India to consider coming home immediately; and (d) if the answer to (c) is negative, did the government provide any information to the member from Surrey—Newton, prior to April 22, 2021, which would indicate that a flight ban was likely forthcoming, and, if so, what are the details of the interaction?
Q-6542 — April 23, 2021 — Mr. d'Entremont (West Nova) — With regard to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Small Craft Harbours program, broken down by harbour authority: (a) how much has been invested in the harbour authorities of Yarmouth and Digby Counties; and (b) how much will be invested over the next five years in the harbour authorities mentioned in (a)?
Q-6552 — April 26, 2021 — Mr. Vis (Mission—Matsqui—Fraser Canyon) — With regard to the Mandatory Isolation Support for Temporary Foreign Workers (MISTFWP) program administered by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada: (a) what is the rationale behind the eight month processing delay of the MISTFWP claim from Desert Hills Ranch in Ashcroft, British Columbia; (b) why is the Minister for Agriculture and Agri-Food actively withholding payment for the completed claim cited in (a); (c) why is the minister directing Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada staff to withhold payment, without providing any rationale to the applicant; and (d) on what date will Desert Hills Ranch be transferred the funds for their claim, completed July 2020, for 124 workers’ isolation support payments?
Q-6562 — April 26, 2021 — Mr. Vis (Mission—Matsqui—Fraser Canyon) — With regard to the stated intent of the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) “to commit all funds before March 31, 2021” of the Rapid Housing Initiative’s projects stream: (a) what was the (i) total number of approved projects, (ii) total number of approved housing units, (iii) total dollar value of federal funds committed; (b) what is the breakdown of each part of (a) by (i) municipality and province or territory, (ii) federal electoral constituency; (c) what is the breakdown of funds committed in (a) by (i) individual application, (ii) contributor source, (i.e. federal, provincial, territorial, municipal, Indigenous government, non-profit, other agency or organization), (iii) province or territory; and (d) what are the details of all applications in (a)(i), including the (i) location, (ii) project description, (iii) number of proposed units, (iv) date the application was submitted to the CMHC?
Q-6572 — April 26, 2021 — Mr. McCauley (Edmonton West) — With regard to foreign aid provided to entities outside of North America since January 1, 2016, broken down by year: (a) what is the total amount of funding provided to entities outside of North America; (b) what is the total amount of funding provided to entities either based in or operating in Africa; (c) what are the details of all foreign aid funding provided to entities in Africa, including the (i) date of funding agreement, (ii) recipient, (iii) type of funding, (iv) location of recipient organization, (v) location where the funding was meant to benefit, (vi) purpose of funding or project description, (vii) amount of funding, (viii) agreement file number; (d) what is the total amount of funding provided to entities either based in or operating in Asia; (e) what are the details of all foreign aid funding provided to entities in Asia, including the (i) date of funding agreement, (ii) recipient, (iii) type of funding, (iv) location of recipient organization, (v) location where the funding was meant to benefit, (vi) purpose of funding or project description, (vii) amount of funding, (viii) agreement file number; (f) what is the total amount of funding provided to entities either based in or operating in Europe; and (g) what are the details of all foreign aid funding provided to entities in Europe, including the (i) date of funding agreement, (ii) recipient, (iii) type of funding, (iv) location of recipient organization, (v) location where the funding was meant to benefit, (vi) purpose of funding or project description, (vii) amount of funding, (viii) agreement file number?
Q-6582 — April 26, 2021 — Mr. McCauley (Edmonton West) — With regard to Development Finance Institute Canada (FinDev) and their funding of Kenyan company M-KOPA, since January 1, 2018: (a) what is the total amount of funding provided to M-KOPA, broken down by type of funding (equity investment, grant, repayable loan, etc.); (b) how many jobs were projected to be created from the funding; (c) how many jobs were actually created; (d) on what date were FinDev officials made aware of M-KOPA’s firing of 150 staff after the company received the subsidy; (e) was there a review conducted by the government to determine what went wrong with this funding, and, if so, what were the results of the review; (f) on what date did the Minister of International Development first approve the M-KOPA funding; and (g) on what date did the Minister of International Development become informed that the company had fired 150 staff?
Q-6592 — April 26, 2021 — Mr. Maguire (Brandon—Souris) — With regard to providing and administering COVID-19 vaccinations to individuals living on First Nations reserves in northern Manitoba: (a) how many doses did the government estimate were needed to cover all of the reserves in northern Manitoba; (b) how did the government come up with the estimate, including what specific data was used; and (c) how many doses have been sent to reserves in northern Manitoba as of April 26, 2021?
Q-6602 — April 26, 2021 — Mr. Maguire (Brandon—Souris) — With regard to Canada's former ambassador to the United States, David MacNaughton: on what date did he meet with John F. Stratton?
Q-6612 — April 26, 2021 — Mr. Diotte (Edmonton Griesbach) — With regard to the Development Finance Institute Canada (FinDev): (a) what are the details of all equity stakes in companies FinDev has acquired an equity stake in since January 1, 2018, including the (i) name of the company, (ii) location, (iii) description of work being done by company, (iv) date the government acquired an equity stake, (v) number of shares and percentage of company owned by FinDev, (vi) value or purchase price of equity stake at the time of purchase, (vii) current estimated value of equity stake; and (b) for each acquisition, if applicable, what is the timeline for when the government expects to sell or dispose of the equity stake?
Q-6622 — April 26, 2021 — Mr. Diotte (Edmonton Griesbach) — With regard to the 15th report of the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates entitled “Modernizing Federal Procurement for Small and Medium Enterprises, Women-Owned and Indigenous Businesses” which was presented in the House on June 20, 2018: (a) what is the current status of the government’s implementation of each of the 40 recommendations contained in the report, broken down by individual recommendation; and (b) for each recommendation that has not yet been implemented, what is the timeline for implementation?
Q-6632 — April 27, 2021 — Mr. Dreeshen (Red Deer—Mountain View) — With regard to the government’s response to question Q-488 on the Order Paper and the $941,140.13 provided to China for the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives project: what is the itemized breakdown of the local projects in China that money was spent on, including, for each project, the (i) amount, (ii) project description, (iii) name of the local organization that proposed and implemented the project?
Q-6652 — April 27, 2021 — Mr. Dreeshen (Red Deer—Mountain View) — With regard to exemptions from the quarantine rules for individuals entering Canada, broken down by month since March 1, 2020: (a) how many individuals have received exemptions from the quarantine requirements, broken down by reason for the exemption (essential worker, amateur sports, etc.); and (b) how many individuals received exemptions from the quarantine requirements after receiving a ministerial exemption, such as a national interest designation, broken down by minister and type of designation?
Q-6662 — April 27, 2021 — Ms. Rempel Garner (Calgary Nose Hill) — With regard to the government's use of Switch Health for post-arrival coronavirus tests for travellers: (a) what are the service standards in terms of distributing, picking up, and processing tests; (b) what are the service standards for responding to client inquiries or complaints; (c) in what percentage of cases did Switch Health meet or exceed service standards; (d) for cases where standards were not met, what was the reason given; (e) how many of the required post-arrival tests were never completed; (f) of the tests in (e), what is the breakdown by reason (Switch Health unable to provide service in Spanish, traveler refusal, etc.); (g) was there a competitive bid process for the contract awarded to Switch Health and, if so, who were the other bidders; and (h) what are the details of all meetings, including telephone or virtual, that Switch Health had with the government prior to the awarding of the contract, including the (i) date, (ii) names and titles of representatives from Switch Health, (iii) names and titles of government representatives, including any ministerial staff?
Q-6672 — April 27, 2021 — Mr. Calkins (Red Deer—Lacombe) — With regard to the RCMP's Auxiliary Program for the K Division: (a) has a decision been made related to the resumption of allowing (i) tier two volunteers, (ii) tier three volunteers; (b) if the answer to (a)(i) or (ii) is affirmative, (i) what was the decision, (ii) when was the decision made, (iii) who was informed of the decision, (iv) was the decision communicated to the public, and, if so, how; (c) if the answer to (a)(i) or (ii) is negative, (i) when will the decision be made, (ii) what criteria are being used to make the decision; and (d) which organizations and individuals outside of the RCMP have been consulted in relation to these decisions?
Q-6682 — April 27, 2021 — Mr. Blaikie (Elmwood—Transcona) — With regard to the government report entitled "2018 Export Development Canada Legislative Review" presented in July 2019, which contains 64 findings: (a) what actions is the government taking to reform Export Development Canada (EDC) in light of this report; (b) with respect to finding 51, will the Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade propose legislation to amend the Export Development Act to cause EDC to observe the higher disclosure standard expected by stakeholders; (c) with respect to finding 53, will the minister propose legislation to amend the Export Development Act to (i) establish a standard to be used by EDC in its assessment of companies’ human rights and environmental performance, (ii) require that EDC undertake due diligence to assess the human rights, environmental and corruption risks associated with transactions and companies, (iii) prohibit EDC from supporting corporate activity that causes or contributes to human rights violations or significant environmental damage; and (d) with respect to finding 55, will the minister propose legislation to amend the Export Development Act to ensure that EDC’s business is conducted in a way that supports Canada in achieving its international commitments to reduce emissions in the fight against climate change, including by prohibiting EDC from supporting (i) projects that would increase extraction of coal, oil and gas, (ii) companies who rely significantly on coal for their operations, (iii) companies whose primary business is the export of coal, oil and gas?
Q-6692 — April 27, 2021 — Mr. Chiu (Steveston—Richmond East) — With regard to the Federal Framework for Suicide Prevention: (a) what national level research has been conducted on lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, Two-Spirit and queer or questioning populations, people with disabilities, newcomers and refugees, youth, seniors, Indigenous Peoples, first responders since issuance of the framework; (b) where can the public access the findings of the research in (a); (c) is the framework being updated to account for the impact of COVID-19 on these populations; (d) what current support programs are being offered under the framework; and (e) what knowledge-sharing and outreach initiatives have been undertaken since the framework has been implemented?
Q-6702 — April 28, 2021 — Mr. Barlow (Foothills) — With regard to the COVID-19 vaccine contracts that Canada has with seven vaccine manufacturers: (a) which of the contracts contain transparency clauses similar to the one found in the UK-AstraZeneca vaccine contract, section 17.13, which allow for the disclosure of information to government bodies, including Parliament, parliamentary committees and any parliamentary reporting requirements; and (b) what are the details of all such clauses, broken down by manufacturer?
Q-6712 — April 28, 2021 — Mr. Barlow (Foothills) — With regard to the COVID-19 vaccine contracts that the government has with seven vaccine manufacturers, including the recently signed contract with Pfizer for booster shots: (a) what is the cost per vaccine dose, broken down by contract and manufacturer; and (b) what specific remedies are available to the government when manufacturers do not meet their contractual obligations, and which, if any, of the remedies have been pursued, broken down by manufacturer?
Q-6722 — April 28, 2021 — Mr. Barrett (Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes) — With regard to costs incurred by the government to scrap decommissioned warships, broken down by ship: (a) what was the total cost related to scrapping the (i) HMCS Fraser, (ii) HMCS Athabaskan, (iii) HMCS Protector, (iv) HMCS Preserver, (v) MV Sun Sea, (vi) HMCS Cormorant; (b) for each total in (a), what is the itemized breakdown of expenses; (c) what are the details of all towing costs associated with the scrapping of ships in (a), including the locations where the ships were towed to and from, if applicable; and (d) what are the details, including totals, for all costs associated with asbestos removal from the ships in (a)?
Q-6732 — April 28, 2021 — Mr. Barrett (Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes) — With regard to all monetary and non-monetary contracts, grants, agreements and arrangements entered into by the government with Huawei and its known affiliates, subsidiaries or parent companies since January 1, 2016: what are the details of such contracts, grants, agreements, or arrangements, broken down by (i) date, (ii) amount, (iii) department, (iv) start and end date, (v) summary of terms, (vi) whether or not the item was made public through proactive disclosure, (vii) specific details of goods or services provided to the government as a result of the contract, grant, agreement or arrangement?
Q-6742 — April 28, 2021 — Mr. Nater (Perth—Wellington) — With regard to legal expenses incurred by the government that are related to lawsuits filed against the government from individuals claiming to have suffered from the Havana syndrome: what are the total legal expenses incurred to date, broken down by case?
