Histoire, art et architecture Collection
estampe (portrait)
William Pitt

estampe (portrait)
William Pitt

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estampe (portrait) Gallerie de photos pour William Pitt photo1


Artistes John Keyse Sherwin (artiste) Thomas Gainsborough (artiste original)
Date Circa 1931
Signature J.K. Sherwin
Painted by T. Gainsborough R. A.
Engraved by J.K. Sherwin Historical Engraver to His Majesty and to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales.
The Right Hon ble William Pitt, // FIRST LORD OF THE TREASURY, CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER &c.
London **** 15th of June 1789 by J.K. Sherwin N ** New Bond Street and R. Wilkinson N ** C***hill
Matériels encre
Support papier, non identifié
Techniques de fabrication mezzotinte
Noms personnel William Pitt
Dimensions (cm) 49.2 (Longueur)63.4 (Hauteur)
Fonctions Art