History, Art and Architecture Collection
print (portrait)
Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill

print (portrait)
Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill

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print (portrait) Photo gallery for Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill photo 1


Artists Arthur Pan (Artist) Frost and Reed Ltd Fine Art Publishers (publisher) Rudolf Lesch (printing-house)
Date 1943 or later
Published in 1943 by Frost and Reed Ltd Fine Art Publishers. Bristol of England. Rudolf Lesch Fine Arts Inc. New York. Copyrights in all countries including the U.S.A. (Printed in England)
"We are all of us defending...a Cause...The Cause of Freedom and Justice; of the Weak against the Strong; Law against Violence; Mercy and Tolerance against Brutality and Iron Bound Tyranny Winston Churchill December 5th 1942"
Materials ink
Support paper, unidentified
Fabrication Techniques lithograph
Personal Names Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (British House of Commons)
Dimensions (cm) 66.5 (Length)57.5 (Height)
Functions Art