Private Members’ Business / Votable and Non-votable Items
Item dropped to the bottom of the Order of Precedence: no report on votability of item
Debates, pp. 7136-7
On June 18, 2008, Michael Savage (Dartmouth–Cole Harbour) rose on a point of order with respect to Bill S-204, An Act respecting a National Philanthropy Day, standing in his name, and scheduled for consideration later that day. Mr. Savage pointed out that the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs’ Report on the status of the Bill had not yet been presented and concurred in, and he sought and failed to obtain unanimous consent for the Bill to be deemed votable.[1]
When Private Members’ Business was called later in the sitting, the Acting Speaker (Andrew Scheer) ruled that since the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs had not yet presented a report on the votable status of the item, the Order for second reading of Bill S-204 would be dropped to the bottom of the Order of Precedence and Private Members’ Business would be suspended for the day.
Decision of the Chair
The Acting Speaker (Mr. Andrew Scheer): Pursuant to Standing Order 92, a private Members’ item may only be considered by the House after a final decision on the votable status of the item has been made.
Although Bill S-204, An Act respecting a National Philanthropy Day, is scheduled for debate in the House today, no report on the votable status of the Bill has been presented and concurred in as is required before the Bill can be debated.
I am therefore directing the Table Officers to drop this item of business to the bottom of the Order of Precedence. Accordingly, Private Members’ Business Hour is suspended today.
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