Q-6752 — April 28, 2021 — Mr. Dreeshen (Red Deer—Mountain View) — With regard to government-issued credit cards, broken down by department, agency, or ministerial office, where applicable: (a) how many credit cards have payments that are past due as of April 28, 2021; (b) what is the total value of the past due balances; (c) what is the number of credit cards and value of the past due balances in (a) and (b) that were assigned to ministers, parliamentary secretaries, or ministerial exempt staff; (d) how many instances have occurred since January 1, 2017, where government-issued credit cards were defaulted on; (e) what is the total value of the balances defaulted on in (d); (f) what is the total number of instances in (d) and amount in (e) where the government ended up using taxpayer funds to pay off the balances; and (g) what are the number of instances and amounts in (d), (e) and (f) for credit cards that were assigned to ministers, parliamentary secretaries, or ministerial exempt staff?
Q-6762 — April 28, 2021 — Mr. Patzer (Cypress Hills—Grasslands) — With regard to the renovation, redesign and refurnishing of ministers’ or deputy ministers’ offices since February 1, 2019: (a) what is the total cost of any spending on renovating, redesigning, and refurnishing for each ministerial office, broken down by (i) total cost, (ii) moving services, (iii) renovating services, (iv) painting, (v) flooring, (vi) furniture, (vii) appliances, (viii) art installation, (ix) all other expenditures; (b) what is the total cost of any spending on renovating, redesigning, and refurnishing for each deputy minister’s office, broken down by (i) the total cost, (ii) moving services, (iii) renovating services, (iv) painting, (v) flooring, (vi) furniture, (vii) appliances, (viii) art installation, (ix) all other expenditures; and (c) what are the details of all projects related to (a) or (b), including the project description and date of completion?
Q-6772 — April 28, 2021 — Mr. Patzer (Cypress Hills—Grasslands) — With regard to reports, studies, assessments, and deliverables prepared for the government, including any department, agency, Crown corporation or other government entity, by Gartner since January 1, 2016: what are the details of all such deliverables, broken down by firm, including the (i) date that the deliverable was finished, (ii) title, (iii) summary of recommendations, (iv) file number, (v) website where the deliverable is available online, if applicable, (vi) value of the contract related to the deliverable?
Q-6782 — April 28, 2021 — Ms. Bergen (Portage—Lisgar) — With regard to sole-sourced contracts related to COVID-19 spending since November 25, 2020: (a) how many contracts have been sole-sourced; (b) what are the details of each sole-sourced contract, including the (i) date of the award, (ii) description of goods or services, including volume, (iii) final amount, (iv) vendor, (v) country of vendor; (c) how many sole-sourced contracts have been awarded to domestic-based companies; and (d) how many sole-sourced contracts have been awarded to foreign-based companies, broken down by country where the company is based?
Q-6792 — April 28, 2021 — Ms. Bergen (Portage—Lisgar) — With regard to ministers and exempt staff members flying on government aircraft, including helicopters, since September 28, 2020: what are the details of all such flights, including (i) the date, (ii) the origin, (iii) the destination, (iv) the type of aircraft, (v) which ministers and exempt staff members were on board?
Q-6802 — April 28, 2021 — Ms. Bergen (Portage—Lisgar) — With regard to the registration and deregistration of businesses in Canada since January 1, 2016: (a) how many businesses have deregistered, broken down by month and region or city; (b) of the businesses in (a), how many employees are listed as working at each business, broken down by region or city; (c) how many businesses have registered, broken down by month and region or city; and (d) of the businesses in (c), how many employees are listed as working at each business, broken down by region or city?
Q-6812 — April 29, 2021 — Mr. Vidal (Desnethé—Missinippi—Churchill River) — With regard to the government's statistics on graduation rates of First Nations high school students: (a) what were the graduation rates of First Nations students who attended high school on reserve, broken down by province and year for each of the past five years; and (b) what were the graduation rates of First Nations students who attended high school off reserve, broken down by province and year for each of the past five years?
Q-6822 — April 29, 2021 — Mr. Vidal (Desnethé—Missinippi—Churchill River) — With regard to expenditures related to promoting, advertising, or consulting on Bill C-15, An Act respecting the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, by the government, including any that took place prior to the tabling of the legislation, since October 21, 2019, broken down by month and by department, agency or other government entity: (a) what was the total amount spent on (i) consultants, (ii) advertising, (iii) promotion; and (b) what are the details of all contracts related to promoting, advertising or consulting, including (i) the date the contact was signed, (ii) the vendor, (iii) the amount, (iv) the start and end date, (v) the description of goods or services, (vi) whether the contract was sole-sourced or was competitively bid on?
Q-6832 — April 29, 2021 — Mr. Vidal (Desnethé—Missinippi—Churchill River) — With regard to the government’s consultation process on Bill C-15, An Act respecting the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: what are the details of all consultations the government conducted with individuals from First Nations, Metis Settlements, or Inuit communities prior to tabling the bill, including, for each consultation, the (i) type of meeting (in person, Zoom conference, etc.), (ii) names and titles of attendees, including who they represented, if applicable, (iii) date, (iv) location?
Q-6842 — April 29, 2021 — Mrs. McLeod (Kamloops—Thompson—Cariboo) — With regard to fraud involving the Canada Emergency Response Benefit program since the program was launched: (a) what was the number of double payments made under the program; (b) what is the value of the payments in (a); (c) what is the value of double payments made in (b) that have been recouped by the government; (d) what is the number of payments made to applications that were suspected or deemed to be fraudulent; (e) what is the value of the payments in (d); and (f) what is the value recouped by the government related to payments in (e)?
Q-6852 — April 29, 2021 — Mrs. McLeod (Kamloops—Thompson—Cariboo) — With regard to Corporations Canada and the deregistration of federally incorporated businesses since 2016, broken down by year: (a) how many businesses have deregistered their corporation; and (b) what is the breakdown of (a) by type of business?
Q-6862 — April 29, 2021 — Mrs. McLeod (Kamloops—Thompson—Cariboo) — With regard to the government’s requirements for hotels being used as quarantine facilities: (a) what specific obligations do the hotels have with regard to security standards; (b) what specific measures has the government taken to ensure these security standards are being met; (c) how many instances have occurred where government inspectors have found that the security standards of these hotels were not being met; (d) of the instances in (c), how many times did the security failures jeopardize the safety of (i) the individuals staying in the facility, (ii) public health or the general public; (e) are hotels required to verify that someone has received a negative test prior to leaving the facility, and, if so, how is this specifically being done; and (f) how many individuals have left these facilities without receiving a negative test result?
Q-6872 — April 29, 2021 — Mrs. McLeod (Kamloops—Thompson—Cariboo) — With regard to the government’s requirements for hotels to become a government-authorized hotel for the purpose of quarantining returning international air travellers: (a) what specific obligations do the hotels have with regard to security standards; (b) what specific measures has the government taken to ensure these security standards are being met; (c) how many instances have occurred where government inspectors have found that the security standards of these hotels were not being met; (d) of the instances in (c), how many times did the security failures jeopardize the safety of (i) the individuals staying in the facility, (ii) public health or the general public; (e) how many criminal acts have been reported since the hotel quarantine requirement began at each of the properties designated as a government-authorized hotel; (f) what is the breakdown of (e) by type of offence; (g) are the hotels required to verify that someone has received a negative test prior to leaving the facility, and, if so, how is this specifically being done; (h) how many individuals have left these hotels prior to or without receiving a negative test result; and (i) how does the government track whether or not individuals have left these hotels prior to receiving a negative test result?
Q-6882 — April 29, 2021 — Ms. Shin (Port Moody—Coquitlam) — With regard to the requirement that entails individuals entering Canada for compassionate reasons to seek an exemption online, the problems with the Public Health Agency of Canada’s (PHAC) online system, and the resulting actions from the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA): (a) what is the total number of international travellers arriving at Canadian airports who were denied entry, broken down by month since March 18, 2020; (b) how many individuals in (a) were (i) immediately sent back to their country of origin, (ii) permitted to remain in Canada pending an appeal or deportation; (c) what is the number of instances where the PHAC did not make a decision on an application for exemptions on compassionate reasons prior to the traveller’s arrival, or scheduled arrival in Canada; (d) of the instances in (c), where PHAC did not make a decision on time, was the reason due to (i) technical glitches that caused the PHAC to miss the application, (ii) other reasons, broken down by reason; (e) for the instances where the PHAC did not make a decision on time, was the traveller (i) still permitted entry in Canada, (ii) denied entry; and (f) what specific recourse do travellers arriving for compassionate reasons have when they encounter problems with the CBSA or other officials due to the PHAC not making a decision on time?
Q-6892 — April 29, 2021 — Mr. Kitchen (Souris-Moose Mountain) — With regard to expenditures on social media influencers, including any contracts which would use social media influencers as part of a public relations campaign since January 1, 2021: (a) what are the details of all such expenditures, including the (i) vendor, (ii) amount, (iii) campaign description, (iv) date of the contract, (v) name or handle of the influencer; and (b) for each campaign that paid an influencer, was there a requirement to make public, as part of a disclaimer, the fact that the influencer was being paid by the government, and, if not, why not?
Q-6902 — April 29, 2021 — Mr. Kitchen (Souris-Moose Mountain) — With regard to all monetary and non-monetary contracts, grants, agreements and arrangements entered into by the government, including any department, agency, Crown corporation or other government entity, with FLIR Lorex Inc., FLIR Systems , Lorex Technology Inc, March Networks, or Rx Networks Inc., since January 1, 2016: what are the details of such contracts, grants, agreements, or arrangements, including for each (i) the company, (ii) the date, (iii) the amount or value, (iv) the start and end date, (v) the summary of terms, (vi) whether or not the item was made public through proactive disclosure, (vii) the specific details of goods or services provided to the government as a result of the contract, grant, agreement or arrangement, (viii) the related government program, if applicable?
Q-6912 — April 29, 2021 — Mr. Hoback (Prince Albert) — With regard to the deal reached between the government and Pfizer Inc. for COVID-19 vaccine doses through 2024: (a) what COVID-19 modelling was used to develop the procurement agreement; and (b) what specific delivery timetables were agreed to?
Q-6922 — April 29, 2021 — Mr. Hoback (Prince Albert) — With regard to the testimony of the CEO of BioPharma Services at the House of Commons' Standing Committee on International Trade on Friday, April 23, 2021, pertaining to potential future waves of COVID-19 and the need for trading blocs: (a) have the Minister of Finance and her department been directed to plan supports for Canadians affected by subsequent waves of the virus through 2026; (b) what is the current status of negotiations or discussions the government has entered into with our allies about the creation of trading blocs for vaccines and personal protective equipment; (c) which specific countries have been involved in discussions about potential trading blocs; and (d) what are the details of all meetings where negotiations or discussions that have occurred about potential trading, including the (i) date, (ii) participants, (iii) countries represented by participants, (iv) meeting agenda and summary?
Q-6932 — April 29, 2021 — Mr. Ruff (Bruce—Grey—Owen Sound) — With regard to the Universal Broadband Fund (UBF) program: (a) why was the Southwestern Integrated Fibre Technology (SWIFT) 2.0 proposed project denied funding to the UBF program; (b) which of the government’s objectives did the proposed SWIFT 2.0 fail to meet; and (c) with SWIFT projects being a solution to address competition issues in Southwestern Ontario between Internet Service Providers (ISPs), how can SWIFT be a partner in achieving the government’s goal of having 98 per cent of Canadians access high speed internet?
Q-6942 — April 29, 2021 — Ms. Dancho (Kildonan—St. Paul) — With regard to the Canada Emergency Response Benefit payments being sent to prisoners in federal or provincial or territorial correctional facilities: (a) how many CERB benefit payments were made to incarcerated individuals; (b) what is the value of the payments made to incarcerated individuals; (c) what is the value of the payments in (b) which were later recouped by the government as of April 28, 2021; (d) how many payments were intercepted and or blocked by Correctional Service Canada staff; (e) what is the breakdown of (d) by correctional institution; and (f) how many of the payments in (a) were sent to individuals in (i) federal correctional facilities, (ii) provincial or territorial correctional facilities?
Q-6952 — April 29, 2021 — Mrs. Kusie (Calgary Midnapore) — With regard to the government’s decision to ban all pleasure craft in the Canadian Arctic Waters and cruise vessels in all Canadian waters until February 28, 2022: (a) why was the length of the ban not contingent upon vaccination levels of Canadians or related to vaccination requirements for those on-board the vessels; and (b) what role did the low level of Canadians vaccinated in January and February of 2021, due to the government’s inability to secure enough vaccines fast enough, have on the decision to extend the ban for an entire extra year?
