Historical Perspective
From 1867 to 1984
Time Reserved for Private Members’ Business
In the early years of Confederation, a
large proportion of the time of the House was devoted to private bills or to
private Members. In 1867, the Standing Orders gave precedence to Private
Members’ Business on particular days in each
week. [8]
governments found such a distribution inadequate for the conduct of their own
legislative programs, and regularly gave precedence to their own business via
special and sessional orders.
Over the years, changes were made to the
Standing Orders to give more House time to the government for its own business.
By 1906, this pattern had established itself to such a degree that, in that
year, the weekly order of business was officially amended so that after four
weeks from the start of each session, one of the three private Members’
days — Thursday — was given over to government
business. [9]
Between 1906 and 1955, the use of special
and sessional orders to give precedence to government business had appropriated
virtually all the time remaining from private Members. In 1955, amendments to
the Standing Orders once again formalized the practice of giving precedence to
government business: the number of private Members’ days was reduced from
each Monday, Wednesday and four Thursdays per session to six Mondays and two
Thursdays per
session. [10]
on the length of each session, this change at least guaranteed that these eight
days would not be further nullified by the suspension of private Members’
time through the use of special or sessional orders.
In 1962, the House abandoned the allocation
of a certain number of days each session for Private Members’ Business
and, instead, set aside one hour per day for that purpose. However, after this
hour had been used 40 times per session, its use on Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday would lapse and Private Members’ Business would take place only
on Thursday and Friday
thereafter. [11]
1968, Private Members’ Business was removed from the order of business on
Wednesday, and the rule establishing a maximum 40 considerations per session was
retained for Monday and Tuesday only; thereafter, Private Members’
Business was only held on Thursday and
Friday. [12]
In 1982, the practice of considering
Private Members’ Business for one hour on certain days was replaced by a
single private Members’ day on Wednesday. This resulted in a reduction of
one hour of debating time per week, from four hours to
three. [13]
In late
1983, however, the House reverted to the consideration of Private Members’
Business for one hour per day on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, without
the previous provision for a maximum number of times for consideration on Monday
and Tuesday. [14]
omission of this part of the former rule meant that the amount of time provided
for Private Members’ Business actually increased. (Further changes to the
Standing Orders, adopted in April 1991, increased the number of Private
Members’ Business days from four to five per week, adding an extra hour to
the sitting on
Wednesday. [15] )
Precedence of Items
From Confederation until the late 1950s,
the two criteria which determined the order in which items of Private
Members’ Business were considered were their date of notice and, in the
case of bills, their stage in the legislative process. During this period as
well, secondary criteria, aimed primarily at distinguishing the different
categories of business from one another, also became important.
In 1910, for example, an amendment to the
Standing Orders [16]
established a higher precedence for unopposed Private Members’ Notices of
Motions for the Production of Papers. Meanwhile, opposed motions of this kind
continued to be considered with other notices of motions until 1961, when they
were given a specific category (“Notices of Motions (Papers)”) in
the order of business and were debated on a designated
day. [17]
Similarly, rule changes in 1927 limited
each Member to one notice of motion on the Order Paper at any one time.
Such notices would be dropped from the Order Paper if called twice and
not proceeded
with. [18]
In addition,
other rules allowed private Members’ bills or notices of motions to stand
over from one day to the
next. [19]
These kinds
of exceptions to the usual chronological, stage-based ordering, coupled with
frequent changes to the day-by-day order of business, eventually led to a fixed
sequencing of items for each category of Private Members’
Business. [20]
Throughout this period, the volume of
Private Members’ Business increased, leading to further innovations in
procedure. In 1958, Speaker Michener instituted a ballot system for notices of
motions. [21]
notice per Member could be submitted at the start of a session and placed in a
container. In the presence of the Speaker, the Clerk, and the representatives of
the parties, notices of motions were drawn to establish a sequence for
consideration. Notices given after the draw were placed on the Order
Paper after those which had been drawn.
