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List of Witnesses

Meetings and site visits in Whitehorse, Inuvik, Tuktoyaktuk, Yellowknife,
Edmonton and Calgary - MAY 26-31, 1996

Associations and Individuals



City of Whitehorse

May 27, 1996

Barb Harris, Councillor

Bill Newall, City Manager

Nahanni River Adventures Ltd.

May 27, 1996

Neil Hartling, Outfitter and Guide and President of the Yukon Association of Wilderness Tour Operators

Porcupine Caribou Management Board

May 27, 1996

Joe Tetlichi, Chair

Linda Hoffman, Secretary Treasurer

Ta'an Kwach'an Council

May 27, 1996

Glen Grady, Chief

Gloria Adamson, Executive Director

Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce

May 27, 1996

Leanne Brassard, Executive Director

Yukon Chamber of Commerce

May 27, 1996

Archie Graham, President and Director, Alaska State Chamber of Commerce

Yukon College

May 27, 1996

Aaron Senkpiel, Dean, Arts and Science

Juergen Korn, Industrial Technology Advisor, Northern Research Institute

Yukon Territorial Government

May 27, 1996

Honourable Doug Phillips, Minister of Tourism

John Lawson, Cabinet Secretary and Deputy Minister of the Executive Council

Bill Oppen, Deputy Minister, Economic Development

Jim Connell, Acting Deputy Minister, Renewable Resources

As individual

May 27, 1996

Nicholas Poushinsky, Consultant


Aurora College

May 28, 1996

David G. Malcolm, Director

Alan Fehr, Manager, Aurora Research Institute

Faculty Members

Great Northern Arts Festival

May 28, 1996

Charlene Alexander

Bev Lennie

Gwich'in Renewable Resource Board

May 28, 1996

Robert Charlie, Chairperson

Joe Benoit, Board Member

Peter Clarkson, Executive Director

Inuvialuit Regional Corporation

May 28, 1996

Nellie Cournoyea, Chairperson

Norman Snow

Town of Inuvik

May 28, 1996

His Worship Tom Zubko, Mayor


Hamlet of Tuktoyaktuk

May 28, 1996

His Worship Patrick Gruben, Mayor and Councillors

(*The Committee was unable to arrive in Cambridge Bay to meet with the following groups and individuals due to prohibitive weather condition)

Hamlet of Cambridge Bay

May 28, 1996

His Worship Wilfrid Wilcox, Mayor
and Hamlet councillors

Nanuvut Tunngavik Incorporated

Kitikmeot Inuit Association

Nunavut Implementation Commission

Nunavut Impact Review Board


BHP Diamonds Inc.

May 30, 1996

Karen Azinger, Manager for External Affairs

Canadian Arctic Resources Committee (CARC)

May 30, 1996

Marina Devine, Chairperson

Kevin O'Reilly, Research Director

Dene Nation

May 30, 1996

Bill Erasmus, National Chief

Denendeh Development Corporation

May 30, 1996

Chief Darryl Beaulieu

Ferguson, Simek Clark Engineers and Architects

May 30, 1996

Stefan Simek, President

Government of the Northwest Territories

May 30, 1996

Doug Doan, Acting Deputy Minister, Economic Development and Tourism

Geoff Gilmour, Chairman, Workers' Compensation Board

Kevin Lloyd, Assistant Deputy Minister, Economic Development and Tourism

Graham Nicholls, Deputy Minister for Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources

Bob Overvold, Deputy Minister, Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs

Conrad Pilon, Assistant Deputy Minister, Education, Culture and Employment

Métis Nation of the Northwest Territories

May 30, 1996

Gary Bohnet, President

Bill Carpenter, Environmental Director

John Holman, Communications Officer

Yellowknife Chamber of Commerce

May 30, 1996

David McCann


University of Alberta

May 31, 1996

Clifford Hickey, Director, Canadian Circumpolar Institute

Gurston Dacks, Department of Political Science

Milton Freeman, Department of Anthropology

Michele Ivanitz, Department of Anthropology


University of Calgary

May 31, 1996

Michael Robinson, Director, Arctic Institute of North America

Nigel Banks, Faculty of Law (former Chair of CARC)

Ross Goodwin, Manager, Arctic System and Information Technology System, Arctic Institute of North America