Q-6962 — April 29, 2021 — Mrs. Kusie (Calgary Midnapore) — With regard to the negotiations between the government and major Canadian airlines that are related to financial assistance, since November 8, 2020: what are the details of all meetings, including any virtual meetings, held between the government and major airlines, including, for each meeting, the (i) date, (ii) number of government representatives, broken down by department and agency, and, if ministers' offices were represented, how many representatives of each office were present, (iii) number of airline representatives, including a breakdown of which airlines were represented and how many representatives of each airline were present?
Q-6972 — April 29, 2021 — Mrs. Wong (Richmond Centre) — With regard to the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO): (a) broken down by end of fiscal year, between fiscal years 2011-12 to 2020-21, how many trademark examiners were (i) employed, (ii) contracted by the CIPO; (b) what percentage in (a) were employed with a residence within the National Capital Region of Ottawa-Gatineau, by the end of fiscal years 2015-16 to 2020-21; (c) broken down by fiscal year, during each fiscal year from 2011-12 to 2020-21, how many trademark examiners were (i) hired, (ii) terminated, broken down by (A) for cause and (B) not for cause; (d) is there a requirement for bilingualism for trademark examiners, and, if so, what level of other-official language fluency is required; (e) is there a requirement that trademark examiners reside within the National Capital Region of Ottawa-Gatineau, and, if so, how many trademark examiner candidates have refused offers of employment, and how many trademark examiners have ceased employment, due to such a requirement in the fiscal years from 2011-12 to 2020-21; (f) what was the (i) mean, (ii) median time of a trademark application, for each of the fiscal years between 2011-12 and 2020-21, between filing and a first office action (approval or examiner’s report); (g) for the answer in (f), since June 17, 2019, how many were filed under the (i) direct system, (ii) Madrid System; (h) for the answer in (g), what are the mean and median time, broken down by month for each system since June 17, 2019; (i) does the CIPO prioritize the examination of Madrid system trademark applications designating Canada over direct trademark applications, and, if so, what priority treatment is given; (j) as many applicants and trademark agents have not received correspondence from the CIPO by regular mail and prefer electronic correspondence, does the CIPO have systems in place to allow trademarks examiners and other trademarks staff to send all correspondence by e-mail to applicants and trademark agents of record, and, if not, is the CIPO looking into implementing such system; (k) when is the anticipated date for the execution of such system; (l) what is Canada’s ranking with other countries, as to the speed of trademark examination; and (m) what countries, if any, have a longer period of time between filing and a first office action (approval or examiner’s report) for trademarks compared to Canada?
Q-6982 — April 29, 2021 — Mrs. Jansen (Cloverdale—Langley City) — With regard to the Canada-British Columbia Early Learning and Child Care Agreement and the $10 per day Child Care Prototype Site Evaluation: (a) when did the Government of British Columbia share the results of this evaluation with the Government of Canada; (b) what were the findings of the evaluation; (c) what were the recommendations; (d) how can the public access the full report, including the website address where the report may be downloaded from; and (e) what were the specific findings of the evaluation regarding the feasibility of $10 per day childcare?
Q-6992 — April 30, 2021 — Mr. Kmiec (Calgary Shepard) — With regard to the Fiscal Stabilization Program under the Federal-Provincial Arrangements Act, since January 1, 1987: (a) what is the breakdown of every payment or refund made to provinces, broken down by (i) date, (ii) province, (iii) payment amount, (iv) revenue lost by the province, (v) payment as a proportion of revenue lost, (vi) the value of the payment in amount per capita; (b) how many claims have been submitted to the Minister of Finance by each province since its inception, broken down by province and date; (c) how many claims have been accepted, broken down by province and date; and (d) how many claims have been rejected, broken down by province and date?
Q-7002 — April 30, 2021 — Mr. Kmiec (Calgary Shepard) — With regard to voluntary compliance undertakings (VCU) and board orders by the Patented Medicines Prices Review Board (PMPRB), since January 1, 2016: (a) what is the total amount of money that has been made payable from pharmaceutical companies to her Majesty in right of Canada through voluntary compliance undertakings and board orders, both sum total, broken down by (i) company, (ii) product, (iii) summary of guideline application, (iv) amount charged, (v) date; (b) how is the money processed by the PMPRB; (c) how much of the intake from VCUs and board orders are counted as revenue for the PMPRB; (d) how much of the intake from VCUs and board orders are considered revenue for Health Canada; (e) as the Public Accounts lists capital inflow from VCUs as revenue, what has the PMPRB done with the inflow; and (f) who decides the distribution of the capital inflow from VCUs?
Q-7012 — April 30, 2021 — Mr. Kmiec (Calgary Shepard) — With regard to the Patented Medicines Prices Review Board (PMPRB) and the proposed amendments to the “Patented Medicines Regulations”, also referred to as the PMPRB Guidelines, since January 1, 2017: (a) how many organizations, advocacy groups, and members of industry or stakeholders have been consulted, both sum total and broken down in an itemized list by (i) name, (ii) summary of their feedback, (iii) date; (b) how many stakeholders expressed positive feedback about the proposed guidelines; (c) how many stakeholders expressed negative feedback about the proposed guidelines; (d) what is the threshold of negative feedback needed to delay implementation of the proposed guidelines as has been done previously in mid 2020, and start of 2021; (e) have there been any requests made by PMPRB executives to Health Canada officials to delay the implementation of the proposed regulations; and (f) how many times were these requests rejected by Health Canada officials?
Q-7022 — April 30, 2021 — Mr. Kmiec (Calgary Shepard) — With regard to reports, studies, assessments, consultations, evaluations and deliverables prepared for the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation since January 1, 2016: what are the details of all such deliverables, including the (i) date that the deliverable was finished, (ii) title, (iii) summary of recommendations, (iv) file number, (v) website where the deliverable is available online, if applicable, (vi) value of the contract related to the deliverable?
Q-7032 — April 30, 2021 — Mr. Ruff (Bruce—Grey—Owen Sound) — With regard to the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Operation HONOUR Tracking and Analysis System (OPHTAS) 2020's annual incident tracking report: (a) when was this report completed; (b) why was this report not published and released on the government’s website in the summer of 2020, in a similar timeline with the previous year’s reports; (c) who made the decision not to publish the document in the summer of 2020; (d) on what date was the Minister of National Defense or his office informed that the document would not be published in the summer of 2020, in line with the schedule of the previous years; (e) if the report has since been published, on what specific website is the document located; and (f) how is the OPHTAS report data fused with other department of National Defence or CAF reports, including the annual CAF Provost Marshall report, the Judge Advocate General Annual report, the Director General Integrated Conflict and Complaint Management annual report, and the Sexual Misconduct Response Centre annual report, in order to provide a consolidated view of sexual misconduct in the CAF?
Q-7042 — April 30, 2021 — Mr. Ruff (Bruce—Grey—Owen Sound) — With regard to government data relating to the Cannabis Act (2018) Part 14 Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes, broken down by month, year, and province or territory since 2018: (a) how many active personal or designated production registrations were authorized for amounts equal to or above 25 grams per person, per day: (b) how many active personal or designated production registrations are authorized for amounts equal to or above 100 grams per person, per day; (c) how many registrations for the production of cannabis at the same location exist in Canada that allow two, three and four registered persons; (d) of the locations that allow two, three and four registered persons to grow cannabis, how many site locations contain registrations authorized to produce amounts equal to or above 25 grams per person, per day; (e) how many site locations contain registrations authorized to produce amounts equal to or above 100 grams per person, per day; (f) how many Health Canada or other government inspections of these operations were completed each month; (g) how many of those inspections yielded violations, broken down by location; and (h) how many resulted in withdrawal of one or more licences?
Q-7052 — April 30, 2021 — Mr. Hallan (Calgary Forest Lawn) — With regard to the processing of parents and grandparents applications in the 2020 intake by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada: (a) how many interest to sponsor forms were received; (b) how many of the interest to sponsor forms received were duplicates; (c) how many individuals have received invitations to apply; (d) how many applications have been (i) submitted, (ii) approved, (iii) refused, (iv) processed; and (e) what is the current processing time?
Q-7062 — April 30, 2021 — Mr. Hallan (Calgary Forest Lawn) — With regard to COVID-19 specimen collection from travellers completed at Canada’s ports of entry and through at home specimen collection kits: (a) what company performs the tests of specimens collected from each port of entry; (b) what company performs the tests of at home specimen collection kits; (c) what city and laboratory are specimens collected from each port of entry, sent to for processing; (d) what city and laboratory are at home specimen collection kits processed; (e) what procurement process did the government undertake in selecting companies to collect and process COVID-19 specimens; (f) what companies submitted bids to collect and process COVID-19 specimens; (g) what are the details of the bids submitted by companies in (f); and (h) what are the details of the contracts entered into between the government and any companies that have been hired to collect and process COVID-19 specimens?
Q-7072 — April 30, 2021 — Mr. Hallan (Calgary Forest Lawn) — With regard to Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) requests submitted to Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC): (a) what is the current inventory of requests and broken down by the type of request; (b) what is the average processing time of each type of request; (c) what percentage of requests have received extensions in response time and broken down by the type of request; (d) what is the breakdown of the percentage of requests in (c) according to reasons for extensions; (e) what is the average length of extensions for response time overall and for each type of request; (f) what is the average number of extensions for response time overall and for each type of request; (g) what percentage of requests have had exemptions applied; (h) what is the breakdown of the percentage in (g) according to the reasons for exemptions; (i) how many complaints regarding the ATIP process has IRCC received since January 1, 2020, broken down by month; and (j) what is the breakdown of the number of complaints in (i) according to the type of complaint?
Q-7082 — April 30, 2021 — Mr. Hallan (Calgary Forest Lawn) — With regard to Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) offices: (a) what lines of business are processed at each case processing centre (CPC), the centralized intake office (CIO), and the Operations Support Centre (OSC); (b) what lines of business in (a) are not currently being processed at each CPC, the CIO, and the OSC; (c) how many applications have been (i) submitted, (ii) approved, (iii) refused, (iv) processed for each line of business, at each CPC, the CIO, and the OSC since January 1, 2020, broken down by month; (d) what is the current processing times and service standard processing times for each line of business at each CPC, the CIO, the OSC; (e) what is the operating status of each IRCC in-person office in Canada; (f) what services are provided at each IRCC in-person office in Canada; (g) what services in (f) are currently (i) available, (ii) unavailable, (iii) offered at limited capacity, at each IRCC in-person office in Canada; (h) what lines of business are processed at each IRCC visa office located in Canadian embassies, high commissions, and consulates; (i) how many applications have been (i) submitted, (ii) approved, (iii) refused, (iv) processed, for each line of business processed at each IRCC visa office in (h) since January 1, 2020, broken down by month; and (j) what is the current processing times and standard processing times for each line of business processed at each IRCC visa office in (h)?
Q-7092 — April 30, 2021 — Mr. Ruff (Bruce—Grey—Owen Sound) — With regard to correspondence received by the Minister of Canadian Heritage or the Office of the Prime Minister related to internet censorship or increased regulation of posts on social media sites, since January 1, 2019: (a) how many pieces of correspondence were received; and (b) how many pieces of correspondence asked for more internet censorship or regulation?
Q-7102 — April 30, 2021 — Mr. Shields (Bow River) — With regard to the planning of the government’s announcement on April 29, 2021, about the launch of an independent external comprehensive review of the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces and reports that some of those involved in the announcement, including Lieutenant-General Jennie Carignan, did not learn about their new roles until the morning of the announcement: (a) on what date was Lieutenant-General Jennie Carignan informed that she would become the Chief, Professional Conduct and Culture, and how was she informed; (b) on what date was Louise Arbour informed that she would be head of the review; (c) was the decision to launch this review made before or after Elder Marques testified at the Standing Committee on National Defence that Katie Telford had knowledge about the accusations against General Vance; and (d) if the decision in (c) was made prior to Mr. Marques’ testimony, what proof does the government have to back-up that claim?
Q-7112 — April 30, 2021 — Mr. Shields (Bow River) — With regard to free rapid COVID-19 tests distributed by the government directly to companies for the screening of close-contact employees: (a) how many tests were distributed; (b) which companies received the tests; and (c) how many tests did each company in (b) receive?
