Amendments to the Content of Bills / Report Stage

Relevance; title of bill

Journals pp. 5230-1

Debates p. 19866


As the House was about to begin report stage consideration of Bill C‑124, An Act respecting compensation in the public sector of Canada, the Speaker expressed doubts as to the admissibility of a motion in amendment standing in the name of Mr. Murphy (Churchill), which sought to change the title of the bill. The Speaker invited the Member to present his comments later.


Is it permitted to move a motion in amendment aimed at changing the title of a bill when no change has yet been made to the bill?


No. The motion in amendment is not admissible.

Reasons given by the Speaker

The long title sets out in general terms the purpose of the bill. It should be amended only if and when changes of substance are made to the bill which, as a consequence, would necessitate changes to the title.

Sources cited

Beauchesne, 5th ed., p. 235, c. 780(1).

May, 19th ed., p. 465.