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FAAE Committee Report

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Supplementary Opinion of the New Democratic Party of Canada

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, New Democrats have urged the Canadian government to increase Canada’s contributions to global vaccine access.

During this study, the committee heard from many expert witnesses who were very clear: Canada must do more to ensure people in low- and middle-income countries can access life-saving vaccines, diagnostics, and treatments. Canadians will not be safe from COVID-19 until everyone is safe.

This study has highlighted a number of weaknesses in the Government of Canada’s approach to vaccine equity.

Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, Canada engaged in hoarding behaviour of vaccines. The Government has only delivered some of the vaccines promised to the COVAX facility – and many close to expiration. We question the use of “equivalent doses” purchased by COVAX through financial contributions, rather than the donation of real vaccines. Moreover, it is unacceptable that initial purchase agreements between Canada and mRNA manufacturers didn’t allow for those doses to be donated.

We are disheartened by the Government’s refusal to support an all-inclusive, comprehensive waiver at the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Council, despite years of urging from our party and global experts. Moreover, we are troubled by reports of Canada’s quiet obstructionism during these negotiations. The temporary and wholly inadequate deal reached in June 2022 must be extended to cover COVID-19 diagnostics and therapeutics – and we urge the Government to now play a leading role in achieving this much-needed extension. It is increasingly apparent that pharmaceutical companies have put profit ahead of the lives of millions of people – and that this Government is letting them do so. This is unacceptable.

It is also unacceptable that documents provided to the committee by the Government of Canada regarding meetings with the pharmaceutical industry were often redacted for “commercial sensitivity.” We note that this unfortunate lack of transparency appears to favour the for-profit pharmaceutical industry rather than the people of Canada, who have a right to know what actions the Government is taking in their name.

We were shocked by testimony describing the Government of Canada’s failure to engage with the Government of Bolivia on their request for a compulsory licence through Canada’s Access to Medicines Regime. That this simple request was ignored shows a blatant abdication of responsibility and a stunning absence of political will. Since 2009, New Democrats have championed legislation to fix Canada’s Access to Medicines Regime. The current Government must fix CAMR immediately and enable the export of life-saving medicines to low- and middle-income countries.  

We believe this Government must do more to combat misinformation and vaccine hesitancy. We decry the harmful misinformation that has contributed to vaccine hesitancy both in Canada and abroad, and we urge the Government to increase its financial and technical support to community-based organizations fighting vaccine hesitancy.

We are heartened by the committee’s strong support for increased international assistance, in line with the 0.7% of GNI target. For too long, Canada’s Official Development Assistance contributions have been appallingly low. The pandemic has only highlighted the need for donors like Canada to increase funding for global health and development. Now is the time to take this brave step and significantly increase Canada’s ODA.

In conclusion, we urge the Government to find the political will necessary to address these weaknesses in its approach to vaccine equity. We are deeply concerned that, if Canada does not adjust course, these problems will be repeated in the next pandemic. We must learn these lessons, and fast. We must put the lives of people above profit.

October 2022