Q-7122 — April 30, 2021 — Mr. Shields (Bow River) — With regard to contracts awarded by the government to former public servants since January 1, 2020, broken down by department, agency, or other government entity: (a) how many contracts have been awarded to former public servants; (b) what is the total value of those contracts; and (c) what are the details of each such contract, including the (i) date the contract was signed, (ii) description of the goods or services, including the volume, (iii) final amount, (iv) vendor, (v) start and end date of contract?
Q-7132 — April 30, 2021 — Mr. Paul-Hus (Charlesbourg—Haute-Saint-Charles) — With regard to sole-sourced contracts signed by the government since February 1, 2020, broken down by department, agency, or other government entity: (a) how many contracts have been sole-sourced; (b) what is the total value of those contracts; and (c) what are the details of each sole-sourced contract, including the (i) date, (ii) description of the goods or services, including the volume, (iii) final amount, (iv) vendor, (v) country of the vendor?
Q-7142 — April 30, 2021 — Mrs. Stubbs (Lakeland) — With regard to the RCMP’s National Security Criminal Investigations Program, broken down by year since 2015: (a) how many RCMP officers or other personnel were assigned to the program; and (b) what was the program’s budget or total expenditures?
Q-7152 — April 30, 2021 — Mrs. Stubbs (Lakeland) — With regard to the implementation of Orders in Council entitled “Minimizing the Risk of Exposure to COVID-19 in Canada Order (Prohibition of Entry into Canada from any Country Other Than the United States)” and Minimizing the Risk of Exposure to COVID-19 in Canada Order (Mandatory Isolation): (a) what specific direction was given to border agents regarding new and modified Order in Council provisions directly from the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness or his staff; (b) what procedure was followed ensuring the Orders in Council’s proper enforcement by Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) agents; and (c) what specific direction was given to CBSA agents regarding non-application – requirement to quarantine, specifically for persons who must enter Canada regularly to go to their normal place of employment or to return from their normal place of employment in the United States?
Q-7162 — April 30, 2021 — Mr. Dalton (Pitt Meadows—Maple Ridge) — With regard to the Interim Protocol for the use of Southern B.C. commercial anchorages: (a) how many (i) days each of the anchorage locations was occupied from January 2019 to March 2021, broken down by month, (ii) complaints received related to vessels occupying these anchorages, between January 1, 2019, and March 31, 2021; and (b) why did the public posting of interim reports cease at the end of 2018?
Q-7172 — April 30, 2021 — Mr. Dalton (Pitt Meadows—Maple Ridge) — With regard to federal transfer payments to Indigenous communities in British Columbia: (a) what is the total amount of federal transfer payments in fiscal years 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21; and (b) of the amounts provided in (a), what amounts were provided specifically to Metis communities?
Q-7182 — April 30, 2021 — Mrs. Wagantall (Yorkton—Melville) — With regard to funding provided by the government to the Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies (CAEFS): (a) what requirements and stipulations apply for the CAEFS in securing, spending, and reporting financial support received from the government; and (b) what has the government communicated to the CAEFS with respect to the enforcement of Interim Policy Bulletin 584 before and after the coming into force of Bill C-16, An Act to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code, on June 19, 2017?
Q-7192 — April 30, 2021 — Mr. Albas (Central Okanagan—Similkameen—Nicola) — With regard to government funding in the riding of South Okanagan—West Kootenay, for each fiscal year since 2018-19 inclusive: (a) what are the details of all grants, contributions, and loans to any organization, body, or group, broken down by (i) name of the recipient, (ii) municipality of the recipient, (iii) date on which the funding was received, (iv) amount received, (v) department or agency providing the funding, (vi) program under which the grant, contribution, or loan was made, (vii) nature or purpose; and (b) for each grant, contribution and loan in (a), was a press release issued to announce it and, if so, what is the (i) date, (ii) headline, (iii) file number of the press release?
Q-7202 — April 30, 2021 — Mr. Albas (Central Okanagan—Similkameen—Nicola) — With regard to the Greener Homes initiative that was announced in the Fall Economic Statement, but is still not available for applications and has had a message on its website to come back in the coming weeks for months: (a) when will the program launch; (b) how will the retroactivity be implemented; (c) what will happen to people who believed they were eligible, but due to the lack of application information were denied; and (d) why was there such a major delay in opening this program?
Q-7212 — April 30, 2021 — Mr. Albas (Central Okanagan—Similkameen—Nicola) — With regard to the $2.3 billion over five years announced in Budget 2021 for conservation: (a) when will the ‘thousands of jobs’ be created; (b) where will the 1 million square kilometers of land be located; (c) has all the land been located; (d) have lands under provincial jurisdiction been identified and have provincial governments agreed; (e) what is the cost breakdowns for funds earmarked for partnerships with indigenous peoples; and (f) what is the total cost breakdown for how exactly this money will be spent?
Q-7222 — April 30, 2021 — Mr. Albas (Central Okanagan—Similkameen—Nicola) — With regard to COVID-19 vaccines and having to throw them away due to spoilage or expiration: (a) how much spoilage and waste has been identified; (b) what is the spoilage and waste breakdowns by province; and (c) what is the cost to taxpayers for the loss of spoiled vaccines?
Q-7232 — April 30, 2021 — Mr. Vis (Mission—Matsqui—Fraser Canyon) — With regard to the commitment on page 305 of Budget 2021 to implement a “Tax on Unproductive Use of Canadian Housing by Foreign Non-resident Owners”: (a) how many internal memos, presentations, or other similar type of documents were created by the government or hired consultants on this proposed tax; (b) of the documents in (a), what are their titles and when were they dated; (c) in which internal documents and when was it “estimated that this measure will increase federal revenues by $700 million over four years”; (d) what methodology was used to establish the $700 million figure in (c); (d) on what date will the promised consultation paper for stakeholders be released and to which stakeholders will it be distributed; and (e) how many days is the stakeholder consultation period scheduled to take place and on what date will it (i) begin, (ii) conclude?
Q-7242 — April 30, 2021 — Mr. Vis (Mission—Matsqui—Fraser Canyon) — With regard to the First-Time Home Buyer Incentive (FTHBI) announced by the government in 2019, from September 1, 2019, to date: (a) how many applicants have applied for a mortgage through the FTHBI, broken down by province or territory and municipality; (b) of the applicants in (a), how many applicants have been approved and accepted mortgages through the FTHBI, broken down by province or territory and municipality; (c) of the applicants in (b), how many approved applicants have been issued the incentive in the form of a shared equity mortgage; (d) what is the total value of incentives (shared equity mortgages) under the program that have been issued, in dollars; (e) for those applicants who have been issued mortgages through the FTHBI, what is that value of each of the mortgage loans; (f) for those applicants who have been issued mortgages through the FTHBI, what is that mean value of the mortgage loan; (g) what is the total aggregate amount of money lent to homebuyers through the FTHBI to date; (h) for mortgages approved through the FTHBI, what is the breakdown of the percentage of loans originated with each lender comprising more than 5 per cent of total loans issued; (i) for mortgages approved through the FTHBI, what is the breakdown of the value of outstanding loans insured by each Canadian mortgage insurance company as a percentage of total loans in force; and (j) what date will the promised FTHBI program updates announced in the 2020 Fall Economic Statement be implemented?
Q-7252 — May 3, 2021 — Ms. Alleslev (Aurora—Oak Ridges—Richmond Hill) — With regard to Elections Canada, since January 1, 2014: (a) how many (i) electoral district associations, (ii) election campaigns were sent a confirmation email from Elections Canada that their financial return had been received by Elections Canada, broken down by year; (b) how many (i) emails, (ii) phone calls were received by Elections Canada related to political financing, broken down by quarter, province and year; (c) how many and what percentage of the political financing emails and phone calls in (b) received a response, broken down by quarter, province and year; (d) what are Elections Canada’s performance metrics for email and phone call response rates, broken down by year; (e) are political financing response emails required to include the name of the individual providing the response, and, if not, why not; and (f) how many and what percentage of political financing emails did not have the name of the individual providing the response, broken down by province?
Q-7262 — May 3, 2021 — Ms. Alleslev (Aurora—Oak Ridges—Richmond Hill) — With regard to Elections Canada, broken down by province, political party and year, since January 1, 2014: (a) how many and what percentage of annual electoral district association returns were considered completed within (i) one month, (ii) two months, (iii) four months, (iv) six months, (V) nine months, (vi) 12 months, (vii) 13-18 months, (viii) 18-24 months, (ix) greater than 24 months of their initial submission to Elections Canada; (b) how many electoral district associations have been deregistered; (c) how many local (riding-level) election campaign returns for the 2015 election were completed within (i) one month, (ii) two months, (iii) four months, (iv) six months, (V) nine months, (vi) 12 months, (vii) 13-18 months, (viii) 18-24 months; (d) how many local (riding-level) election campaign returns for the 2019 election were completed within (i) one month, (ii) two months, (iii) four months, (iv) six months, (V) nine months, (vi) 12 months, (vii) 13-18 months, (viii) 18-24 months; (f) how many 2019 local election campaign returns submitted to Elections Canada have not been completed; and (g) how many of the campaigns in (f) would qualify for, but have not yet received their election rebates funds?
Q-7272 — May 3, 2021 — Ms. Alleslev (Aurora—Oak Ridges—Richmond Hill) — With regard to Elections Canada, broken down by year since January 1, 2014: (a) how many full-time permanent employees worked at Elections Canada, excluding temporary employees hired for a specific election period; (b) how many individuals on contract with Elections Canada provided full-time labour or support to Elections Canada; (c) what is the yearly total amount of the contracts in (b); (d) how many individuals employed by or providing full-time labour or support to Elections Canada were given their position through an outside employment firm or agency; (e) of the employees in (a), how many had annual salaries (i) under $29,999, (ii) between $30,000 and $49,999, (iii) between $50,000 and $69,999, (iv) between $70,000 and $89,999, (v) between $90,000 and $119,999, (vi) between $120,000 and $149,999, (vii) over $150,000; (f) of the individuals in (b), how many received an annual renumeration with an annual rate (i) under $29,999 , (ii) between $30,000 and $49,999, (iii) between $50,000 and $69,999, (iv) between $70,000 and $89,999, (v) between $90,000 and $119,999, (vi) between $120,000 and $149,999, (vii) over $150,000; (g) what was the yearly turnover rate for the employees in (a); (h) what was the yearly turnover rate for the individuals in (b); and (i) for the individuals having contracts with Elections Canada in (b), who fell ill or were required to quarantine, what, if any, specific sick leave or access to compensation has Elections Canada provided them, and on what date did this policy come into effect?
Q-7282 — May 3, 2021 — Mr. Seeback (Dufferin—Caledon) — With regard to the Senate Appointment Advisory Board, broken down by fiscal year since 2016-17: (a) how many employees or full-time equivalents were or are working with or assisting the board; (b) of the positions in (a), what are the (i) job titles, (ii) Treasury Board classifications (AS-01, EX-02, etc.) and related pay ranges; (c) what are the total expenditures for the board, broken down by type of expenses and line item; (d) how much was spent to set up the board, including (i) the salaries of the staff that support the board, (ii) the furniture, (iii) the moving costs, (iv) the website development, (v) the information technology costs, (vi) other costs, broken down by type of costs; (e) how many resumes were received; and (f) how many Senate positions were filled from the resumes in (e)?
Q-7292 — May 3, 2021 — Mr. Seeback (Dufferin—Caledon) — With regard to Requests for Proposal (RFP) put forward by Shared Services Canada (SSC) since January 1, 2020: (a) how many RFPs were issued by SSC; (b) for each RFP in (a), how many were issued that stated a brand name as a requirement; (c) what is the number of contracts issued by SSC based on brand name requirements in the RFP, broken down by (i) brand name, (ii) date, (iii) value of the contract, (iv) description of the service rendered, (v) file number; and (d) what is the number of contracts issued by SSC that were awarded through RFPs in (a) to companies offering an equivalent product?
Q-7302 — May 3, 2021 — Mrs. Gallant (Renfrew—Nipissing—Pembroke) — With regard to all grants and contributions provided to the Centre for Inquiry Canada, and broken down by department, agency, Crown corporation or other government entity, since 2006: (a) what are the details of each grant or contribution, including the (i) date, (ii) type of grant or contribution, (iii) program, (iv) department, (v) purpose of funding and project description, (vi) location where related work took place, (vii) amount; and (b) which of the grants and contributions in (a) were related to the Canada Summer Jobs program?
