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TRAN Committee Report

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As a result of their deliberations committees may make recommendations which they include in their reports for the consideration of the House of Commons or the Government. Recommendations related to this study are listed below.

Recommendation 1 – Costing review

That the Government of Canada review all the costs levied on airport authorities and airlines through a lens of how they affect other economic sectors such as tourism.

Recommendation 2 – Reinvesting in airport infrastructure

That the Government of Canada plan to reinvest all rent amounts collected from airports in airport infrastructure projects through federal programs such as the Airports Capital Assistance Program (ACAP), the Airport Critical Infrastructure Program (ACIP) and the National Trade Corridors Fund (NTCF); to support airports in smaller communities though an extension of the Regional Air Transportation Initiative; and by helping smaller airlines absorb the costs associated with regulatory changes.

Recommendation 3– Supporting rural airports

That the Government of Canada prioritize supporting rural airports by using repurposed airport rents to help smaller airports absorb costs associated with regulatory changes.

Recommendation 4 – Affordable air travel for rural Canada

That the Government of Canada develop policies to encourage affordable, equitable air transportation in rural regions that lack competition between carriers.

Recommendation 5 – Interline agreements

That the Government of Canada move towards encouraging interline agreements between all Canadian air carriers to give regional customers better access to larger and international carriers, and ensure affordability and reliability of regional airports.

Recommendation 6 – Audit of delivery of service standards and comparison to other jurisdictions

That the Government of Canada evaluate the performance of airports and airlines in meeting federally-mandated service standards, including delays, cancellations, security screening, baggage handling, border and customs processes. Transport Canada should compare this data on Canadian airlines and their performance with other jurisdictions and publish the results.

Recommendation 7 – Ensure credentials are processed in a speedy fashion

That the Government of Canada should immediately implement strategies to reduce the lengthy administrative delays in getting the medical certificates, security clearances, and other required documents for pilots, crew members and other airport personnel, without compromising safety.

Recommendation 8 – Technology and digital solutions

That the Government of Canada collaborate with Canadian airport authorities, labour organisations and other stakeholders to develop innovative data and digital solutions and invest in technology to improve operational performance and travellers’ airport experience.

Recommendation 9 – Conduct a comprehensive lessons learned from the rollout of pandemic travel restrictions in 2020-22

That the Government of Canada assemble a panel of external experts to conduct a comprehensive lessons learned from the implementation of pandemic travel restrictions, including how staff shortages exacerbated airport issues, for the purpose of documenting policies and procedures that worked, that didn’t work and/or could be improved so that Canadian airports and airlines can be better prepared for any such future circumstances.