Separated from the British Isles by a three thousand mile ocean, situated next to the United States, living
in a country which covers half of the North American continent, with our heterogeneous population, our two
cultures and our two languages, we have developed a parliamentary practice of our own based on British
principles and yet clearly Canadian.
Arthur Beauchesne
(Beauchesne, 4th ed., p. 8)
he Parliament of Canada consists of the Crown, the Senate and the House of Commons. Canada’s Parliament
was created by the Constitution Act, 1867, [1]
a statute of the British Parliament [2]
uniting the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Canada (Ontario and Quebec). [3]
The legislation which gave birth to this new political confederation, to be known as the Dominion of Canada,
was passed by Westminster [4]
on March 29, 1867, and came into force on July 1 of that year. The Dominion’s first general elections
were held later that summer and the House of Commons assembled at Ottawa for the first time on November 6,
1867. Members proceeded to elect James Cockburn, M.P., as their Speaker [5]
and the next day, November 7, the Dominion Parliament met to hear the Governor General, Lord Monck, read
Canada’s inaugural Speech from the Throne. [6]
While the law enacting Canada’s Parliament came into force on July 1, 1867, it would be misleading
to conclude that Canadian parliamentary institutions were created at Confederation; they were then
neither new nor untried. The provinces of Canada (Ontario and Quebec), Nova Scotia and New Brunswick each
possessed sophisticated systems of governance, including legislative assemblies and upper houses,
functioning according to historic, well-understood principles of parliamentary law and practice. While
these parliamentary traditions were largely British in origin, they had been adapted over the years as
the local political situation required. This body of domestic practices, traditions, customs and
conventions grew with the result that, at Confederation, Canada’s parliamentary system was well
adapted to meet the needs of governing a young, diverse and growing nation. [7]
The oldest of Canada’s institutional structures, those found in the Maritime Provinces, evolved
out of the myriad instructions and commissions issued by the imperial government to successive governors
over the years of British colonial rule. [8]
By contrast, the institutional structure which emerged in the territory comprising present-day Ontario
and Quebec was from the beginning laid out in statutes, a practice continued at Confederation with the
enactment of the Constitution Act, 1867.