Q-7312 — May 3, 2021 — Mrs. Gallant (Renfrew—Nipissing—Pembroke) — With regard to the Pickering Agricultural Lease Renewal Strategy announced by Transport Canada on May 15, 2017: (a) what is the total number of leases signed under the strategy; (b) how many of the leases were (i) provided to new leaseholders, (ii) renewals of existing leaseholders; (c) what are the details of each lease, including (i) the size of holding, (ii) the dollar value, (iii) the nature of use, (iv) the length of tenure, (v) the restrictions, (vi) whether or not a purchase option was included, (vii) the name of lease, (viii) the nationality of lease, (ix) whether or not lease is transferable; (d) for leases with a purchase option, was the price set at fair market value, at the time of the signing of the original lease, or at the time of purchase; (e) what comparables were used to determine the market value used to set lease rates; (f) what was the number of expressions of interest made to lease land at Pickering; (g) what was the number of one year leases affected by the 60-day termination clause and were renewed under the 10 year lease to the original leaseholder, or to a new leaseholder; and (h) what are the details of all meetings or consultations, including those with lobbyists or politicians, related to the formulation of the Pickering Agricultural Renewal Lease Strategy, including, for each meeting, the (i) date, (ii) list of attendees?
Q-7322 — May 3, 2021 — Mrs. Kusie (Calgary Midnapore) — With regard to the Air Travellers Security Charge (ATSC) since January 1, 2016, broken down by year: (a) how much was collected from passengers, broken down by averages per (i) day, (ii) month, (iii) year; (b) how much was used to pay for security services; and (c) what other programs or services are funded with the ATSC, and how much funding was provided to each program?
Q-7332 — May 3, 2021 — Mr. Johns (Courtenay—Alberni) — With regard to the court cases Ahousaht Indian Band and Nation v. Canada (Attorney General), 2008 BCSC 1494; Ahousaht Indian Band and Nation v. Canada (Attorney General), 2011 BCCA 237; Ahousaht Indian Band and Nation v. Canada (Attorney General), (29 March 2012) SCC File No. 34387; Ahousaht Indian Band and Nation v. Canada (Attorney General), 2013 BCCA 300; Ahousaht Indian Band and Nation v. Canada (Attorney General), (30 January 2012) SCC File No. 34387; Ahousaht Indian Band and Nation v. Canada (Attorney General Trial decision (Garson J.) – 2009 BCSC 1494; BC Supreme Court Docket No. S033335; the Supreme Court of Canada’s file number 34387; Ahousaht Indian Band and Nation v. Canada (Attorney General) 2021 BCCA 155; and all related cases: what are, including information from the Attorney General of Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada, and Environment and Climate Change Canada, for each case, the (i) total amount spent by the Crown between January 1, 2006, and April 30, 2021, (ii) total amount, adjusted for inflation, (iii) total spent by the Crown by category (travel, salary, supplies, etc.), (iv) total amount spent in each fiscal year from 2005 to 2021, (v) total payment that has been, or is projected to be paid by the Crown, and an explanation as to how this figure was calculated, (vi) date by which it will be or is projected to be paid by the Crown?
Q-7342 — May 4, 2021 — Mr. Genuis (Sherwood Park—Fort Saskatchewan) — With regard to Canadian aid to Burma and the need to enforce the economic sanctions on Burmese military officials: (a) how is the funding from the Joint Peace Fund being allocated since the military coup in February 2021; (b) is any funding being directed to or through state or military-controlled channels, and, if so, what are the details, including the amounts; (c) what is the general breakdown of how Canadian aid dollars for Burma are being distributed and to whom; (d) does the government consider lobbying on behalf of the military regime in Burma a contravention of the Special Economic Measures (Burma) Regulations; and (e) is the government investigating or did it investigate Ari Ben-Menashe of Dickens & Madson (Canada) Inc. for a possible contravention of the Special Economic Measures (Burma) Regulations, and, if so, what is the status of the investigation?
Q-7352 — May 5, 2021 — Mr. Manly (Nanaimo—Ladysmith) — With regard to the government’s acquisition of 88 advanced fighter aircraft for the Royal Canadian Air Force: (a) in what month are the successful bidder and aircraft expected to be chosen by the government; (b) in what month is a contract expected to be signed with the chosen bidder; (c) will the government conduct a revised cost analysis of the acquisition, and, if so, (i) when will the analysis be conducted, (ii) will the analysis be made public, and, if so, when; and (d) will the government sign the contract before the Parliamentary Budget Officer’s cost analysis of the acquisition is completed and made public?
Q-7362 — May 5, 2021 — Mr. Morrison (Kootenay—Columbia) — With regard to the 2021 Census soundtrack: (a) who decided what songs would be included on the soundtrack and what criteria was used to decide which songs would be included; (b) how much is the government paying Spotify and YouTube for the services related to the playlist; (c) what are the details of how artists on the soundtrack are being remunerated for their songs, including the total amount being paid to artists for their songs being on the soundtrack; and (d) what are the costs incurred by the government to create and maintain the soundtrack website, broken down by line item?
Q-7372 — May 5, 2021 — Mr. Morrison (Kootenay—Columbia) — With regard to the Minister of Foreign Affairs' trip to the United Kingdom (UK) in early May 2021, and to the Prime Minister’s comments made on January 29, 2021, in relation to the hotel quarantine requirements for international travellers, that “travellers will then have to wait for up to three days at an approved hotel for their tests results at their own expense”: (a) did the minister and his entourage pay for their approved hotel quarantine rooms at their own expense; and (b) did the government cover or reimburse the costs of the rooms for the minister and his entourage during his trip to the UK, and, if so, what were the total costs related to the hotel stays that were paid for by the government, broken down by line item?
Q-7382 — May 5, 2021 — Mr. Morrison (Kootenay—Columbia) — With regard to the statement made by the Prime Minister in the House on May 4, 2021, that “victims of fraud will not be held responsible for the amounts paid to people who stole their identity” in relation to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) asking victims of identity theft to pay taxes on payments they never received: (a) what specific measures are in place to ensure that CRA does not ask identity theft victims to pay taxes on money they never received; (b) when and by what means was the directive outlined in the Prime Minister’s statement provided to CRA officials; and (c) what punitive measures are in place for CRA officials who ignore the directive and continue to ask victims to pay taxes on payments they never received?
Q-7392 — May 5, 2021 — Mr. Maguire (Brandon—Souris) — With regard to Canadian Armed Forces members operating in Iraq between December 2015 to present: (a) how many Canadian Armed Forces members were injured; (b) how many of these members were injured as a result of attacks; (c) what was the nature of each injury; (d) what was the cause of each injury; (e) how many of these injured members received a military decoration as a result of their injury, broken down by type of decoration; and (f) how many of these injured members were repatriated to Canada as a result of their injury?
Q-7402 — May 5, 2021 — Mr. Manly (Nanaimo—Ladysmith) — With regard to the Department of National Defence (DND) firing ranges in Nanaimo and Chilliwack, British Columbia (BC): (a) did the use of the Nanaimo range change since the 2019 closure of the Vokes range in Chilliwack, including (i) how many days per year the range is being used now versus before the closure of the Vokes range, (ii) any change in the caliber of weapons being used in the Nanaimo range; (b) did the DND assess the (i) sound intensity, including rapidity and decibel levels of the firing range at various distances over time, including before and after the closure of Vokes range, (ii) social and health impacts of the range on local residents within a 10-kilometre radius from the range, including residents with post-traumatic stress disorder and refugees from war zones, (iii) impact of the range on the surrounding environment and wildlife, (iv) feasibility of relocating the range to a less populated area, well outside of present and future residential neighbourhoods and potential developments; (c) did the DND complete its planned review of all of its assets in BC and, if not, when does it estimate it will be completed; and (d) did the DND conduct any of said assessments or reviews, and, if so, (i) what were the results, (ii) what actions have been taken as a result, (iii) will future actions be taken as a result, and, if so, when?
Q-7412 — May 6, 2021 — Mr. Richards (Banff—Airdrie) — With regard to meetings between Canadian and American government officials about the Enbridge Line 5 pipeline, between April 1, 2021, and May 6, 2021: what are the details of each meeting, including the (i) date, (ii) name and title of the participants, (iii) format (in person, Zoom, etc.), (iv) summary of decisions or progress made at the meeting, if applicable?
Q-7422 — May 6, 2021 — Mr. Barsalou-Duval (Pierre-Boucher—Les Patriotes—Verchères) — With regard to the Prime Minister’s new website: what is the number of full-time equivalents assigned to the project to update the site?
Q-7432 — May 6, 2021 — Ms. Bérubé (Abitibi—Baie-James—Nunavik—Eeyou) — With regard to the Prime Minister’s new website: what is the total cost of the website redesign project?
Q-7442 — May 6, 2021 — Ms. Bérubé (Abitibi—Baie-James—Nunavik—Eeyou) — With regard to the Prime Minister’s new website: (a) for this project, has the Office of the Prime Minister used external suppliers; and (b) what are the details, including the (i) dates, (ii) value, (iii) name of the suppliers, (iv) reference number, (v) description of the services provided, of any contracts under $10,000 awarded for this project, if applicable?
Q-7452 — May 7, 2021 — Mr. Beaulieu (La Pointe-de-l'Île) — With regard to the new portrait on the Prime Minister’s new website: how much did it cost to produce the portrait, including (i) the amount paid to the photographer or the firm responsible for photography services, (ii) the costs associated with graphic enhancements, (iii) the amount paid for all professional image consultant services, if applicable, (iv) the total amount spent on men’s fashion consulting or stylist services, if applicable?
Q-7462 — May 7, 2021 — Mr. Ste-Marie (Joliette) — With regard to the Prime Minister’s new website and the response to question Q-563 on the Order Paper: (a) did the Office of the Prime Minister use external suppliers; (b) for all contracts over $10,000 awarded for this project, what, if applicable, are the details, including the (i) dates, (ii) value, (iii) name of the suppliers, (iv) reference number, (v) description of the services provided; and (c) as of May 5, 2021, was the information in (b) available on an open government website, and, if not, why does the government reference a link in its response where the information requested in question Q-563 was not available?
Q-7472 — May 7, 2021 — Mr. Blanchette-Joncas (Rimouski-Neigette—Témiscouata—Les Basques) — With regard to the Prime Minister’s new website: (a) what is the total cost of the Prime Minister’s website redesign project, including the (i) amount spent on writing biographical content about the Prime Minister, (ii) graphic design, (iii) website development, (iv) migration of the content from the old website to the new one, (v) Prime Minister’s new official portrait, (vi) translation and language editing costs; (b) what is the number of full-time equivalents assigned to the website update project; and (c) what external suppliers did the Office of the Prime Minister use for this project, and, if applicable, what are the details, including the (i) dates of the contracts, (ii) value of the contracts, (iii) names of the suppliers, (iv) reference numbers, (v) description of the services provided?
Q-7482 — May 7, 2021 — Mrs. Vecchio (Elgin—Middlesex—London) — With regard to recruiting in the Canadian Armed Forces between January 2019 to present, broken down by month: (a) how many individuals who showed an interest in joining the Regular Force or the Primary Reserve contacted the Canadian Forces Recruiting Centres or the Primary Reserve units, online or in person; (b) of the individuals in (a), how many were male and how many were female; (c) of the individuals in (a), how many began the enrollment process, broken down by sex; and (d) how many of the individuals in (c) completed the enrollment process, broken down by sex?
Q-7492 — May 7, 2021 — Mr. Melillo (Kenora) — With regard to the Rapid Housing Initiative: (a) which organizations and communities in Northern Ontario applied for funding through the Initiative; (b) which organizations and communities in (a) received funding; (c) how much funding did each organization and community in (b) receive; and (d) what was the specific criteria or formula used to determine which applications were accepted and how much funding each successful applicant would receive?
Q-7502 — May 7, 2021 — Mr. Melillo (Kenora) — With regard to the Canada Recovery Benefit and the government’s original commitment to process applications and deliver payments within four weeks: (a) how many applications were received; (b) how many applications received payments (i) within four weeks of being received, (ii) not within four weeks of being received; (c) what was the (i) average, (ii) median times between when an application is received and a payment is made; (d) what was the (i) average, (ii) median processing times for the applications that were not processed within four weeks; and (e) how many applicants were still awaiting payments as of May 7, 2021?
