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SECU Committee Report

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Chair’s Foreword


As Members from different parties, there are inevitably times when we are not able to reach agreement on the policy issues before us. The report that follows, however, reflects – unequivocally – a shared concern and our common resolve. The Committee’s months of work, studying the security threat posed by Russia, revealed a national security landscape that is increasingly multifaceted and complex. The Committee believes that its recommendations can strengthen Canada’s security posture to meet that challenge.

Our work would not have been possible without the valuable insights of those who appeared as witnesses before the committee or submitted documentation. The Committee is grateful for these contributions.

Most of this study was conducted under the leadership of the Honourable Jim Carr, who sadly passed away on 12 December 2022. He was our chair from December 2021 to September 2022. As a former federal minister, committed parliamentarian and notable public figure, Jim Carr guided the Committee through its important and busy agenda, setting the tone of collegiality and seriousness that its Members endeavour to follow.

The Committee would like to dedicate this report – our collective work – to his memory.