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Friday, May 24, 2024 (No. 317)

Report Stage of Bills

Bill C-20
An Act establishing the Public Complaints and Review Commission and amending certain Acts and statutory instruments
Pursuant to Standing Order 76.1(5), the Speaker selected for debate the following motion:
Motion No. 1.
Statement and selection by Speaker — see Debates of May 3, 2024.

Resuming Debate

Motion No. 1 — May 3, 2024 — Mr. Lloyd (Sturgeon River—Parkland), seconded by Mr. Tolmie (Moose Jaw—Lake Centre—Lanigan), — That Bill C-20 be amended by deleting the short title.

Bill C-293
An Act respecting pandemic prevention and preparedness
Pursuant to Standing Order 76.1(5), the Speaker selected for debate the following motion:
Motion No. 1.
Statement and selection by Speaker — see Debates of March 19, 2024.

Resuming Debate

Motion No. 1 — March 19, 2024 — Mr. Davies (Vancouver Kingsway), seconded by Ms. Mathyssen (London—Fanshawe), — That Bill C-293 be amended by deleting Clause 3.

Bill S-205
An Act to amend the Criminal Code and to make consequential amendments to another Act (interim release and domestic violence recognizance orders)
Pursuant to Standing Order 76.1(5), the Speaker selected and grouped for debate the following motions:
Group No. 1 -- Motions Nos. 1 to 12.
Statement and selection by Speaker — see Debates of February 26, 2024.