Q-7512 — May 7, 2021 — Ms. Kwan (Vancouver East) — With regard to housing, the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) and the response to the Order Paper question Q-552: (a) how much has been committed to individual projects in (i) dollar amounts, (ii) units, broken down by (A) province, (B) project stage (i.e. finalized agreement, conditional commitment), (C) program (i.e. Rental Construction Financing Initiative (RCFI), National Housing Co-investment Fund (NHCF)), (D) type of applicant (e.g. for-profit, non-profit, government, faith group, etc.); (b) as of which date is the information in (a) current; (c) what is the city and average rent of the individual projects referred to in (a); (d) does the CMHC track the average rent of units meeting the affordability criteria under the RCFI, as it does so for the NHCF, and, if not, why not; (e) what is the average processing time to reach a finalized agreement for projects under the RCFI and NHCF; (f) how much insured lending did the CMHC approve for rental financing and refinancing of multiunit rental assets since 2010, broken down by (i) year, (ii) type of investor (e.g. Real Estate Income Trusts (REIT), other capital corporations, property companies, holding companies, individuals, etc.); (g) how much of the insured lending in (f) is associated with the purchase of existing moderate rent assets; (h) what is the (i) average rent of units prior to the acquisition, (ii) average rent for each year following the acquisition, (iii) percentage of the loan provided by CMHC, broken down by project receiving funding in (f); (i) what projects in (h) required a rental achievement to receive a portion of the loan; (j) what is the rent trajectory for each year following the acquisition that can be linked to the use of the annual rental survey and property listing managed by CMHC for the 205 properties acquired by REIT identified in the government’s response to question Q-552; (k) what projects have been approved under the Rapid Housing Initiative (RHI), broken down by (i) project, (ii) the number of units, (iii) the amount of funding, (iv) the province, (v) the city and stream; (l) what projects in (h) involve Indigenous households; (m) what percentage of applications received for the RHI were for Indigenous housing projects; and (n) in each locality where RHI projects were approved, what is the percentage of housing going to Indigenous peoples compared to (i) the percentage of Indigenous people experiencing homelessness in that region, (ii) the proportion of the overall population of that region who identify as Indigenous?
Q-7522 — May 7, 2021 — Ms. Kwan (Vancouver East) — With regard to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC): (a) how was the cap determined for each stream under the temporary public policy update for essential and health-care workers in Canada as a pathway to permanent residency launched on May 6, 2021; (b) what are IRCC’s projections for the streams in (a) regarding (i) the number of people who are eligible to apply in each stream, (ii) how quickly the intake caps will be achieved; (c) what are the processing standards for this new stream; (d) what measures have been put in place to ensure remote workers with limited internet, who are more prominent under certain eligible National Occupational Classification codes, will have sufficient chances to apply under the new public policy stream; (e) what changes have been put in place for the new public policy pathway in order to address the issues that were raised around fairness under the 2019 first-come first-served parents and grandparents program; (f) broken down by stream, what is the number of applications across all caregiver streams currently in inventory; (g) what is the rational for deciding on the 2,750 annual intake cap for each caregiver pilot program; (h) what happens to both applications if a caregiver has an application for both the new public policy as well as the interim or pilot programs; (i) since 2010, broken down by stream and year, how many caregivers whose permanent residency application were refused did not meet the language requirements; (j) in the 2021-23 Immigration Levels Plan, why was the minimum levels ranges for 2021-23 reduced relative to previous plans while the overall target increased; (k) broken down by stream, if applicable, and year, what is the average processing time for reunification of family members of asylum seekers; (l) since 2010, broken down by province and year, what is the number of applications under the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) that have been (i) received, (ii) accepted, (iii) refused; (m) broken down by province, what is the current inventory under the PNP; (n) broken down by province and year, what is the number of applications under the Atlantic Immigration Pilot program (AIPP) that have been (i) received, (ii) accepted, (iii) refused; (o) broken down by province, what is the current inventory under the AIPP; (p) since 2010, broken down by province and stream, what was the yearly immigration target for the (i) PNP, (ii) AIPP; and (q) what is the yearly immigration target for each province under the (i) PNP, (ii) AIPP in the 2021-23 immigration levels?
Q-7532 — May 7, 2021 — Ms. Kwan (Vancouver East) — With regard to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), VFS Global, site visits to visa application centres (VACs) and the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration: (a) since learning that a subcontractor was employed by the Beijing Public Security Bureau, were the site visits carried out by IRCC pre-announced to the VACs; (b) did the site visits in (a) include the office in Beijing; (c) what is assessed in these site visits; (d) are the site visits carried out by employees specialized in information security; (e) was the site visit process developed with direct support from the Communications Security Establishment or the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS); (f) what were the findings of the site visits referenced in (a); (g) is the government looking to continue using the same visa application centre (VAC) in Beijing; (h) who is responsible for vetting employees at the VFS Global facility in Beijing; (i) what security clearances are required for VACs employees, particularly the one in Beijing; (j) is the CSIS engaged in the vetting process in (h); (k) when was IRCC made aware that VFS Global engaged with subcontractors; (l) was IRCC aware that VFS Global engaged with subcontractors during the November 28, 2013, meeting at the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration when the former Deputy Minister and former Assistant Deputy Minister of Operations indicated they were not aware of it; (m) what complaint process is available for VACs clients who feel that their application has been mishandled or who have concerns about privacy breaches; (n) what are the details of any briefing notes or correspondence since 2006 (i) regarding VFS Global subcontractors, (ii) between IRCC and Chinese security or police authorities; (o) what are the details of any briefing notes or correspondence since September 2020 regarding VFS global; and (p) what are the details of any briefing notes or correspondence prepared for the November 28, 2013, meeting of the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration?
Q-7542 — May 10, 2021 — Mrs. Vecchio (Elgin—Middlesex—London) — With regard to retention and attrition in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF): (a) what was the retention and attrition rate in the CAF, broken down by year since 2015; and (b) what is the breakdown of (a) by (i) regular and reserve forces, (ii) diversity representation (women, Indigenous peoples, visible minorities, etc.)?
Q-7552 — May 11, 2021 — Ms. Chabot (Thérèse-De Blainville) — With regard to the decision to increase the number of weeks of sickness benefits under the Employment Insurance program from 15 to 26 weeks: (a) what studies, statistics and data, including of a medical nature, justify the decision to not increase the number of weeks of sickness benefits to 50 weeks, including studies that show that workers (i) would not be likely to return to their job, (ii) might take a leave of absence that is much longer than 50 weeks, (iii) might leave the labour force altogether after taking more than 26 weeks of leave; and (b) what are the reasons that lead the government to believe that extending sickness benefits beyond 26 weeks would not be consistent with the objectives of the Employment Insurance program?
Q-7562 — May 11, 2021 — Mr. Davies (Vancouver Kingsway) — With regard to the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC): (a) since March 2020, including both the total number as well as change from the previous month or quarter, how many staff members has the PHAC employed in each month or quarter; and (b) in each month or quarter, how many of each of the following kinds of employee did PHAC employ, including both the total number as well as change from the previous month or quarter, (i) medical professionals and experts, (ii) communications personnel, (iii) administrative and operations personnel, (iv) policy personnel?
Q-7572 — May 13, 2021 — Mr. Davies (Vancouver Kingsway) — With regard to government funding allocated within the constituency of Vancouver Kingsway for fiscal years 2019-20 and 2020-21: what is the total amount, broken down by (i) fiscal year, (ii) department or agency, (iii) initiative, (iv) amount?
Q-7582 — May 13, 2021 — Mr. Patzer (Cypress Hills—Grasslands) — With regard to information collected from the former long-gun registry that was abolished in 2012: does the government, including the RCMP, currently have access to any of the information collected from the former registry, and, if so, what specific information and how is it being used?
Q-7592 — May 20, 2021 — Mr. Bachrach (Skeena—Bulkley Valley) — With regard to tugboats under 15 gross tons registered with Transport Canada, since 2015 and broken down by year: (a) how many safety inspections undertaken by Transport Canada officials have occurred to ensure compliance with the Canada Shipping Act and related regulations; (b) with regard to inspections in (a), how many registered vessels were found to not be in compliance, broken down by safety issue; and (c) how many such vessels have been involved in marine incidents reported to Transport Canada or the Transportation Safety Board of Canada, broken down by year and type of accident?
Q-7602 — May 20, 2021 — Mr. Bachrach (Skeena—Bulkley Valley) — With regard to the proposed changes to the Marine Transportation Security Regulations: (a) since 2016, what evidence was used to determine the need for changes to transportation security clearance requirements for port employees, including the number of (i) security breaches at port facilities, (ii) port employees found accessing restricted areas without clearance, (iii) port employees without transportation security clearance operating in positions where this is required, (iv) marine facility record keeping found to be insufficient, (v) port activities found to be in violation of a marine facility security plan; (b) what specific gaps in the regulations have been identified that require amending; (c) what risk will be addressed by requiring those port employees who have remote access to critical systems in restricted areas to obtain a marine transportation security certificate; (d) what risk will be addressed by requiring port employees loading bulk shipments of grain or coal to obtain a marine transportation security certificate; (e) what assessments have been undertaken by Transport Canada to assess the regulations in comparison to international standards, particularly in the United States, and what were the findings of these assessments, including the (i) standard of security clearance requirements for port employees in the United States, (ii) number of port employees requiring security clearance in the United States, (iii) application of restricted areas and specified cargo to determine the requirements for security clearance in the United States; (f) how many port security assessments have been conducted by the department since 2016, broken down by (i) port assessed (ii) year; and (g) what is the number of security incidents at Canadian ports each year over the last 10 years?
Q-7612 — May 20, 2021 — Ms. Chabot (Thérèse-De Blainville) — With regard to the resolution of pending complaint files associated with the Phoenix pay system: how many files are from citizens residing in Quebec in the city of (i) Lorraine, (ii) Sainte-Thérèse, (iii) Blainville, (iv) Bois-des-Filions?
Q-7622 — May 20, 2021 — Ms. Normandin (Saint-Jean) — With regard to spousal sponsorship and visa applications and the staffing and operations of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) visa offices (VOs) abroad, broken down by the offices of Accra, Mexico City, Dakar, New Delhi, Port-au-Prince, London, Paris and Cairo: (a) since January 1, 2019, how many spousal sponsorship applications have been received each month, broken down by the applicant’s country of residence; (b) of the applications in (a), how many (i) were processed, broken down by the applicant’s country of residence, (ii) required a new medical examination because the initial examination had expired during the process, (iii) required a new police or security certificate because the initial certificate had expired during the process; (c) of the applications in (b)(i), how many (i) were approved, (ii) were refused, (iii) are being processed; (d) of the applications in (c)(iii), how many are awaiting a meeting, either virtual or in person, with an immigration officer; (e) how many officers (i) were employed at each of the VOs as of September 24, 2020, (ii) have been hired since IRCC’s announcement of September 24, 2020; (f) of the number in (e)(ii), broken down by month from March 2020 to the present, how many officers (i) worked on site, (ii) were teleworking, (iii) could not work because of COVID-19; (g) during the COVID-19 pandemic, were these VOs closed, and, if so, when did they reopen; (h) do these VOs have the equipment necessary to hold virtual meetings; (i) when did the spousal sponsorship file digitization pilot project announced on September 24, 2020, officially begin, and what percentage of files have been digitized since; (j) since January 1, 2019, how many visitor visa applications linked to a sponsorship application have been received each month, broken down by the applicant’s country of residence; (k) of the applications in (j), how many were processed each month; (l) of the applications in (k), how many (i) were approved, (ii) were refused, (iii) are being processed; (m) how many sponsorship applications have been finalized, broken down by month since January 2019; and (n) of the applications in (m), how many were refused?
Q-7632 — May 20, 2021 — Ms. Normandin (Saint-Jean) — With regard to the Prime Minister’s new official portrait and his new website: (a) for this project, did the Privy Council Office use external suppliers; (b) if so, what are the (i) dates of the contracts, (ii) value of the contracts, (iii) names of the suppliers, (iv) reference numbers, (v) description of the services provided; and (c) if applicable, can the government include all the requested information in its response to this question without referring to external sources?
Q-7642 — May 20, 2021 — Ms. Blaney (North Island—Powell River) — With regard to the Veterans Bill of Rights: (a) is it covered in employee training at Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC); (b) are violations tracked by VAC and, if so, if there is a violation, are VAC employees required or authorized to (i) inform the client, (ii) direct the client to the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman, (iii) conduct a follow-up with the client to ensure the issue has been resolved; and (c) if the response in (a) or (b) is negative, what is the rationale for leaving it out?
