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JUST Committee Report

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Appendix B: List of Briefs


The following is an alphabetical list of organizations and individuals who submitted briefs to the committee related to this report. For more information, please consult the committee’s webpage for this study.

Abel, Michelle

Aboriginal Legal Services

Aboriginal Women's Action Network

Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights

Advocacy Normalizing Sex Work through Education and Resources Society

Amnesty International

Asian Women for Equality

Association for Reformed Political Action Canada

Bauer, Greta

BC Coalition of Experiential Communities

Benedet, Janine

Benoit, Cecilia

Brandt, Paul

Brown, Nancy

Bruckert, Christine

Butterfly (Asian and Migrant Sex Workers Support Network)

Canadian Alliance for Sex Work Law Reform

Canadian Centre for Child Protection Inc.

Canadian Council of Churches

Centre for Gender Advocacy

Centre to End All Sexual Exploitation

Christian Legal Fellowship

City of Vancouver

Concertation des luttes contre l'exploitation sexuelle

De Shalit, Ann

Defend Dignity

Direction régionale de santé publique de Montréal

Doltze, Hennes

Donaldson, Morgan

Dufour, Rose

Durocher, Maxime

Egale Canada

Evangelical Fellowship of Canada

Fédération des femmes du Québec

Freedom United

Freeland, Gretta

Goldenberg, Shira

Gray-Beerman, Mikhaela

Health Initiative for Men

HIV Legal Network

HOPE Outreach of Canada

International Center on Sexual Exploitation

Johnson, Genevieve Fuji

King, Kathy

Kraus, Ingeborg

Krüsi, Andrea

Lam, Laura

Lazarus, Lisa

Liew, Jamie

Lifeworthy, SIM Canada

Living in Community

London Abused Women's Centre

Maggie's: Toronto Sex Workers Action Project

Maldonado, Veronica

Mellor, Andrea

Millar, Hayli

Native Women's Shelter of Montreal

Nixon, Kylee

No Pride in Policing Coalition

O'Doherty, Tamara

PACE Society

Peers Victoria Resources Society

Persons Against Non-State Torture

Peters, Cathy

Pivot Legal Society

Pour les droits des femmes du Québec

Prince George New Hope Society

Queer Ontario

Reiz, Nyema

Resist Exploitation, Embrace Dignity

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver

Roots, Katrin

Sayers, Naomi

Scheim, Ayden

Sex Workers of Winnipeg Action Coalition

Shannon, Kate

Shift Calgary, HIV Community Link

Showing Up for Racial Justice

St. John's Status of Women Council

Stevenson (Ford), Alexandra

SWAN Vancouver Society

The Canadian Bar Association

Trans PULSE Canada

Triple-X Workers' Solidarity Association of B.C.

van der Meulen, Emily

Van Ee, Elizabeth

Vancouver Collective Against Sexual Exploitation

Vancouver Rape Relief and Women's Shelter

WAVAW Rape Crisis Centre

Yukon Status of Women Council

Zapata, Toni