Resuming Debate

Group No. 1
Motion No. 1 -- Question put separately. Its vote also applies to Motions Nos. 2 to 12.
Motion No. 1 — February 26, 2024 — Ms. Ferreri (Peterborough—Kawartha), seconded by Mrs. Gray (Kelowna—Lake Country), — That Bill S-205, in Clause 1, be amended
(a) by replacing lines 4 to 17 on page 1 with the following:
“1 (1) Section 515 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (3):
(3.1) Before making an order under subsection (2) in respect of an accused who is charged with an offence in the commission of which violence was used, threatened or attempted against the accused’s intimate partner, the justice must ask the prosecutor whether the intimate partner of the accused has been consulted about their safety and security needs.
(2) Subsection 515(4) of the Act is amended by adding the following after paragraph (e):
(e.1) wear an electronic monitoring device, if the Attorney General makes the request;
(2.1) Subsection 515(4.2) of the Act is amended by adding “or” at the end of paragraph (a.1) and by repealing paragraph (a.2).
(3) Paragraph 515(6)(b.1) of the Act is replaced by”; and
(b) by replacing line 1 on page 2 with the following:
“(4) The Act is amended by adding the following”
Motion No. 2 — February 26, 2024 — Ms. Ferreri (Peterborough—Kawartha), seconded by Mrs. Gray (Kelowna—Lake Country), — That Bill S-205, in Clause 2, be amended
(a) by replacing lines 9 to 12 on page 2 with the following:
“810.03 (1) A person who fears on reasonable grounds that their intimate partner will commit an offence that will cause personal injury to them, to their child or to a child of that intimate partner may lay an information”;
(b) by replacing lines 32 and 33 on page 2 with the following:
“(5) An order under either subsection (3) or (4) must be made in a timely manner.
(6) The provincial court judge may commit the defen-”;
(c) by replacing line 1 on page 3 with the following:
“(7) The provincial court judge may add any reasonable”;
(d) by replacing lines 4 and 5 on page 3 with the following:
“or to secure the safety and security of the informant, their child or a child of the defendant, including condi-”;
(e) by replacing line 20 on page 3 with the following:
“rectly, with the informant, a child of the informant or”;
(f) by replacing lines 1 to 5 on page 4 with the following:
“(8) The informant may provide submissions in writing on the conditions that the judge may add to the recognizance under subsection (7).
(9) The provincial court judge shall consider whether it is desirable, in the interests of the informant’s safety or”;
(g) by replacing lines 14 and 15 on page 4 with the following:
“(10) If the provincial court judge adds a condition described in subsection (9) to a recognizance, the judge”;
(h) by replacing lines 22 and 23 on page 4 with the following:
“(11) If the provincial court judge does not add a condition described in subsection (9) to a recognizance, the”;
(i) by replacing lines 26 and 27 on page 4 with the following:
“(12) A provincial court judge may, on application of the informant or the defendant, vary the conditions fixed in”;
(j) by replacing lines 29 to 31 on page 4 with the following:
“(13) When the defendant makes an application under subsection (12), the provincial court judge must, before varying any conditions, consult the informant about their”; and
(k) by replacing line 33 on page 4 with the following:
“(14) A warrant of committal to prison for failure or re-”
Motion No. 3 — February 26, 2024 — Ms. Ferreri (Peterborough—Kawartha), seconded by Mrs. Gray (Kelowna—Lake Country), — That Bill S-205, in Clause 2, be amended by replacing, in the English version, lines 15 and 16 on page 2 with the following:
“under subsection (1) may cause the informant and the person who is the subject of the information to appear”
Motion No. 4 — February 26, 2024 — Ms. Ferreri (Peterborough—Kawartha), seconded by Mrs. Gray (Kelowna—Lake Country), — That Bill S-205, in Clause 2, be amended
(a) by replacing line 23 on page 2 with the following:
“not more than two years.”;
(b) by replacing line 30 on page 2 with the following:
“into the recognizance for a period of not more than three”; and
(c) by replacing line 35 on page 2 with the following:
“dant to prison for a term not exceeding two years if the”
Motion No. 5 — February 26, 2024 — Ms. Ferreri (Peterborough—Kawartha), seconded by Mrs. Gray (Kelowna—Lake Country), — That Bill S-205, in Clause 2, be amended
(a) by replacing lines 24 and 25 on page 3 with the following:
“(f) to refrain from using social media;
(g) to abstain from the consumption of drugs — ex-”;
(b) by replacing line 28 on page 3 with the following:
“(h) to provide, for the purpose of analysis, a sample of”; and
(c) by replacing line 38 on page 3 with the following:
“(i) to provide, for the purpose of analysis, a sample of”
Motion No. 6 — February 26, 2024 — Ms. Ferreri (Peterborough—Kawartha), seconded by Mrs. Gray (Kelowna—Lake Country), — That Bill S-205, in Clause 3, be amended
(a) by replacing line 10 on page 5 with the following:
“810.01(4.1)(f), 810.011(6)(e), 810.03(7)(h),”;
(b) by replacing line 15 on page 5 with the following:
“810.01(4.1)(g), 810.011(6)(f), 810.03(7)(i), 810.1(3.02)(i)”; and
(c) by replacing line 2 on page 6 with the following:
“810.01(4.1)(g), 810.011(6)(f), 810.03(7)(i), 810.1(3.02)(i) or”
Motion No. 7 — February 26, 2024 — Ms. Ferreri (Peterborough—Kawartha), seconded by Mrs. Gray (Kelowna—Lake Country), — That Bill S-205, in Clause 6, be amended by replacing lines 34 and 35 on page 7 with the following:
“directly, with the informant, the informant’s child or any relative or close friend of the informant,”
Motion No. 8 — February 26, 2024 — Ms. Ferreri (Peterborough—Kawartha), seconded by Mrs. Gray (Kelowna—Lake Country), — That Bill S-205, in Clause 6, be amended by replacing lines 39 and 40 on page 7 with the following:
“(e.3) refrains from using social media (section 801.03 of the Criminal Code);”
Motion No. 9 — February 26, 2024 — Ms. Ferreri (Peterborough—Kawartha), seconded by Mrs. Gray (Kelowna—Lake Country), — That Bill S-205, in Clause 7, be amended by replacing line 13 on page 8 with the following:
“810.01(4.1)(g), 810.03(7)(i), 810.011(6)(f), 810.1(3.02)(i) and”
Motion No. 10 — February 26, 2024 — Ms. Ferreri (Peterborough—Kawartha), seconded by Mrs. Gray (Kelowna—Lake Country), — That Bill S-205, in Clause 8, be amended by replacing lines 18 to 21 on page 8 with the following:
“fears on reasonable grounds that their intimate partner will commit an offence that will cause personal injury to them, to their child or to a child of that intimate partner, and a provincial”
Motion No. 11 — February 26, 2024 — Ms. Ferreri (Peterborough—Kawartha), seconded by Mrs. Gray (Kelowna—Lake Country), — That Bill S-205, in Clause 10.1, be amended by replacing, in subclause (2), the word “810.03(7)“ with the following:
Motion No. 12 — February 26, 2024 — Ms. Ferreri (Peterborough—Kawartha), seconded by Mrs. Gray (Kelowna—Lake Country), — That Bill S-205, in Clause 10.1, be amended by replacing, in subclause (2), the words “the intimate partner’s safety” with the following:
“the informant’s safety”

