Precedence and Sequence of Business / Miscellaneous

Second reading appointment

Debates p. 564


Mr. Nielsen (Yukon) rose on a point of order to object to the proceedings of the previous evening concerning the appointment of a time for second reading of Bill C-9, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act. He contended that since the division on first reading was concluded after the normal hour of adjournment, no further proceeding should have taken place (i.e. the Speaker should not have asked "When will the bill be read a second time?"). The Speaker immediately made a ruling.


Following a division on first reading after the normal hour of adjournment, is it in order for the Chair to ask when a bill will be read a second time?


Yes. The question is simply a formality.

Reasons given by the Speaker

As outlined by Beauchesne, the question "When will the bill be read a second time?" is asked by the Speaker immediately after the House has agreed to the first reading of a bill. The question is simply a formality to place the bill on the Order Paper for consideration at some future date.

Sources cited

Beauchesne, 5th ed., p. 222, c. 722.


Debates, January 18, 1984, p. 531.