Routine Proceedings / Motions

Committee report

Journals pp. 636-7

Debates p. 5408


When the House began its sitting on March 20, the Speaker drew attention to his serious misgivings about the procedural implications of the fourth report of the Standing Committee on Miscellaneous Estimates which had been presented the previous day. The Chair was troubled because the report appeared to go beyond the terms of the Royal Recommendation and might also complicate the timetable for supply. Prior to considering the supply day motion of March 24, arguments were presented on the matter and the Speaker made his decision.


Is a committee report acceptable if it contains an amendment to change the destination or the objects of a vote as stipulated by the Royal Recommendation?


No. The report of the committee is a nullity and no subsequent proceeding need be taken in relation to it.

Reasons given by the Speaker

"No principle is more surely provided for by our constitution and our Standing Orders than that which provides that the Crown alone initiates financial proposals . . . It is not competent . . . for the House or any committee of this House to substitute a financial provision in an estimate for one which has been recommended by His Excellency."

Sources cited

Standing Order 62(1).

Beauchesne, 4th ed., p. 205, c. 244(3); p. 207, c. 246(3).


Journals, March 19, 1970, pp. 615-6; March 20, 1970, p. 619.

Debates, March 19, 1970, p. 5211; March 20, 1970, p. 5269; March 23, 1970, p. 5345; March 24, 1970, pp. 5405-9.