Q-7652 — May 20, 2021 — Mr. McLean (Calgary Centre) — With regard to Canada’s National Housing Strategy: (a) how much money has been allocated to Calgary since 2017, broken down by year through (i) the Rapid Housing Initiative, (ii) the Affordable Housing Innovation Fund, (iii) the National Housing Co-Investment Fund, (iv) the Rental Construction Financing Initiative, (v) in total through National Housing Strategy Funding Programs; (b) how much money is targeted to Calgary in total and through each of the National Housing Strategy Funding Programs in Budget 2021; (c) how many units have been supported in Calgary in total and through each of the funding programs since 2017; (d) how many units will be supported in Calgary in total and through each of the funding programs through Budget 2021; (e) how do the funding and units allocated to Calgary through the National Housing Strategy compare per capita to the funding and units allocated to other major Canadian cities, including Toronto, Vancouver, Edmonton, and Montreal; and (f) is any money being allocated towards adaptive reuse of Calgary’s vacant office spaces through the National Housing Strategy, and, if so, (i) through which funding programs, (ii) how much money is allocated, (iii) how many units will be created, and (iv) when will units be created?
Q-7662 — May 20, 2021 — Mr. McLean (Calgary Centre) — With regard to the Clean Fuel Standard and Clean Fuel Regulations: (a) what is the estimated cost of compliance for fossil fuel suppliers; (b) what is the difference between the cost of compliance per tonne of emissions reductions through the Clean Fuel Standard compared to the cost per tonne of emissions reductions through the government’s market-based carbon pricing plan; and (c) what is the estimated increase in price borne by liquid fuel consumers (industry users and households) under (i) the clean fuel standard, (ii) the carbon pricing plan between now and 2050, (iii) cumulatively?
Q-7672 — May 20, 2021 — Mr. McLean (Calgary Centre) — With regard to the Clean Fuel Standard and Clean Fuel Regulations: (a) has the government identified the expected sources of renewable fuel expected to be used in transportation fuels under the Clean Fuel Standard; (b) what is the expected carbon intensity of the renewable fuels to be used in transportation fuels; (c) what is the expected net impact on carbon intensity of transportation fuels; and (d) what is the expected net impact on total greenhouse gas emissions?
Q-7682 — May 20, 2021 — Mr. McLean (Calgary Centre) — With regard to the government’s price on carbon: (a) how much has been paid by the average household each year since its introduction (i) in each province and territory, (ii) in urban, suburban, and rural locations; (b) how much has been returned to the average household (i) in each province and territory, (ii) in urban, suburban, and rural locations; (c) what has been the average reduction in emissions for households as a result of the price on carbon introduction (i) in each province and territory, (ii) in urban, suburban, and rural locations; and (d) what is the overall price for households per tonne of emissions reductions (i) in each province and territory, (ii) in urban, suburban, and rural locations?
Q-7692 — May 25, 2021 — Mr. Morantz (Charleswood—St. James—Assiniboia—Headingley) — With regard to considerations or analysis made by Global Affairs Canada (GAC) to move the Embassy of Canada to Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, since January 1, 2016: (a) what specific actions were taken by GAC in relation to any considerations or analysis made related to the location of the embassy; (b) what was the specific timeline for each action in (a); (c) what was the final decision regarding whether to move the embassy or not; (d) how many officials were assigned to analyze or give consideration to options related to a possible relocation of the embassy; and (e) have GAC officials conducted any site visits to potential locations in Jerusalem which may be used in the future by GAC, and, if so, what are the details including, the (i) location, (ii) date of the visit, (iii) potential future uses by GAC?
Q-7702 — May 25, 2021 — Mr. Garrison (Esquimalt—Saanich—Sooke) — With regard to the ban on blood donations from gay men, men who have sex with men and trans women and the statement by the Minister of Health during Oral Questions on Tuesday, May 25, 2021, that she has “urged Canadian Blood Services and Héma-Quebec to submit their applications for review of the policy” : (a) when was her request to submit new recommendations made to Canadian Blood Services and Héma-Quebec; (b) what are the details of this request; (c) what is the deadline for Canadian Blood Services and Héma-Quebec to respond; and (d) if there is no response from Canadian Blood Services and Héma-Quebec, does the minister plan to use her statutory or regulatory authority to lift the ban on blood donations from gay men, men who have sex with men and trans women as no longer required for the safety of the blood supply?
Q-7712 — May 26, 2021 — Mr. Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) — With regard to federal transfers to provinces and territories between March 1, 2020, and April 30, 2021: what was the maximum each provincial and territorial government could receive and how much have they received, broken down by the (i) essential worker wage top up program, (ii) safe long-term care fund, (iii) rapid housing initiative funds, (iv) province or territory?
Q-7722 — May 26, 2021 — Mrs. Vecchio (Elgin—Middlesex—London) — With regard to the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program and proposed projects in the riding of Elgin—Middlesex—London that have been received by the government from the Province of Ontario, but have not been announced: (a) what are the details of all such projects, including the (i) name of the project, (ii) date the application was received, (iii) funding stream the project qualifies for, (iv) current status (approved, rejected, awaiting decision, etc.); (b) for each application that has been approved but not announced, what are the plans related to the announcement, if an announcement is planned; (c) for each application that was rejected, why was it rejected; and (d) for each application where a decision is still pending, what is the anticipated timeframe for when a decision will be made?
Q-7732 — May 27, 2021 — Mr. Van Popta (Langley—Aldergrove) — With regard to repayable contributions made by the government between January 1, 2016, and January 1, 2020, and whether or not the repayments were actually made: (a) what was the total amount paid out through repayable contributions; (b) how much of the total amount in (a) has since been repaid; and (c) what are the details of each contribution, including the (i) date of the contribution, (ii) recipient, (iii) location of the recipient, (iv) purpose of the contribution or the project description, (v) amount of the contribution, (vi) amount repaid to date, (vii) date of the repayment, if applicable, (viii) reason the amount was not repaid, if applicable?
Q-7742 — May 27, 2021 — Mr. Van Popta (Langley—Aldergrove) — With regard to the National Housing Strategy: how many units have been actually built under the strategy, broken down by year, since the strategy was announced in 2017?
Q-7752 — May 27, 2021 — Mr. Garrison (Esquimalt—Saanich—Sooke) — With regard to the Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act: (a) when is the statutory review of the act by a committee of Parliament expected to begin; (b) why has the Minister of Justice allowed the review to be delayed beyond the required five years; and (c) has the Department of Justice assessed the outcomes of the act to date, and, if so, what are those findings?
Q-7762 — May 28, 2021 — Mr. Soroka (Yellowhead) — With regard to the Prime Minister’s statement in the Chamber on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, that “over the past number of years we have taken significant steps to strengthen security around our sensitive institutions, particularly our universities and research facilities”: what specific steps were taken and when was each step taken?
Q-7772 — May 28, 2021 — Mr. Soroka (Yellowhead) — With regard to the announcement made by the Prime Minister and the Minister of Natural Resources on Thursday, May 27, 2021, about energy efficient homes: (a) what were the total costs related to the announcement, broken down by line item; (b) what were the total costs related to the production of the video shown during the announcement; and (c) was Randy Spracklin or HGTV compensated in any way for participating or endorsing the announcement or program, and, if so, what are the details of such compensation, including the terms and amount of any such agreement?
Q-7782 — May 28, 2021 — Mr. Soroka (Yellowhead) — With regard to the emails concerning WE Charity written by the Office of the former Minister of Finance to ministers' offices in the previous Government of Ontario, referred to in paragraph 50 of the Morneau II Report: (a) to whom was each email addressed; (b) by whom was each email sent; (c) on what date was each email sent; (d) what is the summary of the contents of each email; (e) was a reply received to each email; and (f) for each reply received, (i) on what date was it received, (ii) from whom was it received, (iii) what is the summary of the contents of each email?
Q-7792 — May 31, 2021 — Mrs. Gray (Kelowna—Lake Country) — With regard to solar-powered projects funded by the government since January 1, 2016: does the government know which of these projects use solar-grade polysilicon produced with forced Uyghur labour, and, if so, which ones?
Q-7802 — June 1, 2021 — Mrs. Falk (Battlefords—Lloydminster) — With regard to the Speech from the Throne’s commitment to increase the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) survivor's benefit: (a) what is the estimated cost of implementing this commitment, and what level of increase was used to determine the estimated cost; (b) how many recipients of the CPP survivor's benefit would be eligible for the increase; (c) what analysis, if any, has been done to determine the implication of this increase on other income tested benefits; (d) how many recipients of the CPP survivor's benefit and the Quebec Pension Plan survivor's benefit are also recipients of Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS); (e) what is the projected net impact of the proposed increase to the CPP survivor's benefit for recipients who also receive the maximum GIS benefit; (f) how many recipients of the CPP survivor's benefit and the Quebec Pension Plan survivor's benefit also collect the CPP disability pension; and (g) how many recipients of the CPP survivor's benefit and the Quebec Pension Plan survivor's benefit also collect their own CPP pension?
Q-7812 — June 1, 2021 — Ms. Sahota (Calgary Skyview) — With regard to the External Review into Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Harassment in the Canadian Armed Forces, commonly known as the Deschamps Report, since November 4, 2015: (a) what specific action has the government taken in relation to each of the 10 recommendations listed in the report, broken down by recommendation; and (b) on what date was each action taken?
Q-7822 — June 1, 2021 — Ms. Rood (Lambton—Kent—Middlesex) — With regard to the deployment of spectrum, between January 1, 2000, and June 1, 2021: (a) how many spectrum licenses did not meet their deployment conditions; and (b) what are the details of all instances, including (i) the licensee, (ii) the province, (iii) the year the license was granted, (iv) the description of the conditions not met, (v) whether or not the license was revoked?
Q-7832 — June 1, 2021 — Ms. Rood (Lambton—Kent—Middlesex) — With regard to the government payments made to the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB): has the government done a value-for-money analysis on its payments to the AIIB, and, if so, what are the details of the analysis, including (i) the date the analysis was completed, (ii) who conducted the analysis, (iii) the findings?
Q-7842 — June 1, 2021 — Ms. Rood (Lambton—Kent—Middlesex) — With regard to the government's investments in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB): does the government know how many Canadians are employed on projects funded by the AIIB, and, if so, what is the breakdown by project?
Q-7852 — June 1, 2021 — Mr. Manly (Nanaimo—Ladysmith) — With regard to the financial support Export Development Canada (EDC) has provided to fossil fuel companies within the past 10 years, including, but not limited to, any loans, guarantees, equity, and insurance: (a) how many fossil fuel companies did EDC provide financial support to and what was the value of this support in both dollars and percentage of EDC’s total financial support, broken down by year; (b) how many of these companies are involved in hydraulic gas fracking and what is the value of financial support each company involved in hydraulic gas fracking received from EDC, broken down by year; (c) what percentage of EDC support was given to fossil fuel companies operating overseas, and of those companies, which ones are involved in hydraulic gas fracking or oil extraction or mining; and (d) has EDC declined any applications or requests for financial support from fossil fuel companies due in full or in part to the company’s fossil fuel emissions, impacts on climate change, or hydraulic gas fracking activities, and, if so, how many?
Q-7862 — June 2, 2021 — Ms. Gazan (Winnipeg Centre) — With regard to individuals who received the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB), were later deemed ineligible and have been ordered by the government to repay the benefit: (a) how many individuals are at or below the low-income after-tax threshold; (b) of the individuals in (a), how many (i) live in deep poverty, defined as below 40 percent of adjusted median income, (ii) will have other income benefits reduced this year based on an increased 2020 income due to receipt of the CERB; (c) what are the demographics, including (i) the family type, (ii) the province or territory of residence, (iii) the gender, (iv) the disability, (v) any other available demographic data in relation to these individuals; and (d) which federal benefits will be reduced based on increased 2020 income due to receipt of the CERB?
Q-7872 — June 2, 2021 — Mrs. Kusie (Calgary Midnapore) — With regard to the government’s hotel quarantine program for international travellers: (a) does the government collect any revenue from the hotels or other contractors participating in the program, and, if so, what are the details of how the revenue is collected (reservation booking fee, program participation fee, percentage of room rate, etc.); and (b) what has been the total amount collected, broken down by month for each type of revenue stream in (a)?
Q-7882 — June 2, 2021 — Mr. Cooper (St. Albert—Edmonton) — With regard to the request made to the RCMP under the Access to Information and Privacy Act (ATIP) file number P-2020-06904: (a) why has the processing of this request taken so long; (b) what is the timeline for when the requestor will receive the documents; and (c) does the Commissioner of the RCMP consider delays in excess of six months when processing requests made under ATIP to be acceptable, and, if not, what specific actions are being done to ensure that these types of delays do not happen in the future?