Bill S-224
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (trafficking in persons)
Pursuant to Standing Order 76.1(5), the Speaker selected and grouped for debate the following motions:
Group No. 1 -- Motions Nos. 1 and 2.
Statement and selection by Speaker — see Debates of May 23, 2024.

Resuming Debate

Group No. 1
Motion No. 1 -- Question put separately. Its vote also applies to Motion No. 2.
Motion No. 1 — May 23, 2024 — Mr. Carrie (Oshawa), seconded by Mr. Motz (Medicine Hat—Cardston—Warner), — That Bill S-224 be amended by restoring the long title as follows:
“An Act to amend the Criminal Code (trafficking in persons)”
Motion No. 2 — May 23, 2024 — Mr. Carrie (Oshawa), seconded by Mr. Motz (Medicine Hat—Cardston—Warner), — That Bill S-224 be amended by restoring Clause 1 as follows:
“Criminal Code
1 (1) Subsection 279.‍04(1) of the Criminal Code is replaced by the following:
279.‍04 (1) For the purposes of sections 279.‍01 to 279.‍03, a person exploits another person if they engage in conduct that
(a) causes the other person to provide or offer to provide labour or a service; and
(b) involves, in relation to any person, the use or threatened use of force or another form of coercion, the use of deception or fraud, the abuse of a position of trust, power or authority, or any other similar act.
(2) Subsection 279.‍04(2) of the Act is repealed.”

Bill S-245
An Act to amend the Citizenship Act (granting citizenship to certain Canadians)

Notices of Motions

Motion No. 1 — October 17, 2023 — The Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship — That Bill S-245 be amended by deleting the Clause 1.2 that reads as follows:
“1.2 Paragraph 5.1(4)(a) of the Act is replaced by the following:
(a) if, at the time of his or her adoption, only one of the adoptive parents was a citizen and that parent was a citizen under paragraph 3(1)(b), (c.1), (e), (g), (g.1), (h), (o), (p), (q) or (r), or both of the adoptive parents were citizens under any of those paragraphs;”.
Motion No. 2 — October 17, 2023 — The Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship — That Bill S-245, in Clause 1, be amended by
(a) deleting the first subclause (2.1);
(b) replacing, in the second subclause (2.1), the words “(2.1) Paragraph 3(3)(a) of the Act is replaced by the following:” with the following:
(2.1) The portion of subsection 3(3) of the Act before paragraph (a.1) is replaced by the following:
(3) Paragraphs (1)(b), (f), (g), (h) to (j), (q) and (r) do not apply to a person born outside Canada
(c) replacing, in subparagraph 3(3)(a.01)(ii) that is set out in the second subclause (2.1), in the French version, the word “manifestes” with the word “substantiels”.