Content of Bills / Infringing on Financial Initiative of the Crown

Infringing on financial initiative of the Crown (private Member's bill)

Journals pp. 420-1

Debates p. 4615


Prior to allowing debate on the second reading motion of Bill C-234, an Act to provide Senate representation for the Yukon and Northwest Territories, standing in the name of Mr. Nielsen (Yukon), the Deputy Speaker expressed reservations regarding a vote on the motion because the measure lacked the required Royal Recommendation. The reservations of the Chair were made despite the apparent agreement between both sides of the House to proceed with the bill.


Can the House have a vote on a bill which lacks a necessary Royal Recommendation?


Debate on the bill can take place, but no vote will be allowed unless an adequate Royal Recommendation has been previously introduced.

Reasons given by the Deputy Speaker

Bill C-234 may be debated only on the understanding that if it should come to a vote the Chair would reserve and delay such vote until there was a Royal Recommendation in order to meet the requirements of Standing Order 62.

Authority cited

Standing Order 62(1).


Journals, October 15, 1974, p. 59.