Q-7892 — June 2, 2021 — Mr. Duncan (Stormont—Dundas—South Glengarry) — With regard to the VIA rail station in Cornwall, Ontario: (a) what are the details of all capital investments which have occurred at the station since 2010, including the (i) date of the investment, (ii) project completion date, (iii) project description, (iv) amount of the investment; (b) what was the daily train schedule, including the (i) numbers and times of all stops at the station, since January 1, 2010, (ii) dates and details of all changes to the schedule; and (c) how many individual departures and arrivals were made at the station, broken down by month, since January 1, 2010?
Q-7902 — June 3, 2021 — Mrs. DeBellefeuille (Salaberry—Suroît) — With regard to the funding granted in 2020 to United Way Centraide Canada, through the Emergency Community Support Fund, to increase response capacity and expand 211 service coverage to all Canadian residents, with said funding coming to an end on March 31, 2021, as far as Quebec is concerned: (a) what amount was spent to expand coverage of the 211 service across Quebec; and (b) how many referrals were made using the 211 service, broken down by each region of Quebec?
Q-7912 — June 3, 2021 — Mr. Moore (Fundy Royal) — With regard to the Policy on Legal Assistance and Indemnification, in relation to the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner’s Trudeau III Report and Morneau II Report: (a) did the Department of Justice provide legal services for (i) the Prime Minister, (ii) the Minister of Diversity and Inclusion and Youth, (iii) the Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion, (iv) Bill Morneau, (v) Ian Shugart, (vi) Katie Telford, (vii) Graham Flack, (viii) Gina Wilson, (ix) Rick Theis, (x) Rachel Wernick, (xi) Michelle Kovacevic, (xii) Amitpal Singh; (b) are there individuals not referenced in (a) that the Department of Justice provided legal services to, and, if so, whom; (c) for each affirmative response in (a) and (b), what is the approximate value of the legal services provided; and (d) did the government pay for outside legal counsel retained by any of the individuals in (a) or (b), and, if so, what was the total value of those services, broken down by individual?
Q-7922 — June 3, 2021 — Mr. Moore (Fundy Royal) — With regard to the government’s environmental commitment during the 2019 election campaign to plant two billion trees across Canada: (a) how many trees are expected to be planted in Quispamsis; (b) how many trees are expected to be planted in Fundy Royal; and (c) will the trees being planted be saplings, semi-mature or mature trees?
Q-7932 — June 3, 2021 — Mr. Motz (Medicine Hat—Cardston—Warner) — With regard to the tweet by the Minister of Justice in May 2021 announcing the appointment of Montreal lawyer Daniel Urbas to Quebec's Superior Court: (a) who initially authorized the tweet; (b) why was the tweet deleted; (c) are individuals other than the Minister of Justice permitted to post tweets under the minister's Twitter handle without his direct approval, and, if so, which individuals have such permission; (d) is Daniel Urbas still being considered for a judicial appointment; and (e) has the Minister of Justice recused himself from making any decisions about a judicial appointment for Daniel Urbas as a result of a possible conflict of interest due to the political donations made by Mr. Urbas to the minister, and, if not, why not?
Q-7942 — June 3, 2021 — Mr. Schmale (Haliburton—Kawartha Lakes—Brock) — With regard to the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB): (a) how many individuals receiving CERB had a mailing address outside of Canada; (b) what is the breakdown of (a) by the number of individuals in each country; and (c) what is the total value of CERB payments made to individuals with a mailing address outside of Canada?
Q-7952 — June 3, 2021 — Mr. Schmale (Haliburton—Kawartha Lakes—Brock) — With regard to the government investments in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and the ongoing genocide against Uyghur women in China: has the government conducted a gender-based analysis on its AIIB investments since the genocide began, and, if so, what are the details, including the (i) timeline, (ii) findings, (iii) methodology of the analysis?
Q-7962 — June 3, 2021 — Mr. Trudel (Longueuil—Saint-Hubert) — With regard to the projects stream of the Rapid Housing Initiative since October 27, 2020: (a) what are the details of each project received but not selected to receive funding, including the (i) name of the applicant organization, (ii) city where the project would have been located if accepted, (iii) federal riding where the project would have been located if accepted, (iv) province where the project would have been located if accepted; (b) what is the total amount requested for the projects in (a), broken down by province; and (c) what are the details of each project that has received funding, including the (i) name of the applicant organization, (ii) city where the project is to be carried out, (iii) federal riding where the project is to be carried out, (iv) province where the project is to be carried out, (v) amount of funding provided?
Q-7972 — June 4, 2021 — Mrs. Gray (Kelowna—Lake Country) — With regard to the lndo-Pacific strategy under development by Global Affairs Canada (GAC) since 2019: (a) what is the current status of the strategy; (b) when will the strategy be finalized; (c) how many GAC officials have been assigned to work on the strategy; (d) how many outside consulting or other contracts have been awarded in relation to the development of the strategy; and (e) what are the details of all contracts related to (d), including the (i) amount, (ii) start and end dates, (iii) vendor, (iv) location of the vendor, (v) description of the goods or services provided?
Q-7982 — June 7, 2021 — Mr. Green (Hamilton Centre) — With regard to the Canada Revenue Agency's (CRA) audit programs for businesses and particulars, since November 2015, broken down by year and by program: (a) how many audits were completed; (b) what is the number of auditors, broken down by category of auditors; (c) how many new files were opened; (d) how many files were closed; (e) of the files closed in (d), what was the average time it took to process the files before they were closed; (f) of the files closed in (d), what was the risk level of each file; (g) how much was spent on contractors and subcontractors; (h) of the contractors and subcontractors in (g), what is the initial and final value of each contract; (i) among the contractors and subcontractors in (g), what is the description of each service contract; (j) how many reassessments were issued; (k) what is the total amount recovered; (l) how many taxpayer files were referred to the CRA's Criminal Investigations Program; (m) of the investigations in (l), how many were referred to the Public Prosecution Service of Canada; and (n) of the investigations in (m), how many resulted in convictions?
Q-7992 — June 7, 2021 — Mrs. DeBellefeuille (Salaberry—Suroît) — With regard to the Guide to Railway Charges for Crossing Maintenance and Construction 2019: (a) when will the next guide be published; (b) what is the precise process for updating the guide; and (c) what consultation mechanism will be used to include input from (i) the public, (ii) municipalities, (iii) provincial and territorial authorities, (iv) railway companies?
Q-8002 — June 7, 2021 — Ms. Bérubé (Abitibi—Baie-James—Nunavik—Eeyou) — With regard to the implementation of call to action number 58 of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, since November 1, 2015: what diplomatic representations did the government make to the Holy See in order to have the Pope apologize to Canada’s Indigenous peoples for the wrongs that the Roman Catholic Church committed throughout the history of residential schools?
Q-8012 — June 7, 2021 — Mr. Cooper (St. Albert—Edmonton) — With regard to contracts entered into by the government since January 1, 2020 where payments were made to the vendor prior to receiving the goods or services, broken down by department, agency, Crown corporation or other government entity: (a) how many instances is the government aware of where advanced payments were made to vendors who failed to deliver the goods or services in the contract or were otherwise unable to fulfil the terms of the contract; (b) what are the details of all instances in (a), including the (i) vendor, (ii) date of the contract, (iii) value of the contract, (iv) amount paid out in advance, (v) amount of advance payment that was later recovered by the government, (vi) description of the circumstances or the reason the contract was not fulfilled; (c) what is the total of all amounts paid out in (b)(iv); and (d) what is the total of all amounts recovered in (b)(v)?
Q-8032 — June 8, 2021 — Mr. Blaney (Bellechasse—Les Etchemins—Lévis) — With regard to the size of the public service: (a) what is the total number of employees or full-time equivalents, broken down by year since 2010; and (b) what is the annual breakdown of (a) by department, agency, Crown corporation, or other government entity?
Q-8042 — June 8, 2021 — Mr. Morantz (Charleswood—St. James—Assiniboia—Headingley) — With regard to the Advisory Panel on systemic racism, discrimination with a focus on anti-Indigenous and anti-Black racism, LGBTQ2+ prejudice, gender bias and White Supremacy announced by the Minister of National Defence in December 2020: (a) why was focusing on antisemitism and Islamophobia not a part of the panel’s mandate; (b) was the decision to exclude antisemitism or Islamophobia intentional or was it a mistake; and (c) if these exclusions were a mistake, what specific action, if any, has the Minister of National Defence taken to correct these errors, and on what date was the action taken?
Q-8052 — June 8, 2021 — Mr. Warkentin (Grande Prairie—Mackenzie) — With regard to the August 15, 2020 Statement from the Office of the Chief Information Officer of the Government of Canada on recent credential stuffing attacks: (a) what specific actions were taken in response to the attacks; and (b) on what dates did each action referred to in (a) occur?
Q-8062 — June 8, 2021 — Mr. Warkentin (Grande Prairie—Mackenzie) — With regard to attacks by hackers on government networks, broken down by year since 2016 and by department or agency: (a) how many times did foreign hackers target government networks, broken down by known or suspected country; (b) how many times were the foreign hackers successful, broken down by known or suspected country; (c) how many times did domestic hackers target government networks; (d) how many times were the domestic hackers successful; (e) how many of the (i) foreign, (ii) domestic hacking attempts resulted in a police report being filed; and (f) how many hacking incidents were not reported to the police, and, for each incident, broken down by date, why was the incident not reported to the police?
Q-8072 — June 9, 2021 — Ms. Blaney (North Island—Powell River) — With regard to the government’s operation of call centres: (a) what are the details of each call centre operated by or on behalf of the government, including (i) the department or program, as applicable, for which it provides services, (ii) the purpose, (iii) the location, (iv) whether it operates wholly or in part with remote staff; (b) for each call centre in (a), is it wholly or in part the object of a tender or contract for third-party provision of services, and what are the details of the contracts, including the (i) name of the vendor, (ii) value of the contract, (iii) term of the contract; and (c) for each call centre in (b), was a business case for contracting out carried out, and, if so, what were the justifications for contracting out?
Q-8082 — June 9, 2021 — Mr. Viersen (Peace River—Westlock) — With regard to ministers blocking certain accredited members of the Canadian Parliamentary Press Gallery from their Twitter or other social media accounts, since January 1, 2016: what are the details of each such instance, including the (i) date, (ii) description of the minister's social media account, including the host (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) and the handle or name of the account, (iii) name of the Press Gallery member who was blocked, (iv) reason for blocking?
Q-8092 — June 9, 2021 — Mr. Carrie (Oshawa) — With regard to costs incurred by the government in relation to the trip taken by the Prime Minister's spouse and other family members to the United Kingdom in March 2020 to attend a WE Day gathering: (a) what were the total costs incurred by the government in relation to the trip, including costs incurred by the RCMP for security; and (b) what is the itemized breakdown of the costs?
Q-8102 — June 9, 2021 — Mr. Boulerice (Rosemont—La Petite-Patrie) — With respect to the environmental promise made by the government during the 2019 election campaign to plant two billion trees across Canada, broken down by federal electoral riding and by year: (a) how many trees are expected to be planted; and (b) will the trees planted be saplings, semi-mature or mature trees?
Q-8112 — June 9, 2021 — Mr. Boulerice (Rosemont—La Petite-Patrie) — With respect to the commitment to impose a digital services tax as per page 304 of the 2021 Budget: (a) how many internal memos, presentations or other similar documents about the proposed tax have been prepared by the government or by consultants that it has hired; (b) of the documents in (a), what are their titles and dates; (c) in what internal documents is it estimated that this measure will increase federal revenues by $3.4 billion over five years, starting in 2021-22, and when was this estimate made; (d) what methodology was used to come up with the $3.4 billion in (c); and (e) will revenue from user subscription fees for viewing content be exempt from the digital services tax, and, if so, why?
Q-8122 — June 9, 2021 — Mr. Boulerice (Rosemont—La Petite-Patrie) — With respect to the commitment to impose a luxury tax as per page 304 of the 2021 Budget: (a) how many internal memos, presentations or other similar documents about the proposed tax have been prepared by the government or by consultants that it has hired; (b) of the documents in (a), what are their titles and dates; (c) in what internal documents is it estimated that this measure will increase federal revenues by $604 million over five years, starting in 2021-22, and when was this estimate made; and (d) what methodology was used to come up with the $604 million amount in (c)?

2 Response requested within 45 days