At the start of a subsequent session, a
similar practice was extended to private Members’ public bills. There were
now two draws: one for notices of motions and one for bills. In the latter case,
however, each Member could give notice of several bills, there being no limit as
with notices of motions. In either case, when an item had been considered but
not disposed of, it fell to the bottom of the list. Notices of motions called
twice and not proceeded with were dropped from the Order Paper, as
Members soon realized that by placing
several bills on notice, their chances in the draw improved. Inevitably, this
approach resulted in some Members receiving more House time than others. To
ensure a more equitable distribution, the party Whips limited Members to one
bill in the first 50 bills drawn. In a separate development begun in the 1970s,
the business to be considered during Private Members’ Business was
organized by the Office of the Government House Leader, a practice criticized by
some Members as undue government interference. Eventually, the Clerk of the
House became responsible for the organization of this part of House
Business. [22]
The last major change prior to the adoption
of the current system for precedence occurred in 1982, when all categories of
Private Members’ Business (except private bills) were combined into one
group, for which a single draw of Members’ names was held at the start of
each session. A limitation, similar to that which had previously applied to
bills, was retained for the first 50 items drawn and, at the same time, the
limit of one notice of motion per Member was
lifted. [23]
Since 1984
The modern rules relating to the conduct of
Private Members’ Business developed largely from recommendations of the
Special Committee on the Reform of the House of Commons (the “McGrath
Committee”), established in December 1984. In its final report to the
House in June 1985, the Committee made the following observations:
The House does not attach any great
importance to private members’ business as it is now organized (…)
members are seldom greatly concerned to claim the priorities they have drawn in
the ballot governing the use of private members’ time, and this is largely
because private members’ bills and motions rarely come to a
vote. [24]
The subsequent recommendations in the
report resulted in Standing Order amendments adopted provisionally after lengthy
debate in the House in February
1986. [25]
amendments to the Standing Orders formed the basis for the modern rules relating
to Private Members’ Business — the establishment of the order of
precedence, the process for determining which items should be made votable, and
the manner in which items would be debated. Since February 1986, a number of
further adjustments have been made to the rules.
In response to problems caused by the
absence of Members whose items were scheduled for debate, a special order was
adopted in December 1986 allowing the Speaker to exchange non-votable items
should one Member notify the Chair that he or she cannot be present in the House
when his or her item is due for
consideration. [26]
In June 1987, the provisional Standing
Orders were made permanent and other changes were adopted in regard to the order
in which items of Private Members’ Business were
considered. [27]
Speaker was given the power to exchange a non-votable item of a Member who
cannot be present with a similar item of a Member who can. In addition, the
Order Paper was changed to contain all types of items in one list,
including private bills and private Members’ public bills originating in
the Senate.
In 1989, the House adopted a motion to have
the Standing Committee on Elections, Privileges, Procedure and Private
Members’ Business consider and report on various practices and procedures
relating to the conduct of Private Members’
Business. [28]
December 6, 1989, the Committee presented its Seventh Report, which included
several recommendations regarding such matters as the selection of items for the
order of precedence, the selection of votable items, and the time limit for
debate on votable
items. [29]
the report was not concurred in, it did form the basis of Standing Order
amendments adopted on May 10,
1990. [30]
There were several significant changes to
the Standing Orders, as recommended by the Standing Committee: Members’
names rather than individual items would be drawn, which meant that Members with
one motion or bill would have the same chances as those with several motions or
bills; separate lists of bills and motions were established, and the number of
votable items was set at three bills and three motions; the time for debate on
votable items was reduced from five hours to three; and Private Members’
Business was suspended on Supply days. The amendments were adopted on a
provisional basis until the last sitting day in December 1990.
In December 1990, the Standing Committee on
Privileges and Elections, after reviewing the success of the provisional
Standing Orders that had been approved in May 1990, recommended in its
Twenty-First Report that they be made
permanent. [31]
It went
on to propose a number of other changes, including the exchange of votable
items, Private Members’ Hour on Monday, and the deferral of any recorded
division with respect to Private Members’ Business at the request of the
Whips. Further changes to the Standing Orders governing Private Members’
Business adopted on April 11, 1991, which were largely based on the Twenty-First
Report of the Committee, clarified the procedures to be followed in the draw to
select items for debate, reduced the number of hours for debate on an item,
increased the number of days per week on which Private Members’ Business
would be considered, and refined the process to be followed for an exchange of
items to be debated during Private Members’
Hour. [32]
On April 29, 1992, two reports of the
Standing Committee on House Management were adopted, thereby amending the
Standing Orders to increase the number of votable items and the total number of
items on the order of precedence and to clarify the procedures to be followed
for deferring recorded divisions on items of Private Members’
Business. [33]
With the
adoption of the Twenty-Fourth
Report [34]
recorded divisions on private Members’ bills or motions, it became the
practice for the vote of the sponsoring Member to be recorded first, and then
the rest of the votes on that side of the chamber to be recorded before
proceeding to the other side. With the adoption of the Twenty-Seventh Report,
the order of precedence was increased from 20 to 30 items, draws were to be held
before the list dropped below 15 items instead of 10, and the maximum number of
votable items increased from three bills and three motions to five of
each. [35]
In 1998, the reference to five bills and
five motions was removed so that the reference is now only to ten votable items,
and a new procedure was established allowing for a specific item supported by
100 Members to be added to the order of
precedence. [36]